english 3 honors project sections - google docs

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  • 7/25/2019 English 3 Honors Project Sections - Google Docs


    Allen 1

    Josh Allen


    English 3 Honors


    Section 1

    Free Will and Fate:

    He mourned the fact he could not be a permanent soldier but he could not imagine any any

    career for his sons except the army (Steinbeck 19).

    This quote is foreshadowing the fate that one of cyruss sons will be force to join the army

    because of cyruss wishes. Later we learn that son is Adam because Cyrus feels the army will let

    loose things in charles that he feels needs to be contained.

    Theyll first strip off your clothes They'll shuck off any little dignity you have--- you'll lose

    what you think of as your decent right to live and to be let alone to live. They'll make you live

    and eat and sleep and **** close to other men. And when they dress you up again you'll not be

    able to tell yourself from the others (Steinbeck 25).

    This quote symbolizes the loss of free will Adam faces while being forced to join the army and

    while having to participate in the: violence, fighting, and killings, army life entailed. We will

    later on see how this loss of free will or sense of self effects Adam after his 5 years in the

    Cavalry is finished.

    Seems like to me theres something not finished. Seems like when you half finished a job and

    can't think what it was. Something didn't get done (Steinbeck 37).

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    Allen 2

    This quote foreshadows charles fate. Charles has unfinished business and when there is

    unfinished business it has to be finished. It is charles fate to finish this unfinished business. and

    once we can realize cal is charles in the second generation we know it is truly his fate to finish it.


    He felt a man should learn soldiering from the ranks, as he had. Then he would know what it

    was about from experience, not from charts and textbooks.

    This quote is about cyrus thinking the best way to gain knowledge is from experience not from


    Biblical Allusions

    3. Seems like to me theres something not finished. Seems like to me when you half finish a job

    and can't think what it was. Something didn't get done (Steinbeck 37)

    This quote is very unsettling in the context it was spoken and helps the author set up a ominous

    and uneasy mood for the rest of the novel as well as foreshadows to charless/cals fate because he

    has to finish the job that he didn't finish.

    When a child first catches adults out----when it first walks into his grave little head that adults

    do not have divine intelligence,that their judgements are not always wise, their thinking true, their

    sentences just---his world falls into panic desolation. The gods are fallen and all safety gone. And

    there is one thing about the fall of the gods. they crash and shatter . it is a tedioe job to build

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    Allen 3

    them up again they never quite shine. And the childs world is never quite whole again.

    (Steinbeck 19-20)

    This is a beautiful quote explaining feelings and emotions a child goes through once they realize

    adults are not always as: perfect,wise,kind, or even godly as they may seem when you are a very

    young child. Adam could relate to the feelings of this quote when he caught his father out and

    realized his father was not a great man. He also realized his fathers training methods were only

    used to make him a better man, not to benefit Adam or his brother.

    4. Provide at least 2 questions

    Why is charles so violent.

    Why doesnt Adam love Cyrus even though he knew Cyrus loved him the most?

    10 words.


    Guess- Horsemen who were apart of the army in the 1800s.

    Dictionary- The part of the army who used to fight on horseback but now are soldiers who ride

    in helicopters and vehicles.


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    Allen 4

    Guess-A part of the army in the 1800s that worked in the swamps

    Dictionary- a member of any of the groups of American Indians that emigrated to Florida from

    Georgia and Alabama in the 18th and 19th centuries and that are now located in southern Florida

    and Oklahoma


    Guess- Necessary for proper function.

    Dictionary- having or seeming to have no end: continuing for a long time.


    Guess- A homeless person who wanders/roams a country or state.

    Dictionary- A Hobo


    Guess- A form of physics that revolves around philosophy.

    Dictionary- the part of philosophy that is concerned with the basic causes and nature of things.


    Guess- Art focused on the evolution of nature

    Dictionary- of or relating to are or beauty.


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    Allen 5

    Guess- Fried from a position in a church.

    Dictionary- to officially remove (a priest) from his or her job as punishment for doing something



    Guess- Being shy or quiet

    Dictionary- tending to be quiet : not speaking frequently


    Guess- Confused or tricked

    Dictionary- to avoid being stopped by (something, such as a law or rule) : to get around

    (something) in a clever and sometimes dishonest way


    Guess- a large fear.

    Dictionary- a state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an

    uncontrolled way

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    Allen 6

    Section 2

    Free Will and Fate

    there are monsters born in the world to human parents.Some you can see,misshapen and

    horrible...They are accidents and no ones fault(Steinbeck 72).

    It is fate that these monsters are born from their parents. No one can control whether or not

    these monsters will be born making it fate when they are born into the world. We also learn about

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    Allen 7

    the other kind of monster born into the world in this section not the kind you can see but the

    mentally and morally unstable type of monsters such as, Charles and Cathy.

    It is my belief that Cathy Ames was born with the tendencies or lack of them, which drove and

    forced her all of her life(Steinbeck 72).

    The author telling us he thinks Cathy was born a monster and or without tendencies

    foreshadows that Cathy does not have a good fate. The author also says she will be drove and

    force by these lack of tendencies her whole life also foreshadows to cathies fate.

    And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable

    thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it

    wishes, undirected. And this is what i must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which

    limits or destroys free will(Steinbeck 132)

    This quote shows that the author has a very strong view about free will, and fits into the idea of

    choosing our own fate/destiny.


    Cathy learned when she was young that sexuality . is the most disturbing impulse humans

    have . Cathy learned that by the manipulation and use of this one part of people she could gain

    and keep power over nearly anyone(Steinbeck 75).

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    Allen 8

    By learning this about people cathy was able to manipulate many people throughout the story with

    her looks. She manipulated the boys,Adam,and Mr.Edwards with her good looks, charm, and


    Biblical Allusions


    Monsters are variations from the accepted normal to be a greater or a less degree. As a child

    may be born without an arm, so one may be born without kindness or the potential of conscience

    (Steinbeck 72).

    Cathy proves that she is a monster and manipulator and may have indeed been born without

    kindness or conscience throughout this section. Earlier on in the section we learn that Cathy was

    indeed a variation from the accepted normal that there was something uneasy and unsettling

    about Cathy, and as the section goes on we learn even more unsettling things about Cathy that

    would classify her a monster. We learn that she is a liar and manipulator, she set the boys up,

    and she killed her parents.

    It is my belief that Cathy was born with tendencies or lack of them,which drove and forced her

    all her life. Some balanced wheel was misweighted, some gear out of ratio. She was not like other

    people, never was from birth. And just as a cripple learn to utilize his lack so that he becomes

    more effective in a limited field than the uncrippled, so did Cathy using her difference, make a

    painful and bewildering stir in the world(Steinbeck 72-73).

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    Allen 9

    This quote is very important to the section. This quote foreshadows and introduces Cathies

    character to the novel, and just by reading this quote the reader can already conclude that Cathy is

    going to be one of the many antagonist of this novel. This quote along with the foreshadowing

    and introducing of Cathies character to the novel, continues the ominous and or uneasy mood

    created in the last section.


    Why did Cathy a girl with a seemingly pleasant family kill her parent?

    Why does Adam take such a liking to Cathy?

    10 words.


    My Guess- Fearful Crazy Frantic

    Dictionary- enjoyment that someone gets from being violent or cruel or from causing pain.


    My Guess- Strong and still.

    Dictionary- sad because of failure, loss,.


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    Allen 10

    My Guess- Relating to a fever

    Dictionary- having a fever : suffering from a higher than normal body temperature caused by



    My Guess- The act of being a hoar

    Dictionary- None


    My Guess- hiding place, PLace of solitude used for thinking and to get away from things.

    Dictionary- a drain or pipe that allows water to flow under a road or railroad


    My Guess- A writer for the newspaper.

    Dictionary- a public official whose job is to find out the cause of death when people die in ways

    that are violent, sudden.


    My Guess-Stumbled upon

    Dictionary-to move in an awkward or confused way


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    Allen 11

    My Guess- hungry

    Dictionary- having or showing a tendency to eat very large amounts of food


    My Guess- Police Guard

    Dictionary- a public official whose job is similar to that of a police officer but who is elected or

    appointed rather than hired


    My Guess- whip

    Dictionary- a riding whip with a short handle and a rawhide lash

    Section 3

    Fate and Freewill