
What’s the right amount of naughty?

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Post on 25-May-2015



Health & Medicine

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What’s the right amount of naughty?

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So glad you asked.

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Call it a natural balance of composed unruliness.

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In fact, drinkers’ evolving palates and a desire for clearer heads in the morning (and the evening for that matter), requires them to think hard about what they’ll be drinking right now.

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While they continue thinking, perhaps you may consider...

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Lime juice

Quinine & natural sparkling water


Black Tea

3% ABV - that’s 12% less than an average cocktail

Naturally rich in vitamin C and fortified with folic acid

Also known as tonic

Cherries & Chillies


With a touch of natural hibiscus flavors

Nature’s multitasker for those minor ailments

Sweet and sour dynamic duo

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Wait, but why?

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Ever since 1269, gin has had a history of being used ‘for medicinal purposes’.

Gin is back! Industry figures show sales at the top end of the gin market soared by as much as 145 per cent in the past year.

Ingredient Fact File - A Balancing Act of Naughty & Nice

Tonic water with quinine was anti-malarial, giving people a great excuse to drink more gin and tonics in the past.

On millions of dining tables in India, you’ll see matchsticks of fresh ginger soaked in lemon juice to aid absorption of nutrients, help with digestion, joint pain and even bedroom blues.

As consumers become more health aware. Growth may be in the double figures for the new age beverage sector, with the market showing no signs of saturation.

1.2 - 3% is the typical low alcohol beverage classification. Also, studies show that moderation is the key to alcohol’s health benefits, not the type of spirit.


Black Tea

Thought to have antioxidant, metabolism increasing and cardiovascular protective properties.

ChilliesExcessive alcohol intake depletes the body of several B vitamins. Chilies contain B-complex group of vitamins (B-1 and B-6).

CherriesProduct Fact File

Lime Juice

Folic Acid



The Royal Navy mixed gin with lime cordial to stop scurvy.

Contain significant amounts of melatonin — a hormone credited with slowing the aging process, and fighting insomnia and jet lag.

Helps support a healthy metabolism, which is needed to process alcohol by our bodies.

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Who’s interested?

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Brunch, hungover.

Ah those fickle guests, they drink the majority of the wine, most of the beer, and who knows where the liquor disappears to. Then there are those that barely touch any of the drinks, complaining of all sorts of ailments or minor health concerns, can they loosen up a little? Aha, énè anyone?

Late night, tired.

Healthy, fun.Hosting, all types.

Eve and Peggie are at a fancy brunch. After last night’s debacle the idea of another cocktail provokes severe anxiety, or perhaps that’s just the nausea. Some ginger may help, oh and there’s hair of the dog too. Waiter, an énè, please.

Yoga 4 times a week, finally locked down that vitamin supplement routine. Sue, is pretty sure she has developed an allergy to all things unnaturally sugary. Hmmm, time to let her hair down, this doesn't mean she’ll have to skip yoga tomorrow, it just means it may be énè o’clock.

How wonderful, Rob and Cathy have finally decided to tie the knot, if only Jeff hadn't been on 12 flights in the past 30 days. Who knows what time zone his body clock is ticking at. Alright, pace yourself, where’s that bottle of énè?

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Is there really enough room for it?

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UnrulyAs determined by potential harmful effects of alcohol consumption on mental functioning.


UnhealthyAs determined by potential harmful effects of consumption due to alcohol content, sugar, absence of nutritional value, harmful compounds and caloric value (if equal quantities consumed).





BeerCiderReduced Alcohol


Soda Iced TeasAlcohol Free Fruit Juices

Alcoholic Mixers

New Age Beverage Water

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Give it a go.

You know you want to.