energy conversion measured with isothermal calorimetr y · energy conversion measured with...

Energy Conversion measured with Isothermal Calorimetry During highly precise measu- rements in 1972 it was detec- ted that there was a difference between outcoming and inco- ming neutrinos from cosmic ming neutrinos from cosmic space. It was an interaction between high-energy neutri- nos and the calorimeter. An element or molecule was activated via a kind of Weak Forces via the Fermi Coupling constant.The exact process was described in August 2012.

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Energy Conversion measuredwith Isothermal Calorimetry

During highly precise measu-rements in 1972 it was detec-ted that there was a differencebetween outcoming and inco-ming neutrinos from cosmicming neutrinos from cosmicspace. It was an interactionbetween high-energy neutri-nos and the calorimeter.An element or molecule was activated via a kind of WeakForces via the Fermi Couplingconstant.The exact processwas described in August 2012.

In Fig. 1 are some eventsshown as measured withIsothermal Calorimetry.

En = n * q

Best fit for seven measure-ments:

q = 324 mJ = 2* 1018 eV

8th eventestimated to 200 mJ


(CALORIFER)Remarks:Remarks:Temperature and Heat are most often mixed up. Measurement of Heat is Calorimetry and widely unknown or has been forgotten since 100 years.Measurement of Temperature is Thermometry and widely knownReal Calorimetry has nothing to do with Temperature, therefore a real Calorimeter must be isothermal similar to an Ampéremeter must be isovoltaic (no voltage drop between the ports)An Isothermal Calorimeter shows new effects so far neglected, e.g. Excess energy in LENR-experiments leading directly to new technologies.

My first Book:___________________________European University Papers__________________________

Hans Weber

Isothermal CalorimetryFor Thermodynamic and Kinetic Measurement

Herbert Lang BernPeter Lang Frankfurt/M.

• Preface• The future of our industrial world is threatened by unreflected

exploitation of our resources, such as the mineral world as well as the flora and fauna. The market reigns also for human resources. The emperor is the computer made of simple transistors where electrons and positrons are diffusing and switching zeros to ones and vice versa. Human intelligence and the intelligence of nature is bound to a minimum not to disturb the world order of profit and power. Money is the sacred fluid whos flow is controlled by a small number of potent families just to maintain and even strengthen their number of potent families just to maintain and even strengthen their influence.

• This is not in accordance with the plan behind creation and will soon be removed by a new world based on truth and welfare for all creatures.

• This will be initiated by the discovery of the NABLA – field, more precisely by its third discovery. Twice it was not considered as important but in our days of the transition to a new millenium it is essentail for the survival of mankind.

• NABLA is the name of the most important and most used differen-tial operator for scalar and vector fields of a finite number of di-mensions. All field and wave phenomena can be mathematically described with the help of the NABLA operator.

• NABLA is primarily a vector and as such forms a linear manifold such as e.g. the vectors of mechanical momenta do in Hamiltonian Mechanics. It is also a differential operator and it is not surprising that the notion of classical momenta has been extended to the NABLA vector differential operator in quantum mechanics, opera-ting on all kinds of wave functions over physical space and timetime.

• NABLA can thus be interpreted as the essence of space – time because its value if applied to a plane wave in an arbitrary dimension is the wave vector of the wave in question.

• This wave vector itself defines the plane of the wave as an element of the space dual to the points of said space. And this duality of wave and point (think particle) inherent in the notion of the NABLA makes feel that NABLA overcomes the duality of particle and wave being such a limitation in the philosophy of quantum physics.

• The experimental finding of a universal quantity with dimension momentum or (wave-) length in the calorimetric discovery of NABLA leeds directly to the belief that NABLA is the foundation of space –time itself, the (universal) field of all the dynamics, matter, energy and information our universe is built on.

• All the items in the objectively aperceptible world is nothing but space – time patterns imprinted in space time, an eternal manifold that was, is and ever will be without any need to be created. NABLAseems to be the eternal light, the frame, all things and processes are imprinted in by creative beings. imprinted in by creative beings.

• It will become apparent that all the phenomena decribed in this book are emanations of one fundamental immaterial fluid, named space – time, ether, quantum vacuum or in our words NABLA

.• Green Lanes London N13 4XS, december 2011 Gustav Hans Weber

• Contents• I Introduction• II Laudatio for Seebeck and Thomson• III Classical Theory of Electrocaloric and Thermomagnetic Effects• IV New Theory of quasilinear Systems: The missing link between

Einstein and Maxwell• V Application of new theory in Communication and Process

Technology• VI Experimental Investigations• VII Conclusions•• Appendix• Summary of New Theory of Calorimetry (First Book 1973)• Comments of the discovery of the Higgs Boson at CERN in july

2012• Mathematical Proofs• References

• Universal Relation between Temperature and Heat:

• Thermal Flux: F(x) = • F(x) = R(x)*Q• Q is the heat evolved in the process cycle• R(x) is the thermal resistence of the material producing

the heat,• This law is equivalent to Ohms law of electrical • This law is equivalent to Ohms law of electrical

resistence or the mechanical law of linear friction.

• So the relation between thermal Flux and Heat can be considered as the thermocaloric law of resistence.

• Note: If the thermal flux in a cyclic process is negative, heat is absorbed (endothermal effect).

The History of Cold FusionMartin Fleischmann made the greatest discovery since fire: replicating the furnace of the sun at room temperature in a jar of water, essentially solving the world’s energy needs forever.That is how Dr. Fleischmann That is how Dr. Fleischmann might have liked his obituary to read. On March 23, 1989, when he and a colleague announced that they had achieved nuclear fusion in their laboratory, it even seemed possible. News reports heralded the scientists’ “star in a jar.”

Martin Fleischmann, right, with his associate, B. Stanley Pons, in 1989, announcing that they had achieved nuclear fusion.

Die Geschichte der Kalten FusionWir stehen am Rande einer Energie-revolution. Ausgangspunkt dieser Re-volution war Martin Fleischmann, ei-nem gebürtigen Karlsbader, der am 3. August im Alter von 85 Jahren gestor-ben ist.Er war zusammen mit B. Stanley Pons Er war zusammen mit B. Stanley Pons einer der beiden Entdecker des Phäno-mens, das ursprünglich als Kalte Fusion bezeichnet und viele Jahre kontrovers diskutiert wurde, nun aber in Wissen-schaftskreisen unter der Abkürzung LENR (Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions) eine unerwartete Renaissance erfährt.

Martin Fleischmann 1989(Bildquelle:

Prof. Gugliano Preparata eProf. Emilio del Giudice

Nouveau Calorimètre de flux de chaleur à 1 kW de puissance

ICCF-8 Lerici, Italy Hans Weber

Nukleothermische Kopplung

Conversion: The third option of Energy

Production apart from Fission and Fusion:

Conversion means: Transfer of energy from an atomic nucleus onto an electron of his innermost shell (K-electron). If the electron that interacts with the nucleus penetrates the nucleas, we speak of inner conversion, if it interacts with the nucleus outside of it we speak of external conversion. The effect of conversion is well known by nuclear physicists and their measurements fill hundreds of tables, however it becomes a useful effect with energetic relevance only if a great number of nuclei vibrate in some macroscopic direction and in phase. This is achieved by partial alineation of the magnetic moments (spins) or axes of vibration (in case of zero spin) of the nuclei. We speak of coherence.

• In case the conversion electrons are contained in a resonator (oscillator or wave-guide), the energy gained by conversion is transferred into the oscillation or wave motion and increases its energy. In this way electricity is produced. If on the other hand the conversion electron looses energy to the nucleus, the oscilation of the nucleus will increase and the oscillator or the wave guide must be powered by an external energy source. The nuclei begin to vibrate more intensively (nuclear activation by conversion)

• The circuit of our conversion resonator is shown in figure 1:

Figure 1: Circuit of the Conversion Resonator (Gallium- Arsenide)

It is very important that the magnetic flux of the inductance penetrates the capacity diodes to alineate the spins or axis of vibration of the nuclei of said diodes. (principle of Oliver Crane). A short pulse from the pulse generator with a very fast rise and a gaussian decay induces a damped oscillation in the circuit. The partial alineation of the spins of the semiconductors enables internal and/or external conversion to become macroscopic and gives rise to an exchange of nuclear macroscopic and gives rise to an exchange of nuclear vibrational energy between the nuclei and the resonating circuit. This process is represented by the virtual oscillator at the right side of figure 1. The result is a negative loss angle of the capacitors of the circuit (e.g. a gain angle) in case of energy transferred.

La Théorie Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée

1 MW-E-Cat-Wärmezentralen der Leonardo Corporation

Die erste Anlage wurde am 28. Oktober 2011 an ein militärisches Base Camp verkauft. Der Käufer hat inzwischen 13 weitere Anlagen bestellt, die zur Wärmeversorgung eines grösseren Gebäudekomplexes zusammengeschaltet werden. Weitere Bestellungen in den USA liegen vor.Die Technologie basiert auf der Erfindung von Ing. Andrea Rossi, bei der über einen LENR-Prozess (Low Nuclear Energy Reaction) Nickelpulver physikalisch hydriert und in Kupferpulver transmutiert wird.Auf der Webseite sind nähere Angaben über die Technologie, die verfügbaren Produkte und die Wirtschaftlichkeit dieser neuen Wärmezentralen zu finden. Im Laufe des Jahres 2013 werden auch Geräte im 10-kW-Bereich zur Unter-stützung oder als Ersatz konventioneller fos-siler Hausheizungen verfügbar sein.