engr 691, fall semester 2010-2011 special topic on sedimentation engineering section 73 coastal...

Download ENGR 691, Fall Semester 2010-2011 Special Topic on Sedimentation Engineering Section 73 Coastal Sedimentation Yan Ding, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor,

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  • ENGR 691, Fall Semester 2010-2011 Special Topic on Sedimentation Engineering Section 73 Coastal Sedimentation Yan Ding, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor, National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering (NCCHE), The University of Mississippi, Old Chemistry 335, University, MS 38677 Phone: 915-8969 Email: [email protected]
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  • Outline Introduction of morphodynamic processes driven by waves and currents in coasts, estuaries, and lakes Initiation of motion for combined waves and currents Bed forms in waves and in combined waves and currents Bed roughness in combined waves and currents Sediment transport in waves Sediment transport in combined waves and currents Transport of cohesive materials in coasts and estuaries Mathematical models of morphodynamic processes driven by waves and currents Introduction of a process-integrated modeling system (CCHE2D-Coast) in application to coastal sedimentation problems
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  • Near-bed Orbital Velocities Applying linear wave theory, the peak value of the orbital excursion (A ) and velocity (U ) at the edge of the wave boundary layer can be expressed as H = wave height h = water depth = angular frequency = 2/T k = wave number
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  • Wave Boundary layer (1) Video: Laboratory Wave Flume
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  • Wave Boundary Layer (2) z u UU ww The wave boundary layer is a thin layer forming the transition layer between the bed and the upper layer of irrotational oscillatory flow (Fig.). The thickness of this layer remains thin (0.01 to 0.1 m) in short period wave ( 1, van Rijn proposes to use
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  • Bed-form Roughness = bed-form height / = bed-form steepness = bed-form shape Current-related form roughness = ripple-related roughness + dune-related roughness + sandwave-related roughness
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  • Bed-form Roughness Ripple-related roughness s = ripple presence factor(=1.0 for ripples alone, = 0.7 for ripples superimposed on dunes or sand wave Dune-related roughness Symmetrical Sand Wave: The leeside slopes of symmetrical sand waves are relatively mild. Hence, flow separation will not occur. Therefore, the form roughness of symmetrical sand waves is assumed to be zero.
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  • Example and Problems A wide channel with a depth h = 8m has a bed covered with dunes. Ripples are superimposed on the dunes. The dune dimensions are d = 1.0m, d = 50.0m. The ripple dimensions are r = 0.2m, r = 3.0m. The bed material characteristics are d50 = 0.3mm, d90 = 0.5mm. What is the effective bed roughness, the Chzy-coefficient, and the Mannings n? Solution: Grain roughness (lower regime) : =0.0015m Ripple form roughness ( s = 0.7): =0.187m Dune form roughness =0.303m Effective bed roughness:=0.492m Chzy-coefficient: =41.3 m 1/2 /s Mannings n: = 0.0342
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  • Wave-related Bed Roughness The effective wave-related bed roughness also consists of two components: In which k s,w = wave-related grain roughness height (m) k s,w = wave-related bed-form roughness height (m) The wave-related friction factor (f w ) for rough oscillatory flow is Time-averaged over half a wave cycle bed shear stress is
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  • Wave-related Grain Roughness A number of empirical formulations based on experimental and field data on non- movable and movable bed. Van Rijns approach is introduced as follows: According to van Rijn, the effective grain roughness of a sheet flow bed is of the order of the sheet flow layer thickness or the boundary layer thickness (k s,w w ). The sheet flow layer is a high-concentration layer of bed material particles. Van Rijn (1989) proposed the following values to calculate the grain roughness: inwhich for friction factor in transition regime m = kinematic viscosity of fluid-sediment mixture in near-bed region ( m 10) The grain roughness equations have to be solved iteratively. Typically, this approach yields a value in the range of 3 ~30 d 90 for = 1 ~ 10.
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  • Wave-related Form Roughness Ripples are the dominant bed forms generated by oscillatory flows. Ripples may be present on a horizontal bed or superimposed on large sand waves. Large-scale sand waves have no friction effect on the water waves, because the water waves experience the sand waves as a gradual bottom topography. When the nesr-bed orbital excursion is larger than the ripple length, the ripples are the dominant roughness elements for the wave motion in the sea waters. Apparently, bed-form roughness depends on the bed form height and length. There are a number of empirical formulations for estimating the ripple roughness. They can be described as Van Rijn (1989) proposed s = ripple presence factor(=1.0 for a ripple covered bed, = 0.7 for ripples superimposed on sand wave s Raudkivi (1988)
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  • Bed Roughness in Combined Currents and Waves The most important bed form regime created by currents and waves: Ripples in case of weak (tidal) currents and low waves Sand waves with ripples in case of (tidal) current and low waves Plane bed with sheet flow in case of strong (tidal) currents and high waves (surf zone) Sand waves with sheet flow in case of strong (tidal) currents and high waves (outside surf zone) More complicated! No universal solutions
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  • Grain Roughness (k s )in Combined Currents and Waves Grain roughness is dominant for both the wave-related and current-related friction when the bed is plane. When bed forms are present and the peak orbital excursion at the bed is smaller than the bed form length (i.e. A < ), the grain roughness is also dominant for the wave-related friction. In that case the bed forms act as topographic features for the waves. For wave motion: For current motion: Note that the calculation of the mobility parameter for current are different from that for wave motion
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  • Form Roughness (k s )in Combined Currents and Waves When the bed is covered with ripples, the ripple roughness is dominant for the current-related friction. Ripple roughness is also dominant for the wave-related friction when the peak value of the orbital excursion at the bed is larger than the ripple length (i.e. A < r ). The ripple roughness is calculated by When sand waves with or without (mega or mini) ripples are present, the large- scale sand waves act as topographic features for the waves motion because the sand waves have a length much larger than the orbital excursion at the bed. Thus, the wave-related friction factor is not determined by the large-scale sand wave dimensions, but by the small-scale ripples (if present) on the back of the sand waves.
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  • Dune on Mars ? Three pairs of before and after images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter illustrate movement of ripples on dark sand dunes in the Nili Patera region of Mars. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona/International Research School of Planetary Sciences