engleski jezik za trecu godinu


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The present perfect continuous tense ( sadašnji trajni perfekt) is constructed with have been and the suffix – ing. Sadašnji trajni perfekt se gradi od have been, za treće lice has been i nastavka –ing koji se dodaje na glavni glagol.

Example: I have been working all day.

1. I have been working 1. We have been working2. You have been working 2. You have been working3. He has been working 3. They have been working4. She has been working5. It has been working

The question form is constructed by inversion, the auxiliary verb have/has comes before the subject (Pitanja se grade inverzijom have/has dolazi ispred subjekta).

1. Have I been working 1. Have we been working2. Have you been working 2. Have you been working3. Has he been working 3. Have they been working4. Has she been working5. Has it been working

The negative form is constructed with have/has not been and the suffix –ing (Negativni oblik se gradi dodavanjem nastavka not na pomocni glagol have/has).

1. I have not been working 1. We have not been working2. You have not been working 2. You have not been working3. He has not been working 3. They have not been working4. She has not been working5. It has not been working

This tense is used for an action which began in the past and is still continuing or has only just finished (Ovo vreme se koristi za radnju koja je pocela u proslosti ali jos uvek traje ili samo sto se zavrsila. Akcenat je na duzini trajanja radnje).

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Zajedničke odlike ovih glagola (Common characteristics of these verbs) :

1. Ne mogu da stoje sami u re enici ( They cannot stand alone in the sentence, they are

always accompanied by another verb): I may do that.2. Imaju isti oblik za sva lica ( They have the same form for all the persons): I can ; You can;

He can; She can; It can; We can; You can; They can3. Upitni oblik grade stavljanjem glagola ispred subjekta ( They form their interrogative

forms by inversion): Can I? ; Can you?; Can he?; Can she?; Can it?; Can we?; Can you?; Can they?

4. Odrični oblik grade dodavanjem odrične rečce not ( They form their negative forms by adding not) : I cannot; You cannot; He may not; She may not; It may not; We may not; You may not; They may not


Koristimo may i might za davanje I traženje dozvole ( We use may and might to ask for and give permission): May I come to see you again?

I wonder if I might borrow your pen.

May i might se koriste za izražavanje verovatnoće u sadašnjosti I budućnosti. Might se koristi kada je manja verovatnoća da će odredjena radnja da se dogodi ( Both may and might are used to express probability in the present and future. Might is used when something is possible but unlikely.) I may go to England next year. ( It is possible that I shall)

I might go to England next year. (It is possible but unlikely)


Koristimo could za prošlost da bismo pokazalo da je neko nešto znao, umeo da uradi I da je nešto bilo moguće ( We use could to indicate that someone knew how to do something and that something was possible): I could read and write when I was five.

Koristimo could za učtiva pitanja ( We use could to ask for something politely: Could you , please, open the door for me?


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Must= moram izražava

1. Potrebu (necessity)

Example: We must wash the glasses.

2. Obavezu (obligation)

Example: Soldiers must obey without question.

3. Zapovest (command, order)

Example: You must come very early.

4. Verovatnoću (possibility)

Example: He must be at home now.

5. Zabranu ( prohibition)

Example: You mustn`t do that.


Koristimo should/ ought to= trebati da bismo izrazili da očekujemo da se dogodi nešto kao što smo planirali ( We use should/ ought to to imply that we expect something to happen as planned): He should be here any minute now. / He ought to be here any minute now.

Koristimo should and ought to da bismo izrazili obavezu I da bi dali savet ( We use should and ought to indicate obligation and give advice) : You should eat regularly.

You ought to see a doctor.


Need = potrebno, kao modalni glagol izražava da nešto nije neophodno da se uradi ( Need as a modal verb implies that it is not necessary to do something) : You need never worry about money. ; You needn`t do anything.


III tip uslovnih rečenica se gradi od davno prošlog vremena ( had+ -ed/ III kolona) i would + have + -ed/ III kolona. ( Conditional sentences- type III is formed with the past perfect tense and would have + -ed/ III). Davno prošlo vreme se gradi od had i nastavka – ed koji se dodaje

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pravilnim glagolima, a za nepravilne se uči treća kolona napamet. ( The past perfect tense is formed with had + -ed for regular verbs and III column for irregular verbs).

Example: I had already finished my lunch when he arrived.

Upitni oblik se gradi inverzijom, to jest glagol dolazi ispred subjekta ( Interrogative form is made with inversion): Had you already finished your lunch when he arrived?

Negativni oblik se gradi dodavanjem odrične rečce not na had ( Negative form is made by adding not on had) : I had not already finished my lunch when he arrived.

Veznik if se u trećem tipu prevodi da sam: If she had invited me to the party I would have come. ( Da me je pozvala na žurku došao bih. – Ali ona me nije pozvala).




Zapovedni način upotrebljen u indirektnom govoru zamenjuje se infinitivom sa to ( The direct imperative is replaced by the to-infinitive in the reported speech). Negativne komande se prebacuju u indirektan govor tako što se stavlja odrična rečca not ispred infinitiva u indirektnom govoru. Pri tom u glavnoj rečenici se najčešće upotrebljavaju glagoli: ask, order, tell and command.

Example: “ Shut the door!”- He asked me to shut the door.

“ Don`t shout.”- She ordered us not to shout.


Kada je glagol kojim se počinje rečnica u indirektnom govoru u prezentu, sadašnjem perfektu ili future, vremena u sledećoj rečenici ili rečenicama se ne menjaju i ubacuje se veznik that. ( When the reporting verb is in the present or present perfect or future tense, there is no change of tenses in the words reported).

Example: Tom says: “ I am wrong.” – Tom says that he is wrong.


Upitne rečenice u kojima u direktnom govoru nema nikakva upitne reči u indirektnom vezuju se za glavnu rečenicu veznicima if= da li ili whether( Interrogative sentences not beginning with a question word are connected with the main clause by conjunctions if or whether in reported

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speech). Red reči u indirektnim pitanjima isti je kao u potvrdnoj rečenici , tj. nema inverzije kao u direktnom pitanju ( The word order of reported questions is the same as in a simple statement, there is no inversion as in simple questions).

Example: “ Is he at home?”- John asks if he is at home.

U pitanjima koja počinju nekom upitnom reči- who, when, why, what, how itd. – ova reč spaja rečenicu kojom se počinje indirektni govor sa sledećom ( In questions introduced by a question- word-who, what, when, etc.- this word serves as a link between the introductory verb and the reported question).

Example: She asks:” What is your name?”- She asks what my name is.



1. “ Run quickly.” ( He told me….)2. “Don`t be late for school.” ( Mother told me…)3. “I don`t know John Smith. “( Peter says…)4. “ You are quite right.” ( Teacher agrees…)5. “ How old are you?”6. “ Can you speak English?”7. “ Where do you live?”8. “ Have you got a bicycle?”9. “ What time is it?”10. “ What do you want?”


Množina imenica se gradi dodavanjem nastavka –s. ( The plural of nouns is formed by adding –s).

Example: book-books

Imenice koje sa završavaju na –s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z dobijaju-es u množini( Nouns ending in –s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z add –es in the plural).

Example: Bus-buses

Imenice koje se završavaju na-y ispred koga se nalazi suglasnik menjaju –y u i i dodaje im se –es u množini ( Nouns ending in –y preceded by a consonant change the –y into I and add –es in the plural).

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Example: country-countries

Imenice koje se završavaju na –y ispred koga se nalazi samoglasnik, prave množinu dodavanjem –s ( Nouns ending in –y preceded by a vowel form plural by adding –s).

Example: day-days

13 imenica koje se završavaju na –f ili –fe menjaju –f u –v dobijaju – es u množini( 13 nouns ending in –f or –fe change –f into –v and –es in the plual).

1.Knife-knives - noževi

2. life- lives -životi

3. wife- wives – supruge

4. leaf- leaves- lišće

5. half-halves- polovine

6. shelf-shelves- police

7. loaf-loaves- vekne

8. thief-thieves- lopovi

9. self- selves

10. wolf-wolves- vukpvi

11. calf- calves

12. sheaf-sheaves

13. elf-elves- vilenjaci

Sledece imenice imaju nepravilnu množinu ( The following nouns have an irregular plural):

1. Man- men 2. Woman- women3. Child- children4. Foot-feet5. Tooth- teeth6. Goose- geese7. Mouse- mice

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8. Ox- oxen9. Louse- lice



Subject: URGENT Order no. 67329- LP

Hi, Ulf

The customer wasn`t happy with this shipment. It was delivered two days late and she ordered 40 glass beakers, but there were only 20 in the box. Also, one beaker was cracked and two were broken.

Please call me about this right away.


Subject: Re: URGENT Order no.67329-LP

Hello , Simone

I called but you were out.

I was surprised this order was late. We were very busy last week, but there were no shipment delays. There should be two boxes. Was there only one?

I am sure this is a shipping company problem. The beakers were in good condition when they left our factory. Was the box damaged?

Please contact the shipping agents and insurance company.


Subject: Re: URGENT Order no. 67329-LP

Hi, Ulf

Sorry I was out when you called.

I checked with the customer and you were right.

It was a shipping problem and there were two boxes. The first box was crushed and dented and three beakers were damaged. The second box was delivered late, but all the beakers were in good condition. We replaced the damaged beakers and the customer was happy.

The shipping agent is paying for the damage.

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Thanks a lot,


Dear Sendy,

I am so glad that you are coming to me soon and that we shall be together this summer as well. I checked it yesterday: your train is due to arrive in Belgrade at 10 : 15 a.m. I shall meet you at the railway station unless your train is late much. In that case, take a taxi to Ljubljanska Banka in 5 Marsala Tita Street, as that is where I am working at present. If you haven`t got much luggage, you can walk to my Branch Office as well.

When you come out of the Station building by the main entrance, walk straight up the hill. At the second traffic lights turn to the left and on up the street. Turn into the third street on your left-hand side. My new Branch Office is the third building from the corner on your right-hand side of Marshala Tita Street- you can`t miss it!

I enjoy my job of a clerk very much: I meet many people, many of them are foreigners, so that I often speak English to them.

I`m looking forward to seeing you,

Yours Ljilja


LIZ: Could I speak to Teresa Volpe, please?

TERESA: Speaking.

LIZ: This is Liz Parker. I`m calling from “ Just for You”. I`m returning your call.

TERESA: Oh good. I`ve just opened a gift shop in London. I saw your stand at the Birmingham trade fair and I thought your gift bags looked lovely. I`m looking for some special gift bags. The problem is the quantity and the discount.

LIZ: I`m afraid our maximum discount is usually twenty per cent for a single order of a thousand packets.

TERESA: Well, the quantity is fine, because three of us want to order together. But the thing is we already have an offer of a better price from another company, which my partners are prepared to accept.

LIZ: Oh.

TERESA: Well, I was hoping for a thirty-five per cent discount.

LIZ: Oh. Um… how about twenty-five per cent?

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TERESA: Yes, okay, but only if you can deliver them to three different addresses.

LIZ: Well, okay, … as you`re just starting.

TERESA: Great. We`d like them delivered before next Tuesday, if that`s…


Dear Mr Silvestrini,

Teresa Volpe and I were really pleased to meet you in Florence and see your splendid clocks. I was especially excited about the fact that every clock has a unique design, and I am sure that this will prove a very strong selling point.

As I explained in Florence, I have an agency in London and I promote gifts which are individually made for the gift shop trade. I am looking for products like yours and I am sure that with my contacts I could sell at least 120 units a year.

As we discussed in Florence, we could set up an initial twelve-month agreement between us. There are two ways of doing this:


By sale or return. You would send me an initial lot of 30 clocks. I would pay at the end of the month for any clocks I have sold , and you would send replacements. At the end of twelve months, any unsold clocks would be returned to you.


Alternatively, you would send me a consignment of 30 clocks every quarter and I would pay at the end of every quarter for any clocks that have been sold. However, I would undertake to pay you for all the clocks you send me at the end of the twelve months even if they have not all been sold.

In Florence you indicated that you might prefer option B. This agreement would mean that I could offer you £50 per unit, delivery CIF. Furthermore in a sale or return agreement , I would be able to offer you a price of £58 per unit. You would still bear all the cost of transport to London but I would bear the cost of transport for any returned clocks.

If you could confirm which option you prefer, I will draw up a draft contract for your perusal. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Marek Staniuk

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Most big fashion retailers have to guess what their customers will want in nine months` time so they can start making it now. But product cycle times are much shorter at Zara, a Spanish fashion company with 519 stores IN 46 countries. It takes Zara just three weeks to go from designing a new product to selling it.

Zara is a complete supply chain, from start to finish. Design, manufacture, and distribution are integrated and they take place in-house. Zara`s competitors outsource all the manufacturing and use cheaper foreign labor, but Zara makes half its clothes itself. It has 23 highly automated factories in Spain where the fabrics are cut and dyed by robots. Most finished products are only in its warehouse for a few hours. It does not store clothes. It moves them.

Zara can respond quickly to market trends. At the end of every working day the store managers report on sales to the headquarters in Spain. They give feedback about what customers like, and this information goes back to the design department right away. Product lines can be discarded or altered and new lines can be created immediately.

The company keeps costs down by keeping inventories low. New products are delivered to the stores twice a week and lead times are short. Zara can receive and ship an order almost as fast as a teenage customer can change his or her mind, and that`s very important in the world of fashion. It`s what keeps Zara ahead of its competitors. Rapid design, just-in-time production, and fast stock turnover are the keys to Zara`s success.

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Customer = mušterija

Shipment = prevoz robe, robna pošiljka

Deliver = isporučivati

Order = (v) naručiti

(n) narudžbenica, nalog

Beaker = merica

Crack = naprsnuti

Delay = odlaganje, zakašnjenje

Damage = oštetiti

Insurance company = osiguravajuće društvo

Check = ispitati, proveriti

Crush = smrskana, zgnječena

Dent = ulubiti

Replace = zameniti

Pay = platiti

Due to = očekivati, po planu

Railway station = železnička stanica

Luggage = prtljag

Branch = filijala

Main entrance = glavni ulaz

Straight = pavo

Traffic lights = semafor

Clerk = službenik

Foreigner = stranac

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Look forward to = jedva čekati nešto

Enquiry = raspitivanje, istraga

Stand = štand

Trade fair = trgovinski sajam

Quantity = količina

Discount = popust

Offer = ponuda

Price – cena

Accept = prihvatiti

Splendid = sjajne, veličanstvene

Unique = jedinstven

Gift = poklon

Set up = osnovati, otpočeti nešto

Agreement = ugovor initial = početni

Replacement = zamena

Unsold = neprodat

Consignment = isporuka, pošiljka

Undertake = obavezati se, preduzimati

CIF = cost, freight, and insurance = cena, teret I osiguranje

Bear = snositi

Return = vraćati

Confirm = potvrditi

Draw up = sastavljati

Draft = concept

Contract = ugovor

Perusal = tačan pregled, ispitivanje

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Inventory = inventar, popis

Retailer = kompanija za prodaju na malo

Fashion = moda

Store = prodavnica

Supply = snabdeti

Chain = lanac

Manufacture = industrijski proizvoditi

Distribution = dostavljanje competitor = konkurent

Fabric = tkanina

Dye = farbati

Warehouse = skladište

Respond = odgovoriti

Market = tržište

Feedback = povratna informacija

Department = odsek, odeljenje

Discard = odbaciti

Alter = menjati

Rapid = brz

Stock turnover = obrt zaliha

Success = uspeh

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