enhancing resilience - · pdf file . step 3: tune in to your internal dialogue ... care and...


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Page 1: Enhancing Resilience -  · PDF file . Step 3: Tune In to Your Internal Dialogue ... care and resilience building that you are willing to try over the next few weeks. 3



Enhancing Resilience

Page 2: Enhancing Resilience -  · PDF file . Step 3: Tune In to Your Internal Dialogue ... care and resilience building that you are willing to try over the next few weeks. 3

Brain Science Fundamentals

Reptilian Brain

Mammalian/Limbic Brain


Pre-Frontal Cortex

(regulating behavior)


(learning abilities)

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Unsafe Safe

Lizards Respond to Stress

Fight, Flight, or Freeze 1/20th of a second to

go from fully relaxed to fully defensive!

20 minutes for stress hormones to be reabsorbed and rest0re emotional equilibrium.

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Activity: Breathing Calms the Reptile (4-7-8)

Sit up tall.

Keep the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth.

Inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.

Hold your breath for a count of seven.

Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.

Do not do more than four breath cycles at one time for the first month of practice.


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Scenario: Safe or Unsafe?

You provided feedback to a new colleague about his performance and the impact of his fluctuating mood state at work. The next day he reports the following to you:

1. He is worried that he will not have the same opportunities to learn because you think he is “weak”

2. He believes people do not want him around and that he doesn’t fit in; that you think he is “crazy”

3. He believes he has let everybody down and that you believe he wasn’t worth hiring

*If the employee hadn’t articulated these concerns, how might you have detected that he doesn’t feel safe? What signs could you look for? How are YOU feeling now?

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Step 1: The Core Four




Regular movement

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Step 2: Enhanced Self-Awareness

Mantra: Turtle Steps

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Activity: Grounding TechniqueChest Rub

Soft tissue over heart


Indirectly stimulates vagus nerve

Promotes calming by activating PNS

• Immerse face in cold water (diving reflex)

• Valsalva maneuver

• Singing


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Step 3: Tune In to Your Internal Dialogue

Cognitive Distortions

All or Nothing Thinking


Disqualifying the Positive


*Imposter Syndrome

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Activity: Corrective Self Talk (1)

Roger recently decided to face his anxiety and ask a woman out on a date. He left a her a message on her voicemail. A few days went by and Roger didn’t hear back from her. He begins to think, “I am a total loser with nothing to offer,” “No one wants to go out with me,” and “I will never find the right person, so why bother.” Roger starts to feel nervous and upset as he considers a future alone.

What could Roger tell himself instead?


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Activity: Corrective Self Talk (2)

Instead of: “Sheesh, I already made a mistake on this report — I’ll never finish it, or if I do, it’ll be so full of mistakes, it won’t matter. I’m getting fired no matter what.”

What could you say instead?

“No, that’s not true. Everybody makes mistakes, I’m only human. I’ll fix this mistake and just try and concentrate a little bit more to try and do better in the future. Nobody’s going to fire me for a mistake or two in a report.”


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Activity: Corrective Self Talk (3)

When someone praises your appearance or your work, you might automatically tell yourself, "They're just being nice." With one swift blow you mentally disqualify their compliment. You do the same thing to them when you tell them, "Oh, it was nothing, really." If you constantly throw cold water on the good things that happen, no wonder life seems damp and chilly to you!

What could you say instead?


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Step 4: Tune Into Your Attitudes & Behaviors

3 Good Things

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Activity: 3 Good Things

• Rank your current sense of safety/ease on a scale of 1-10.

• Take a minute to jot down three things that you are grateful for. Take another minute to focus on all the senses involved in what you have listed. Imagine what you see, hear, feel, smell as you imagine what you are grateful for. As you write, inhale and exhale deeply.

• Re-rank your sense of safety/ease on a scale of 1-10.

1 = Unsafe 10= Safe/Completely at Ease

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Step 5: Act “As If”

If you felt more resilient…

• What would you say?

• How would you look?

• How would you act?

• How would someone know you were feeing better?

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Step 6: No is Not a Dirty Word!

“When you feel yourself becoming angry, resentful, or exhausted, pay attention to where you haven’t set a healthy boundary.”

Crystal Andrus

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Step 7: Check Your Motives!

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Unhealthy Motives Motives of Dialogue

Be right

Look good/save face



Avoid conflict


Find the truth

Produce results

Strengthen relationships

Motives (Continued)

Crucial Conversations Training Participant Toolkit

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Step 8: EFFECTIVE Venting

"People don’t break wind in elevators more than they have to. Venting anger is an emotional expression. It’s similar to emotional [wind breaking] in a closed area. It sounds like a good idea, but it’s dead wrong.”

Jeffrey Lohr

Identify your thoughts

Identify what you need

Identify how you feel

Ask for what you need

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Activity: Ask For What You Need

Reflect upon the last time(s) you vented about an experience…

• What story did you tell yourself about what happened?

• What did you need that didn’t happen in that experience?

• What feelings did you have based on your unmet needs?

• Go back in time and imagine yourself asking for what you needed during that experience. What would you say?

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Step 9: Fuel Your Spirit

Intentionally recharge

Prioritize self-care







Light a candle

Relax in the tub

Listen to music


Time with Friends

Time in Nature

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Step 10: Seek Out Other Perspectives

“Successful people access people and resources in their


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Wrap Up & Next Steps

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Self-Care Action Plan

1. Reflect upon what you’ve learned today.

2. Working alone, create an action plan for self care and resilience building that you are willing to try over the next few weeks.

3. Working with members of your support system, share your strategies and elicit any new ideas/tips to incorporate into your plan.