english today-vol-6


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Page 2: English today-vol-6

'#wrilttumulian*lEnglish Todoy5. Elementory level book two

@ 20,l0 E-ducotion.it S.p.A., Florenfo, ltolioAll rights reserved

Director editoriol: Cinzio CoiozzoRedoctor-9ef: Meri Bortolocci, Filippo MelliRedoclori: Froncesco Bionchi, Borboro Boddi, Giulio Ricci

Aceosld edifie 2010 pentru Ediiuro Liieroopore sub licenfo E-ducolion.it S.p.A., Florenfo, ltolioToole dreplurile rezervole

Edilie originoldO 2006 English Todoywww.e-ducolion. [email protected]

{rriLITERAEditurq LiteroO. P. 53; C. P.212, sector 4, Bucuregti, Romdniotel.: 031 425 1619; e-moil: [email protected]

Ne putefi vizito pe

Troducere: Morind Loghin (corte), Smorondo Cdmpeonu (DVD)

Editor: Vdrogcu 9i fiiiCoordonore proiect: llieg CdmpeonuCopert6: Vlodimir Zmeev, Vlod PonfilovTehnoredqctore gi prepress: Anco Suciu

Descriereo CIP o Bibliotecii Nofionole o RomdnieiEnglish Todoy / trod.: Morinq Loghin, Smorondo Cdmpeonu. - Bucuregti:

Liiero lnternofionol, 201 0.l0 vol.rsBN 978-973-67 s-944-4Vol. 6 . - ISBN 978-973-675-938-3

l. Loghin, Morino (trod.)ll. Cdmpeonu, Smorondo (trod.)

8l l.l I 'l

rsBN 978-973- 67 s-938-3Tipdrit lo G.Conole, Bucuregti





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Lecfio 4

Thot's life! Unrequited love7 Scenq I : Didn't you nolice onything?8 Sd infelegem9 Focus

,,Simple Posf ol verbelor regulote gi neregulole14 Exercifii

l5 Scenq 2: Whqt do you core qbout il?17 Sd infelegem

l8 Focus

Cum conslruim propozifii negotive gi interogotivecu,,Simple Posf'

22 Exercifii

23 Vocobulor

Lecfio 5

Thot's life!- An interesling survey25 Sceno I : Music isn'l the only thing in life!27 Sd infelegem28 Focus

Recopituloreo,,Simple Posf'Exercifii

Scenq 2: l'm not your secretory!

Sd infelegemFocus

Expresiile temporoleExercifii






lec]io 6

Thol's life! | need o breok!

55 Exercifii

56 Vocqbulqr

Televison Progrommes

Music57 John Lennon

50 Sd infelegem

51 Focus

Muzico gi englezo63 Exercilii

Lei's tolk55 Bill Gotes

67 Sd infelegem

58 Focus

Lumeo ofocerilor71 Exercifii

Sceno l: I like il when you smile!

56 infelegem



Scenq 2: Whot oboui buying q Ferrori?

Sd infelegem


Folosireo lui ,,should" penlru o do gi q cere sfoluri






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ooFI2ozu Troducereo episoodelor

Leclio 4

Thot's life! Drogoste neimpdrtogitd73 Scenq l: N-oi observot nimic?75 Sceno 2: Ce-fi posd?

Lecfio 5

Thoi's life! Un test interesont77 Sceno l: Nu e numqi muzicq in viof6!!79 Sceno 2: Nu sunl secrelqro lo!

lecfic 6

Thot's life! Am nevoie de o pouzd!8l Sceno l: imi ploce c6nd zdmbepti!

83 Sceno 2: Ce zici sd cumperi un Ferrori?

Progrome de televiziune

Music85 John Lennon

Let's tolk88 BillGqtes

9l Solufiileexercifiilor

Lecfio 4

Thqt's life! Unrequited loveAnne ogleoptd cu emofie intoqrcereo lui Jock. E otrosd mult

de el 9i o pregdtit o cind romonlicd frugold. Lo gromoticd

vedem cum se formeozd Simple Posi ol verbelor regulote 9i

nereguloie, precum gi folosireo ouxiliorului,,did".

Didn't you nolice onything?


Anne: Hi, Jock...

(Jack vorbegte lo felefon cu peful lui 9i n-o bogd in seomd

pe Anne.)Jock: ... Yes, thoi's exoctly whot I lold him. I sent him on

e-moil osking for more informolion... No, I didn'i... l'msorry, I didn't hove enough time iodoy... Okoy, okoy, l'llcoll him in len minutes! Bye.

Anne: Hi, Jock! So... Did you hove o good doy?

Jock: No, I didn't. lt wos o horrible doy, Anne. I hod o loiof work to do... First I mei some clients in the city. We met

ol nine o'clock ond finished ol two. After thoi I checked

ihe monthly profit ond loss occounts twice ond then I wrote

some letlers... l'm so tired...

Anne: Well, now relqx! Hove o gloss of wine... You'relucky... l'm cooking losogno, your fovouriie dish...Jock: No, thonks Anne. I oie losogno qt lunch.

Anne: Oh... But ii's nol o problem.'. l'll prepore something

else... And oftei dinner we con wotch Wimbledon on W.There is o men's singles motch. lt should be exciting.





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Jock: l'm sorry Anne, 1... I con'i... I hove some work to finish.And then l'm going io my korole gym. Thol's how I relox!

Anne: Hey, Jock, iusi o moment! Didn't you noticeonything?Jock: Did you cleon the kitchen?

Anne: No, ldidn't...Jqck: Ah... Did you... Receive yourChinese plotes"?

Anne: No, Jock! Nothing obout theme...Jock: Oh, I seel You bought q new poir of shoes, didn,tyou? They're very nice! Well... I hove to go, now. h's lote.

Anne: li doesn't motter! Go! Byel Such o woste of time...

Sd ?nfelegem(Solufii lo pos. 91)

Verificd docd oiinfeles, rdspunzdnd lo urm6iooreleintrebdri:

E Wh,y did Jqck hove such o ierribile doy?E o) Becouse he worked very hordtr b) Becouse he lost his wolletEI c) Becouse he orgued with Shqron

H Why doesn'l Jock wont to eot losogno?E o) Becouse he ote losogno for lunchtr b) Becouse he doesn't like losognoE c) Becouse he wonls to eol o pizzo tonight

E Whot does Anne suggest to do ofter dinner?tr o) Go io ihe cinemotr b) Look ot some pholostr c)Wotch Wimbledon on TV

E Anne hos cleoned the kitchen but Jock didn't notice.

E TrueE Folse


,,Simple Pqsl" ql verbelor regulqleti neregulote

Am invdlot onterior Simple Pqsi ol verbului ,,io be". Acumvom vedeo cum se formeozd trecutul lo celelolte verbe. Jineminie cd Simple Poste corespunde iimpurilor imperfeci,perfect simplu gi perfecl compus din romdnd.


in limbo englezd exisid dou6 tipuri de verbe: regulote 9i

neregulofe. Treculul verbelor regulole se formeozd oddugdnd

,,-ed" lo formo de bozd o verbului (infinitiv fdrd ,,1o"), dupdcum se orold in schemo urmdtoore:

Formo de bozd q verbului + -ed





,,morvellous sel of

house... ll's obout

Ploy (o (se) juco)

Visit (o vizito\

+ -ed ) ployed

+ -ed ) visiled

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Verbele core se termind in ,,e" odougd lo irecut doordesinenfo ,,-d" lo formo de bozd o verbului, dupd cum pofivedeo in exemplele ce urmeqzd:

Verbele core se termind in ,,y" precedoi de consoon6 pierdlo trecul ,y" 9i primesc desinenfo ,,-ied". Doc6 ,,y,, esleprecedol de vocol6, nu se foce oceosld schimbore, dupdcum se orol6 tn exemplele urm6toore:

Live (o frdi)

Hope (o spero)

Hurry (o se grdbi) - y

Morry (o se cdsdfori) - yPloy (o (se) juco)

PTeFER (o prefero)

ReGRET (o regreto)

+ -d ) lived

+ -d I hoped

+ -ied ) hurried

+ -ied ) mqrried

+ -ed ) ployed

+ -r + -ed ) preferred

+ -l + -ed ) regretted

Verbele core se lermind cu o singurd consoond precedotdde o singur6 vocold dubleqzd consoono finold, dupd cumse orotd ?n exemplele urmdloore:

Stop (o opri) + -p + -ed ) sropped

Plon (o plonificol + -n + -ed ) plonned

Verbele core ou moi mult de o silobd dubleozd consoonofinqld docd ultimq silobd este occenluoid, dup6 cum pofiobservo in exemplele core urmeozd:


Verbele core se termind in ,,-ic" odougd consoono ,,k" inointede desinenf e ,,-ed", dupd cum orold urmdtorul exemplu:

Picnic (o luo o gusfore * -k + -ed ) picnickedin oer liber)


Verbele neregulote formeozd lrecutul fiecore in felul lui. De

oceeo, singuro metodd penlru o fi le ominti este s6 le invefipe de rost unul c6le unul. lotd o listd cu principolele verbeneregulole din limbo englezd:

become (o deveni) become

beqin (o fncepe) beqqn

brino (o oduce) brousht

build (o consfrui) built

buy (o cumpdro) bouqht

come (o veni) come

do (o foce) did

drink (o beo) drqnk '

eol (o m6nco) ole

find (o sdsi) found

flv b zburol flewoet (o deveni; o obfine) qol

oive (o do) qove

qe (s pleco) wenlhove (o oveo) hod

keeo fo fine) keot

moke (o foce) mode





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meet (o intdlni\ melpoy (o pldti) pqidput (o pune) pulreod (o cifi) reqdsoy (o spune) sqidsee (o vedeo) sowsell (o vinde) soldsend (o lrimitel senlspeok {o vorbi) spokespend (o pefrece) spenltell (o spune) toldthink (o odndi) thoushtwrite (o scrie) wrole


Lo ofirmotiv, Simple Post ore o singurd formd lo tootepersoonele", dup6 cum orotd tobelul urmdlor:

Conslrucfio propozifiilor ofirmotive este foorte simpld,dupd cum se exemplificd in urmdtoqreo schemd:Subiect + verb lo trecut + determindri ulterioore

lwolked I gove

You wolked You gove

He/she/ir wolked Helshe/it gove

We wolked We gqve

You wolked You gove

They wolked They gove

I lived in New York Anul lrecul om trdil lolost yeor New York

She went to ihe church two Eo s-o dus lo bisericd ocum

doys ogo doud zile


Simple Post se folosegte pentru o descrie ocfiuni 9i situofii

core s-ou intdmplot ori s-ou incheiot intr-un momeni onume

din lrecut. Ago cum om vdzul in lecfio lrecutd, propozifiile

sunl ?nsofite odeseo de expresii temporole specifice.

They ployed golf yesterdoy Ei/ele au iucol golf ieri

She visited her friends Voro trecutd eo gi-o vizilolin New York losl summer prielenii lo New York





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Exercif ii(Solufii lo pos. 91)

Acum continud sd foci exercifii cu Simple post gi invofd sddistingi verbele neregulole de cele regulote.


Completeozd propozifiile, olegdnd formo corecld.

Whst do you core sboul il?


Jock o iegit. Anne e in sufrogerie. Sosegfe Shoron.

Shoron: HeyAnne... Thonks o loiforthetip on lhe bookshop...Oh my GodlAnne!Whot's hoppening here? Moke-up... Lei

me see... New hoir-style, new dress... You look greot!Anne: At losi somebody noticed my chonge!

Shoron: li's impossible not to notice it!Anne: Thonks!... Well, whot were you tolking obout?

Shoron: Oh, I wonled lo thonk you for the tip on ihebookshop! lt's o greol shop.Anne: Greqt. l'm glod you liked it. I love sitting ond drinkingo cup of coffee ond looking ot books'

Shqron: Yes, ihot's exoctly whot I did: I sot down, ordered o

cup of coffee ond reod. And I found oll the books I wonted!Anne: Whol books did you buy?

Shoron: I boughi o biogrophy obout Virginio Woolf ond obook oboui orchoeology. And you... Whoi ore you doing?Anne: l'm trying nol to think obout oll my problems... So,

l'm looking oi some piciures.

Shoron: Con I see ihem?Anne: Sure! They're pictures of us! Oh, look... Look otthis one!

We were in Edinburgh! We went for o trip, do you remember?

Shqron: Yes, I do! How funny Alice wos with ihqt Scotlish

hoi! Did we go by cor?Anne: Oh, no. we didn't. We went by troin. And ot the verylost moment Peler didn't come becouse of the oudition!





E Sne ... io her friendon the phone.tr o) speokedtr b) spoketr c) spoke

tr o) soyedtr b) soidtr c) soied

H they ... qbout their exom.tr o)rqlkdtr b) did tolktr c)tolked

E o)wosn'tE b)weren'tE c)were not

E tte ... it wos difficult. E She soid it ... lqte.


Completeozd propozifiile cu Simple posi ol verbelor dintreporonleze.

I Peter ond Shoron to the Bohomos lost yeor. (go)

E they .. o wonderful time. (hove)

H they o loi of very good fish. (eot)

E Peter ....... o theotre there. (visit)

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Shoron: Yes! As usuol... And who is this? I don't know him!Anne: Oh, lhot's Fronk, o friend of mine. I mei him onholidoy in Norwoy. We hod o good time together.

Shoron: ... And?Anne: Afterwords he went his woy ond I went my woy.

Shoron: Yeoh, thot's life! Did you hqve on offoir with him?Anne: No, no, I didn'|... Nothing like thot. We were onlygood friends!

Shoron: Do you keep in louch?Anne: No, we don't. Well... He wrole me o letter five yeorsogo. He senl me on invitqtion to his wedding.

Shoron: Did you go?Anne: No, I didn't. Well... Unfortunotely, I hod o lot ofwork ond I couldn't get owoy.

Shoron: Hey, bul this is Jockl How smort he looks in thispicture!Anne: Yes, yes he does!

Shqron: Do you mind, Anne, if I keep this picture with me?Anne: 1... I do mindl No woy, l'm sorry, Shoron! But no!

Shoron: Why not?l Whol do you core obout it?Anne: And you? Whot do you core obout it?

(Jock se inloorce pe neogfepfofe in cosd gi le gdsegfe pe celedoud fele cerfdndu-se. . . )

Jock: Hey girls, whoi's hoppening here?l

Anne: Nothing ot oll!Shorcn: Why?

Sd ?nfelegem(Solufii lo pog. 91)

Verificd docd oi infeles sceno, rdspunzdnd lo urmdtooreleintrebdri:

E Whot did Shoron do in the bookshop?tr o) She lefl becouse she didn'f find the books she wontedtr b) She sot down ond hqd o coffeetr c) She woiled for Peter

E ln whot woy does Anne try not to lhink obout herproblems?tr o) By cooking o coketr b) By looking ol some photostr c) By listening to some music

E the girls wenl io Edinburgh by cor to see Peter in operformonce.E TrueE Folse

E Why didn't Anne go to Fronk's wedjing?E o) Becouse she wos in lioly with her sisler

tr b) Becouse she wos illE c) Becouse she hod lo work





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Cum conslruim propozi;ii negolivegi interogotive cu ,,Simple Post"

Sd vedem ocum in ce fel se conslruiesc formele negolivdgi interogotivd o Simple Posl.

FoRMA rueoarrvAFormo negoiivd e unicd penlru verbele regulole gi pentruverbele neregulote, fiind lo fel lo toote persoonele. Se

conslruiegte cu ouxiliorul ,,did" urmol de negofio ,,not" gi

de formo de bozd o verbului (verbul lo infinitiv fdrd ,,1o").in limbo curentd se preferd formo conlrosd ,,didn't", dup6cum orold schemo urmdtoore:

Subiect + did noVdidn't + verb ls infinitiv fdrd ,,to" +determindri ulterioore

| ' did not/didn'l see lhem Luno lreculd eu nulqsl month i-om vdzut

You did not/didn't heor me fu nu m-oi ouzit

Helshe did not/didn't visit him El/eo nu l-o vizitallost week sdptdmdna trecutd

ll did not/didn'f rqin Luno lrecutd nulost month o plouol

We did noldidn't buy the Noi nu om cumpdrothouse cqso

You did not/didn'l go to Anul trecut voi nu oliScotlond lost yeor fosf in Scofio

They did not/didn'l go to the leri ei/ele nu au fostporty yesterdoy lo petrecere


$i peniru propozifiile interogoiive exist6 o singur6 formdpenlru verbele regulote gi neregulote; 9i ?n oceostd

situofie coniugoreo e identicd lo toole persoonele. Formo

interogotiv6 se conslruiegie cu ouxiliorul ,,did" urmol de

subiect 9i de formo de boz6 o verbului (verbul lo infinitivfdrd ,,1o"), dupd cum poli observo Tn schemo ce urmeozd:

Did + subiect + verb lo infinitiv fdrd ,,to" + determindriulterioqre + ?

Lo Tntrebdrile introduse prinlr-o porticul6 interogotivd,

consirucfio esle urmdlooreo:

Particulfi inlerogolivd + did * subiect + formE de bszio verbului {fdrd ,,1o"} + determindri ulterioore + ?

At whot time did I go io sleeplosi night?

Lo ce ord m-om dus eu loculcore noopfeo lreculd?

C6nd oi sosit?

Pe cine o vdzul el/eo?

Cum s-o intdmplot?

De ce l-orn vdndut noi?

Despre ce oli vorbil voi?

Unde s-ou dus ei/elesdpfdmdno freculd?






did you qrrive?

did he/she see?

did it hoppen?

did we sell it?

did you tqlk obout?

did they golost week?

Fii otent: lo rdspunsurile scurte (cele core cer un ,,do" ori

un ,,nu") se repetd ouxiliorul ,did, precedol de subiect

(exemplu: Did you toke ii? Yes, I did/No, I didn't ) L-oi

Iuot? Da/Nu\.l8 19





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Sd vedem ocum felul in core formuldm intrebdri plecdndde lo propozifii ofirmotive:

I sow o good film Am vdzut un film bun

Whot film did you see? Ce film qi vdzut?

It wqs very good

Wos it good?

After we wentto o pizzo ploce

I wenl oul lost night

Where did you go?

We left lhe reslourontor 1


Am iegil ieri seord

Unde oi fost?

Ero foorle bun

Ero bun?

Dupd oceeo orn merslo o pizzerie

Noi om plecof lo 11.30de lo redauronl

Where did you go ofter? lJnde oli fost dupd oceeo?

I hqd o four seosons Eu om luol o pizzo quoltropizzo sfogioniWhoi type ol pizzodid you hqve?

Ce pizzo fi-oi luol?

We dronk some beer Noi om bdut nigfe bere

Whqt did you drink? Ce ofi bdut?

We tolked oboul ihe film Noi om vorbit despre film

Whol did you tolk oboui? Despre ce ofi vorbit?

Whol iime did you leove? [o ce ord oli plecot?

Fii otent: dup6 cum observi, lo formo interogotivd looteverbele primesc ouxiliorul ,did, cu excepfio verbului ,,lobe", core io formo ,,wos" lo primo gi o treio persoondsingulor gi ,,were" lo toole celelolte.


Formo interogotiv-negotivd se folosegle moi qles cu formelecontrose, dupd cum vezi in schemo core urmeozd:

Didn't lcomeby cor?

Didn't you seeAlice yesterdoy?

Didn't he/she poy the bill?

Didn't ii snowtwo doys ogo?

Didn't we gelthe tickeis?

Didn't you goto the cinemo lost night?

Didn't they hoveq nice holidoy?

Nu orn venil eu cv mogino?

Nu oi vdzuf-o ieri pe Alice?

N-o pldtit el/eo consumafio?

N-o nins qcum doud zile?

Nu om lucll noi bilelele?

Nu ofi fosf ieri seord lo film?

N-ou pelrecut ei/eleo voconld frumoosd?






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Exercif ii(Solufii lo pos. 91)

Acum inceorcd sd exersezi construind propozifii negotive,interogolive gi interogotiv-negotive cu Simple Pqst. Co sdinvefi pronunfio corecld o verbelor, te sfdtuim sd te uifi dinnou pe DVD 9i s6 osculfi CD-ul.


Tro nsformd u rmdloo rele propozif ii in propozif ii interogotive.

I Peter ond Shoron went to the Bohomos lost summer.

E they hod o good time.

H they swom every doy.

E they didn't visit ony other islonds.

EXERCtTtUt 4Trodu in englez6.

E Cand oi sosit?

E Ce film oiv6zut oseord?

E Oe ce s-ou dus eilele lo Poris?


qccounl socoteol6, contqffqir relofie; ofocere,treobdofterwqrds dupd oceeo;cq urmore, pe urmd, opoiorchoeology orheologieqs cumol lost lo sfOr;it, in celedin urm6, in finequdition oudiliebiogrophy biogrofiebuy (to) o cump6ro,o ochizifionocoll (to) o lelefono, o sunope cinevo lo telefoncqr oulomobil, mogindcore (to) o-i pdso, o se

intereso, o se Tngriioro,o se preocupochonge (to) o schimbo,o vqriocheck (to) o controlo,o verificoChinese chinezesccity orog (centru)cook (to) o gdti, o preporomdncoredinner cinddish forfuriedress rochieeqt (lo) o mdncoexoctly exoct, precis; sirict,riguros

fovourile prefero/dfinish (to) o iermino,o sfdrgifriend prieten/6funny coroghios/oosd,disiroctiv/dglod bucuros/oosdgloss sticl6; pohorGod Doomne, Doomne!(excl.)hoir-style piepldndtu16,coofurdhoppen (to) o se intdmplo,o se produce, o survenihol p616riehorrible oribil/6,infiordtor, grooznic, teribil,insp6imdntdtorhouse cosdimpossible imposibilinvitqtion invitofiekeep (to) o fine,o menfinekitchen bucdtdrielel (to) o l6so, o permile;o luo cu imprumutletter scrisooreloss pierderelove (to) o iubi, o finelo cinevo; o-i pldceolucky norocos/oosdlunch prdnzmoke-up ford, mochioi

E N-o nins sdptdmdno trecut6.

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montellous minunot/d,mognific/d, g rondios/oosd,mdref/eofdmqtch portid6, intdlnire,intrecere, mecimoller (to) o conlomeet (lo) o intdlnimonlhly lunornice drdguf/d, grofios/oos6Norwoy Norvegionothing nimic, nulnotice (to) o nolo, oobservo, o fii olent, o sesizoonly door, numoiorder (to) o comondopoir perecheplote forfurieprepqre (lo) o pregdtiproblem problemdprofit profit, cdgtig,dobdnd6, beneficiureod (to) o citireceive (to) o primirelox (lo) o se reloxo,o se odihniScottish scofionsend (ro) o expedio,o lrimiie, o lronsmiieshoe pontofsingles meci de simplu/single (tenis)

smqrt drdguf/d; elegont/6;slrd I ucitor/oore; spirituol/d,foscinontsomebody cinevosuch osem6ndlor, ideniic,o9o, lol ol6t de, co gi

tip sfot, ponttogelher impreundlouch confoct, olingeretrqin trenlrip excursie, drumefietry (lo) o incerco, o probo;o guslo; o lotono, o sondo,o polpolwice de doud ori, dubluunfortunqtely dinnefericire, spre nenoroculwosle risip6, pierdere,irosirewqtch (fo) o te uilo, o fiolenl lo; o suprovegheo,o observowoy drum, cole, strod6;direcfie; modolilote, fel,puncl de vedere (no woy:in nici un fel)wedding cdsdlorie, nunld,morioi, cdsniciewine vinwork serviciu, muncd, lucru

Lecfio 5

Thot's life!An interesting surveyin ocest episod Ti intdlnim pe Jock 9i pe Peter core disculd

despre muzicd 9i despre informoticd; inlre limp, Alice inceorcd

sd-i deronieze cu un cheslionor despre drogosle. ln porteo

de gromolicd recopituldm Simple Post 9i vedem core sunt

prepozifiile gi expresiile lemporole pe core le cere oceostd

formd verbo16.

Music isn'f lhe only thing in life!


Jock: Peler, sorry, could you stop singing? 1... I con't reod..'

Peler: Sorry Jock, whot ore you reoding?

Jqck: ll's o book obout invenlions.Peler: Reolly? Con I hove o look?

Jock: Sure. l'm reoding oboui lhe compuler.Peter: Oh, Jockl You hove o serious-problem... You workhord oll doy long qnd then you spend your spore limereoding obout computers..

Jock: The some opplies lo you... With music, I meonl

Peter: Are you crozy? How con you compore music wilh

compulers? Anywoy, music is my iob. You know... We'reperforming in o few doys... l'm so neryous...

Jock: I know, I know... But music isn'l the only thing in life!

l'm studying for my Europeon Compuler Driver's License.

Does thot counl?Peter: Sure it does... But music is more interesiing!






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Jock: Thol's your opinion, Peterl For exomple did you knowthqt Bill Gotes founded Microsoft, but the compuier goesbock to the l9rh century?

Peler: They builf o computer in ihe l gth century?Jock: No, John Bobboge hod the ideo for ihe first computerin the 19ih century. He colled il the "onolyticol engine"...

(lnlrd Alice cu un zior in mdnd.)Alice: Hey guys! Whot ore you tolking obout? I've goto questionnoire for you. Are you reody?Peter: Not ogoin! Why do you like onswering oll thesesurveys?

Alice: I guess it's o hobby... A little stronge, I know. Anywoy,it's o woy to leorn something new obout ourselves... Youknow?... l'm curious, oren't you too? Well, ore you reody?Peter: No, no! Not me! Pleose, leqve me olone, Alice. I

hove more importont things to lhink oboui! Bye, bye! (Se

ridicd 9i pleocd).

Alice: Jock?Jock:. Okoy, okoy! Whot ore the questions? Shoot!

Alice: So, this questionnoire is obout love... Firsi question:when wos the firsi time you kissed someone?Jock: Oh... Thol's on inleresling question... I kissed o girlfor lhe firsl time two yeors ogo.

Alice: Come on, you're ioking!Jock: Yeoh, I guess I om. No... I kissed her in 1982.

Alice: How did you know it wos I982?Jock: I remember it well. I met her during the summerholidoy... I wos riding my bicycle ond when I sow her I felloff... She wos so beoutiful!

Alice: Did you kiss her immediotely?Jock: No, it took me o long time... She gove me o kiss formy birthdoy in Jonuory!

Alice: lnteresting... Very inleresling... Next quesiion... (Sund

telefonul.)Jqck: Soved by the bell! Just o moment, lel me onswer thol.

Sd ?nfelegem(Solufii lo pos. 92)

R6spunde lq urmdtoqrele intrebdri:

ll Whot is Jock reoding?tr o) The newspopertr b)A love slorytr c)A book obout inventions

E When wos the computer invented?tr o)When Bill Gotes creoted Microsofttr b) ln the 1 9th century thonks to on iiJeq of John Bobbogetr c) During lhe First World Wor

H Whot is Alice's questionnoire obout?tr o) Friendshiptr b) Lovetr c)Work

E When did Jock first kiss someone?tr o) Two yeors ogotr b) ln 1982 during the summer holidoystr c) ln Jonuory 1982, on his birthdoy






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Recopitulqreq,,Simple Pqsl"


Simple Posl se folosegte penlru o descrie ocfiuni gi situofiicore s-ou ?ntdmplot ori s-ou incheiot inlr-un momeni onumedin trecut. in cozul ocesio corespunde perfectului simplugi perfectului compus din romdn6. in unele siluofii pootefi irodus gi cu imperfeclul, oiunci exprimdnd in romdnd ooc,tiune durotivd in lrecut. Verbele regulole formeozd irecutulprin oddugoreo desinenfei ,,-ed" lo formo de boz6 o verbului(infinitiv fdrd ,,to") gi lo tooie persoonele ou oceeogi coniugore,dupd cum qrotd schemo ce urmeozdl

Formo de bozd o verbului + -ed

Ploy (o (se) juco) + -ed ) ployed

Wonl (o vreo) + -ed ) wonted

He ployed lennis with hisfriends yesterdoy

They wonted to visit uslost yeor


leri, elo iucot lenis cu prieteniilui

Voiou sd ne focd o vizill onullrecul

come lo venil comecosl (o cosfo) coslai (a lfria\ culdo (o foce) diddrink la hpa) dronkeol lo rn6nco) olefind (o odsi) foundflv b zburo\ flewaal lrt davoni. n ahtinal qoloive (o dol ooveoo (o rneroe) wenlhove fo oveo) hodknow (o gti, o cunoogte) knewleove (o pleco) leftmoke (o foce) modemeet (o intdlnil melpoy (o pldti) poidpui (o pune) putreod (o cifi) reodsoy (o spune) sqidsee (o vedeo) sqwsell (o vinde) soldsend (o lrimitel senlspeok (o vorbil spokespend (o petrece) spenltoke (o luo) tookteoch (o predo, o invdlooe cinevol


tell (o spune) toldthink (o gdndi) lhoughlunderstond (o infelege) undersloodwrite (o scrie) wrole




ti$lflilff-,1be (o fi) wqs/wereheoin la inccnel beoonbreok (o ruoe. o.sooroel brokehrinn la .lrr.o n ^.Jrr.ol brouohlbuild (costruire) q construibuv {o cumpdro) bouoht

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Lo ofirmotiv, Simple Posl ore o singurd formd de coniugorelq tooie persoonele. Construcfio propozifiilor ofirmotivee foorte simpld:

Subiecl * verb lo Simple Post f determindriulterioqre +expresii de timp determinot


$i formo inlerogolivd este uno singurd ot6l pentru verbeleregulote cdt gi pentru cele neregulole, ior coniugoreo e identicdlo looie persoonele. Se construiegte cu ouxilioiul ,,did,, urmoide subiect 9i de formo de bozd q verbului:

Did + subiect + verb ln infinifiv f6rfi ,,fo" + determindriulterioore + expresie de timp determinqt + ?

Did you wotch Wimbledon Te-oi uitqt ieri seord loon TV yesterdoy? televizor lo Wimbledon?

Rdspunsurile scurle lo inlrebdri cu verbul lo trecul seconslruiesc osffel:






They visited their ountlost weekend

The secrelorymode o reservoiionfor him losl month

La sfdrgitul sdpfdmdnii frecufes-ou dus in vizild lo mdlugo lorSecreforo i-o f dcut o pro g ra ma reluno treculd


Formo negotivd e uno singurd otdt pentru verbele regulotecdt gi pentru cele neregulote gi esle identicd lo iootepersoonele. Se conslruiegie cu ouxiliorul ,,did" urmot denegofio ,,not" gi de formo de bozd o verbului, dupd cum sepoote vedeo din schemo urmdtoore:

Subieci + did + not * verb lo infinitiv fdr6 o,to', +determindri ulterioore + expresie de timp determinot

- Did you reod thoi book? - Ai citit corteo oceeo?

- Yes, I did / No, I didn't - Do/Nu

Lo intrebdrile introduse cu o portituld inlerogotivd,construclio e urmdiooreo:

Forliculd interegativd + did * subiect + verb lo infinitivfdr6,,lo'n + determindri ulterioore + expresie de timpdelerminqt + ?

When did he get bock Lo ce ord s-o fnfors ocosd ierihome losi night? noopte?


Formo interogoliv-negotivd e folositd moi oles cu formelecontrose, oto cum o orqld exemplele core urmeozd:

Formo ofirmolivd

Yes,fsubiect+didFormo neoolivd


Suson did not buythoi book yeslerdoy

Suson nu o cumpdrot corteooceeo ieri


Construcfio propozifiei e urmdioqreo:

Subiect + didn'f + verb lo infinitivfdre",,to" * determindriulterioore + expresie de timp determinqt

Jone didn't come yesterdoy Jone nu o venil ieri

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Didn't she visityou yesterdoy?

Didn't they go doncinglosi night?

Exercifii(Solufii lo pos. 92)

Esle momenlul s6 exersdm Pufin.


Rescrie propozifiile lo lrecul.

H Wfry don't you chonge Your iob?

H ln the office people go for o coffee ot I I o'm'

H Oo you think it is o good ideo to buy thot dress?


Trodu in englezd:

ll Rm cilit corteo oceeo de trei ori cdnd erom l6ndr'

H Nu s-o dus eo lo schi sdptdmdno lrecutd?

l'm nol your secrelory!


Jock: Hello? Yes... Just o moment' Alice, it's for you"' Tom

on lhe phone...Alice: Oh... No, no! Jock, con you tell him l'm oul,


Jock: No, Alice! I lold him you were ot home!

Alice: Oh, mqke somelhing up, pleose! I don't woni io lolk

to him... l-'ie', so boring! Tell him l'm ill or someihing else"'

Whotever you like!

Jock: Uh... Hello? Tom? Hello? Tom, I con't heor you!

Hello? (Se prefoce cd nu oude 9i intrerupe convorbireo')

Alice: Thonks, Jock! Okoy, well, where were we? Let me

see... Ah! When did you stort school?

Jock: Whot does school hove to do with love? And whot o

stupid queslion... I storted school when I wos six yeors old'

Everybody siorls school ot six yeors of oge"'

Alice: Right! Did you enioY school?

Jqck: I eiloyed universiiy, yes. I enioyed.it very much' Excuse

me, Alice...'But do you reolly find this questionnoire ollthotinleresting?

Alice: Well, nol reolly! Anywoy, let's go on"' And why did

you enioy universitY?

Jock, de.orse we hod porties every Soturdoy night!

Alice: Ho, ho! No, reollY, whY?

Jock: Weli... I leorned q lot. And I mode o lot of new friends.

I lived on my own ond..' (Sund din nou lelefonul') Oh, iust

o moment!

Jqck: Hello? Just o minute. Alice, it's John on the phone"'

N-o venif eo ieri sd le vodd?

N-ou fost ei/ele ieri seord

sd donseze?

E Elleo mi-o dot o inldlnire pentru mdine'

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Alice: Oh, Jock! Pleose, iell him thol'..Jqck: I know... Thot you ore not ot home... Or thot you ore

ill, I know the story...

Alice: Thonks Jock!Jock: Hello? John... Hello? John, I con't heor you...

Alice: Right! Now... Where were we?

Jock: Woii o minute, Alice! Now il's my turn! I hove

o queslion for you...

Alice: Okoy! Shoot!Jqck: Could you pleose onswer the phone next time? You

know, l'm not your secreiory!...

So Tnlelegem(Solufii lo pog. 92)

Verificd docd oi infeles sceno, rdspunzdnd lo urmdlooreleintrebdri:

E Wny doesn't Alice wont to speok to Tom?

E o) Becouse she is ongry with himtr b) Becouse Tom is so boringEI c) Becouse she is wotching o film on W

E Jqck thinks thot the questionnoire is very interesting.E TrueE Folse

E Wt"'y did Jock like going to university?E o) Becouse there were o loi of porties

tr b) Becouse he leorned o lot ond mode new friends

E c) Becouse he mel Shoron


Expresiile temporqle


Simple Presenl se folosegle moi oles penlru descriereo unorocfiuni hobituqle gi in curs. De oceeo, propozifiile sunt insofite

deseori de odverbe de frewenfd. Acesie odverbe indicd de

cdte ori ore loc o ocfiunein timp gi suntfolosiie penlru o descrie

octivitdfi ce se desfdgoord in fiecore zi ori cu reguloritole.

Schemo ce urmeozd orotd cu oproximofie grodul de frewenfdo diferitelor odverbe:

lO}o/o olwoys mereu

I every dqy in fiecare zi

I usuolly de obicei

I often odeseo

I somelimes cdfeodofd, din cdnd in cdnd

I occosionolly ocozionql, uneori

I seldom roreori

I rorely rar

OYo never niciodold

Adverbele de frecvenfd se pun in mod obignuii Tntre

subiect gi verb, cu excepfio lui ,,every doy", core se pune lo

inceputul propozifiei, inointeo subieciului. Observd schemogi propozifiile core urmeozd:

Subiect + odverb de frecvenfd + verbEvery doy + subiect * verb

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She olwoys goes lo school Eo mereu se duce lo gcoold

of 8 o'clock lo oro IEvery doy they driveto work

They went on holidoylost month

in fiecare zi ei/ele se duc cu

mogino lo serviciu

Ei/ele ou fost in voconld lunotreculd

in schimb, Tn interiorul propozifiilor consiruile cu verbul ,,tobe" pozifio odverbelor de frecvenfd este diferiid' ln ocesle

situofii, odverbele de frecvenfd se pun dup6 verbul ,,o fi",

cum indic6 schemo urmdtoore:

Subiect * verb ,,lo be" * odverb de frewenfd

They're never ol home Ei/ele nu sunt niciodotd

before 6 o'clock ocosd inoinle de oro 6


Simple Posl se folosegte in englezd pentru o descrie ocfiuni 9i

situofii core ou ovut loc ori s-ou incheiot Tntr-un momenl din

trecui. De oceeo este odeseo insofit de referinfe temporole

specifice. Sd vedem core sunt ocesteo:

Losl (trecut/d): indic6 s6pl6mdno, seoro, luno, onul ori

onolimpul precedent.

I couldn't sleep losl night leri noople nu am putul sd dorm

Yesterdoy (ieri): se folosegte pentru o vorbi despre

precedenl6. Adeseo este insofit de pdrfi ole zilei'

I visited my best friend leri dupd-omiozd l-om vizilot

yeslerdoy ofternoon. pe cel moi bun priefen al meu


Ago (ocum, ?nainle cu): se folosegte dupd zile, sdpidmdni,luni, oni gi minule. Dupd cum observi, ,,ocum" urmeozdmereu oceste referinfe temporole.

We flew to Clevelondlhree weeks ogo

I studied in New Yorkmony yeors qgo

Acum lrei sdptdmdni om zburollo Clevelond cu ovionul

Acum mulli oni de zile omsfudiot lo New York

When (cdnd): e urmol de o propozilie lo trecut.

I enioyed myself very much M-om dislrat mull cdnd om

when I wos in London. fosf lo Londro.


Unele prepozifii, cele core indicd momente bine determinote,pot insofi otdt Simple Presenl cdt gi Simple Posl, o9o cum

vedefiin continuore:

At (lo, in, del: se folos'egte pentru ore, pentru momenteleexocte ole zilei 9i pentru numele sdrbdtorilor.

The meeting is ot l0 o'clock inlilnireo'e Io oro zece.

We went to bed Ne-om dus lo culcare Io

ot midnighl miezul nopfii.

Jock went on holidoyot Christmos

Jock o plecotin voconfd deCrdciun

On (pe): se folosegte cu zilele sdptdmdnii sou cu doteonume.

He's olwoys ol homeon Soturdoy

EI mereu e ocosd sdmbdto

I wos born on July 2,1973 Sunf ndscut pe 2 iulie 1973







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ln (in): introduce numele lunilor, onilor, onotimpurilor,secolelor gi ol pdrfilor zilei.

Alice sludies in the morning Alice invold dimineoloShe bought in 2003 eo o cumpdrolo new cor in 2003 o mogind noud

or fi ,,todoy" (ostdzi),,,lhis week" (sdpfdmdno oceosio), ,,ihismonlh" (/uno oceosto) etc., dupd cum orotd exemplele demoi ios:

l'm sludying English todoy Azi invdl lo englezd

She's reoding o new book Sdpfdmdno osfo eo cilegfelhis week o carte noud

in cozul ocfiunilor viiloore progromote onterior, propozifiilesunt odeseq ?nsofite de odverbe de timp, cum or fi ,,lomorow,,(mdine), ,,next week" (sdpfdmdno viiloare) eic., dupd cumorot6 exemplele de moi ios:

I like iogsingin the summer

Voro imi ploce sd md ducsd olerg

Fii qtent: foce excepfie cuvdntul ,,nighl", core e precedotde prepozifio ,,e1" (exemplu: I usuolly go to bed lote ot night) De obicei, seoro md duc lo culcore tdrziu).


Present Conlinuous se folosegle penlru o exprimo ocfiunidurotive core ou loc Tn momenlul in core se vorbegle, ocfiunice se desfdgoord intr-o perioodd limitotd de limp gi ocfiuniviiloore plonificote onlerior.in cdzul ocfiunilor gi ol situofiilor core se desfdgoord inmomeniul vorbirii, propozifiile sunt odeseo insofite deodverbe de timp, cum or fi ,,now" (ocum), ,,ot lhe moment"(in ocesl mo menf, i n clipo oceosfo),,,cu rrentl y" (octu ol me nte)etc., ogo cum o orotd exemplele urmdtoore.

He's cooking dinnerot lhe momenl

Acum elpregdtegfe cino

She's speoking lo Dovid Acum eo vorbegfe lo lelefonon lhe telephone now cu Dqvid

in cozul ocfiunilor ce ou loc inlr-o perioodd limitot6 de timp,propozifiile sunt insofite odeseo de odverbe de limp, cum

Fii otent:- indicofiile lemporole (exprimoie ori subinlelese) sunl foorteimporlonte deoorece ne oiuld s6 infelegbm diferenfo dintreSimple Present 9i Present Confinuous. pentru o gti docdtrebuie sd folosim uno sou ceololtd formd verbold trebuiesd ne intrebdm cdnd se petrece ocfiuneo despre core sevorbegle;

- formo gromoticold de Presenl Conlinuous prin core seexprimd in englezd o ocfiune durotivd, odic6 in desfdgurorein momenlul vorbirii, nu ore un echivqlenl morfologic inromdnd. in englezd se folosegle verbul ouxilior ,;J be"(o fi), plus formo in ,,-ing" (gerunziu) o verbului de coniugot.Refinefi cd, Tn englezd, folosireo Presenl Conlinuous eobligotorie cOnd este vorbo despre ocfiuni core ou loc ?nmomentul vorbirii.

We're flyingto the meelingnexl week

She's hoving o portynext Fridoy

Sdpfdmdno viitoare ludmovionulsd ne ducem lointdlnire

Vinereo viiloore eo yo doo pefrecere





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Exercif ii(Solufii lo pog. 92)

Acum Tnceorcd sd foci exercifii cu expresiile temporole core

insofesc de obicei Simple Present, Simple Post 9i Present



Compleieozd propozifiile cu formo corectd o verbelor dintreporonteze.

ll Yesterdoy Jock Alice how lo use lnlernet. (teoch)

H Sfre whol on icon wos. (not know)

H At the moment Alice ......... for on exom. (study)

1:i: ::::::::l::: :il i;;;; ; ;,;;; i;;i;il:i


Completeozd propozifiiJe cu formo corecld o verbelor dintreporonleze gi pune prepozifio sou coniugoreo polrivitd.

I I:::::::: ;;;;;;;t;;;'?:li#;:;E Jock Soturdoy 12.0'1.1982 (be born)

H this yeor Alice rorely ........ the evening. (sludy)

E this evening we ............ dinner 8.30. (hove)


oge vdrstdolone singur/d, de unulsingur, solilor/donolylicol onolitic/6onswer (to) o r6spundeopply (to) o foce o oplicofiebeoutiful fru mos,/oosdbell clopofel, clopol (sovedby the bell: solvot/6 declopofel, Tn exiremis)bicycle biciclei6birlhdoy zi de nogtereboring plicticos/oos6,plictisitor/oorecenlury secolcompore (lo) o comporo,o confruntocounl (to) o numdro,o socolicroiry nebun/d, trdsnit/6driving licence cornel deconducereduring in timpul, pe cdndengine mosin6, molorenloy (to) o se bucuro, o se

distro; o degusto (to enioyoneself: o se disiro)Europeon europeoneverybody fiecore, unii, tofiexomple exemplufEll off (to) o cddeofound (to) o intemeio,o creo

go bock (to) o reveni; o seinioorce, o cdutq in urmdgo on (lo) o continuo,o merge moi deporteguess (to) o ghici; o crede,o presupunehord greu/o, dificil/ 6,onevoios/oosd, problemolicholidoy sdrbdioore, zi

de s6rbdtoo re(holidoys:voconfd, concediu)ill bolnov/dimmediotely imediot,ocum, bruscinleresting interesonlinvention invenfieJonuory ionuorie

ioke (to) o glumikiss sdrutkiss (lo) o sdruloleorn (td) o invdfolive (to)o trdi; o locuilove drogoslemusic muzicdopinion pdrere, opinieourselves noiingineoul ofordperform (to) o recito,o iuco un.rolphone (obreviere de lotelephone) telefonquestionnoire chestionorreody golo, pregdtit/d

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Lecfio 6

Thot's life!I need o breok!Shoron intrd in cosd cu o volizd Tn mdn6, e lulburotd, ilintdlnegte pe Jock... Ce nu-iin regu16?

in secfiuneo de gromoticd invdfdm odiectivele colificotive 9i

formo verbold ,,should" (o frebui).

I like it when you smile!


Jock ia micul deiun Shoron inlrd in bucdtdrie cu o volizd inmdnd.

Jock: Hi, Shoron? Whot's up?Shoron: Hi, Jock. l'm okoy! Don'l worry! Everything is iustfine!

Jock: Reolly? I don't think so... Come 6n, tell me whol'shoppening... Some problems with Peter?

Shoron: No! Well... Yes! But I don't think you ore the rightperson to tolk wiih!

Jock: Moybe you're right. But I con't stond seeing you so

sodt (Ardtdnd spre volizd) And this? Whot does it meon?

Shoron: Don'tworry! l'm nol leoving for ever! My colleogueLucy inviied me lo spend the weekend qt her house. She hos

o cottoge in ihe counlryside, neor Brighion. We're leovingin the evening, right ofter work!

Jock: The countryside is lovely lhere!




ride (to) o merge in (cu

vehicule); o cd16ri, o urcoSoturdoy sdmbdtdsove (lo) o solvo, o sc6Po

school gcooldserious serios/oos6,i mportont/6, preocuPoni/d,grov/6shoot (to) o troge cu

o ormd (9ifig.)sing (to) o cdniosomeone cinevospqre time timp liberslory povestesludy (to) o siudiostupid prost/proostd,tdmpit/dsuntey cerceiore,investigofietolk (to) o vorbi, o conversothing lucrulurn rdnd; tur6, tur; curbd,cotiturduniversity universitote

Page 23: English today-vol-6






Shoron: I hope so! I need o breok! Living wilh Peler is

getting hord! He is so nervous oboul his concerl"' He con

l"fv ttinf. ond tolk obout thot! He seems miles owoy! And

o, ior, his music... He's excessive! He goes on singing oll

doy long! He doesn't speok with me onymore"' He, sings

witi mei,,Shoron, con you poss me the solt, pleose?"'

Jock: I like it when you smile! I ihink o weekend in the

countryside is exoclly whot you need!

Shoron: I didn't know you liked the country so much"'

Jock: Are you ioking? I love the counlryside' lt's so quiel

ond reloxing.Shoron: A lot of people think it's boring'

Jock: Well... They don'i know whot they ore missing"'

Shoron: Whot, Jock!? Are you using clich6s now?

Jock ... Like: the counlryside is sofu ond the city is dongerous?

Shoron: ... Or: lhe couniry is cleon ond the city is dirty?

Jqck: And don't forgel the country is cheop, too!

Shoron: Yes, lherets thol, too. The city is very expensive'

iust think how much lhe renl is for this oportment!

Jock: Don't remind me! I hove to poy mine tomorrow

morning!it o.on"t Well, Jock! lt wos good tolking with you! You moke

me lough! Sometimes... I rhink obout us"' About how we

were together once...

Jock We were... We ore... A wonderful couple! Don,t forgei it!

Shoron: Alright!

Sd Tnfelegem(Solufii lo pog. 93)

Verificd docd oi infeles diologul, r6spunzdnd lo intrebdrile

core urmeozd. Docd intdmpini greutdfi, te pofi uilo ior loepisodul de pe DVD sou pofi consuhq vocobulorul de losfdrpitul lecfiei.

I Whot con't Jock siqnd?tr o)The countrysidetr b)Musictr c) Seeing Shoron so sod

E Where is Shoron going for the weekend?

tr o)To ltolytr b) To sioy with o friend in the countrytr c) To visit her ount

E wny is Peter so nervous?E o) Becouse of his concerttr b) Becouse his cor hos broken downE c) Becouse he is not well

iE Wnot does Jock think obout the countryside?E o) lt's boringtr b) lt's quiet ond reloxingE c) lt's dirty ond dongerous





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in limbo englezd, odiectivul e invoriobil in funcfie de gengi de numdr, odicd ore oceeoti formd penlru mosculin gi

feminin, penlru singulor gi plurol. De obicei, odiectivul sepune inoinle de substontivul lo core se referd, cu excepfiopropozifiilor conslruite cu verbul ,,to be". in oceosld siluofie,odiectivul vine dupd verb. Observd ocum exemplele coreurmeozd:

The countryside is beoutiful Violo Io lord e frumoosd

This is o cleon city Acesfo este un orog curol


Sd vedem ocum principolele odiective folosite pentruo descrie sotul gi orogul. Cum pofi observo, multe dinlreocesie odieclive ou fost folosile de prienlenii nogtri in primoscend o episodului.


Sd lu6m in considerore ocum cele moi comune odiectivece descriu persoone gi lucruri. Dup6 cum observiin tobelulde mqi ios, unele dintre ocesie odiective (de exemplu ,,old"gi ,,thin") se pot folosiTn ombele cozuri.


lotd Tn conlinuore o list6 cu cele moi comune odiective 9iontonimele lor:

reloxing (reloxonf) exciting (polpifonf)

cleqn (curot) dirty (murdor)

cheop (ieftin) expensive (scump)

young (fdndr) new (nou)

old (bdtrdn) old (vechi)

fot (gros) thick (sros)

thin (slob) thin (sublire)

tqll (inolf) bis (more)

shod (scund) little (mic)

C**liiWUlUe i(*d*1 -.,:, t,i.:,rii

beoutiful (frumos) ugly (urdf)

quiel (linigfif) noisy (zgomofos)

sofe (sigur) dongerous (periculos)

chorming (foscinont) modern (modern)

boring (plictisifor) interesting (inferesonf)

difficult (dificill eosy (ugor)

righl (corect) wrong (gregit)

cheop (iefrin) expensive (scump)

hot (cold) cold (rece)

horrible (urdl, oribill lovely (frumos)

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Doud sou moi multe odieciive core preced un subslonliv ouurmdtooreo topic6:

[xercitii(Solufii to pos. 93)

Acum f6 exercifiicu odiectivele colificotive 9i?nvofd sd construiegtipropozifii core descriu locuri, persoonc ai lucruri.


Scrie propozifiile din nou folosind ;i odieclivele dintreporonleze.

ll We stoyed in o hotel. (iefiin)

E We live in o flqt. (foscinoni, more)

E Polermo is o city. (itolion, frumos)


Aroid doc6 propozifiile sunt corecle (righf) sou gregite

(wrong) gi rescrie-le corect, docd e nevoie.

RWE Look ot thot fot little tr trhorrible girl over lhere.

EJockboughtoJoponese E trnew fosi cor.

El Shoron is going to stoy E tlin o lovely, old coftoge.

E she is weoring o green E trnew beouliful dress.

Whqt aboul buying o Ferrori?


E seord. Jock locmoi s-s intors de lo serviciu. Inlrd insufrogerie cu o bere in mdnd. O gdsepte pe Anne ogezotdpe conopeo, uifdndu-se pe o revistd de mogini

Anne: Oh... HiJock. Do you hove o momeni?Jock: I olwoys hove time for you, Anne!

Adiective posesive your (ole tole)

Adiective numerol three (trei)

Adiective de colitole nice (delicote)

Adiective de dimensiune smqll (mici)

Adiective de vdrstd old (vechi)

Adiective de culoore red (rosii)

Adiective de nofionolitote English (englezepti)

Adieclive de moterie iron (de fier)

Substontiv boxes (cutii)

E Oo you like thot mon? (tdndr, lnolt)

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Anne: Con I osk you o queslion?Jock: Sure, how con I help you?

Anne: Well, I need your odvice. I woni to buy o new cor.Jock Ah, you should buy o fost, expensive sports cor!

Anne: Come on, I cqn'l offord o sports cor. My cor's old,il's too big ond it's difficult to drive.Jock: Very good reosons lo buy o new cor.

Anne: Yes! l'd like to buy o smoll, stylish cor thol's not looexpensive.Jock Hmmm, o smoll, stylish cor lhot's not iooexpensive...

Anne: ... And for young people!Jock: Of course, you shouldn'l buy o cor for old people.

Anne: So, whol cor should I buy? I don'l understondonything oboul cors!Jock: Well, whol qbout buying o Ferrori?

Anne: Are you ioking?Jock Just kidding... Lel me ihink... Oh... Con I hove o look?

How oboul this cor?

Anne: ll's nice! lsn'l ii expensive?Jock All cors ore expensive lherc doyr.

Jock: By the woy, did you heor oboul Shoron?Anne: Yes! I met Peter in lhe ofternoon. Hr told me they hod o

quorrel... But I don'i think we should worry oboul itl Do you?

Jock: Hmmm... Moybe we should.., Whol do you lhink ofShoron. Anne?Anne: She's very pretty...

Jock: Yes, she is...Anne: Whot obout me, Jock? Do you think l'm good-


Jqck: Come on, Anne, you qre very ottroctive!Anne: Do you reolly think so?

Jock: Yes, Anne... You ore olwoys on my mind! (Din gregeold,,

vorsd pul,ind bere pe hoinele lui htnel Oh! Anne, l'm sorry"'Anne: lt doesn't motter, Jock...

Sd ?nfelegem(solufii lo pos. 94)

Verificd doc6 oi infeles sceno, rdspunzdnd lo urm6toorele


E Whot does Anne wont lo buy?tr o)A computertr b) A new dresstr c) A new cor

E Whot is Anne's cor like?[1 o) lt's o sports cortr b) lt's old ond too bigft c) li's smoll ond eosy to drive

E Whot does Anne think of Shoron?

D o) She's very prettY

tr b) She's nice but boringE c) She's too thin

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Folosireq lui,,should,'penlru q do ti q cere sfqturiPentru o do sfoturi, penlru o foce propuneri gi pentru osugero cevo se folosesc expresii speciole: ,,why don'i we/you...?" (de ce nu...?),,,how obout...?,' :;i,,whoi obout...?',(ce spui/crezi de...?1. O olta formd foo*e obignuitd pentruo_cere gi o exprimo pdreri e ,,should,, (or lrebui sd). Lo formoo-firmoiivd gi negotivd, ,,should,, e folosit penlru o do sfoturigi sugestii, ?n timp ce lo formo inlerogoiivd e folosit pentruo cere sfoluri.


Propozifio ofirmotivd se construiegte cu subieclul urmot de,should" gi de formo de bozd o verbului (infinitiv fdrd ,,to,,),dupd cum orot6 schemo ce urmeozd:

Subiecl + should + verb lq infinitiv ldrd ,,to" +determindri ulterioqre

I should study English Ar trebui s6lnvdl englezd inevery doy fiecore zi


Lo formo negotivd, ,,should" e urmol nu numoi de verbullo infinitiv 1616 ,,1o", ci gi de negofio ,,nol',. Coniugoreo esteidenticd lo, ioote persoonele. in limbo curenti se prefer6folosireo formei contrqse ,,shouldn,t,,, dupd cum oroldexercifiile ce urmeozd:

Subiecl + should + nof (sou shouldn't| + verb lqinfinitiv fdrd ,,io" f determindri ulterioore

Dupd cum vezi din exemple, ,,should,, ore oceeogiformd loloole persoqnele verbului.


Lo formo interogolivd se folosegte,,should,, peniru o solicitosugestii. Precede subiecrul, fiind urmot de verbul lo infinitivfdrd ,,to":

$hould * subiect + verb lo infinitiv ffird ,,to', +determindri ulterioqre * ?

Should I see o dentist? Ar trebui sd md duc Io undentist?

Should we proctiseEnglish every doy?

in propozifiile introduse printr-o porticuld interogoiivd,consirucfio este urmdtooreo:

Porticuld interogotivd + should + subiect i verblo infinitiv fdr6 ,,to', + determindri ullerioore * ?

She should tokeon ospirin

He should slopeoling sweeis

They should seeo doclor

Eo or lrebui sd io o ospirind

El or lrebuisd incefeze sdmdn0nce dulciuri

Ei/ele or trebui sd meorgdla un doclor

I shouldn't go to bedso lote

He shouldn'l smokeso much

She shouldn't workso much

N-or frebui sd md culc otdtde tdrziu

EI n-or trebui sd fumeze otdtde mult

Eo n-or lrebui sd rnunceoscdotdl de mull

Ar trebui sd focem in fiecorezi exercilii lo englezd?

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Whot should I do? Ce or lrebui sd foc?

Fii olrenl: lo rdspunsurile scurle (cele core cer un ,,do" ori un,,nu") se repetd ,,should", precedot de subiect (exemplu: ShouldI send Anne some flowers? Yes, you should/No, you shouldnt) Ar lrebui sd-i lrimit nigle flori lui Anne? DolNu).


Formq inlerogoliv-negolivd se folosegte in generol cu formqconirosd, dupd cum orol6 exemplele core urmeozd:

Exercifii(Solufii lo pos.94)

E momenlul sd exersdm pufin.propozifii cu,,should".


Trodu in romdnd.

ll You should lough more oflen.

invofd sd construiegii

H I don't ihink ihey should buy ihot new cor. They con'tofford il.

H Shouldn't we look for o cheoper cor?

d St"'e reolly should be more coreful.


Trodu in englezd.

E N-or trebui sd fie preo greu.

dti/ele or trebui sd se ducd sd viziteze Londro.

E Ar trebui sd zdmbegti din cdnd tn cdnd..

Shouldn't I golo visit her?

Shouldn'l we studyhorder?


,,Should" este folosit peniru:

o) o cere sou o do sfoturi:

You shouldn'l goto lhot film

Should I buyo new cor?

b) o foce recomonddri:

You should toke o rest

c) o exprimo o dotorie morold:

You should be honesttowords your children

N-or frebui sd md duc invizitd pe lo el?

N-or frebui sd invildm moimult?

N-or trebui sd te duci sd vezifilmul ocela

Ar trebui sd cumpdr omogind noud?

Ar trebui sd fe odihnegti

Ar frebui sdde copiii tdi







fii corect fofd E N-or trebui sd pierdem lrenul ocelo.

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offord (to) o-9i permiteofternoon dupd-omiozdottroctive otrd gdlor/oo rebreqk pouz6, inlrerupere;rupturd, froctu16colleogue coleg/6concerl concerlever niciodotd (in propozifiiinlerogotive gi negolive)excessive excesiv/d,exogero/dforget (to) o uitogood-looking cu ospeclfrumos, chipegkid (to) o ironizo, o glumipe seomo cuivo, o-gi boteio.lough (to) o rddemile mildmind miniemiss (to) o se pierde, o-iscdpo din vedere; o simfilipso cuivo, o-i fi dorneor oproope, l6ngdneryous nervos/oosd,ogitot/donce cdndvo, odol6poss (to) o do; o Tntinde,o lrece cevo cuivopeople lume, persoone,oomeni, ingiperson persoond, ins,lip, om

pretty drdguf/d, grofios/oosdquorrel ceorld, pricind,conlroversdreoson motiv, couzd, lemeiremind (to) o omintirent rentd, chiriesod trist/6, meloncolic/6soh soreseem (to) o pdreosmile (to) o zdmbi,o surddesomelimes cdteodol6,uneori, din cdnd in cdndsporls cor mo9in6 sporlstond (to) o sto in picioore,o se ridico; o rezisto,o suporlo, o susfinestylish elegont, lo modduse (to) o folosi, o uiilizoweekend weekend, sfdrgitde sdpl6m6ndwonderful foorte frumos/oos6, minunot/d

Television Programmes

Music: John LennonUn nou episod din ,,Music World'. Prezentotoareo Lucy ilintdlnegfe pe Tony Moore, expert in muzicd, sd discufe despreunul dinlre cei moi mori cdntdreli pop din toote limpurile, Johnlennon. De lo coriero lui in grupul Beofles, lo ceo de solrst gi lopremaluro lui disporfie. Un episod core nu trebuie rotat!

Lucy: Hello, hello ond welcome lo ,,Music World", ondwelcome to Tony Moore, our music expert! ln lhis week'sedition we woni to celebrole the life of o greot musicionfrom Liverpool, moybe the greolest pop musicion of olltime... Right, Tony?Tony: Yes, thol's right. And of course we're tolking obouiJohn Lennon!

Lucy: Yes, John Lennon, o fomous singer ond songwriter,but olso sometimes o controversiolfigure. OkTony, let's lookot the importont moments of his short but very successfulcoreer!Tony:Well, Johnwos born on October9th 1940 in Liverpool.He hod o difficult childhood, his porenli seporoled ond Johnlived with his ount Mimi. She wos very, very slricl ond she

didn't like John spending oll his lime ploying the guitor!

Lucy: So, John hod o difficult childhood. And whot oboulThe Beoiles? When did this omozing pop group slort ployingtogether?Tony: ln 1958 John mel Poul McCortney ol orl school inLiverpool. This wos the beginning of their musicol iourneytogelher. Shortly oflerwords George Hqrrison ioined lhem.At the beginning the bond wos colled lhe ,,Quorrymen", butin 1959 ihey chonged ihe nome to The Beotles.








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Lucy: Hmmm, interesiing! Where did the bond ploy?Tony: Well in Liverpool of course qt the Covern Club, butthey gove their first series of performonces in Homburg otihe Stqr Club in lhe city's red-light districi. The Beotles werevery hoppy ond hod lols of fun in Homburg. lt wos here inHomburg thot they developed iheir look ond in porticulortheir fomous hoirstyle; o hoirstyle thot suddenly becomefoshionoble oll over the world.

Lucy: Ah... thot hoirstyle! They were cqlled moplops,weren'l ihey?Tony: Yes, thol's right.

Lucy: Whot wos their firsl number one single?Tony: The single Pleose, pleose me; it wos on immediolesuccess ond went to the lop of the chorts!

Lury: Thot's righl!Tony: Well... the 4 lods from Liverpool ployed logelher osThe Beoiles until

,l970. Their lost qlbum wos Abbey Rood.

Then the bond broke up.

Lucy: To the disoppoinlment of oll iheir fons! And then?Whor did John do next?Tony: He storted o successful solo coreer. lmogine ondPlosfic Ono Bond were populor olbums.

Lucy: Did John ever try lo re-unite the Beotles?Tony: Oh No! His relolionship with Yoko Ono becqmeveryt yery importoni for him. John ond Yoko storted to getinvolved in politics, ihey begon to spreod o messoge ofworld peoce.

Lucy: And when wos he killed?Tony: John wos killed on 8ih December 1980 outside hisNew York oporlmeni in the Dokoto Building.

Lucy: Who killed him?Tony: Mork Dovid Chopmon, o Beotles fon.

Lucy: And why?Tony: Well he wos crozy, he wos mod, he soid Lennon hodbetroyed the ideols of his generolion!

Lucy: Yes, well, John wos only 40 when he died, bui he

certoinly isn't forgotlen.Tony: No, he certoinly isn'i forgotten. At todoy's lhere's o

gorden in Centrol Pork colled Strowberry Fields to rememberJohn's life; it's neor ihe Dokoto Building.

Lury: Ok, so... John Lennon... John Lennon, perhops thegreoiest pop musicion of oll time. Thonks lo our expert TonyMoore.Tony: Thonk you, goodbye.

Lucy: Goodbye... See you ogoin next week for onotheredition of ,,Music World"! Goodbye!

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Sd ?nfelegem(Solufii lo pos. 95)

Verificd doc6 qi inleles, r6spunzdnd lq urmdtooreleinlrebdri:

E John Lennon wos born on l9 October 1940.E TrueE Folse

E John lived with his ouni when he wos o boy.E TrueE Folse

E John met Poul McCortney ol orl school in Liverpool.E TrueE Folse

E the bond wos olwoys colled The Beotles.E TrueE Folse

E John wos killed inside his oportment in New York.E TrueE Folse


Muzico gi englezoMulfi dintre lermenii limbii engleze foc porte din limboiulobignuit ol limbii romdne. Agodor, o porte dintre cei core

urmeoz6 ifi vor fi fomiliori. Sd-i revedem impreund:






SingerSongwrilerMusicionJozz bondPop groupRock group

John Lennon is one of thegreolest musicions ever

AlbumSingleTo record

The Beotles recorded monysuccessful olbums os wellos singles


To go lo the top of the chorts

The Beotles wenl mony timeson ihe top of the chorts fromoll over the world

Grup muzicol




Formofie de iozz

Grup pop

Grup rock

John Lennon esle unul dinfrecei moi mori muzicieni dinloote timpurile




Beotles ou inregislrolmulle olbume gi single-uride succes

Closornenfulftopul celormoi vdndufe discuri

Afi primul in top

De multe ori, Beoiles ouf o st pe pri m ul loci n topu riledin lumea intreagd

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A number one single

Pleose, pleose rne wosone of lhe Beolles' numberone singles

PerformonceTo give o performonce

ConcertSolo qrtist

John Lennon used to givegreol performonces os osolo ortisl

Solo coreer

John Lennon hod o greotsolo coreer

To breok'up

The Beotles broke upin 1970

Single number one

Pleose, pleose me o fosf unuldintre single-urile de fop oleBeofles

Execufie, i nlerprelate

A cdnlo (in direct), a daconcerfe



John Lennon lineo concerfeminunale co solisf

Corierd de so/rst

John Lennon o ovul o morecorierd de solist

A se dezmembro/ dizolvo/desfrdrno

Formolio Beoiles s-odestrdmol in 1970

Do you ployony instrument?

Whqt inslrumenldo you ploy?

Cdnli lo vreun instrumenl?

[o ce insfrumenl cdnfi?

My brother ploys the guitor, Frotele meu cdnl6 lo chitord,I ploy the piono eu cdnt lo pion

Fii qtent: dupd cum oiobservol, in englezd, verbul ,,lo ploy"este polisemontic, odicd ore moi muhe sensuri, lroduse inromdnd prin termenii ,,o cdnlo", ,,o ivco" gi, dup6 cumvom vedeo moi i6rziu, ,,o recilq".




Cunogteoi deio ocegti termeni, nu-i ogo? Aiunci, sd vedemomdnunfitin ce constd munco unui muzicion (musicion):

To sing songs Sd cdnte cdnfeceTo wrile song lyrics Sd,scrie cuvintele cdnfecelor

To ploy music Sd' compund /interpreleze muzicaTo ploy on instrumenl Sd c6nfe lo un inslrument

Exercifii(Solufii lo pos.95)


Alege cuvdnlul corect in ocest exercifiu.

E Someone who wriles songs is colled ...tr o) o singertr b) o musiciqntr c) o songwriler

E the words of o song ore colled ...[1 o) linestr b) lyricsE c) song words

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E When o song goes to the top of the chorts it becomes ...tr o) o number one songtr b) o singletr c) o number one single

E the Beotles ... their firsl performonces in Homburg.E o) govetr b) ployed

H the Beotles ... in 1970.E o) broke downtr b) broke up

!I Oia you ...to the porty?tro)gotr b)went

H How mony CDs ... buy?tr o)you didtr b) did.you

H Modonno gove o concert in Rome ... month.tr o)the losltr b) lost

Let's tolk: Bill Gotesin ocest nou episod din ,,Lel's folk", Eric esle cu Morie 9i cu

Iom co sd discufe despre violo celui moi bogol om din lume,Bill Gotes: geniu ol PC, exlrem de muncilor, om cu mii de

ombifii, insd gi cu o inimd de our.

Eric: Good evening ond welcome to this week's editionof ,,Let's tolk". ln the studio with me this evening ore ourcommenlotors Morie qnd Tom. How ore you?

Mqrie ond Tom: Fine,lhonks, Eric.

Eric: Very good! Todoy let's tolk... let's tolk obout one of theworld most fomous men in the world. I meon, Bill Gotes: ihe

world's top businessmon ond the richest mon in the world.I hove o question: how did he become so successful?

Mqrie: I con onswer thot question wilh one word: ,,Windows",lhe mosl widely used computer operoiing system in the


Eric: Yes, yes, thot's true. h's olmosl every compuler in theworld uses ,,Windows". Let's go bock in time o little! How

did Bill Goles orrive ol where he is todoy?Tom: l'd soy ihonks to his business skills! At the end of the

80's when he founded Microsoft he understood where the

computer industry wos going.

Morie: Thol's right! At thot time computers were very big,very expensive ond only lorge componies could use them.

Goles understood lhoi smoller, personol compulers, ihePCs we use lodoy, were lhe future. Of course, he wonted ollthese PCs to use his softwore.Tom: So he understood 20 yeors ogo howwe use compulerstodoy... lhot's q good businessmon.

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Eric: But of course you need more thon intuition to becomelhe world's lop businessmon...Morie: Yes of course, lo become the world,s number onebusinessmon you need on oggressive business philosophy.For exomple, from the beginning Bill Gotes did everythingto slop the illegol copying of Microsoft progrommer. Untilthis lime people didn't buy softwor" protro.mes, theyshored them freely or copied them; Bill Goies creoted themorket for compuier softwore.

Tom: But thot's not olll Bill Goles wos very ombitious loo!Do you know he wonted to be millionoire by the oge of30?Mqrie: Yes, ond he worked yery, yery hordl For mony yeorshe only slepi six hours o doy, he wos o reol workoholic...

Eric: Ah, oh... so he olso helped coffee producers too!Tom: Ah, oh, I guess so.

Eric: After he become o multi-millionore with ,,Windows,,whoi did he do next?Morie: He turned his oftention to the lnlernef. lnitiolly hedidn't think fhe lnlernet wos importonl; this wqs o businessmistoke. Microsoft developed ,,lnlernei Explorer 4,, ond lhreeyeors loler Microsoft won lhe browser wor ond destroyed ilscompelitors.Tom: So todoy olmosl every compuier in the world useso Microsoft progromme.

Eric: Thol's right! Well, Bill Gotes is o very, very successfulbusinessmon. ls there onything oboul him to moke himlikeoble or jusi o bit humon?Tom: Well, his chority work, this is very importont forhim...Morie: Bill ond his wife Melindo now work for ,,The Billond Melindo Gotes Foundotion"; in 2000 Bill gove holf hisfortune to lhe foundolion to fund chority work.

Eric: This is foniostic. Bill Goies, o successful mon, wilh verygood business skills, but with o big heort tool Well, rodoywe hove leornl oboul one of the mosl imporfont businessleoders of our oge. Thonks very much, Morie, ond thonkyou, Tom! Goodbye.Tom e Mqrie: Goodbye.

Sfi ?nfelegem(Solufii lo pos.95)

Verificd docd oiinfeles, r6spunz6nd lo urmdtoorele inrrebdri:

H gitt Gotes become successful with Windows.E Truetr Folse

H gill Gotes creoied Microsoft ot the beginning of the gO,s.E TrueE Folse

E ln the 80's only lorge componies hod smoll personolcompulers.E TrueE Folse

9I"r mony yeors Bill Gotes slept only six hours o night.EI TrueE Folse

H Ailt Gotes knew from the beginning thoi the lnternet wosimportont.E TrueE Folse

H gitt Gotes ... Microsoft in the g0,s.

tr o)foundtr b) founded






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Lumeq qfqcerilor

$i?n ce privegie lumeo ofocerilor, termenii limbii engleze suntcunoscufi gi folosifi?n lumeo intreogd. Sd vedem calivo:



Bill Gqles is the mostfomous businessmonin lhe world

Om de ofoceri

Femeie de ofoceri

Bill Gotes esfe cel mai renumitom de ofoceri din lume

Nowodoys, being o Astdzi, e nroi ugor dec6f insuccessful businesswomon frecuf sd fii o femeie de ofoceriis eosier lhon in the post

Business skills Co pocildli o nt repre nori ol e


Termenul englez ,rbusiness,, se lroduce ot6t prin ,,efoceri,,cdt gi prin ,,inlreprindere, firmd,, gi, oldiuri de verbul,,lo own", Tnseomnd ,,o oveo, o fi Tn posesio unei firme,,.

To own o business A oveo o firmd

Verbul ,,lo run" se folosegte oldturi de ,,business,, in expresio,,sd gestionezi, sd conduci o firm6,,:

To run o business

Bill Gotes runs hisbusinessvery well!

A gestiono/o conduce o firmd

Bill Gofes igi gestioneozd/ '

conduce firmo foorte bine!


Fii oteni sd nu confunzi verbul ,,to found,, (o fondo, opune bazele) cu verbul ,,lo find,, (o gdsi). primul e un verbreguloi: to found, founded, founded. Verbul ,,to fiia,;, inschimb,-e nereguloi, ior lo lrecui gi lo porticipiu trecut oreformo ,,found".Tol ogo, fii otent s6 nu confu nzi ,,lo found,, cu verbul regulol,,lo fund" (o finonlaj. Vezi exemplele;

To found o compony

Bill Gotes hos very goodbusiness skills: he foundedMicrosoftl

Bill Gotes founded hiscompony in the 80s ondnow he funds chority work

To do chority work


Alte cdtevo exemple:

To creole o morket

Bill Gotes even creoledo morkel for computersoflwore

Business philosophy

A infiinla o intreprindere

Bi// Gotes ore copocitdlio nlreprenoriole opli me :o infiinlat Microsoft!

Bill Gotes o pus bozelefirmei in onii 1980 Siocum finonleazd opere debinefocere

A foce opere de binefocere


A creo o piold

BillGotes o creat pdndgi o piofd penlru soffwore

Sfrofegie ontreprenoriold






Page 36: English today-vol-6












Bill Gotes hos destroyed hiscompetilors ond now he iso millionoire... even more...o multimillionoire!


ln order to be successful,you hove to be o workoholic



Concurenl, rivol, competitor

Bill Gofes gi-o disfrus rivolii gi

ocurn esfe un milionor... bomai mult... un muhimilionor!

W orkal cooliq sfohonovisf

Penlru o oYeo succes, trebuiesd fii un sfohonovisl

Dependenf (mare iubilor)de iozz

Dependenf de internet

Exercifii(Solufii lo pos. 95)


Alege cuvdnlul corecl in ocesl exercifiu.

E gitt Gotes ... his business.tr o) buyEl b) runs

E Bill Gotes' ,,compeiitors" ore lhe componies thot...compuler softwore.tr o) buytr b) sell

E,,Aworkoholic" is ...tr o) o person who works o lottr b) o person who drinks olcohol ot work

E When people work lo help other people they ...tr o) fund o choritytr b) do chority work

E ln the beginning people ... softwore.progrommes.

tr o) didn't buytr b) didn't bought

E Where ... your computer?E o) you boughttr b) did you buy

E You should ... on ihe lnternel.tr o)to gotrb)go

E whot progromme ... buy?tr o) I shouldtr b)should I

Fii otent: termenul ocesto uzuol e formol din cuvdntul

,,worK (muncd) 9i sufixul ,,-oholic". Acest tip de sufix se

folosegle, in generol, penlru ,,dependenfo" de cevo, in cozulqcesio o dependenfd de muncd.

Page 37: English today-vol-6

Troducereo episoodelor

lifellecfio 4

Thot'sDrogoste neim pd rtdgitdN-qi obserutrl nimic?


Anne: Bun6, Jock...

Anne: Bund, Jockl Agodor... Ai ovut o zi bund?Jock: Nu. Am ovul o zi grooznicd, Anne. Am ovul mult delucru... Lo inceput, m-om intdlnit cu nigte clienfi in orog.Ne-om intdlnit lo nou6 gi om terminot lo dou6. Dup6 oceeoom verificot conturile lunore de pierdere gi de profit, de doudori gi opoi om scris nigte scrisori... Sunt ot6t de obosit...

Anne: Ei bine, qcum reloxeoz6-te! Beo un pohor de vin...Egti_norocos... gdtesc losogne, mdncoreo lo preferotd...Jock: Nu, mersi, Anne. Am mdncol losogne io prdnz.

Anne: Oh... Dor nu e nici o problemd... O s6 preg6lescohcevo. $i, dupd cind, ne putem uitq lo Wimbledon loTV. E un meci de tenis mosculin lo simplu. Ar trebui sd fiepolpitont.





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Jock: imi pore r6u, Anne. Eu... nu pot-.. Am nigte lreburi

de terminor. $i opoi md duc lo solo de korote. A'9o md


Anne: Hei, Jock, sloi un pic! Nu oi observol nimic?

Jock Ai f6cut curot in bucdidrie?

Anne: Nu, nu om fdcul..'Jock: Ah... Atunci oi... primit ,,minunotul tdu sel de forfurii


Anne: Nu, Jock! Nu e nimic legot de cos6... E cevo cu

mine...Jock: Oh, infeleg! Ji-oi cumpdrot o noud pereche de

pontofi, nu-i ogo? Sunl foorle drdgufi! Bine-.. Trebuie sd

plec ocum. E tdrziu.Anne: Nu conleqzd! DuJe! Po! Ce pierdere de vreme...

Ce-fi posd?


Shoron: Hei, Anne... Mullumesc muh pentru pontul cu

libr6rio... Oh, Dumnezeule!! Anne! Ce se intdmpld oici?

Mochioi... s6 vdd... Coofurd nou6, rochie nou6... ordfi

minunot!Anne: in sfdrgh, cinevq o observol schimboreo meo!

Shoron: E imposibil sd nu o observi!Anne: Mersi! Ce spuneoi?

Shoron: Oh, voiom s6-fi mulfumesc pentru pontulcu librdrio!

E un mogozin minunoi.Anne: Perfea. M6 bucur cd fi-o pl6cut. Ador sd stou 9i sd

beou o ceogcd de ceoi gi sd m6 uit lo cdr,ti.

Shoron: Do, exocioslo om f6cut: m-om ogezol, om comondoi

o ceogcd de cofeo gi om citit. $i om gdsit toote c6rfile pe core

le voiom!Anne: Ce cdrfi oicumPdrot?

Shoron: Am cumpdrot o biogrofie o VirginieiWoolf 9i o corte

despre orheologie. $i tu... ce foci?

Anne: in."t sd nu m6 gdndesc lo toole problemele mele"'ogo cd md uit lo nigte Poze.

Shoron: Pot sd le vdd?Anne: Sigur! Suni poze cu noi! Oh, uite... Uitd-te lo osto!

Erom in Edinburgh! Am fost intr-o excursie, ifi ominteqti?

Shqron: Do, imi omintesc! Cdt de coroghioos6 ero Alice cu

oceo pdldrie scofiond!Am mers cu mogino?

Anne: Oh, nu. Am mers cu trenul. $i, in ultimul moment, Peter

nu q moiven'rt, din couzo oudiliei.

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Shoron: Do! Co de obicei... $i cine e dsto? Nu_l cunosclAnne: oh, esre Fronk, un prieten de-or meu. L-om cunoscurin voconfd in Norvegio. Ne_om simfit bine Tmpreund.

Shoron: ...9i?Anne: Apoi, fiecore gi-o vdzut de drumul lui.

Shoron: Do, o9o e viofol Ai ovul o ovenlurd cu el?Anne: Nu, nu om ovut... nimic de genur dsro. Am fost doorprieteni buni!

Shoron: Moi finefi legdturo?Aln::.Nr, nu mqi finem... Mi-o scris o scrisoore ocum cincioni. Mi-o trimis o invitolie lq nunlo lui.

Shoron: Te-oi dus?Anne: Nu, nu m-om dus. Ei bine... Din pdcote, om ovutmult de lucru gi nu om putul sd scop.

Shoron: Hei, dor uite-l pe Jock! Uite ce bine orotd in pozoosto!Anne: Do, d.o, orold bine!

Shqron: Te deronieozd, Anne, doc6 pdstrez pozo oslo?Ann9l Do... do, md deronjeozdl in nici un coz, imi porerdu, Shoron! Dor nul

Shoron: De ce nu? Ce-!i posd |ie de eo?!Anne: Dor fie? Ce-fi pos6 fie?!

Jock: Hei, felelor, ce se intdmpla oici?!Anne: Nimic, obsolut nimic!Shqron: De ce??

Lecfio 5

Thot's life!Un test interesontNu e numoi muzics in viafd!SCENA I

Jqck: Pefer, scuzd-md, oi puteo sd te opregii din c6ntoi?Nu... nu pol sd citesc...Peler: Scuze, Jock. Ce citegti?

Jock: E o corte despre invenlii.Peler: Serios? pot sd md uit?

Jock: Sigur. Citesc despre compuier.Peler: Oh, Jock! Aio more problemd... Muncegti din greutoold ziuo, ior opoi ifi petreci timpul lib"r. .itinJ;":p;;compulere...

Jqck: Acelogi lucru e volobil gi pentru tine... Cu muzico,vreou sd zic!Peler: Egti nebun? Cum poli sd compori muzico gicompulerele? Oricum, muzico'este meserio meo. $tii...Avem un speclocolin cdtevo zile... Am emofii...

Jock: $tiu, gtiu... Dor muzico nu este singurur rucru pelume! Eu studiez pentru permisul furop"on de Conducere oComputerului. Se pune?Peler: Sigur cd dq... Dor muzico esie moi inleresontd!

Jqck: Asto e pdrereo to, peter! De exemplu, gtioi cd BillGoles o fondot Microsoft, dor computerui exisia ?".; Ji;secolulXlX?Peler: Au inventol un computer in secolul XIX?







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Jock: Nu, John Bobboge o ovut ideeo sd fqcd primul

computer in secolul XlX. L-o numit ,,moiorul onolitic""'

Alice: Hei, b6iefi! Despre ce vorbili? Am un chestionor

pentru voi. Suntefi Preg6rifi?'Peter: Nu din nou! De ce fii ploce sd rdspunzi lo toqte

oceste sondoie?

Alice: Cred cd e un hobby... Unul un pic ciudot, giiu' in fine,

e o modoliiole de o invdfo lucruri noi despre noi ingine"'

$iifi? Suni curioosd, voi nu? Ei bine, suntefi golo?

i"i.t, Nu, nu! Eu nu! Te rog, los6-md-n poce, Alice' Am

lucruri moi importonte lo core sd md gdndesc! Po! Po!

Alice: Jock?

Jock: Bine, bine! Core sunl Tntrebdrile? Spune!

Alice: Deci, ocesl tesi este despre iubire"' Primo intrebore:

Cdnd oi sdrutol primo oord pe cinevo?

Jock: Oh... Asto e o inirebore inleresontd"' Am sdruloi

primo oord o foid ocum doi oni.Alice: Hoide, glumegti!

Jock: Do, cred cd do. Nu.-. om sdrutot-oin ,l982'

Alice: De unde gtii cd ero in 1982?

Jock: Jin bine minle. Am cunoscut-o in voconfo de vord"'Mergeom cu bicicleto gi, cdnd om vdzul-o, om c6zul"' Ero

qidt de frumoosd!Alice: Ai sdrutot-o imediot?

Jock: Nu, mi-o luol mult iimp... Eo m-o sdrulot de ziuo

meo, in ionuorie!Alice: I ntereso nt. . . Foo rle i nteresont. u rmdtoo reo intrebo re. . .

(Sun6 felefonul.)

Jqck: Solvot de clopofel! O secund6, sloi s6 rdspund'

Nu sunt secretsro ls!


Jqck: Alo? Do... O clipd. Alice, e penlru tine"' Tom lo

lelefon...Alice: Oh... Nu, nu! Jock, pofi sd-i spui cd sunt plecot6,

te rog?

Jock: Nu, Alice! l-qm spus cd egti ocos6!

Atice: Oh, invenleozd cevo, le rog! Nu vreou sd vorbesc

cu e1... E otdt de plictisitor! Spune-i c6 sunt bolnovd squ

orice... Ce vrei tu!

Jock: Hmm... Alo? Tom?... Alo? Tom, nu te oud!Alo?

Alice: Mersi, Jock! Bine, unde rdm6sesem? Sd vedem"'

Aho! Cdnd oi introt lo gcoold?

Jock: Ce legdturd ore gcoolo cu iubireq? Ce intrebore

tdmpitd... Am introt lo gcoold lo gose oni' Tofi intrdm lo

gcoo16 lo gose oni...

Alice: Exoct! Ji-o Pldcut gcoolo?

Jock: Mi-o pia"ri focultoteo, do. Mi-d pldcut foorte mult'

Scuze, Alice... Dor fie chior fi se pore inleresonl cheslionorul


Alice: Ei bine... nu preo! Tn fine, sd conlinudm"' $i de ce

fi-o pl6cut lo focultqte?iock: Pentru cd f6ceom petreceri in fiecore sdmbdtd


Alice: Ho, ho! Nu, serios, de ce?

Jock: Ei bine... om invdfol multe. $i mi-om fdcul o mullime

de prieieni noi. $itrdiom pe conl propriu 9i"' (Sund din nou

lelefonul.) Oh, sloi un Pic!





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Jock: Alo? O clipd. Alice, John lo telefon...Alice: Oh, Jock! Te rog, spune-i cd...

Jock: $tiu... Cd nu egti ocos6... sou c6 egti bolnovd, gtiupovesteo!Alice: Mersi, Jockl

Jock: Alo? John... Alo? John, nu te oud...Alice: Perfect! Acum... unde erom?

Jock: Agteopi6 un pic, Alice! Acum e rdndul meul Amo intrebore peniru tine...Alice: Okl Spune!Jqck: Ai puteo sd rdspunzitu lo telefon doto viitoore ? $tii,nu sunt secreloro tol

lecfio 6

Thot's lifelAm nevoie de o pouzd!lmi ploce cdnd z0mbegti!SCENA I

Jock: Bun6, Shoron? Cum merge?Shoron: Bund, Jock. Suni ok! I.iu_1i foce griii! Totul e bine!

Jock: Serios? Nu preo cred... Hoide, spune_mi ce seintdmpld... Ai probleme cu peter?Shqron: Nul Ei bine... Do! Dor nu cred cd iu egti persoonopotrivitd cu core sd vorbesc despre ostol

Jock: Poote cd oi dreptote. Dor nu suport sd te vdd ot6t deiristd. (Ardfdndspre vorizdJ ce-i osto? ce inseomnd osto?Shoron: Nu-fifoce griiil Nu plec pentru iotd"ornoiC"6,meo, Lucy, m-o invitor s6 perrec weeke.ndur ro

"o o.o*.

Are o cdsufd lo ford, l6ngd brighton. plecAm seoro, imediotoupo servrcru!

Jqck: Peisoiul este minunol ocololShoron: Sperl Am nevoie de o pouzd! E din ce in ce moigreu sd locuiesc cu peter! E ot6t de ogitot ., .on."iuilui...,Se

.gdndegte 9i vorbegte nr-oil"r'pre osto! pore lomii de kilometri distonf6! ior in ce privegte muzico lui...^exogereozdl

Cdnt6 fooid ziuo! Nici nu_mi moivorbegte...lmi cdnt6: ,,Shoron, pofi sd-mi doi soreo. le rog?,,

Jqck: imiploce cdnd zdmbegtil Cred cd un weekend lo forde exoct lucrul de core oi nevoiel






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c. I





Shoron: Nu gtiom c6 ifi ploce otfi de mult lo for6"'

Jock: Glumegti? Ador s6 merg lo for6' E otdt de linigte 9i

de reloxoni.Shoron: Mulli cred cd e plictisitor.

Jock: Ei bine... nu gtiu ce Pierd...Shoron: Poftim, Jock!? Acum folosegti cligee?

Jock: ... Cum or fi: lo lord egtiin siguronfd, ior orogul este

periculos?St otont ... Sou: lo for6 este curol, ior orogul este murdor?

Jock: $i nu uito c6 lo ford este 9i ieftin!

Shoron: Do, 9i oslo! Orogul este foorte scump, gdnde;te-te

numoi cdt de mult costd chirio ocestui oportomeni!

Jock:Nu-miominti!Trebuies-opldtescmdinedimineofd!Shqron: Ei bine, Jock! Mi-o fdcut pldcere s6 vorbesc cu

tin"t trla foci sd r6dl Cdteodotd "' md gdndesc lo noi"' lo

cum erom-?mPreund odinioo16 "'

Jqck: Am fost... suntem... un cuplu minunol! Nu uito oslo!

Shoron: Bine.

Ce zici sd cumperi un Ferrori?


Anne: Oh... Bund Jock. Ai o clipd liber6?Jock: Am Tntotdeouno timp penlru iine, Anne!

Anne: Pot sd le intreb cevo?Jock: Sigur, cum pol sd te oiui?

Anne: Ei bine, om nevoie de sfotul i6u' Vreou sd cumpdro mogind nou6.Jock: Ah, or trebui sd cumperi o mogind sport, ropidd 9i


Anne: Hoide, nu-mi permit o mogind sport. Mogino meo

e veche, e preq more gi e greu de condus.

Jock: Nigte molive foorte bune sd cumperi o noud mogind.

Anne: Do! Mi-or pldceo sd-mi cump6r o mo9ind

elegontd, nu foorle scumpd...Jock: Hmmm, o mogind micd, elegonid, nu


Anne: ... $i tinereoscd!Jock: Bineinfeles, nu or lrebui sd cumperi o mo9in6 pentru


Anne: Deci, ce mogind sd cumpdr? Nu md pricep deloc lomogini!Jqck: Ei bine, ce zici sd cumperi un Ferrori?

Anne: Glumegti?Jqck: Glumeom door... Sd md gdndesc... Oh'.. pot s6 md

uit? Ce zici de mogino osio?










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Anne: E drdguf6! Dor nu e scumPd?Jock: Toote moginile sunt scumpe Tn ziuo de ozi.

Jock: Apropo, oi ouzii de Shoron?Anne: Do! M-om Tntdlnit cu Peier dup6-omiozd. Mi-o spus

cd s-ou ciond6nit... dor nu cred cd or lrebui sd ne focemgriii! Nu-i o9o?

Jock: Hmmm... poote cd or irebui... Ce crezi despre

Shoron, Anne?Anne: E foorte dr6gu!d...

Jock: Do, este...Anne: Dor eu, Jock? Crezi cd ordt bine?

Jock Hoide, Anne, egtifoorte otrdgdtoore!Anne: Chior crezi qslo?

Jock: Do, Anne... md gdndesc mereu lo tine! (Din gregeold,

vorsd pulind bere pe hoinele lui Anne.) Oh! Anne, Tmi pore

rdu...Anne: Nu conteozd, Jock...

Programe de leleviziune

Muzicd: John LennonLucy: Bund, bun6, gi bine oi venil lo ,,Music World", 9i bine

oi venit gi lui Tony Moore, expertul nostru in muzicd! ln

edifio din oceostd s6pt6mdn6 oi vreo s6 comemordm viofo

unui more muzicion din Liverpool, poole unul dintre cei mqi

mori muzicieni pop oi iuturor timpurilor! Nu-i ogo, Tony?

Tony: Do, o9o este. $i vorbim, bineinfeles, despre John


Lucy: Do, John Lennon, un cdntdref 9i un compozitorfoimos,dor cdteodotd un personoi controversot. Ok, Tony, hoi sd

ne uiidm lo momenlele importonte ole corierei scurle, dortncununqte de succes!Tony: Ei bine, John s-o ndscul pe 9 octombrie 1940 loLiverpool. A ovut o copildrie greo, pdrinfii lui ou fost

divorfofi, ior John o trdit cu mdtugo lui, Mimi. Eo ero foorte,

foqrte strictd gi nu ?i pldceo co John sd-;i iroseoscd timpulcdntdnd lo chitord!

Lucy: Ago c6 John o ovut o copil6rie gr.eo- Dor The Beotles?

Cdnd o ?nceput sd cdnte oceostd formofie pop incredibil6?

Tony: Tn 1958 John l-o intdlnit pe Poul McCortney lo gcoolo

de ortd din Liverpool. Aceslo o fosi incepuiul cdldtoriei lormuzicole impreund. Lo scurt limp dupd oceeo, GeorgeHorrison li s-o oldturot. Lo incepul, formofio se numeo

,,Quorrymen", dor in 1959 gi-ou schimbot numele in ,TheBeotles".

Lucy: lnleresont! Unde cdnto formofio?Tony: Ei bine, in Liverpool, bineinfeles, lo Covern Club,insd primele lor speciocole s-ou finut lo Homburg, lo Stor

Club, in corlierul cu felinore rogii ol orogului. Beolles ou fosl



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foorte fericifi pi s-ou distroi foorte bine lo Homburg' $i oici,

in Homburg, gi-ou dezvoltoi look-ul gi moi oles foimoosele

lor frizuri speciole; o frizurd core o devenil deodotd lo modd

?n inireogo lume.

Lury: Ah... qcele frizuri! Se numeou ,,moptops" (cloie), nu-i

ogo?Tony: Do, ogo esle.

Lucy: Core q fosl primul lor single ce o oiuns pe numdrul

unu?Tony: Single-ul Pleose, pleose me. A ovut imediot succes 9i

o oiuns in topul closomenlelor!

Lucy: A9o e!Tony: Ei bine... cei poiru baieli din Liverpool ou cdnloiimpreund co,,The Beotles" pdnd in 1970. Ultimul lor olbum

o fost Abbey Rood. Apoi formofio s-o despdrfit.

Lucy: Spre dezomdgireo luturor fonilor! lor opoi? Ce of6cut John?Tony: A tnseput o corierd solo de succes. lmagine 9i Plosfic

Ono Bond ou fosl olbume poPulore.

Lucy: A Tncercql vreodotd John sd reuneoscd The Beotles?

Tony: Oh, nu! Relofio lui cu Yoko Ono o devenii foorte,

foorte importontd pentru el. John gi Yoko ou inceput sd se

implice Tn politicd, ou incepul s6 rdspdndeoscd un mesoi ol

pdcii mondiole.

Lucy: $i cdnd o fost ucis?

Tony: John o fost ucis pe 8 decembrie '1980 in fofo

oportomentul sdu din NewYork din clddireo Dokoto.

Lucy: Cine l-o ucis?

Tony: Mork Dqvid Chopmon, un fon Beotles.

Lury: $i de ce?Tony: Ei bine, ero nebun, ero dement' o spus c6 Lennon

lrddose ideolurile generofiei lui!

Lucy: Do, ei bine, John oveo numoi40 de onicdnd o murit,

dor cu siguronfd nu o fost uilot.Tony: Nu, cu siguronfd nu o fosl uitot. lor ostdzi existd o

grddind in Centrol Pork numitd Strowberry Fields core ne

ominiegte de viofo luiJohn; este l6ng6 clddireo Dokoto.

Lucy: Ok, deci... John Lennon... John Lennon, poote cel

moi more muzicion pop ol tuturor timpurilor. Mullumimexpertului nostru, Tony Moore.Tony: Mulfumesc, lo revedere.

Lucy: Lo revedere... Ne revedem sdptdmdno viitoore pentru

o oltd edilie o ,,Music World"! Lo revedere!







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Let's tolk: Bill Gotes

Eric: Bund seoro 9i bine ofi venii lo edilio din oceostd

sdptdmdnd din ,,Lel's lolk". ln oceqsid seord, in studiou cu

mine se ofl6 comentotorii nogtri, Morie gi Tom. Ce focefi?

Mqrie giTom: Bine, mulfumim, Eric.

Eric: Foorte bine! Ast6zi, sd vorbim... sd vorbim despre

unul dintre cei moi foimogi oomeni din lume. Adicd, Bill

Goles: cel moi more om de ofoceri ol lumiigi cel moi bogotdin lume. Am o intrebore: cum de o ovut oi6to succes?

Morie: Pot sd rdspund lo tntrebore cu un singur cuvdnt:

,,Windows", cel moi folosit sistem de operore de computeredin lume.

Eric: Do, do, ogo este. Aproope fiecore computer din lumefolosegte Windows. 56 ne Tnloorcem un pic in timp! Cum ooiuns Bill Gotes unde esle qst6zi?

Tom: Ag spune cd mulfumit6 optitudinilor lui ontreprenoriole!Lo sfdrgitul snilor

,l980, cdnd o fondot Microsofl, o infeles

in ce direcfie se indrepto industrio colculotoorelor.

Morie: Exoct! Lo oceo vreme, colculotoorele erou foortemcri, foorte scumpe gi numoi morile componii le puleoufolosi. Gotes o infeles cd nigte colculotoore moi mici,personole, PC-urile pe core le folosim ostdzi, erou viilorul.Bineinfeles, do.reo co toole oceste PC-uri sd foloseoscdprogromele lui.Tom: Agodor, el o infeles ocum 20 de oni cum folosim noi

ocum colculoioorele; qsto inseomnd s6 fii un bun om de


Eric: Dor, bineinfeles, oi nevoie de moi mult decdt de intuifiepentru o oiunge cel moi bun om de ofoceri ol lumii.

Mqrie: Do, bineinfeles, pentru o oiunge omul de ofocerinumdrul unu Tn lume oi nevoie de o filosofie ogresivd oofocerilor. De exemplu, incd de lo inceput, Bill Gotes o f6cut

lot ce puteo pentru o opri copiereo ilegold o progromelorMicrosoft. Pdn6 otunci, oomenii nu cumpdrou progrome,

ci le impdrleou liber sou le copiou; Bill Gqtes o creot piofo

progromelor de colculolor.

Tom: Dor osto nu e tol! Bill Goles ero gi foorle ombilios!

$tiofi cd voiq sd oiungd milionor pdnd lo 30 de qni?

Mqrie: Do, gi o muncit foorle, foorte mult! Timp de mullioni o dormit numoi 6 ore pe zi, ero un odevdrot obsedot de

muncd, un workolcoolic...

Eric: Ah, oh... Ago cd i-o oiutot 9i pe producdiorii de cofeo!

Tom: Ah, cred cd do.

Eric: Ce o fdcui dup6 ce o devenil muhimilionor prin

Windows?Mqrie: 9i-o ?ndreptol oienfio osupro internelului. Lo

inceput nu credeo cd internetul ero importont, ceeo ce ofost o gregeold ?n ofoceri. Microsoft o dezvohot lnternetExplorer 4 gi, trei oni moi lilrziu, Microsoft o cd;tigoi rdzboiul

browser-ului gi gi-o dislrus concurenfd.Tom: Ago, osl6zi oproope fiecore compuier din lume

folosegte un progrom Microsoft.

Eric: Exoct! Ei bine, Bill Gotes esle un om de ofoceri de

foorle more succes. ins6 tlre cevq core sd-l focd moi pldcut

sou un pic moi umon?Tom: Ei bine, operele sqle de corilote. Acesteo sunl foorteimportonte pentru el.Mqrie: Bill 9i sofio lui, Melindo, lucreozd ocum pentru

Fundofio Bill ond Melindo Gotes; in 2000, Bill 9i-o donolfundofiei iumdtole din overe pentru o sponsorizo opere de







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Eric: Astq e fqniqstic. Bill Gotes, un om de succes, cuobilitdfi foorte bune de ofoceri, dor cu un suflel more! Ei

bine, osldzi om inv6fot cevo despre unul dintre cei moiimportonfi oomeni de ofoceri oi epocii noostre. Mulfumimfoorte mult, Morie, gi mulfumim, Tom! Lo revedere.Tom giMorie: Lo revedere.



Scenq l: Didn't you nolice onYlhing?

Sd infelegem (pos. 8)

1) o; 2) o; 3) c; 4) Folse

Exerci;ii (pos. 14)

EXERCITIUL I1) b;2) c;3) b;4) o

EXE RC rTlU t 2'l) weni, 2) hod, 3) ote, 4) visited

Sceno 2: Whot do you cure obout it?!

Sd infelegem (pos. 17)1) b; 2) b 3) Folse; 4) c

Exerci;ii (pos.22l

EXERCTTTUL 3I ) Did Peler ond Shoron go lo the Bqhomos lost summer?2) Did they hove o good time?3) Did they swim every doy?4) Didn't they visit ony oiher islonds?

EXE RC rTlU t 41) When did you orrive?2) Whot film did you see yesterdoy evening?

3)Why did they go to Poris?

4) ll didn't snow lost week.


Page 47: English today-vol-6


Sceno l: Music isn't the only thing in life!

Sd infelegem (pog. 22)1l c;2) b; 3) b; 4) c

Exercifii (pog. 32)

EXERCTTtUT II ) Why didn't you chonge your iob?2) ln the office people went for o coffee ot I I o.m.3) Did you think il wos o good ideo to buy thot dress?

EXERCTTTUL 21) I reod thoi book three times when I wos young.2) Didn'l she go skiing lost week?3) He/She gove me on oppoinlment for tomorrow.

Sceno 2t I'm nol your secreiory!

Sd infelegem (pog. 34)1) b; 2) Folse; 3) b

Exerci;ii (pog. 40)

EXERCTTtUT 3I ) tought2) didn't know3) is studying4) doesn't usuolly hove

EXERCTTTUt 41) When I wos o boy, I olwoys went to school by bike.

2) Jock wos born on Soturdoy 12.01 .1982.3) This yeor Alice rorely studies in the evening.4) This evening we ore hoving dinner ot 8.30.


Sceno 1: I like it when you smile!

Sd infelegem {pog. 45)1) c;2) b; 3) o; 4) b

Exerci;ii (pos. 48)


1) We stoyed in o cheop hotel.2) Do you like thot toll, young mon? '

3) We live in o chorming, big flot.4) Polermo is o beouliful ltolion city.

EXERCTTTUL 21) Wrong (Right; Look ot thot horrible, fot little girl over there)

2) Wrong (Right; Jock bought o fosl, new Joponese cor)

3) Right4)Wrong (Right; She is weoring o beoutiful, new green dress)

Page 48: English today-vol-6

Scenq 2: Whql sboul buying s Ferrsri?

Sd infelegem (pog. 5'l)1l c;2\ b; 3) o

Exercilii (pos. 55)

EXERCtTTUT 3I ) Ar trebui sd rdzi moi des.2) Nu cred cd ei or trebui sd cumpere oceo mogind nou6.Nu gi-o pot permite.3) Nu or lrebui sd c6ut6m o mogin6 moi ieftind?4) Ar trebui sd fii mqi prudent.

EXERCtTTUT 41) lt shouldn'i be too difficult.2) They should go to visit London.3)You should smile someiimes.4) We shouldn'i miss lhol lroin.

Television ProgrammesMUSIC

John Lennon

Sd infelegem (pog. 60)1) Folse; 2llrve;3) True; 4) Folse; 5) Folse

Exerci;ii (pog. 63)


1l c;2) b;3) c;4) o; 5) b; 6) o; 7) b;8) b

Television ProgrommesLET'S TALK

Bill Gotes

Sd infelegem (pos. 67)'l) True; 2) Folse; 3) Folse; 4) True; 5) Folse; 6) b

Exercifii (poe. 71)

EXERCTTIUL Il) b;2) b;3) o; a) b; s) o;6) b;7) b;8) b

Page 49: English today-vol-6

lrinu Pnnsvf*aF


D I CTI O NAR ENG LEZ.ROMANDicgionarul de fap cuprinde aproximativ 30.000 de cuvinte gi de expresii,adresindu-se, prin vocabularul selectat gi modul de tratare a acestuia, atatincepitorilor; cit gi celor care cunosc destul de bine limba englezi.Volumul urm[regte doui direclii principale:Pe de o parte' s-a linut seama de criteriul frecvenlei, fiind alese atat cuvin-tele-cheie, cdt gi sensurile acestora gi expresiile aferente care si acoperesfera conversafiilor de zi cu zi, precum gi diverse domenii de preocupare,cum ar li anatomia, comerlul, economia, politica g.a.Pe de alti parte, aceasti lucrare prezinti o tratare didactici a materialuluiselectat" cuprinzind noliuni practice de folosire gramaticald, care si-l ajutepe cititor la o cit mai bunr ?nlelegere 9i la o cit mai corecti folosirea cuvintului necunoscut.

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Page 50: English today-vol-6

#u$m$Structura cursului

@ lncepetori nivel unu O incepitori nivel doi O inccpatori nivel trci @ incepitori

nivel patru Q Elementar nivel unu O El.rrr.rlor nivel doi @ Elementar nivel trei

C8) El.rlr"rlrur nivel patru @ Irrtermediar 1 nivel .,r't., 6D Intermediar 1 nivel doi

@ irlt".-".liar 1 nivel t..i @ Intermediar 1 nivel Patru @ Irlt.rrrrediar ? nivel unu

@ Int rme.liar 2 nivel aol @ Intermediar ? nivel trei @ Int..mediar 2 nivel patru

@ Ir'rter-.diar 2 nivel cinci @ Avansatri nivel .rnr, @ Avansali nivel doi

@ Auunroli nivel trei @ Avansag nivel patru @ Avansali nivel clnci

in acesL uolurnLec{ia 4 - That's tife! Unrequited love

.,.Sinpk Pust" al anbclor regulute Si nerrgulttlc. ProJ)ozitii neguliue Si interogutiue t u ...\inQle Pust"

Lec{ia 5 - That's life! An interesting survey

Rtcapitularert ,,silnple Past" ' ExPresiile temltorale

Lectia 6 - That's life! I need a break

Atliectiuele ' Frtlosirea lui ,,shoukl" pentnt' n da si a cere s.falu'ri

Programe TV - Music: John Lennon

Programe TV - Let's talk: Bill Gates