english lesson

1 | Page www..stbc.com.br 1. Have you prepared your New Year’s resolutions? If so what are they? 2. Did you stick to last year’s New Year’s Resolutions? If not why? 3. What do you think you need to change in the coming year? 4. How has technology changed in the last year? 5. What do you think will change with technology this year? 6. Do you think that people are gaining weight in Brazil? 7. What would you recommend to someone that needs to lose weight? 8. What do you think is the most common New Year Resolution around the world? 1. To toss aside a. To laugh softly 2. To fall off the wagon b. Something that you do on a regular basis. 3. boundaries. c. Limits 4. plagued d. .to do something you planned to do at a later time 5. To catch up e. Any form of trouble or difficulty 6. scales f. .to go in a different direction than planned 7. habits g. when you are late in doing something you need to ………….. 8. chuckle h. when you are late in doing something that you planned to do

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Post on 27-Sep-2015




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  • 1 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    1. Have you prepared your New Years resolutions? If so what are they?

    2. Did you stick to last years New Years Resolutions? If not why?

    3. What do you think you need to change in the coming year?

    4. How has technology changed in the last year?

    5. What do you think will change with technology this year?

    6. Do you think that people are gaining weight in Brazil?

    7. What would you recommend to someone that needs to lose weight?

    8. What do you think is the most common New Year Resolution around the world?

    1. To toss aside a. To laugh softly

    2. To fall off the


    b. Something that you do on a regular basis.

    3. boundaries. c. Limits

    4. plagued d. .to do something you planned to do at a later time

    5. To catch up e. Any form of trouble or difficulty

    6. scales f. .to go in a different direction than planned

    7. habits g. when you are late in doing something you need to ..

    8. chuckle h. when you are late in doing something that you planned to do

  • 2 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- So, have your New Year's resolutions survived the first few hours of


    You know how it is - that annual ritual of making promises to yourself about things you're going to do in

    the new year that you inevitably toss aside.

    Kevin Ready knows about it. A fitness program manager at the Huntsville Hospital Medical Mall

    Wellness Center, he's familiar with the new year's do-gooders who oftentimes go bad.

    "This is definitely the time of year we see the uptick with people coming in and making

    resolutions," Ready said. "January is packed. But come February around Valentine's Day, where

    are those people? They have fallen off the wagon is what we usually see."

    Or, as wellness center registered dietitian Anna Key described it, "Here we go again."

    New Year's resolutions know no boundaries. Some people want to lose weight, some want to eat

    more healthy foods, some want to stop smoking. Some want to study the Bible more. Some want to be

    better friends, and some want the world to simply follow the golden rule of treating others as you would

    like to be treated.

    But as one of the most obese states in a nation plagued by obesity, losing weight is among the more

    popular resolutions.

    A change in recent years, though, is that instead of getting lighter, people are acknowledging

    other benefits associated with having better diets.

  • 3 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    "What we are seeing now is the education of the general public is starting to catch up to where people

    realize that in order not to get heart disease and not get diabetes and not get a lot of these other diseases

    that are associated with lifestyle choices, I need to improve my diet," Ready said.

    Key said consistency is the secret ingredient in such a change in lifestyle, along with not

    determining success each morning by the scales. "Set goals unrelated to weight," she said.

    "Instead of saying you want to lose 10 pounds or 20 pounds, say you are going to change habits

    - cook more at home, bring lunch to work."

    Ready and Key said programs are available at the wellness center for those seeking such a

    lifestyle change. And while they know New Year's resolutions are made to be broken, there are

    success stories.

    "We chuckle like, 'Here's a new round of people,' " Ready said. "But on the other side, I guess

    from being in health care, we want to see how many of those people we can help stick to their

    goal and next year say, 'You know, I stuck to it through this year.' "

    According to the text many people toss their New Years resolutions aside. 1. People normally forget their resolutions come March. 2. Quitting smoking is one of the most popular resolutions. 3. People are trying to lose weight in order to look better. 4. According to the text you need to write your resolutions on a piece of paper. 5. There are many people who are successful at keeping their New Years resolutions.

  • 4 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    1. New Year's Day (January 1st) is the first day of the year in the Gregorian


    2. New Year's Eve (December 31) is a time for (party/parties) and celebrations. These

    celebrations culminate with the (ringing/calling) in of the new year at midnight.

    3. Many cities around the world have (spectacular/spectacled) fireworks displays at

    midnight on New Year's Eve. Some of the best known are in Sydney, New York, and London.

    4. In New York City, a lot of people (gather/collect) on Times Square to watch the

    traditional "ball-dropping" ceremony (right/correct) before midnight.

    5. A new year's (resolution/resolve) is a decision one makes to change something in the new

    year, for example - quitting smoking, losing weight, etc.

    6. Many people don't follow (through/around) on these (resolutions/resolves).

    7. It is quite common to (test/toast) the new year with champagne.

    8. New Year's Day is an official holiday in many countries. People are most likely given the day off work

    to (recover/review) from the previous night's parties.

    9. In the time before (and after) New Year's Day, many radio and tv stations

    (broadcast/publish) various "best of the year" lists. Numerous magazines and newspapers

    (broadcast/publish) the same types of lists.

  • 5 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r


    Your Resolutions

    Resolutions to live a healthier life: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________


    Resolutions to help my parents: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

    Resolutions to study English more : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

    Resolutions to live a happier life: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

    __ Resolutions to be a good citizen: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

  • 6 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    Resolutions to protect the environment: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

    Personal Resolutions : ____________________________________________________________



    Invites, back, party, forward, chime, always, dances, for, waited, stay,

    Displays, spent, memories, fun, visit, became

    New Years Eve is the last day of the year. It is __________ an exciting time because

    people look __________ to welcoming a new year. It is also a good time to think

    __________ and say goodbye to the old year. New Years Eve is a national holiday for

    many people around the world. In a lot of countries, people go back to their hometown

    __________ the New Year, so the roads, trains and buses are packed. In England, there is

    always a New Years Eve __________ you can go to. The party is usually in someones

    home and the host __________ friends, families and neighbors. The living room becomes

    a mini disco as everyone __________ to loud music. Everyone then waits until midnight

    to hear Big Ben __________ twelve times. Thats the signal a new year has arrived

    I have lots of good __________ of New Years Eve. When I was very young, my parents

    let me __________ up until midnight. This was very exciting and a special treat. When I

    __________ a teenager, I really looked forward to going to parties. I __________ one

    freezing New Years Eve in Trafalgar Square in the centre of London. There were no

    trains to go home so I __________ until morning outside the train station. It snowed. It

  • 7 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    was really cold. I also spent many wonderful New Years Eves in Japan. There, it is

    traditional to __________ a shrine and pray for good things to happen. I think wherever

    you are, New Years Eve is always __________. Maybe the best way to welcome the

    New Year is by watching one of the many amazing fireworks __________ in the worlds

    capital cities.

    Paragraph 1

    1. people look forward to a. think back

    2 It is also a good time to b. new year has arrived

    3. the roads, trains and buses c. to hear Big Ben

    4. there is always a New Years Eve d. welcoming a new year

    5. Everyone then waits until midnight e. are packed

    6. Thats the signal a f. party you can go to

    Paragraph 2

    1. I have lots of good a. to going to parties

    2 my parents let me stay b. shrine and pray

    3. I really looked forward c. memories of New Years Eve

    4. I waited until morning d. up until midnight

    5. it is traditional to visit a e. displays

    6. one of the many amazing fireworks f. outside the train station

  • 8 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    These exercises will help you practice vocabulary associated with buying or selling your house

    or apartment.

    1. Which ________ are your looking in?



    2. Can I take a look at the ________?

    floor plan

    floor diagram

    3. We'd like to buy a new house, but first we'll have to talk to a bank about ________ it.



    4. I'm sorry, but the price is not ________.



    5. We're looking for a house with three ________.


    sleeping rooms

    6. I'm sorry but that's a little out of our ________.

    price limit

    price range

    7. If we want to buy this house, we'll have to take out a ________.



    8. Most people agree that it's better to buy than ________.

  • 9 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    to rent

    to purchase

    9. One of my good friends works in real estate. He's a real estate ________.



    10. Let me think about it. I'll ________ tomorrow.

    let me know

    let you know

    1. This house it's beautiful, but the neighborhood seems a little ________.



    2. Your mortgage ________ will be about $400 per month.



    3. We're ________ ( = moving) to Atlanta and we're interested in buying a condo.



    4. There's a ________ in the back yard.

    swimming pool

  • 10 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    swimming tank

    5. The back yard is really big, but there's almost no ________ yard.



    6. This apartment is a little more noisy because it ________ the street.



    7. The house has a two-car ________.


    car hole

    8. I think that the owner is willing to ________ the price a little.



    9. A "fixer-upper" is a house that needs a lot of ________.



    10. We'd like to ________ (to the new house) by the end of January.

    move in

    get in

  • 11 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    Sharing Memories

    Holidays bring people together. Talk with your partner about the holidays of your lives.

    1. When you were a child, what was your favorite holiday or festival? Why? What did you enjoy?

    2. What inspired this holiday? What usually happens on this holiday?

    3. What are some holy days in your religious tradition?

    4. When is the New Year observed in your homeland? How is the New Year celebrated? Which

    calendar do you use?

    5. In your native land, is there a special day to honor mothers? Fathers? Children?

    6. Is there a special day to honor all ancestors? How is it celebrated?

    7. Can you think of any fantasy figure, such as Santa Claus, connected to holiday celebrations?

    What is the fantasy figure like? What does this fantasy figure do?

    8. Do any holidays in your native country celebrate the end of a war? Which war? How do you

    mark the occasion?

    9. Do any holidays honor war veterans? How are they honored?

    10. Can you think of some national holidays to honor the birthdays of famous leaders? Who are

    the leaders? What did they do?

    11. What are the official legal holidays in your native country?

    12. Can you tell me about other special days, perhaps social holidays or days of personal

    significance, that most individuals celebrate in your country?

    13. Which holidays have special foods which accompany the celebration?

    14. What are the 10 official, legal holidays in the United States?

    15. What are some popular social holidays, sometimes called Hallmark holidays, here?

  • 12 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r


    Please circle the words that you know. Use them to write three questions.

















    Read the common sayings and proverbs below. Can you add two more?

    The more the merrier.

    When the boss is away, work becomes a holiday.Portuguese

    Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods.Japanese

    Enjoy yourself. Its later than you think.Chinese

    Shared joys are doubled; shared sorrows are halved.

    (Add your own)..........................................................................................

    (Add your own)..........................................................................................


  • 13 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    1. What are some traditional gifts for Valentines Day? How do you celebrate it?

    2. Do you know what happens in the comic movie Groundhog Day?

    3. Which holidays include special songs, dances, or costumes?

    4. Do you have a favorite song or dance linked to a holiday? Which? Do you own any collection

    of holiday songs?

    5. Which holidays often include fireworks? Parades? Caroling?

    6. What are three special holiday activities for children?

    7. On what holidays, do people traditionally put on costumes? Did you celebrate a holiday similar

    to Halloween in your native country?

    8. What are some holidays that occur in the Spring?

    9. Do you have a favorite Spring holiday? What is the holiday? How is it celebrated?

    10. In your native land, is there a winter holiday which uses lots of lights near the winter solstice?

    What is the holiday? How is it celebrated?

    11. Now that you are in the United States, do you still celebrate the same holidays?

    12. Can you think of some movies centered around a holiday? Do you have a favorite movie to

    watch during the holidays? Why?

    13. What is your favorite holiday? How do you celebrate it?

    14. Did you celebrate July 4 last year? Thanksgiving? What did you do?

    15. Have you seen any new holidays created, or dropped, in your lifetime? Which ones?

    16. Do you feel more homesick near holiday time? What do you especially miss?

    17. Why do you think so many people find the holiday season stressful?

    18. What are your best tips to make holidays a positive experience?

    19. Would you like to add, or create, a new holiday? What? Why? How would you like to

    celebrate this new holiday?


    Read aloud all the quotations. Pick your favorites and discuss.

    1. A feast is made for laughter.Ecclesiastes 10:19.

  • 14 | P a g e w w w . . s t b c . c o m . b r

    2. You cant have Thanksgiving without turkey. Thats like Fourth of July without apple pie, or Friday without two pizzas.Joey (Matt LeBlanc) on Friends, an American situation comedy (sitcom) series

    3. Happy, happy Christmas, that win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet

    home.Charles Dickens (18121870) English novelist

    4. I was an atheist for a while, but I gave it up. No holidays!Henry Youngman (19061998) American comedian

    5. In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it Christmas and went to church; the Jews called it Hanukkah and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank.Dave Barry (1947) American comedian

    6. Christmas is the season when gifts are gladly given, happily received, and cheerfully refunded.Evan Esar (18991995), American humorist

    7. April 1: This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four.Mark Twain (18351910) humorist