english islahi khutbat discourses on islamic way of life mufti taqi usmani vol-4

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  • 1. DISCOURSES ONISLAMIC WAY OF LIFE VOL. IVBY Justice Mufti Muhal7z11~adTaqi Usr~fani Translated ByIqbal Hussain Ansavi

2. Vol. IVIncludesReji7nn Ancl Trcriizitzg Of CltildreitService To P(irents A Merms To ParadiseB~ckhiting Grievous Sin Of Tlie Tongue AEtiquettes OfSleepingAn Ecrsy W(iy Of Estuhli.sltirtg RclirtionslzipWitlr AllriliProtect Your TongneHcczrcrt Ihruhint +JI+ Anrl Building Of TlteHouse O Allnlz (AI-Ka brrlz)fRerrlize Tlte V(11rreOf TinreIs1(11ti A~zrlHu~lallRig1tt.sTlr e Reality OfSlicib-E-Brirrfrrt 3. CONTENTSSeries: 30REFOIiM AND TRAININGO F CHILDRENThe Beautifill Topic of the address28The word "Son" is a way of addressfull of love and affection 29The Translation oithe verses. 30Individual deeds are not sufficientfor salvation31What, itchildren do not obey you? 31HOW you protect them fronl the do~ v o r l d tire?l~32Todaq care i s taken of everything except Deer? 33He has deviated only a little from thepart of Deen330n1> the soul has departed fi-om the body 34The Plight of the new generation34Today the children have the upper haild overtheir parents 35The old father is in a Nursing I-lome 36You must reap what you 11al.e SO MI^. 36The Prophets to .w& and their concernabout their children37The Masters will be questioned abouttheir subordinates on the Day of Judgment 38lhese sins are in reality Fire.39The result of one morsel eaten out 4. es O n lslalulc Wn! )I I ~ l (Vol IV) c 10 of ill-gotten money.The Excellence of Prayer We have become accustomid to DarknessThe Excellence of Jil~ud It is the divine saints who call observe sins. lhe Rights of Parents The world is filled with the Fire of sinsSelfless 1,ovc First be regular in Prayers yourself Kindness and service to Parents Do not tell lies to children. I t is not /)eP17 (Faith) to satisl) ones lat~cy The style of imparting training to children7Thisis not Deer7 (Faith). The lilnit of showing affection to childrenHazrat Owais Qami U ~H~ I X An incident that happened to the Shaikhul.The status of being a conlpanion (Sahubi) Hadith Hazrat MaulanaZakariaCotninue serving and looking after your mother 65 An etiquette of taking food These are Isla~nicRules of EtiquettesReward for mothers senlice66 Teaching and training children beforeDevotion of tlie Noble Companionse ~ l & j 67 the age of seven year 68The importance of service to parents Let them learn at home69When the parents have grown old Qari Fath Muhammad Sahib~ L L U I - ;An Instructive Event 69 The limit to which bodily punishment Kindness to. and nice behaviour with parents 71 may be inflicted on children.The curse of disobeying parents71 The way how children should be beaten 72An event i i ~ lof nloral lessonl How to train childrenParents perlnissiol~ receiving education 72for Everyone of you is a guardian 73An easy waj to ~ v i n Paradise Take care of your subordinatesIdow to conlpensate for negligence towards Spare only ten lnillutes73parents after their death Series: 3 1The mother 1x1sthree rights as against SERVICE TO PARENTS the father who has only one right74 A MEANS TO PARADISEIlue respect to father and devoted service A descriptioll of the rights ofto mother75 the servants of AllahThe result and reward of service to mothers 75 Which deed is the best76So go and do good to them Desire to do good deedsGo and make your Parents laugh 77 Alas! 1 have lost many Qeerats Dee~(Faith) is the name of abiding linlits 77 Different answers to the same question78~ o m ~ a of yn Godly Inen The Best Act for everyone is different 5. )urses On Isl:~micWay O F I.ili- (Vol.IV) I!: Shm-i ht. Sunnaf and Tar-iqat 78pardon for sins98 Series: 32 23.The I-loly Prophet J has himself & BACKBITING A GRIEVOUS sought pardon98 SIN OF THE TONGUE24.A golden principle of lslanl 100 Backbiting is a heinous sin 84 25.An easy way oigetting rid otBackbiting 100 Definition of Backbiting85 26.Iiave an eye on your ow n vices100 Backbiting is a major sin 86 27.Change the trend of the talk 10 1 Let them tear their faces 87 28.Backbiting is the root of all vices102 Backbiting is worse than adultery 87 29. To conlnlit Backbiting througl~ hints and signs 102 The backbiter will be prevented fi-om30.Take care to refrain fiom Backbiting 103 entering Paradise 88 3 1. How to refrain from Backbiting 103 Backbiting is the worst for111of Usury88 32.Make a Resolutio~ito refrain fro111 Backbiting 103 Backbiting is like eating the flesh of a 33.Calunlny - a grievous sin104 dead brother88 34.Calulnny is worse than Backbiting105 A dream full of admonition89 35.Two reasons for the torment of the grave 105 The Darkness of eating forbidden (Haranz)things 90 36.Beware of sprinkles of urine 106 Occasions on which Backbiting is allowed 9137.Beware of Calumny107 To colnnlit Backbiting to save someone 38.It is Calumny to divulge a secret107 fi-om anothers wickedness91 39.Two serious sins of the tongue 108 If the life of a person is ill danger 92Series: 33 To backbite a person who coln~nits aETIQlJETTES OF SLEEPING sin openly and above board93 1. A long DII (supplication) for This too is included in the sin of Backbiting 93reciting at bed time 112 The Backbiting of a sinner and wrongdoer 2. Perform Ablution before going to bed 113 is not lawful 93 3. The rules of Etiquette are dictated by Love1 13 It is not Backbiting to speak ill of a tyrant 94 4. When going to sleep lie down on Resolution and courage are needed to give the right side113 up the sin of Backbiting95Entrust to Allah all the affairs of the day 1145. The Remedy for getting rid of Backbiting96 6. TufM1ec.z (Entrusting) brings peace and co~nforts 115 Expiation for Backbiting97 7. There is only one place of refuge 116 How to compensate the outstanding8. To protect yourself from the arrow take rights and dues of others 97your seat by the side of the archer 116 The Excellence of seeking and offering9. Learn a lesson from an innocent child 116 6. I>~scours~.s n Islamic Wa! Of I.ilk (Vol.lV) O14Il~scourc0 1 1 Il a m l ~Aa) Of I ~ l (Vol I V )eYou shall enter Paradise direct 117Indifference towards Allah is the root of ,111 evils 136A brief Dzl b before going to bed 117Where Iias Allah gone137Sleep is minor death118Indifference to rememberalice of Allah leads toDu h to recite on awaking from sleep118increase in sins and crimes138Remember death nlost frequently 119It is the Holy Prophet & vho put an endIt is not good to be down on ones belly120to crimesI39The assembly will be regrettable120Even verbal remembrance of Allah isThe Plight of our assemblies121beneficial and desirable 140It is lawful to indulge in recreation 122The Reality of "Relationship" with Allah140The unique versatility of the Holy Prophet &123Continue begging Allah at all times 14 1Compensation and reward forIt is a very cheap but effective formula14 1expression of love123There are no preconditions forDo every act only for the pleasure of Allah 124renlemberance of Allah142Hazrat Majzoob and ~ l l a hsremembrance 125The light of the Ahadith is indispensable forThe needle of the heart in the direction of Allah 125understanding the ~ u i a n 143Allah has created the heart for Himself 126Series: 35The Du h (supplication) are Kaffarah PROTECT YOUR TONGUE(Expiation) of an assembly127Three blessed Ahadith 148Convert sleep into worship128Take care of your tongue149If you are the best of the creation 128The tongue is a great blessing149An assembly like this is a dead ass 129What if the tongue suddenly stops speaking 150Sleep is gift of Allah129The tongue is a Trust fronl Allah 150The night is a great blessing of Allah129The correct use of the tongue 15 1Series: 34 Keep the tongue wet with the remembranceAN EASY WAY OF ESTABLISHINGof Allah152RELATIONSHIP WITH ALLAHUtilize the tongue to teach Deen152Du h (supplication) to recite when putting To utter a word ofsolace153on a new garment 134 The tongue may lead to Hell 153There is a separate Du h (supplication)Think before you open your mouth to speak 154for every time 134 Hazrat Mian Sahib.~l.sla-;154The way of establishing relatioilship with Allah 135 Our Example 155Allah does not stand in need of anyones The r e ~ i ~ e d y keep the tongue under control 156 toremembrance136 Put a lock on the tongue157 7. A unique event that reforlned his life189Refrain fiam using the tongue in gossip157His status in the science of Hadith 191Ous women and the use of the tongue157His lack of itnerest in, and retirementI guarantee Paradise for you 158f~-0111 world the191Three acts for salvation 159His occupation with the Ahadith of the HolyO Tongue, fear Allah!160Prophet & 191The limbs shall speak on the Day of .ludgment160Respect and love for him in the heartsSeries: 36of the people 192HAZRAT IBRAHIM CKJ+ ANDA strange event of his generosity 193BUILDING OF THE HOUSE OF ALLAHHis generosity and help to the poor 193(AL-KAB AH)Another example of his generosity 195The Comprehensiveness of Deen167Kitabuz-zuhd war-raqa-iq196The Event of building the House of AllahTwo great blessings are being neglected 197(The ~ a ba h ) 168Realize the value of Health 197It is a rule o f etiquette that joint projectsAct upon one Hadith 198are ascribed to the elderly member of the team 169It is satans deception to feel that I am in theHazrat~ ~ n u ; r I&, and observance of Etiquettes 170 a uAn outstanding event 171bloom of youtl~ 199There should be no feeling of superiority Had we not granted you an age so long 166in the heart 172Who are these warners?200A dialogue with the Angel of death200The victory of Makkah and the ~ r o ~ e h tmodesty s173Help comes from Almighty Allah aloneIf you have anything to do, do it 20 1 174Who is a genuine Muslim?The regret for inability to offer two 175Raka hts of prayer20 1The objective of building a mosque 176Deen is not confined to praying and Fill your balance of Deeds with good Deeds202fasting alone.177 Hafiz ibn Hajar +AIL-, and theIt is a compulsory duty to reform childrenrealization of the value of time2031 79(request for pardon) after Prayers? 180Why /.s/ig/7f~11.Hazrat Mufti Sahib CIFAI-, and theA coinprehensive Du h 181 value of time 203The importance of the ~ d i i a l (supplications) tThe best formula for working 204~ C C L I ~ I - i n g Sunnah ofthe Holy Prophet -in the 2 183Will the "Self be neglectful despite this? 205Series: 37The remedy to cure lustful thoughts205REALIZE THE VALUE OF TIME The Film of your life will be televised206Hazrat Abdullah bin Mubarak G--, 188Do not postpone it till tomorrow 207 8. Discourses On Islamic Way Of 1.1fc(Vol-IV)D~scot~rscs11Islamic Way Of I,~fe0 (Vol I V )18 A working principle in this World22 8 It is desirable to make haste in doing good 207 An easy way of turning time to good account 228 Realize the value of five items 208 Draw up a schedule for your time 229 Realize the value of youth208This too is Jihad 230 Realize the value of Health, wealth and leisure 209Never postponz a good Deed230 Recite these ~ d > i a hevery morning 210Man gets time for a deed which he Hazrat Hasan Basri LLL-UIL-,21 1considers in his heart to be important 23 1 Time is more precious than gold and silver21 1llnporta~itwork shall be accorded preference 23 1 The value of two Rak hts of NaflYou have at your disposal only today 232 (optional) Prayer 212This Namaz (Prayer) may perhaps be the last A voice is coming out of the graveyard21 3 Namaz of my life232 Only the "Deeds" will go with you 214Summary233 Do not long for death 2 14Series: 38 Hazrat Mian sahibs revelation21 5I S L A M AND HUMAN RIGHTS How to be safe from too much talking215 The mention of his blessed name 23 8 Our Example 2 16To talk about the friend is not less Hazrat Thanawi LLCL-UIL-~ and the enjoyable than an actlial meeting with him 238 value of Time 216 His & attributes and accomplishments239 Hazrat Thanawi LLL-UIL-, his Timetable and 217 The propaganda of todays world 240 The Reality of Birthdays218 The concept of Human Rights 24 1 A Dirge (2,) on the past years of life219 The Human Rights have been changing There are three categories of activities 219from age to age 24 1 In reality this too is a great loss220Determination of the correct Human Rights 243 The queer loss of a businessman220An organisation advocating the causeThe story of Bania (An Indian Hindu shopkeeper) 221of Human Rights 243The present age and time-saving devices 222The kind of surveys carried out nowadays 244Satan has involved us in show-business224Is the theory of Freedom of thought absolute? 246Wastage of Time among womenfolk 224You have no standard248 The human intellect has its limitation249Why should I waste time in taking revenge?224Islam is not in need of you 250Hazrat Mianji Noor Muhammad AJSL-UIL-, Jurisdiction of the Intellect 25 1and how he realised the value of time 225Jurisdiction of the senses25 1The matter needs to be tackled more hurriedly 225The Intellect alone is not sufficient 25 1The relation of the Holy Prophet & How to protect the Rights 253with this world 227 9. Discourses O n Islamic Way Of Life (Vol IV) 20 The condition of todays world254 A Promise must be honoured255 Protection of life in Islam 256 Protection of wealth and property in Islam256 Protection of honour in Islam 259 FOREWORD Protection of l i elihood in Islam ~ 260 Protection of Belief in Islam 26 1 T o The English Edition by Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi UsmaniThe practice of Hazrat Umar Farooqu & , .I &263 The practice of Hazrat ~ ua w i ~ a h ,4~i 1, 263 Human Rights as being propagated today265 Series: 391 7 the I ~ U I ~ Iof A//uI7, the Con~passionate. Merciful.1E theTHE REALITY OF SHAB-E-BARAAT Deen (Faith) consists in compliance 270 On tlie advice of some of my elders I hold a weekly It is not right to think that the excellence meeting in Jamia Masjid AlBaitul Mukararn attended by a of this Night is baseless 27 1 large number of Muslim brothers and sisters. Rather than ~hab-e-~ara-at the earlier centuriesand27 1 giving a formal lecture, my basic purpose intended to be No specific form of worship is prescribed 27 1 achieved through these meetings is that we get together for To visit graveyards in this Night 272sollie time to review our. ways of life in the light of Islamic Offer NaJl (optional) Prayers at home 273teachings and to deliberate what is going to happen to us after Offer Farz (obligatory) Prayers in congregation 274 we leave this ~iiundaneworld. When tlie Muslims having true Seclusion is needed for Nafl prayers274Islamic orientation sit together for this purpose, each one of Come to Me in loneliness275 them benefit from the other to create a genuine concern about You have disregarded this blessing275 our coming life which is the real and eternal life as compared The moments of loneliness 276 to the present one which may come to an end any time. Hours are not counted there 277 I this mutual meeting which is meant for self-correction It is sincerity that matters277 I nor~nally read a book of Hadith and explain it to the audience Keep every form of worship within its in the light of what I have learned from my elders with special prescribed limits278reference to tlie c~lrrent attitude prevailing in our society and Congregation of women279touching upon the relevant practical issues, social evils and the Sweetmeats and ~ h a b - e - ~ a r - a t 279major faults found in our practical life. My friend Maulana Distinctive features of Bid bat (1nnovations)280Abdulla Memon who reg~llarlyattended these meetings Fasting on the fifteenth Day of hib ban28 1 usually prepares the audio cassettes of these addresses which Refrain from argumentation and altercation 282are widely circulated in the country and abroad. He has also Prepare and purify yourself for the month transcribed some of these audio cassettes in an abridged form of 1 .:mazan :283and after their compilation he has published them in separate 10. Way Of Life (Vol I V )Discourses On lsla~iiic 22volumes ~lnder title of "lslahi Khutbaat". Nine volul~~esthe ofthis compilations have already come out in Urdu by the graceof Allah which were widely circulated, read and benefitedfro~n. Since long some of my friends were suggesting thatFOREWORDthese addresses be rendered into English as well so that theyT o The Urdu Edition bymay be useful for the English readership. I was reluctant to act Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmaniupon the suggestion because, as told earlier, these addresseswere not formal lectures on a particular subject. They were infact discussions, on Jifferent aspects of our lives, undertakenwith frankness rather than formalism. They some time lack thesequence usually expected from a well considered writing. 117 [he 17ume o f A / I ~ / h/he Con~pussio~~crte, Mel-clfirl.theTherefore, I do not know how far their translation will be asmeaningful and effective as it was proved to be in the originalAll Praise belongs to Allah Who is Sufficient. And, peaceUrdu language. However, my nephew, Mr. Khalil Ashraf be on His chosen servant.Usmani, the proprietor of Darui Ishaat, requested Mr. Iqbal For many years now, I have been delivering talks on Ansari and Mr. Rafiq Abdur Rehman to translate thesereligious subjects in coinpliance with the advice of iny elders Khutbaat into English. Both of these gentlemen undertook theevery Friday after Asr prayer. task and the outcome of their noble effort is appearing before People of different walks of life attend these meetings, the readers. I had advised them not to be too strict in literal and there are women too. By the Grace of Allah, I derive translation and to render the basic idea in their own style. I hadnluch benefit nlyself fro111 these talks and my listeners too no opportunity to go through the manuscript of theirfeel a sense of advantage. May Allah cause the series of talkstranslation but had an occasion to have a cursory look on some a ineans of reforination for all of us. Aameen!passages. To the best of my assessment the translation I have My close colleague. Maulana Abdullah Meinon, hasseen is correct and conveying. I hope that it will help readersbeen recording these talks for soine tiine and distributing theto understand the basic theme of these Khutbaat. May Allah cassettes. I have been told by my friends that these cassettesgrant the best reward to the translators and publisher of this have been much beneficial to the general body of Muslims.book and make it beneficial for the readers. I would againThe nuinber of cassettes has n o w exceeded tworemind the readers that it is not a book properly authored byhundred and fifty. Maulana Abdullah Meinon has reducedme. It is the compilation of my extempore d i s c ~ ~ s s i o n ssome of these cassettes to writing and brought them out intherefore, I extend my apology if some readers find thethe form of sinall booklets which are now compiled togethersequence of thoughts somehow disturbed in some places. in book-form under the name of Islahi Khutbaat (DiscoursesHowever, the readers should concentrate on the message given on Islamic Way of life)and not on the style adopted. I have revised soine of the speeches and the Maulana Muhammad Taqi Usmanihas done a very usef~11work by annotating quotations of the 11. Wa! Of 1 ~ f (Vol IV I[)~scoursc.; O n I s l a m ~ ce24Al~adithin iny speeches with proper references to theirsource. This work has proved very useful. In reading this book, iny readers must remember that itis not a formal co~nposition a collection of speeches butmade at different times penned down from recording.Therefore, they will sense the style of an oral dialogue inthese articles. The benefit that accrues to any Muslim fromthese articles is merely a blessing of Allah for which he mustbe thankful to Him. But. if there is a slip in these articles orsomething superfluous, then that is a lapse on my part. Inlust say. however, that my aim in delivering these talks wasnot siinply to speak out but-before everything else- I had myreforination in mind. and then that my listeners nlay bedrawn towards their own reformation. Do not let the written word please you Or the working of fate worry you! I have by your memory alone What of the text and what of its lnealling May Allah through His Grace and Favour let thesewritings be a means of our reforination, and a treasure forthe Hereafter. May He reward well the conlpiler andpublisher of these articles. Aumeen.Muhanznznd Taqi Usmnni.12 Rabi-ill- Awwal 14 14 A.H 12. REFROM AND TRAININGOF CHILDREN 13. Oisco~trsesOn Islamic May 01 Ltfe (Vol:IV)28 29Discoul-scs On Islam~cWa! Of I.ife (Vol.lV) All praise is for Allah. We praise Him and seekentire Muslim community. Almighty Allah has said: His help and seek His forgiveness and believe , ,,,,.> , 2 ,-, in Him and rely 011 Him. We seek refuge with$J&Jl+-+ Him fi-om the evils of our souls and from the i.e. 0 , people who have believed. vices of our deeds. There is none to misguideYou might have observed that while addressing the him whom He guides and there is none to guideMuslims in the Quran, Almighty Allah has used these him whom He lets go astray. We bear witnessvery words, ,u! , k 4 Our late Dr. Abdul Hai + .ill-, useda r that there is no god but Allah the One Who has to say that this style of Allahs addressing the Muslims is no partner. We also bear witness that our sire,very beautiful. One way of addressing someone is to and our authority and our Prophet and ouraddress him by his name. The other and more affectionate Master, Muhammad & is His servant and Hisway of addressing is to address a person by mentioning Messenger. May Almighty Allah have mercy onthe intimate relation which exists between the addresser him, his household and bless and salute them all and the addressee. For example, a father may address his in great abundance.son by his name or by the word "son". It is quite obvious 0 Believers! Save yourselves and your families fromthat the love and affection concealed in the word son area Fire whose fuel is men and stone, over which arenot present in the mere name of the son.appointed angels strong. severe who do not disobey Allahin that which He commands them (to do); they do thatThe word "Son" is a way of addresswhich they are commanded (to do) (66 6 )full of love and affection. Allama Nuwa-wee .+dlker, has next introduced a newShaikh-ul-Islam, Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmanichapter in the book, Riazus-Saliheen. He +d~ker, intends by +ISbl-, was a great religious scholar and Jurist, I happenedthis chapter to state that not only is it binding upon a man to to see him at a time when there was none equal to him inreform himself, but he is also obliged to reform the lives of learning and accomplishment, not only in Pakistan but inhis family, his wife and children and all those who are the entire world. In recognition of his deep knowledge andsubordinate to him, by inviting them to learn and follow thepiety some called him "Shaikh-ul-Islam and some othersrules of the Faith, discharge their religious duties and shun called him "Allamah". The Allamah sometimes called atall sins. The Allahan has introduced this chapter for thisour house, My grandmother who was then alive was thespecific purpose in which he has cited some Qu;anic versesAllamahs maternal aunt. She used to address the Allamahand Ahadith of the Holy Prophet &.as son and pray for his long life. We were much surprisedat hearing these words of prayer. Allamah Usmani told usThe Beautiful topic of the Addressthat he visited the house of my father Mufti MuhammadThe verse which I have just recited before you is Shafi + ~ ~ h ~ l k for two objectives.pr,really the basic theme of this chapter. Addressing theThe first objective was to meet Mufti Shafi biker, and 14. Discourses O n Islam~c Way O f L ~ f (Vol:IV) e 30 31 D~scourses n lsla1111cWa) O f L ~ f e O(Vol IV)the other objective was that at that time there was none oil theIndividual Deeds are not sufficient for salvationsurface of the earth, other than that lady who addressed him asAlmighty Allah has warned in this verse that one"son". The Allamah said that he dearly loved the word sonshould not consider it sufficient for ones salvation thataddressed to him by that pious and venerable lady.one has saved oneself from the Fire of Hell by doing goodApparently this is an insignificant incident, but thedeeds. One must also do ones best to save ones childrenvalue of the affectionate word son can be appreciatedand family also from that Fire. It is a common sight to dayonly by him who knows the emotion of the person whothat we see a man who is very regular in his prayers,utters the word son. A time comes in mans life when hefasting, payment of Zakat and spending money on charity.finds none to address him with such loving words.He is doing his best to enforce what is right and shun what Dr. Abdul Hai Sahib ~c&I-, explained that by usingthe words , - I ~ ~ I I ~ I L !Almighty Allah has referred to the is wrong., yet he is totally negligent of the acts of themembers of his family, who are drifting in the otherrelation which exists between every believer and Allah. Thisdirection. They are flagrantly violating the commands ofis just as a father addresses his son by uttering the word sonAllah and His Prophet & and their guardian feels no =with the intention of telling him something full of love,worry about their misconduct and misdeeds. Beware thatsympathy and valuable advices. This is exactly howyou cannot attain salvation by ameliorating your own lifeAlmighty Allah addresses His obedient servants. Forand ways, unless you take care to put your children andexample He says at one place in the Holy Quran:family also on the right path of Islam. This is because it isyour responsibility to guide and protect from sins thoseThe Translation of the verses ,&GIGLGO+s {($ -, & ,L*also who have been entrusted to your charge. e, ~*9$;;- g% +-, ,,, - L ;-+ :J 6;@1> oWhat, if the children do not obey you? , o , ,*,,,mj In the Quianic verse quoted above we have been(.IC!+lijy) i)jy>b 3 j ! A L jcommanded to protect ourselves and our family from Fire. This means :The verse points out the answer to a doubt that generally 0 you who believe, protect yourselves and yourarises in our minds when questioned about the misconduct families from a Fire, the fu& of which is menand deviation of their sons, the parents or guardians try to and stones, over which are (appointed) angels,shake off their responsibility by saying that they did their strong, severe who do not disobey Allah in thatbest to guide and reform their children and members of their which He commands them, and they do whatfamily, but in vain. Affected by the trends of the times, they they are commanded (to do). (66.6)are not prepared to accept right guidance. Now they areresponsible for their deeds and we are responsible for ourdeeds. After all, the son of Hazrat Noohalso did notlisten to his fathers admonition and died an unbeliever. 15. I>~sco~~rsrs Islamic Way Of 1.1fe(Vol I V I On 32,33 D~scourses On lslam~cWay Of L ~ f e (Val IV)IbHow do you protect them from the worldly fire?imagined in this world. By using the word Fire in this verse, the Holy~ u ra nhas calrified this doubt and misunderstanding. It isI It is, therefore, wrong and unacceptable to say thatyou had warned the child and the members of your familyall right, in principle, that if parents do their best to saveabout their deviation from the path of religion and you aretheir children from deviation from righteousness andnot responsible for them, if they did not care your warning.religion, but the children do not obey their parents, the ilatter will be absolved of their responsibility and the Today care is taken of everything except Deenchildren shall have to take the consequences of deviation.It is not right to give in this context the example ofIt must, however be assessed as to what extent the parentsthe son of Hazrat Nooh r-I who died an unbeliever andtried to save their children from falling into error andhis Prophet father could not save him from thedisobedience. By using the word "Fire", the Holy ~ u ra npunishment of Fire. Just see how Hazrat Noohspentihas provided a hint that the parents should try to save their i continuously about nine hundred years to guide andchildren from sins and Hell Fire as they would save themreform his son. Even after this continuous effort for such afi-om the conflagration of worldly fire.long time, if the son did not take the right path, no blame Suppose that a vely dangerous fire has broken out at a and charge lies on Hazrat Nooh for the misguidanceplace. It is so severe that anyone caught by it is sure to be of his son. As for ourselves, only after giving a few lightburnt to death. If your ignorant and innocent child advanceswarnings to our children we feel satisfied that we havetowards the flames of this fire, what will you do? Will you discharged our responsibility. What is really needed is thatconsider it sufficient to warn the child from a distance that we should do our best to save them from the punishmenthe should not approach the fire lest he should be burnt toof Hell Fire with the same care and anxiety with which wedeath. If the child approaches the fire and bums himself, try to save them from the conflagration of worldly fire.will the parents be absolved of their responsibility by The fact is that we take all possible care to feed and clothearguing that they had warned the child of the danger in timethem nicely, and provide for them good worldly education,but the child did not mind their warning. What else could but pay no attention to their education and training inthey do? No such parents will be found in this world with matters relating to Deen and the Hereafter.this attitude. Genuine parents will find no rest and peace,unless they rush to the child and get him away from the fire. He has deviated only a little from the path of Deen What Almighty Allah says may be summed up as It so happened that the son of an acquaintance of mineunder:who had received good modern English education got a When you do not consider it sufficient to utter only good job. His father, who was himself a religious man,a few words as lip service to save your child from worldlyregular in his Tahaj~ud other prayers, praised his sonsandfire, why do you consider it sufficient in the case of Hell accomplishments and his lucrative job by dint of which heFire which is unlimited and the fury of which cannot be had secured a high position in the society. He also added 16. 35 Oil Islamic Way Of I.ife (Vo1:IV) D~scoursesDiscourses 0 1lslainic1Way Of Life (Vol-IV) 54that does not know how to recite the Holy Quran andthat his sollhad deviated only a little from the path of Deen.offer prayers. If a survey is made of the society, it will be Now look at the trend of thinking of thisrevealed that the majority cannot recite the Quran nor canreligious-minded father. He spoke highly of his sons !they offer correctly the prayers. This is because theworldly attainments and made only a passing remark about imoment the child is born, the parents begin to think abouthis deviation from the path of Deen, as if it was a triflingthe best school for the childs worldly education, withoutmatter.giving any thought to the teaching ofDeen and its pratice.Only the "soul" has departed from the body Today the children have the upper handMy respected father Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Shafi over their parentsused to relate an event saying: Remember that according to a Hadith AlmightyA man died. although the people thought that he was Allah has decided upon a way of dealing with Hisalive. In order to ascertain the truth they sent for a Doctor. servants. It is that if anyone displeases Allah in order toAfter examining the body the Doctor told them that the please some created being, Allah places that person underman was quite sound in his body with all its constituentthe control authority of the created being. For example, alimbs, except that the soul had departed from the body. man commits a sin to please someone and by committing Just like this my friend said about his son that by the the sin he displeases Allah. Then Almighty Allah placesgrace of Allah the sons career was very brilliant, exceptthe sinner under the power and authority of the personthat he had slightly deviated fi-om the right path of Deen.whom he wants to please by displeasing Allah. You mayIt was as though a little deviation from the path of Dee,?experiment this for yourself.was not a serious matter. Today we are trying to please our children byproviding for them the best worldly education that they mayThe Plight of the new Generationhave a brilliant career and attain an elivated position in theToday we have reached a stage in which we care forsociety. In preference to these worldly gains they do noteverything other than our Deen: If this Deen is such anteach them Deen and thereby they displease Allah. Theinsignificant and unimportant item, why did you practicenatural result of this is that the children, whom the parentsDeen by observing the five time prayers along with theplease by displeasing Allah, impose their authority and Tahajyud prayer? You too should have carved for yourselfcontrol over their parents. See for yourselves how today thea career like that of your son. Deen has no place in the children are disobeying and misbehaving with their parentseducational plan of our children. From the very beginning and have become a torment for them. The parents admitthe child is sent to a nursery school where he is taught their children into a totally irreligious society, so that theydogs and cats but he is not taught Allahs names, nor may have a comfortable worldly life through a lucrative jobanything concerning Deen. That generation has now risen and high position. They leave their children free in anand taken up in its hands the reins of power - a generation 17. Discourses On lslatnic Way Of Life (Vo1:IV)37Discourses On l s l a ~ n ~ c Of Life (Vol:IV) Way 36environment which has no place for the honour and regard618 , (*;9li,J&i,for parents. If on growing up the son takes a decisionaccording to his own free will in total disregard of their$Jg&~&i>lg and family to practise. And enjoin upon ;our famil; Prayer and be constant on it. ( ~ o u r s e ~(20:132) t)The style of imparting training to children In this verse Almighty Allah has changed the order ofAllamah Nuwawie +AI-:goes on to say:advice. Apparently the order should have been: firstestablish the prayer yourself and then enjoin your family onthat. Here the order has been changed that first enjoin uponyour family prayer and then be constant on it yourself. Thereis a hint in this changed order that your enjoining prayer(YVfA~.*Jl$,/(lOV f J,+aY>upon your family and children will not be effective unless Hazrat Abu Hurarirah u dt;~, narrated that Hazrat hasyou make yourself constant and regular in your prayers.Hasan, son of Hazrat Ali G A p , , took a date out of the datesThus, an effective way of enjoining prayer upon your of charity while yet he was an innocent little child, and put ithousehold is that you should yourself be more sincere andinto his mouth. Seeing this the Holy Prophet & at onceenthusiastic in practising what you advise others to practise. uttered the word 6 pmeaning spit it out, saying: Do you not know that the sons of Hashim do not eat charity money?Do not tell lies to children Hazrat Hasan ~ h ~ ispthe maternal grandson of the ,It occurs in a Hadith: Holy Prophet & and beloved to the Holy Prophet f .Once in the presence of the Holy Prophet & a Once he & was delivering an address to the congregationwoman called her child to her , but the child was notin his mosque when Hazrat Hasan ~ r : pentered the >inclined to go to her mother. The woman then promisedmosque. He k at once advanced and took up Hazrat 21. Discourses On 1sla1111cWay Of Life (Vo1:IV)44 45 D~scoursrs 1 l s l a ~ l ~Way Of Life (Vol IV)0 1icHasan A( p~in his lap. Sometimes it also happened that G found violating some rules of etiquette, morality or someHazrat Hasan p, got on the Prophets shoulders while G injunctions of Deen. If this is not done they will grow uphe & was praying. While going down for prostration heill-bred, ill-tutored and disobedient and will become a curse& would take Hasan u , down holding him by one,for the parents when nothing can be done. The Hadithhand. Sometimes the Holy Prophet & would take him in enjoins that we should keep a vigilant eye on small lapseshis lap and say: and faults committed by our children and try to correct*I I &?+? them.These sons are such that they make man miserly aswell as coward. Occasions come when man practisesAn Incident that happened to the Shaikh-u1-Hadithmiserliness as well as cowardice on account of his Hazrat Maulana Zakaria +&I-,children. Shaikh-ul-Hadith Hazrat Maulana Zakaria +AIL-,Now look! How dearly the Holy Prophet & lovedhas related an incident in his autobiography. He says:-Hazrat Hasan . c ; c j r l p i yet when in his ignorance andWhen I was a small child, my parents had made forinnocence he put a date of charity in his mouth, he & didme a small pillow. I had a great liking for that pillow,not tolerate that his grandson should eat that date. As he which I always kept with me. One day my father wanted& devised to train his grandson even on such small to lie down for which he was looking for a pillow. Imatters he got the date out of Hazrat Hasans mouth saying offered to my father that small pillow, saying: My dearthat "we do not eat charity money."father! Take my pillow. My father at once slapped me, saying: Even at this stage of your age you call this pillowThe limit of showing affection to children to be your property. My father wanted to tell me that it There is a hint in this Hadith that the training of was his property and not mine. I was greatly grieved atchildren in religion and morality begins from small things.this treatment of my father. Later on I came to know theThis frames his mental trend and shapes his life. This is, assecret of my fahters action. This incident entirely changedwe have seen a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet & . It is seen the direction of my mind. It is necessary for rightthat a strange trend has sprung up among parents of noteducation and useful training of children to keep a keenstopding children from doing something wrong. In the pasteye even on their small activities and movements.parents did love their children, but in so loving they usedtheir wisdom and discretion. To day it has become a fashionAn etiquette of taking foodnot tb interfere with the children, however foolishly orJ r j - , ~ ~+ ; t ! A~ ~ ~ 1 ; t ! p + ~~arrogantly they may be behaving. Parents think that beinginnocent and of tender age children should be allowed a free&&A j F j F d b ~ c - s :j~i($-.~+h&A~hand in all they do. This is not right. It is the responsibility&A J~~ ~ ~ J~ j . ? p i ~ ~ i j ~ ~ ~~ ~of the parents to admonish their children when they are 22. Discourses On lslarnrc Way O i 1.1fe(Vol.IV) 46e P47Discourses On Islalllrc Way Of L ~ f e (Vol IV) & was eating them from different sides. Seeing him eatingJ,u~l~k-).~+!cja*b~d~j( o f f ~ ~ * . j l ~ ~ ~ h h ~ ~the dates from one side, He L again said: 0Akrash pickHazrat Abu Salmah u p, was a step son of the Holyup the dates from any side you like because they are of Prophet f , He was born from Havat Umme Salmah v p ,different types and you may choose them according to your kes. a mother of the believers, by her late husband. When the taste and choice. Holy Prophet P married Umme Salmah, Hazrat Abu In other words, the Holy prophet & has taught this Salmah w ,it p, also came with her to the house of the Holyrule of etiquette that if the food is of one type then the man Prophet f .That is why he is a step son of the Holy Propheteating should eat it from the side in front of him. If the food L.The Holy Prophet 2% loved him dearly and often talkedor the fruit is of different types, then it may be picked up to him very freely and infolmally. Hazrat Abu Salmah A I ~ , from different sides according to the choice of the personI has narrated: As a small child I was under the care and partaking of the meal. See how the Holy Prophet 2 had his5upbringing of the Holy Prophet & . One day while takingeyes on small items in teaching rules of etiquette to hisfood my hand moved in the plate Gom side to side. Seeing companions ,i~ All these are Islamic rules of etiquette +Gthis the Holy Prophet L said to me: Recite A (In the name , which should be learnt and practised by all Muslims andof Allah), eat with the right hand and eat Gom the side of should also be taught to their children and families.the plate which is before you. It is not right to move theJ ~ ~ J~ ~:J G ~ Lhand on all sides of the plate, while eating. Thisdemonstrates how the Holy Prophet 4% used to teachp~p j w"" dyjj y :@j 4&& 29311etiquette and good manners from small lapses and faults. (YY f Y & . d l ( j , / h V / o :Jy These are Islamic Rules of EtiquetteHazrat Abdullah bin Umar u i~ narrated thatp, has Another companion Hanat Akrash bin Zoaibthe Holy Prophet 1said: Order your children to offerp,has narrated that once he called on the Holy Prophet fprayer when they reach the age of seven years, (even though When the food was served, he began to eat it from differentprayer is not binding on them at this age). When they reachsides of the plate. Catching hold of his hand the Holythe age of ten years and do not offer prayer, you may beatProphet 8 said: Eat the food from one side, because the them for that. Also separate their beds at the age of.tenfood in the plate is the same. Eating it from here and there isyears.bad etiquette and ill manner. HazratAkrash A, then ,began to eat if from one side. When the meal was over aTeaching and Training children before thevery large plate was brought full of dates of different kinds. age of seven yearsOn the basis of the past experience Hazrat Akrash u A s, The first order given in this Hadith is that efforts bebegan to eat the dates fi-om one side, while the Holy Prophetmade to introduce prayer to children, to teach and habituate 23. 49D~rcourses0 1Ilam~cvVa! Of Life (Val IV)1 D~scoursesOn lsla~ll~c Way of I ~ f (eV ~IV)I 48them at the age of seven years. This confirms that it is notmiracle of the Holy ~ u ra n He devoted all his life to the.proper to impose on children any responsibility or duty ofstudy and teaching of ~ u ra nAs occurs id a supplication.this kind before they attain the age of seven years, as somein a Hadith, Quian had become his life-blood and his soulpeople induce their children to fast during Rarnazan before was saturated with the light of its verses.attaining this age. Hazrat Thanawi +A--, vehemently Qari Sahib was a very stritct teacher of the Quran, yetopposed this practice, because this could not be right when he asserted with force that it was not right to throw on theAlmighty Allah Himself does not advise us to impose prayerweak shoulders of the child the burden of learning before heon children before the age of seven years. That is why it has attained the age of seven years. Such a burden he said,been suggested not to bring to the mosque children belowwould retard the childs natural growth and development. Hethe age of seven years. This is however, allowed only supported this opinion with the Holy Prophets & Hadith inoccasionally to make children acquainted with the mosquewhich the age of seven years has been recommended forgradually, on the condition that they do not pollute the children to learn and offer prayers.mosque with urine or filth. It is not right to burden the childThe burden of learning should be thrown on thein any way before attaining the age of seven years.childs shoulders gradually when he attains the age of seven years. The Holy Prophet & has allowed that if the Let them learn at homechild does not pray he may be beaten, only after he has Our elders have advised that it is also not - - to properattained the age of ten years.burden the child even with school education before the age of seven years. You may, however. introduce light teachingThe limit to which bodily punishment may beto him before this age through play things and toys, insteadinflicted on childrenof making him a regular school-going boy. Nowadays it hasIt should also be. borne in mind that it is lawful forbecome a custom that no sooner does the child attain the age teachers or parents to beat children only when the beatingof three years than the parents begin to arrange fordoes not leave any mark on the body nor causes injury. Theadmission into some school. This is not at all right. After the way in vogue today of beating children recklessly ischild has attained the age of three year, teach him only basicunlawful. It is a grievous sin to beat children so severely asthings at home. Let him leam the names of Allah and His to cause bleeding and injuries. In the opinion of HazratProphet & the Kalimah and some other basic lessons in Thanawi + L PLb this is an unpardonable sin, as the victim,C C I I,Deen. Give the child these easy lessons at home without being a minor cannot himself pardon it. It is, therefore, notmaking him a regular school-going child.understood how to be saved from the punishment of this sin., So dangerous is this sin! Beating is allowed only inQari Fath Muhammad Sahib +CLCPILI-, unavoidable situations but that is also mild beating which May Allah elevate the rank of our saintly Maulanashould not leave any mark on the body nor cause injury.Qari Fath Muhammad Sahib +dl-,. He was a living 24. Way Of Life (Vol IV)Iliscourses O n Islam~c51 D~scourses Way O f L ~ f e 011 l s l a ~ i i ~ c (Vol IV) 50The way how children should be beatenEveryone of you is a Guardian Hakimul-Ummat Hazrat Maulana Thanawi +dl-,In the end the same Hadith has been cited as washas suggested a unique prescription for this, which is worth cited earleir.remembering. He has suggested that if it ever becomes+A&$ J ~ ~~: Junavoidable to beat the child, do not resort to beating whileyou are in a state of anger. When the anger has disappeared, Jwj++J 3 JFp e@ :J$ j ~pLjthen beat the child under pretended anger. In beating thechild in a state of genuine anger one may exceed the limitand cause irreparable loss to the child. Hazrat Thanawi LI-~+ has stated that he acted upon this method the whole of hislife. Remember that anger is a passion in which there is( I . YA+J=JIalways the danger of exceeding limits.It is narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin4tmar that he heard the Holy Prophet & saying: Everyone of you isHow to train childrena Shephard (Guardian) and he will be questioned on the Day For this purpose Hazrat Thanawiused toof Judgment about his chpge and responsibility. The Ruler ismention a principle, which is not of general application, yetresponsible for his subjects and he will be questioned aboutit is workable in the majority of cases. He has suggested that them on the Day of Judgment as to how he dealt with them,it is not right to punish a person while he is doing sometrained them, and discharged their rights. Man is a guardianwrong. The wrongdoer may be advised, scolded or punished over his children and family. He will be questioned about howlater on. It is also not right to raise objections to a persons he discharged his responsibility towards them with regard toconduct frequently. It is better to call him only once and their upkeep and rights. The wife is in charge of her husbandspoint out to him his failings in detail. Then if it is necessary house. On the Day of Judgment she will be questioned as toto punish him, punish him only once. how she discharged her responsibility about the things Anger is a passion which overpowers man and underentrusted to her charge. The servant is a guardian of histhe spell of anger man is most likely to exceed the limit. In masters properties which are a tmst and he will be questionedshort, when necessary one may resort to beating within theon the Day of Judgment how he dishcarged this trust.allowed and reasonable limits. Today people follow the In short, everyone of you is a guardian in one way orextremes. Either they exceed the limits in beating or leave another. H e will b e questioned about his charge andthe child un-checked and free to do what he likes. We responsibility on the Day of Judgment.should follow the golden mean which is the way of the HolyProphet &. Take care of your subordinatesThe intention to cite this Hadith is to tell that the responsibility is not confined only to parents and their 25. D~scoursesO n Islam~cWay Of l i. ffvol IV) i2sons. In fact in all walks of life there is a master orincharge with his servants or subordinates. For example. i 1within the boundary of the house a mans subordinates arehis children and wife. In an office the officer has hisIsubordinates. A shopkeeper has a few helpers under him.1A factory-owner has a number of workers working underihim. All these masters, owners or officers are responsibleto guide their subordinates or c~nwiclyeeson to the rightpath of Deen. None of them sP10~tfd.think that he isresponsible to reform only Ilimselland has nothing to dowith his subordinates. They should all bear in mind thatthey are in a better position to teach Deen t a theirsubordinates and make them follow its principles andinjunctions. If these subordinates and employees areindifferent to Deen the Mame lies on thcir masters andemployers. These responsible persons should, feel anddischarge their responsibility which they owe to theirsubordinates in the matter of Deen.Spare only Ten minutesThere is no doubt that life has become very busynowadays and everyone is hard pressed for spare time.Notwithstanding it is possible for everyone to spare five toten minutes every day to teach Deen to his subordinates.For example, he may read to his subordinates from a booksome injunctions relating to Deen for a few minutes at anappointed time. He may read the translation of a verse or aHadith. By so doing he will be acting upon the Hadithcited above. May Almighty Allah help us all to follow theinjunctions contained in the Hadith. Aameen. &LdI +J dl 3 L l ~p g1 Tj 26. Discourses On Islamic Way O Llfe (Vol:IV) f E i f Venue :lame Masjid Baitul-Mukarramafter~ s Prayers rGulshan-e-Iqbal,Karachi. SERVICE TO PARENTS A MEANS TO PARADISE 27. t Discourses On Isla~l~ic Of Life (Vol:IV)Way56 1 I 57L)~rcourses0 1lslarn~c 1Way O f L ~ f e(Vol I V )All praise is for Allah. We praise Him and seekbehaviour with parents and the rights of the closeHis h d p and forgiveness. We beleive in Him relatives. The first Hadith is as follows:and rely on Him. We seek refuge with Himfrom the evils of our selves and the vices of ourWhich deed is the bestdeeds. None can misguide him whom Allahguides and there is none to guide him whom He U Jij i 121~81 -1 J-J,6, ,+Lj bl &d&lets go astray. I bear witness that there is noGod except Allah, the One. He has no partner. Ie )1 J-8 . + 2 ~ ?&I i j+ icr u.j311 J L ~Li +Yalso bear witness that our Master, our authority,(0. t flL* i-I.r I id,LuYJour Prophet and our Sire, Muhammad & is His It is narrated from Abdullah bin ~ a su d &, u thatservant and His Messenger. May Allah shower he asked the Holy Prophet I which act is the best of all in mercy on him, on his household on his t the sight of Allah. He & said: It is prayer at its appointed time. He YI, asked which was the next best act after , Companions ( c g ~ ~ l and may He bless them p,1 and salute them a great deal. 1 prayer. He P said: Nice behaviour with the parents. He /, And worship Allah, Ascribe nothing as partner to Him. (Show) Kindness to Parents and to near 1 ,asked which was the next best act after that. He fYIsaid: It is Jihad (Holy war) in the path of Allah. Kindred and orphans, and the needy and the As is quite clear, in the Hadith the best act has been neighbour who is of in to you) and thedeclared to be prayer at its appointed time; then nice neighbour who is not of kin and thebehaviour with parents and the third place has been given fellow-traveller and the wayfarer and (theto Jihad in the path of Allah. slaves) whom your right hands possess. (4 3 6 )Desire to do good deedsA description of the rights Two points need to be understood here. Firstly,of the servants of Allah many companions eAI&,asked the Holy Prophet f at Allamah Nuwa-wee L L J J ~ L - ,has opened a newdifferent times the best act in the sight of Allah so thatchapter on the topic of kindness to and good behaviour they could act upon it. They were always obsessed withwith paretns and maintenance of close ties with blood the idea .of the ere after and the way of attaining nearnessrelations. As I have already mentioned, these chapters inthe book Riazus-Saliheen deal with the rights of the to Almighty Allah and His pleasure.Today we read in the books about "Good Deeds"servants of Allah. Some rights of the servants have alreadybeen discussed about which you have heard theand the virtues of various acts and deeds, but no sincereinjunctions of the Holy Prophet 2%. The Allamah has desire is born in our hearts to do them. On the other handquoted in this new chapter verses and Ahadith about nicethe noble companions AI&, eagerly picked up even the+S 28. D~scoursesOn lslatllic Way Of Life (Vo1:IV)58 smallest act bearing reward of the Hereafter. Alas! I have lost many Qeerats!contradict one another, but in fact there is 40 contradiction. Once Hazrat Abu Hurairah u p,mentioned before Hazrat Abdullah bin %mar ~YIp, a Hadith in which the*c ;The Best Act for every man is different Holy Prophet & was quoted as saying: The fact is that the best deed changes from person to A man who joins the funeral prayer of his Muslim person according to circumstrances. For some it is prayer, brother will get reward of one Qeerat. In those days Qeeratfor another it is nice behaviom with parents, still for others was a measure with which silver and gold were weighed. it is Jihad, remembrance of Allah and the like. The Holy And he who accompanied the coffin will get two Qeerats.Prophet f knew very well about one of his f companions He who takes part in his burial will get three Qeerats. It that he was regular in his prayers but he was negligent in the occurs in another Hadith that the Qeerat of Paradise isservice of his parents. So He & prescribed for him as the bigger than mountain Uhud. best act the service of his parents. He f found a companion i , l,slack in Jihad and another in remembrance of Allah,On hearing this Hadith fiom Hazrat Abu Hurairah 9,GUHazrat Abdullah binmar u A p said regretfully that he had , so he & prescribed for them respectively J i h a d and remembrance of Allah as the best acts to do. All these arenot heard that Hadith earlier, so he lost many Qeerats. It may beborne in mind that Hazrat Abdullah bin umar u &I p was one,acts that carry great virtues and rewards, but the Holy Prohetwhose only concern was to act up to the Sunnah of the Holy & prescribed them as the best act differently for differentProphet L and he had already a great stock of good deeds in hispersons according to the circumstances of each.character-roll. Even so, he regretted having missed some rewardfor want of knowledge of the Hadith. The Excellence of PrayerWhile m e n t i o n i n g actions in order of their Different Answers to the same Questionexcellence. the Holy Prophet f has mentioned in this So we have seen how the Noble companions A, Hadith prayer as the best act in its appointed time. Some , time a man postpones prayer through laziness until the frequently used to ask the Holy Prophet aout the best deedsto do for reward in the Hereafter. We also see that the Holyappointed time expries and he misses the prayer. This isProphet & gave different answers to different companionsnot proper. One must offer prayers within the prescribedw * ~ , same question. For instance, the Holy Prophetto thetime. There is a verse of the ~ u ra n this effect:tok replied to one companionthat the best act is to ~ o ~ ~ ~ @ + ~ ~ o + ~ o,J&jJ%&-,>$ offer prayer at its appointed time; to another that the best actWoe to those wdrshippers who are heedless ofis to remember Allah with the tongue at all times; still to a their prayer. (107:4-5)third companion u o, that the best act is to bey parents ,There is also a Hadith of the Holv Prophet k:and behave nicely with them; to a fourth one, that the bestact is to take part in Jihad. These answers appear toThis means that: 29. 61 D~scourses On Islam~cWay Of Life (Vol.lV) Discourses 011 Islam~cWa! Of L ~ f e(Vol:IV) his 2sr (late after-noon) one who ~ n i s s e s prayer is like one the whole of whose family The Rights of Parents and all his wealth has been plundered. Notwithstanding all this, obedience to parents with To delay praying till the prayer is missed is a very nice behaviour with them has been accorded preference to serious 1natter.One should therefore, be cautious of prayerJihad. Tlit jurists have said that rights of parents are as well as of its appointed time.foremost of all the rights of the servants of Allah. No rightis more e s t e e ~ a b l e this world than the rights of theinThe Excellence of Jilzadparents. As Allah has made parents a cause of mansIn this Hadith service to parents has been declared ascoming into kxistence. He has granted them more rightsthe best action, and Jihad in the path of Allah has beenthan any other class of relatives. According to a Hadith:declared as the third best act. This means that service to If a man casts a loving glance at his parents, Allahparents and nice behaviour with them have been givenwill grant him reward equal to that for a H ~ Jand Ummh.Jpreference over Jihad. You know that Jihad is a very high S o high in the sight of Allah is the reward for niceform of service and it occurs in a Hadith that if a man behaviour with the parents!takes part in Jihad in the path of Allah and is martyred, iAlmighty Allah will take him from this world to the other I Selfless Loveworld purified from all sins as if he was bron from his I You must remember that all relations acquaintances.mothers womb the moment he was martyred.(sahla BuMlarllove and affection that exist in this world among men areNoH a d ~ t h 2662) Ibased on some motives. It is difficult to find in this worldIt occurs in a Hadith that after death when aemanselfless love. An exception to this is parents love for their observers his nearness to Allah and the pleasures ofchildren. T h e parents have no interest of thier o w n Paradise, he will never desire to return to the world, becauseinvolved in thier love for their children. The love between the reality of the world will be disclosed before his eyes athusband and wife, friends and brothers, etc., has some that time, He will realize how mean worthless, filthy andII interest involved in it. As mentioned above, the love of hateful the world is in comparison with Pmdise which he has been awarded. The martyr will however, desire to beiparents for their children is selfless and free from theItraces of any interest. They are prepared even to sacrifice sent to world again to take part in Jihad and be martyred their lives for the prosperity and welfare of their children.again and again. That is why the Holy Prophet & had That is why Almighty Allah has placed the rights ofhimself desired to take part in Jihadin the path of Allah, be parents above al1,other rights of servants.martyred then again be sent to the world to take part inJihad and be martyred again and again. After having enteredParadise nane, but a martyr, will desire to be sent back tothe world. So excellent is the rank of Jihad among acts of 30. D~scourses On lslalnic Wa) Of Life (Vol.lV) Kindness and service to Parents 62 I63D~scourses Way Of I ~ f (Vol IV) On lslalu~ce His Prophet & demand that you should forget joining It occurs in a Hadith that a Noble companion u~l,, prayer in Q e first row but serve your ailing parents andcalled on the Holy Prophet & and expressed his keen behave nicely with them and offer your prayer in thedesire to take part in Jihad in the path of Allah, in order to house alone. If in such a critical time you insist uponplease Allah and attract His favour and reward. The Holy going to the mosque to join the first row, this is not Deen;Prophet & asked him: Do you want to take part in Jihad this is an act of satisfying your fancy.only for this purpose? The companion U ~ U replied in theI ~ ,This injunction applies when the mosque is faraffirmative. The Holy Prophet & asked the companion, , away, but if it is quite near the house and the parents are~ $ if his parents were alive. Toethis question also he 1 in a state that they will not feel the absence of their son forreplied in the affirmative. The H o h Prophet & said to a short time or there is in the house another man to lookhim $1 &>. GO and serve them. The reward which will 4~ after the parents, it is better to go to the mosque to join theaccrue to you by serving your parents will not accrue to cc tagregation.you even from your participation in Jihad. The followingwords occur in a narrative which places service to parentsabove Jihad.- - aSo go and serve them (the parents). This is I I This is not Deen (Faith) Hazrat Maulana Masihullah Khan Sahib .L+ L-~, 4iJ1 elderly divine of ours has illustrated this by an example.an Suppose a man is all alone with his wife in a deserted placeJihad (Sahih Bukhari, Ch 136, Hadith No: 2842) and there is none other than this couple and the mosque is at a considerable distance from the place. If the man insists on It is not Deen (faith) to satisfy ones fancy 1 going to the mosque to join the congregation in the first rowOur Dr. Abdul Hai Sahib +hlkpy> often said that it isleaving behind his wife in the deserted place all alone, then not Deen to satisfy ones fancy - a point which is worththis is not Deen. It is the demand of Deen to ignore theremembering for ever. Deen is the name of obeying Allahfancy of repairing to the mosque for joining the first rowand His Prophet &. Look for their commands and carry and instead pray alone at the place where he and his wife arethem out. For example some likes always to stand foi staying. If one does otherwise, one is satisfying ones ownprayer in the first row, some desires to take part in Jihadfancy in preference to the commands of Allah and hisand still there is one who desires to go for the Tabligh Prophet &, and this indeed is not Deen.(preaching) of Deen. All these are practices of Deen andTake another example. Your parents are sick at homecarry reward, yet one must try to find out the demarid of and are badly in need of your service and you want to go outthe time. For example, your parents are seriously ill and for Tabligh (preaching), leaving your parents in thishardly able to move and you are anxious to join the prayercondition. Although Tabligh is a very important part ofin the mosque in the first row. At such a time Allah andDeen, yet in such a situation service to your ailing parentshas a preference over Tabligh. To ignore this preference and 31. OnWay Of Life (Vul IV)D ~ s ~ o u r s e s Isla~nlc64Discourses 0 1Islam~cWay Of Life (Vol:IV) I 65 1 !go out for Tabligh is no Deen; it is only an act of satisfLing !The status of being a companion (Sahabi)your fancy.Hazrat Abdullah bin Mubarak tlc~b,, renowneda You have just read this Hadith that a Noble companionjurist and Muhaddis was a follower Taabi be. Once a manJII dJcalled upon the Holy Prophet and expressed his4~putto him a queer question. The question was: Who is thedesire to take part in Jihad, but the Holy Prophet &better of the two, Hazrat ~ ua w i ~ a hU I P or HazratG; ,commanded him to remain at home to serve and look after hisparents. mar bin Abdul Aziz A>;? For putting this question, 6 on one side. the questioner selected Hazrat ~ ua w i ~ a h& ,G about whose status as a companion, the people haveHazrat Owais Qar?ai 4 C u ~ d ,Hazrat Owais Qarnilived during the time ofthe Holy Prophet &&He was a believer and had a burning - woven many stories on account of the battle between him and Hazrat Ali 61 p,. On the other hand he selected for his question Hazratmarbin Abdul Aziz 6 p, who isdesire to call on the Holy Prophet & and earn an honourequal to which there could be no honour on the surface ofI,called the second %mar in the matter of justice, fail-play and piety, etc. He is regarded as a Mujaddid of the secondthe earth. He asked the Prophet & for permission to visitI century, Hijri. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mubarakhim & inspite of his weak and ailing mother, who replied this queer question saying:required her sons help and service. The Holy Prophet & The dust which entred the nostrils of the horse offorbade Hazrat Owais Qarni &I d~ visit him & andto 4~ Hazrat ~ ua w i ~ a h-Alp,, while he was taking part inadvised him to serve and look after his ailing mother.(sahl~lJihad with the Holy Prophet & is better than oneMusllmHad~thNo 2542) Just imagine, how anxious a believer was to pay a thousand mars bin Abdul Aziz. The status which Allah had granted Hazrat Mu6awiyah *I@, on account of being6visit to the Holy Prophet & while he & was yet living! a companion of the Holy Prophet & cannot be attainedAlso imagine the burning desire of Muslims in our timeseven by the greates of saints, despite their best devotion,t o visit H o l y prophets Mausoleum and Madinahpiety and righteousness practised during their wholeMunaw-warah and to visit it again and again at all costs.lifetime. (AI-~idaya11 wan-nihayah, VOI-I. P-139)Also imagine the emotions of Hazrat Owais Qarni that hesuppressed his desire to see the Holy Prophet &$ duringContinue serving and looking after your motherhis & life in compliance with the latters command toThe Holy Prophet & asked Hazrat Owais Qarni aid,serve and look after his ailing mother. Thereby he alsoG to serve and look after his mother, and it was not at allabandoned the great honour of being a "companion" - annecessary for him to visit him & or attain the status ofhonour far above that of the greatest of the saints andcompanionship. If there had been a person unable todivines.assess the need of the time he would have advisedattainment of "companionship", as it could not be attainedafter the demise of the Holy Prophet.&. No matter if the 32. LDiscourses On lslalnic Way Of Life (Vol.IV)167 [ ) ~ s c o u r s e ~ 1lslarn~c0 1 Wa Of L ~ t (Vol IV) e 66iold ailing mother, as heu ;UI d,was advised by the Holymother was ailing; after all a man has to leave his house "bProphet &. ( S a h ~ h Musl~m Had~thNo 2542)for one or another business. The matter with Hazrat OwaisQarni u 91 p, was quite different. His desire was to obey t Devotion of the Noble Companions ,+sld,the injunctions of Allah and His Prophet & and not to theThere is not a single companion who was notsatisfaction of his own fancy. Hazrat Owais Qarni u &I p,devoted whole-heartedly to the Holy Prophet &. If atherefore, could not become a companion (Sahabi) bycompanion could be able to prolong the life of someonepaying a personal visit to the Holy Prophet &.by a few minutes by sacrificing his own life, then theentire population of the noble companions would not haveThe reward for mothers servicehesitated to sacrifice their lives to add a few breaths to theNow see how Allah compensated Hazrat Owaissacred life of the Holy Prophet &. They were so sincerelyQarni 91p, on his devoted service to his mother! The*5 ; .loyal to the Holy Prophet & that they did not like that theHoly Prophet @ once said to Hazratmar~i~p,: 0shining face of him & went out of their sights at any timemar! At sometime a man will come to Madinah fromeven during a raging battle. During the battle of Uhud, theQarn in Yemen, who will have such and such distinctiveHoly Prophet & had presented a sword to Hazrat Dujanahfeatures. When you find this man, get him to pray for you,with his own blessed hands. So armed, when he advancedbecause Almighty Allah will accept his prayer.to fight the enemies, he saw that volleys of arrows wereIt occurs in narratives that whenever a caravan cameto Madinah from Yemen, Hazrat mar ;YI 2, would askbeing shot at the Holy Prophet-&. Turning his back at theshowering arrows, Hazrat Dujanah . G ; Y I ~ , kept his facethem about Hazrat Owais Qarni. At last a caravan came andHazrat mar BI p, was told that Hazrat Owais Qarni was Gtowards the Holy Prophet &. Thus to save the Holyamong the Carvan. Hazratmaru &I p, recognised him byProphet & he received all the arrows at his back. Headopted this strategy so that he may not commit thethe features which the Holy Prophet & had described toa h u BI d ~Hazrat .maru 91 , met him, saluted him and &disrespect of turning his back towards the Holy Prophet &and lose his & enlighting sight. Now see how the Noblerequested him to pray for him u 91&,. Hazrat Owais Qarniu~ p , asked Hazrat marh~p, why the latter had visited.c;~.Companions maintained the honour and dignity of the-him and asked him for praying. HazratHazrat Owais Qarni $1 p, the entire background. Hearingthat Hazrat Owais Qarni 91p, was moved to tears on the4 ; ~ umarp, toldHoly Prophet & even during the heat of battles.These companions who did not like to be away fromthe Holy Prophet & even for a short time complied withprophe{s remarks about him BI p,. * i ~his command to leave his august companionship inLook! A high-ranking companion like Hazratmar Madinah to go to Syria, Yemen, Egypt, etc., to preach hisDeen.u BI p, is being asked to seek prayers from Hazrat OwaisQarni u A l p , . Hazrat Qarni u d l p , attained this uniqueOur Dr. Abdul Hai Sahib IL JJI -,used to tell a veryposition by obeying the Holy Prophet @ and serving hisimportant point that Deen is the name of understanding 33. Discourses On Islam~cWay Of LISC (Vol IV)68and acting according to the demands of the times. One When the parents have grown oldshould be wide awake to grasp the need of the times andI Thereafter how beautifully Almighty Allah hasact accordingly. enjoined: Thus if the demand of the time is to serve and lookafter the parents, both Jihad and Tabligh lose for the time...... .,{6,&- , 3;G,&i ,A,& .-G! 0 x ~ ,$& ibeing their importance and preference. Even prayer in(71- j ~ ~ )congregation loses its urgency in such a situation,This means:although each o f these items of devotion has its If one of them or btoh of them attain old ageimportance and excellence in its normal time and with you, do not say "Fie" to them, nor repulsesituation. The demands of the times should, therefore, bethem, but speak to them a gracious word. ( 1 7 2;)kept in view and fulfilled in all situations.When the parents attain old age they sometime become irritated and utter irrelevant and improper words.The importance of service tooparenti Even in such sitautions their sonsldaughters have beenAlmighty Allah and His Prophet & have enjoined advised to put up with the words of their parents withupon service to parents, saying that it has preference over allpatience and never to scold them in any circumstances, butforms of worship. The ~ u ra ncontains many verses aboutshow to them due regard and respect. Next it has been said:the excellence and importance of kindness and service toparents. It has been mentioned in one of these verses:(, ,o, 5, they cared for me and brought me up when I That is: ~ o u r~ o has decreed that yourd was a little child. ( 1 7 . 2 4 ) should worship none but Him and (you should It has been specially emphasized that if on account show) kindness to parents. ( 1 7 2 ; )of old age they s h o w irritation in their speech and Note how in this verse Allah has combined kindnessbehaviour with you, do not take it ill and be patient withto parents with Tauheed. (The "Oneness" of Allah). It is asthem.if the most pressing obligation after Tauheed is kindnessto and nice behaviour with parents.An instructive Event I once read a story that has a moral in it, though it is not quite sure whether it is true or false. The story runs thus: An old man was sitting in the courtyard of his house 34. 71 Discourses On l s l a ~ l l ~ c O f Life (Vol.IV)Way D ~ s c o ~ i r s e s I s l a n ~ ~ c O t I ~ f (Vol IV) OnWaye70along with his son who had received high education. Kindness to, and nice behaviour with parentsSuddenly a crow perched on a wall of the house. TheAny way, Almighty Allah wants you to note that infather asked the son: What is this? The son replied: It is aold age parents beco~nesomewhat irritable. At this stagecrow. After a little while the father again asked the son:What is this: The son said: It is a crow. After a few/1they may utter words which may be unpleasant. You mustendure these words from your parents patiently as theyminutes the father asked his son the third time: What isendured more undesirable and annyoing words from youthis? The son said: Father, I have just now told you that when you were little children. This is so important thatthis is a crow. After a little while the old father again even about infidel parents Allah has said in His Book.asked his son the fourth time; what is this? At this timesome expression of irritation was felt in the sons tone3 G$=p+ , *di; 2 (1. , 2$,r;i. ~,,jJqyJ ~l&&-b, a., 3+, ,,0)) D, when he said to his father with a rebuff. Father! It is a This means: crow, a crow. A little after the father again asked his son; iIf they (your parents) compel you to commit what is this? This time the son replied to his father with a shirk (polytheism) with Me, then do not obey vein of temper. Father: You are always repeating the same them. Associate with them in the world with question, although I have told you so many times that it is kindness. (3 1 15) a crow. Are you not able to understand this? A little laterAccording to this verse Allah forbids you to obey your the father went to his room and came back with an old parents if they press you to become Mushriks (polytheists), diary. Opening a page of the diary he asked his son to read yet He commands you to behave with them nicely in the life that. When the son read it the following words were of this world, because they are your parents. written in the diary:Order of things have changed now. The young boysToday my little son was sitting with me in the are being so taught and trained as to disown their loyalty courtyard, when a crow came there. My son asked metwenty-five times what it was and I told him twenty-five to parents. They are being advised that being humantimes that it was a crow and I did not at all feel irritated. Ibeings all are equal in rights and liabilities.Such misleading ideas spring up in mans mindrather felt affection for the innocent child. when h e goes astray from Deen and the fervour ofThe father then told the son the difference saying:between a father and a sons attitude, while a little child heobeying. Allah and His Prophet f cools down and theasked me this question twenty-five times and and I felt nothought of the Hereafter vanishes from his mind. Mayirritation in replying to the question twenty-five times andAlmighty Allah save us from this. Aameen.when today I asked him the same question only five times,he felt irritated and annoyed. The curse of disobeying parentsObeying parents is an obligatory duty. If the parents order their children to do anything, that order becomes 35. Discourses On Islamic Way Of Life (Vo1:IV)72 73 I)~scuursesO n Islam~c (Vol li ) Way Of L ~ f ebinding on them, just as praying is binding on a believer, become a Movli or the like, parents p e r ~ n i s s i o nisprovided the act ordered by parents is lawful in the necessary, because it is neither compulsory nor obligatoryShari bh. This is called a~ which means disobedience ~ ~ ~ d ~ to become a Molvi. If one insists on following ones ownto parents. The learned divines have said that a man choice by disobeying the parents,it is not Deen; it is thedisobedient to his parents is prevented from reciting thesatisfaction of ones fancy. May Allah help us understandKalimah at the time of death.this truth. Aaineen.An event full of moral lessons An easy way to win ParadiseIt is written about a person that at the time of his death Bear in mind well that the parents are a greathe was going through the throes of death. People around himblessing as long as they are alive. The Holy Prophet & haswere trying to make him recite the Kalimah, but he was said in a Hadith that to cast a loving glance on parents isunable to recite it. The people, therefore, brought a saint andequal in reward to a Hajj and h i - a h . In another Hadithasked him what to do. The saint advised that if the manshe & has said: Condemned be he who gets his paretns inmother or father was alive they should seek herhis pardon fortheir old age but fails to have his sins pardoned by them. Ifhim. One of the parents, it seems is displeased with the man parents are old and living with you it is very easy for youbecause of his disobedience. This has brought this curse ont o win Paradise. Just serve them with obedience andhim. The Kalimah would not run on his tongue, unless his kindness. If they are pleased with, and pray for you, yourparents pardon him. Look, how serious and dangerous it is to Hereafter will be ameliorated. So, as long as parents aredisobey and displease parents! At every step the Holy Prophetalive win their hearts with service and obedience and2% has laid stress on according nice behaviour with parentsvalue them, so that you may not have to.regret yourand has advised his noble companions ,+ &,,accordingly.negligence towards them when they are no more in this. world.parents permission for receiving educationAmong the students who come to seek admission toHow to compensate for negligenceour Darul-Uloom for receiving religious education are towards parents after their deathsome who do this witout the permission of their parents.It is not uncomlnon that after the death of theirWhen questioned on this point they say that their parents parents their sonsldaughters feel remorse for theirdo not give them permission to receive this education. Idisobedience to, and misbehaviour with their paents. Theytell s u c h students that to become a Molvi is not realize from the cores of their hearts the blessings andcompulsory but to obey parents is an obligatory dutyrewards they lost on account of their indeference to their(Farz). As explained earlier, it is not necessary to obey parents while they were living with them. Allah hasparents if they stop their children from some obligatoryhowever, kept open two ways out for such unfortunateduties, like Prayer, Fasting, etc. As regards education tosons/daughters. Firstly, they should transmit to the souls 36. Discourses O n Islamic Way Of L ~ f e (Vol IV)74I 75 Discourses On Islamic Way Of Life (Vol IV)of their parents reward earned through charity, optional This is because the father does not endure even one-fourthprayers, and recitation of the Holy ~ u ra netc. Secondly, of the distress and torture which the inother endures inthey should behave with kindness and sympathy with the giving birth to, and bringing up, the child.friends, relatives and acquaintances of their paretns.Almighty Allah is so merciful that by such posthumousremorse and good deeds He makes good the negligencecominitted by the sons/daughters towards their parentsIIDue respect to father anddevoted service to motherThe learned divines have advised that if one has towhile they were living. IIgive a gift or present to ones parents, the mother deservesa greater share of it. They have also differentiated betweenThe mother has three rights as againstrespect and devoted service. In the matter of respect thethe father who has only one rightfather has preference over the inohter, but in the matter of.+L&LI J ~ ~ J IJ JG = A ~ s ~ L ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~kindness and devoted service, the mother has preference Jii &I Y+ Jbj &Iu &I2 LI3 y JJU ejover the father which is estimated at the ratio of three toL J ~ Y I I?J3J ~ Jii~ ) Y 2 9JG &I9Jii C JUp&JGYa 9 one for mother and father.IAlmighty Allah has, in His wisdom, made it aI(r4vq. *4natural tendency that the children are more informal and Hazrat Abu Hurairah A 2,has narrated that a4;tfree with the mother. There are many things which a son man called on the Holy Prophet & and asked: 0can tell his mother freely without any hesitation but he Prophet of Allah who in the entire world iscannot tell the same to his father. The Islamic Shari bh bas more deserving of my kindness and nice kept this natural tendency in view. Hafiz Ibn Hajar +&I-, behaviour? The Holy Prophet & said:Yourhas mentioned in the Fathul-Bari, the principle stated by mother. He again put the same questin and thethe divines that sons/daughters should accord more Prophet & gave th.e same reply. He put the respect to their fathers, but inore kindness and service to same question the third time and the Holy their mothers. This principle reconciles the varying Prophet & gave the same reply, saying: Your versions of the Ahadith to one another. mother. When the man put the same question the fourth time, the Holy Prophet & repliedThe result and reward of service to mothers saying: your father. Kindness shown and service rendered to a motherThus, we see that in this Hadith the Holy Prophet & are virutes which elevate a man to unknown heights ofreferred to the mother three times and to the father only excellence and honour as we have seen in the case ofonce. The learned divines have concluded that the Hazrat Owais Qarni h~p. The same achievements have 4t;,mothers rights are three-fold of the rights of the father. been stated in books by the learned divines. It is statedabout Iinam Ghazalithat he could not devote 37. 77Discourses O n Islamic Wa) O f Life (VolIV)Discourses On Islamic Way Of 1-~fe (Vol:IV) 76himself to learning and education for a long time onGo and make your parents laughJust see how in this Hadit11 the Holy Prophet & hasaccount of his devotion and service to his mother. Whenhe was relieved of his service to his mother, Allah granted advised to sacritice the excellence and virtue of Jihad withhim a vesy high position in the field of learning, piety andhim f for doing good and being kind to parents, and sentknowledge. One should, therefore, avail oneself of this the man back. It occurs in a nal-sative that once the Muslimsgreat virtue. were preparing for Jihad. A man called on the Holy Prophet& and offered to take part in the Jihad, adding that he wasSo go and do good to them so fond of Jihad that he left his parents weeping, because ofhis separation. The Holy Prophet "G said to him.(7 i T :&Ib-& a)k( &drjlThat is: go back to them to pelase them and makethem laugh as you left them sad and weeping.wb GJJlj j l ribJii p JUTJlri .&IYI +You are not allowed to take part with me in( Y T A y bC i e r l * ; _ . ) wJihad. This is narrated by Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr bin ~ l -a sy A p, who said: One day a manDeen (Faith) is the name of abiding by limits called on the Holy Prophet & and siad: 0 Our Dr. Abdul Hai Sahib + 4jJ1 L-, used to say that Prophet of Allah! I have come to you to swearDeen is the name of abiding by and maintaining the allegiance on two points. The first is Hijrat prescribed limits. It is no Deen to rush to Jihad on hearing (migration) and the second is Jihad for theits reward and virtue, leaving behind all other demands of sake of reward. (That is I want to leave myDeen. In the matter of Deen actions have to be taken with home and migrate to Madinah and take partdue regard to the injunctions of Allah and His Prophet f .with you in Jihad). The Holy Prophet a asked i?My father, Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib +~ Ji-,used to Ihim if any of his parents was alive: He replied:say that nowadays the people have become one sided.Yes, both of them are alive. The Holy Prophet They doggedly pursue- only one aspect of a matter,f said to him: Do you really desire return andignoring all other aspects, like a single-bridled horse thatreward? He replied in the affirmative. Thecan go only in one direction. When they come to knew theHoly Prophet & then said: Instead of taking virtue of some act they run after it, leaving behind allpart with me in Jihad, go back to your parents other acts that are more pressing and compulsory. This isand do good to them. transgressing the prescribed limits. 38. Discourses On Islamic Way Of I.lk (Vo1:IV)78 Disco~~rsesn Islam~cO Way Of 1.1fe (Vol IV)79Company of Godly men hard under the guidance and supervision of a divineThis virute of abiding by and protecting the limits is Sheikh:not generally attainable, unless one finds the company ofThere is a Persian Couplet which means: give upsome Godly man. I have said and you have heard speech and argumentation and become a man of spiritualsomething about this virtue and you may read lessons ecstasy. Let yourself be humbled before an accomplishedabout it in books. However, it is not possible without the Shaikh for spiritual uplift.company of an accomplished Shaikh to know what one This aim cannot be achieved, unless a man submitsshould prefer and what one should ignore and on what himself with due humiliation to the attention and training ofoccasions. Without the company of a Shaikh man remains a genuine Shaikh. Without this he will be drifting thisentangled in excesses and shortages. It is he who candirection and that direction and will be caught betweendiagnose and prescribe for you the right path to follow. extremes instead of following the golden mean. It is theWhen men came to Hazrat Maulana Ashraft AliShaikh who will teach his disciples the demands of theThanwi Sahib clc hl kerJ for spiritual reform, he would asktimes. May Allah help us all to follow the right course.most of them t o give up their wazaif (daily round ofAameen!incantations) and engage them in other actions. He knewvery well that if they followed their usual incantations 41 A dl ~p , f i ~+,all &( WazazJ)they would not maintain the limits.SItari ht, Sunnah and TariqatDr. Abdul Hai Sahibr+hlker, used to say that"rights" fall largely within the definition of Sharihh. Inother words, Shari hh is the name of "rights" - the rightsof Allah and of His servants. The "limits" are all Sunnah,i.e, it is the Sunnah from which we know the prescribedlimits of each "rights". The protection and maintenance ofthe limits are in them entirely. "Tariqat" which is alsocalled "Tasawwuj" and "Sulook". The limits which areproved by the Sunnah ae maintained by "Tasawwuf andf l ~ ~ l o ~ kshort, the "rights" come within the "Shari hh",In . l lthe limits, within the Sunnah and the maintenance andprotection of the rights within the Tariqat. If these threedegrees are attained nothing more is needed. However,generally these degrees are not attained unless man strives 39. BACKBITINGA GRIEVOUS SIN OF THE TONGUE +j +$ c;JdFJ juj +Ihi ~* p i;p y,JW +J b *JCJI ; Z ~~ i~lf All praise is for Allah. We praise Him and 40. Discourses On lsialnic Way Of Life (Vol:IV)I 84 85 D~scoursesOn l s l a ~ ~Way Of L ~ f el~c(Vol IV)seek His help and forgiveness. We beleive inDo not backbite one another. Would one of Him and rely on Him. We seek refuge withyou love to eat the flesh of his dead brotherHim from the evils of our selves and the viceswhich you would abhor (to eat)? When youI_C_of our deeds. None can misguide him whomwill not like to eat the flesh of your dead Allah guides and there is none to guide himr brother, then do not backbite your brother; this whom He lets go astray. I bear witness thatis a sin equally abhorrent._(49 12)__ -_I there is no God except Allah, the One. He hasJust think how many calamities of backbiting have no partner. I also bear witness that our Master,been mentioned i l l this verse, viz, (1) to become a our Authority, our Prophet and our Sire,man-eater (2) the man eaten is your own brother (3) and Muhammad & is His servant and Hishe is not alive, but he is dead. So heinous. abhorrent and Messenger. May Allah shower mercy on him,dangerous is the sin of backbiting. on his household on his Companions and may He bless them and salute them a great deal.IDefinition of "Backl?itingl And do not spy, nor backbite one another."Backbiting means speaking ill of a man in his Would one of you love to eat the flesh of hisabsence, irrespective of that the ill spoken of is found or dead brother which you would abhor (to eat)?not found in the man concerned. It is backbiting to speak And fear Allah. Allah is surely Relenting,of an ill in the absence of the person even though he may Merciful. (49 12)be actually involved in that ill. It occurs in a Hadith that a Backbiting is a heinous sin..companion A, d l begged the Holy Prophet f to define~ackbiting. & replied saying: HeImam Nuwa-wee + dl L-, is beginning to deal with&,oB l iBJjthose sins which are committed by the tongue. First of all hehas taken up that sin which has become very commonTo tell something about your brother in hisamong the people. That is the sin of "Backbiting". This is aabsence which he would dislike to hear.calamity which has pervaded our assemblies and ourThat companion again asked: _. -"---society. No gathering, nor any dialogue is frse from it. The391~0 2 3 6 3 &Holy Prophet & has warned us of very severe punishmentEven if what 1 say about my brother is found in him?for it and Allah