english class 18: conditionals / would rather and had better

English class 18 Elementary level Juan José Simón Pérez learnenglishesol.weebly.com

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English grammar, Conditionals / would rather and had better


Page 1: English class 18: Conditionals / would rather and had better

English class 18

Elementary level

Juan José Simón Pérez


Page 2: English class 18: Conditionals / would rather and had better

CONDITIONALS ICondicionales son estructuras utilizadas para

expresar que una situación ocurrirá solo si ocurre otra previamente.

La condición pude ser real o imaginaria, y el resultado puede ser definido o simplemente posible.

Las frases condicionales mas comunes se forman con la partícula ‘IF’. También se sustituye ‘IF’ por: WHEN (la mas común), UNLESS, BEFORE, AFTER, AS SOON AS…

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CONDITIONALS IEn inglés existen cuatro tipos de condicionales,

dependiendo de la situación:

1. Zero conditional

2. First conditional

3. Second conditional

4. Third conditional

Se pueden formar otros tipos mezclando los tipos anteriores.

En esta unidad estudiaremos los tres primeros tipos.

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CONDITIONALS IZERO CONDITIONALEl ‘zero conditional’ se usa al hablar de hechos o

situaciones que siempre son verdad.

If you have children, you worry about them all the time.

ESTRUCTURA:If + subject + present simple… , subject + present


When people laugh, they reduce their stress.

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CONDITIONALS IExercise 1. Make sentences in Zero

conditional using the correct verb tenses.

1) If I _____ (to eat) too much, I always _____ (to have) stomach ache.

2) When it _____ (to snow), the landscape ____ (to become) white.

3) Mike always ____ (to tell) me the same when he ____ (to be) in trouble.

4) If I ____ (not / sleep) 7 hours at least, I _____ (to have) problems to wake up.

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1) If I EAT too much, I always HAVE stomach ache.

2) When it SNOWS, the landscape BECOMES white.

3) Mike always TELLS me the same when he IS in trouble.

4) If I DON’T SLEEP 7 hours at least, I HAVE problems to wake up.

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CONDITIONALS IFIRST CONDITIONAL. El ‘first conditional’ se usa al hablar de posibles

resultados futuros de hechos o situaciones.

If I start running again, I’ll be exhausted after a week.

ESTRUCTURA:If + subject + present simple… , subject + will +


If they don’t come within 20 minutes, I’ll go home.

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CONDITIONALS IExercise 2. Make sentences in First

Conditional using the correct verb tenses.

1) If you _____ (to continue) drinking too much, you _____ (to have) a terrible hangover.

2) If it _____ (not / to stop) raining, we ____ (to get) wet.

3) I ____ (to buy) a new phone when I ____ (to get) paid.

4) If he ____ (to spend) so much money, he _____ (to have) economic problems soon.

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1) If you CONTINUE drinking so much, you WILL HAVE a terrible hangover.

2) If it DOESN’T STOP raining, we’LL GET wet.

3) I’LL BUY a new phone when I GET paid.

4) If he SPENDS so much money, he’LL HAVE economic problems soon.

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CONDITIONALS ISECOND CONDITIONAL. El ‘second conditional’ se usa al hablar de

situaciones imaginarias e improbables, tanto en presente como en futuro.

If I had a car, I’d visit a new town every week.

ESTRUCTURA:If + subject + past simple… , subject + would +


If you didn’t call me, I wouldn’t see you.

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CONDITIONALS IA pesar de usar el pasado simple, el ‘second

conditional’ nunca se refiere al pasado. El pasado da la idea de ‘imaginario’.

If I won the lottery tomorrow,I’d buy a palace!

Generalmente se utiliza siempre WERE en el ‘second conditional’

If he weren’t unemployed, he would go out more often.

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CONDITIONALS IEn el condicional segundo se puede sustituir

WOULD por:

a) MIGHT: hace mas dudoso el resultado. Se traduce por ‘quizá …ía’. If I were a rich man, I wouldn’t have to work hard.

b) COULD: se sustituye cuando hablamos de habilidades. If I trained more, I wouldn’t lose the competition.

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CONDITIONALS IExercise 3. Make sentences in Second

conditional using the correct verb tenses.

1) If we ____ (be) rich, we _____ (not / work) so hard.

2) If they ____ (not / come), I ____ (not / be) so happy.

3) I ____ (travel) to England if there _____(be) a job for me.

4) If I ____ (study) more English as a child, now I ____ (can) speak better English.

5) You ____ (not / get) that job if you ___ (go) to the interview.

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1) If we WERE rich, we WOULDN’T WORK so hard.

2) If they DIDN’T COME, I WEREN’T so happy.

3) I WOULD TRAVEL to England if there WERE a job for me.

4) If I STIDIED more English as a child, now I COULD speak better English.

5) You WOULDN’T GET that job if you DIDN’T GO to the interview.

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CONDITIONALS IExercise 4. Complete the following (first and

second) conditional sentences.

1) I wouldn’t be tired if I _____ (not /go) to bed late last night.

2) If you practice English, you _____ (gain) your fluency.

3) There were here if they ____ (not / break up).

4) If I save money now, I ____ (have) it for my retirement.

5) You wouldn’t be here if you ____ (not / want) to improve your English.

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1) I wouldn’t be tired if I DIDN’T GO to bed late last night.

2) If you practice English, you WILL IMPROVE your fluency.

3) There were here if they DIDN’T BREAK UP.

4) If I save money now, I WILL HAVE it for my retirement.

5) You wouldn’t be here if you DIDN’T WANT to improve your English.

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HAD BETTER / WOULD RATHERHad better y would rather son expresiones

muy utilizadas en inglés.

No son modales (aquí el único modal es ‘would’), aunque cumplen algunas reglas de estos.

You had better tell him the truth.

I would rather watch another movie.

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HAD BETTER / WOULD RATHERHAD BETTER = es aconsejable (sería mejor


A pesar de que HAD es pasado, had better solo se utiliza para presente y futuro.

He had better pay today

I had better talk to the boss tomorrow

En inglés hablado se contrae ‘HAD’

I’d better go now

She’d better take a taxi

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HAD BETTER / WOULD RATHERESTRUCTURA:(+) Subject + had better (‘d better) + infinitive…

It’s getting cold, you’d better take a coat.

(-) Subject + had better not (‘d better not) + infinitive

You had better not go out tonight.

(?) (Wh..) + Had + subject + better + infinitive…?

Where had I better go on holiday?

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HAD BETTER / WOULD RATHERWOULD RATHER significa prefiero / preferiría

(prefer / would prefer) dependiendo del caso:

Preferencias específicas:

Would rather = would prefer + infinitive

I’d prefer to take a taxi = I’d rather take a taxi

Preferencias generales:

Would rather = prefer + infinitive –ing

I prefer swimming than running = I’d rather swim than run

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HAD BETTER / WOULD RATHERESTRUCTURA:(+) Subject + would rather + infinitive…

I’d rather stay at home.

(-) Subject + would rather not + infinitive…

I’d rather not play videogames so late

(?) Would + subject + rather + infinitive…?

Would you rather rent a house than a flat?

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HAD BETTER / WOULD RATHER Al hablar se suele contraer ‘WOULD’:

I’d rather… / You’d… / He’d… / She’d… / It’d… / We’d…/ You’d… They’d…

Si la acción afecta a terceros, se pone el verbo en pasado, aunque suela referirse al presente o al futuro.

I’d rather they went early.

I’d rather we had some coffee before to go.

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HAD BETTER / WOULD RATHERPara comparar entre dos o mas opciones


a) ‘…WOULD RATHER…THAN’I’d rather have tea than coffee


I’d prefer to go out rather than watch TV

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HAD BETTER / WOULD RATHERExercise . Fill in the gaps with ‘had better’ or

‘would rather’.

1) I ____ ____ take a bus than go walking.

2) He ___ ____ save some money for its retirement.

3) You ___ ____ not drink more beer tonight.

4) ____ you ____ buy a car than a house?

5) I’m going to England, so I ___ ____ study English hardly.

6) I ___ ___ you didn’t come late today.

7) Tim ___ ___ pay off all his debts soon.

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1) I WOULD RATHER take a bus than go walking.

2) He HAD BETTER save some money for its retirement.

3) You HAD BETTER not drink more beer tonight.

4) WOULD you RATHER buy a car than a house?

5) I’m going to England, so I HAD BETTER study English hardly.

6) I WOULD RATHER you didn’t come late today.

7) Tim HAD BETTER pay off all his debts soon.

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