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STUDENT ID NO: 0323640


ENGLISH 1 (ELG 30505)




English Process Essay DRAFT

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How to produce an attractive sketch(kitchen utensil)

Materials Steps

- pencils of a few shades:2B, HB,

- eraser- simple ruler- flat table- sketchpad

- do it in a well-lit area like during daytime when there is natural sunlight.- night time - can strain your eyes - get tired easily- make sure you have your all the drawing supplies and tools with you at the moment- choose a subject - something that is closest to your favourite type of drawing - etc, if you like drawing straight lines or curves- sketch something that is of your capabilities - keep it simple - too complex objects might ruin your goal to achieve an attractive sketch before even starting- compare the actual object to your sketch every once in awhile- do not take too long - take breaks in between to avoid eye strains and tiredness - or else quality of sketch will deteriorate- shading is the most crucial part of the whole process - in order to create a 3D illusion - making it look real rather than just a ‘drawing’- it’s important to use different grades of pencil leads ranging from HB to 9B - as even shading has different intensities in reality- however, it is not necessary to use all the pencil grades that is provided - pick the right ones - at least 3 or 4 type of pencils is enough - choose according to suitability of darkness- use a good quality eraser - that erases well and fast - doesn’t leave any smudges on paper- observe the object from different angles and viewpoints - understand the shape of your object well -

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As citizens of the modern world, we have witnessed how technology has rapidly

developed; thus various graphic designing programs have been created and is

widely used by designers today. However, despite the existence of such

technology, designers still use the method that has prevailed for ages: sketching.

Sketching is essential even to this day as it is the very core of designing and

creating anything including ideas. The definition of sketching is to simply draw a

rough draft version of a final art, therefore it does not need to be perfect. Many

non-designers have a wrong perception that sketching is a job only artistic and

creative individuals are capable of; thus concluding that sketching is difficult for

them when it is actually very easy as anybody who have hands or even legs, can

sketch. As a student who is studying and aspires to be an architect, it is vital to

acquire the simple skills of sketching as it would be useful especially for

assignments and project purposes. My process essay will cover about tips and

techniques in producing not just an ordinary sketch, but an attractive one.

I chose a blender for sketching a kitchen utensil because it appealed to me most

among the other utensils and also because I love challenging myself into trying

out complicated things rather than simple utensils like a pan or a knife. The

blender that I selected has a lid with a funnel for adding ingredients, releasing

steam and doubles as a measuring cup. The middle part of the body is a jar-like

glass with a handle and the bottom part consists of the blending control push

buttons with a wide, sturdy base which is essential to reduce wobbling. The

blender creates a whirring sound when switched on, and becomes louder,

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sounding more like a grass-cutting machine when mixing ingredients inside.

Blenders are used widely by housewives to produce homemade juices for the

family; and restaurants to make drinks like milkshakes and smoothies to satisfy

their customers.

Before beginning to sketch, it is important to make sure that your workspace area

is well-lit in order to prevent eye-straining while sketching. Clear some space if

needed to achieve a piece of mind, but for those messy and unorganized

orientated people like me, just about anywhere and any place is fine. Next,

sketching a blender does not need complicated and expensive materials but only

a few pencils of different grades, a ruler, an eraser and a sketchpad. It is

important to use different grades of pencil leads, as even shading has different

intensities in reality. However, it is unnecessary to use all the pencil grades

provided, just one light and dark pencil will do, which is HB and 2B. Also, the

thicker the paper of your sketchpad, the higher quality of your drawing will be.

When starting the sketching process, I personally prefer to start my sketch with a

HB as it is lighter in shade, only then when I am confident with finalizing it, I will

go through it again with a 2B pencil. To attain a realistic and 3D sketch, prevent

from drawing hard lines when outlining the shape of the blender by reducing the

pressure on the pencil while sketching. Instead, draw softer lines, as this will help

prevent your sketch from looking cartoonish. In addition, shading is one of the

most crucial part of the whole process in order to create a 3D illusion; making it

look real rather than just a ‘drawing’. While shading, you can use a fingertip to

smudge the shaded parts to create a smoother gradient and softer look. Don’t

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forget to always observe the dimensions of the blender carefully from different

angles to understand the object better, it will help your shading with more

precision. While sketching, keep in mind that facing a ton of trial and error is

perfectly normal, and sometimes mandatory. Erase any of your sketching

mistakes if needed, but remember to rub it out gently to prevent paper tearing

especially if that exact spot has been erased too often. Also, bear in mind to

always take a break in between when the tiredness starts kicking in or else the

quality of the sketch will deteriorate and the eyes will be strained.

At last, my sketch was completed after a total of 3 hours. Normally my sketches

would only take an hour, but for this I took careful measures to ensure the

blender was close to perfection. It may have been a lengthy process, but looking

at your masterpiece after its completion definitely leaves me feeling satisfied

knowing all that hard work has paid off. Sketching is tremendous fun to me and

occasionally it helps with expressing myself that I would do it anytime of the day.