english class 19: past continuous / conjunctions

English class 19 Elementary level Juan José Simón Pérez learnenglishesol.weebly.com

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English class 19: Past continuous / Conjunctions


Page 1: English class 19: Past continuous / Conjunctions

English class 19

Elementary level

Juan José Simón Pérez


Page 2: English class 19: Past continuous / Conjunctions

‘I was doing’ es el pasado continuo. Se utiliza para hablar de acciones que estaban en progreso en un momento determinado del pasado.

We were walking yesterday at 21:00

También para expresar que una acción o evento interrumpió a otro (con el pasado simple).

We were walking when somebody called me


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Otro uso es el de crear ambiente en cuentos e historias.

The sun was shining and the children were playing in the streets…

También se utiliza en ocasiones para hablar de comportamientos molestos y repetitivos del pasado. Normalmente se acompaña de ‘always’.

He was always complaining about his bad luck


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También para hablar de dos acciones que ocurrían a la vez. Se suele usar ‘WHILE’ (=mientras).

While I was speaking to Tom, he was making dinner

They were eating out while we were searching them


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(+) Subj + was/were + verb-ing…

Last Monday at 10:00, I was working

(-) Subj + wasn’t (was not)/weren’t (were not) + verb-ing…

He wasn’t cooking last night at 23:35

(?) (Wh…)Was/Were + subj + verb-ing…?

What were you doing yesterday at 13:45?


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Exercise 1. Write the verb in brackets in past continuous and write which use of the past continuous is each sentence.

1. It was a lovely day and the birds ______ (sing)

2. Yesterday at 19:00 you ____ (not/work).

3. I ____ (call) you while you _____ (sleep).

4. The police arrived when the burglar ____ (open) the drawers.

5. Mark annoyed me,he __ always ____ (tell) me what to do!


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1. It was a lovely day and the birds WERE SINGING

2. Yesterday at 19:00 you WEREN’T WORKING.


4. The police arrived when the burglar WAS OPENING the drawers.

5. Mark annoyed me,he WAS always TELLING me what to do!


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Exercise 2. Put the verb in brackets in past continuous or past simple.

1. I ____(see) you when you ____(driving) your car.

2. When we ____(watch) a movie, a light bulb ____(explode).

3. When we ____(call) Linda, she ____(talk) to her brother.

4. My phone ____(ring) when I ____(take) a shower.


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Exercise 2. Put the verb in brackets in past continuous or past simple.

1. I SAW you when you WERE DRIVING your car.

2. When we WERE WATCHING a movie, a light bulb EXPLODED.

3. When we CALLED Linda, she WAS TALKING to her brother.

4. My phone RANG when I WAS TAKING a shower.


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Las conjunciones (o conectores) son palabras utilizadas para juntar como mínimo dos palabras o frases.

I’m tired because I woke up too early today.

Existen diversos tipos de conjunciones (coordinantes y subordinantes, y subgrupos). En esta lección repasaremos las mas comunes.


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And: ‘y’. Se utiliza para añadir elementos en una frase.

I’ve been to London and to Stockholm.

As well as:’así como…’. Va en medio de la frase.

As well,: ‘asimismo,…’ Va al principio de la frase seguido de una coma.

I’ve been to London as well as to Stockholm.

As well, I went to Stocholm.


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So: ‘así que…’. En otras ocasiones significa ’tan’.

I’m tired so I’m going to bed.

However: ‘sin embargo’. Se coloca al principio de la frase, seguido por una coma, o en medio de esta, entre dos comas.

I don’t prefer coffe. However, I love this one!


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Although: ‘aunque’. Se suele poner al principio de la frase o en medio de esta. Siempre va seguido de SUJETO + VERBO.

I can’t go to the party, although I’d like to.

Even though: Es parecida a although, marca mas el contraste.

Even though we don’t have money, we’re going to buy a new car.


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Despite / In spite of: ’a pesar de que…’. Su significado es igual, pero ‘despite’ nunca va seguido de ‘of’. Van acompañados de un nombre, un pronombre (this, that, what…) o un verbo acabado en –ING.

Despite being unemployed, he spends a lot of money.

In spite of what happened, I’m not angry.


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Exercise. Complete the sentences with the appropriate conjunctions.

1) It’s raining, _____ I think I’ll stay home.

2) _____ the rain, I think I’ll go out today.

3) _____ it’s raining, I think I’ll stay home.

4) They do skiing _____ snowboarding.

5) I was tired, _____, I went to bed at 2:00.

6) I’ve worked as a waiter. ____, last year I worked in a factory.


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1) It’s raining, SO I think I’ll stay home.

2) DESPITE / IN SPITE OF the rain, I think I’ll go out today.

3) ALTHOUGH / EVEN THOUGH it’s raining, I think I’ll stay home.

4) They do skiing AND / AS WELL AS snowboarding.

5) I was tired, HOWEVER, I went to bed at 2:00.

6) I’ve worked as a waiter. AS WELL, last year I worked in a factory.


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