engl 230 – professional communication

ENGL 230 – Professional Communication http://homeworkfy.com/downloads/engl-230-professional-communication/ ENGL 230 – Professional Communication ENGL 230 Quiz Week 1 DeVry (TCO 1) What is the exchange of oral, written, and nonverbal messages among people working to accomplish common tasks and goals? Attitudes Opinions Organizational Communication Individual beliefs (TCO 1) Maintaining candor, avoiding deception, keeping messages accurate, and maintaining consistent behavior are some guidelines for sustaining: Communication values Political behavior Ethical communication Goal-directed behavior (TCO 1) Evaluate the following goal in terms of the goal setting guidelines discussed in the chapter: “I want to complete the weekly schedule at least three days before it is due.” According to the guidelines, this is an appropriate goal. This is not an appropriate goal. A better goal is: “I will complete the weekly schedule and have the supervisor review it for errors at least three days before it is due.” This goal should read: “I’ll try to have the schedule completed at least a day before it is due so as to avoid any conflicts with the supervisor.”

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ENGL 230 – Professional Communication


Page 1: ENGL 230 – Professional Communication

ENGL 230 – Professional Communicationhttp://homeworkfy.com/downloads/engl-230-professional-communication/

ENGL 230 – Professional Communication


ENGL 230 Quiz Week 1 DeVry 


(TCO 1) What is the exchange of oral, written, and nonverbal messages among people working to accomplish common tasks and goals?



Organizational Communication

Individual beliefs

(TCO 1) Maintaining candor, avoiding deception, keeping messages accurate, and maintaining consistent behavior are some guidelines for sustaining:

Communication values

Political behavior

Ethical communication

Goal-directed behavior

(TCO 1) Evaluate the following goal in terms of the goal setting guidelines discussed in the chapter: “I want to complete the weekly schedule at least three days before it is due.”

According to the guidelines, this is an appropriate goal.

This is not an appropriate goal.

A better goal is: “I will complete the weekly schedule and have the supervisor review it for errors at least three days before it is due.”

This goal should read: “I’ll try to have the schedule completed at least a day before it is due so as to avoid any conflicts with the supervisor.”

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(TCO 1) Trading favors, appearing successful at tasks, associating with the “right” people, and making concessions to obtain others’ compliance are some political strategies you should use only after asking yourself:

“What is my motivation or intent in making this decision?”

“Can I get my way by doing this?”

“Will I get promoted by doing this?”

“Is everyone doing it?”

(TCO 1) When you show that you are interested in what another person has to say by being receiver-oriented, receptive, and responsive to his or her message, you are demonstrating:





(TCO 1) What are some of the advantages of communication openness?

Supervisors know everything that is going on, upper management can take control of decisions, and on-the-job performance improves.

Role clarity, organizational performance, and information adequacy are improved.

Everyone knows what everyone else is doing, resulting in fewer misunderstandings and greater freedom.

There are no advantages to communication openness.

(TCO 1) Internal communication includes understanding all of the following elements:

Downward, upward, and external communication.

Upward, downward, and tall versus flat structure.

Downward, upward, horizontal, and informal networks.

Horizontal networks only.

(TCO 1) Why is an understanding of communication anxiety so important to the strategic communication process?

Communicating effectively with even the slightest amount of anxiety is discouraged.

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Having any amount of communication anxiety will prevent a person from becoming a strategic communicator.

Managing anxiety is not as important as identifying the source of the anxiety.

Learning how to manage anxiety in different contexts greatly enhances a person’s ability to develop effective communication strategies.

(TCO 1) What is the first step in the goal-setting process?

Obtain feedback

Set a performance goal

Identify the problem

Map out a strategy

(TCO 1) Next week, Clark will give his most important budget proposal presentation. He knows that now, more than ever, he must carefully practice the presentation several times if he hopes to have the proposal accepted. Which component of the model of strategic communication is most applicable to this scenario?

Goal setting

Situational knowledge

Communication competence

Anxiety management

(TCO 2) Communication between the British Prime Minister and the German Chancellor would be considered:





(TCO 2) Tom leaves work early to Christmas shop for his niece and nephew. He does not have children himself, but he thinks he is safe buying his niece a doll and his nephew a fire truck. The above is an example of which negative stereotype below?




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(TCO 2) In the broadest sense, sexual harassment in the workplace includes:

A worker asking a coworker to lunch to discuss business.

Inappropriate demands made on an employee, producing an uncomfortable work environment.

Having to stay late to work on a project with an approaching deadline.

Telling a worker he or she cannot work on a project because he or she has no experience in the area.

(TCO 2) Self perspectives, organizational contexts, and discourse from conflict are all important components of:

The cultural metaphor model.

The legal guidelines for diversity.

The cultural communication conflict triangle.

None of the above

(TCO 2) Total knowledge and complete understanding of another culture is:

Common if the cultures are similar in religious beliefs.


Needed for successful communication to occur.

Damaging to a person’s self-perspective.

(TCO 2) Virginia recognized that one of her shortcomings identified in last quarter’s performance appraisal was that she seldom seemed to listen well to others. At this quarter’s appraisal, she is planning to describe to her manager the ways she has tried to improve her listening habits. Virginia is considering which strategic communication component?

(TCO 2) Prejudice is a negative preconception about:

Goal setting

Situational knowledge

Communication competence

Anxiety management

(TCO 2) What is the study of cultural communication between representatives of different nations?

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International communication

Interracial cultural communication

Interethnic cultural communication

Language culture

(TCO 2) Unaddressed sites of conflict:

Do not increase tension.

Can be managed.

Create tension that can stop work or hinder relational activity.

Can always be resolved.

(TCO 2) Culture is:

The study of linguistic meanings of words.

The language shorthand used by people in a particular trade or profession.

The study of the social and political significance of verbal and nonverbal language as signs.

A broad term that explains how people from various nations and cocultures act and speakas they do.

 ENGL 230 Activity 5 Outline Week 2 DeVry 


The assignment is Activity #5 on page 382. You are given a list of different aspects of a job description and you must create a topical outline that will contain two main points, with subpoints and some sub-subpoints. You must use only the words provided. The assignment will be graded on how well you follow proper outline technique including correct use of Roman numerals, letters for the sub-categories, and logical sequencing. Outlines require that if you have a Roman numeral I, you must have a Roman numeral II. The Roman numerals represent “main” points. Also, outlines require that if you have an item A, you must have an item B. Please be sure you submit the assignment in this format, and check your work for any misspellings prior to submission.

1. Responsibilities2. File reports3. One report from marketing4. One report from production5. Files should…

Page 6: ENGL 230 – Professional Communication

 ENGL 230 Mini Power Point Presentation Week 3 DeVry 


This week, you will create and record an informative miniPowerPoint presentation. Your audience is a group of company colleagues who follow the stock market and take turns keeping each other informed on what’s new with the Fortune 1,000. Choose IBM, Disney, or Wal-Mart. Then, create a thesis statement that….

 7 Slides and Speaker Notes

Slide 1 Speaker Notes

Good morning/good afternoon. I am (your name) and I’m here to give a presentation of IBM’s stock performance in 2013 and speculations about the company’s stock performance in 2014. Although IBM is a known leader in the field of technology, even big giants like IBM fall. However, despite the company’s very poor performance in the Dow in 2013, experts predict that the company will again rise in 2014.

Slide 2 Speaker Notes

Although I’m sure that most of you are familiar with IBM, I will provide a brief…

 ENGL 230 Quiz Week 3 DeVry 


(TCO 4) In adapting to listeners, speakers have to take into account the __________ levels of the audience.

Knowledge, acceptance, and interest

Acceptance, rejection, and intelligence

Knowledge, size, and range

Acceptance, size, and rejection

(TCO 4) Which type of presentation is designed to answer “How” questions, such as “Howdoes this work?”





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(TCO 4) What presentations share information, shape perceptions, and set agendas?

Point by point




(TCO 4) What type of presentation educates listeners to help them gain or improve on specific skills?

Regular, scheduled meetings




(TCO 4) Descriptive presentations seek to satisfy audience members’ need to:

Have facts, figures, and other data

Learn how to do something

See how something works

Have order

(TCO 4) Successful informative presentations:

Motivate audience curiosity

Connect with audience values

Give audience members a reason to listen

All of the above

(TCO 4) How does the chronological pattern organize main points?

In order of importance

In a geographical sequence

In a time sequence

In a cause and effect sequence

(TCO 4) Which criterion should a speaker rely on in choosing the best pattern of organization for a presentation?

The goal of the presentation determines the pattern

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The size of the audience determines the pattern

The length of the speech determines the pattern

The number of main points determines the pattern

(TCO 4) What type of informative presentation addresses “what” questions?





(TCO 4) Which of the following actions can a speaker take to help listeners best overcome their physiological noise?

Make sure that a microphone is present

Make sure the presentation is interesting and captivating

Make sure to use a range of voice inflections and pacing

Make sure to adjust the temperature in the room the night before

(TCO 5) Which type of persuasive presentation serves to maintain the status quo and strengthen the audience’s attitudes, values, and beliefs?


Call to action



(TCO 5) Maslow’s system of needs is based on the argument that __________ level needs must be satisfied before __________ level needs can be motivating factors.

Higher; lower

Larger; smaller

Lower; higher

Lower; lower

(TCO 5) What does the use of the listener’s perspective in a persuasive presentation mean?

Understanding what makes the listener tick

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Understanding what motivates the speaker

Describing what makes the speaker tick to the audience

Relating to the audience on a new level

(TCO 5) __________ means an audience can be persuaded on the basis of who the source is or what the source said.


Source credibility



(TCO 5) Of the three components of source credibility, which deals with the way a source is perceived, in terms of being honest, friendly, warm, agreeable, or safe?





(TCO 5) One important way a speaker gains extrinsic credibility is through:

A forceful conclusion to the presentation

Citation of all sources of data

The strong introduction given about the speaker

Another speaker preceding the main speaker

(TCO 5) Speeches for special occasions in the workplace always require:

Senior executives

Formal attire


Focus on success

(TCO 5) Which of the following components is found in a persuasive presentation but should not be incorporated in an informative presentation?

Support material

Call to action

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External sources

(TCO 5) In all public speaking situations, it is important to do which of the following?

Analyze the audience demographics

Identify the reasons for the audience members’ presence

Understand the organizational culture and environmental dynamics

All of the above

(TCO 5) When preparing an introduction, what question should the introducer always keep in mind?

Who is the speaker?

What will the speaker want me to say?

How long has the audience been there?

What is meaningful to this group?

 ENGL 230 Informative Outline Week 4 DeVry 


For Week 4 you are asked to complete an outline for your Informative Speech. Please be sure to follow the Outline Template in Doc Sharing. Remember to include an introduction, thesis, target, audience, body of the outline (with at least three main points (Roman numerals) and two levels of subpoints (letters and numbers), conclusion, visual explanation, and reference page (using correct APA formatting.) You might also want to review the speechguidelines.docx in Doc Sharing for more information.

Title of Presentation: How Viral Marketing Can Improve a Company’s Sales

Name of Presenter:

Description of Business Audience: Entrepreneurs and business professionals who are exploring new ways of marketing their company’s products


We all know that viral videos are fun to watch, but with their ability to spread like wildfire, how can entrepreneurs use the same concept in improving their company’s sales? With everyone using social media, how can we use concepts such as viral marketing for the benefit of our businesses? In this presentation, I will discuss…

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 ENGL 230 Ball Corporation Practicing Business Communication Week 4 DeVry 


The assignment in Week 4 is to read the Ball Corporation article on pages 106 and 107, then answer the four questions for critical thinking at the end. When answering the questions, you should answer the questions completely using both textbook definitions and your own experiences and examples (or an outside source, in which case you need to cite the source). So you might first answer with what are typical influences (from the book), and then speak to what typically influences you and give an example of your experience.

How a Small Margin of Error Affects Communication on a Project

A small margin for error makes communication on a project critical, especially when the project is as complex as the projects being developed by Ball Aerospace (O’Hair, Friedrich & Dixon, 2011).  Communication must be precise, clear and timely so that everyone…

Differences in How the Writer Acts in Face-to-face Meetings Compared to Telephone Conference Calls

In face-to-face meetings, the writer tends to be more…

Written Communication vs. Oral Communication

The written form of communication decreases the chances of interruption (O’Hair, Friedrich & Dixon, 2011).  Textual…

Listening Hurdles

One of the writer’s listening hurdles is that he tends to become a passive listener (O’Hair, Friedrich & Dixon, 2011) in that he fails…

 ENGL 230 Informative Speech Power Point Presentation Week 5 DeVry 


15 Slides with Speaker Notes

For the Week 5 assignment you were asked to create an informative speech in PowerPoint with audio. Please be sure to review speechguidelines.docx in Doc Sharing for complete information on the speech requirements.

Slide 5: There are various tools that can be used for viral marketing, but the key thing to remember is that viral marketing is driven by content. As we all know, social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter are the most common and popular tools for…

Slide 9:Here are some more dos and don’ts for having an effective viral marketing

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initiative. The first is that it should have an unexpected theme. It should contain an element of surprise, which would increase the users’ curiosity; thus, increasing the views…

Slide 13:

To conclude this presentation, I’d like to reiterate that if done properly, viral marketing is a great way to spread the word about your company’s product or…

 ENGL 230 Interviewing Activity 1 Assignment Week 6 DeVry 


Complete Activity #1, located on page 257 in our eBook or page 256 in our printed textbook.

For this activity, please construct a series of questions that you would ask in the opening portion of the following types of interviews:


1.1. Which types of buildings would require permits for?2. What are the requirements for obtaining a building permit?

2.1. How long have you been working in the company?….


 ENGL 230 Quiz Week 6 DeVry 


(TCO 8) More than 90 percent of business organizations provide training in ___________ for their employees.

Telephone operation

Cash register operation

Interpersonal communication


(TCO 8) Which of the following could be an obstacle to the achievement of goals in the interview?

An uncomfortable setting and an inconvenient time for the interview

Sufficient preparation by the interviewer

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The interviewee talking enthusiastically

Willingness to contribute on the part of the reviewer

(TCO 8) What three concepts bear on question meaning?

Clarity, relevance, and bias

Opening, body, and closing

Bias, sequence, and form

Alternatives, lists, and prestige

(TCO 8) The interviewer who asks him or herself such questions as “Will the interviewee know what the interview is about?” and “Will the interviewee want to participate in the interview?” is addressing which two components of the interview’s opening?

Orientation and motivation

First impressions and orientation

Credibility and motivation

(TCO 8) What form of question is the following: Do you believe that women should be allowed to take combat roles in the military?





(TCO 8) Which of Carl Rogers’s five response categories seeks to reassure, pacify, or reduce the interviewee’ s intensity of feeling?





(TCO 8) In a highly scheduled interview, the interviewer prepares an interview schedule that contains:

Potential topics and subtopics.

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All major questions with possible probe questions under each major question. The questions are asked in the order in which they are listed, but the probes may or may not be used.

All of the questions that will be asked (including all probe questions) and the exact wording that will be used with each interviewee. Every interviewee received exactly the same questions in exactly the same order.Not only all questions but also all answer options.

(TCO 8) Possible obstacles to a successful interview process may include:

Confusion and trauma.

Lack of courtesy and forgetfulness.

Distracting subconscious behaviors.

All of the above

(TCO 8) __________ is (are) the process of finding a job through personal contacts at other organizations.



Personal job application

Employee referrals(TCO 8) Many companies receive as many as two hundred applicants for a job. Of that pool, ___________ candidates will be called for a first interview.

Twenty to thirty

Three to five

Twenty to twenty-five

Eight to ten

(TCO 8) __________ of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of color, race, religion, sex, or national origin.

Amendment Fourteen

Title VII

Amendment Nineteen

Title IX

(TCO 8) In preparing for an interview, what does the interviewee do to learn as much about the potential employer as possible?

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Research the company

Write a personal biography

Get work experience

Write a tailored cover letter

(TCO 8) The interviewee designs the résumé and cover letter based on __________ and on research about the company.

organizational structure

business purpose

personal biography

work experience(TCO 8) If an applicant thinks she or he has been asked an illegal or discriminating question during an interview, what course of action should the applicant take?

Attempt a citizen’s arrest because the law requires the employer to prove that no discrimination took place.

Give a false answer to the question.

Refuse to answer the question.

Politely clarify the question, and place the ball back in the interviewer’s court.

(TCO 9) What type of feedback is most effective in motivating employees?

Mostly corrective

Negative only

Both corrective and supportive

Both positive and evaluative

(TCO 9) Which of the following discriminatory questions is considered illegal?

Do you qualify for minority status?

Can you work overtime?

Are you willing to relocate?

Have you been convicted of a felony?

(TCO 8) What makes an interview question effective?

An interview question will be effective if it brings…

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 ENGL 230 Persuasive Outline Week 7 DeVry 


 For Week 7 you are asked to complete an outline for your Persuasive Speech. Please be sure to follow the Outline Template in Doc Sharing. Remember to include an introduction, thesis, target, audience, body of the outline (with at least three main points (Roman numerals) and two levels of subpoints (letters and numbers), conclusion, visual explanation, and reference page (using correct APA formatting.) You might also want to review the speechguidelines.docx in Doc Sharing for more information.

Title of Presentation: Proposal for Additional Company Network Security and Firewall Protection Measures

Name of Presenter: 

Description of Business Audience: The audience consists of members of the IT department management team.  They are responsible for evaluating my proposal and making…


Sony Playstation’s loss of $171 million in damages from a network breach in 2011 (Phneah, 2012)

Topics that the presentation will cover Thesis statement Introduction of the speaker

Thesis Statement: IT security breaches caused much damage and loss for an enterprise, making tighter…

Body of Outline

1. Risks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities2. What are risks, threats…

 ENGL 230 Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. Week 7 DeVry 


Week 7 Assignment Practicing Business Communications:


The assignment in Week 7 is to read the article about Tootsie Roll on pp 328-329 and answer the five questions for critical thinking at the end. When

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answering the questions, you should answer the questions completely using textbook definitions, examples from the Tootsie Roll story, and your own experiences and examples (or an outside source, in which case you need to cite the source). Using terminology from the text connects your answers to the core concepts of communication and negotiation in Chapter 11. So you might first answer with examples from the Tootsie Roll story that support your position and then share the relevant concepts from your text. Giving examples from your experience can help demonstrate your knowledge of communication and negotiation concepts and connect the topics to the real-world.

TRI (Tootsie Roll Industries) communicates its values to suppliers and employees by keeping the communication lines open between them and the company’s management team.  For example, employees are allowed to join or sit in on meetings of other departments.  They are also aware of and are involved in the decisions being made by the company.  This promotes transparency within the company.  On the other hand, when it…


 ENGL 230 Persuasive Speech Week 8 DeVry 


For the Week 8 assignment you were asked to create a Persuasive Speech in PowerPoint with audio. Please be sure to review speechguidelines.docx in Doc Sharing for complete information on the speech requirements.


15 Power Point Slides with Speaker Notes


Slide 1:

Good afternoon. Did you know that in 2011, Sony incurred damages amounting to $171 million due to a security breach that occurred in Sony PlayStation Network?  To think that Sony is a big company that we can presume to have the best security-related technologies in place. And yet, their system was still infiltrated. This means that no business entity is entirely safe from security breaches and that a company’s security measures should….


 ENGL 230 Professional Communication Discussions ALL 7 Weeks All Students Posts 367 Pages DeVry 

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ENGL 230 Communication Discussions 1 Week 1 All Students Posts 29 Pages DeVry


In your opinion, does the success-or failure-of an organization depend on how effectively its members communicate, or not? How do organizations establish goals? How can communication help an organization achieve its goals? What implications do the information age and globalization have for organizational communication? What barriers might exist in a company with offices all over the world? What barriers might exist in an organization that relies heavily on electronic forms of communication versus face-to-face communication?…


ENGL 230 Language Culture Discussions 2 Week 1 All Students Posts 26 Pages DeVry


What does the term “language culture” include, and how might you analyze your language culture? Who could help you? Which research or library sources could be informative? Every human being has a unique, personalized “language culture.” Your own language culture is built from all your life experiences, locations lived, groups spent time around, occupations, majors, hobbies, and more. (1) Can you explain your own language culture? (2) How can any language culture–your own or someone else’s–be analyzed and understood?  How you are perceived by your audience is a big part of communication. Have any of you ever had any misunderstandings that stemmed from cultural differences?…


ENGL 230 Communication and Language Culture Discussions Week 1 DeVry


ENGL 230 Business Presentations Discussions 1 Week 2 All Students Posts 29 Pages DeVry


What are some common reasons for presentations in a business or professional setting?  What are some of the benefits of making or listening to presentations in the workplace? Why is public speaking frightening to you? List the techniques you use to overcome your fear of public speaking? What

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benefits and/or challenges have you experienced when giving professional presentations?…

ENGL 230 Public Speaking Discussions 2 Week 2 All Students Posts 26 Pages DeVry


How might you handle the following situations? You arrive to give your speech and are asked to speak for an hour instead of for thirty minutes because a second speaker has canceled. Someone interrupts you, saying that you are not speaking on the subject the audience has come to hear. What do you consider as “good” delivery? What delivery techniques work for you?…


ENGL 230 Business Presentations and Public Speaking Discussions Week 2 DeVry


ENGL 230 Informative Speaking Discussions 1 Week 3 All Students Posts 27 Pages DeVry


Why are informative presentations useful? Describe and give examples of the three major functions of informative presentations. Why is knowing your audience important? How does the audience affect how you shape your message and the information you share? Can anyone think of other types of audiences? How might the setting and surroundings affect your speaking situation? How does that relate to sources of “noise” that our text describes?…


ENGL 230 Ethics and Persuasive Speaking Discussions 2 Week 3 All Students Posts 26 Pages DeVry


Imagine that you are trying to persuade your employer to buy a particular Brand X portable computer for employees to use for business trips.  You are to make a presentation to a management committee, and you want to give members convincing evidence for your recommendation.  You also want to make the presentation in an ethical fashion.  You like the selected model for a variety of reasons, including the fact that your spouse works part time for Brand X and has told you a lot of good things about it. As you think through the presentation, what, if any, ethical issues will you encounter?  What are

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some possible ways of dealing with them?  Which will you choose? Might your answer change if you or your family owned stock in Brand X?  Why or why not?  in deciding how much information to present, do you have an ethical responsibility to present all sides of an issue? For example, does a district attorney have a responsibility to tell a grand jury about all known facts of a case? Should a sales representative for a drug manufacturer tell doctors about the side effects of a drug? Should an army recruiter tell potential recruits about both the advantages and disadvantages of military life? What criteria would you use in deciding the answers to these questions?…

ENGL 230 Informative Speaking Ethics and Persuasive Speaking Discussions Week 3 DeVry


ENGL 230 Hearing and Listening Discussions 1 Week 4 All Students Posts 25 Pages DeVry


What’s the difference between hearing and listening? Please provide experiences or examples. What other differences do you know of between hearing and listening?  What is listener anxiety? Why is it a particularly serious problem in business settings? Class, even when audience members have the best of intentions (which goes a long way) they are never going to remember all of the information. What are you going to do to help your audience with retention?…ENGL 230 Verbal and Nonverbal Skills Discussions 2 Week 4 All Students Posts 26 Pages DeVry


Describe a situation in which a coworker’s nonverbal communication contradicted his or her words. Which message was stronger? What might be some reasons for the lack of alignment?  How can we make sure our body language, including facial expressions, matches what we’re saying? Class, in Week 3 we discussed how much the audience or venue of a presenation affects clothing and other choices with regard to appearance. How can the physical appearance of a speaker effect the audience? For example, a speaker dressed in a very casual and inappropriate way might cause the audience to question the speaker’s credibility. What else? Do have any specific examples you can share? How can you be certain that you are presenting the correct appearance when you are the speaker?…


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ENGL 230 Hearing and Listening and Verbal and Nonverbal Skills Discussions Week 4 DeVry


ENGL 230 Leadership Tactics Discussions 1 Week 5 All Students Posts 28 Pages DeVry


Management has always used fear to some degree. Although most leadership books ignore this tool altogether, in favor of more accommodating techniques, many highly successful executives use terror to lead their employees. Scott Snook, a Harvard Business School professor of organizational behavior, suggests that fear can become a barrier to taking risks, but, at the same time, it can “provide the essential emotional kick” needed to meet a challenge. The use of fear to lead can cause many problems because no one will question the leadership or suggest changes. For example, Enron had its employees rank one another’s performance every year and then fired the lowest ten percent. This practice could not have made questioning authority easy, and such questions could have helped to avoid Enron’s scandal and collapse. Workers who have more credentials and experience are less reliant on a single employer, and for them, fear-inspiring bosses are less of a factor. In strong economic times, workers are more difficult to come by, so bosses must be careful. However, in times of downturn, such as in the last few years, management has had more power over employees, and cracking the whip has become more common. Most successful companies are made up of people who are “productively neurotic.” That is, their neuroses makes them more productive workers because they have “a strong, self-imposed fear of failure.” Firms with such workers don’t use fear directly to encourage employees; rather, they simply reinforce people’s own natural tendency to strive for success.Do you think it is ethical for an organization to allow its leaders to use fear as a communication tactic? What have your experiences with fear as a leadership tool been?What do you all think of fear as a management tool? If you have been in this situation with a manager, please share your experience. Do any of us employ this technique as a manager?…


ENGL 230 Leadership Styles Discussions 2 Week 5 All Students Posts 25 Pages DeVry


Do you believe that there is a single leadership style that is effective in most situations?  If you do, explain what that style is and why it is effective. If you

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don’t, please explain your position. Do you consider yourself a leader? Have you had the opportunity to be a leader in the workplace? If not, tell us about other situations where you have been a leader? How would you describe your leadership style?  Have any of you ever experienced leadership anxiety? What are some of the methods to handle leadership anxiety?…


ENGL 230 Leadership Tactics and Leadership Styles Discussions Week 5 DeVry


ENGL 230 Job Interviews Discussions 1 Week 6 All Students Posts 25 Pages DeVry


In today’s computer driven business world, job interviews may likely occur online in a series of e-mail exchanges. How do you believe you might perform in an online interview, compared to a traditional face-to-face interview? Can you imagine that you might feel at an advantage or a disadvantage? Why? Do you believe these three characteristics exist in an online or e-mail interview? Why/Why not?  So tell me, how can you prepare for a phone interview? An e-mail exchange? Face to face interview? Is it all the same or different?…ENGL 230 Employee Appraisal & Disciplinary Interview Discussions 2 Week 6 All Students Posts 26 Pages DeVry


Why are effective performance appraisal interviews critical to healthy supervisor-employee relations? Can disciplinary interviews improve relations? How does communication competence come into play in both scenarios? What experiences have you had with performance appraisals? How might your manager more effectively conducted your appraisal? Class, have you ever been yelled at by a coworker or supervisor? If yes, how did it make you feel? If you don’t mind, tell us about the situation. How could you and/or the supervisor/coworker have handled the communication differently? When you reply, look back to the chapter for this week on employee appraisals and disciplinary action to support your suggested solution to the problem….


ENGL 230 Job Interviews Employee Appraisal & Disciplinary Interview Discussions Week 6 DeVryENGL 230 Manager-Employee Relationship Discussions 1 Week 7 All Students Posts 24 Pages DeVry


Page 23: ENGL 230 – Professional Communication

Cherie is an accountant for a large advertising agency. After receiving notice of a prospective, large account, she thinks of a creative advertising campaign and tells her idea to Charles, her manager. Charles shoots down her idea and reminds her that her job is accounting. Several days later, the design team visits Charles and asks him for more details on his brilliant campaign idea. Cherie realizes that the campaign being discussed is her idea.  What does this outcome indicate about the communication climate and power holding in the agency? If you were Cherie, would you approach Charles about stealing your idea, or would you show support for your manager? Why?  Class, I’m sure that this week’s scenario will prove to be an interesting conversation. To get us started, let’s address a few issues: Have you experienced a similar situation in your own professional experience to that of Charles and Cherie in the scenario? Please tell us about it. How did you resolve it? Review the steps for improving relationships with others (195). How would you use these steps to address the situation described above?…ENGL 230 Coworker Relationship Discussions 2 Week 7 All Students Posts 25 Pages DeVry


When it comes to coworkers, why are strong interpersonal relationships important in business?

How do you build and maintain those relationships while keeping professionalism at the forefront?  What are some challenges you face in doing so?  As you respond to this question, tell us of any real examples you can recall where you had a co-worker who “didn’t” handle a situation in an appropriate way… What happened? What might have been different had that person adjusted to the specific situation?…ENGL 230 Manager-Employee Relationship and Coworker Relationship Discussions Week 7 DeVry


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