eng 2100 fall 2009 heung

Evaluati ng and Using Sources Stephen Francoeur Newman Library Baruch College 4 November 2009 Research Survey to Determine the Mobility of Physicians in the Chicago Area Being Conducted at the University of Chicago with the Aid of Forty [40] National Youth Administration Employees . N.d. New York Public Library. NYPL Digital Gallery. Web. 4 November 2009. <http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?1260389>.

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Presentation for a workshop for ENG 2100 (a freshman composition course) at Baruch College. The professor wanted me to focus less on finding sources and more on evaluating and using them.


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Evaluating and Using


FrancoeurNewman LibraryBaruch College

4 November 2009

Research Survey to Determine the Mobility of Physicians in the Chicago Area Being Conducted at the University of Chicago with the Aid of Forty [40] National Youth Administration Employees. N.d. New York Public Library. NYPL Digital Gallery. Web. 4 November 2009. <http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?1260389>.

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Learning Goals

Students will be able to:• Evaluate sources based on multiple,

relevant criteria• Distinguish between source types by

analyzing source citations• Compose citations for online sources

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Search the Library Catalog

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Search a database, such as:•Academic Search Complete

•LexisNexis Academic

•Opposing Viewpoints

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Search Basics

BAD IDEA purpose of a college education


purpose AND college education


(purpose OR goal) AND college education

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Evaluating Sources

• Date of publication• Scholarly vs. popular• Credibility of author

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Scholarly-Popular Continuum

Scholarly Popular

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Scholarly Journals

• Audience = fellow scholars

• Long articles• Bibliographies• Jargon• Peer reviewed

Magazines and Newspapers

• Audience = everyday readers

• Short articles• No bibliographies• Everyday language• Not peer reviewed

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Google the author to learn if author:

– Teaches on this topic?– Written more than once on the topic?– Has degrees related to the topic?– Works in a field related to the topic?

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Available at the Library

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Sample Citations

Schrecker, Ellen. Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America. Boston: Little, Brown, 1998. Print.

Schrecker, Ellen. “McCarthyism: Political Repression and the Fear of Communism.” Social Review 71:4 (2004), 1041-1086. Print.

Thatcher, Margaret. “My Cozy Cottage.” Ladies Home Journal (September 19, 2001), 45-46. Print.

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Citing Websites Using MLA

Purdue OWLhttp://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

“Do Professors Matter?”http://www.insidehighered.com/views/2009/10/30/


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How Was It?

1. What are three things I learned about research today that I didn’t already know?

2. What is one thing about research that we should have covered or that I’m still unclear about?