english project

Going out to eat at Olive Garden GENRE ANALYSIS By: Cassy Devaney and Nina

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Page 1: English project

Going out to eat at Olive Garden


By: Cassy Devaney and Nina

Page 2: English project
Page 3: English project

3 Genre Artifacts



Waitress taking order

Page 4: English project


Menu:The menu is placed at the tables of Olive Garden. The customers read/look over the menu to decide weather to order food/drinks or not and if so what specifically to order. All types of people can go here but mainly families and people who can afford the products and who want to enjoy the products. Yes, these people have a shared objective of going out to eat at Olive Garden.

Commercial:The commercial is aired on television. People watch this and see what the commercial has to offer i.e. deals, sales, etc.. People who watch television see this commercial. No, these people do not have a shared objective because the viewers don’t necessarily want to see or chose to see the commercial and do not necessarily end up actually going to Olive Garden.

Waitress taking order:The waitress takes the orders of her customers at her assigned section of tables. The customer tells the waitress what they want to eat/drink. The customers come here who can afford, want the products, and on some occasions those who want that specific waitress. Yes, these people have a shared objective because they all want to sit down and order something to eat/drink.

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Menu:The menu allows the customer to accomplish an understanding of what food is sold at Olive Garden. This is done by explaining what they sell, how they sell it, what meals are offered and their prices.

Commercial:The commercial accomplishes the goal to attract viewers to become customers and persuade them by their deals, location, or food meals. The viewers watch the commercial and Olive Garden’s goal is to persuade them to come and eat.

Waitress taking an order:By the waitress taking an order, she’s accomplishing the customers needs by taking their order and returning with their correct meals. The waitress in return may accomplish a good tip if she gave them her best customer service.

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Menu: The customers use the menu. The user is different for the commercial because the people who see the commercial won’t necessarily go to olive garden to use the menu and place an order.

Commercial:Television viewers watch the commercial because it just so happens to be on and to decide if they want to go to Olive Garden.

Waitress taking order:The customers use the waitress to take their order.

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Menu:The menu discusses the subject of Olive Gardens food and meals including their portions, prices, and the names of the products.

Commercial: The commercial discusses the subjects of sales and deals and persuasive techniques to convince the viewer to go to Olive Garden.

Waitress taking order: The customer discusses with the waitress what meals he/she wants.

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Menu:The menu establishes a relationship between the customer and waitress and between the customer and chef.

Commercial:The commercial establishes a relationship between Olive Garden (the business) and the customers or future customers.

Waitress taking order:The waitress taking the order establishes a relationship between the waitress and the customers.

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Menu: The menu suggests that the customer reads it, choses which meal he/she wants to order and understands what comes with it.

Commercial:The commercial suggests that the viewers listen, watch, and be persuaded to eat at Olive Garden.

Waitress taking order:The waitress taking the order suggests that the customer has a general idea of what they want, will ask questions about the menu and will place their order accordingly while communicating politely

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Menu:The language used in the menu is Italian. It expresses deals and is family friendly. It uses phrases like entrée, appetizer, etc..

Commercial:The language used in this advertisement is persuasive and professional.

Waitress taking order:The language between the waitress taking the customers order and the customers ordering is formal, polite, and short and to the point.

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Menu: The menu is labeled as informing because it is telling the customer what is sold at Olive Garden.

Commercial:The commercial is persuading because it is trying to convince its viewers to go to Olive Garden.

Waitress taking order:The waitress taking the order is collecting/serving. She collects the order and serves the order.

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Menu:Variety, choice, and price all shape the menu.

Commercial:Sale, location, contact information, and advertisement all shape the commercial.

Waitress taking order:Service and satisfaction shape the waitress taking the order.

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Menu:The menu allows its users to choose from the options and decide to buy it or not. It does not allow the users to choose something to eat/drink that is not on the menu.

Commercial:The commercial allows the viewers to see the deals/sales and decide to go to Olive Garden to use them or not.

Waitress taking order:The waitress taking the order allows the users to tell her what they want to eat/drink and ask questions about the menu or restaurant.

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Menu:The menu meets the customers needs most while the waitress’s needs are less served.

Commercial:The commercial serves both the viewers and Olive Gardens needs but Olive Garden needs are most met.

Waitress taking order:The waitress is most served because she can now put the order in while the customer is least served because the have to wait to receive their food.

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Menu:The menu lets its users to order what they love which represents themselves but they can only choose from the options of what Olive Garden has to offer.

Commercial:The commercial does not represent the viewers at all because they have no choice in what they advertisement says or looks like or if they are even interested in Olive Garden.

Waitress taking order:The waitress taking the order allows the customer to fully express what they want. It does not allow the waitress to represent herself because she represents the company’s image.

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Menu:The menu may show an inequality by having a children's menu which has less variety and smaller proportions.

Commercial:The commercial may show inequality by only expressing what Olive Garden does have, not what it lacks which could cause a customer to have a misperception of it has.

Waitress taking order:The waitress taking the order can show inequality if she acts differently to a customer based on gender, race, or age.

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Menu:The menu gives the customer the choice of what to buy and the choice of buying something or not.

Commercial:The viewers have the option of choosing to go to Olive Garden or not and to watch the commercial or not.

Waitress taking order:The waitress chooses how to talk (mood, attitude, etc..) and how to write their orders.

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Menu:The menu communicates the options of food/drinks that the customer can buy.

Commercial:The commercial communicates the deals/sales going on currently through the television advertisement which viewers see.

Waitress taking order:The waitress communicates with the customers and later with the chef.