energy in our lives: preparing middle school students for our energy future

Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future Susan E. Powers, PhD, PE Sarah Scafidi McGuire Clarkson University ASEE Teachers Workshop June 17, 2006 K-12 Project-Based Learning Partnerships Clarkson Sponsored by: National Science Foundation GE Foundation SLU

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Clarkson. Project-Based Learning Partnerships. K-12. SLU. Sponsored by: National Science Foundation GE Foundation. Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future . Susan E. Powers, PhD, PE Sarah Scafidi McGuire Clarkson University ASEE Teachers Workshop - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students

for our energy future Susan E. Powers, PhD, PE

Sarah Scafidi McGuireClarkson University

ASEE Teachers WorkshopJune 17, 2006





Sponsored by:National Science Foundation

GE Foundation


Page 2: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future


Background What is important to teach about

energy? Overview, Clarkson’s outreach program Project-Based Learning

Middle School Energy Curriculum Introduction Example Activities

Page 3: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

How much do we know?

In the past ten years, has the average miles per gallon of gasoline used by vehicles in the U.S. …

a) increasedb) remained the samec) gone down, ord) has not been tracked?

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We don’t know much

In 2001 - 17% of 1500 American adults chose correct answer regarding gasoline mileage (National Environmental Education and Training Foundation )

Only 12% considered to have a passing knowledge about energy

But are we asking the right questions? None about relationship between fossil fuel

consumption and CO2 emissions None about depletion of natural resources

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Key issues in our current energy “crisis”

World demand for energy is growing Supplies of fossil fuels are finite Point at which rate of supply

decreases imminent Carbon dioxide concentrations in

the atmosphere are increasing above and levels seen in history

Climate is affected – polar ice caps and glaciers

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1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000







World Total Primary Energy Supply (million tons - oil equivalents)

Coal Oil Gas NuclearHydro Combustible renewables and wastes

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1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

Price per Barrel

Hubbert’s prediction

Actual production


on B


ls pe

r day




Hubbert’s Peak Oil ModelContiguous USA, 1900 - 2004

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Consequences when pass the “peak”

Demand exceeds supply

Prices for energy and all other goods and services








n ra


~ now-30 yrs, oil~20-50 yr, NG

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Mauna Loa, Hawaii

Page 10: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Extent

(1979 versus 2003)Image courtesy of NASA-Goddard Space

Flight Center

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Our students will be affected by energy in their lives

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Clarkson University Project-Based Learning Partnership Program

Funded by GK-12 Program, NSF Trained graduate and

undergraduate STEM majors work in partnership with teachers

Bring relevant problem solving units to students engage and excite them about STEM

disciplines increase science content knowledge

and literacy

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Students will learn more and become more interested in math, science and engineering if they:

understand the relevance of what they are learning

are actively involved with the learning process

understand that these subjects will help them solve problems that are import to their community

work with MST mentors from local Universities


Page 14: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Program Overview

GK-12 program, 6 years 11 school districts in rural

Northern NY 3-week summer training 16-19 Graduate and Advanced Undergraduate MSE teaching fellows Work in partnership with local MST teacher

Prepare standards-based, project-oriented curricular materials – environmental engineering topics Teach 2-3 x/week at local middle/high school

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Why “Project-Based” ? Engages students as

stakeholders in learning

Enables student learning in relevant and connected ways

Challenges students to learn at deeper levels

More authentically employs the thinking skills and methods required for MST careers

Torp and Sage, Problems as Possibilities, 2002

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Ways to think about “literacy”



Ways ofthinking




Bloom’s Taxonomy

Technically Speaking, Nat’l Academy of Engineers, 2002

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Teaching / Learning Strategies


Problem-Based Learning

Teacher – Expert, deliverer of informationStudents – Inactive, receive knowledge, apply on test

Teacher – Coaches students through ill-posed problemStudents – Active, investigates and solves the problem

Problem-Centered LearningModerately structured problemTeacher – translates problem to student’s world, explicitly

teaches related contentStudents – Active, evaluates resources, defines solutions

Torp and Sage, Problems as Possibilities, 2002

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Problem: Select an energy solution to reduce home power

used from the grid

Example Problem

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A systems-based approach

Energy in our lives Energy sources Energy systems Design and


Page 20: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Energy conservation,

Alternative energy systems

Problem Solving Approach







Describe the problem

Describe the results you want


Think of solutionsChoose the best


Implement thesolution

Evaluate results and make necessary changes

Reenter the design spiral at

any step to revise as necessary







Describe the problem

Describe the results you want


Think of solutionsChoose the best


Implement thesolution

Evaluate results and make necessary changes

Reenter the design spiral at

any step to revise as necessary

Design system to reduce home’s grid energy consumption

by 50%

What is energy?Energy consumption

Energy sources/conversion

Design, build testPhysical models

Present resultsDiscuss/debate options


Page 21: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Energy Curriculum

Topics Addressed The Energy Problem Problem Solving Energy Basics Renewable vs.

Nonrenewable Energy Conservation Energy Forms, States,

and Conversions Energy Sources and

Systems Energy Efficiency

Curriculum includes: Units Lesson Plans Activities Assessment

Arranged for Science Technology Integrated ST

Page 22: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Major Concepts1. Laws of thermodynamics…2. Energy needs to be converted to be useful 3. The environment will be impacted …4. Design must take into account the efficiencies of the

process as well as impacts.5. Slowing use of nonrenewable forms of energy…6. Systems are designed from interrelated parts …7. Energy systems have evolved…8. The choice among energy systems requires trade offs…9. A problem solving method ...10. There are several steps in a design process …

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Does it Work?











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Page 24: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Understanding our current Energy Situation

“The fact that [the fellows] were actually studying this stuff in the field was good. It’s a different experience than just reading from a textbook.”

“This project really opened my eyes to our energy problems.”

“I feel like I now have a basic understanding of the issues… and would be able to make an intelligent, informed vote….”

“We weren’t just reading facts anymore, but instead putting what we learned to use… not only did I just learn more, but it also changed my opinions a bit and made me aware of the damage we are doing to our environment.”

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Passion in the classroom…

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For more information…

Susan Powers [email protected] 315-268-6542

Office of Educational Partnerships [email protected] 315-268-3791

Page 27: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Examples Covered Today

The Energy Problem Energy Choices game

Forms, States and Conversions Household items

Energy Conservation Light bulbs

Energy Efficiency Lego Energy Efficiency

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Lesson Plan: The Energy Problem

Concepts Energy is a critical resource that is used in all

aspects of our daily lives. Currently, society depends upon nonrenewable

energy resources, mainly fossil fuels. The world’s supply of nonrenewable resources is

limited and their use can negatively affect our environment and economy.

Our personal choices will affect the future of the world’s energy.

Making smart energy decisions today will prove beneficial later.

Page 29: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Lesson Plan: The Energy Problem

Key Questions How do our individual energy choices

affect the global energy problem? How would your life be different if the

amount of energy available for use is drastically reduced?

Is our supply of energy infinite or finite? What are some choices you can make

that help alleviate the energy problem?

Page 30: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Pay gasoline and home energy billsChoices made along way, e.g., • Add insulation• Buy air conditioner• Trade in car

“Energy Choices”Patterned after game “Life”House and car defined

Page 31: Energy in our Lives: Preparing middle school students for our energy future

Lesson Plan: Forms, States, and Conversions

Concepts Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but converted from

one form to another. This can be represented as the first law of thermodynamics.

Energy can be classified by its form or state. Energy is stored in a variety of ways and must be released to do

useful work The five forms of energy are: … The two states of energy are … Energy can be converted to useful forms by various means. Energy and its conversion between forms can be expressed

quantitatively. When converting energy, a significant fraction of that energy can

be lost from the system

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Lesson Plan: Forms, States, and Conversions

Key Questions Can energy be transformed/converted

from one form to another? What types of conversion processes can

be used to convert energy into a more usable form?

What forms of energy losses can occur during an energy conversion?

How is heat related to combustion? How can energy conversions be modeled

with block diagrams?

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Lesson Plan: Energy Conservation

Concepts Energy conservation can be defined as the

protection, preservation, management, or restoration of our energy resources.

Conservation is one of the ways we can reduce energy use, thus reducing … the negative effects felt from the burning of these fuels.

Conservation methods include modifications to our daily behaviors and choosing energy conscious products.

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Lesson Plan: Energy Conservation

Key Questions What appliances use the most energy in

the average home? What are some ways you can conserve

energy in your home? What are some examples of energy

conscious products?

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Light bulb efficiency

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Lesson Plan: Energy Efficiency

Concepts The efficiency of a system is defined as the

ratio of the output energy (or power) to the input energy (or power). These can be measured and calculated.

The second law of thermodynamics can describe the energy that cannot be captured and used by humans.

The efficiency of a system will decrease as the number of energy conversions increases.

A goal of technology is to increase efficiency both directly and indirectly.

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Lesson Plan: Energy Efficiency

Key Questions What is the value in finding a use for energy

by-products and where might you find uses for them?

If each energy conversion decreases the efficiency, why do we convert the energy several times before we use it?

What are the main causes of inefficiency? How can we improve a system’s efficiency?