english solution2 - class 10 english

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  • 8/3/2019 English Solution2 - Class 10 English




    Chapter No. 24



    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No.1) Whatis the meaning of Quaids motto?

    Answer: The meaning of Quaids motto is to have faith, discipline and unity.

    Question No. 2) What did Quaid say in an interview to the British journalist Beverly Nicolas?

    Answer: Quaid said the following to Beverly Nicolas

    Islam is not only religious doctrine, but is a realistic code of conduct in terms of every day and

    everything important in life; our history,our laws, and our jurisprudence. In all these things our

    outlook is not only fundamentally different but it is also opposed to Hindus. There is nothing that

    links us together.

    Question No.3) How can we make Pakistan great?

    Answer: We can make Pakistan a great country by putting an end to provincialism. It demands a

    better, broader sense of vision. And a greater sense of patriotism

    Question No. 4) What did he say while addressing a Muslim League convention?

    Answer: Addressing a Muslim League convention, the Quaid said what are we fighting for?

    What tare we aiming at? It is not theocracy- or a theoretical sate. Religion is these and there and

    it is dear to us. There are other things which are vital our social life

    Question No.5) whatis the role of Students in the progress of Pakistan?

  • 8/3/2019 English Solution2 - Class 10 English


    Answer: The students should devote themselves to their studies and should be disciplined. They

    should have a solid academic background. In his address to the students

    of Islamia College, Peshawar in April 1949 he said

    Remember that your government is like your garden which flourishes the way you look after itand the efforts you put for its improvement. Similarly your government can only flourish by the

    patriotic, honest, and constructive efforts to improve it.

    Question No.6) What advice did Quaid-E-Azam give to Muslim student federation?

    Answer: Now that you have achieved your goal, you have a government of your and country

    which belongs to you and you can live I nit as free men. Your responsibilities and your approach

    to the political, social and economical problems must also change. The duties required of you are; develop a sound sense of discipline character, initiate a solid academic background you must

    devote yourself whole heartedly to your studies, for that it is your first obligation to yourself ,

    your parents and to the state.

  • 8/3/2019 English Solution2 - Class 10 English


    Lesson No. 23 MY MOTHER

    Lesson No. 23


    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No1) what are the feelings of the poetess about her mother as a small child?

    Answer: when she was a small child her mother loved her dearly. When she was an infant and

    slept soundly in cradle her mother sat near the cradle watched her. She kissed her forehead and

    shared the tears of love

    Question No2 .) What does the poetess remember of her mothers love when she fell?

    Answer: the poetess will always remember above the mothers care when she fell. She ran and

    lifted her .She loved her and encouraged her. She told her a beautiful story. She kissed her

    forehead to make her well.

    Question No3): how is the poetess planning to treat her mother when she reaches her old age?

    Answer: Her mother brought her up very dearly and kindly. She looked after her carefully. Now

    shes old, feeble and weak. She believes that it is her duty to a serve her mother carefully. She

    loves her mother dearly and wanted to comfort her. She wants to support her weak body with her

    strong arms.

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    Lesson No. 22


    Question No1.) Should a lot of money can be spent on pomp and show at a wedding ceremony or

    should it be solemnized in a simple way

    Answer: Islam teaches us simplicity. The person is judged by his deeds and not by his purse. The

    virtues matters and the wealth do not. The marriage is a spiritual and social contract between two

    adults. The institution of marriages brings coherence and orders in society. The propagation of

    human race is ensured through this contract. To spend money merely on this ritual I sheer

    foolishness. The money, thus, spent in wasted. They are inspired by the teachings of the Holy

    Prophet (S.A.W.) and proved by his contract that he disliked shoe of wealth and pomp. I amagainst this custom of spending too much on wedding ceremonies. I would like others to follow

    the Sunnah of the beloved prophet (S.A.W) . We should spend our surplus and excessive money

    on the welfare of the poor and needy. Our wedding ceremonies should reenact the model

    marriage of Hazrat Ali (R.A) AND Hazrat Fatima (R.A).

    Question No.2) Where was Farah born and bred?

    Answer: Farah was born and bred abroad.

    Question No3.) Who took the responsibility of her religious education?

    Answer: Her father took the responsibility of her religious education

    Question No 4) Why was she surprised and displeased with the ceremony?

    Answer: She surprised with the ceremony because its was for showing wealth and was displeasedto see how it was against Islamic values.

  • 8/3/2019 English Solution2 - Class 10 English


    Word Sentences

    1. Illuminated2. Inquired3. Composed4. Convinced5. Display

    1. The house was illuminated withlights

    2. The doctor inquired about itspatients health

    3. He just composed a new melody4. we are convinced of his quilt5. Do not display your weaknesses on


    Phrases Sentences

    1. Hard and Fast2. By and Large3. Ups and Downs4. Heaven and Earth5. Black and white

    1. Thus school has hard and fast rulesto govern the behavior of the

    students.2. He is by and large a through gentle


    3. I have seen many ups and downs inlife.

    4. I shall move heaven and earth tohelp you.

    5. He gave his explanations In blackand white.

    Phrases Sentences

    1. Bombarded her2. A quite corner3. Had been taken.4. Born and bread5. Knitted his brow

    1. Many questions bombarded Farahsmind

    2. She sat in a quite corner3. Every seat had been taken in the

    cinema hall

    4. Farah was born and bread5. My friend knitted his brows at my


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    Lesson No. 20.A LITTLE WORD

    Lesson No. 20.



    The anonymous poet in this poem advises us to always se soft and kind words. A little act of

    kindness and words can work wonders. A simple kind act works like a Talismans magic. A

    dejected, forlorn and heartbroken fellow can be come the happiest person if we only use kind

    words and we can fortify our bond of friendship by our acts of kindness and words. By using

    kind words we can help to hasten the death of otherwise beautiful and charming flowers. An

    utter enemy can become a great friend by our good gestures and words. We can either bring

    unhappiness with our words and small acts or bring unhappiness with them.


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    Lesson No. 17. A FRAGMENT

    Lesson No. 17.



    The poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is urging all human being to wake up early to get the

    blessing and bounties Allah (S.W.T.). In this poem A fragment we have been requested to

    awake our self of the opportunities. The angels in the stanza symbolizes good luck, wealth and

    health. According to the poet, if you dont wake up to there call these opportunities, Angels

    quit and go away forever the late riser cannot prosper because they do not receive the angels

    well. The poet says that in order to achieve lasting success, we should always be alert and

    vigilant. We should always be impartial motion otherwise we will lose this strength and vitality.The poet gives us an example of an athletes arm of unused would lose his strength. Further more

    he urges us to cultivate our farms or other wise we would become like a barren land

    Poet: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  • 8/3/2019 English Solution2 - Class 10 English



    Chapter 15


    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No. 1) How was the taxi driver driving in Rawalpindi?

    Answer: The taxi driver was driving rashly in Rawalpindi. He went zigzagging through the

    heavy traffic.

    Question No. 2) On entering Islamabad the taxi driver became a changed person. Can u tell why?

    Answer: On entering Islamabad, the taxi driver became a changed person because of the

    enforcement of traffic rules by the Islamabad police changed him

    Question No. 3) how can police give us traffic educations?

    Answer: The police can give us traffic education by enforcing the traffic rules .

    Question No. 4) what is a zebra crossing?

    Answer: zebra crossing is a marked black and white strip for crossing the road.

    Question No. 5 Mention any two traffic rules.

    1. All the \traffic including the cycles must stop behind the line in front of the signal2. Try to follow the road signs displayed by the traffic police.

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    Lesson No. 14 SIMPLICITY

    Lesson No. 14


    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No.1) How did the khalifah teach the distinguished guest to live of simplicity?

    Answer: When the distinguished guest fell very hungry, the khalifah ordered some parch grams

    to be served which he and his guest ate to their fill. A few minutes later the guest were served hot

    and delicious food, by they did not feel hungry anymore. Therefore the guest refused to eat

    anything saying that they were full upon this the pious khalifah spoke:

    Brothers when u can satisfy with a so simple diet then why do you play with fire and snatch the

    property and rights of the poor. These words deeply moved the guest of the house of Umayyad

    and burst into tears. They never tried to be extravagant in the future. This is how the khalifah

    taught a lesson to those who had forgotten the teachings of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)

    Question No.2) Write down the chief characteristics of the personality of Umer bin Abdulaziz?

    Answer: Hazrat Umer Bin Abdulaziz was a very wise, truthful, honest, god fearing, kind, gust

    and pious Khalifah. He served the people upon this saying that the ruler of a nation is the servant

    of a nation.

    Question No.5) (I) why did the khalifah invite certain people to dinner?

    Answer: The khalifah invited them to dinner to teach them a lesson.

    Question No.5) (II) How did he serve when his guest were hungry?

    Answer: He served them parched grams.

    Question No.5) (III) Why did he order the cook to serve the meal late?

    Answer: He ordered the cook to serve the meal late because he wanted to make learn their lesson

    the hard way.

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    Question No.5) (IV) Why did the guests refuse to eat dinner?

    Answer: The guest refused to eat dinner because it came out an hour late when they had already

    eaten grams and did not feel hungry anymore.

    Question No.5) (V) what was the lesson taught by he khalifah?

    Answer: when the guests refused to eat saying that they were full .Upon this the pious khalifah


    Brothers when u can satisfy with a so simple diet then why do you play with fire and snatch the

    property and rights of the poor. These words deeply moved the guest. This also changed their

    lives and they became pious and gentle.

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    Lesson No. 13



    This is a beautiful poem by the Henry Watton .The poet believes in the theory of morality. The

    poem teaches us a moral lesson. This poem gives us the example of how to live a happy life. The

    poet says that the person is lucky who gets good education after birth. He dare not like to be

    slave of others. He believes in honesty and freedom. He dare not become the slave of his passion

    and good desires. He believes that he has to die on day. He dislikes all kinds of riches. He dare

    not hurt others feelings. His strongest shelter is his conscience which protects him. He hates to

    be like flatterers and of oppression. Although he has no land like the Lord, but he is the Lord ofhim self. He has nothing but he seems to have everything

    Poet: Henry Wadsworth.

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    Lesson No. 12 MENACE OF DRUGS

    Lesson No. 12


    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No1.) Name the three drugs or narcotics which are generally used

    Answer: The three commonly used drugs are Opium, heroin and marijuana.

    Question No2.) Tell something about heroin. Its cost and potency.

    Answer: Heroin s a white powder. Is refined form of opium and 50 times more potent than the

    latter. it is highly addictive and very expensive. Narcotic is prohibited for medical use in most


    Question No.3) write a paragraph explaining effects using drugs



    A drug is a natural of artificial substance that is given to treat, prevent or diagnose a disease.

    Some people use few drugs without a doctors prescription to get the joy of mind. Such drugs are

    called narcotics. These drugs cause change In attitude, mood and behavior. These drugs have bad

    effects on mind of the addictive person. They look pale and intoxicated. They live in fantasies

    and forget everything. Their condition becomes miserable and unfit for all types of habits. They

    cannot get education and earn a livelihood. A state of drowsiness takes hold of them. It is

    difficult for them to shake the habit off. They try to get money from unreasonable sources. In this

    way they become a burden for their parents and hence become a dangerous person for the


    Question No.4) Good students are reduced to zero. Why?

    Answer: Narcotics have bad effect on body ad mind. Therefore drug addictive students cannot

    study with concentration and thus are reduced to zero.

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    Question No.5) From where do we get the heroin. What steps have been taken to stop its


    Answer: There are some far-flung areas close to the border of Afghanistanand across the borderwhich produce the heroin and provide it to the drug addictive people. Government has banned

    the cultivation of poppy, heroin labs in travel areas have been closed. Pakistan has been made

    poppy free country. Government is also checking the smuggling of drugs with an iron hand.

    Question No.6) What advice does the writer give at the end of the lesson?

    Answer: He advises us to refuse the offer of a stranger and stop smoking. Advertisement of

    cigarettes by the media should be banned.

    Question No.7) Why do people become drug addicts.?

    Answer: Usually bad friends and drug pusher make the people drug addicted. At the beginning

    they offer the drugs free of charge and when a person becomes a drug addict they get money to

    fulfill his desire.

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    Lesson No.11


    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No.1) How was the local crafts developed through centuries.

    Answer: The local crafts were the main source of livelihood for the people of thus region. They

    were handed down from father to son with continual additions and advancements. In this way the

    local crafts developed through centuries

    Question No.2) What do crafts exhibit about its region?

    Answer: Crafts exhibit taste and color of its region.

    Question No.3) What does Faisalabad specialize in?

    Answer: Faisalabad specializes in cotton and hand woven fabrics.

    Question No.4) what doesBaluchistan produce?

    Answer: Baluchistan produces carpets, jackets and garments with glass work.

    Question No.5) What do the crafts of a country represent?

    Answer: They represent the culture and traditions of the people.

    Question No.6) Name a few of the crafts in various cities of the province ofPunjab,

    Answer: Faisalabad specializes in cotton and hand woven fabrics Lahorehas brass

    item. Gujranwala produces pottery and hand-made items.Sialkot specializes in cutlery, surgical,

    sports and stainless steel items. Gujrat produces basketry and walnut wooden items. Ghakkar

    specializes in bed sheets, durries and khakis.

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    Question No.7) Write a paragraph explaining how crafts have preserved over the years.

    Answer: The craftsmen of our country, due to their skills and hard work, have been able to

    preserve different crafts of our country. The proud craftsmen pf Pakistan have managed to

    preserve their crafts by transmitting their specialized skills to subsequent generations. Thereasons why they have been preserved and protected inside the family was that they were the

    main livelihood of the people. When the cities developed and the were interlinked with roads and

    their crafts had access to greater markets with the result that they were reinvested to save their

    skills, heritage and crafts

    Question No.8) Write an account of any of these crafts you may have seen in a industrial

    exhibition.(no more than 100 words)

    Answer: Last week an industrial exhibition was held in Lahore. I enjoy going to the industrial

    exhibition whenever they are organized in any city of Pakistan. I gather knowledge and

    information about the handicrafts and other products which are manufactured in Pakistan.

    In the most recent exhibition I was glad to see six pavilions representing the provinces and

    regions of Pakistan. I was delighted to see cotton, hand-woven fabrics, brass items, pottery,

    cutlery, surgical instruments, sports goods, stainless steel items, electrical goods and furniture

    etc. at thePunjab stock. I visited four other pavilions of different provinces of Pakistan and was

    all praise for such things like carpets, jackets garments and glass works, decoration pieces, wood

    carvings , basketry, woolen overcoats and walnut furniture etc. I bought many things from this


    Question No 9.) Write a letter to your friends giving account of any crafts of your choice that you

    mat have seen in the markets.

    Examination Hall,

    City A,B,C.

    Dated : 15-5-2006

    My dear Friend,

  • 8/3/2019 English Solution2 - Class 10 English


    I hope you will be enjoying your summer vacation with your family I have planned as you know

    to spend have of my holidays in Murree. I am enjoying the cool and refreshing atmosphere of

    this greater hill station. I miss you so much here and I missed you more when I attended an

    exhibition of walnut furniture and basketry. Many people came to attend this exhibition and

    marveled at craftsmanship of local craftsmen and felt proud to see many foreign people taking

    great interest at showing great amazement at these things, the quality of walnut furniture which

    in made at Murree surpasses international standards. I hope you will accompany me and attend

    this exhibition next time.

    Pay my regards to your parents and live to your brother and sisters.

    Your loving friend


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    Lesson No. 10


    Words Meanings

    1. Righteousness2. Affectionate3. Courteous4. Excellent5. Luxury6. Finish Him7. Survive

    1. Piousness2. Loving3. Civil Police4. Surpassed5. Comfort6. Kill Him7. Recover

    Question No. 1) Write a paragraph on Hazrat Ali (R.A.) with special reference to the great

    qualities he possessed?

    Answer: Hazrat Ali was a God-fearing man. He was a very noble, kind-hearted, wise and brave.

    He remained with the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) through thick and thin. He accepted Islam when

    he was quite a young boy. Due to kind and miraculous training by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.),

    Hazrat Ali possessed great qualities. He was very brave and courageous. He led a simple life. He

    always helped the poor, and the needy. He spent every second of his life in worshipping god and

    serving humanity. He fought for the truth and justice and not for his personal motives. He was

    married to Hazrat Fatima (R.A.), the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) and they led a

    happy and contented life. After the death of Hazrat Usman (R.A.) he became the fourth caliph of

    Islam. He served Islam till his death.

    Question No.2 ) Who was married to and what kind of kind of life of Hazrat Ali(R.A.) and

    Hazrat Fatima Lead(R.A.).?

    Answer: Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was married to Hazrat Fatima (R.A.), the daughter of Hazrat

    Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) and they led a happy and contented life. They remained busy in prayers.

    They always helped the poor and the needy. They felt pleasure in serving the humanity.

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    Question No.3) Write a few lines to describe Hazrat Alis (R.A.)s early childhood. Who took

    care of him.??

    Answer: When Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was a child the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) looked after him. The

    Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) taught him all the sweet and polite manners. It was the result of theHoly Prophet (P.B.U.H.) training what when he declared that he is the last Prophet of God,

    Hazrat Ali accepted it immediately and promised to stand up with the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

    through thick and thin.

    Question No.4) What was the conduct of Hazrat Ali (R.A.) with his enemies?

    Answer: Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was kind to his enemies. In the battle of ohad, Hazrat Ali (R.A.)

    defeated his worst enemy, Talha. Talha was injured and fell down. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) left him andwalked away saying I cannot hit a man who is not s a position to defend himself. If he survives

    he is welcome to live as long as his life lasts.

    Question No. 5) What did the slave bring for Hazrat Ali (R.A.) in another battle? What did

    Hazrat Ali (R.A.) said to him?

    Answer: In a battle Hazrat Ali (R.A.)s slave brought some cold syrup to him and requested him

    to drink it. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) looked around ad replied Shall I refresh when hundreds of peoplearound me are lying wounded and dying of thirst? Better give him this cold drink to each of these

    wounded persons. The slave said that My Lord, they all are your enemies Hazrat Ali (R.A.)

    replied The may be, but they all human beings. Go and attend to them

    Question No. 6) write an account of the occasion when Hazrat Ali (R.A.) allowed the enemies, to

    take water from the river?

    Answer: Once Hazrat Ali (R.A.) allowed his enemies to take water from the river. His officersobjected to it. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) said They hare human beings first and enemies later I cannot

    think of refusing a man food and drink because he is my enemy. I fight for truth and justice and

    not for my personal motives.

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    Lesson No. 9. A FATHERS ADVICE

    Lesson No. 9.


    Word Meanings

    1. Durable2. Oppress3. Abstain4. Vanity5. Conceit6. Exert7. Contented8. Moderate9. Entrust

    1. likely to last long2. rule cruelly/ tyrannize3. refrain4. conceit /arrogance5. To much pride in ones self6. put forth7. satisfied8. having reasonable limits9. Trust

    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No.1) give the qualities of Allah as done by the writer of the letter

    Answer: Allah (S.W.T.) is the best companion. He is the Master of life and Master of death. He

    is the creator of everything. He is the greatest benefactor. He is the best Protector.

    Question No. 2)Do unto other as you wish others do unto you what should one do and what one

    not do according to the advice gives in the letter.

    Answer: Whatever you like for yourself, like it for others. Whatever you dislike for others and

    spare others from it.

    According to the above statement, one should be good to others. One should be kind and

    sympathetic to others. One should not oppress and tyrannize others; one should not speak ill to


    Question No. 3) what is required by a person who wishes to lead a well balanced life?

    Answer: A person who wishes to lead a well balanced life should control his desires. He should

    be contented with his honest earnings. He should neither be proud nor suffer from inferiority

    complex. He should have faith in God.

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    Question No.4) What does a man lose when he tried to attain his hearts desires?

    Answer: A man loses his self- control and honor in a n effect to attain his hearts desires.

    Question No.5) What is the respectful way of earning a livelihood?

    Answer: The respectful way of earning a livelihoodis through honest means.

    Question No.6 ) What kind of advice does the father give to his son?

    Answer: The father has given the son advice as to how to live a life full of containment

    Question: What are the duties of parents and teachers towards their children and students. Write

    in 100-150 words

    Answer: The parents and teachers have a responsibility in equipping their children and students,

    to pace the challenges of practical life. It is the duty of parents and teachers to train their wards

    keeping in mind the requirements of their age. Its is the duty of parents to provide their children

    the quality education, comfort of home. Peace of mind, and good moral teachings. The teachers

    have more responsibilities than parents in a sense that they have to make the student aresponsible citizen of the country, a good professional a good believer in spiritual and moral

    values. Both the parents and the teachers can accomplish this great task only when the work in

    harmony with each other and active support from the parents and children. It is the duty of the

    parents a and teachers to trust their children and give them enough freedom to let them show

    their creative capabilities. The youth should be encouraged by the parents and the teachers to

    express themselves.

    Q: write a letter to your father

    Examination Hall

    X, Y, Z.

    Dated: April 2, 2005

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    My dear father,

    Thank you very much for the letter in which you gave me the pieces of advice for living a

    successful and respectable life

    You have advised me to remain obedient to Allah (S.W.T.); kind to his creatures; abstain from

    bad habits; speak kindly to others; avoiding proud and conceited; control my desires and

    demands; to live on a honest living; and to safeguard my self-respect and freedom,

    I think it is the best advice a father could give to his son. You will be glad to hear this that I have

    started acting upon your advice with commitment. It has brought a change in my life. it has given

    me peace of mind and helped me gaining the respect of my friends.

    Thank you again. Please say salaam to mother, sister and brother.

    Yours loving


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    Lesson No. 8 A NATIONS STRENGTH r

    Lesson No. 8



    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No.1) Give, in your words, the idea of the poem.

    Answer: it is not wealth which makes a nation great and strong. It is the men who do so. Such

    men are strong, steady, brave, truthful, fast and hardworking, build the foundations of glory deep

    and lifted them to the sky

    Question No.2) Write a paragraph on character of a brave man by using the given adjectives:

    Answer: I have come across many personalities in my life but the character which has impressed

    me the most is that of Mr. Abdul Qadir Khan. He is the brave man. He is truthful as steadfast. He

    is ready to suffer for the cause of honor and truth. He is string on his belief and honorable. He is

    really a great man.

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    Lesson No. 8. A NATIONS STRENGTH

    Lesson No. 8.


    Ralph Waldo Emerson was a great American poet and philosopher like Allama Iqbal. .He started

    his career as a lecturer. He has written a great number of essays and poems. He wanted to give

    the American Nation an idea of intellectual independence.

    In this poem, the poet says that a nation's strength does not depend upon a nations property and

    riches rather it depends upon the good deeds done by its heroes. No nation can make progress

    and prosper if it is sluggish and lazy. God also never changes the situation if a nation until it tries

    to do it by itself. But a nation may make progress and be called a civilized nation even if it has

    done material progress. People of a nation remain strong footed and help each other throughthick and thin. They wake up and work hard at nights while others enjoy sound sleep. So these

    are the men of a nation who take the nation to the height of Glory

    Poet/Poetess: Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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    Lesson No.8


    Word Meanings

    1. Administration2. Harmony3. Mutual Cooperation4. Just and fair5. Treaty6. Stress7. Clause8. Establish9. Religious Rights10.Observance11.Declared12.At par with13.Ensure14.Discrimination15.Rebel16.Incorporation17.Joint resistance18.Against19.Dispute20.Demonstration21.Reflected22.Caste

    1. The management body2. Agreement3. (Common/Equal) Cooperation4. Equal5. Agreement6. To point out7. Point8. To setup9. Religious Rights/ Religious beliefs10.Performance of duty11.Announced12.At equal with13.To make sure14.Ability to treat differently15.Acting in revolt /picking arms

    against Government

    16.United in one group17.Joint opposition18.In opposition to19.To fight/ to content20.To explain through example21.To bounce back22.Class /Social groups standing

    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No.1) How should the enemies be treated according to the holy Quran ?

    Answer: Islam teaches us to treat our enemies without discrimination. Itadvises us to treat the

    humanly and politely as possible.

    Question No. 2) Mention any two clauses of the treaty of Medina.


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    Muslims and Jews the parties in the agreement shall form one community

    The Jews shall keep to their faith and Muslim to theirs

    (See the text book for other clauses)

    Question No.3) What is meant by mutual co-operation?

    Answer: The act of working together to achieve a common goal is calledcooperation

    Therefore, theMutual cooperation means to cooperate with one another to get a common aim.

    Question No.4 ) Quaid-e-Azams address reflects the spirit of the treaty of medina. How?

    Answer: The fourth clause of the medina charter grants complete freedom to the Jews to exercise

    their religious right. Quaid-e-Azam also did so in his address. He declared the granting of equal

    rights to all communities without any discrimination if color, caste or religion.

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    Lesson No. 6 TRANSPORT

    Lesson No. 6


    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No. 1) Why do people move around in the country?

    Answer: People move around the country for trade, business or when going abroad for tours.

    They visit relatives, friends and offices

    Question No. 2) what is the importance of transport in a country?

    Answer: transport is a mode of convenience. Its carries people or material from one place to

    another. People move around the country for trade, business or when going abroad for tours.

    They visit relatives, friends and offices .Transport has made the life of a man mobile, easy fast

    and efficient. Nobody can deny the importance of it.

    Question No. 3) What is Auto-traffic?

    1.Answer: :Auto means automatic or in other words driven by a machine. Traffic here means

    the vehicles which move on the roads and highways.

    2.Answer: Any type of vehicle which is driven by the force of an engine is called auto-traffic

    Word Sentences






    Transport is a mode of convenience

    The work man does is very efficient

    All the inventions are not environmentalfriendly

    Hard work is important for thedevelopment of our country

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    Lesson No. 5 HAZRAT AYESHA (R.A.)

    Lesson No. 5


    Question no. 1) Who was Hazrat Ayesha father?

    Answer: Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) was the father Hazrat Ayesha (R.A.)

    Question No. 2) where was she born?

    Answer: She was born in Makkah

    Question No. 3 : What sort of wife was she?

    Answer: She was extremely faithful, intelligent and loving wife

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    Lesson No. 4 BLESSING OF GOD

    Lesson No 4



    Cecil Alexander (1818-1895) is a famous poetess for the children. She has written many poems

    in praise of God. This poem is originally known as All creatures great and small. It has been

    taken from her book Hymns for little children which was published in 1848. There are

    beautiful poems in it.

    In this poem the poetess admires God the Almighty. She thanks Him for these numberless

    blessings. She described the Glory of the creator of this universe. The existence of God can be

    seen in everything. All the manifestations of nature and are the evidence of Gods Glory and Hispresence. Beautiful flowers, singing birds, mountains, rivers, the dawn and sunset all the proof of

    the existence of God, cool wind a, ripe fruits, tall trees, and the wheat pastures also tell of Gods

    greatness. All these things praise Him. She says that we should always be thankful to God for all

    His gifts and blessings. We can enjoy all the objects of value nature. He has given us eyes to see

    them and lips to speak of his glory.

    Poetess: Cecil Alexander

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    Lesson no 3


    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No. 1) In what single word and difference between every minute computer be


    Answer: The single word is complexity

    Question No.2 )How much does the human brain of weight

    Answer: Of the human brain the pound

    Question No. 3)How long will it take to build a computer complex enough to duplicate the name

    in vain

    Answer: Perhaps not as long as some think long before we approach of computer we will perhaps

    another computer that is that these complex enough to give an another computer more complex

    than itself

    Question No.4 ) Can computers think explain

    Answer: They keep saying on what you mean by saying its all been a math problem is taking

    them to the American banking and bill much faster than a man

    Question No.5 ) Do you think computers have the capacity to take over the world? Why and why


    Answer: (not available)

    Word Sentences

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    1. Size2. Complicated3. Device4. Program5. Compose

    1. The size of our brain is very smallas compared to a computer.

    2. The formation of our brain is verycomplicated.

    3. All of the computer devices must beprogrammed4. (see above sentence)

    5. I composed a melody.

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    Lesson No. 2


    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No.1) How would you describe the wordfestival ?

    Answer: a festival is a public celebration off an event to create a sense of brotherhood,

    selflessness, peace and sacrifice.

    Question No.2) What is the purpose of celebrating a festival?

    Answer: the celebrations allow people to rejoice themselves by leaving the routines by which

    have made their lives dull and boring. Moreover it creates a sense of brotherhood, selflessness,

    peace and sacrifice.

    Question No.3) When does shab-e-barat take place ?

    Answer: Shabe-barat is celebrated on the 14th

    of Shaban, the 8th

    month of the Islamic Calendar.

    Question No.4) What is the importance of this night to the Muslims?

    Answer: The night of Shab-e-Barat is very important to the Muslims. They seek the forgiveness

    of their sins. Devotional prayers are performed throughout the night to seek the blessings of


    Question No.5) Name the religious festivals of the Muslims.

    Answer: The religion festivals of the Muslims are as follows:

    1. Eid-ul-Fitr2. Eid-ul-Adha3. Eid Milad Navi4. Shab-e-barat

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    Question No.6) When and how are the national events of Pakistancelebrated?

    Answer: The day of Pakistan Independence (14th

    of August 1947), and of Pakistan Resolution


    March 1940) are remarkable events. The nation as a whole celebrated these events.

    Question No.7)What is the importance of Lok-Mela ?

    Answer: They enable the people to develop a sense of brotherhood among themselves They are

    necessary to keep the people united and to honor the social activities of the people of different


    Question No.8) What important event took place on 12th Rabi-ul Awal?

    Answer: it is the birthday of the holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

    Question No.9) What kind of opportunities do these festivals provide the artisans.?

    Answer: These festivals provide the opportunities to the artisans to display their handicrafts,

    which depict their cultural heritage. The attract the tourists from all over the world

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    Lesson No. 1


    Answer the following Questions:

    Question No.1) What was the first revelation received in the cave of Hiraby the Holy Prophet


    Answer: The first revelation received in the cave of Hira the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)


    Read in the name of the Lord, who has created man from the clot ofBlood. Read! Thy Lord is

    Most bounteous who taught by pen (96: 1 4)

    Question No.2) What steps were taught for education by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)?

    Answer: The first step was reading and the other was writing.

    Question No.3) Which is the best book to read and teach?

    Answer: The best book to teach and read is the Holy Quran which was revealed on the Holy

    Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

    Question No.4) What kind of condition was imposed on the prisoners of the battle of Badr?

    Answer: The holy prophet imposed a condition of the Prisoners of the battle of Badr to teach the

    Muslims of Medina

    Question No.5) What is the name of the mountain mentioned in this lesson?

    Answer: Mount Sinai is the name of the mountain mentioned in this lesson

    Question No.6) Who is the custodian of truth mentioned in this lesson?

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    Answer: The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) is the custodian of truth mentioned in the lesson.

    Question No.7) What question did the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) asked before concluding his

    address to the people of Ansar at Mount Sinai?

    Answer: The question the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) asked before concluding his address to the

    people of Ansar at Mount Sinai was :

    Oh Ansar, didnt I find you away from the right path and then Allah blessed you through me?

    Question No.8) What kind of Body language had made his speech effective in his address of


    Answer: he demonstrated the concept of closeness by lifting his middle finger adb showing its

    closeness to the index finger.