enga49v19 partner details

(01A) Partner Details Form Please fill in and return to your Oxfam contact person. Organisation Name: Rainbow Haven Address: St Paul & St John’s Church 113 Abbey Hey Lane Gorton M18 8TJ Name of Director: Reverend Brian O’Neill Date founded: December 2004 1. Please list any previous grants you have received from Oxfam in the last five years (include date, project title and amount). Have we received reports relating to these grants? In 2006 we received £5375, Migrant worker destitution fund for emergency payments and food parcels. This grant was supposed to cover project activities until April 2009. However the need was so great that the grant was exhausted by December 2007. Narrative and financial reports for this initial grant have been received by Oxfam. A further grant was made of £5000 in April 2008. In May 2009 we received £5000 which again was supposed to cover emergency payments and food parcels until April 2010. 2. What is your organisation’s purpose or mission? The Charity’s Objects (“the objects”) are:- 1. The area of benefit will be the area of Greater Manchester. 2. To advance education and relieve financial hardship amongst those granted refugee status, asylum seekers and new emerging communities particularly by the provision of advice and support services. 3. The relief of financial hardship amongst those granted refugee status, asylum seekers and new emerging communities and their dependants living permanently or temporarily. 4. To preserve and protect the physical health of those with refugee status, asylum seekers and new emerging communities, 5. To advance the education and training of those granted refugee status, asylum seekers and new emerging communities, so as to advance them in their lives and assist them to adapt to a new community. 6. To advance the education of the public in general about issues relating to refugees, asylum seekers and new emerging communities, so as to advance them in to adapt to a new communities. 7. The provision of facilities for the recreation or other leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life of those persons who have need of such

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Page 1: Enga49v19 partner details

(01A) Partner Details Form

Please fill in and return to your Oxfam contact person.

Organisation Name: Rainbow Haven

Address: St Paul & St John’s Church113 Abbey Hey LaneGortonM18 8TJ

Name of Director: Reverend Brian O’Neill

Date founded: December 2004

1. Please list any previous grants you have received from Oxfam in the last five years (include date, project title and amount). Have we received reports relating to these grants?

In 2006 we received £5375, Migrant worker destitution fund for emergency payments and food parcels. This grant was supposed to cover project activities until April 2009. However the need was so great that the grant was exhausted by December 2007. Narrative and financial reports for this initial grant have been received by Oxfam. A further grant was made of £5000 in April 2008. In May 2009 we received £5000 which again was supposed to cover emergency payments and food parcels until April 2010.

2. What is your organisation’s purpose or mission?

The Charity’s Objects (“the objects”) are:-

1. The area of benefit will be the area of Greater Manchester.

2. To advance education and relieve financial hardship amongst those granted refugee status, asylum seekers and new emerging communities particularly by the provision of advice and support services.

3. The relief of financial hardship amongst those granted refugee status, asylum seekers and new emerging communities and their dependants living permanently or temporarily.

4. To preserve and protect the physical health of those with refugee status, asylum seekers and new emerging communities,

5. To advance the education and training of those granted refugee status, asylum seekers and new emerging communities, so as to advance them in their lives and assist them to adapt to a new community.

6. To advance the education of the public in general about issues relating to refugees, asylum seekers and new emerging communities, so as to advance them in to adapt to a new communities.

7. The provision of facilities for the recreation or other leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life of those persons who have need of such

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facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and economic hardship.

8. To work towards the promotion of Equal Opportunities for the good relations between the residents in the area or benefit and to take positive action towards the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of gender, disability, nationality, political opinion, religion, sexual or rape.

3. How many staff do you have in your organisation? Please list names and functions of staff in key managerial positions

Amanda Jones, Project Co-ordinator and Adam Sharpe, Drop-in Support Worker

4. Explain the governance structure of your organisation, and how it is managed. What is the legal status of your organisation?

Rainbow Haven was set up as a project of the East Manchester Community Forum, a not for profit company limited by guarantee. It is governed by a Management Committee comprising of partner agencies and service users. Rainbow Haven applied for “Charity status” on 28/03/2009.

5. In what ways is the organisation accountable to and/or representative of the communities with which you work?

Service users and local residents are part of the Management Committee. We also undertake service user feedback every quarter.

6. List some recent achievements for your organisation?

Refugee Celebration, celebrating the diversity of cultures that come together at the drop-in centre, attended by a range of refugee, asylum seeking and migrant networks and communities from Greater Manchester.Police Respect Day, allowing the Greater Manchester Police and a range of other agencies and charities around Greater Manchester to promote information and boost links between them.

7. What are the current challenges for your organisation?

To continue to support migrants, including migrant workers refugees and asylum seekers, in an increasingly punitive and hostile climate that appears to disenfranchise migrant communities, as opposed to acknowledging the skills and embracing the very positive aspects that a multicultural society can bring.

8. What strong alliances does your organisation have with others?

Strong alliances with Refugee Action, Migrant Workers North West, in highlighting the needs and experiences of migrant communities to the general public and policymakers. Partnership working with the British Red Cross to deliver a joint destitution project for refused asylum seekers including families.

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9. What has your organisation done around gender and race equality? What, if any, policies do you have in relation to this?

Work with local police, Refugee Action and community wardens to encourage reporting of race hate crimes amongst migrants and BME residents of East Manchester. We are in the process of becoming a reporting centre for hate crime. Rainbow Haven also stages an annual event celebrating the many cultures present within East Manchester through music, dance and fashion. This is a Women only event which coincides with International Women’s Day. Rainbow Haven has an Equal Opportunities policy.

Financial Assessment

1. Please list any financial policies and procedures used by your organisation (such as budget monitoring, cashflow forecasts, profit and loss records or bank records)

Cash flow, budgets and profit and loss are run on the Quick Books system and a bank reconciliation is run on a monthly basis.

2. How do you ensure cost-effective control of expenditure?

Monitored by admin/finance worker, checked by management committee, and confirmed by a monthly report.

3. What records will be made available to the donor

A yearly financial report will be sent. Oxfam are able to access financial records relating to this project on request, with appropriate notice.

Form completed by:

Name: Amanda Jones Said,

Position: Project Co-ordinator

Date: 28.06.2010
