enhancing local government authorities’ response to hiv/aids country municipal team presentation...

Enhancing Local Government Authorities’ Response to HIV/AIDS Country Municipal Team Presentation Addis Ababa, Ethiopia December 5, 2003

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Page 1: Enhancing Local Government Authorities’ Response to HIV/AIDS Country Municipal Team Presentation Addis Ababa, Ethiopia December 5, 2003

Enhancing Local Government Authorities’ Response to HIV/AIDS

Country Municipal Team Presentation

Addis Ababa, EthiopiaDecember 5, 2003

Page 2: Enhancing Local Government Authorities’ Response to HIV/AIDS Country Municipal Team Presentation Addis Ababa, Ethiopia December 5, 2003

Enhancing Local Government Authorities’ Response to HIV/AIDS- the case of Addis Ababa

• Local Governments are highly affected by HIV/AIDS. However, their Authorities are in the best position to coordinate provide support and facilitate the provision of adequate prevention and care & support services to their communities

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Exercise 2- Leadership and Workplace HIV/AIDS Policy

Questions for Exercise 2

1. Identify members of Workplace Policy Sub-team and describe what their functions will be

2. Present a draft Workplace Policy

3. Identify 3 priority areas and proposed activities

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Coordination Mechanism of the Response

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Coordination Mechanism of the

Government Sector’s Response

• Flow of Coordination of Efforts


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Proposed members of Workplace Policy Sub-team/Committee

• Work Place Policy Committee’s Composition and Accountability

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Duties of the Committee

• Make analysis of the Mandates of Organization in relation to addressing the Epidemic based on Existing Policies, Proclamations, Rules and regulations

• Review experiences of other organizations in-country and abroad in relation to work place policy

• Draft a Work Place Policy in consultation with the managers and civil servants and present it to the Executive board which then will review and forward to the cabinet for decision

• Make Follow-up on the Execution of the Policy and avail recommendations to the board

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A Draft Work Place Policy

• Background – The City Government recognizes that HIV/AIDS is increasing the

morbidity and mortality among the City’s Civil Servants and this condition is creating negative Political, social and economic impacts on families, communities and on the government;s capacity to render efficient and effective services to the residents of the city.

– The City Government supports national efforts to Prevent and control HIV/AIDS and to alleviate its impacts To this effect, the City Government believes that workplace intervention is one of the strategies which must be used.

– The purpose of this policy is therefore, to ensure equitable and consistent approaches in the provision of HIV/AIDS prevention and Care and Support services to Civil Servants of the City Government and their families. This policy has been developed and will be implemented in consultation with employees/civil servants at all level

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Principles as the basis for the Work Place Policy

• The City Government – Is committed on maintaining safe and healthy

environment for all its employees based on the recognition that HIV is not transmitted by casual contact.

– Does not discriminate or tolerate discrimination against employees or job applicants on any grounds including HIV/AIDS.

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Principles as the basis for the Work Place Policy Cont,

The City Government

– Recognizes that there are unique conditions to HIV/AIDS and this policy rests on the principle that HIV infection and AIDS should be treated like any other serious condition or illness that may affect employees.

– Takes in to account the fact that employees with HIV may live full and active lives for a number of years

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Principles as the basis for the Work Place Policy Cont,

The City Government • Has a firm belief in the Provision of rights and

responsibilities to those living with the virus and to others in a non-discriminatory way

• Has a firm belief in strictly applying the provision of rights and responsibilities to women and men in a non-discriminatory way

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Specific Provisions

• The policy includes specific provisions in– Commitments– Stigma, Discrimination and Human rights– Prevention through IEC/BCC, Condom

Promotion and Distribution, STI Prevention and Control, Universal Precaution and PMCTC Services

– Care and Support for workers and their families

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Specific Provisions on the Commitments of Organizations

• The City Government recognizes the need for urgent actions to prevent and HIV/AIDS in the work place and urges all the Management bodies of government bureaus, offices agencies, and commissions to take immediate actions

– In Selecting and assigning a Task Force to coordinate the planning, implementation, and Monitoring and Evaluation of work place HIV/AIDS Programs This body should also submit reports to the management the later submitting the report to the Executive Board

– In selecting and assigning a focal person whose Job-responsibility is to execute the organization’s Work Place HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care and Support Programs

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Specific Provisions on the Commitments of Organizations Cont,

• To Mobilize/allocate Funds to the Program• To produce and implement guidelines, rules and

regulations to fight Stigma and Discrimination against PLWHA and their families

• For ensuring that each organization’s management should make pledges to use opportunities to support the workplace Program

• To commission Impact assessment to inform Strategic Planning

• To design mechanisms to ensure succession of skills as part of the HCD plan in consultation with employees.

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Specific Provisions on Stigma, Discrimination and Human rights

• 1. Rights of employees who are HIV positive. HIV positive will be protected against discrimination, victimization and harassment through the application of government rules and regulations and through the provision of IEC/BCC activities to the workers.

• 2. Employment opportunities and termination of employment –No employee should suffer adverse consequences merely on the basis of being HIV positive

• 3. Testing- The City Government rejects HIV testing as a prerequisite for recruitment, access to training and promotion. However, it promotes and facilitates access to Services which comply with nationally accepted standards and based on the will of those who receive them.

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Specific Provisions on Stigma, Discrimination and Human rights Cont,

• 4. Confidentiality-The City Government recognizes the sensitive issues around HIV/AIDS and undertakes and handles them in a discreet and private manner. It protects the confidentiality of employees with regards to HIV status. However, in line with its philosophy of promoting openness it encourages employees to be open about their HIV status.

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Specific Provisions for the Prevention of HIV

– The City Government recognizes the importance of Involving employees and their representatives in the planning, implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation of IEC/BCC Condom Promotion and Distribution, STI Prevention and Control, Universal Precaution and PMCTC Services

– IEC/BCC Interventions will be provided to inform workers and their families about HIV/AIDS so that they bring change in risky behaviors, avoid stigma and discrimination and provide acre and support to those infected and affected

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Specific Provisions for the Prevention of HIV Cont,

– Practical measures to support behavior change will include, Condom Promotion and Distribution,STI Prevention and Control, Universal Precaution, and PMCTC Services

– The implementation capacity of each organization will be strengthened through the provision of technical assistance including trainings for HCD

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Specific Provisions for Care and Support

• The City Government and its employees have interest in that infected individuals be offered assistance in order to remain at work as long as possible.– The promotion of employees well being-each organization

will treat employees who are infected and affected by HIV/AIDS with empathy and Care by providing counseling, time off, sick leave, family responsibility leave etc.

– Work performance and Reasonable accommodations- Reasonable accommodations will be provided in response to the changing health status of HIV positive employees

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Specific Provisions for Care and Support Con,

– Benefits-HIV positive employees will be treated equally with other employees in getting benefits

– Employees with HIV/AIDS will get appropriate Care & Support Services including

• Medical Care- for Opportunistic Diseases prophylaxis & treatment, ART-prophylaxis and treatment, Nursing Care

• Referral services for Home-based and Community-based Care Services

• Social & psychological support

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The First priority area- Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into Sectors

What activity

Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into Sectors

Establish Task Forces in all the Bureaus and Offices

Assign Focal Person in each Bureau and office

Provide HIV/AIDS related trainings to Task Forces and Focal persons

Prepare, implement and monitor HIV/AIDS work plans plans for all bureaus and offices

Who will implement

Who will monitor

Management of each Organization

Executive Board

Management of each Organization

Executive Board


Executive Board

Task forces, focal persons

Management of each Organization

Budget (Y1)Z To be determined

Available Funds

To be determined

Additional Funds

To be determined

Out-puts(Y1) Task forces in all the 44 organizations

At least 1 focal person assigned in each Organization

132 members of task forces & 44 focal persons trained on HIV/AIDS program management

All 44 organizations implement their plans

Other Considerations

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The Second priority area- Establish Multi-purpose Youth Centers

What activity

Establish Multi-purpose Youth Centers

Identification of Sites for the Youth Centers

Determining what Services the Centers should contain

Determining who should run the Centers

Implementing Interventions

Who will implement

Who will monitor

Kifleketema &Kebele Adm.


Youth and Sports Aff. Com.


Youth and Sports Aff. Com.


To be determined

Youth and Sports Aff. Com.

Budget (Y1)Z Sites are owned by the LGA

2000 Birr allocated by HAPCO

The staffs at the Kifleketema are doing it

To be determined

Available Funds 2000 Birr allocated by HAPCO

Additional Funds

Out-puts(Y1) At least 50 Sites will be identified

A comprehensive set of services identified

Responsible organization/s identified

Comprehensive Services provided in at least 50 centers

Other Considerations

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The third priority area-Establishing Referral Linkage between VCT and Care and Support Centers

What activity Assessment of the number and capacity of Service providers

Compilation and dissemination of

Build the Capacity of Service providing institutions

Facilitate and Coordinate linkage

Who will implement

Who will monitor


Executive Board


Executive Board


Executive Board


Executive Board

Budget (Y1)Z AA-HAPCO will allocate

AA-HAPCO will allocate

AA-HAPCO will allocate

AA-HAPCO will allocate

Available Funds

Additional Funds

Out-puts(Y1) A Directory book will be prepared

500 copies will be printed and disseminated

Organizations will be in a better position to provide their services in terms of their capacity

A functional referral linkage will be in place

Other Considerations

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We are in a Crisis. We need to debate on the issue and act, and we have to…

• Think Big !

• Start Small !

• Act now !

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• Let’s continue on sharing our experiences and enhance our efforts to act in unity for a better future

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Thank You !