english 1102

Ashley Lockhart Hey Mr. Campbell, My name is Ashley. I go by Ashley, Ash, “the artist,” or “that-one-girl-that-draws-really-good.” Pardon the incorrect “good vs. well” choice in that last nickname, but that’s what I was referred to most of the time in high school. This is because, and this may be obvious, I can draw fairly well… or better than the average person, at least. Here’re some examples of my work! (You can see them better if you enlarge the page view). Self-portraits of myself when I was younger and of me now:

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Post on 11-May-2017




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Page 1: English 1102

Ashley Lockhart

Hey Mr. Campbell,

My name is Ashley. I go by Ashley, Ash, “the artist,” or “that-one-girl-that-draws-really-good.” Pardon the incorrect “good vs. well” choice in that last nickname, but that’s what I was referred to most of the time in high school. This is because, and this may be obvious, I can draw fairly well… or better than the average person, at least. Here’re some examples of my work! (You can see them better if you enlarge the page view).

Self-portraits of myself when I was younger and of me now:

My favorite subjects to draw are faces, and I believe that’s because I love the uniqueness of individuals and learning different contours of the human face. Aside

Page 2: English 1102

Ashley Lockhart

from my art, let me tell you more about myself. Since I love direction, I’m going follow the questions you provided for all of us! I’m currently 19 years old, and I love to draw, edit pictures, read, watch movies, play CoD (mainly with my boyfriend), and spend time with said boyfriend.

I have a sister, a mom, a stepdad, a dad, a stepmom, and many grandparents! I don’t have much of a relationship with my sister and my dad due to the decisions they’ve made in their lives, but I’m extremely close to my mom and stepdad. I’m always so grateful for the things they do for me!

My hometown is Lexington, North Carolina. I’m from a small town in Lexington called Reeds that is home to only about 2000 people, so I guess you could say I’m a small town girl. I originally thought coming here to UNCC was going to be a struggle for me because of the lively city and the tons of people, but the transition has been rather easy, fun, and heck, I don’t think I could have made a better choice! And despite my artistic ability, I didn’t choose to major in Art. I wanted to keep my goals realistic, and I also wanted to make sure I could be successful with whatever I chose to do with my future. So, I chose to major in Architecture! I LOVE fixing up houses with my family and friends, and I love designing houses (sadly, I realized this playing Sims). Being an Architecture major is by no means easy, but I know it will be well worth my efforts. Last semester, I liked most of my classes. My favorites were my architecture classes obviously, but I also really enjoyed English! Don’t worry, I’m not only saying this because I think you WANT to hear it, but because I actually do enjoy writing! Oh and, I despised physics.

In high school, I played tennis, soccer, and the piano. Unfortunately, I didn’t stick with any of these activities for very long because I learned I enjoy drawing in my free time much better. And do I have a pet I miss? YES. His name is Willard, and he’s a huge 12.8 lbs. tuxedo three-year-old cat. I call him Bubby, but my boyfriend is fond of the names “Ugly” and “Fatty” for him. I actually got Willard from AARF (Animal Adoption and Rescue Foundation) when he was about 2 months old, and the reason I chose him was because of his unique facial feature: a nice fancy mustache!

Furthermore, I actually believe I like my boyfriend a bit better than my car, but it’s a close call!! (joking, joking!) I have a fiery red Sebring convertible, and she’s my baby. However, my boyfriend Kendall is a bit more special. He’s my high school sweetheart, and we’ve been together for about two and a half years. Here we are!

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Ashley Lockhart

I believe my most major success thus far would be graduating high school in three years. Originally, I was on track with school up to the eighth grade, but my parents decided to homeschool me during the ninth grade. That was fine and dandy, until my parents decided to put me in public school the next year for tenth grade. We all found out then that the public school system does not accept or transfer homeschool credits. My heart and my mom’s heart dropped when we were told the news. This meant I had to either redo the ninth grade, or work very, very hard, and do four years of work in only three years. I decided I wanted to graduate on time, so I took the challenge to graduate in just three years! I took at least one extra class each semester, and on top of that, I took five AP classes as to get a head start on college credit. High school was stressful, and I often had to stay up to 12 or 1 AM in the morning doing homework. I don’t believe I could have succeeded if it weren’t for the support from my friends, family, and Kendall. They are my rocks, and they also keep me motivated through college (since I’m now having to pull about 10 all-nighters per semester).

Lastly (but not least!), my best friend’s name is Desiray. She’s been my best friend since the second grade, and I thank God everyday that I have her in my life. She the one I confide in, seek advice from, and cry on when I feel life is being unfair. Here’s a portrait I drew of her about 2 years ago.

Thanks for listening to all my rambles and viewing all my photos, Mr. Campbell!I can’t wait to spend time in your class, meet you, and make new friends!

- Ash