energywise introduces the hvac smart chip

Proprietary and Confidential Introducing How it Can Change Tune Up and Maintenance Season Fortunes!

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Post on 21-Jun-2015



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The HVAC Smart Chip by EnergyWise can save your home or business 15% on heating and cooling costs according to a study performed by the California Energy Commission. This small computer chip is affordable and easily installed on the thermostat, capturing waste heat and cool air already being produced by your HVAC system. Contact Scott Van Kerkhove for more information or to purchase at (877) 225-1336.


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  Proprietary and Confidential



How  it  Can  Change  Tune  Up    and  Maintenance  Season  Fortunes!  

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HVAC  Smart  Chip      

Creates  a  “Triple  Win”  for  You    1.  A  Win  for  Your  Customer  2.  A  Win  for  Your  Technician  3.  A  Win  for  Your  Business  

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Product Vision and Analysis

•  Today  Energy  is  a  Concern  in  the  Private,  Public,  and  Commercial  sectors.    •  Energy  availability  and  its  cost  are  a  daily  occurrence  across  all  forms  of  media.  •  The  unprecedented  price  escala<on  in  energy  has  drama<cally  impacted  the  cost  of  

doing  business  and  the  quality  of  life  for  the  average  person.    •  This  unfortunate  trend  seems  to  be  on  an  irreversible  path.  •  Search  for  alterna<ve  forms  of  energy  and  cost-­‐effec<ve,  affordable  ways  to  

conserve  the  energy  that  we  presently  have.    

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HVAC  Smart  Chip  MARKET  

250,000,000+    The  number  of  residenHal,  government  and  commercial  buildings  in  the  

USA  that  could  benefit  by  retro-­‐fiPng  the  HVAC  Smart  Chip      

Homes,  Apartments,  Hotel  rooms,  Condos,  Industrial  parks,  Businesses,  Government  buildings…  


$74.7  Billion  Opportunity    

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Simple  Sales  Approach  

4  Simple  QuesHons  for  Your  Customers    1.  Did  you  know  on  average  your  u<lity  company  has  raised  your  rates  30%  over  the  last  

three  years?  

2.  Did  you  also  know  during  that  same  <me  it  actually  cost  the  u<lity  company  less  to  make  energy?  

3.  Did  you  know  your  hea<ng/ac  system  is  the  big  culprit  cos<ng  you  up  to  60%  of  your  en<re  bill  each  month?      

4.  If  I  can  show  you  a  product  that  will  save  you  15-­‐20%  on  your  HVAC  power  bill  every  month  would  you  like  to  learn  more?  


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Independent  test  results  on  extending  the  HVAC  fan  run  <me  with  the  HVAC  Smart  Chip  showed:  


16%-­‐24%  ON  COOLING    12%-­‐20%  ON  HEATING    

 HVAC  systems    account  for  50%  to  60%  of  the    enHre  electric  bill!  


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Purpose  and  Design  of  our    “HVAC  Smart  Chip”  

•  The  HVAC  Smart  Chip  is  a  MICROPROCESSOR  MODULE  that  adjusts  the  HVAC  fan  to  stay  on  for  an  extended  amount  of  <me  aUer  the  cooling  or  hea<ng  unit  cycles  off  and  is  a  retrofit  to  fit  all  makes  and  models.    

•  It  RECORDS  how  long  the  cooling  or  hea<ng  unit  has  been  running  and  AUTOMATICALLY  PROGRAMS  the  fan  to  remain  on  for  a  precise  amount  of  extended  Hme,  thus  u<lizing  addi<onal  heat  or  cold  air  leU  in  the  system  that  would  have  been  wasted  and  subsequently  reduces  the  number  of  <mes  the  HVAC  systems  cycles  on/off  

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An  “affordable”  product  that  can  be  installed  by  the  HVAC  or  Maintenance  Contractor  (less  than  10  minutes).  

   Designed  to  works  on  all  types  of  HVAC  Systems  and  Thermostats…  

                                                                 1.  HEAT  PUMP                                                              2.  A/C  &  HEAT                                                              3.  2  STAGE  A/C  UNITS                                                              4.  BOTH  COMMERCIAL  AND  RESIDENTIAL    

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�             …in  less  than  15  Minutes!  



The  HVAC  Smart  Chip  can  be  installed  on  both  Commercial  &  ResidenHal  Units:  

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Customer  Wins        

1.  10-­‐15%  Average  Savings  on  U<lity  Bill  2.  Extend  Life  Of  System  3.  No  Maintenance  Requirement  or  Recurring  Cost  4.  No  Impact  to  New  Install  Warranty  5.  Compa<ble  with  all  Systems  and  Thermostats  6.  Great  Return  on  Investment  (less  than  12  months)  7.  Ongoing  Savings  Realized  year  aUer  year  8.  5  Year  Uncondi<onal  Replacement  Warranty  9.  60  Day  Money  Back  Guarantee-­‐  (op<onal)  10.  Annual  Savings  Guarantee  (op<onal)    When  was  the  last  <me  a  U<lity  Company  reduced  a  Customer’s  u<lity  rates?  

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Technician  Wins        

1.  Easy  to  Sell  Product-­‐  support  with  training  and  materials  2.  Easy  to  Install-­‐  technical  training  and  support  3.  Every  Day  Opportunity  

•  Emergency  Service  Calls  •  Maintenance  Calls  •  Membership  Calls  •  Replacement  Calls  •  Commercial  Accounts  

4.  Daily  SPIF  Program  (recommend  $15  per  unit)  5.  Annual  Incen<ve  Program  Opportunity  


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Business  Wins        

1.  Easy  Product  to  Market  •  Website-­‐  you  tube  videos,  logos,  copy  points  •  Direct  Mail-­‐  logos,  included  product  benefits  •  Outbound-­‐  IVR  (scrip<ng  for  tune-­‐up  ,  club  calls)  •  PR-­‐  Donate  chips  to  a  charity  •  Foot  Canvassing-­‐  Door  Hangers    •  Newslemers  /Email  Campaigns  •  BNI  Groups-­‐  Grow  your  Advocacy  Base  •  Grow  Net  Promoters-­‐  encourage  reviews  and  pictures  •  Friends  and  Family  •  Social  Media  (push  /  pull)  

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PRODUCT  LIFE  CYCLE              

Remember  these  products?  These  two  products  transformed  the  industry  and      the  HVAC  Smart  Chip  will  have  a  similar  life  cycle  

Next  Evolu<on  

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