eng mock upsr exam

SULIT 014/1 Questions 1-4 Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1. You have to communicate with Natasya by using sign language as she is _________________. A. blind B. young C. deaf D. mute 2. Alan __________ to the finishing line and won gold medal. A. sprinted B. jogged C. hopped D. moved 3. She is my uncle’s daughter. Therefore she is my ____________. A. cousin B. nephew C. niece D. aunt 4. Please help me to ___________ the new pack of cards. A. mix B. deck C. shuffle D. arrange 1

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SULIT 014/1

Questions 1-4

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. You have to communicate with Natasya by using sign language as she is _________________.A. blindB. youngC. deafD. mute

2. Alan __________ to the finishing line and won gold medal.A. sprintedB. joggedC. hoppedD. moved

3. She is my uncle’s daughter. Therefore she is my ____________.A. cousinB. nephewC. nieceD. aunt

4. Please help me to ___________ the new pack of cards.A. mixB. deckC. shuffleD. arrange

Questions 5-7

Read the text and choose the best phrase for each of the pictures given.

Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.


SULIT 014/1

Yuna and her family went to visit her grandmother’s farm for

the holidays. It was a very different environment for her. She was

attracted by a ___(5)______ grazing nearby. She

decided to go nearer for a closer look. As she walked

further, she saw a ____(6)_______ walking in a very

funny manner. Yuna’s personal favourite was the ____(7)_______

in the stable.

5. A. group of cowsB. herd of cowsC. host of cowsD. flock of cows

6. A. gaggle of geeseB. troop of geeseC. group of geeseD. a litter of geese

7. A. herd of horsesB. pride of horsesC. pack of horsesD. stud of horses


SULIT 014/1

Questions 8 – 10

Choose the best answer for each of the pictures given.Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

Questions 11 - 16

Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.

A. My sisters are acting on the stage.B. The girls are singing a song together.C. Two girls are learning how to play the

piano.D. Jane plays the piano to accompany the


A. Salim trains his pet in the garden.B. A boy is trying to catch an animal.C. My brother frees the squirrel from the

trap.D. The rabbit gets out of its cage to look

for food.

A. Two boys are having their lunch.B. Ali and his brother eat too much.C. The pupils talk during their meal.D. The boys like to share their food.





SULIT 014/1

Questions 16-20Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

A. Yes, I think so.B. Thanks for your help, Lina.C. We’re making these for them.D. Yes, these cards are for our


A. Do you think you can help?B. I suggest we have a food fair.C. What’s the plan for our holiday?D. Everyone agrees to have a


A. We’re short of one tent.B. Why can’t you join us on this

trip?C. We are camping for two nights.D. Can we borrow your tent for our


A. Am I invited too?B. What a nice surprise!C. Thank you, but I’m afraid I can’t.D. Let’s go on a picnic this


A. Oh no, don’t say that!B. Thanks. I’m so happy I won it.C. I enjoyed myself at the funfair.D. The prizes at the fun fair are



SULIT 014/1

16. A rabbit ________ in a burrow.A. liveB. livesC. livedD. living

17. Encik Zaki and his family ______ donate some money to the tsunami victims last month.A. doB. doesC. didD. doing

18. There is a fly _____ my soup.A. in B. belowC. acrossD. under

19. We cannot go in _____ we buy the tickets.A. andB. orC. becauseD. unless

20. We should obey and respect ______ parents.A. myB. ourC. theirD. your

Question 21Choose the word that has the same meaning as the word underlined.


SULIT 014/1

Pilih perkataan yang sama erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

21. The dog has been abandoned by the irresponsible owner.A. killedB. leftC. lovedD. captured

Questions 22-23Choose the answer with the correct spelling.Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.

22. She saw an _______ on the newspaper about the holiday package to Sabah.A. advertistementB. advertisementC. advetisementD. addvertisment

23. My mother goes to the _______ once a month.A. hairdresserB. hairdreserC. hairsdreserD. hairdesser

Questions 24-25Choose the answer with the correct punctuation.Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

24. A We will be visiting the National Museum in Selangor. B We will be visiting the national Museum in Selangor. C We will be visiting the National Museum in Selangor? D We will be visiting the national museum in Selangor.


SULIT 014/1

25. A you would be eating later, wouldn’t you? B You would be eating later, wouldn’t you! C You would be eating later, wouldnt you? D You would be eating later, wouldn’t you?

Questions 26 – 30Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikutnya.

It is Saturday morning. Suri and her friends are in the school ___________(26). They are watching a ___________(27) match. The match is between their school team __________(28) the team from Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Kota. One of their school players ____________(29) the ball


SULIT 014/1

hard and the goalkeeper cannot stop it. The ball goes into the goal and the ___________(30) blows her whistle. Suri and her friends are very happy.

26. A hall B field C library D garden

27. A hockey B netball C football D badminton

28. A or B so C and D but

29. A hits B kicks C throws D passes

30. A judge B coach C referee D spectator

Questions 31 -35Read the advertisement and answer the questions that follow.Baca iklan dan jawab soalan - soalan yang berikutnya.





31 What is the advertisement is mainly about?A Sales in Gaya TextilesB Free vouchers given out by Gaya TextilesC Business hours of Gaya TextilesD Sales in children’s department

32 How long will the sale be on?A 9 days B 20 days C 11 days D 21 days

33 How many days in a week is the shop open?

10 – 50 %DISCOUNT




SULIT 014/1

A Five daysB Seven daysC Nine daysD Ten days34 If Miss Lee is the second customer to the store, she will be entitled to :A 50% discount on the things she buysB RM100 voucherC RM10 voucherD Free gifts

35 How many hours does the shop open for a day?A 12 hoursB 11 hoursC 10 hoursD 9 hours


SULIT 014/1

Questions 36 – 40Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.Baca keratan berita dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

KUCHING : Nine girl guides were lost while hiking up Mount Santubong on Saturday. A team of fifty firemen and soldiers searched for the lost girls and found them early Monday morning.The girl guides, aged 13-15, and their troop leader were found in a thick forest near the mountain at 6 a.m. The rescue team started their search on Saturday night when they received a report that the girls were missing. It took them more than 24 hours to find the girls who had wandered 20 kilometres away from their camp site.“It rained heavily on Saturday afternoon. The group lost their way while trying to return to camp” said rescue team leader, Norman Hakim. “Fortunately, they had some food and water with them. Their training helped them to survive well. Other than insect bites, the girls are fine.”

36 Where were the lost girl guides found?A On Mount SantubongB Not far from the camp siteC In a thick forest near Mount SantubongD 20 kilometres away from Mount Santubong

37 When did the girl guides realize that they are lost?A On Saturday nightB On Sunday morningC On Saturday afternoonD On Monday morning

38 How many people did the search team rescue?A 10B 50C 24D 40


SULIT 014/1

39 The phrase …Other than insect bites…tells us that the girls ___________.A were badly hurtB did not suffer at allC were bitten by the insectsD were safe from the insect bites

40 What kept the girl guides survive well?A Food and waterB Their trainingC Their rescue teamD Their troop leader

Answer1. C. deaf- sign language2. A. sprinted3. A. cousin4. C. shuffle5. B. herd of cows6. A. gaggle of geese7. D. stud of horses8. D9. C


SULIT 014/1

10. A11. A12. B13. D14. C15. B16. B. lives17. C. did18. A. in19. D. unless20. B. our21. B. left22. B. advertisement23. A. hairdresser24. A.25. D26. B27. A28. C29. A30. C31. A32. C33. B34. C35. A36. C37. C38. B39. C40. B


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SULIT 014/1
