english representation

Representation Assessment Task ANDREEA GIRGORE

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Post on 20-Dec-2014




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Page 1: English Representation

Representation Assessment Task


Page 2: English Representation



No acceptance lacks a sense of belonging


Page 3: English Representation



Page 4: English Representation

All students start their day by deciding what to wear. Clothing can be used as a status symbol among children. They are often criticized and ridiculed if they are not wearing the newest styles. Some

children are also distracted by what other kids are wearing. Clothes have been linked to violent school crimes and gangs. Sometimes the color of clothing that a student wears can result in becoming target

of intentional or unintentional violence. A uniform policy will ensure true equality in schools, save families money, and improve behavior and discipline problems.

With society putting much emphasis on the outward appearance, uniforms are a way to avoid the competition of wearing the latest fashion trends. Douglas Elementary School, in Memphis, Tennessee, implemented a uniform policy in 1993. According to Guidance Counselor Sharon Carter, “The tone of the school is different. There’s not the competitiveness, especially in grades 4, 5, and 6 about who’s wearing what Some people will argue that uniforms take away a child’s creativity and individuality. More and more public schools are trying uniforms on for size (Speer). One uniform policy at a high

school in Cleveland, Ohio allows students to wear any solid color up or down as long as the top had a collar and pants with loops had a belt (“School”). “Girls of all grades accessorize with matching

earrings and bracelets. And you can’t miss their bright socks with stripes, polka dots, and cartoon characters” (qtd. in “School”).

My oldest daughter is in seventh grade at Woodmont Middle School in Greenville, South Carolina. She has come home from school on more than one occasion upset because she was picked on for what she was wearing. When I asked her what she thought about uniforms, she said “If we are all wearing the

same thing, no one could make fun of me for what I had on.” Wearing uniforms acts as a social leveler; all students are equal in the eyes of the school



Page 5: English Representation


“If we are all wearing the same thing, no one could make fun of me for what I had on.”

Page 6: English Representation

The comparisons between my two chosen texts is shown with the concept of a lack of acceptance. In The Simple Gift

the concept is shown between the relationship with Billy and his dad. In the poem “Champagne” It reveals to us that

their relationship sour due to alcohol consumption manipulating his fathers mind leading to the lack of

acceptance of Billy within the family. “See ya Dad. I’ve taken the alcohol. Dink [the bottle of lemonade] instead to celebrate your son leaving home.”

This reveals the Lack of acceptance within the home. This is also similar to my chosen article by the student not

feeling accepting within her school community and friendship circle because of the clothing she owns. She went through constant harassment by fellow students

making her have a sense of no acceptance.