english language competences


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Page 1: English language competences

English Language

Competences: planning …

(through Modernized Curriculum analysis

perspectives)presenter: Olga Morozan, senior lecture, IŞE, Master Degree in Psychology,

English teacher, “Mihai Eminescu” Lyceum, Chişinău

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Presentation’s objectives: Modernized Curriculum:

premises and changes, Common European

Framework Reference , European Language

Portofolio, Modern Curriculum versus

Lesson planning.

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Premises of Curriculum changes: New societies needs….

=>Promote the modernization of educational process,

so of the educational system.

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Þ a new Curriculum to reflect

the “planning-teaching-learning-evaluation”


Stages of Curriculum transformation from 2001 to 2010 period:

Content-centered=> Objective-centered => Competence-centered !!!

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Definitions: Content: that which is contained; subject matter;

substance; the amount of material contained (en.wiktionary.org/wiki/content)

Objective: the clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goals towards which every operation/act should be directed.

Competence: a state or quality of being adequately or well qualified; ability.

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Basic inspired documents/acts:

2001- Common European Framework Reference (CEFR) for Language Competences;

2000- The European Language Portofolio: a Guide for Teachers and Teacher Trainers.

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Common European Framework Reference (CEFR)

The origin of CEF? The Council of Europe (an organization to include ~~50 countries) began to develop CEFR in 1991, promoting the goal of developing European Identity while recognizing the importance of different cultures (language!!!).

What is CEF? A carefully developed descriptive framework with the aims to: To encourage the development of language skills, so that

people could be working more effectively, to examine and define what we can do with a language, to help us compare the language level of individuals from

different countries in an accurate and impartial way, To encourage learner ’s autonomy and lifelong learning.

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CEFR structure:It consists of 2 parts: The Descriptive Scheme – a tool for reflecting on

what is involved not only in language use, but also in learning and teaching (descriptive skills, competences, strategies, activities, domains and conditions, and constraints that determine language use);

The Common Reference Level System - scales of illustrative descriptors that provide global and detailed specifications of language proficiency levels for different parameters of the scheme.

(Can do)!!!

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The descriptive scheme:Language Competences

The Descriptive Scheme focuses on the actions performed by persons who as individuals and as social agents develop a range of general and communicative language competences.General competences of a language user/learnern comprise 4 sub-competences:

+ ability to learn (know how

to learn): the ability to engagein new experiences, and to intergrate new knowledge into existing knowledge.

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Communicative competencesInvolve knowledge, skills and attitudes for each of the following 5 components: 1. Linguistic competence: deals with formal characteristics of a language, such as phonology, morphology, lexicon and syntax (the structure of a language);

2. Discoursive competences: capacity to build and organize an oral discourse;

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Communicative competences (2)3. Sociocultural competences:conserns the sociocultural conditions of language use such as e.g. politeness rules or social group repertoires;4. Pragmatic competences: covers the functional use of language, for example the use in specific scenarios of how to act in a given social event or how to participate in a job interview.

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Communicative competences (3)5. Intercultural competences: covers the knowledge of cultural values of the language speaking countries. ___________________________________________________

!!!General Conclusion on Communicative competences =>

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Language activitiesOn the basis of general and communicative

language competences the language user/learner applies skills and strategies that are suitable to perform tasks in the following oral/written language activities:-Reception; -Production;

-Interaction; - Mediation (i.e. sumarizing, paraphrasing,

interpreting or translating).

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Linguistic DomainsThe contextualization of these language activities in specific domains implies activating language processes of producing and receiving spoken/written discourses/texts. The language activities happen within 5 domains of language use such as:a. Communication; b. Culture; c. Community;d. Comparison; e. Connexion.

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Definitions of domains:!!!Match the right definition to the following domains: “communication, culture, community, comparison, connexion”:a. develops a proper and adequate response to a social request; (communication) b. develops interdisciplinary competences: knowledge on linguistic and cultural interferences; (connexion)c.develops methodic competences; self-formation, self-guiding, and self-evaluating skills;(comparison)d.regards intercultural aspects (knowledge about other countries and their personalities); (culture)e. develops civic competence: attitudes and values formation. (community)

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1. Listening2. Reading UNDERSTANDING

3. Spoken interaction SPEAKING4. Spoken Production

5. Written Interaction WRITING 6. Written Production

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Common Reference Levels of Language Proficiency

What are the CEF levels? There are 3 broad divisions divided into 6 global levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)


Proficient/ C2 (Mastery) Native speakers level in everyday life and work-related situations.

Competent user

C1 (Effective Operational Proficiency)

Almost native speaker level in everyday life and work-related situations, presentations, reports, instructions and explanations in detail,

Independent B2 (Vantage) Puts complex information into practice both in everyday life and in work situations, presentations and meetings.

User B1 (Threshold) Can understand, communicate and put into practice standard information both in everyday life and in work- related situations.

Basic A2 (Way- stage) Understands and communicates any important information both in writing and orally.

User A1 (Breakthrough)

Understands and communicates simple personal and work-related messages.

Listening Reading Speaking Writing

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Common Reference Levels of Language Proficiency (2)

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CERFA1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

U n d e r –s t a n- d i n g Listening

I can understand familiar words and very basic phrases concerning myself, my family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly.

I can understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment). I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.

I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.

I can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar. I can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. I can understand the majority of films in standard dialect.

I can understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signalled explicitly. I can understand television programmes and films without too much effort.

I have no difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken language, whether live or broadcast, even when delivered at fast native speed, provided. I have some time to get familiar with the accent.

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A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

U n d e r s t a n d i n g Reading

I can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters or in catalogues.

I can read very short, simple texts. I can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and I can understand short simple personal letters.

I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.

I can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints. I can understand contemporary literary prose.

I can understand long and complex factual and literary texts, appreciating distinctions of style. I can understand specialised articles and longer technical instructions, even when they do not relate to my field.

I can read with ease virtually all forms of the written language, including abstract, structurally or linguistically complex texts such as manuals, specialised articles and literary works.

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A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

S p e a k i n g

Spoken interaction

I can interact in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a slower rate of speech and help me formulate what I'm trying to say. I can ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.

I can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. I can handle very short social exchanges, even though I can't usually understand enough to keep the conversation going myself.

I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).

I can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. I can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining my views.

I can express myself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. I can use language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes. I can formulate ideas and opinions with precision and relate my contribution skilfully to those of other speakers.

I can take part effortlessly in any conversation or discussion and have a good familiarity with idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms. I can express myself fluently and convey finer shades of meaning precisely. If I do have a problem I can backtrack and restructure around the difficulty so smoothly that other people are hardly aware of it.

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A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

S p e a k i n g

Spoken production

I can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where I live and people I know.

I can use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms my family and other people, living conditions, my educational background and my present or most recent job.

I can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions.

I can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my field of interest. I can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

I can present clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects integrating sub-themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.

I can present a clear, smoothly-flowing description or argument in a style appropriate to the context and with an effective logical structure which helps the recipient to notice and remember significant points.

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A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2


I can write a short, simple postcard, for example sending holiday greetings. I can fill in forms with personal details, for example entering my name, nationality and address on a hotel registration form.

I can write short, simple notes and messages. I can write a very simple personal letter, for example thanking someone for something.

I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.

I can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to my interests. I can write an essay or report, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view. I can write letters highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences.

I can express myself in clear, well-structured text, expressing points of view at some length. I can write about complex subjects in a letter, an essay or a report, underlining what I consider to be the salient issues. I can select a style appropriate to the reader in mind.

I can write clear, smoothly-flowing text in an appropriate style. I can write complex letters, reports or articles which present a case with an effective logical structure which helps the recipient to notice and remember significant points. I can write summaries and reviews of professional or literary works.

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The European Language PortofolioEach Language Portfolio is made up of three parts:


1. The Language ‘Passport’–In this part of the portfolio learners :

reflect on their language learning experiences, define their language learning needs, and plan a learning route. They can also summarize their intercultural

experiences and their exposure to the language in a variety of contexts.

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2. The Language Biography

This is a more detailed look at the learner’s personal language learning experiences. Learners are encouraged to look at their own individual learning style and reflect on personal language learning objectives, usually by listing them.

Learners use self-assessment grids (often called My Learning Progress) and score charts to check their progress throughout the Course.

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3. The Language DossierThis is a collection of learners’ work from throughout the

course. Each student is responsible for compiling the dossier and,

with the teacher’s guidance, selecting examples of work that best represents his or her personal achievements.

The dossier can include work taken from course book activities, the workbook, or extra resource sheets.

It can include individual or group work and can be compiled in written, audio, or video form.

Useful link:www.coe.int/T/DG4/Portfolio/documents/Guide-for-Users-April02.doc

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Modernized Curriculum…Competenţe specifice

Receptarea mesajului oral (cl.9)Forme de prezentare a conţinuturilor

Activităţi de învăţare şi evaluare

1.1. Anticiparea elementelor de conţinut al unui text pe baza titlului/ imaginii;1.2. Identificarea sensului global al unui mesaj oral;1.3. Determinarea tipului de mesaj prin identificarea de detalii de apreciere şi selectarea de informaţii cheie din texte autentice rostite clar şi cu viteză normală;1.4. Selectarea unor informaţii relevante din fragmente de texte informative, instrucţiuni, tabele, hărţi pentru a îndeplini o sarcină de lucru;1.5. Recunoaşterea organizării logice a unui text.

Texte autentice de complexitate medie;

Înregistrări audio/ video sau citite cu glas tare;

Texte de informare generală; Articole de presă; Texte descriptive şi narative; Prezentări orale pe teme de


Audierea înregistrărilor audio/ video;

Exerciţii de identificare de informaţii;

Exerciţii de confirmare a sensului global dintr-un mesaj oral;

Exerciţii de înţelegere a ideilor dintr-un text;

Exerciţii de utilizare a unor materiale de referinţă pentru decodarea sensului unor elemente de text.

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The scheme of lesson plan procedure…1.Why to do this? (Competence identification)

2.What to do? (Content selection) 3. With what to do? (Resource analysis)

4. How to do? (Learning activities setting)

5. How much is to be done? (Evaluating instruments setting)

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Long-term-planning schemeCompetences Subcompetences Content Nr h Date Note

Unit 1. 20h

From 5 domains by one competence (5 at all per one unit)

For each competence by 3 sub-competences (for the entire unit)

Lesson1. Busy Enough.


1. 1.2.3.

Lesson 2. Time is Money


2. 4.5.6.

Lesson 3.Getting Organized


3. 7.8.9.

Lesson 4. Life at a Glance


4. 10.11.12.

Lesson 5. Literary Focus…


5. 13.14.15.

Lesson 6. Enjoying free time or …


Stop and Check 1h

Evaluation 1h

5 Competences for unit 2 Sub-competences for unit 2

Unit 2. 20 h

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Unit Planning Unit Topic: total nr of h…. Subcompetences

Content Learning activity(detailed procedure of the lesson)

Materials Strategies Evaluation

Date, time pacing


From the long-term-planning,

Lesson 1. Busy Enough

Evocation 10.11.2010

for e.g. unit 1 to be selected

Realization of Meaning

those ones that are appropriate to lesson


1 content Extension

Now select for lesson 2

Lesson 2.


Time is Realization of Meaning

Money Reflection


Till the end of the unit

Leeson 3 Evocation…

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Don’t be afraid to have an open-minded look to

so many unknown and unfamiliar things around

us… we have just to try to

discover them unconditionally!
