
 BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided  ______ ! Which of the followin" is not a characteristic of f#n"i$ A! Cell walls B! Chloroph%ll C! Cell walls &! N#trition '% a'sorption  ______ (! )his t%pe of *icroor"an is* derives no#rish*ent fro* a livin" host! A! Bacteria B! +i r#ses C! ,#n"i &! -roto.oa  ______ /! )hese *icroor"anis*s "row in an air at*osph ere and also "row anaero'icall%! A! Anaero'es B! Aero'es C! O'li"ate Anaero'es &! ,ac#ltative  ______ 0! ,# n"i is considered A! -hoto heterot roph s B! -hoto a#tot rophs C! Che*oa#tot roph s &!Ch e*ohe terotro phs  ______ 1! )he followin" state*ents descri'e a pro2ar%otic cell e3cept A! )he% have internal or"anelles C! )heir n#cle#s is not enclosed '% a *e*'rane B! )he% have ri"id cell walls &! 4cattered thro#"h the *e*'rane  ______ 5! It is the po werho#se of the e#2ar%otic cell A! Mi to ch ond ri on B! Gol "i App ar at #s C! Mi crot #'# le s &! L%soso *e  ______ 6! It is where pro tein are stored te*poraril% in e#2ar%otic cells! A! Mitochondrion B! Gol"i Apparat#s C! Chloroplast &! L%soso*e  ______ 7! )he h%drophilic heads of a 'acterial cell wall A! ,ace inward C! Are loosel% attached to the *e*'rane s#rface B! ,ace o#tward &! 4cattered thro#"h the *e*'rane  ______ 8! )hese are s#'stances responsi'le for the s%nthesis of protein in 'oth e#2ar%otic and p ro2ar%otic cells! A! Ri'oso*es B! N#cleic Acid C! A*ino Acids &! Lipids  ______ 9! In the trans*ission of "enetic infor*ation: which of the followin" state*ent is not correct$ A! &NA strand is co pied int o a co*pli*entar% RNA *olec# le B! An RNA se;#en ce dic tates a protei n se;#ence C! )here is one<t o<one relat ionsh ip 'etween th e se;#ence of the n#cl eotide s in a &NA *olec# le and the se;#ence of a*ino acids in the protein &! -rod# ction of protei ns does n ot proceed dir ectl% fro * &NA  ______ ! 4*all *olec#les pass thro#"h the cell *e*'rane '% A! Os*osis B! Insertion C! &iff#sion &! A'sorption  ______ (! &NA can do the followin" e3cept A! &i rect re pli ca ti on B! -r oc ed #r e pro te in C! &ir ec t t ra nscr ip ti on &! 4 to re "enet ic in fo r*at io n  ______ /! What a cell is li2e and what it can de depend lar"el% o n the _________ it contains A! -rotein B! &NA C! RNA &! Car'oh%drates  ______ 0! )he presence of a catal%st in a reaction A! Chan" es th e po sition of e;#ili 'ri#* B! Lowers ener "% 'arr ier  C! &o no t have ef fect on the attain*ent of th e transition state &! &i sto rts s#'strate

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Post on 02-Nov-2015




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Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided

______ 1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of fungi?A. Cell wallsB. ChlorophyllC. Cell wallsD. Nutrition by absorption

______ 2. This type of microorganism derives nourishment from a living host.A. BacteriaB. VirusesC. FungiD. Protozoa

______ 3. These microorganisms grow in an air atmosphere and also grow anaerobically.A. AnaerobesB. AerobesC. Obligate AnaerobesD. Facultative

______ 4. Fungi is consideredA. Photoheterotrophs B. PhotoautotrophsC. Chemoautotrophs D.Chemoheterotrophs

______ 5. The following statements describe a prokaryotic cell exceptA. They have internal organellesC. Their nucleus is not enclosed by a membraneB. They have rigid cell wallsD. Scattered through the membrane

______ 6. It is the powerhouse of the eukaryotic cellA. MitochondrionB. Golgi ApparatusC. Microtubules D. Lysosome

______ 7. It is where protein are stored temporarily in eukaryotic cells.A. MitochondrionB. Golgi ApparatusC. ChloroplastD. Lysosome

______ 8. The hydrophilic heads of a bacterial cell wallA. Face inwardC. Are loosely attached to the membrane surfaceB. Face outwardD. Scattered through the membrane

______ 9. These are substances responsible for the synthesis of protein in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.A. RibosomesB. Nucleic AcidC. Amino AcidsD. Lipids

______ 10. In the transmission of genetic information, which of the following statement is not correct?A. DNA strand is copied into a complimentary RNA moleculeB. An RNA sequence dictates a protein sequenceC. There is one-to-one relationship between the sequence of the nucleotides in a DNA molecule and the sequence of amino acids in the proteinD. Production of proteins does not proceed directly from DNA

______ 11. Small molecules pass through the cell membrane byA. OsmosisB. InsertionC. DiffusionD. Absorption

______ 12. DNA can do the following exceptA. Direct replicationB. Procedure proteinC. Direct transcriptionD. Store genetic information

______ 13. What a cell is like and what it can de depend largely on the _________ it containsA. ProteinB. DNAC. RNAD. Carbohydrates

______ 14. The presence of a catalyst in a reactionA. Changes the position of equilibriumB. Lowers energy barrierC. Do not have effect on the attainment of the transition stateD. Distorts substrate

______ 15. The specificity of enzyme catalysis is attributed to the _________ structure of the protein.A. PrimaryB. SecondaryC. Complex Tertiary D. Quaternary

______ 16. In the induced-fit model of enzyme-substrate interactionA. The substrate fits exactly into the enzymeB. The substrate is distorted to fit into the enzymeC. The enzyme is distorted to facilitate the binding of the substrateD. Both enzyme and substrate are distorted to reach the transition state

______ 17. When all active sites of the enzyme are occupied by the substrate, the enzyme is said to beA. StableB. SaturatedC. In EquilibriumD. In transition

______ 18. The turn-over number of enzyme is a rough measure of the A. Amount of enzyme in a sampleC. Catalytic efficiency of the enzymeB. Stability of the enzyme D. Specificity of the enzyme

______ 19. In competitive inhibitionA. The reaction velocity is decreased but not Vmax.B. The reaction velocity is increased but not Vmax.C. The reaction velocity and Vmax is decreasedD. Vmax decreased and Km is unchanged

______ 20. In the presence of non-competitive inhibitorA. Vmax is unchanged and Km is increasedC. Vmax is increased and Km is unchangedB. Vmax is decreased and Km is unchanged D. Vmax is increased and Km is decreased

______ 21. Immobilized enzyme technology is desirable for the following reasons, exceptA. Enzymes can retain their activity longerB. Can increase the catalytic efficiency for multi step conversionC. It can reused continuously D. The enzymes can leave the reactor with the product and they could recovered easily

______ 22. The coupling of energy-requiring and energy releasing reaction in a microorganism is made possible byA. ADPB. ATPC. NADD. FAD

______ 23. Exorgenic reactions, which use water in the breaking of chemical bonds, are called A. CatabolismB. AnabolismC. MetabolismD. Fermentation

______ 24. In biosynthesis, the energy of ATP molecule is needed toA. Establish covalent bonds for building blocksC. Link together complex substances B. Synthesize complex substancesD. Connect covalent bonds

______ 25. ATP is called a high energy molecule because it releases an amount of energy when itA. Acquires a phosphate group and is attached to the phosphate chainB. Losses its terminal phosphate groupC. Losses its middle phosphate groupD. Maintains all its phosphate group

______ 26. Respiration is composed of three processes. These areA. Glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, and electron transport chainB. Glycolysis, Kreb cycle, and electron transport chainC. Glycolysis, carbon fixation, and gluconeogenesisD. Glycolysis, Calvin cycle, and electron transport chain