engage africa autumn '11

UK Trade & Invest- ment is a UK govern- ment organisation. We help UK companies do business abroad - and we help overseas com- panies do business in the UK. Case Study UK Trade & Investment INSIDE THE AUTUMN EDITION UK Trade & Investment Business Opportunity Today’s Black Professional Sector FocusFood International Links Douala City Profile The Market Place City profile:- Douala, Cameroon UK Trade & Investment brings together the work of the Foreign & Common- wealth Office (FCO) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) . It draws staff and associated administration funding from both parent departments, but has its own stream of programme funding, for which the Chief Executive is directly responsible as ac- counting officer. Autumn Edition Example Business Opportunity UK Trade & Investment is the Government organisa- tion that supports compa- nies in the UK doing busi- ness internationally and overseas enterprises seek- ing to set up or expand in the UK. Its role is to help compa- nies realise their interna- tional business potential through knowledge trans- fer, and on-going partner- ship support. To support its aim to "enhance the competitiveness of com- panies in the UK through overseas trade and investments; and attract a continuing high level of quality for- eign direct investment", UK Trade & Investment offers services to: UK businesses that want to grow their business internationally and to overseas businesses that to want to locate in the UK. UK Trade & Investment is an international organi- sation with headquarters in London and Glasgow. Across its network UK Trade & Investment employs around 2,300 staff and advisers, includ- ing overseas in UK em- bassies, high commis- sions, consulates and trade offices, and in the nine English regions. „connecting today's business people‟ Canada: wide range of giftware, dinnerware, toiletries, gardening products & furniture fittings. Have a look at the Prod- ucts & Services required. 1) Giftware: non- seasonal table-top orna- ments, such as figurines and frames; reproduc- tion antique toys; deco- rative table clocks; deco- rative household items made of papier mache; ceramic cookie moulds. 2) Dinnerware: bone china dinnerware, serving ware and hol- loware. 3) Toiletries: natural toiletry products, such as soaps, oils, skin creams, cleansers, etc; bath salts; professional spa products (for spa treatments); innovative professional spa equipment. 4) Gardening products: planters and garden containers; gardening accessories; stainless steel tools; garden- theme gifts 5) Furniture fittings for furniture manufacturers: high quality decorative drawer pulls and door knobs; drawer slides; and related fittings. Engage : Africa

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The 1st issue, Autumn edition of Engage Africa


Page 1: Engage Africa Autumn '11

UK Trade & Invest-

ment is a UK govern-

ment organisation. We

help UK companies do

business abroad - and

we help overseas com-

panies do business in

the UK.

Case Study—UK Trade & Investment



UK Trade & Investment

Business Opportunity

Today’s Black Professional

Sector Focus—Food

International Links

Douala City Profile

The Market Place

City profile:- Douala, Cameroon

UK Trade & Investment

brings together the work of

the Foreign & Common-

wealth Office (FCO) and

the Department of Trade

and Industry (DTI).

It draws staff and associated

administration funding from

both parent departments,

but has its own stream of

programme funding, for

which the Chief Executive is

directly responsible as ac-

counting officer.

Autumn Edition

Example Business Opportunity

UK Trade & Investment is

the Government organisa-

tion that supports compa-

nies in the UK doing busi-

ness internationally and

overseas enterprises seek-

ing to set up or expand in

the UK.

Its role is to help compa-

nies realise their interna-

tional business potential

through knowledge trans-

fer, and on-going partner-

ship support. To support

its aim to "enhance the

competitiveness of com-

panies in the UK

through overseas trade

and investments; and

attract a continuing

high level of quality for-

eign direct investment",

UK Trade & Investment

offers services to:

UK businesses that want

to grow their business

internationally and to

overseas businesses that

to want to locate in the


UK Trade & Investment

is an international organi-

sation with headquarters

in London and Glasgow.

Across its network

UK Trade & Investment

employs around 2,300

staff and advisers, includ-

ing overseas in UK em-

bassies, high commis-

sions, consulates and

trade offices, and in the

nine English regions.

„connecting today's business people‟

Canada: wide range of

giftware, dinnerware,

toiletries, gardening

products & furniture


Have a look at the Prod-

ucts & Services required.

1) Giftware: non-

seasonal table-top orna-

ments, such as figurines

and frames; reproduc-

tion antique toys; deco-

rative table clocks; deco-

rative household items

made of papier mache;

ceramic cookie moulds.

2) Dinnerware: bone

china dinnerware,

serving ware and hol-


3) Toiletries: natural

toiletry products, such

as soaps, oils, skin

creams, cleansers, etc;

bath salts; professional

spa products (for spa

treatments); innovative

professional spa


4) Gardening products:

planters and garden

containers; gardening

accessories; stainless

steel tools; garden-

theme gifts

5) Furniture fittings for

furniture manufacturers:

high quality decorative

drawer pulls and door

knobs; drawer slides;

and related fittings.


Page 2: Engage Africa Autumn '11

encouraged us to do what we

desired and he ensured

safety, security and comfort.

He was both mentally and

physically alert and able to

meet our changing require-

ments with a smile and the

most gentle of additional


Kapoi, our Namibian guide

at the Palmwag Rhino

Camp, sat and listened

intently to all our conversa-

tions without ever being

intrusive. It later transpired,

that by listening to all of us

so carefully, Kapoi under-

stood how better to lead us.

However, this was a special

sort of leadership, he

Living proof that inspired

leaders do not require rank,

status or authority.

Today’s Black Professional—Profile: Rene’ Carayol


meeting for an important

and straight talking

Leadership Summit. The

thought of working with

an ambitious and

optimistic leadership

team that is forever

looking to improve,

coupled with a unique

location, was energising

and exciting. As we bore

down into Walvis Bay,

Namibia, a sea of orange

desert with no sign of

life - only severe

electricity pylons broke

up the silent sands.


There is nothing more

fulfilling than working

closely with a leadership

team as they develop

strong values and hone a

performance ethic. It is

even better when the

team has the ability to

absorb new and diverse

members quickly and

positively. We were

René's focus is on

business transformation,

leadership and talent,

bound together with a

compelling philosophy

founded on his own

board-level experience.

René‟s next big TV venture is on

BBC2 starting on January

5th at 20:00. The 8 part

series is called „Pay off

Your Mortgage in 2

Years‟, and this series really

will be trying to deliver

what it says on the can. 8

brave sets of volunteers

will be trying to pay off

their mortgage in 2 years.

They are a cross section

of „ordinary‟ people who

need some help, guidance

and inspiration. René will

be presenter, mentor and

coach for these volunteers.

A recent BBC survey asked

„what would provide you

with most freedom?‟ 85%

of those asked responded

„paying off their mortgage!‟

This is a tough challenge

and will require some seri-

ous discipline, determina-

tion and drive. It can be

done, but it is not easy. If

you could pay off your

mortgage in 2 years, would

you try? Why wouldn‟t




and enjoyable'

The Prime


Delivery Unit

Page 3: Engage Africa Autumn '11

Good Food Regardless of who

you are there’s

nothing like tucking

into good grub.

And chef Euten Lindsay‟s

culinary creations have been

enjoyed by the likes of

George Michael, Jools

Holland and Richard Black-


Euten, from Upper Nor-

wood, is Addington Palace‟s

sous chef (second chef) and

the African Caribbean events


Bizarrely, he partly owes

his successful career to

famous war recruiter Lord

Kitchener, who caught

Euten‟s eye one morning in

1989 when he was beating

the streets looking for

work. “At the time I was

unemployed,” says Euten,

38. “I didn‟t want my

daughter to go to school

and when asked what her

daddy did to say, „He‟s

unemployed‟. I couldn‟t

bear that.

“I was walking past an

agency which had a poster of

Lord Kitchener dressed as a

chef, saying your country

needs you. I saw that, went

into the agency and I haven‟t

looked back since.

“The best thing about being a

chef is making someone happy

by cooking them a meal they

really like. Watching people

eating and seeing a smile on

their face.”

mobiles, the laptops and the pressure.

We found trust, we gave respect and we

emerged as friends.


"Don't let your past dictate your fu-

ture" - Sierra Leonean


We had come together because of

our common goal of a real

commitment to leadership and a

desire to be a force for good. We

were of the most varied back-

grounds, one of us of Chinese ori-

gin, one German, one South Afri-

can, one British and my mixture of

African and British, this was some-

how both symbolic and impor-

tant. This great and forgiving conti-

nent of Africa had given us the op-

portunity to forget the media, the

Sector Focus—Food


Business mentoring,

Access to new business opportunities

Specialist Industry networking events

Assistance with achieving quality marks

Environmental Audits

And much more…

Specialist marketing,

IT and e-commerce consultancy,

Marketing and design packages,

Bid writing and tender preparation,

Specialist sector-specific business






1 Our pasts are important

but it is our futures that are


2 Be true to what you

believe in, the best leaders

are authentic leaders.

3 We all need to find a

„special‟ place and make

time to stay in touch with

who we truly are.

UK Trade & Development Advisors offers a range of services including:

Page 4: Engage Africa Autumn '11

places to meet. Just like Douala

City‟s range of excellent hotels

and conference centres. You

really want a city with good

infrastructure, a city that is plan-

ning for tomorrow and deliver-

ing today.

Well imagine no more welcome

to Douala City - Cameroon‟s

Economic Capital.

Douala is the largest city in

Cameroon and the capital of

Cameroon's Littoral Province.

Home to Cameroon's largest

port and its major international

airport, consequently, it handles

most of the country's major

exports, such as oil, cocoa and

coffee, timber, metals and fruits.

Douala is the richest city in the

whole CEMAC region of 11

countries. The city is divided

into quarters with Akwa, being

Douala's nightlife center, and

Bonanjo, its center of commerce

Imagine a place that is a dream

destination for today‟s business

traveler to

Africa. When

you arrive at

the Interna-

tional Air-

port you will

want easy

access to

your goods at

a modern

well ap-

pointed In-


Sea port.

Because time is money you need

to be within 2 hours of 80% of

Africa to be able to choose the

best market for your goods. You

need to be in a place where

doing business is made easy.

Where you do come across red

tape, you would like an agency

dedicated to cutting through the

tape for you. Something like the

Douala City Development

Agency for example.

To do business, you need high

speed internet access, good

and administration, being the

most important. Along the city's

main thorough-fare lie some of

Cameroon's best restaurants,

coffee houses and French-style

patisseries; along the waterfront,

many bars and bistros may be

found, commanding views of the

Gulf of Guinea and the nearby

mangrove .

Many of these are frequented by

the city's large expatriate popula-

tion, mainly French or Lebanese,

most of whom work in the petro-

leum industry. Douala is the 27th

most expensive city in the world

and the most expensive in Africa,

overtaking Lagos, Nigeria at

32nd. It was ranked 27th for

2009, up from 34th in 2008. In

2007 it was ranked 24th in the

world and 1st in Africa.

The city is located on the banks

of the Wouri River, the two sides

linked by Bonaberi Bridge. Its

population in 2008 was recorded

at close to 3,000,000.

Douala City - Cameroon - Central Africa

The Market Place

Douala City :— Cameroon

Development Plan detailing €480 Million of procurement opportunities entering

second year of process.

Brazzaville: — Republic of Congo

Development Plan in place details to follow#

Abidjan: — Ivory Coast

Major reconstruction works soon to be underway look out for procurement and

contracting opportunities

Kinshasa: — Democratic Republic of Congo

Development Plan in place details to follow#

ACP watch process started look out for up and coming procurement and contracting

Phone: 0203 514 2929 E-mail: [email protected]

Engage:Africa City profile:- Douala,


multiply as

they are


Sun Tzu

We are Online!


Douala: A centre

for African culture

and fashion

UK Trade & Development Advisors The Paradox Centre 3 Ching Way Chingford, London E4 8YD

A city that is planning for tomorrow and

delivering today.