engleza pt incepatori 19 si 20

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  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    REZUMAT1. ntrebrile care ncep cu pronumele interogativ who" au ntotdeauna structura unei propoziii afirmative i verbul seafl la persoana a IlI-a singular.

    Who saw you? - Cine te-a vzut?Who wants the book? - Cine vrea cartea?

    Numeralele ordinale:


    fourth- prim, nti

    - doilea, doua- treilea, treia

    - patrulea, patra- 1 -

    LECIA 19 - PARTEA INTAIn aceast parte a leciei vom nva cuvinte legate de starea vremii. Citii-le cu voce tare i fii ateni la nelesul lor n limba

    romn:gale > [ge/1] - vnt puternic, vijelie

    hail > [he/1] - grindin

    shower > [aur] - avers, ploaie torenial

    ice > [a/'s] - ghea

    shade > [e/d] - umbr, nuan

    dew > [dm:] - rou

    thunderstorm > [T'sandarsto:'m] - furtun cu trznete, vijelie

    umbrella > [ambrel] - umbrel

    road > [roud] - drum, osea

    hurricane > [harikn] - uragan

    thaw > [Tso:] - dezghe, topire

    sunny spells > [sani spelz] - vreme nsorit

    Citii din nou cuvintele, dar n alt ordine:

    thaw > [Tso:] - dezghe, topire

    umbrella > [ambrel] - umbrel

    shade > [e/d] - umbr, nuan

    hail > [he/1] - grindin

    sunny spells > [sani spelz] - vreme nsorit

    road > [roud] - drum, osea

    thunderstorm > [Tsandrsto:rm] - furtun cu trznete

    ice > [a/s] - ghea

    gale > [ge/1] - vnt puternic, vijelie

    hurricane > [harikn] - uragan

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    dew > [d/u:] - rou

    shower > [aur] - avers, ploaie toreni-


    - 2 -Urmrii cum se folosesc cuvintele noi n propoziii:

    There were a lot of gales in > [Dzea' ua:' a lot ov ge/lz January.There was some hail this morning.There is ice on the water.

    in djEn/'uri] > [Dze' uoz sam he/1 Dzismo:'nin(g-h

    > [Dzer iz a/'s on Dzo:ta ]

    Can you see the dew on the > [kEn iu: si: Dz d/'u: on grass? Dz gra:s]There are no thunderstorms > [Dze' a:' nou in these surroundings. Tsandrsto:rmz in Dzi:zsraundin^z]

    > [dount forget /'o:rambrel]> [Dzis roud iz tu: nErou fo:r vEn]> [hariknz brin*g^ lot ov rem]

    > [Dz Tso: uil sta:rt nekst manTs]

    > [Dz

    e/d iz lon^' in Dz

    i a:ft'nu:n]> [Dzeruil bi: aua1' in D a mo: nm"']> [sani spelz dount ofn hEpn in o:tm]

    Don't forget your umbrella.This road is too narrow for a van.

    Hurricanes bring a lot of rain.The thaw will start next month.

    The shade is long in the afternoon.There will be a shower in the morning.

    Sunny spells don't often happen in autumn.Au fost multe furtuni n ianuarie.

    Azi diminea a fost grindin.Este ghea pe ap.

    Poi s vezi roua pe iarb?n aceste locuri nu sunt furtuni cu trznete.Nu-i uita umbrela!

    Acest drum este prea ngust pentru o furgoneta.Uraganele aduc mult ploaie.Dezgheul va ncepe luna viitoare.

    Umbra este lung dup amiaza.Dimineaa va avers.

    Toamna nu este des vreme nsorit.Completai cuvintele corespunztoare n urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:

    Nu-mi place dezgheul.i-ai cumprat deja o umbrel nou?

    A fost o nuan de zmbet pe faa lui.n aceast primvar nu va fi grindin.

    Ultima zi nsorit a fost n urm cu o lun.Trebuie s-o lum pe c.cest drum.

    Vara mi plac furtunile cu trsnete.Este mult ghea pe ru.

    Chiar vrei s iei pe acest vnt puternic?Uraganul este n apropierea Americii. Dimineaa este ntotdeauna rou pe iarb.

    Cred c mine vor fi averse.- I don't like > the thaw.- Have you already bought a new > umbrella?

    - There was a > shade of smile on his face.- There won't be any > hail this spring.- The last > sunny spell was a month ago.

    - We must take this > road.- I love > thunderstorms in summer.

    - There is a lot of > ice on the river.- Do you really want to go out in this > gale ?

    - The > hurricane is near America.- There is always > dew on the grass in the morning.

    - I think there will be > showers tomorrow.

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    - 3 -Iat acum un exerciiu ceva mai greu. Traducei propoziiile urmtoare n limba englez:> My shade always goes behind me.

    Umbra mea umbl ntotdeauna n urma mea.Acest drum este cel mai bun. Luna aceasta au fost multe vijelii.

    Nu-mi plac aversele.Pune-i pantofii! Este rou pe iarb.

    Cnd este dezghe, strzile sunt ude. Pot s iau umbrela ta? Noi am pierdut totul n timpul uraganului, ntr-adevr i placeceaiul rece cu ghea? Sper c va fi vreme nsorit toamna.

    Ieri a fost ploaie i grindin. Iarna sunt des vnturi puternice. Primvara va sosi dup ultimul dezghe.> This road is the best.

    > This month there have been many thunderstorms.> I don't like showers.

    > Put on your shoes! There is dew on the grass.> When there is thaw the streets are wet.

    > Can I take your umbrella?> We lost everything in the hurricane.

    > Do you really like cold tea with ice?> 1 hope there will be sunny spells in autumn.> Yesterday we had rain and hail.

    > There are often gales in winter.

    > Spring will come after the last thaw.n aceast lecie ne vom ocupa de o problem important a gramaticii engleze, modul condiional. Propoziia condiional

    este de trei feluri, acum nva primul.Tipul nti (I. Condiional)se refer la viitor. ndeplinirea condiiei, respectiv realizarea activitii viitoare este probabil.

    Iat cteva exemple:If you return this book you > [if /u: rita.'n Dzis bukiu: will get another.

    11-1 . - p. 7-1'u set anaD a

    Dac napoiezi aceast carte vei primi alta.If she leaves too late, she will be late for her bus.

    > [if i: li:vz tu: le/t i: ilbi: le/t to:' h: bas]

    Dac ea pleac prea trziu, va pierde autobuzul.The weather will be nice if > [D7 ueDz' L1il bi: na/'s if - Vremea va fi plcut dac

    the temperature isn't lower. Dz tempritr iznt lou1] temperatura nu va fi mai joas.Desigur ai observat cum se utilizeaz if [if] (nseamn: dac, presupunnd c) n propoziii.

    Reinei c n propoziia condiional (care se afl dup i) se folosete timpul prezent simplu (Simple Present) iar npropoziia principal se utilizeaz viitorul simplu (Simple Future).

    - 3 -n exerciiul urmtor, completai propoziiile folosind cuvintele corespunztoare:Dac plou nu vom merge la plimbare. Nu vei fi un medic bun, dac nu nvei.Dac mine va nghea, vom rmne acas.

    Dac nu-i ia umbrela, ea se va ntoarce acas ud.If it > rains we won't go for a walk.

    You won't be a good doctor if you > don't learn.If there > is frost tomorrow, we will stay at home.

    If she > doesn't take her umbrella she will return home wet.Iar acum s nvm cteva adjective noi. Citii cuvintele cu voce tare i memorai corespondentul lor n limba romn:




    > [slipari]> [sivi1]

    > [temdjbl]> [dens]

    > [opresiv]> [de/ndjrs]alunecossever, aspru, cumplit schimbtor dens, compact apstor, nbuitor periculos

    S exersm acelai cuvinte, dar ntr-o alt ordine:

    changeable > [temdjbl]oppresive > [opresiv]slippery > [slipri]

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    severe > [sivi1]dense > [dens]dangerous > [de/ndjrs]

    - schimbtor- apstor, nbuitor

    - alunecos- sever, aspru, cumplit

    - dens, compact- periculos

    Citii cu voce tare urmtorul dialog scurt n care am folosit i cuvintele noi: A: Do you like the weathertoday?B: No, it's awful. In the morning the fog was so dense that I didn't see my car.A: Yes, and the streets were slippery. It was dangerous. I think thiswinter will be severe. B: I am not sure. The weather is always changeable in November.And it's better than the oppressive heat in summer.Iat acelai propoziii i traducerea lor n limba romn:Do you like the weather today?

    No, it's awful.> [du iu: la/k D' ueDz' tde/]

    > [nou its o:fl]i place azi vremea?

    Nu, este groaznic.- 4 -

    In the morning the fog was > so dense that I didn't see my car.Yes, and the streets were > slippery.It was dangerous.

    I think this winter will be severe.I am not sure.The weather is always changeable in November.

    And it's better than the oppressive heat in summer.[in Dz mo:'nin^ Dz fog uoz sou dens DzEt ai didnt si: ma/ ka:r]

    [/es End Dz strirts u:'slipri]

    [it uoz de/ndjrs][a/ T n^'k D s mta ii

    bi: sivi1][a i Em not u1]

    [Da eD a iz o:l e/z te/ndjbl in nouvembr][End its betr DzEn Dz opresiv hi:t in samr)

    Dimineaa ceaa a fost att de deas, nct nu mi-am vzut maina.Da, i strzile au fost alunecoase.

    A fost periculos.Cred c aceast iarn va fi aspr.

    Nu sunt sigur.In noiembrie vremea este ntotdeauna schimbtoare.

    i este mai birfe dect cldura nbuitoare vara.Desigur ai memorat deja cuvintele noi. Completai urmtoarele propoziii cu cuvintele corespunztoare:S-a depus un ger cumplit.n Romnia avem o vreme schimbtoare.

    Este un trafic intens pe strzi.Drumul a fost alunecos aa c noi am mers pe jos.

    Aceste animale pot fi periculoase.Vara aceasta a fost o cldur nbuitoare.

    - > Severe frost has set in.- We have > changeable weather in Romania.

    - There is > dense traffic in the streets.- The road was > slippery so we went on foot.

    - These animals can be > dangerous.- This summer there has been > oppressive heat.

    un v"Severe frost has set in."

    Traducei n limba englez urmtoarele cuvinte:schimbtor > changeable

    dens > dense

    alunecos > slipperysever > severe

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    nbuitor > oppressivepericulos > dangerous~"Pn acum am nvat mai multe. Numeralele ordinale nvate pn acum au fost: (3)

    (22) first - prim, nti

    second doilea, douathird - treilea, treia

    fourth - patrulea, patraCelelalte numerale ordinale se formeaz prin adugarea terminaia -th numeralelor cardinale:six - sixth > [siksTs]seven - seventh > [sevnT*]

    Ortografia unor numerale ordinale se schimb prin adugarea terminaiei -th:five - fifth > [fifTs]

    twelve - twelfth > [tuelfTs]In cazul n care numeralele se termin n -y, acesta se preschimb n -ie, la adugarea terminaieith:twenty - twentieth > [^'entiT"]Desigur dac numeralul ordinal se termin n -nti, -doilea, -treilea, atunci n englez folosim cuvintele first, second,third:

    duzeciiunulea - twenty-first > [t


    enti f:


    st]treizeciidoilea - thirty-second > [Ts:rti seknd]aizeciitreilea - sixty-third > [siksti Ts:rd]Folosii cele nvate pentru traducerea urmtoarelor propoziii:

    A fost a zecea noastr zi de lucru. > It was our tenth day of work.Aceast carte este pe al douzeciiaselea > This book is on the twenty-sixth shelf on raft la dreapta. the right.Al patruzeciiaptelea profesor tocmai a > The forty-seventh teacher has just applied solicitat slujba. for the job.

    - 5 -Dac numeralele sunt scrise cu cifre, atunci cifrelor li se adaug ultimele dou litere ale formei scrise cu litere:



    - 1st- 2nd

    - 3rd- 25th

    Acum s nvm ase verbe noi:to need > [tu ni:d]

    to freeze > [tu fri:z]to melt > [tu melt]

    to drizzle > [tu drizl]to drop > [tu drop]

    to set in > [tu set in] a avea nevoie de, a trebui a nghea, a degera a topi, a se topi a burniaa picura, a cdea, a scpa a ncepe, a se instalaS exersm acelai verbe ntr-o alt ordine:

    to drop > [tu drop] - a picura, a cdea, a scpa

    to melt > [tu melt] - a topi, a se topi

    to set in > [tu set in] - a ncepe, a se instala

    to need > [tu ni:d] - a avea nevoie de, a trebui

    to drizzle > [tu drizl] - a burnia

    to freeze > [tu fri:z] - a nghea, a degera

    Dintre verbele de mai sus, dou sunt neregulate. Iat formele lor: forma a I-a forma a Il-a forma a III-a

    freeze > [frj:z] froze > [fro uz] frozen > [frouzn]set in > [set in] set in > [set in] set in > [set in]

    S folosim aceste verbe n propoziii. Citii-le cu voce tare i urmrii traducerea n limba romn:He has always needed our > [hi: hEz o:l

    ue/'z ni:did - El a avut ntotdeauna help. aurhelp] nevoie de ajutorul nostru.

    The water has frozen.> [Dz uo:tr hEz frouzn] - Apa a ngheat.The thaw will set in next > [Dz Tso: uil set in nekst - Dezgheul va ncepe luna month. manTs] viitoare.

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    The ice has already melted. > [Dzi a/s hEz o:lredimeltid]Gheaa s-a topit deja.

    - 6 -We won't go to town if it > [ui: uount gou tu taun if drizzles tomorrow. it drizlz tamorou]

    Don't drop this magazine on > [dount drop D/isthe floor.

    mEgzi:n on Dz fio:Nu vom merge n ora dac va burnia mine.

    Nu scpa pe podea aceast revist.n exerciiul urmtor introducei forma corespunztoare a verbelor n propoziii:

    A czut ceva de pe mas.Gheaa se va topi primvara.

    Trebuie s congelm ceva mncare.Ai nevoie azi de main?

    Dac ncepe un nghe aspru, vom prsi acest ora.A burniat ieri toat ziua.

    Something has > dropped from the table.Ice will > melt in spring.We must > freeze some food.

    Do you > need the car today?

    If severe frost > sets in we will leave this town.It was > drizzling all day yesterday.

    Desigur v-ai nsuit deja verbele noi. Traducei n limba romn:a nghea

    a avea nevoie dea se topi

    a ncepea burnia

    a scpa> to freeze

    > to need> to melt

    > to set in> to drizzle

    > to dropUrmrii cu atenie propoziiile: They make cars in this factory. Cars are made in this factory.

    Ati sesizat deosebirea?- Ei fac maini n aceast fabric.- Se fac maini n aceast fabric.

    Propoziia a doua se afl la diateza pasiv (Passive Voice [pa:siv vo/s]), care se folosete atunci cnd subiectul esteobiectul care sufer aciunea iar autorul aciunii este exprimat printr-un complemen,. Diateza pasiv se compune din forma

    corespunztoare a verbului to be i forma a IlI-a a verbului principal.- 6 -Iat cteva exemple:

    The hammer was found in > [Dz hEm1uoz faund in - Ciocanul a fast gsit n the shed. Dz ed] sur-The floor in the kitchen will > [Dz fio:1 in Dz kitn - Podeua din buctrie va fi be mopped tomorrow. ujl bi: mopt

    tmorou] splat mine.Urmeaz un exerciiu uor. Transformai propoziiile din diateza activ n diatez pasiv. Completai propoziiile:

    She emptied the basket. - The basket > was emptied.

    She has ironed her son's shirts. - Her son's shirts > have been ironed.We will negotiate a raise tomorrow. - A raise > will be negotiated tomorrow.They deliver newspapers every day. - Newspapers > are delivered every day.

    Ai observat, desigur, c complementul direct al propoziiei la diateza activ devine subiectul propoziiei la diateza pasiv.S recapitulm materialul acestei pri a leciei, englez:

    Am uitat s iau umbrela. >Am avut doar cteva furtuni cu trsnete vara aceasta.

    Acest drum a fost construit n urm cu doi ani.Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba

    Al doisprezecelea poliist a sosit prea trziu. > The twelfth policeman came too late. Dac nu lucrezi nu vei avea bani.Toate scrisorile au fost trimise deja.i vom vizita pe John i pe Mary dac nu plou mrunt.Puloverul meu a fost croetat. >

    Dac ceaa este deas, nu vom vedea nimic. >

    Drumurile alunecoase sunt foarte pericu- > loase.Am nevoie de o mulime de haine noi. >Acesta este al cincizecilea angajat al nostru. >

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    If you don't work you will not have money.All letters have already been sent.We will visit John and Mary if it doesn't drizzle.

    My sweater has been knir.ed.If the fog is dense, we will see nothing.

    Slippery roads are very dangerous.I need a lot of new clothes. This is our fiftieth employee.

    - 7-

    LECIA 19 - PARTEA A DOUAFurtunile i ploile din prima parte a leciei ne-au fcut s ne gndim la cminul nostru confortabil. S intrm n dormitor:double bed > [dabl bed] - pat dublu

    sheet > [i:t] - cearaf

    blanket > [blEn(g)kit] - ptur

    pillow > [pilou] - pern

    bedspread > [bedspred] - cuvertur de pat

    alarm clock > [la:rm klok] - ceas detepttor

    sheets > [i:ts] - cearafuri, foi de hrtie

    wardrobe > [V'droub] - garderob, ifonier, dulap dehaine

    rug > [rag] - covora, carpet

    dressing-gown > [dresin(8) gaun] - halat, capot

    single bed > [singl bed] - pat de o persoan

    dream > [dri:m] - vis

    nightmare > [na/tmer] - comar

    Repetai cuvintele i n alor n limba romn:

    lt ordine. Exersai pronunia i reinei sensul

    rug > [rag] - covora, carpet

    dream > dri:m] - vis

    bedspread > bedspred] - cuvertur de pat

    double bed > [dabl bed] - pat dublu

    pillow > pilou] - pern

    nightmare > na/tmer] - comar

    blanket > [blEn,g,kit] - ptur

    wardrobe > [Vrdroub] - garderob, ifonier, dulap dehaine

    alarm clock > la:rm klok] - ceas detepttor

    sheet > [i:t] - cearaf

    dressing-gown > dresin(g) gaun] - halat

    single bed > singl bed] - pat de o persoan

    sheets > [i:ts] - cearafuri, foi de hr-

    tie- 7 -S citim cu voce tare dialogul, n care am folosit i cuvintele noi:

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    A: What do you want to have in our bedroom?B: We must have one double bed or two single beds.A: I think we can have a wardrobe in the corner of the room.B: Yes, and two small rugs near the bed. I want to buy many newthings. I am thinking about new dressing-gowns, new pillowsand blankets.

    A: ... new sheets and a large bedspread. Can we afford it? B: I hope we can. We canalso buy a new electric alarm clock.They are very good. A: Will we buy new, nice dreams too?B: I think that after we buy all the new things we can afford only nightmares. They arecheaper.S analizm acum separat fiecare propoziie. Citii propoziiile i fii ateni la pronunie:

    What do you want to have in > [ ot du /u: ont tu hEv in our new bedroom? aur n/u: bedrum]

    We must have one double > [ui: mast hEv uan dabl

    bed o:1 tu: singl bedz][a/ Tsin(g)kui: kEn hEv big uo:rdroub in Dz ko:rnr ov Dz ru:m]

    [ ies End tu: smo:l ragz ni1 Dz bed][a i uont tu bai meni n/u:

    Tsm(8)z][a/ Em Tsin(g)kin(g) baut n/u: dresiir^1 gaunz pilouz Enc blEn'^'kits]

    [n/u: i:ts Enc la:'dj bedspredj[kEn ui: fo:'d it]

    [a/ houp ui: kEn][ui: kEn olsou bai n/u: ilektrik la:'m klok]

    bed or two single beds.I think we can have a big > wardrobe in the corner of the room.

    Yes, and two small rugs near > the bed.I want to buy many new > things.I am thinking about new > dressing-gowns, pillows and blankets....new sheets and a large bedspread.

    Can we afford it?I hope we can.

    We can also buy a new electric alarm clock.They are very good.

    Will we buy new, nice dreams too?> [Dze/ a:1 veri gud]

    > [ u 1: bai n/u: na/s dri:mz tu:]Ce vrei s avem n noul nostru dormitor?

    Trebuie s avem un pat dublu sau dou paturi simple.Cred c putem avea un ifonier mare n colul camerei.

    Da, i dou covorae mici lng pat.Vreau s cumpr multe lucruri noi.

    M gndesc la halate noi, perne i pturi....cearafuri noi i o cuvertur de pat mare.

    Ne putem permite asta?Sper c putem.

    Putem deasemenea cumpra i un ceas detepttor electric nou.Sunt foarte bune.Vom cumpra i vise noi, plcute?

    I think that after we buy all > [a/ Tsin(s)k DzEt a:fta the new things we can afford only nightmares.ounli na/tmea'z They are cheaper. > [Dze/ a:1 tsi:pa'ui: bai o:l Dz n/u: Tsin(g)z ui: kEn fo:rd

    Cred c dup ce cumprm toate lucrurile noi, ne vom putea permite doar comaruri.Sunt mai ieftine.

    Acum folosii noile cuvinte. Introducei-le n urmtoarele propoziii Ei au aici camere cu paturi duble.Trebuie s-i cumpr nevestei mele un halat nou.

    Putem s-i dm doar pturi i perne.Ct cost acest ceas detepttor.

    Ai vzut cearafurile verzi n magazin? -Vom lua un pat simplu pentru fiica noastr. -

    Ce culoare au covoraele tale? -Cuvertura de pat trebuie s fie alb. -

    Vom face un ifonier i-1 vom aeza n col. -

    Visezi des noaptea?They have rooms with > double beds here.I must buy my wife a new > dressing gown.

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    We can only give you > blankets and > pillows.How much is this > alarm clock?Did you see the green > sheets in the shop?

    We'll take one > single bed for our daughter.What colour are your > rugs?

    The > bedspread must be white.We'll make a > wardrobe and put it in the corner.

    Do you often have > dreams at night?Ultimele zile au fost un comar pentru mine. - The last days were a > nightmare for me.

    "I must buy my wife a new dressing-gown".- 9 -Cuvintele noi au fost uoare, nu-i aa? Traducei n limba englez:

    vis > dream

    ptur > blanket

    halat, capot > dressing-gown

    pern > pillow

    ceas detepttor > alarm clock

    covora > rugcearaf > sheet

    cearafuri, foi de hrtie > sheets

    cuvertur de pat > bedspread

    comar > nightmare

    garderob > wardrobe

    pat dublu > double bed

    pat de o persoan > single bed

    Acum vom folosi numerale pentru citirea i scrierea datelor.Datele se scriu n felul urmtor: on 21st October pe 21 octombrieAtenie n limbajul oral apar cuvinte adiionale care nu se folosesc n scris: the - naintea numeralului - i of - naintealunii.The bed will delivered on 15th November.

    This letter was written on 31 st July.> [Dz bed uil bi: diliv'd on Dz fifti:nTs ov

    nouvemb'l> [Dzis let1uoz ritn on Dz Ts:'ti f:rst ov djula/']

    Patul va fi livrat la 15 noiembrie.Aceast scrisoare a fost scris pe 31 iulie.S nvm cteva verbe noi:

    to kill > [tu kil]to drown to wreckto burn

    > [tu draun]> [tu rek]

    > [tu b:'n]Unul dintre verbe este neregulat:

    forma I forma a H-abum > [b:'n] burnt > [b:rnt]

    a omor, a ucidea neca, a se neca

    a sfrma, a distruge, a avariaa arde, a prji, a fi aprins

    forma a IlI-aburnt > [b:rnt]

    - 9 -Iat cum se folosesc verbele n propoziii:

    He killed seven people. > [hi: kild sevn pi:pl]That man has drowned his > [DzEt mEn hEz draund dog. hiz dog]Don't wreck my car! > [dount rek ma; ka:1]

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    Wood burns easily. > [uud b:'nz i:zili]El a ucis apte oameni.Omul acela i-a necat cinele.

    Nu-mi distruge maina! Lemnul arde bine.La diateza pasiv aceste verbe noi au alt semnificaie:

    to be killedto be drowned to be wrecked

    to be burnt down to be blown down to be blown out> [tu bi: kild]

    > [tu bi: draund]> [tu bi: rekt]

    > [tu bi: b:'nt daun]> [tu bi: bloun daun]

    > [tu bi: bloun aut]a-i pierde viaa,( (a fi ucis), a cdea (de ex. n rzboi)

    a se necaa se distruge, a suferi un naufragiu, a se avaria

    a arde pn n temeliia dobor, a rsturnaa sufla, a stinge prin suflare

    Urmeaz cteva exemple:

    Fifty-two people were killed > [fifti tu: pi:pll

    a:' kild in in this accident. r/is Eksidnt]You will be drowned if they > [/u: uil bi: draund if Dze/don't teach you to swim.dount ti:t iu : tu suim]

    The plane was wrecked in a > [Dz ple/n uoz rekt in hurricane.

    harikn]The fire will be blown out in > [Dza fa/a 'il bi: bloun a minute. aul jn minit]

    Many trees were blown down yesterday.The car was burnt down.

    > [meni tri:z u:' bloundaun /est de/1

    > [Dz ka:' Lloz b:'nt daun]n acest accident i-au pierdut viaa cincizeciidoi de oameni.

    Te vei neca dac ei nu te nva s noi.Avionul a fost avariat n timpul unui uragan.

    Focul va fi stins ntr-un minut.Ieri au fost dobori muli copaci.

    Maina a ars de tot.n exerciiul urmtor, completai propoziiile cu forma corespunztoare a verbului:Furtuna a avariat hotelul n data de 23 mai.

    The hurricane > wrecked the hotel on 23rd May.Poi s te neci dac noi mine. - You can > drown if you swim tomorrow.Un copil i-a pierdut viaa n accident. - A child > was killed in the accident.

    Casa noastr a ars pn n temelii sptmna - Our house > was burnt down last week, trecut.- 10 -

    Copacii s-au rsturnat n vntul puternic.Mai mult de o sut de oameni s-au necat cnd vaporul a suferit un naufragiu.

    Oamenii ucid ali oameni n fiecare zi.

    nclzeti cu lemne iarna?Focul a fost stins.- The trees > were blown down in the gale.

    - More than a hundred people > were drowned when the ship > was wrecked.- People > kill other people every day.

    - Do you > bum wood in the winter?- The fire > has been blown out.

    Acum iat un grup nou romn:sleepy quiet

    unpleasant noisy dirty modernde adjective. Exersai pronunia i memorai nelesul lor n limba

    > [sl.pi]> [kua/t]> [anpleznt]

    > [no/zi]> [d:rti]> [mod'n]

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    somnoros, adormit linitit, calm, potolit neplcutzgomotos, glgios murdarmodern, nou, contemporan

    Urmrii cum se folosesc adjectivele noi n propoziii: I feel sleepy this morning. > [a/ fi:l sli:pi DzisOur street is very quiet.

    mo: nm> [au1 stri :t iz veri kua/at]Nightmares are unpleasant. > [na/tmerz a:1 anpleznt]These children were very noisy.

    We must clean the car because it is dirty.This is a modern factory.

    > [Dzi:z tildrn ":1 veri no/zi]> [ui: mast kli:n Dz ka:1bikoz it iz d:1 ti]

    > [Dzis iz mod'n fEktrilM simt somnoros n dimineaa aceasta.

    Strada noastr este foarte linitit.Comarurile sunt neplcute.

    Aceti copii au fost foarte glgioi.Trebuie s curm maina deoarece este murdar.Aceasta este o fabric modern.

    n exerciiul urmtor folosii noile cuvinte la completarea cu ele urmtoarelor propoziii englezeti:

    Copiii notri sunt foarte somnoroi.Am avut vecini glgioi.

    Uit-te la minile tale murdare!Vreau s triesc ntr-un ora linitit.

    Mainile modeme sunt scumpe.Nu am ntlnit niciodat un om mai neplcut!

    - Our children are very > sleepy.- We had > noisy neighbours.

    - Look at your > dirty hands!- I want to live in a > quiet town.

    - > Modern cars are expensive.- I have never met a more > unpleasant

    man!Traducei urmtoarele cuvinte n limba englez:

    linitit > quietmurdar > dirty

    zgomotos > noisymodern > modernsomnoros > sleepy

    neplcut > unpleasantn exerciiul urmtor vom nva substantive care apar ntotdeauna la plural:trousers > [trauzrz] - pantaloni

    spectacles > [spektklz] - ochelariscissors


    > [siz z]> [binok/ul'z]

    > [gla:siz]


    Pentru a defini cantitatea exact a acestor obiecte, se folosete expresia a pair of[ pe' ov" o pereche.Citii cu voce tare exemplele:

    I want to buy a pair of trousers.Where are my binoculars? I don't see them.

    We have sold ten pairs of spectacles today.> [a/ uont tu bai pe1 ov

    trauzrz]Vreau s cumpr o pereche de pantaloni.> [ue' a:rmai binok/ul'z - Unde este binoclul meu?

    ai dount si: Dzem]

    > [ui: hEv sould ten pe'z ov spektklz tde/]

    She cannot find her glasses. > [i: kEnot fa/nd h:ala:sizlI must buy three pairs of scissors.

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    > [ai mast bai Tsri: pe'zo\ siza z [Nu-1 vd.

    Azi noi am vndut zece perechi de ochelari.Ea nu-i gsete ochelarii.

    Trebuie s cumpr trei foarfece.lata cateva verbe noi: to get

    to wake up to snore to dream to shave to undress> [tu get]

    > [tu ue/k ap]> [tu sno:1]

    > [tu dri:m]> [tu e/v]

    > [tu andres]- a obine, a ajunge, a deveni

    - a se trezi- a sfori

    - a visa, a-i nchipui- a brbieri, a se brbieri- a (se) dezbrca

    - 12 -

    Dintre aceste verbe, trei sunt neregulate. Formele lor sunt:forma I forma a Il-a forma a IlI-a

    get >[get] got >[got] got >[got]wake > [ueik] dream >[dri:m] woke > [uouk] dreamt > [dremt] woken > [uoukn] dreamt > [dremt]

    S exersm utilizarea verbelor noi n propoziii. Fii ateni la pronunie:I always get sleepy late at > [ai o:l e/z get slirpi le/t night. Et na/t]

    Undress and go to bed.We woke up at seven.

    > [andres End gou tu bed]> [ui: uouk ap Et sevn]

    Have you ever dreamt about > [hEv /u: eva' dremt abaut a big house? a big haus]Do you always snore when > [du /u: o:lue/z sno:ruen you sleep? /U: sli:p]

    Have you shaved yet?> [hEv /'u: e/vd /et]

    Totdeuna devin somnoros noaptea trziu.Dezbrac-te i du-te la culcare!

    Ne-am trezit la apte.Ai visat vreodat la o cas mare?Sfori ntotdeuna cnd dormi?

    Te-ai brbierit deja?Completai propoziiile cu forma corespunztoare a verbului: Vremea va deveni ceoas. Copiii s-au dezbrcat deja. Amvisat la o main nou.

    Mine trebuie s te brbiereti mai devreme.Sfori de obicei?

    S-au trezit nainte de ase.- It is > getting foggy.

    - The children have already > undressed.- I have > dreamt about a new car.

    - You must > shave earlier tomorrow.

    Do you usually > snore ? They > woke up before six.n urmtorul exerciiu traducei cuvintele n limba englez:a sfori > to snore

    a se dezbrca > to undressa obine > to get

    a se brbieri > to shavea visa > to dream

    a se trezi > to wake up- 12 -

    n acest ultim exerciiu verificai nsuirea ntregului material al leciei 19. Traducei propoziiile n limba englez i exersaipronunia:Pe data de 25 mai a fost un vnt puternic.Furtunile cu trznete sunt ntotdeauna periculoase.

    ase oameni i-au pierdut viaa n acest uragan.

    Dac se ntunec nu vom gsi aceast cas.Acest detepttor a fost cumprat n acest magazin.i place vremea schimbtoare?

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    Pantalonii ti sunt n dulap.Vaporul a suferit un naufragiu n cea deas.Fiica lor s-a necat anul trecut. Sptmna aceasta au fost multe averse.

    Nu vei cumpra aceast carte dac cheltui toi banii pe haine.Este pe al douzecilea raft.

    Mncarea e congelat.Copiii nu s-au trezit nc.

    > There was a strong gale on 25th May.> Thunderstorms are always dangerous.

    > Six people were killed in this hurricane.> If it gets dark we won"t find this house.> This alarm clock was bought in this shop.> Do you like changeable weather^

    > Your trousers are in the wardrobe.> The ship was wrecked in a dense fog.

    > Their daughter drowned last year.> There have been many showers this week.

    > You won't buy this book if you spend all the money on clothes.> It is on the twentieth shelf.> The food is frozen.

    > The children have not wo cen up vet.

    La sfritul leciei urmeaz exerciiul pentru exersarea pronuniei sunetelor englezeti:Lauj



    [:r] burndirty


    [e]wreck get dense set



    find- 13 -

    RECAPITULARE 1919.1. Propoziia condiional tipul nti. (I. Conditional)

    Acest timp se refer la viitor. ndeplinirea condiiei, respectiv realizarea activitii viitoare este probabil.Semnificaia conjunciei if [if] : dac".

    Propoziia condiional (care st dup if) este la timpul prezent simplu (Simple Present), iar propoziia principal este latimpul viitor simplu (Simple Future).

    If you buy the paper we will read - Dac cumperi ziarul vom citi despre acel about that accident. accident.19.2. Numeralele ordinale:

    Numeralele ordinale se formeaz prin adugazea terminaia -th la numeralul cardinal:six - sixth

    seven - seventhOrtografia unor ctorva numerale se schimb prin adugarea terminaiei - th: five - fifth

    twelve - twelfthn cazul n care numeralele se termin n -y, acesta se preschimb n -ie, dup adugarea terminaiei -th:

    twenty - twentiethDac numeralul se termin n -nti, -doilea, -treilea" atunci n englez se folosesc cuvintele first, second, third":

    douzeciiunu - twenty-firstDac numeralele ordinale sunt scrise cu cifre, atunci cifrelor li se adaug ultimele dou litere ale formei scrise cu litere:first - 1 st

    twenty-fifth - 25th19.3. Diateza pasiv - the Passive VoiceDiateza pasiv se folosete atunci cnd subiectul este obiectul care sufer aciunea iar autorul aciunii este exprimat printr-un

    complement. Propoziia cu structur pasiv se formeaz din: forma corespunztoare a verbului to be" i forma a III.-a averbului principal.

    The hammer was found in the shed. - Ciocanul a fost gsit n ur.

    19.4. Scrierea i citirea datelor Ist October- .7- . ii__r*.r. _ . . i . r

    on 21st October - Pe data de 21 octombrie

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    [on D t enti f: st ov okroub ]n pronunia datelor apar cuvinte adiionale - care nu se scriu. Acestea sunt the" naintea datei i of naintea denumirii lunii.- 14 -

    TEM PENTRU ACAS 19A. Traducei n limba romn urmtoarele propoziii:

    1. A lot of people were killed when the house was burnt down.

    2. These glasses were broken yesterday.3. When the sunny spells set in, the ice melted in a short time.4. Will three pairs of shoes be enough?

    5. Today is the thirtieth day of the month.6. If you don't mop the floor you won't go to the cinema today.

    B. Traducei n limba englez urmtoarele propoziii:1. M trezesc des, cnd afar este glgie.

    2. Ochelarii ti sunt mai moderni dect ai mei?3. Aceti copaci au fost dobori de uragan, (diateza pasiv)

    4. In acest comar am czut de pe o cldire nalt.5. In aceast iarn vremea a fost schimbtoare.6. Dac negociem vom primi mrire de salariu.

    C. Gsii greelile din urmtoarele propoziii:1. I will buy this car if it will be cheap.2. It will be on 23 January.

    3. This house wasn't build last year.4. Last winter was sevire.

    5. If she is late for work tomorrow, they fire her.6. Has that dog been bought last year? .

    - 14 -mommi

    Ce**w*n avi ^Owtanli *- *!>** 1\ s t'fH ^ IL itywii

    LECIA 20 - PARTEA INTAIS ncepem lecia cu un grup de cuvinte legate de circulaie. Studiai-le cu atenie:H*n#JfiC

    zebra-crossing > [zebr krosin ] - zebr, trecere de pie toni

    traffic lights > [trEfik la/ts] - stop, semafor

    pedestrian > [pidestrin] - pieton

    right of way > [ra/t ov "ei] - prioritate de trecere

    time-table > [ta/m te/bl] - orar. program

    cab > [kEb] - taxi

    destination > [destine/n] - destinaie

    underground > [andrgraund] - metrou

    witness > [


    itnes] - martor

    ambulance > [Emb/ulns] - ambulan

    onlookers > [onlukrz] - privitori, spectatori

    Exersai cuvintele i ntr-o alt ordine. Fii ateni la pronunie:

    destination > [destine/n] - destinaie

    pedestrian > [pidestrin] - pieton

    witness > [uitnes] - martor

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    zebra-crossing > [zebr krosin,g)] - zebr, trecere de pietoni

    underground > [and'graund] - metrou

    time-table > [ta/m te/bl] - orar, program

    traffic lights > [trEfik la/ts] - stop, semafor

    onlookers > [onlukrz] - privitori, spectatori

    ambulance > [Emb/ulns] - ambulan

    cab > [kEb] - taxi

    right of way > [ra/t ov uei] - prioritate de trecere


    _Ife** I

    n urmtorul exerciiu vei revedea cuvintele noi n propoziii. Citii-le cu voce tare:

    There were many witnesses > [D ea a: meni itnisiz of that accident. 0v Dzet Eksidant]

    >[uan bo/ uoz te/'kn tu hospitl in an Emb/ulans]One boy was taken to hospital in an ambulance.The onlookers wanted to see >[Dzi onluka'z "ontid tu everything. si: evriTsin,g)]

    Even a zebra-crossing can be >[i:vn a zebra krosin (g)


    kEn bi: demdjrs]Are there any traffic lights in >[a:' Dzer eni trEfik !a/ts

    this street?Where are these pedestrians >fue' a:1 Dzi:z pidestrinz

    goma.'in D is stri :t] ri a:

    tour The car on the right has the >[D"aka: on D a ra/t hEz right of way.

    Where can I find the time-table91 took a cab to get to theoffice.

    D a ra?t ov e/| > [L1e' kEn ta/m te/bl]>[ue' kEn ai fa/nd Dza

    [ai tiik kEb tu get tuD 1 ofis]

    The destination of this ship >[Dza destine/san ov D7is is New ^ork. sip iz n/u: /o:'k]

    If we go by underground we >[ifui: gou ba/will set there faster. anda'araund ui: uil set:a:

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    Acest orar este vechi.Azi sunt muli pietoni pe strzi.

    Au fost prea muli privitori.Cte taxiuri sunt n acest ora?Trebuie s facem mai multe treceri de pietoni.

    Semafoarele nu funcioneaz de dou zile.Dac nu vine ambulana, te vom lua cu maina.Merg des cu metroul.

    Toi martorii au neles ntrebrile?Care este destinaia ta? Avem prioritate?

    - This > time-table is old.- There are many > pedestrians in the streets today.

    - There were too many > onlookers.- How many > cabs are there in this town?

    - We must make more > zebra-crossings.

    - The > traffic lights have been out of order for two days.- If the > ambulance doesn't come we will take you by car.- I often go by > underground.

    - All > witnesses understood the questions?- What is your > destination?

    - Do we have the > right of wav?Cu urmtorul exerciiu vom controla n ce msur v-ai nsuit cuvintele noi. Traducei n limba englez:

    taxiprivitori program metrouprioritate de trecere



    martorsemaforS ne ntoarcem acum la diateza pasiv.

    > cab> onlookers

    > time-table> underground

    > right of way> destination

    > zebra-crossing> ambulance

    > pedestrian> witness

    > traffic-lights

    Forma continu la prezent i trecut(Present Continuous, Past Continuous) a verbelor la diateza pasiv se alctuiete cuforma continu a verbului to be, ca verb auxiliar, i forma being [bi:in(s)] aflat naintea formei a Hl-a verbului principal.- 1 6 -Urmrii exemplele:

    She is reading a book.- A book is being > [ buk iz bi:in(g)

    read. red]

    - O carte este citit.They were building - The house was > [Dz haus uoz - Ieri la zece mai the house at ten being built at ten bi:in (g) bilt Et ten

    construiau casa, yesterday. yesterday. /est'de/]n urmtorul exerciiu transformai propoziiile la diateza activ la cea pasiv:

    She is cleaning her room now. > Her room is being cleaned now.They were changing the management yes- > The management was being changed terday at two. yesterday at two.

    They are negotiating raises at the moment. > Raises are being negotiated at the moment.S mai nvm cteva cuvinte noi. Repetai-le cu voce tare i memorai nelesul lor n limba romn:



  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    in vainseriousnecessary

    > [indj'd]> [ankons]

    > [me/nli]> [in vein]

    > [sirrias]> [nesisri]

    rnit, lovit, avariat incontient, involuntar mai ales, mai cu seam zadarnic, inutil, n zadar serios, important necesar,inevitabil

    Iat cuvintele noi n propoziii'They were injured in the accident.

    Your brother is still unconscious.> [Dze/ u:r indj'd in Dzi Eksidnt]

    > [;o: braD r iz stilankons]

    It was a very serious book. > [it "oz a veri si:rias buk]We tried to help but it was > [Ji: tra/d tu help bat itin vain.

    ' oz in ve/n

    John's sister works mainly > [djonz sista'u


    ks me/nli at night.I think this information is necessary.

    Et na/t]> [ai Tsin(>k Dzis

    inf'me/n iz nesisri]Ei au fost rnii n accident.

    Fratele tu este nc incontientA fost o carte foarte serioas.

    Am ncercat s ajutm dar a fost n zadar.Sora lui John lucreaz mai ales noaptea.

    Cred c aceast informaie este necesar.- 17 -

    Urmeaz un exerciiu nou. Completai propoziiile folosind cuvintele corespunztoare:El a ncercat s neleag asta, dar n zadar. - He tried to understand it but > in vain.

    Ei vnd mai ales legume. - They sell > mainly vegetables.Aici este necesar o trecere de pietoni. - A zebra-crossing is > necessary here.

    El a fost incontient mai mult de o - He was > unconscious for longer than asptmn. week.Tatl meu a pus o ntrebare serioas. - My father asked a > serious question.

    Au fost rnii apte pietoni. - Seven pedestrians were > injured.Desigur ai memorat deja cuvintele noi. Traducei n limba englez:serios, important > serious

    mai ales > mainlyrnit > injured

    zadarnic > in vainnecesar > necessary

    incontient > unconsciousinutil

    necesar, inevitabil >

    i n vainnecessaryDintre toate numeralele englezeti nu v-am prezentat nc zeroul. In limba englez zeroul are mai multe echivalente:

    1. 0 -pronunat ca i [ou]se utilizeaz atunci cnd nirm mai multe cifre:Her telephone number > [h:1 telifoun nambr iz - Numrul ei de telefon este is nine, two, four, 0, na/ntu: fo:

    rousevn] nou,

    doi, patru, zero,seven. apte.

    2. Nil [nil],se folosete la prezentarea rezultatelor sportive:The result of the > [D' rizalt ov Dz mEt - Rezultatul meciului este match is four nil. l z fo:rnj]] patru-zero.3. Zero [zirouj,se folosete la descrierea unitilor de msur:It is six degrees below > [it iz siks digri:z bilou - Sunt ase grade sub zero, zero. zjrou]4. Nought (sau naught) [no:t],se folosete de obicei n matematic i literatur:Two minus two is > [tu: ma/'ns tu: iz no:t] - Doi minus doi fac zero. nought.

    All her work was for > [0:1 h:1u:rkuoz fo:1 - Toat munca ei nu a nought. no:




  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20



    n Statele Unite se folosete mai des zero - ul, n timp ce n Marea Britanie nought - ul.- 18 -n exerciiul anterior ai nvat mai multe cuvinte noi:

    number > [namb1]

    result > [rizalt]minus > [ma/'ns]below > [bilou]

    degree > [digri:]- numr

    - rezultat- minus

    - dedesubt, jos, mai jos, sub- grad, msur, treapt

    Ai vzut deja cuvintele noi n exemple. n exerciiul urmtor completai propoziiile cu aceste cuvinte:Ei locuiesc sub noi. Este acolo, jos. El are doctoratul.

    mi place asta doar ntr-o oarecare msur. Care a fost rezultatul negocierilor?Care este numrul apartamentului tu?

    - They live > below us.

    - It's there, > below.- He has a doctor's > degree.- I like it only to some > degree.- What was the > result of the negotiations?

    - What is the > number of your apartment?Azi temperatura este de minus cinci grade. - The temperature is > minus five today.'He has a doctor's degree"

    Acum iari vom nva verbe noi:

    to prevent > [tu privent]to run over > ftu ran ouvr

    to hit > [tu hit]to direct > [tu da/rekt]

    to cause > [tu ko:z]to travel > ftu trEvl]

    - a prentmpina, a preveni- a clca, a lovi cu maina

    - a lovi, a nimeri- a dirija, a conduce- a cauza, a provoca

    - a cltori- 18 -Dou dintre aceste verbe sunt neregulate. Iat formele lor:

    forma I forma a Il-a forma a IlI-arun > [ran] ran > [rEn] run > [ran]

    hit > [hit] hit > [hit] hit > [hit]Verbele noi sunt cuprinse n urmtorul dialog. Urmrii textul cu atenie:

    A B A B AB: A:B. A:When we were travelling to Madrid we saw a terrible accident. Was anybody killed?Yes, but wait a moment. A big car hit a building.Were there any pedestrians in the street?Yes, the car ran over three people. Two of them were killed andone woman was injured.Were there any policemen there?There was one policeman. He directed the traffic but could notprevent the accident.Do you know what caused the accident?I think the car was out of order.n dialogul nostru apare cuvntulcould [kud].Acesta este forma de trecut a verbului modalcan.S analizm separat fiecare propoziie. Citii-le cu voce tare:

    When we were travelling to > [Uen ui: u:' trEvlin(g) tu Madrid we saw a terrible mEdrid lli: so: teribl

    accident. Eksidnt]Cnd am cltoream spre Madrid am vzut un accident groaznic.

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    Was anybody killed? Yes, but wait a moment. A big car hit a building.Were there any pedestrians in the street?> [ oz enibodi kild] - i-a pierdut cineva viaa?

    > [ies bat l'e/t moumnt] - Da, dar ateapt o clip.> [ big ka:r hit bildm(g)]

    > ! a: D ea enipidestrinz in Dz stri:t]

    Yes, the car ran over three > [ ies Dz ka:' rEn ouvr


    Two of them were killed and one woman was seriously injured.Were there any policemen there?

    There was one policeman.Tsri: pi:pi]

    > [tu: ov Dzem u:' kildT-j u u u

    End an uman ozsi:risli indj:'d]

    > [u:' Dze' eni pli:smn D ea ]> [Dze' uoz 11 an pli:smn]O main mare a lovit o cldire.

    Au fost pietoni pe strad?

    - Da, maina a clcat trei oameni.- Doi dintre ei i-au pierdut viaa i o femeie a fost grav rnit.

    - A fost acolo vreun poliist?- A fost un poliist.

    He directed the traffic but > [hi: da/rektid D a trEfik could not prevent the bat kud not privent Dzi 1

    accident. Eksidnt]

    Do you know what caused > [du iu: nou uot ko:zd Dzi the accident? Eksidnt]I think the car was out of > [a/ Tsin^k Dz ka:1uoz order. aut ov o:'d']

    Rspundei n limba englez la urmtoarele ntrebri: When did you see that terrible accident?El a dirijat circulaia, dar nu a putut prentmpina accidentul.

    tii ce a cauzat accidentul?Cred c maina a fost defect.

    What did the big car hit?How many people did the car run over?

    Who was killed?What happened to the woman?

    Were there any policemen there?What did he do?What caused the accident?

    > We saw that terrible accident when we were travelling to Madrid.> The big car hit a building.> The car ran over three people.

    > Two of the three people were killed.> The woman was injured.

    > Yes, there was one policeman.> He directed the traffic.> The car was out of order.Acum ne vom ocupa de pronumele interogativ whoi utilizarea lui:Acest pronume are mai multe nelesuri: cine.pe cine. cui, cine, care, pe care.Dac nelesul lui who este cine

    ntrebarea se referJnjr ia persoani who poate fi folosit ca substantiv. In acestca: ordinea propoziie: estedirecta', stmcntrjsa este afirmativ, iar verbul este la persoana a Ill-a singular.

    Who likes you0 Who went home0

    - Cine te iubete?- Cine s-a dus acas?

    In cazul n care pronumele interogativ who ayare cu cellalte nelesuri, interogativul se formeaz cu ajutorul verbelorauxiliare, forma corespunztoare a verbului to besau a verbelor modale:

    Who were these people? Who did you meet?- Cine au fost aceti oameni?

    - Cu cine te-ai ntlnit?Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:

    Cine i-a pierdut viaa n acest accident? Pe cine vezi pe strad n fiecare zi? Cine este acest brbat n hain maro? Cine scrieaceste scrisori minunate? Pe cine caui acum?

    > Who was killed in this accident?

    > Who do you see in the street every day?> Who is this man in a brown coat?> Who writes these beautiful letters?

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    > Who are you looking for now?- 20 -

    19 fO) 20(24)

    Ne vom ntoarce acum la diateza pasiv. Pentru a indica persoana care execut activitatea n propoziia la diateza pasiv,se folosete prepoziia by.De exemplu:Peter made this chair.The trade-union is negotiating raises.

    This chair was made by Peter.Raises are being negotiated by the trade-union.

    > [D is te l'oz me/d baz pi:tr]> [re/'ziz a:1 bi:in

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    Peter: My brother was on a zebra-crossing at the traffic-lights and a cab wascoming from the right. Mary: And...what happened?Peter: The cab didn't stop in time and my brother was hit by it.Mary: Was your brother injured?Peter: Yes, he was, but fortunately not seriously.

    Maty: I am glad he wasn't seriously injured. Were there any witnesses who sawthe accident?

    Peter: There were many onlookers, and the witnesses say my brother did notcause the accident.Barbara: Have you heard the news that yesterday a pedestrian was hit by a car at the traffic-lights?John: No, I haven't, but somepedestrians think they always have the right ofway.Barbara: But everybody knows that it is not true.John: Yes, everybody knows it only the pedestrians don't. We must all try toprevent accidents. Barbara: You are right. Policemen cannot do e\erything. John: I think it is better v.hen there are alsotraffic-lights.Man,': Peter, do you tra\ei mainh by underground to your office?Peter: Yes. 1 do. You travel by underground fast and easily.Mary: Yes, but it has become very expensive. Do you have a time-table?Peter: There are so many underground trains that you don't need a time-table.And a modern underground is not noisy or dirty.

    Barbara: I feel so tired after a hard day of work.John: People are tired when they get home from factories and offices.Barbara: And they do nothing only go to bed earlybecause they are sleepy.John: When it is too noisy outside they wake up.Barbara: I usually wake up even when it's only a little noisy.John: But when you have a nightmare you are glad when you hear the alarm clock.- 21 -n ultimul exerciiu al leciei, traducei prop This is already the fourth gale in eleven days.> Five people were killed in that disaster.

    > Many ships were wrecked.> The fire was blown out by a strong wind.

    > He needs a new pair of glasses.> These scissors are dangerous for children.

    > In this changeable weather 1 don't forget my umbrella.> Our house burnt down last week.> These showers are good for our garden.> They bought six pairs of trousers.

    > In that severe winter there was a lot of dense fog.

    > The ice has already melted.> These binoculars are old; I need a new pair.> We sold ten pairs of shoes.

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    > This is a bedspread for a single bed.> Is that wardrobe made of wood?> Your spectacles are on your pillow.

    > He was snoring noisily.> How much are these alarm clocks?

    > After the sunny spells there was a thunderstorm.> I have burnt my hand.

    > Many people are killed on this narrow road.> She was unconscious when she was taken to hospital.

    - 22 -Asta s-a ntmplat n a noua zi.

    Temperatura va cobor sub zero grade.Nimnui nu-i place aceast cldur nbuitoare.

    > This happened on the ninth day.> The temperature will drop below zero.

    > Nobody likes this oppressive heat.Acest drum este alunecos n mod periculos. > This road is dangerously slippery

    Dac ai nevoie de aceti bani, i vei gsi pe > If you need this money you will find it raft.Acest accident s-a ntmplat n data de 27 iunie.Cumprtorul tocmai este servit de un


    Cine a solicitat aceast slujb?De cine ai nevoie?

    Ei au prevenit accidentul?on the shelf.

    > This accident happened on 27th June.> The customer is just being served by a shop-assistant.

    > Who applied for this job?> Who do you need?> Have they prevented the accident?Iar acum iat exerciiul de pronunie. Repetai cuvintele i fii ateni la pronunia corect a sunetelor englezeti. Literele

    aflate n aceeai coloan, scrise ngrat desemneaz sunete iden-tice:

    [ei] [o:] [i:] [i]

    vain cause degree serious

    train nought least spring

    mainly brought leave build

    rain thought deep

    - 22 -

    RECAPITULARE 2020.1. Dac verbul la diateza pasiv este la un timp continuu (Present Continuous, Past Continuous) atunci structura

    predicatului este forma continu a verbului to be", ca verb auxiliar i forma a IlI-a a verbului principal, iar cuvntul being"[bi:inl-"!J trece naintea formei a III-a a verbului.

    She is reading - A book is being > [ buk iz bi:in(g) - Se citete o carte a book. read. red] tocmai acum.

    (Traducerea cuvnt cu cuvnt: O carte este citit tocmai acum".)20.1.2. Dac vrem s indicm persoana care execut activitatea n propoziia la diateza pasiv, folosim prepoziia by":The traffic was directed by a - Circulaia a fost dirijat de un poliist, policeman.

    Dac un verb este compus din dou pri, de exemplu: wait for, look for", atunci prepoziia trebuie s apar i la diatezapasiv:

    We waited for the bus. - The bus was waited for.20.2. Pronumele interogativ who"20.2.1. n cazul n care semnificaia pronumelui interogativ este cine" ordinea propoziiei interogative este direct, structura

    sa este afirmativ iar verbul este la persoana a III-a singular:Who likes you? - Cine te iubete?20.2.2. n cazul n care pronumele interogativ who" are oricare din restul semnificaiilor, formm interogativul cu ajutorul

    verbului auxiliar, a verbului to be", sau a verbului modal:Who did you see? - Pe cine ai vzut?

    - 22 -

    TEM PENTRU ACAS 20A. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba romn:1. Can these pedestrians be witnesses?

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    2. Who told you about the negotiations?3. Who have you seen on TV?4. If you don't iron this shirt I will not put it on.

    5. The beds are being delivered at the moment.6. The underground will take you to your destination.

    B. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:1. Am cltorit repede cu avionul.

    2. Circulaia a fost dirijat de poliist?3. Casa noastr se construiete la un col periculos, (diatez pasiv)

    4. Cu cine ai vorbit?5. Vecinii taie acum copacii.

    6. Dac mnnci cina, vei primi ngheat.C. Corectai greelile din urmtoarele propoziii:

    1. She bought only necesary things.2. Who did hit him?

    3. Work has been done through Peter.4. How much is this scissors?

    5. This job was applied.

    Lista verbelor neregulate din leciile 19 i 20forma I forma a Il-a forma a IH-a

    burn > [b:r

    n] burnt > [b: nt] burnt > [b:'nt]

    can > [kEn] could > [kud] could > [kud]

    dream > [dri:m] dreamt > [dremt] dreamt > [dremt]

    freeze > [fri:z] froze > [frouz] frozen > [frouzn]

    get > [get] got > [got] got > [got]

    hit > [hit] hit > [hit] hit > [hit]

    run > [ran] ran > [rEn] run > [ran]

    set > [set] set > [set] set > [set]

    wake > [ve/k] woke > [vouk] woken > [voukn]


    VOCABULARUL LECIILOR 19 i 20alarm clockambulance


    blanketto blow

    to be blown down to be blown out tu burntu be burnt down


    to causechangeabledangerous



    to direct dirty double double bed dream to dream dressing-gown to drizzle to drop to drownto be drowned

    > [la: m klok]> [Emb/ulns]

    > [bedspred] >[bilou]> [binok/ul'z] >[blEn(g,kit] >[tu blou]>[tu bi: bloun daun] >[tu bi: bloun aut] >[tu b:rn] >[tu bi: b:'nt daun]

    >[kEb]>[tu ko:z]>[temdjbl]

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20



    > [destine/'n] >[d/u:]> "u da/ r ek t ]

    > J :: " .: a *

    ,:a - red'> "dn ::n ' >[ tu dn :i rf

    >[ dr es in ' ~ ' ga un ] >[tu drizl] >[tu drop] >[tu draun]>[tu bi: draund]

    - ceas detepttor- ambulan

    - cuvertur de pat- dedesubt, jos, mai jos, sub

    - binoclu- cuvertur, ptur

    - a sufla, a se arde- a dobor, a rsturna- a stinge, a sufla

    - a arde, a prji, a fi aprins

    - a arde pn n temelii, a arde de tot- taxi

    - a cauza- schimbtor

    - periculos- grad, msur, treapt

    - dens, compact- destinaie

    - rou- a dirija, a conduce

    - murdar- dublu

    - pat dublu- vis

    - a visa, a nchipui- halat, capot

    - a burnia, a ploua mrunt- a picura, a cdea, a scpa- a neca, a se neca, a scufunda

    - a fi necatto freeze > [tu fri:z] - a nghea, a degera

    gale > [ge/1] - vnt puternic, furtun

    to get > [tu get] - a obine, a ajunge, a deveni

    glasses > [glarsiz] - ochelari

    hail > [he/1] - grindin

    to hit > [tu hit] - a lovi, a nimeri

    hurricane > [harikn] - uragan, furtun

    ice > [a/s] - ghea

    if > [if] - dac, presupunnd c

    injured > [indj'd] - lovit, rnit, avariat

    in vain > [in vein] - zadarnic, inutil, n zadar

    to kill > [tu kil] - a omor, a ucide

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 19 Si 20


    to be killed > [tu bi: kild] - a-i pierde viaa, a cdea (n rzboi)

    mainly > [me/nli] - mai ales

    to melt > [tu melt] - a topi, a se topi

    minus > [ma/ns] - minus

    modern > [mod'n] - modern, nou, contemporan

    naught, (nought) > [no:t] - zero, nul, nimic

    necessary > [nesisri] - necesar, inevitabil

    to need > [tu ni:d] - a avea nevoie de, a trebui

    nightmare > [na/tme1] - comar

    nil > [ml] - zero, nimic

    noisy > [no/zi] - zgomotos, glgios

    nought, (naught) > [no:t] - nimic, zero, nul

    number > [namb1] - numr, numeral

    oh, 0 > [ou] - zero

    onlookers > [onluk'z] - privitori, spectatori

    oppressive > [opresiv] - apstor, nbuitor

    pair > [pe1] - pereche

    pedestrian > [pidestrin] - pieton

    pillow > [pilou] - pern

    - 25 -to prevent > [tu privent] - a prentmpina, a preveni

    quiet > [kua/t] - linitit, calm, potolit

    result > [rizalt] - rezultat, consecin

    right of way > [ra/t ov ue/] - prioritate (de trecere)


    [roud] - drum, osea

    rug > [rag] - covora, carpet

    to run over > [tu ran ouv1] - a clca (de o main)

    scissors > [siz'z] - foarfec

    serious > [sirris] - serios, important

    to set in > [tu set in] - a ncepe, a veni (un anotimp)

    severe > [sivi1] - sever, aspru

    shade > [e/d] - umbr, nuan

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    to shave > [tu e/v] - a brbieri, a se brbieri

    sheet > [i:t] - cearaf, foaie (de hrtie)

    sheets > [i:ts] - cearafuri, foi (de hrtie)

    shower > [aua1] - avers, ploaie torenial

    single > [singl] - singur, unic, necstorit

    single bed > [singl bed] - pat de o singur persoan

    sleepy > [sli:pi] - somnoros, adormit

    slippery > [slipri] - alunecos

    to snore > [tu sno : 1 ] - a sfori

    spectacles > [spektklz] - ochelari

    sunny spells > [sani spelzl - vreme nsorit

    thaw > [Tso:] - dezghe, topire

    thunderstorm > [T5and! s to :' m] - furtun cu trznete

    time-table > [ta/m te/bl] - orar, program

    traffic-lights > [trEfik la/'ts] - stop, semafor

    to travel > [tu trEvl] - a cltori

    trousers > [trauz'z] - pantalon

    umbrella > [ambrei ] - umbrel

    unconscious > [ankons] - incontient, involuntar

    underground > [and'graund] - metrou

    - 26 -to undress unpleasant to wake up wardrobe witness to wreck

    to be wreckedzebra-crossing zero tu andres] anpleznt] tu ue/'k ap] V'droub] uitnes] tu rek]

    tu bi: rekt]zebr krosin'g^] ziroul

    - a se dezbrca- neplcut- a se trezi

    - garderob, dulap de haine- martor, martor ocular- a sfrma, a sparge, a distruge

    - a suferi un naufragiu, a se deteriaza- zebr trecere de pietoni

    - zero, nul- 2 6 -