eng ii vocabulary


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ENG II Vocabulary. KMH LITERARY TERMINOLOGY RCSHS. ABSTRACT. Part of Speech : adjective – this word will be used to describe Definition: Considered apart from concrete existence Difficult to understand Qualities that cannot be perceived with the five senses. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Part of Speech: adjective – this word will be used to describe

Definition:1. Considered apart from

concrete existence2. Difficult to understand3. Qualities that cannot be

perceived with the five senses.

Synonyms: complex, indefinite, unreal

Examples:Calling something pleasant or pleasing is abstract, while calling something yellow or sour is concrete.

The word in use:“The more horrifying this world

becomes, the more are becomes abstract.”

- Ellen Key

Antonyms: actual, concrete, physical, real

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Part of Speech: adjective – this word will be used to describe

Definition:1. Of, relating to, or dealing with

the beautiful2. Pleasing in appearance

Part of Speech: noun– this word will be used as an idea

Definition:3. a principle of taste or style

adopted by a particular person, group, or culture

Examples:The new browser is much more than an aesthetic overhaul. Also, human conscience has its aesthetic component: our taste for "poetic" justice, the idea of symmetry. Jones has become famous for creating a modern dance aesthetic that addresses major moral and social questions.

The word in use:“I like to work with the same people when I

can, and you want to get people with the same interests that you have, and the same aesthetic.”

-Spike Lee

Synonyms: artistic, creative, gorgeous, pleasing

Antonyms: displeasing, ugly

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Part of Speech: noun– this word will be used as an idea or thing

Definition:1. a poem, play, picture, etc, in which

the apparent meaning of the characters and events is used to symbolize a deeper moral or spiritual meaning

2. The rhetorical strategy of extending a metaphor through an entire narrative so that objects, persons, and actions in the text are equated with meanings that lie outside the text.

Examples:"There are obvious layers of allegory [in the movie Avatar]. The Pandora woods is a lot like the Amazon rainforest (the movie stops in its tracks for a heavy ecological speech or two), and the attempt to get the Na'vi to 'cooperate' carries overtones of the U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan."(Owen Gleiberman, review of Avatar. Entertainment Weekly, Dec. 30, 2009)

Synonyms: fable, moral, symbolic tale

Antonyms: fact, non-fiction, truth

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Part of Speech: noun– this word will be used as an idea or thing

Definition:1. the use of the same consonant or of

a vowel, not necessarily the same vowel SOUND at the beginning of each word or each stressed syllable in a line of verse

2. The repetition of an initial consonant sound

Examples:"a peck of pickled peppers”“around the rock the ragged rascal ran”

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Part of Speech: noun– this word will be used as an idea or thing

Definition:1. a reference that recalls

another work, another time in history, another famous person, and so forth

2. An indirect reference to a person, place, event, or literary work with which the author believes the reader will be familiar

Examples:"I was not born in a manger. I was actually born on Krypton and sent here by my father, Jor-el, to save the Planet Earth."(Senator Barack Obama, speech at a fund-raiser for Catholic charities, October 16, 2008)"I violated the Noah rule: predicting rain doesn't count; building arks does."-Warren Buffett

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Part of Speech: noun– this word will be used as an idea or thing

Definition:1. A short account (or narrative)

of an interesting or amusing incident, often intended to illustrate or support some point.

Synonyms: story, tale, narration

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Part of Speech: noun– this word will be used as an idea or thing

Definition:1. a form of reasoning in which a

similarity between two or more things is inferred from a known similarity between them in other respects

2. a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based

Synonyms: likeness, comparison, parallel

Examples: "If you want my final opinion on the mystery of life and all that, I can give it to you in a nutshell. The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination. But the combination is locked up in the safe."(Peter De Vries, Let Me Count the Ways. Little Brown, 1965)the analogy between the heart and a pump.

Antonyms: disagreement, dissimilarity, unlikeness

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Part of Speech: noun– this word will be used as an idea or thing

Definition:1. the separating of any material

or abstract entity into its constituent elements

2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its essential features and their relations (in Ms. Hedrick’s words – to break something into smaller parts and discuss how these parts affect the whole)

Synonyms: complex, indefinite, unreal

RHETORICAL ANALYSIS A form of close reading that employs the principles of rhetoric to examine the interactions between a text, an author, and an audience.Rhetorical analysis may be applied to virtually any text or image--a speech, an essay, an advertisement, a poem, a photograph, a web page, even a bumper sticker. When applied to a literary work, rhetorical analysis regards the work not as an aesthetic object but as an artistically structured instrument for communication. As Edward P.J. Corbett has observed, rhetorical analysis "is more interested in a literary work for what it does than for what it is."

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Part of Speech: noun– this word will be used as an idea or thing

Definition:a critical (careful, exact evaluation and judgment - expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature or art.) or explanatory note or body of notes added to a text.

Synonyms: commentary, explanation, interpretation, observations


Antonyms: blank

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alliteration oxymoron

allusion paradox

ambiguity parallel construction

archetypes pattern

assonance personification

characterization prose


rhetorical question

diction rhyme

epic poetry setting

euphemism simile

first person point of view


foreshadowing stream of consciousness

free verse style-formal, informal

hyperbole symbolism

imagery synesthesia

interior monologue syntax

irony-dramatic, verbal, situational

third person limited

lyric poetry third person omniscient

metaphor time shifts

meter repetition tone

narrative poetry tragedy

naturalistic detail understatement


Ideas for Annotating A TextUnderline, star, highlight, box, circle whatever words, phrases, or sentences that catch your attention.Write brief comments in the margins•observations about what is being said or done•what you are reminded of (people, feelings, places, moods)•questions you have•ideas that occur to you•things that you agree or disagree with•any connections you are making•summary comments•identify themes being developed•any literary devices being used

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Part of Speech: noun– this word will be used as an idea or thing

Definition:An original model or pattern from which other later copies are made, especially a character, an action, or situation that seems to represent common patterns of human life

Synonyms: model, pattern, classic exemplar, standard

ArchetypesCarl Jung first applied the term archetype to literature. He recognized that there were universal patterns in all stories and mythologies regardless of culture or historical period and hypothesized that part of the human mind contained a collective unconscious shared by all members of the human species, a sort of universal, primal memory. Joseph Campbell took Jung’s ideas and applied them to world mythologies. In A Hero with a Thousand Faces,among other works, he refined the concept of hero and the hero’s journey— George Lucas used Campbell’s writings to formulate the Star Wars saga. Recognizing archetypal patterns inliterature brings patterns we all unconsciously respond to in similar ways to a conscious level.

Antonyms: atypical

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The term archetype can be applied to:

An imageA themeA symbolAn ideaA character typeA plot pattern

Archetypes can be expressed in


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Part of Speech: noun– this word will be used as an idea or thing

Definition:(1)Reading a piece of literature

carefully, bit by bit, in order to analyze the significance of every individual word, image, and artistic ornament.


(2) the careful, sustained interpretation of a brief passage of text. Such a reading places great emphasis on the particular over the general, paying close attention to individual words, syntax, and the order in which sentences and ideas unfold as they are read.

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