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MARPOL Annex VI – Chapter 4: “Energy Efficiency Regulations for Ships” Mohammud Hanif Dewan, IEng IMarEng MIMarEST MRINA Maritime Lecturer & Consultant

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MARPOL Annex VI – Chapter 4:

“Energy Efficiency Regulations

for Ships”

Mohammud Hanif Dewan, IEng IMarEng MIMarEST MRINA

Maritime Lecturer & Consultant

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Years Before Present

Source: IPCC FAR 2007

0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000

The world’s challenge:

Increasing CO2 concentrations

in the atmosphere








400 ppm exceeded for the

first time in April 2015


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Millions are suffering from ever more

intensive weather events in Asia and

the Americas

Source: IMO presentation on Technical measures


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And millions are affected from flooding

Source: IMO presentation on Technical measures


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and too much water

Source: IMO presentation on Technical measures


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... or no water at all


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It is today widely recognized

that we must change our

behaviour or the change in

climate will result in

.... our way of life being changed

anyway by nature so we need to

mitigate and adapt to these

risks Source: IMO presentation on Technical measures


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Comparison of Shipping with other modes of transport

Source: NTM, Sweden


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Third IMO GHG Study 2014

Future CO2 emissions: Significant increase predicted: 50-250% by

2050 in the absence of regulations

Demand is the primary driver

Technical and operational efficiency measures

can provide significant improvements but will not

be able to provide total net reductions if demand


Changes in the fuel mix have a limited

impact on GHG emissions

2012 shipping CO2 emissions: 796 million tonnes


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M Overview of IMO activities

MARPOL Annex VI Chapters & Regulations

Regulations on EEDI

Regulation on SEEMP

Regulation on Technology Transfer

Current and future IMO debates








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Overview of IMO activities



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Background – Environmental Aspects of Shipping –

Regulatory Framework

UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and Shipping

• The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change (UNFCCC) entered into force in 1994.

• Under the Convention, parties share data, launch national

strategies to address emissions and cooperate for the

adaptation to climate change.

• While the Convention does not provide commitments to stabilize emissions,

the Kyoto Protocol sets binding targets for countries. The latter agreed to

reduce their overall emissions of six greenhouse gases by an average of 5.2%

below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012. In doing so, the Kyoto Protocol

offers several mechanisms to reduce emissions such as Emissions Trading,


• While emissions from maritime transport have been part of the UNFCCC

agenda, these emissions were not included in the Kyoto Protocol.

• The current debate at IMO is focusing on similar emissions reduction

mechanisms called “Market Based Measures (MBMs)” (i.e. “Emissions

Trading” and “Bunker Levy”).

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Why energy efficiency regulation?

“The Parties included in

Annex I shall pursue

limitation emissions of GHG

from marine bunker fuels,

working through the

International Maritime


[Extracts from Article 2.2 of the

Kyoto Protocol]


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Resolution A.963(23) (December 2003)

IMO Policies and Practices Related to the Reduction of GHG Emissions from

Ships, adopted by Assembly 23 December 2003

IMO’s GHG Work has three distinct routes:

Design & Technical: applicable mainly to new ships – EEDI;

Operational: applicable to all ships in operation – SEEMP and EEOI; and

Market-based: carbon price for shipping, incentive, may generate funds.

Image Credit: Maersk Line 15

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IMO energy efficiency regulatory activities


IMO Energy Efficiency Regulatory Developments

Resolution MEPC.212(63)EEDI Calculation Resolution MEPC.214(63)EEDI Verification Resolution MEPC.213(63)SEEMP

Resolution A.963 (23)

“IMO policies and practices

related to reduction of GHG

emissions from ships”


2003 June






GHG Working Group 2



MEPC Circ. 681 EEDI Calculation

MEPC Circ. 682 EEDI Verification

MEPC Circ. 683 SEEMP MEPC Circ. 684 EEOI




Efficiency WG



Sep 1997







GHG Working Group 1


Resolution 8 “CO2 emissions

From ships”

MARPOL VI Amendments Resolution

MEPC 203(62)



March Oct May

2014 2014



MEPC Circ.471, EEOI


3rd GHG

Study 2014

MARPOL VI Amendments



Resolution MEPC.245(66):

EEDI CalculationGuidelines

Resolution MEPC.231(65) Reference Lines Resolution MEPC.232(65) Minimum power Resolution MEPC.233(65),Reference lines for cruiseships

MEPC.1/Circ.815Innovative EE Technologies MEPC.1/Circ.816 Consolidatedon EEDI verification

MRV debate

Source: IMO presentation on Technical measures 16

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IMO framework for GHG emissions control from ships






Owners or




Ship owner

/ operator

EEDI and SEEMP: Mandatory from 2013

EEOI: Voluntary

MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and

Verification): Under discussion

MBMs: Discussion currently suspended


Source: IMO presentation on Technical measures


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EEDI, EEOI and SEEMP links

Source: IMO presentation on Technical measures


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EEDI, EEOI and SEEMP processes

Source: IMO presentation on Technical measures


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Relevant IMO Resolutions and Circulars (1)

Resolution MEPC.203(62): Inclusion of regulations on energy efficiency

for ships in MARPOL Annex VI, Adopted on 15 July 2011.

MEPC.1/Circ.795.rev1 Unified Interpretations to MARPOL Annex VI


Resolution MEPC.213(63): 2012 Guidelines for the Development of a

SEEMP, Adopted on 2 March 2012.

Resolution MEPC.231(65): 2013 Guidelines for calculation of reference

lines for use with the energy efficiency design index (EEDI), adopted

2013 and revoked Resolution MEPC.215(63).


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Relevant IMO Resolutions and Circulars

Resolution MEPC.232(65): 2013 Interim Guidelines for

determining minimum propulsion power to maintain the


Resolution MEPC.233(65): 2013 Guidelines for calculation

of reference lines for use with the Energy Efficiency Design

Index (EEDI) for cruise passenger ships having non-

conventional propulsion.

MEPC.1/Circ.815: 2013 Guidance on treatment of

innovative energy efficiency technologies for calculation

and verification of the attained EEDI for ships in adverse

conditions. 21

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Relevant IMO Resolutions and Circulars

Resolution MEPC.254(67): 2014 Guidelines on Survey and

Certification of EEDI (one amendments made in MEPC 68).

Resolution MEPC.245(66): 2014 Guidelines on the method

of calculation of the Attained EEDI for new ships, adopted 4

April 2014

Resolution MEPC.251(66): Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI

and the NOX Technical Code 2008 (Changes to Regs. 2, 13, 19,

20 and 21 and …. and certification of dual-fuel engines under the

NOX Technical Code 2008), Adopted on 4 April 2014


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Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI as a result

of Energy Efficiency Regulations

Relevant IMO MEPC resolutions

Resolution MEPC.203(62): Inclusion of Chapter 4 regulations,

Adopted on 15 July 2011.

Resolution MEPC.251(66): Further amendments for inclusion

of more ships, Adopted on 4 April 2014

As a result:

Existing Regulations have been amended, as needed.

New Regulations have been added.


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MARPOL Annex VI Chapters & Regulations


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MARPOL Annex VI Chapter I & II - Regulations

Regs with RED has changed as a result of Chapter 4


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MARPOL Annex VI Chapter III & IV - Regulations


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"New ship" means a ship:

1. for which the building contract is placed on or after 1

January 2013; or

2. in the absence of a building contract, the keel of

which is laid or which is at a similar stage of

construction on or after 1 July 2013; or

3. the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2015.

In the UI (Unified Interpretation), MEPC.1/Circ.795.rev1 ,

the above is further clarified for other phases of EEDI


New ship (Reg. 2.23)


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Major conversion (Reg. 2.24)

According to Chapter 4 "Major Conversion" means:

which substantially alters the dimensions, carrying capacity or engine power

of the ship; or

which changes the type of the ship; or

the intent of which in the opinion of the Administration is substantially to

prolong the life of the ship; or

which otherwise so alters the ship that, if it was a new ship, it would become

subject to relevant provisions …Convention not applicable to it as an existing

ship; or

which substantially alters the energy efficiency of the ship and includes any

modifications that could cause the ship to exceed the applicable Required

EEDI as set out in Regulation 21.

In the UI (Unified Interpretation), MEPC.1/Circ.795.rev1 , the term

“major conversion” is further clarified. 28

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For Chapter 4, ship types are defined under these Regulations:














Bulk carrier

Gas carrier (none LNG carriers)


Container ship

General cargo ship

Refrigerated cargo ship

Combination carrier

Passenger ship

Ro-Ro cargo ships (vehicle carrier)

Ro-Ro cargo ships

Ro-Ro Passenger ship

LNG carrier

Cruise passenger ships

A number of other clarifications are made under Regulations 2 (ice breaking

cargo ship, conventional and non-conventional propulsions ..)

Ship types definitions (part of Regulation 2)


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Surveys and certification (Reg. 5.4)

Ships of chapter 4 shall also be subject to the surveys as below:

New Ships An initial survey during sea trial.........

before the ship put into operation.

Ships of Major Conversion A general or partial survey

to ensure that the attained EEDI is

recalculated as necessary.

(For major conversions regarded as a newly constructed ship, the

Administration shall decide the necessity of an initial survey)

Existing ships the first Intermediate or Renewal survey

(Whichever comes 1st) on or after 1 January

2013 for verification of having a SEEMP

on board … 30

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IEE (International Energy Efficiency) Certificate (Reg. 6)

An IEE Certificate … issued to any ship ≥ 400 GT

before that ship may engage in voyages to ports or

offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of other


The certificate shall be issued or endorsed

either by the Administration or any organization

duly authorized by it (RO)


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International Energy Efficiency Certificate

NO IAPP Certificate or IEE Certificate shall be

issued to a ship which is entitled to fly the flag of a

State which is NOT a Party (Reg. 7).

The IEE Certificate shall be drawn up in a form

corresponding to the model given in appendix VIII to

this Annex (Reg. 8)


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Duration of validity of IEEC (Reg. 9)

The IEE Certificate shall be valid throughout the life of the

ship subject to the provisions of paragraph 11 below.

11 An IEE Certificate issued under this Annex shall cease

to be valid in any of the following cases:

If the ship is withdrawn from service or

If a new certificate is issued following major conversion of

the ship; or

Upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another State …..


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Port State Control on operational requirements (Reg. 10)

In relation to chapter 4 PSC inspection shall be limited

to verifying, when appropriate, that there is a valid IEEC on

board, in accordance with article 5 of the Convention.

Article 5 - Certificates and special rules on inspection of ships

1. Subject to …. a certificate issued under the authority of a Party to the Convention

… shall be accepted by the other Parties …

2. . … Any such inspection shall be limited to verifying that there is on board a valid

certificate, unless there are clear grounds for believing that …

3. . ……..

4. With respect to the ship of non-Parties to the Convention, Parties shall apply the

requirements of the present Convention as may be necessary to ensure that

no more favourable treatment is given to such ships. 34

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MARPOL Annex VI – Regulations

Reg. 19: Application Reg. 20: Attained EEDI Reg. 21: Required EEDI Reg. 22: SEEMP Reg. 23: Technical cooperation and technology transfer

Chapter 4 - Energy Efficiency Regulations


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Regulation 19 - Application


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Regulation 19 - Applications

Apply all ships ≥ 400 GT

Not apply

Ships solely engaged in voyages within waters of Flag State.

However, each Party should ensure …that such ships are

constructed and act in a manner consistent with chapter 4, so far

as is reasonable and practicable.


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Regulation 20 and regulation 21,

Not apply ships which have:

- diesel-electric propulsion,

- turbine propulsion or

- hybrid propulsion systems.

Except cruise passenger ships and LNG carriers having

conventional or non-conventional propulsion, delivered

on or after 1 September 2019.

Regulation 19 - Applications


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Regulation 19 – Application (Waiver)

…….. the Administration may waive the requirement for a ship …

from complying with regulation 20 and regulation 21.

BUT the provision of the above shall not apply to ships with:

Contract date 1 January 2017.

Keel laying 1 July 2017

Delivery date of 1 July 2019.

The above implies that waiver is only for 4 years.

(01 Jan 2013 onward)

The Administration of a Party … which allows application of

waiver … to a ship …. shall communicate this to the Organization

for circulation to the Parties ……….


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Regulation 20 –Attained EEDI


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Regulation 20 – Attained EEDI

The attained EEDI shall be calculated for:

each new ship;

each new ship which has undergone a major conversion; and

each new or existing ship which has undergone so extensive major

conversion, that is regarded by the Administration as a newly

constructed ship

The above are applicable to ships defined in Regulations 2.25 to 2.35, 2.38

and 2.39 (for Ships types).

The attained EEDI shall be specific to each ship ……… and be

accompanied by the EEDI Technical File ….

The attained EEDI shall be calculated taking into account guidelines

developed by the Organization (Resolution MEPC.245(66)- EEDI


The attained EEDI shall be verified either by the Administration or by any

organization duly authorized by it (RO) 41

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EEDI (gCO2/tonne.mile) =

Attained EEDI: Formula (Clause 2)

Not applicable to a ship having diesel-electric propulsion, turbine

propulsion and hybrid propulsion except for:

Cruise passenger ships and

LNG carriers


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EEDI (gCO2/tonne.mile) =


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Main Engine(s) Aux


Innovative Energy Eff.

Power Gen.



Energy Eff.

Propulsion Technologies

Boilers are excluded from EEDI


[gCO2/(tonne.nm)] fc.

Attained EEDI: Calculation formula


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Simplify EEDI Formula:


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Attained EEDI: Parameters

Carbon factor

Ship specific

design factor

Capacity factor Wave factor

Capacity: DWT: Bulk carriers, Containers, Tankers, Gas carriers, cargo ships,etc. GTR: Passenger Ship

Waste Heat Energy Saving

Attained Speed

Shaft Motor

EEDI = [gCO2/(tonne.nm)]

Main power:



Auxiliary power:



PME< 10000KW:



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Scope of Attained EEDI (dashed red line)


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EEDI is calculated for a single operating condition of the ship. This

will be referred to as EEDI Condition.

The EEDI Condition is as follows:

Draft: Summer load line draft.

Capacity: Deadweight (or gross tonnage for passenger ships)

for the above draft (container ship will be 70% value).

Weather condition: Calm with no wind and no waves.

Propulsion shaft power: 75% of main engine MCR

(conventional ships) with some amendments for shaft motor or

shaft generator or shaft-limited power cases.

Reference speed (Vref ): is the ship speed under the above

conditions. (ship speed at 75% MCR)

EEDI condition


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Technologies for EEDI reduction


EEDI reduction measure


1 Optimised hull dimensions and form Ship design for efficiency via choice of main dimensions (port and canal restrictions) and hull forms.

2 Light weight construction New lightweight ship construction material.

3 Hull coating Use of advanced hull coatings/paints.

4 Hull air lubrication system Air cavity via injection of air under/around the hull to reduce wet surface and thereby ship resistance.

5 Optimisation of propeller-hull interface and flow devices

Propeller-hull-rudder design optimisation plus relevant changes to ship’s aft body.

6 Contra-rotating propeller Two propellers in series; rotating at different direction.

7 Engine efficiency improvement De-rating, long-stroke, electronic injection, variable geometry turbo charging, etc.

8 Waste heat recovery Main and auxiliary engines’ exhaust gas waste heat recovery and conversion to electric power.

9 Gas fuelled (LNG) Natural gas fuel and dual fuel engines.

10 Hybrid electric power and propulsion concepts

For some ships, the use of electric or hybrid would be more efficient.

11 Reducing on-board power demand(auxiliary system andhotelloads).

Maximum heat recovery and minimizing required electrical loads flexible power solutions and power management.

12 Variable speed drive for pumps, fans etc.

Use of variable speed electric motors for control of rotating flow machinery leads to significant reduction in their energy use.

13 Wind power (sail, wind engine, etc.) Sails, fletnner rotor, kites, etc. These are considered as emerging technologies.

14 Solar power Solar photovoltaic cells.

15 Design speed reduction (newbuilds)

Reducing design speed via choice of lower power or de-rated engines.


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Large Ship’s Design

• A larger ship will in most cases offer greater transport

efficiency due to efficiency of scale•. A larger ship can

transport more cargo at the same speed with less power

per cargo unit. Limitations may be met in port handling.

Source: Mearsk Line

• Regression analysis of recently built ships show that a

larger ship will give upto 30% higher transport efficiency.

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Minimum Ballast Configurations

• Minimising the use of ballast results in lighter displacement and thus lower resistance. The resistance is more or less directly proportional to the displacement of the vessel. However there must be enough ballast to immerse the propeller in the water, and provide sufficient stability (safety) and acceptable sea keeping behaviour (slamming).

Source: Wärtsilä

• Removing 3000 tons of permanent ballast from a PCTC and increasing the beam by 0.25 metres to achieve the same stability will reduce the propulsion power demand by 8.5%.

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Lightweight Structures • The use of lightweight structures can reduce the ship weight.

In structures that do not contribute to ship global strength, the use of aluminium or some other lightweight material may be an attractive solution.

The weight of the steel structure can also be reduced. In a conventional ship, the steel weight can be lowered by 5-20%, depending on the amount of high tensile steel already in use.

A 20% reduction in steel weight will give a reduction of ~9% in propulsion power requirements. However, a 5% saving is more realistic, since high tensile steel has already been used to some extent in many cases.

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Optimum Block Coefficient

• Finding the optimum length and hull fullness ratio (block coefficient, Cb) has a big impact on ship resistance.

• A high L/B ratio means that the ship will have smooth lines and low wave making resistance. On the other hand, increasing the length means a larger wetted surface area, which can have a negative effect on total resistance.

• A too high block coefficient (Cb) makes the hull lines too blunt and leads to increased resistance.

• Adding 10-15% extra length to a typical product tanker can reduce the power demand by more than 10%.

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Interceptor Trim Planes • The Interceptor is a metal plate that is fitted vertically to the transom of a

ship, covering most of the breadth of the transom. This plate bends the flow over the aft-body of the ship downwards, creating a similar lift effect as a conventional trim wedge due to the high pressure area behind the propellers. The interceptor has proved to be more effective than a conventional trim wedge in some cases, but so far it has been used only in cruise vessels and RoRos. An interceptor is cheaper to retrofit than a trim wedge.

• 1-5% lower propulsion power demand. Corresponding improvement of up to 4% in total energy demand for a typical ferry.

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Ducktail Waterline extension

• A ducktail is basically a lengthening of the aft ship. It is usually 3-6 meter

long. The basic idea is to lengthen the effective waterline and make the

wetted transom smaller. This has a positive effect on the resistance of

the ship. In some cases the best results are achieved when a ducktail is

used together with an interceptor.

• 4-10% lower propulsion power demand. Corresponding

improvement of 3-7% in total energy consumption for a typical ferry

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Shaft Line Arrangement

• The shaft lines should be streamlined. Brackets should have a

streamlined shape. Otherwise this increases the resistance and

disturbs the flow to the propeller.

• Up to 3% difference in power demand between poor and

good design. A corresponding improvement of up to 2% in

total energy consumption for a typical ferry.

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Improved Skeg Shape/trailling Edge

• The skeg should be designed so that it directs the flow evenly to the propeller disk. At lower speeds it is usually beneficial to have more volume on the lower part of the skeg and as little as possible above the propeller shaftline. At the aft end of the skeg the flow should be attached to the skeg, but with as low flow speeds as possible.

• 1.5%-2% lower propulsion power demand with good design. A corresponding improvement of up to 2% in total energy consumption for a container vessel.

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Minimizing Resistance of Hull Openings • The water flow disturbance from openings to bow thruster

tunnels and sea chests can be high. It is therefore beneficial

to install a scallop behind each opening. Alternatively a grid

that is perpendicular to the local flow direction can be

installed. The location of the opening is also important.

• Designing all openings properly and locating them

correctly can give up to 5% lower power demand than

with poor designs. For a container vessel, the

corresponding improvement in total energy consumption

is almost 5%.

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Air Lubrication

• Compressed air is pumped into a recess in the bottom of the ship’s hull. The air builds up a carpet that reduces the frictional resistance between the water and the hull surface. This reduces the propulsion power demand. The challenge is to ensure that the air stays below the hull and does not escape. Some pumping power is needed.

• Saving in fuel consumption: Tanker: ~15 % Container: ~7.5 % PCTC: ~8.5 % Ferry: ~3.5%

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Wing Thruster

• Installing wing thrusters on twin screw vessels can achieve significant power savings, obtained mainly due to lower resistance from the hull appendages.

• The propulsion concept compares a centre line propeller and two wing thrusters with a twin shaft line arrangement.

• Result: Better ship performance in the range of 8% to 10%. More flexibility in the engine arrangement and more competitive ship performance.

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Counter Rotating Propellers (CRP)

• Counter rotating propellers consist of a pair of propellers behind each

other that rotate in opposite directions. The aft propeller recovers some

of the rotational energy in the slipstream from the forward propeller.

The propeller couple also gives lower propeller loading than for a

single propeller resulting in better efficiency.

• CRP propellers can either be mounted on twin coaxial counter rotating

shafts or the aft propeller can be located on a steerable propulsor aft of

a conventional shaft line.

Image Credit: Japan Marine United

Corporation (JMU)

• CRP has been documented as the propulsor with one of the

highest efficiencies. The power reduction for a single screw

vessel is 10% to 15%.

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Optimization of Propeller & Hull Interaction

• The propeller and the ship interact. The acceleration of water due to propeller action can have a negative effect on the resistance of the ship or appendages. This effect can today be predicted and analyzed more accurately using computational techniques.

• Redesigning the hull, appendages and propeller together will at low cost improve performance by up to 4%.

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Propeller-Rudder Combinations

• The rudder has drag in

the order of 5% of ship

resistance. This can be

reduced by 50% by

changing the rudder

profile and the propeller.

Designing these together

with a rudder bulb will

give additional benefits.

• Improved fuel

efficiency of 2% to 6%.

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Advanced Propeller Blade Sections

• Advanced blade sections will improve the cavitation performance and frictional resistance of a propeller blade. As a result the propeller is more efficient.

• Improved propeller efficiency of up to 2%.

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Propeller Tip Winglets

• Winglets are known from the aircraft industry. The design of special tip shapes can now be based on computational fluid dynamic calculations which will improve propeller efficiency.

• Improved propeller efficiency of up to 4%.

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Propeller Nozzle

• Installing nozzles

shaped like a wing

section around a

propeller will save

fuel for ship speeds

of up to 20 knots.

• Up to 5% power

savings compared

to a vessel with an

open propeller.

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Variable Speed Operation

• For controllable pitch

propellers, operation at

a constant number of

revolutions over a wide

ship speed reduces

efficiency. Reduction of

the number of

revolutions at reduced

ship speed will give fuel


• Saves 5% fuel,

depending on actual

operating conditions.

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Wind Power

• Wing-shaped sails installed on the deck or a kite attached to the bow of the ship use wind energy for added forward thrust. Static sails made of composite material and fabric sails are possible.

• Fuel consumption savings:

Tanker ~ 21%

PCTC ~20%

Ferry ~8.5%

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Flettner Rotors

• Spinning vertical (Flettner) rotors installed on the ship convert wind power into thrust in the perpendicular direction of the wind, utilising the Magnus effect. This means that in side wind conditions the ship will benefit from the added thrust.

• Fuel consumption savings: ~30%

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Steerable thrusters with a pulling propeller

• Steerable thrusters with a pulling propeller can give clear power savings.

The pulling thrusters can be combined in different setups. They can be

favorably combined with a centre shaft on the centre line skeg in either a

CRP or a Wing Thruster configuration. Even a combination of both

options can give great benefits. The lower power demand arises from

less appendage resistance than a twin shaft solution and the high

propulsion efficiencies of the propulsors with a clean waterflow inflow.

• The propulsion power demand at the propellers can be reduced by

up to 15% with pulling thrusters in advanced setups.

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Hybrid Aux. Power Generation

• Hybrid auxiliary power system consists of a fuel cell, diesel generating set

and batteries. An intelligent control system balances the loading of each

component for maximum system efficiency. The system can also accept

other energy sources such as wind and solar power.

• Result:

Reduction of NOX by 78%

Reduction of CO2 by 30%

Reduction of particles by 83%

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Combined Diesel-Electric and

Diesel-Mechanical (CODED) Machinery

• Combined diesel-electric and

diesel-mechanical machinery can

improve the total efficiency in ships

with an operational profile

containing modes with varying

loads. The electric power plant will

bring benefits at part load, were the

engine load is optimised by

selecting the right number of

engines in use. At higher loads, the

mechanical part will offer lower

transmission losses than a fully

electric machinery.

• Total energy consumption for a

offshore support vessel with

CODED machinery is reduced by

4% compared to a diesel-electric


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Low Loss Concept (LLC)

• Low Loss Concept (LLC) is a patented power distribution system that reduces the number of rectifier transformers from one for each power drive to one bus-bar transformer for each installation. This reduces the distribution losses, increases the energy availability and saves space and installation costs.

• Result: Gets rid of bulky transformers. Transmission losses

reduced by 15-20%.

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Variable Speed Electric Power Generation

• The system uses generating

sets operating in a variable

rpm mode. The rpm is always

adjusted for maximum

efficiency regardless of the

system load. The electrical

system is based on DC

distribution and frequency

controlled consumers.

• Results:

Reduces number of

generating sets by 25%

Optimized fuel

consumption, saving 5-10%

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Common Rail (CR) Fuel System • Common Rail (CR) is a tool

for achieving low emissions

and low SFOC. CR controls

combustion so it can be

optimised throughout the

operation field, providing at

every load the lowest possible

fuel consumption.

• Result:

Smokeless operation at all


Part load impact

Full load impact

Save upto 1% fuel.

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Efficient Power management

• Power Management: Correct timing for changing the number of

generating sets is critical factor in fuel consumption in diesel

electric and auxiliary power installations. An efficient power

management system is the best way to improve the system


• Result: Running extensively at low load can easily increase

the SFOC by 5-10%. Low load increases the risk of turbine

fouling with a further impact on fuel consumption.

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Solar Power

• Solar panels installed on a

ship’s deck can generate

electricity for use in an electric

propulsion engine or auxiliary

ship systems. Heat for various

ship systems can also be

generated with the solar


• Depending on the available

deck space, solar panels can

give the following reductions

in total fuel consumption:

Tanker: ~ 3.5%

PCTC: ~ 2.5%

Ferry: ~ 1%

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LNG Fuel

• Switching to LNG fuel reduces

energy consumption because of

the lower demand for ship

electricity and heating. The

biggest savings come from not

having to separate and heat

HFO. LNG cold (-162 °C) can be

utilised in cooling the ship’s

HVAC to save AC-compressor


• Saving in total energy < 4 %

for a typical ferry. In 22 kn

cruise mode, the difference in

electrical load is approx. 380

kW. This has a major impact

on emissions.

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Waste Heat Recovery (WHR)

• Waste heat recovery (WHR) recovers the thermal energy from the

exhaust gas and converts it into electrical energy. Residual heat

can further be used for ship onboard services. The system can

consist of a boiler, a power turbine and a steam turbine with

alternator. Redesigning the ship layout can efficiently

accommodate the boilers on the ship.

• Exhaust waste heat recovery can provide up to 15% of the

engine power. The potential with new designs is up to 20%.

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The EEDI for new ships creates a strong incentive for further

improvements in ships’ fuel consumption. The purpose of IMO’s EEDI


1. to require a minimum energy efficiency level for new ships;

2. to stimulate continued technical development of all the

components influencing the fuel efficiency of a ship;

3. to separate the technical and design based measures from the

operational and commercial measures (they will/may be addressed in

other instruments); and

4. to enable a comparison of the energy efficiency of individual ships to

similar ships of the same size which could have undertaken the same transport work (move the same cargo).

Purpose of the EEDI


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Regulation 21 –Required EEDI


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Regulation 21.1 – Required EEDI

1 For each:

new ship;

new ship which has undergone a major conversion; and

each new or existing ship which has undergone so extensive

major conversion, that is regarded by the Administration as a

newly constructed ship

For ships defined in Regulation 2.25 to 2.31, 2.33 to 2.35 and


Attained EEDI ≤ Required EEDI ; and

Required EEDI = (1-X/100) x reference line value


X is the reduction factor

Reference line value is estimated from EEDI Reference line. 83

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Reg. 21 - Implementation phases and reduction factor

• EEDI implementation

phases are:

• Phase 0 2013 – 2014

• Phase 1 2015 – 2019

• Phase 2 2020 – 2024

• Phase 3 2025 – ……

• Reduction factor for the

above phases are as in



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Regulation 21 – Required EEDI details (1)


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Regulation 21 – Required EEDI details (2)

MEPC 66 additions


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Reference lines

Reference lines

are ship specific.

Dependent on

ship type and


Calculated ship

data from HIS



For details of how reference lines are developed, see Resolution MEPC.231(65):

2013 Guidelines for calculation of reference lines …… 87

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Regulation 21.3 – Reference line

Reference line = a*b-c


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• Reduction factor is the %

reduction in Required EEDI

relative to Reference Line.

• Cut off levels:

• Bulk Carriers:

• Gas carriers:

• Tankers:

10,000 DWT

2,000 DWT

4,000 DWT

• Container ship: 10,000 DWT

• Gen./ref. Cargo: 3,000 DWT Cut Off

Reference Line



Reg. 21 - Reduction factor and cut-off limits


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At the beginning of Phase 1 and at the midpoint of Phase 2, the

Organization shall review the status of technological developments

and, if proven necessary, amend the time periods, the EEDI

reference line parameters for relevant ship types and reduction rates

set out in this regulation.

Review of phases and reduction factors, Reg. 21.6


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Regulation 22- SEEMP


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Regulation 22 - SEEMP

A SEEMP provides:

- A possible approach for improving ship and fleet

efficiency performance over time; and

- Some options to be considered for optimizing the performance of the ship.


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SEEMP Requirements

The SEEMP seeks to improve a ship’s energy efficiency through four steps:

Planning: is crucial since it determines both the current status of ship energy usage and the expected improvement of energy efficiency;

Implementation: Record-keeping for the implementation of each measure is beneficial for self-evaluation;

Monitoring and measure: through continuous and consistent data collection; and

Self-evaluation and improvement: to evaluate the effectiveness of the planned measures and their implementation, to deepen the understanding on the overall characteristics of ship’s operation such as what types of measures can/cannot function effectively, and how and/or why, to comprehend the trend of the efficiency improvement of the ship and to develop an improved SEEMP for the next spiral.


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SEEMP Requirements


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SEEMP Applicability:

(according to Resolution MEPC.203(62))

• All vessels of > 400 GT

• Each vessel to be provided with a ship-specific SEEMP not

later than the first intermediate or renewal survey (whichever is

first) on or after 1 January 2013.

• The attending Class surveyor will check that the SEEMP is

onboard and subsequently issue the International Energy

Efficiency Certificate (IEEC).

• PSC inspection is limited to verifying that there is a valid

IEEC onboard.

Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan


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For existing ships, a Record of Construction needs to be filled and

an IEE Certificate issued when the existence of SEEMP on-board

is verified.

SEEMP and IEE Certificate


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Supplement to IEEC – Record of construction


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Supplement to IEEC – Record of construction

The records of construction contains the following information:

Particular of ship

Propulsion system

Attained EEDI

Required EEDI


EEDI Technical File

Endorsement that provided data are correct.


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Verification that a SEEMP is on-board

The verification will be done as part of first intermediate or renewal

survey, whichever is the first, after 1 January 2013.


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SEEMP Related Measures

No. Energy Efficiency Measure Remark

1 Engine tuning and monitoring Engine operational performance and condition optimisation.

2 Hull condition Hull operational fouling and damage avoidance. 3 Propeller condition Propeller operational fouling and damage avoidance.

4 Reduced auxiliary power Reducing the electrical load via machinery operation and power management.

5 Speed reduction (operation) Operational slow steaming. 6 Trim/draft Trim and draft monitoring and optimisation.

7 Voyage execution Reducing port times, waiting times, etc. and increasing the passage time, just in time arrival.

8 Weather routing Use of weather routing services to avoid rough seas and head currents, to optimize voyage efficiency.

9 Advanced hull coating Re-paint using advanced paints.

10 Propeller upgrade and aft body flow devices

Propeller and after-body retrofit for optimisation. Also, addition of flow improving devices (e.g.duct and fins).


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Engine Tuning

• Engine Tuning (Delta tuning on Wartsila 2-stroke RT-flex engines) offers reduced fuel consumption in the load range that is most commonly used. The engine is tuned to give lower consumption at part load while still meeting NOx emission limits by allowing higher consumption at full load that is seldom used.

• Result: Lower specific fuel consumption at part loads

compared to standard tuning, can save upto 1% fuel.

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Just in Time/ Virtual Arrival (JIT): <1%


– A known delay at the

discharge port;

– Whenever an opportunity exists,

the operator requests permission

from Charterers to reduce speed;

– A mutual agreement between

the stakeholders. Other parties

may be involved in the decision

making process, such as

terminals, cargo receivers and

commercial interests.

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Turnaround Time in Port

• A faster port turnaround time

makes it possible to decrease

the vessel speed at sea. This is

mainly a benefit for ships with

scheduled operations, such as

ferries and container vessels.

The turnaround time can be

reduced for example by

improving maneuvering perform

ance or enhancing cargo flows

with innovative ship designs,

ramp arrangements or lifting


• Results: Saving upto 10%


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Propeller Surface Polishing

• Regular in-service polishing is required to reduce surface roughness on propellers caused by organic growth and fouling. This can be done without disrupting service operation by using divers.

• Results: Up to 10% improvement in service propeller efficiency compared to a fouled propeller.

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Hull Surface Coating

• Modern hull coatings have a smoother and

harder surface finish, resulting in reduced

friction. Since typically some 50-80% of

resistance is friction, better coatings can

result in lower total resistance.

• A modern coating also results in less

fouling, so with a hard surface the benefit is

even greater when compared to some older

paints towards the end of the docking


• Saving in fuel consumption after 48

months compared to a conventional hull


Tanker: ~ 9%

Container: ~ 9%

PCTC: ~ 5%

Ferry: ~ 3%

OSV: ~ 0.6%

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Part Load operation Optimization

• Engines are usually

optimized at high loads. In

real life most of them are

used on part loads. New

matching that takes into

account real operation

profiles can significantly

improve overall operational


• New engine matching

means different TC tuning,

fuel injection advance,

cam profiles, etc.

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Slow Steaming

Reducing the ship speed an effective way

to cut energy consumption. Propulsion

power vs. ship speed is a third power curve

(according to the theory) so significant

reductions can be achieved. It should be

noted that for lower speeds the amount of

transported cargo / time period is also

lower. The energy saving calculated here is

for an equal distance travelled.

• Reduction in ship speed vs. saving

in total energy consumption:

0.5 kn –> – 7% energy

1.0 kn –> – 11% energy

2.0 kn –> – 17% energy

3.0 kn –> – 23% energy

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Voyage Planning & Weather Routing

• The purpose of weather routing is to find the optimum route for long

distance voyages, where the shortest route is not always the fastest.

The basic idea is to use updated weather forecast data and choose

the optimal route through calm areas or areas that have the most

downwind tracks. The best systems also take into account the

currents, and try to take maximum advantage of these. This track

information can be imported to the navigation system.

• Shorter passages, less fuel, save upto 10% fuel.

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Optimum Trim

• The optimum trim can often be as much as 15-20% lower than the worst trim condition at the same draught and speed. As the optimum trim is hull form dependent and for each hull form it depends on the speed and draught, no general conclusions can be made. However by logging the required power in various conditions over a long time period it is possible to find the optimum trim for each draught and speed.

Fig: Computational Fluid Dynamics

• Or this can be determined fairly quickly using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) or model tests. However it should be noted that correcting the trim by taking ballast will result in higher consumption (increased displacement). If possible the optimum trim should be achieved either by repositioning the cargo or rearranging the bunkers.

• Optimal vessel trim reduces the required power.

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Autopilot Adjustments

• Poor directional stability causes yaw motion and thus increases fuel consumption. Autopilot has a big influence on the course keeping ability. The best autopilots today are self tuning, adaptive autopilots.

• Finding the correct autopilot parameters suitable for the current route and operation area will significantly reduce the use of the rudder and therefore reduce the drag.

• Finding the correct parameters or Preventing unnecessary use of the rudder gives an anticipated benefit of 1-5%.

Source: Wärtsilä

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Hull Cleaning

• Algae growing on the hull increases ship resistance. Frequent cleaning of the hull can reduce the drag and minimise total fuel consumption.

• Reduced fuel consumption:

Tanker: ~ 3%

Container: ~ 2%

PCTC: ~ 2%

Ferry: ~ 2%

OSV: ~ 0.6%

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Mewis Duct propeller <5%

• The Mewis Duct consists of two strong fixed elements mounted on the

vessel: a duct positioned ahead of the propeller together with an

integrated fin system within.

• The duct straightens and accelerates the hull wake into the propeller

and also produces a net ahead thrust.

• The fin system provides a pre-swirl to the ship wake which reduces

losses in propeller slipstream, resulting in an increase in propeller thrust

at given propulsive power. Both effects contribute to each other.

Improved propulsion

Proven fuel savings up

to 8%

Reduced greenhouse

gases (GHG)

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Conditioned Based Maintenance (CBM)

• In a CBM system all maintenance action is based on the latest, relevant information received through communication with the actual equipment and on evaluation of this information by experts.

• The main benefits are: lower fuel consumption, lower emissions, longer interval between overhauls, and higher reliability.

• Correctly timed service will ensure optimum engine performance and improve consumption by up to 5%.

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Energy Saving Lighting

• Using lighting that is more electricity and heat efficient where possible and optimizing the use of lighting reduces the demand for electricity and air conditioning. This results in a lower hotel load and hence reduced auxiliary power demand.

• Results: Fuel consumption saving: Ferry and Passenger vessel 1~2%

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Advanced power Management

• Power management based on intelligent control principles to monitor and control the overall efficiency and availability of the power system onboard. In efficiency mode, the system will automatically run the system with the best energy cost.

• Reduces operational fuel costs by 5% and minimizes maintenance.

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Energy Saving Operation Awareness

• A shipping company, with its human resources department, could

create a culture of fuel saving, with an incentive or bonus scheme

based on fuel savings. One simple means would be competition

between the company’s vessels. Training and a measuring

system are required so that the crew can see the results and

make an impact.

• Historical data as reference. Experience shows that

incentives can reduce energy usage by up to 10%.

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Cost-effectiveness of energy-efficiency measures


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Energy Efficiency Measures – Cost effectiveness

Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC)


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A proposed format is included in the Guideline.

SEEMP format


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Summary on SEEMP Guidelines

SEEMP framework is based on Plan-Do-Check-Act continuous improvement cycle.

When developing SEEMP, all the above elements needs to be

defined at the planning phase.

At its core, SEEMP has a number of EEMs together with their:

Implementation methods

Monitoring and checking

Self assessment

Roles and responsibility

Processes and procedures.


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Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator - EEOI

An efficiency indicator for all ships (new and existing) obtained from fuel consumption, voyage (miles) and cargo data (tonnes)

EEOI is an approach to assess the efficiency of a ship with

respect to CO2 emissions.

EEOI = Environmental Cost / Benefit to Society

(measured as grams CO2 / tonnes x nautical mile)

In order to establish the EEOI, the following main steps will generally be needed:

define the period for which the EEOI is calculated

define data sources for data collection;

collection of data;

convert data to appropriate format; and

calculate EEOI. 121

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Basic expression of the EEOI

Average EEOI (rolling average)

j = Fuel type

i = Voyage number;

FCij = Mass of consumed fuel j at voyage i

CFj = Fuel mass to CO2 mass conversion factor for fuel j

mcargo = Cargo carried (tonnes) or work done (number of TEU or

passengers) or gross tonnes for passenger ships

D = Distance in nautical miles corresponding to the cargo

carried or work done.

Calculation of the EEOI - Formula


EEOI = (Emitted CO2)/(Transport Work),

i.e. the ratio of mass of CO2 (M) emitted per unit of transport work.

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Data sources

Bridge log-book

Engine log-book

Deck log-book

Other official records

Fuel mass to CO2 mass conversion factors (CF)

Calculation of the EEOI – Data sources


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EEOI is normally calculated for one voyage.

Average EEOI for a number of voyages can be carried out.

Rolling average, when used, can be calculated in a suitable time

period, for example:

One year or

Number of voyages, for example six or ten voyages, which are

agreed as statistically relevant to the initial averaging period

Calculation of the EEOI – Rolling average


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Example (includes a single ballast voyage)

unit: tonnes CO2/(tons x nautical miles)

Calculation of the EEOI (example)


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Significant variations (voyage to voyage)

Reasons for changes include:

Ship size/type

Cargo level (load)

Ship speed

Length of ballast voyages

Idle and waiting times

Weather and current

Measurement errors

In short, every operation aspect of ship has its own impact on EEOI and causes its variability.

EEOI Trend for J Class (TEU-based)












Nov-07 Feb-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10 May-10 Aug-10













EEOI (voyage) EEOI (rolling average)

EEOI Variability


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Voyage definitions

Data collection

Ensuring accuracy of the collected


Estimation of cargo carried in

container ships

Voyage variability (short voyages

versus long voyages).

Bunker consumption calculation

Non-availability of established

benchmarks for ships

Variability making it difficult to pin

point the cause of poor performance.

Issues with the EEOI


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Energy Management System and Plan


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A continuous improvement PDCA cycle

Ship SEEMP (IMO) Company Energy management system

(ISO 50001)

Source: ISO 50001:2011

Ship Energy Management System


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Need to set clear policies and goals for the fuel saving projects.

Need to set a roadmap for 3-5 years.

Need to approach it in a step-by-step way with proper monitoring.

Ship Energy Management: A systematic approach


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Ship Energy Management: 3-Step Approach

From low-hanging fruits to major capital investments


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Regulation 23 –Promotion of technical

cooperation and technology transfer


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Regulation 23 - Promotion of technical co-operation and

transfer of technology

Administrations shall,in co-operation with the Organization

and other international bodies, promote and provide, as

appropriate, support directly or through IMO to States,

especially developing States, that request technical


The Administration of a Party shall co-operate actively with

other Parties, …, to promote the development and transfer of

technology and exchange of information to States which

request technical assistance, particularly developing States, for

implementation of … the requirements of chapter 4 of this

annex, in particular regulations 19.4 to 19.6."


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