english proficiency 3 part 3 listening skills 1-50

English Proficiency 3 PART 3 Listening Skills 1-50

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English Proficiency 3PART 3

Listening Skills1-50

Question 1• (A) He's glad the woman

got into a car accident.• (B) That the accident was a

terrible thing, but more damage could have occurred.

• (C) The man thinks the woman is lying about the accident.

• (D) The man is angry, because the woman was driving his car at the time of the accident.

Question 2• (A) The money belongs to

the two little girls.• (B) The girls should take

better care of their earnings.• (C) They should give the

money to the little girls immediately.

• (D) They should keep the money because they don't know if it belongs to the little girls.

Question 3

• (A) Put the steak in the microwave oven to defrost it.

• (B) Cook the steak anyway.

• (C) Order a pizza.• (D) Go to a fast food


Question 4• (A) It's too early in the year

to have Halloween decorations up.

• (B) It's three months after Halloween, and the decorations should have been removed by now.

• (C) The decorations are in poor taste.

• (D) The woman did not notice the Halloween decorations.

Question 5• (A) She didn't even notice

Susan walking by.• (B) She just saw Susan the

day before and had nothing to say to her.

• (C) She and Susan had a disagreement and are no longer speaking to one another.

• (D) The woman he saw was not Susan.

Question 6

• (A) The woman used the computer and erased his term paper.

• (B) The woman corrected his term paper.

• (C) The woman did not use the computer.

• (D) The woman moved the man's term paper to another computer.

Question 7• (A) The man did not follow

the recipe.• (B) The man did follow the

recipe.• (C) The cookies taste great.• (D) The man should have

used a different recipe.

Question 8• (A) Husband and wife• (B) Brother and sister• (C) Cousins• (D) Friends

Question 9• (A) A gym• (B) A movie theater• (C) An office• (D) An ice cream parlor

Question 10

• (A) Several months ago• (B) Two weeks ago• (C) Last year• (D) They have never

watched that movie before.

Question 11• (A) Susan's exam is over.• (B) Susan could have kept

the book since he has another copy.

• (C) Susan could have made a copy of the book.

• (D) He can give another book to Susan.

Question 12

• (A) The battery of the man's car is dead.

• (B) The man is not lucky.

• (C) The car is not reliable.

• (D) It is difficult to get help.

Question 13• (A) The college campus is very

dirty.• (B) He does not like the college

bulletin.• (C) The editorial in the college

bulletin is not good.• (D) There should be no editorials

in the college bulletin.

Question 14

• (A) At a patient's home• (B) In a doctor's office• (C) In a research

laboratory• (D) In a store

Question 15• (A) He does not like

school.• (B) He does not have

good clothes.• (C) He is still ironing his

clothes.• (D) He is very depressed.

Question 16

• (A) She has done enough work.

• (B) The man should be fair to her.

• (C) They should do equal amounts of work.

• (D) The suggestion sounds good to her.

Question 17• (A) At four-thirty• (B) After five-thirty• (C) Earlier than four-thirty• (D) Any time that he likes

Question 18• (A) Professor Miller

offered more help than he had expected.

• (B) Professor Miller will not discuss the topic with him.

• (C) He asked Professor Miller for some books.

• (D) Professor Miller gave him more books than he had requested.

Question 19• (A) On the desk• (B) in the woman's purse• (C) in the drawer• (D) in the man's wallet

Question 20• (A) Stephanie• (B) Stephanie's friend• (C) Her sister• (D) Her friend's sister

Question 21

• (A) He is happy that the woman thanked him.

• (B) He is always ready to help.

• (C) The woman is noble.

• (D) He is happy to donate to a worthy cause.

Question 22

• (A) She has a big nose.• (B) She makes a lot of

noise.• (C) She is very

inquisitive.• (D) She does not know


Question 23• (A) Because she can

always get another job.• (B) Because she is rich.• (C) Because there is

plenty of time.• (D) Because there is

another train in ten minutes.

Question 24

• (A) Happy• (B) Apathetic• (C) Sorry• (D) Angry

Question 25• (A) The man should work in a

bank to get money.• (B) The man should withdraw

all his money from the bank.• (C) The man should try to

borrow money from other students.

• (D) The man should try to get a loan from a bank.

Question 26

• (A) Jill• (B) The woman• (C) His teacher• (D) Clem• .

Question 27

• (A) She was sick.• (B) She was on

vacations.• (C) She was in class.• (D) She avoided Jill.

Question 28• (A) He skipped class.• (B) He was on a field

trip.• (C) He did not listen in

class.• (D) He was sick.

Question 29• (A) Math• (B) History• (C) English• (D) Science

Question 30• (A) She was not taking the

test• (B) She was not in the

class.• (C) She had already

studied.• (D) She wanted to fail.

Question 31• (A) Theatrical groups• (B) Performing arts• (C) The woman's

performance• (D) Nervousness

Question 32• (A) Because she was afraid

of criticism.• (B) Because the role she

was going to play was challenging.

• (C) Because she had never acted before.

• (D) Because she did not know much about acting.

Question 33• (A) By doing small child

roles for a theatrical group• (B) By acting for school

plays• (C) By joining a school for

acting• (D) By working for a TV.


Question 34

• (A) He is a director.• (B) He is an actor.• (C) He is an editor.• (D) He is a student.

Question 35• (A) Because she likes writers.• (B) Because she thought he can

recommend him to another director.

• (C) Because she was never praised before.

• (D) Because his opinion was valuable as a critic.

Question 36

• (A) Reading a book.• (B) Cleaning the

garage.• (C) Making a writing

desk.• (D) Selecting a design

for a desk.

Question 37• (A) In the garage• (B) In the library• (C) In the kitchen• (D) On the Lawn

Question 38• (A) Because he is a carpenter.• (B) Because he does not like to

waste time.• (C) Because he likes to work on

a Sunday.• (D) Because he thinks that by

doing so he can have a choice in material and design and save some money.

Question 39• (A) From a furniture

showroom• (B) From the woman• (C) From a book• (D) From a friend

Question 40• (A) Read it.• (B) Hide it away till winter.• (C) Throw it away.• (D) Give it to her friend.

Question 41

• (A) Dardanelles• (B) Mamara• (C) Constantinople• (D) Hippodrome

Question 42• (A) 150• (B) 1,500• (C) 15,000• (D) 15

Question 43• (A) Greeks• (B) Constantine• (C) Arabs• (D) Romans

Question 44• (A) Byzantium• (B) Greek colonists• (C) Hippodrome• (D) Constantine

Question 45• (A) Forums and temples• (B) Stores• (C) Houses• (D) Channels

Question 46• (A) Fluttering wings of a

butterfly• (B) The blades of a

machine• (C) A soft musical note• (D) Noise

Question 47

• (A) Because we are too busy.• (B) Because we need special

lessons to be able to do it.• (C) Because we don't loose

music• (D) Because we are surrounded

by a lot of other noise.

Question 48• (A) Music• (B) The ability to communicate

with nature• (C) Driving• (D) Teaching

Question 49• (A) Because it has a lot to

offer our senses.• (B) Because we can listen to

different types of music• (C) Because nature is all

powerful.• (D) Because it relieves our

minds of a lot of stress.

Question 50• (A) Trees• (B) Butterflies• (C) Children• (D) Teachers