english note of my style(1)

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  • 8/14/2019 English Note of My Style(1)


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    Are you jealous of me?

    My mind is free from jealousy.

    What do you do for a living?

    Can I make friend with you?

    Are you mind reader?

    How can I keep my mind pure?

    How can I get in touch with you?

    Is that so? A

    Whats your job, occupation?

    Will you be a monk for life?

    What are you thinking about? A lot of thing!

    Can I join in ? ()

    Are you sissy or real man?

    Are you teaching me?

    Can I have heart to heart?

    Whose funeral?

    Can you give me leave of absence.?

    How is your business? Nice!

    How thing go?

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    Exchange rate plz?

    Have you settle?

    Per dollar?

    What sort? A

    Just thing.

    Your offer plz.

    Will that be all ?()

    One way or round ticket?

    You have been here so long? ( )

    What happen moment before?

    Can you give me a hand plz?

    How many kyat per dollar?

    How is it?

    Who told you that?

    What do you think of that?

    Wont you sit down?

    What have you been doing here?

    Need I tell you?

    Can I get a porter?

    Any serious matter?

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    Any message? U

    Whos that?

    Will you give me a message for him?

    Have you got any idea?

    What make you think that?

    Anything private to say?

    Have you any money left?

    I wonder if you know ?

    What did you talk about? Oh! This and that = AA

    Can you break a 45 kyat? A

    Anything serious ?

    How much will this cost (per night)?

    Have you something better?

    Can I have a look at the room?

    Plz can I have the bill?

    Is everything included in the bill?

    Can I pay by credit card?

    Can I get anything for you?

    Have you something cheaper?

    Which stop shall I get off?

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    Can you tell me when I need to get off?

    Are you getting off at next stop?

    Is this right road to Madrid?

    What is free baggage allowance?

    Are you fell in love with someone?

    Which article are subject to custom duty? A?

    How is life? Fine

    May I ask whos calling? =

    Can you tell me how to get there?

    Where is the mens room? Ladies room

    Where is the john? A

    Whats the make of your car?

    Why does she have such a long face? = A

    How can I get hold of you? =

    How can I reach you?

    What do you recommend? A

    Whos in charge here?

    How late are you open? A

    Whats this regarding?

    Whats purpose of your visit?

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    Are you still here? Im just about to leave.

    What would you do if you were in my shoes ?

    How long did the fight last?

    Would you like to refill ?U

    Can I try this on ? =

    How often do you work out?

    How do you say this in English?

    Man is his own master, one is ones own refuge, who else could you refuge?


    Did I ever tell you?

    I beg your pardon. Is this seat taken?

    Whos next?

    Do u sympathize with him =

    What sort of man?

    Why do u want to cheat us?

    Is that nice? A

    Why are u deaf ?

    Do u want to blow?

    You compare me?A

    Do u wish to overreach me?

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    is it far or near?

    How far is it from here?

    Do u know how to play the violin?

    Were u ever on a plane? U

    No never =

    Why didnt u say so before?


    Oh! That sound nice!

    Ho! Very worthy, you give it for keep = A

    What a noble deed!

    So soon ( A)

    Oh! You are funny boy!

    Nice point!

    Aim high!

    That it is!

    Just luck!

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    Best of luck!

    You are far seeing! A , narrow minded

    You are a big girl now!A

    You are self-made girl.A

    How nice of you!

    Queue system plz!

    Oh! How sweet of you!

    Such is life.

    A beauty you are = A

    Pretty as poem =

    What a relief! =

    Unbelievable !

    How incredible! AA

    Wish u best of luck!

    Leave to chance !=

    What a pity!

    Oh! Thats a steal! = A

    Thank God it is Friday!

    You look very nice today!

    I cannot help it I was born beautiful!

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    Far from it ! (A)

    Not on your life! ()

    What a lovely day!

    Poor bob !

    God bless you!

    I wish u happy!

    Dear me ! A

    What a fool you are !

    How awkward !

    I wish I were you !=

    Greeting inparting

    May you have physically and mentally well being!

    May you achieve you ambition!

    May your prayer come true!

    So be it !

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    See you soon.

    Come anytime, our door are open to you.

    Hope to see you again

    Looking forward to seeing you again

    The same to you

    Plz be punctual = A

    Suit yourself =

    Be good!

    Be rest assure! =

    Glad to have you =

    Long time, no see

    We pray God keep them safe

    Bye bye for now

    Lets get together one of these day = A

    Wishing you and other are well !

    Long live my beloved father!

    What a shame !

    What a pity !

    So long =

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    Chatter box.

    Fishwife. A

    So much the better.

    Sorry/ pardon?

    At the moment.

    These day.

    Ceremony of consecrating a Buddha Image A

    Soon day, sooner or later.

    For a minute.

    Every two day, (), every after day ( )

    In the second week of August.

    Not so long, at most, three day. = A

    In short t ime.

    In the near future/ in the not too distant future = A

    On my behalf, on behalf of abbot.

    To my mind

    Ladys man ().

    A little by a little

    Fell free ()

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    Certainly ()

    Nothing happen

    To tell you the truth. (A)

    Ten minutes ago, just now.

    The call of nature (A)

    In my opinion. (A)

    Very junior=

    Very senior

    Reasonable price

    Fair price

    Market price

    Much like ()

    Difficult in finding

    This moment.

    Money making fever

    Evil mind, good nature.

    Holy hest house

    The presiding monks

    Well paid

    From here to eternity .

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    Long speech

    Long lecture

    Wrong number

    None so good

    Once in a while =

    By all mean =

    All the same = A

    All in all = A

    After all = A

    On each side =

    Just in time = A

    So so

    Up to now =

    For the time being =

    Only then =

    One in blue moon = A

    Rain or shine =

    Near miss =

    By any mean =

    By now=

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    One day ahead =

    Latterly =

    By then = AA

    Now and then = from time to time =

    Day by day

    In the long run =

    A room with twin bed

    On social formality =

    Sarcastic man =

    For sometime now =

    However much governor try =

    Not that I know of = ()

    Lose touch with somebody = A

    At that case = A

    So and so =

    As for me

    When time come = A

    For this reason/ this is why

    Since then = AA

    In a row =

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    Or else / otherwise/


    On and on =

    Though with difference =

    Litt le by little

    In its turn =

    In some far corner of the world = A

    By word of mouth = A

    Light hearted people =

    Highly of myself = A

    The same here

    First come, first serve = U

    No question about it =

    As far as I know =

    No extra charge = A

    Beats me =

    At no time =

    In short = AAUA

    If at all,

    More recently =

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    With effect from 4th , May, 2007 =

    In need = AA

    Because of this = A

    In respect to her = U

    In the course f history =

    In due course = A

    If any =

    As a matter of fact = A

    Honestly speaking

    Answer the call of nature

    In this case

    In that sense = AA

    This is how

    That is why

    To decide what early Buddhism is

    In this regard = U

    In orderly =

    But in M.N = M.N

    In terms of bases = AA

    Only the whole =

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    On the other hand = in a way

    Than ever =

    Nearly all my friend

    Its long shot =

    As far as Im concern = A

    In good time = A

    In this way/ in the same way

    From all walks of life = A

    On return = A

    Now and then

    In case = A

    In return = AAA

    In this way = A

    On the way back = A

    On the way home

    For this reason = A

    For the above reason = AA

    By doing so

    Good or bad , neighbor are neighbor.

    So doing

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    Even now

    In different way, (people, word) = A

    As such =

    Just the contrary =

    In number = AAA

    Neither too much nor too little.

    That is to say =

    On this account = U

    At proper time

    In respond =

    In the sequel =

    Not longer after his higher ordination =

    As long as life endure = A

    Yet even those odd = AA

    From this day forth, as long as live endure

    In this manner =

    In many way =

    Soon after birth of his only child

    In quest of =

    Almost all of my question / quite a few of / most of / just a few of / every single one of /

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    By now = A

    One day ahead =

    After long lecture

    If you care to join =

    Leave of absence =

    In order to outdone = A

    In an instant = A

    First and foremost = U

    Well to do =

    Id be glad to =

    Which way = how

    Just the same feeling

    Sure ( certainly) =

    Not more than three day =

    Not less than two day =

    So do we = A

    Not a bit =

    By force = AA

    Purposely =

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    Phrasal verb

    From now on.

    Next turn.

    No big deal. (A)

    As you wish, as you like, up to you

    Bullshit = nonsense. A

    No way, not a chance, its out of question =

    In the course of time (A)

    Not at all.

    My pleasure, you are welcome, its alright =

    Be my guest ()

    Well done , well done, well done,

    Fair dinkum. ()

    Fair enough

    Something like that ()

    Nothing like that.

    One thing to say. ( )

    Any difference in price.

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    Just the same.

    Out of my away.

    Tire of leg.

    That is out of question. A

    Not a line .

    Just like A just the same

    Next step U

    Not interested .

    Just so

    Perhaps so =

    Perhaps not

    Time up = A

    Nothing for nothing AA

    So much the worse for society.

    Quite off handA

    So many thing to say.

    In day gone by

    So far, so good =

    No later than usual =

    Just usually =

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    Number engaged = A

    Approving Good in use

    Screw up your courage =

    Let it be.

    I am under the weather.

    I am over the moon to talk to you.

    They are buddy-buddy.

    Thats joke.

    Go into detail. A

    What you are saying damage my reputation.

    You are good for nothing. A

    No chance.

    There are plenty fish in the sea.

    Thats what you think.

    Oh! You are The oversensitive. A

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    The blind leading the blind.

    You ought to dance another tone. (A )

    Id prefer to leave the world in peaceful way.

    The more the marrier. =

    Let bygone be bygone=

    I could eat a horse = A

    Im afraid, Im broke today= A

    I had word with her two days ago.

    I ts out of question = no chance.

    He told me on purpose.

    Thats very kind of you.

    I came to Myanmar on my own account ( on my own/ by my self).

    Sometime, I tell lie due to unavailable matter. A

    Shes cross with me. Go soothe her.

    Let my hand go ()

    Who is the boy who you speak a moment ago.

    You are sophisticated =

    Im not that kind of person.

    I just drive off them.

    He has chance to deal with foreigner.

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    It is difficult to wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep.

    It is in the bag =

    I dont think you will play a trick on me =

    Ive got a bone to pick with you =

    Nothing special.

    Youd better eat your words =

    Are you from department of census?

    Youre so inquisitive person.

    Im not in the habit of mixing with the people.

    I suggest with sympathy.

    Nor do I, neither do I, I don t either.

    You look down on me.

    I m absent minded =

    It s childs play=

    He left message (word) for you.

    I worship you from afar. ()

    We took a oath. ()

    I wont change my mind no matter what happen.

    I live from hand to mouth =

    You must be pulling my leg =

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    I will take revenge on her =

    A little birth told me.

    I receive my WP sooner than I expect =

    Its no use in studying it = AA

    He make it up ()

    My real name is Acc, nick name is Koso.

    Id love to , but I broke =

    Ha,ha , you are bees knees. (A)

    Every birth is as pretty as vulture.

    Just chat chit

    Its not my cup of tea =

    Im so sorry, I took it by mistake.

    No man is indispensable =

    Learning has no end.

    Ive stopped keeping company with you = A

    You give me the cold shoulder. (A)

    Im short of money.

    No problem, Ill treat you, will you join me for drink?

    Of course, Im dying to talk with you = A

    You are trouble maker.

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    You have no gut =

    You will get into trouble. You can make a lot of money.

    My turn is coming.

    I take pride in your spirit.

    I feel like killing you.

    You look glum because of you .()

    Youre clever speaker.

    I apologize to you for what I said to you yesterday.

    I just am drifting =

    I try hard with indomitable spirit =

    Its raining cats and dogs (heavily).

    I dont refer to you =

    Im addicted to betel.

    He has a protruding teeth.

    He talk to him for a long time.

    I will break that habit. A

    Its none of your business.A

    Im walking on the air today.

    Im upset that my girl friend broke up with me.

    I will be back ( ) as soon as possible.

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    It does not agree with me. ()

    They are deep in conversation.

    It is a lesson to me.

    Im as good as my word.

    Im use to it.

    I must attend upon them before their die.

    You are hard heart. ()

    I f there is life, there is hope.

    Id rather make money.

    You must be out of your mind. ()

    Im in two mind about it.

    I have lost bill of landing.

    I have more special weight.

    I feel very much alone. A

    She is of age. A

    I beg your pardon.

    No, right to be here .

    Thank for all you have done to me.

    Thank you for saying so.

    Thank forever.

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    I shall never forget you.

    Ill be right back soon.

    Ill be off.

    I cannot stand it any longer.

    Im very cross with you.

    I know nothing about it

    You wish to discuss face to face.

    No one said anything to that

    I lost patient.

    Think nothing of what is past

    Red beauty is a combination of many quality.

    Phone is calling

    Im not a kid.

    Water is poured to share merit

    Condition is bad.

    It s difficult to say.

    A hundred dollar will do.

    All men are basically alike. AA

    I have nothing to declare.

    It is your though

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    I love you high spirit.

    I dont real mind being left alone

    I think so

    That remind me.

    No one is near.

    Nothing to worry

    As I think . A

    I know without being told =

    Hes out at present

    Ive no objection .

    You look so dreamy.

    I can manage by myself

    I dont mean in that way

    Im not in the mood.

    I want to be alone

    Im just about to leave

    You are very ficle = A

    Today is payday

    Anytime will be fine = A

    I agree completely

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    Lunch is on me

    You have good memory.

    Just what I need =

    What I say has no effect.

    Excuse me for a moment.

    Im full

    I never forget a pretty face.

    You are more than welcome = A

    Im so lonely =

    I miss u for ages.

    I cannot bear it =

    You can count on me =

    Well go Dutch=

    Im broke, Im loaded

    Money is no object = A

    I envy you

    You go ahead = A

    Ill just wish you so long for now =

    You have to turn back toward the Zurich

    I think you have made mistake in this bill

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    We are very please with our say hear

    I have somewhere to go

    I have lost my way

    It was not for nothing = A

    They were just going to kill us

    Rarely does he go out = A

    The fault is entirely of my.

    I have nothing to do with you.

    It is very mind . A

    I was not born yesterday

    I think I have seen you before

    Thats no excuse =

    Everything is sky high. A

    My mouth is watering =

    I will give you rain check =

    You are looking very good

    I ache allover =

    I have runny nose =

    She turn me off =

    Something come up =

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    I want to say Good Bye to you.

    The new year will be here before you know it. =

    It is up in the air =

    I have no idea =

    You have to pulling my leg?

    I will keep my eye open.

    He has gone out of business =

    It is neck to neck =

    Im under a lot of pressure.

    I fell the same way

    He has a fifty fifty chance.

    She stood me up =

    We have thirty minute to kill = A

    Whatever you say =

    It is slipped my mind =

    It will come to me =

    Hi! It is me Bob.

    You name it =

    Jenifer lopiz is a born singer. Jenifer Lopiz A

    It sure was =

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    You should take advantage of it = AA

    Its a cinch =

    I know as much as I do =

    Your guess is as good as mine = AA

    Im easy to please =

    Im hard to please =

    He is fussy about food.

    Its my turn = A

    Im all missed up on the day =

    Ive enough of him =

    He is behind the time =

    He is just very old fashion =

    Im really press for time = A

    Im up to my ear in work = AA

    Im up to here with him =

    You took a word right out of my mouth = A

    Id like to have this prescription filled = A

    Just to be on the safe side, Ill take an umbrella with me = A

    I see eye to eye with you. =

    Right understand is key note of Buddhism.

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    They think no end of themselves. A

    We decide to take action = A

    It is not common =

    It is no use being blind to the corporation.

    The time to start finding answer is now.

    It will be worth wait.

    It was noble being less than affluent

    None of this is a big deal.

    People will see no fewer than one hundred rich mem.

    Hitler still had the mind to come up with final solution. A

    I owe a lot of special thank to you.

    In this case, the Buddha was none other than Sanbbannu. A

    He is social , humble , cheerful.

    I take pity on them.

    Anyway, it is all over now =

    I make good use of my time.

    Exam is drawing nearer day by day.

    Computer literacy will be a must =

    He doesnt take order from anyone.

    Men are no longer more or less equal = AA

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    We have to deal with them

    They seldom go out

    We are very fond of each other

    Im good terms with all of them = AA

    I pay homage to him by kneeling down and bowing my head to the floor with clashed hand on

    the forehead.

    I m willing to interview.

    There is mutual understanding between us = AA

    That would be accordance with my knowledge

    This is not in keeping with Buddhist teaching.

    I most humbly beg your padon.

    He does nothing but complain.

    I tell no more

    You are just wasting your breath.

    City is alive with teeming crowd =

    I envy you.

    You are funny.

    Thats lie =

    Thats good of you. =

    After all ,its nothing = A

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    Everything is OK.

    Thats odd. = A

    Thatll be nice = A

    Thats not our fault.

    That should be =

    I sleep lightly = AA

    I dont like flattering = A

    Hes of thick habit = A

    Hes a drunkard = A

    Im a man of word =

    Im of sober habit = AA

    The news is baseless = AA

    I found him no where =

    Its all upset = AA

    I intend to do it = A

    Im going to hit you = ..

    I told you many time =

    Ill kick u down the stair =

    You are not my equal =

    You humbug. I dont believe you =

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    It is only a block from here.

    I will pick you up on my way back.

    I think that will do = A

    Well pay freight there =

    We lost our heads =

    I love you with all my heart = AA

    They do no harm = A

    It was not so much = A

    I want to make water =

    Thats not my fault.

    He is good of build =

    It is passing others bus = A

    Im not going to state show =

    Not so old as u think = A

    Nor am I =

    I value it very much = A

    I dont feel well enough to go alone =A

    You know much better than I do =

    I wasnt in the least terrified =

    Not all, only two = A

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    Revenge is business of the unwise.

    Practice make perfect.

    The new replace the old.

    Two wrong dont make a right.

    Confusious , Chinese philosopher said that longest journey begin with the first step. It is

    hardest for every jouney.

    All human being is mortal =

    Coward die many time before their death.

    When money speak, the truth is silent.

    Slow and steady win the race = A

    The truth will out . (A)

    Think ahead all the time. AU

    Talk less , work more

    Tomorrow is post-dated cheque. Today is cheque.

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    Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it is the quality which

    guarantees all others.

    Make a good impression.

    Dont say too much, to a little, say just enough.

    Short to the point=

    If you wish to success , smile.

    Be polite your speech

    It is better to listen than to speak.

    Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It is count courage.

    Beauty is within your reach today.

    When you travel , remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It

    is designed to make its own people comfortable.

    Feeling come from love. Crying come from felling

    The best chance never come twice.

    Life is about experience.

    Slim yet power

    A women is like a bull. You have to care a lot about her. Except woman are more aggressive

    than bull = A

    You cannot step twice in the same river, for fresh water are ever flowing in upon you.

    Everything arise and dissolve

    Nothing is permanent.

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    No bees, no honey.

    Much sweat, less blood.

    Without effort, no success

    Beauty come from training.

    Teaching is learning.

    Life without learning is death.

    Conversation is art.

    Money is sweeter than honey.

    Money make everything.

    Money wont buy everything.

    Money often spoils a man.

    Money is medium of exchange.

    Life is a journey , but it is not over a level road, sometime, it is rough, at other time smooth

    The way I see, life is like a race.

    Take life as it come.

    Napoleon said, a true man hate no one

    If you dont speak any language properly, its not easy to make friends with people.

    Avoid the pansy and tomboy.

    A womens work is never done

    Prevention is better than cure.

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    Take step =

    Read easy books and try to understand them.

    Life is too short to a little

    A women take twenty year to make man of her boy. And another woman make a fool of him in

    twenty minute.

    Gifted man seized time and work as their opportunity. They make them great and grant.

    There is nothing great in the world, but man. There is nothing truly great in the man but virtue

    and wisdom. Virtue and wisdom could also be compared to the feet and eye of a man. Virtue is

    like a vehicle that bring man up to the salvation, but actually key that opens the gate is wisdom

    Everything arise and dissolve

    Nothing is permanent

    There is nothing sweeter than success

    Meeting is prelude to parting

    Time and tide wait for no man

    Laughters medicine

    Think global, act local = AA

    Practice make perfect

    Rome was not built in a day

    Enough is medicine , excess is danger

    Sleep is natures sweet restore

    Cleanliness is half-paradise

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    If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend. If you live to be a hundred, I want

    to live to be a hundred minus one day. So I never have to live without you.

    Truth friendship is like sound health. The value of it is seldom known until it is lost.

    I will lean on you and you will lean on me and well be Okey.

    Friendship is one mind in two bodies.

    Reading is to mind. exercise to the body

    Dont walk in front of me, I may not follow.

    Dont walk behind me, I may not lead.

    Walk beside me and be my friend.

    We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other


    There is no person who has not got some good in him and some bad.

    Anything that is done because of fear is bad.

    Love without knowledge and knowledge without love cannot produce a good life.

    Not to work oneself and live to work of other is nothing to be proud of .

    The true peace of mind come from accepting the worst.

    You will never walk alone

    Being frank is the best policy.

    Dont be afraid of making mistake , if you dont make mistake , youll never leran.

    Life without friends is death without witness.

    The eye are window of heart.

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    Just to see but not to make love.

    Although I came with goodness , I was too late. AA

    I didnt understand at first what love is, thats changeable like leave.

    Shyness is the death of improvement.

    There is no place for those who are afraid and shy

    Never too late to learn.

    Eat to live, dont live to eat.

    Love end with marriage.

    For him who is pure in mind , any day is auspicious, any day is hallowed.

    All that flattering is not good = A

    The sooner the better =

    Hunger is the best sauce =

    What is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular.

    Order and warning

    Think it over.

    Let it be the last time. A

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    Mind your own business (A)

    Calm down

    Stop boasting.

    Butt out = go away.

    Dont let it become a habit. A

    Play it by ear =

    No, please do. ( )

    Join us.

    Never judge book by its cover

    Have a cigarette (A)

    Dont talk down to me.

    Go on please ( )

    Never show your teeth if you can not bite.

    Bear it in mind.

    Dont make fun of me.

    Dont bother about me

    Go ahead ().

    Dont play for time (A)

    Take it back. ()

    Dont took a gift horse in the mouth A

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    Dont blow your own trumpet.

    See me off.

    Dont play with fire.

    Take a hike= go away.

    Do that ()

    Never try to talk to me.

    Fuck off ()

    Dont talk down to me.

    Take your time. (AA)

    Put out your cigarette, plz ()

    Dont make me get into t rouble.

    Have a heart.

    Dont hesitate.

    Be sympathy to me.

    Do believe that.

    Dont be long

    Dont cry for the moon.

    Try with energetic effort

    Keep your promise.

    Dont back out

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    Dont be upset

    Get off my case. ( )

    Just so, proceed!

    Make a call.

    Work with heart and soul!A

    Treat me right.

    Stop bragging (A)

    Dont be introverted. ()

    Let me take a little break. A

    Leave it to me.

    Try plz

    Dont over change ()

    Reduce price

    Check in at the hotel ()

    Make it official

    Dont tease me, going to complain.

    Recall those day.

    Try plz

    Got a few day. ()

    Thank you for lift.A

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    Bill please, amount plz. Leave it to me.

    Keep on hoping

    Pay your own way.

    Dont forget the gratitude ones done for you.

    Dont darling me!

    Forget me of saying so

    Make it effort.

    No, more word plz.

    Say what would you like.

    Do as I say.

    Just sit back

    Dont mind me.

    Pick me up

    Just drop inA

    Let me see.

    Dont refuse, no excuse plz

    Dont talk nonsense.

    Dont hurry

    Dont prolong your call. A

    Dont starve yourself , I will treat you. A

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    Never give up hoping

    Never speak rudely

    Just have a word plz =

    Just keep on driving =

    Let him go =

    Let her along =

    Have a look please = A

    Dont take trouble

    Hold on please = ()

    Plz wait a moment, I will make a note.

    Have courage!

    Have a taste! A

    Dont take seriously any longer.

    Think a lot = U

    Make me a cup of tea.

    Make up your mind

    Enjoy your meal

    Lets clean it up now = A

    Lets go to point =

    Lets call it a day =

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    Suit yourself =

    Take a little napAU

    Wait a bit

    Dont let me down

    Be at home = A

    Help yourself plz =

    Lets say grace =

    Easy now =

    Plz dont take offence =

    Keep going straight on =

    Drive to the next crossroad

    Follow that road toward Milan

    Some more rice ,plz =

    Keep that in mind!

    Give me some feedback

    Drop me off at the Hilton.

    Plz make yourself comfortable =

    Plz make yourself at home =

    Dont beat around the bush !

    Lets go Dutch.

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    Dont get me wrong = A

    Stick around = ASome

    Keep that in mind!

    Keep the change = A

    Lets keep in touch

    Lets talk over coffee = A

    Lets wait a few more minute.

    Give me a call

    Just a touch plz =

    Heavy on cream plz =

    Dont leave without saying me Good Bye.

    Lets come by tomorrow to cheer her up. A

    Lets get success through mixture of good and bad experience.

    Let alone feminist = AA

    Dont lose heart =

    Spend less time playing Guitar =

    Lets give them a big hand = A

    Let not one deceive another nor despise.

    Excuse me while I stick my neck out! AA

    Never lose your temper =

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    When you have a time and feel in the mood, plz let me have a line.

    Try to make perfect ,plz

    Stop crying , my dear.

    Dont be selfish .

    Keep an eye on him =

    Remember your word =

    Dont be silly !

    Stay where u r = A

    hand up =

    Learn it by heart = A

    Let them do it =

    Try your best = A

    Dont make pretend =

    Get ready = A

    Have tea !A

    Thank , Im full

    Have some more = A

    Do it, otherwise I wont give u money=

    No time to arrange = A

    Time up = A

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    Dont speak in anger =

    Dont be down hearted !

    Dont think any more about it = AAU

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