engineers without borders presentation

Centennial Secondary School EWB / Rotary / CEOSA Partnership CeOSA General Meeting November 2015 EWB representatives: Chris Blechschmidt, John Cirucci, Diana Dunn, Herb Klotz, Carl Zvanut 1

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Page 1: Engineers Without Borders presentation

Centennial Secondary School

EWB / Rotary / CEOSA Partnership

CeOSA General Meeting

November 2015

EWB representatives:

Chris Blechschmidt, John Cirucci, Diana Dunn, Herb Klotz, Carl Zvanut


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Engineers Without Borders - USAa non-profit, volunteer, humanitarian organization

The EWB Mission:

Partner with Developing


Implement sustainable

Engineering Solutions to

improve Quality of Life

Promote Globally Aware

Engineers and Students

EWB-USA was founded in 2002 and

now has over 13,800 members!


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Engineers Without Borders – USAHow the Mission is Accomplished

EWB Chapters execute all projects:

– community partnership

– scope development

– fundraising

– project management

– engineering design

– implementation

– ongoing support

National Organization

– Small, paid staff in Colorado

– Establishes project guidelines

– Technical Advisory Committee

– Community Program Coordinators


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EWB’s “5 year” Mission at

Centennial Secondary School

Sustainable infrastructure for education

Clean Water

Appropriate sanitary facilities

Power for all school needs

Safe buildings4

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Seven Trips to Centennial

January 2010 – Assessment Trip

February 2011 – Sanitation: Installed Boy’s and Girl’s Urinals

November 2011 – Electrical: Installed solar powered lighting in 3 classrooms

April 2012 – Water: Drilled deep well, Instituted student infrastructure fee

February 2013 – Sanitation: Installed toilets (bucket flush) and rain gutter system for boy’s and girl’s washrooms

April 2013 – Water: Installed solar powered water distribution system throughout campus

March 2014 – New Roof on Chemistry/Physics Building


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Lights in Use Every Night!


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It’s the End of the Dry Season


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Running Water at the School


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Bucket Flush Toilets – Running

Water in Washrooms


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New Roof & Ceiling in

Chemistry/Physics Building


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School Infrastructure Fee

Maintenance Technician Hired

School now pays 5% for each new project

School also provides labor for all projects11

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Additional Rotary Projects

Books for the teachers & students (Allentown West RC)

Instruments for the band (Easton RC)


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Centennial Secondary SchoolUpcoming EWB Projects

March / April 2016

Administration Building Solar Electrification

Late 2016 / Early 2017

Library Solar Electrification & Water Treatment


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Administration Solar Power System

Provide full time power for Administration

• Office Equipment and lights

• Small desktop printer

• Larger volume copier or printer

• Public Address System


• Lights in the evening

• Laptop/cellphone charging during peak sun hours


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Administration Solar Power

System Equipment

Fifteen 200 Watt PV Modules

Four 225 Amp Deka Batteries

Charge Controller


Roof top mounting

(prep work in 2015)


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Library Solar Electrification

School rebuilt library in 2010 with local funds

Providing power for laptops and lighting

Library is in bad location for solar

6 PV modules, 2 batteries, Inverter and CC


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Times Have Changed!

Things that the School is Proud of

March 2014 Visioning Meeting


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5 Year School Vision

(by Mr. Sengeh, School Principal)

Teaching and Learning – Improve quality of education, more than 50% of students pass university entrance requirements.

Discipline – Morally well-disciplined students, Students, parents and teachers working together to achieve this goal.

Infrastructure – Wants a beautiful school like a college.


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5 Year Plan for CSS

Year 1– Refurbish at least 3 classroom buildings

– Light Administrative building to run computer/printer and lights for staff room/office

– Reinforcement of Code of Conduct with teachers, students, CTA (parents)

– Increase stock of library books (on-going)

– Make administrative positions permanent (JSS & SSS principals)

– Create a plan to start revolving fund by year 3

Year 2– Refurbish at least 3 classroom buildings

– Increase stock of library books (on-going)

– Create a space for guidance counselor

– Build/renovate 3 new classrooms

– Install PA system

– Housing for select students prior to exams (increase number)

– Electricity for library for computers

– Equip science building

– Fund-raising for revolving fund.

Yellow – Possible Rotary/EWB Project20

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5 Year Plan for CSS

Year 3– Refurbish at least 3 classroom buildings

– Revolving fund in place for teachers ($8500 must be raised in year 1-3)

– Book renting system started

– Build/renovate 3 new classrooms (free up space for 1 dorm)

Year 4– Renovate staff quarters (2-year project)

– Start fencing and seating for field

– Build/renovate 3 new classrooms (free up additional space for dorms)

– Build roof & furnish canteen in unfinished building

– Initiate boarding program

Year 5– Renovate staff quarters (2-year project)

– Open piggery & poultry houses (Agricultural department)

– Finish fencing and seating for field

– Expand boarding program


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Rotary District 7430, Allentown West Rotary and 3 club partners, Bo Rotary Club and EWB-LVP

$30,000 Rotary Foundation Global Grant Approved

– Training for Teachers

– Books for Students

– Electrical for Admin Bldg– Lights

– Printing Capability

– Public Address System

– Laptop Charging

– Electrical for Library– Lights

– Computers

Centennial Secondary SchoolRotary Global Grant

Bo Rotary Club


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Centennial Secondary School

Global Grant Progress to Date

June 2015 – Teacher Training: Phase 1 -completed

– One week Training program to improve teaching methods aligned with West African Education curriculum

Nov 2015 – Teacher Training: Phase 2


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Library Books Program – Global

Grant – Nov/Dec 2015

$10,000 allocated for books in global grant

Specific book needs will be defined by school

Implement Book Lending system for students

Bo Rotary has librarian as member, will be primary contact


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Assess ways to partner with Centennial school to help improve quality of education

Determine how cultural exchange could benefit NW Lehigh students

2015-16 Focus is on fact-finding:

2 week Trip to Centennial school in 2016 with 2 educators (~ Mar-Apr 2016) with EWB team

Pre-trip discussions with Peace Corps workers who lived and taught at CSS

Pre-trip discussions with CSS school administration

Centennial Secondary School2015-16 District Travel Grant Partnership with Northwestern Lehigh School District


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How Can CEOSA Help?

Assist EWB on next EWB projects with

liaison and logistics in Sierra Leone

Help with development fund

Assist in implementation of 5 year plan

– Adopt buildings to repair?


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Thank you!

Questions and Discussion with CeOSA