english sentence structure

ENGLISH SENTENCE STRUCTURE also known as syntax Thanks to English Composition and Grammar Fifth Course by John E. Warriner (1988)

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English Sentence Structure. also known as syntax Thanks to English Composition and Grammar Fifth Course by John E. Warriner (1988). The Basic, No frills Sentence. Noun + Verb= Sentence (aka Independent Clause) Another Way of Stating It: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


English Sentence Structure

English Sentence Structurealso known as syntax

Thanks to English Composition and Grammar Fifth Course by John E. Warriner (1988)

The Basic, No frills SentenceNoun + Verb= Sentence (aka Independent Clause)

Another Way of Stating It:

Subject + predicate or subject/predicateCompound SubjectsA compound subject consists of two or more subjects(nominative nouns) that share a verbThey are usually joined together with and or or

Examples: The dog and the cat Either Rome or VeniceCompound VerbsCompound verbs consist of two or more verbs that share a subject.They are joined by conjunctions (fanboys) or commas if in a series.

Example:Truth enlightens the mind, frees the spirit, and strengthens the soul. (enlighten, free, strengthen)Subject ComplementsA subject complement is a noun, pronoun, or adjective that comes after a linking verb. - linking verbs generally describe a state of being Examples: to be, to feel, to taste

It gives more information about the simple subject.

ALSO KNOWN AS: - predicate nominatives (nouns) - predicate adjectivesObject complementsObject complements DO NOT refer back to the subject. Instead they often give more information about the action in a sentence.

Direct Object: Directly receives the action of a verb. Example- She threw the ball.

Indirect Object: precedes the direct object and indicates who has received the action of the verb. Example- She gave her son a lizard.

The Four Main Types of SentencesDeclarative: John Smith lived at Jamestown.

Imperative: Please be quiet!

Interrogative: Are you having fun yet?

Exclamatory: Wow! You look fabulous.Common Sentence PatternsS + V = I wept.S+ V+ D.O. = I chew gum.S + V + I.O.+ D.O. = Matilda gave Margaret the green fish.S+ V + D.O.+ OBJ COMP(ADJ)= Children consider adults strong.S + V+ D.O. + OBJ COMP (N)= Children fancy themselves monsters.S + V+ P.N. = I am a teacher.S + V + P.A.= I am sleepy.

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