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  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Sept Oct 2000


    September/October 2000Volume 10/Number 5



    Camp David Summitand

    Bible Prophecy

    Camp David Summitand

    Bible Prophecy

    Temple DiscussionUnderway

    Temple DiscussionUnderway



  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Sept Oct 2000


    Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether ornot we are living in the last days before the second comingof Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramaticproof that this is the last times. All of the proofs below

    taken together defy coincidence.

    1. EUPHRATES RIVER TO BE DRIED UP: InRevelation 16:12,the Bible predictsthat the EuphratesRiver will be driedup to prepare theway for the kingsof the east to in-vade Israel. Thiswill happen at the

    time of the battleof Armageddonaccording to verse16 of the same

    chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle atwhich time Jesus Christ will return and fight on the side ofthe nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will estab-lish His kingdom and usher in His 1000-year reign ofpeace.On January 13th, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried theheadline Turkey will cut off flow of Euphrates for 1month. The article stated that a huge reservoir had beenbuilt by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of

    the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a con-crete plug for a diversion channel built. These things havenow been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has theability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditionsfor fulfilling this 1900 year old prophecy are now in place!

    2. CHINA GOES TO WAR: In Revelation 9:15-16, the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million

    soldiers will launch awar which will killthe third part ofmen. Never in the

    history of the world,until our present gen-eration, has therebeen a power onearth that could field200 million soldiers.However, the lateruler of China, MaoTsetung boasted inhis diary that he

    could field an army of 200 million. We see that thisprophecy pertaining to the very last times could not everhave been fulfilled until now.

    3. WORLDWIDE NUMBERING SYSTEM PRE-DICTED: In Revelation chapter 13, the Bible prophesiesthat a world dictator will soon rule over a world govern-ment. He will cause all people on the earth to receive a

    number without which they will be unable to buy or sell.We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in amost astonishing way. Nearly every human being in theworld now has been assigned a number. In America it is oursocial security number. In the last few years we have seenthis number extended to small children. A child without asocial security number cannot be declared as a dependent onan income tax return. We have seen the emergence of elec-tronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many peopleare urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things couldnot possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Onlyafter the invention of the computer could such a worldwidenumbering system be administered.

    4. THE EMERGENCE OF A NEW WORLDORDER: Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:23 prophesy theestablishment of aworld government.We recently haveseen the term newworld order beingused by the leadingpolitical people of ourworld. MikhailGorbachev has madethe term famous, and

    Pope John Paul II hasreferred to it repeat-edly. Finally ourformer President,George Bush, in theChicago Tribune, September 12, 1990, said Iraq is thefirst test for the new world order. He stated emphaticallythat the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. TheUnited Nations troops are continually referred to as themulti-national forces. The decision has been made to estab-lish an interdependent community of nations that will rulethe world under United Nations authority. The Bible says

    that this will lead us into a great world government. We cansee this happening right before our eyes.

    COINCIDENCE OR DIVINE PROVIDENCE? TheEuphrates River can be dried up, the necessary 200 millionman army is available, a worldwide numbering system ispossible because of the computer, and now the new worldorder is appearing.

    Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertain-ing to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously?



    Source: Endtime Magazine, P.O. Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375, 1-800-EndtimeThis page may be copied and distributed freely.

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Sept Oct 2000



    Endtime, Inc. is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 1214 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price is $24.97 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267,

    ISSN# 1066-6885, Richmond, IN, and additional mailing offices. 2001 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquiries call 1-765-962-6344 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (EST)

    presenting world eventsfrom a biblical perspective

    Endtimes World Wide Web Address:http://www.endtime.com

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Endtime Photo

    AP Wideworld Photos Ralph Alswang, White House

    The Denver Post

    Page 8

    Page 12

    Page 18

    C O V E R S T O R Y

    8 Dishonoring King David at Camp DavidBarak offered Arafat part of Jerusalem. King David must be

    flipping in his tomb. Ironically, Arafat rejected the proposal. Hesholding out for more. Clinton then suggested as part of the deal to

    allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. Now, for the first time

    ever, Israel is openly talking about building their Third Temple!

    F E A T U R E A R T I C L E S

    12 Exclusive Interview Benjamin CrmeBenjamin Crme is a New Age believer, and says we are on the verge

    of entering into the New Age. He is the chief spokesman for one

    Lord Maitreya, a man who he believes is the promised Messiah of our

    age. Who is Benjamin Crme, what makes him tick, and how do his

    beliefs tie in with the emerging global government of the soon-to-

    appear Antichrist?Endtime recently interviewed Mr. Crme.

    18 New York, New YorkOne-thousand of the worlds top religious leaders will convene at UN

    headquarters in Manhattan at the end of August. One week later,

    Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong present the Earth Charter to

    the worlds largest ever gathering of Presidents and Prime Ministers.The world government of the Antichrist isnt far behind.

    24 World Review

    26 Understanding the Book of RevelationIt has been commonly taught that Revelation was written in

    chronological order. A simple comparison, however, of the 6th

    Seal, 7th Trumpet and 7th Vial shows this cannot be the case. You

    now have the key that unlocks the mystery of the book given tomankind for the endtime!

    30 Millennium Forum: A Call for World GovernmentThey have portrayed themselves as the gallant saviors of peace and

    democracy on earth, but the globalization agenda of the UN and its

    NGOs is nothing less than a push for centralized, global control ofevery man, woman and child on earth.

    D E P A R T M E N T S4 Editorial6 Letters

    13 Whetstone29 Crossword31 Seek & Find and Answers

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    4 endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000

    As this edition of Endtimegoes to press, I have neverhad such an overridingsense of pending develop-ments of supernatural

    proportions. In a few days (August 28-31), 1,000 religious leaders from aroundthe world will converge upon the United

    Nations building in New York. This reli-

    gious confab, funded by Ted Turners $1billion UN donation, has been called inthe hope of placing the influence ofglobal religious forces behind the much-touted Millennium Summit scheduledfor September 6-8.

    The Millennium Summit will boastthe attendance of 150 world politicalleaders, the largest ever assembly ofheads-of-state in the history of the world.

    Make no mistakeglobal dreamers arehoping that this unprecedented meetingof national leaders at the UN, the head-quarters of global government, willproduce a huge leap forward toward thelong-dreamed-of one-world government.Global leaders believe that the dawningof the new millennium is a once-in-a-thousand-years opportunity.

    These events leading directly towardthe one-world government and one-world religion prophesied about inscripture seem to be so huge that every-thing else should pale by comparison.The astounding thing is that anothereminent prophetic fulfillment is so in-credibly important that theseunprecedented developments seem al-most insignificant by comparison.

    The deadline has arrived for settlingcontrol over Jerusalem. Control over

    Jerusalem inevitably centers on control

    of the Temple Mount. Over the next twomonths, either a peace agreement on the

    Jerusalem issue will be signed or Arafatsays he will unilaterally declare aPalestinian state.

    Whichever occurs, it appears the waywill be cleared for Jews to return to theTemple Mount to worship for the firsttime in 2,000 years. This will lead to theprophesied rebuilding of the Jewish tem-

    ple, which will create the conditions forthe Antichrist to stand in the rebuilttemple claiming to be Messiah and God(II Thessalonians 2:3-4).

    The Bible also tells us that a covenantwill be confirmed concerning Jerusalemsfuture. When the covenant is confirmed,the final seven years precedingArmageddon will begin. It seems almostcertain that an agreement on the

    Jerusalem issue will take place yet thisyear. This makes it highly likely that thefinal seven years will also begin beforethe end of this year of 2000!



    E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    Irvin Baxter Jr., Endtime Editor














    What is Endtime Magazine?In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the United States and other modern nations in the Bible. He also

    found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be torn down, reuniting Germany, and that eventwould be the catalyst to spark an international movement called the "New World Order." These things havenow come to pass.

    Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message ForThe President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the Bible which he had been teaching since 1968.

    After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was made tolaunch Endtime. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show thatthey are now being fulfilled in intricate detail.

    Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation.Endtime does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be left to other pub-lications.

    STATEMENT OF FAITH: We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is theSavior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed (Daniel2:44). Those who are born again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and rule as kings and priests with Christforever.

    M A G A Z I N E S T A F F

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Sept Oct 2000


    Call 1-800-ENDTIME for more information. (Ask for Christi at extension 226 or Debbie.)

    Moses grimaced when he saw the whip of the Egyptian taskmaster snake across the back of theIsraeli slave. Anger welled up in him when he saw the angry stripe that was left across the Jewishback. At that moment, he made up in his mind that he and his people were leaving that place! Ittook forty years, but leave they did.

    The excitement was high as they headed north toward the long-dreamed-of Promised Land.Little did Moses know that it would be forty years before he would stand on Mount Nebo, gazinglongingly into the land of Israel. That was as close as he would ever get.

    In Egypt:The overseas portion of Prophecy Tour 2001 will begin by walking in the footsteps of Moses and

    the children of Israel in the land of Egypt. We will visit Goshen where they lived while in Egypt and

    see the brickyards where they toiled. Believe it or not, bricks are still being made there till this day!While in Egypt, we will also see the Great Pyramid, the Great Sphinx, the Cairo Museum andvisit Old Cairo. We will then travel north through the Sinai desert, across the Suez Canal, finallyarriving in the land of Israel.

    In Israel:Stand on the Mount of Olives where Jesus will stand when He returnsVisit the Temple Mount

    itself where the Third Temple will soon be builtSee the cornerstone intended for the rebuildingof the Third TempleAt the Temple Institute we will see the vessels and the garments already pre-pared for resumption of temple worshipVisit the Garden Tomb and the Garden ofGethsemaneSee the site of the coming Battle of ArmageddonWe will visit Judean settlementswhere Jesus prophesied great tribulation will come in the near future (Matthew 24:15-16)Boatacross the Sea of Galilee where Jesus walked on the water. And much, much more!

    At the United Nations:Prophecy Tour 2001 will begin in New York City at the United Nationsthe seat of world gov-

    ernment. A guided tour will take us through the chambers of the UN where decisions are made thatchange the course of the world. A one-hour briefing by a UN official has been arranged especiallyfor the members of our Endtime Prophecy Tour.

    We have just scratched the surface concerning the things you will experience in the land of theBible. There is no doubt that Prophecy Tour 2001 will be the trip of a lifetime! I hope that you canjoin my wife, Judy, and me as we experience the UN, Egypt, and the Holy Land together. Eddie Sax,co-host for Politics & Religion, and his wife Charlotte will be with us on the tour. It will be a greattime. Dont miss it!

    The cost for the entire 12-day United Nations, Egypt, and Israel tour will be $2195 plus tips andtaxes. You can insure your place on the tour by sending your deposit of $250 to Endtime, PO Box

    2066, Richmond, IN 47375. Total payment will need to be made 45 days before departure. If youhave further questions, you may call us here at 1-800-endtime.

    Irvin Baxter Jr. Tour Host

    Prophecy Tour 2001United Nations-Egypt-Israel

    March 27-April 7 (12 days)

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Sept Oct 2000


    6 endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000

    You cant believe everything you read

    I read in a magazine of a boy born, some years back, in Italyby the name of Vifo. This boy had two horns on his head anda tail. Also currently in the world, there is a boy about sevenyears old who is well versed in the Koran. Whenever he standsto preach, people are always surprised of him. This has ledmany Christians to denounce their faith.

    Please, how can you describe these two boys from a biblicalpoint of view? Could they possibly be the beasts described inthe Bible? I would be very glad to hear from you.

    Yours in the race,P. Afailce


    Reply: Your question points out something that is critically im-portant. Just because we read something in a newspaper or amagazine, that does not mean that it is true. The wildest fabrica-tions are being published every day. A report of a person born withhorns and a tail should not be taken seriously.

    According to scripture, a beast in Bible prophecy symbolizes anation or kingdom along with the ruler of that kingdom (Daniel7:17, 23). Since the boys in the stories you have read do not rulea nation, they could not fulfill the prophecies concerning thebeasts in the Bible.

    Miracles do not indicate whether a movement isright or wrong

    Is the Catholic Charismatic renewal a genuine move of theHoly Spirit and a genuine revival emanating from God? I amtotally confused because I believe Revelation 17-18 is talkingof the Roman Catholic Church. Yet I see them performinggreat miracles and healings in the name of Jesus Christ. Couldyou please spare the time to write me on this matter? I wouldbe most grateful.

    Yours faithfully,O. Jerry

    E. Africa

    Reply: I have not attended the meetings of the CatholicCharismatic renewal so I am handicapped in answering your ques-tion. However, there are some things that should be considered.

    Any time a sincere person prays in the name of Jesus Christ, heal-ings and miracles can take place. This does not indicate whether amovement is right or wrong.

    Furthermore, in the same chapters that explicitly refer to RomanCatholicism as the great whore, scripture also teaches that there aresincere people in the Catholic Church. (Revelation 18:4, And Iheard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my peo-

    ple, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of

    her plagues.) Notice that Gods word specifically tells sincere

    Catholics what they should docome out of her my people.Editors note: For further explanation, send for our freebooklet entitled,Why So Many Churches?

    The outer court will be under Gentile controlRevelation 11:2 states: But the court which is WITHOUT

    THE TEMPLE leave out, and measure it not; for it is givenunto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread underfoot FORTY AND TWO MONTHS.

    How can this scripture be fulfilled now, even if we are com-ing into the confirmation of the covenant? It looks like theGentiles wont get their portion of the holy city to tread under

    foot until 3 1/2 years from now even if this begins the final 7years.

    I love Politics & Religion. It is the highlight of my day.

    M. CumminsInternet

    Reply: I dont think the prophecy states that the Gentiles can onlytread down the outer court for the final 42 months. I believe the pas-sage is indicating that once the temple is completed and the finalthree and one-half years begins the Jews will control the temple, butthe outer court will remain under Gentile control. This is supportedby the present situation, since the Gentiles already are occupying theTemple Mount.

    It is interesting that President Clintons bridging proposal of-fered at Camp David provides for the sharing of the TempleMount by Muslims and Jewsexactly as the prophecy describes.

    Financial status is not a barometer of spiritualityWhat do you teach concerning endtime prosperity, transfer-

    ence of wealth, or Kingdom now theology? My pastor wasschooled at Rhema Bible Training Center and studied underKenneth Hagin. He has always taught along the above men-tioned lines. Since getting saved, I have always had an interest

    in Bible Prophecy and this prosperity stuff doesnt seem to fitin anywhere before the millennial reign of Jesus.

    J. ArmstrongInternet

    Reply: The Bible clearly teaches that Satans rule as god of thisage will continue until he is bound in the bottomless pit at the endof the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 20:1-3). The transfer of

    power is described at the time of the last trump in Revelation11:15, And the seventh angel sounded; and there were greatvoices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are becomethe kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for

    E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    Letters to Endtime

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Sept Oct 2000


    7SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000endtime

    ever and ever.This does not mean that a Christian cannot experience financial

    blessing at this present time. It also does not mean that Christianscould not suffer financial reversal. Our financial status does not in-dicate our spirituality. The Church of Laodicea was financially rich,but God told them they were miserable, wretched, naked and blind.The Church of Smyrna was steeped in poverty, yet God said, butthou art rich.

    Jesus summed up the relevance of financial status to spiritualityby saying in Luke 12:15, Take heed, and beware of covetousness:for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things whichhe possesseth.

    If God does choose to place financial resources in our hands,we should use those resources to further His kingdom.

    What year is it?The official Jewish year, which dates back to the day of cre-

    ation, is 5760. For years, however, it has been contended byJewish scholars, as well as others, that there are 240 missingyears to this calendar. If this is true, then we are in the year

    6000 the 6000th year since creation. Do you agree with thisteaching?

    Tony G.Internet

    Reply: By tracing all the begets throughout scripture, it is possibleto actually count the years from Adam to Christ. I have personallydone this. It indicates that we are actually a little bit beyond 6,000years since the creation of Adam and Eve.

    There are one or two points in this study that may be open todebate. However, it does appear that we are at least in the year6,000 from the beginning.

    Are you a Right-wing Radical?Recently, there was a caller who addressed an FBI report

    that apparently labeled people (presumably Christians) whohad Bibles in their cars or the commonly identified JesusFish, and other Christian symbols, as extremists. I am unableto locate this report. Was there any validity to his statement?

    Additionally, it is public knowledge that the FBI has orga-nized the initiative, Project Megiddo. You can find this 32page report under the Library section of their website. Theinitiative is not inherently bad. In fact, it is a rational ap-

    proach in dealing with political extremists/terrorists. JesusDID NOT support violence or hate.Nevertheless, could you briefly comment on the implica-

    tions of this report/initiative concerning ministries like yoursand the implications of extremism, in light of the FBIs posi-tion?

    Thank you,Tom M.U.S. Navy

    Reply: We have not yet been able to locate the FBI report towhich the caller referred. If we do, we will let you know.

    The most alarming thing about the Project Megiddo report is thatit repeatedly labels people who believe in the coming Battle of

    Armageddon as extremists. It also implies that anyone taking thebook of Revelation seriously is an extremist. Since the Bible defi-nitely teaches that there is going to be a battle called Armageddon,this report implies that anyone who believes the Bible has to be con-sidered an extremist. This stance seems to have become the normemanating from our government.

    Bible prophecy will become one of the greatest tools for fightingagainst the Antichrist and his emerging one-world government.Consequently, those who believe and teach the Bibles prophecymust be labeled as extremists and right-wing radicals.

    The Antichrist will have opposition during his reignOn page 52 of your Understanding the Endtime Study

    Manual you state that the scriptures seem to indicate that theUnited States possibly will not be absorbed into world gov-ernment. Since world government is the beast system, then, Iwould have to maintain that it is entirely possible thatAmericans would not be required to take the Mark of the

    Beast. But since we must take all of the counsel of God intoconsideration, refer to Revelation 13 and 15. If Americans arenot participating in the beast system, what have you consid-ered may happen? Thanks a lot.

    In Jesus Name,J. BrophyEvanston, WY

    Reply: We know that Israel will resist the Antichrist up until theBattle of Armageddon. We also know, according to Daniel 11:31-45, that during the final three and one-half years the Antichrist willstill be fighting wars. This means he will still have opposition on thenational level. Daniel 11:41 specifically states that the country of

    Jordan (Moab, Edom and the children of Ammon) shall escape outof the hand of the Antichrist.

    When scripture says that the Antichrist will cause all to receive anumber without which they will be unable to buy or sell, could thismean that he causes all that are under his dominion to receive themark? Perhaps the mark of the beast will ultimately affect every sin-

    gle human being on the face of the earth. If so, the total dominationof the earth will only be achieved during the last one or two years ofthe Antichrists reign.

    E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    Endtime thanks you for yourletters. The letters we use inEndtime do not necessarily reflectthe views of Endtime and/or its staff.

    Endtime reserves the right to editletters according to space and edi-torial style.

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Sept Oct 2000


    8 endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000


    nother Middle East sum-mitho hum! But waitjust a minute! This onewas different. For the firsttime in the history of the

    world, Israel put the future of Jerusalemon the table. And at this summit, Israelactually offered to surrender part of

    Jerusalem to the Philistines without fir-ing a shot! (Palestinian and Philistine arethe same word.)

    Three-thousand years ago, in 1004BC, King David conquered the city of

    Jebus and renamed it Jerusalem.Jerusalem has been the only capital ofthe nation of Israel since that time. It wasthis same David who killed Goliath, the

    Philistine. Now the leader of Israel meetswith the modern leader of thePhilistinesYasser Arafatand offers toGIVE him control of parts of Jerusalem.Blasphemy of blasphemies!

    And as though to forever dishonorKing Davids memory, the summit washeld at CAMP DAVID!! Incredible!Unthinkable! Impossible! Yet it hap-pened.

    Can you imagine reading in the Bibleabout a leader of Israel so frightened andfaithless that he would offer to give part

    of Jerusalem to a heathen king withouteven putting up a fight? Of all the shame-ful acts throughout Israels history, Iknow of none that compares to what wehave just witnessed.

    Amazingly, Yasser Arafat turned theoffer down. Its not enough, he said.

    Barak had insisted on at least allowingJews to pray on the Temple Mount. Youmay keep your pagan shrines on ourTemple Mount, he said, but we must beallowed to worship there, too.

    Arafats No was adamant. We willnever allow a Jewish presence on theTemple Mount at all.

    This deal-breaker just happens to bethe issue that the Bible declares will ulti-mately hurl the world into the Battle ofArmageddon.

    How did we arrive at thisjuncture?

    When the Oslo Accords were signedon September 13, 1993, the Jerusalem


    E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    Dishonoring KingDavid atCamp DavidBy Irvin Baxter Jr.


    President Clinton meets with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, left, and Palestinian leader Yasser

    Arafat, Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at Camp David, Maryland. The Middle East peace talks collapsed

    in a deadlock over the future of Jerusalem.

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    9SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000endtime

    issue was simply too hot to handle.Consequently, both parties agreed to justleave it alone for the time being. It wasdecided, however, that negotiations onthe final status of Jerusalem would com-mence by May of 1996.

    When the May 1996 deadline rolledaround, Prime Minister Shimon Peres

    and Benjamin Netanyahu were in theheat of an election campaign. To satisfythe provisions of the Oslo Agreement,Peres held a ceremonial opening of finalstatus negotiations. But with his loss ofthe election, these talks never got off theground.

    The Oslo Accords provided for finalborders and the final status of Jerusalemto be negotiated and implemented byMay 4, 1999. In the months precedingthis date, Arafat proclaimed that, if thepromised negotiations were not com-

    pleted on time, he would unilaterallydeclare a Palestinian state. This evokedall kinds of apocalyptic visions of disasterin the minds of the worlds leaders.

    To complicate matters, the govern-ment of Benjamin Netanyahu felljustprior to the deadline. President Clintonpersuaded Arafat that a declaration ofstatehood during an Israeli election cam-paign would insure the re-election of

    Netanyahu. Clinton contended thatEhud Barak would be a much morefriendly and generous peace partner.Arafat postponed his declaration of

    statehood and Barak was elected. Laterin 1999, Arafat and Barak agreed on anew deadline for final resolution of alloutstanding issuesSeptember 13, 2000.

    The stakes were huge.With the September 13th deadline for

    declaring Palestinian independencelooming just ahead, Yasser Arafat, Ehud

    Barak and Bill Clinton headed for thefriendly confines of Camp David.

    The stakes were high. Clinton wantsdesperately to leave behind him thecrowning achievement of bringing peaceto the Middle East. Baraks governmentback home is unraveling. His only hopefor survival appears to be new electionsthat would serve as a referendum on a

    E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    The two outstanding issues that remain problematic arethe status of Jerusalem, in particular the question of sover-eignty over the Temple Mount, and the right of return forPalestinian refugees.During last weeks talks, the Israelis were surprised by the

    inability of one of the senior members of the Palestiniandelegation to Camp David to comprehend the importance ofthe Temple Mount to Israelis. The Western Wall is yoursand Haram al Sharif [the Temple Mount] is oursstop with

    your nonsense, said the official.Haaretz Newspaper, August 6, 2000

    The Western Wall of the Temple Mount is shown here. This is as close to the area where the

    ancient Jewish Temple once stood as the Israelis are permitted to approach.


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    10 endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000

    peace deal. In the meantime, Arafatknows that giving up any control on theTemple Mount would probably result inhis assassination. He later said as muchwhen the talks broke down over thatissue.

    The Camp David Summit began onJuly 11th and continued through July

    25th. You must understand that thesewere the first negotiations ever betweenJews and Arabs over the future ofJerusalem. Ehud Barak, one year ago inhis campaign for election, had steadfastlypromised to never surrender or divide

    Jerusalem. Yet at Camp David, Barak, inthe end, offered to do just that. What adifference a year makes!

    Jews to worship onTemple Mount?

    Grappling with the issue of Jerusalem

    has been put off since the creation of theModern State of Israel in 1948. At thattime the UN avoided the issue by declar-ing that Jerusalem should be aninternational city. The day after Israelsdeclaration of statehood, her Arabneighbors launched a war in an attemptto snuff out the tiny nation. When thecease-fire came in 1949, West Jerusalemwas in Israeli hands, while East

    Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount,was under Jordanian control.

    Then Israel captured East Jerusalem inthe 1967 War. Immediately, Jerusalemwas declared to be the eternal capital ofIsrael. Israeli leaders promised that itwould never again be surrendered orshared.

    In the meantime, Yasser Arafat nevermissed an opportunity to declare thatthere would never be peace in theMiddle East until there was a Palestinianstate with Jerusalem as its capital.

    In 1993, Israels Prime Minister,Yitzhak Rabin, made a fatal mistake

    when signing the Oslo Peace Accords.He agreed that talks on the final status ofJerusalem would begin by May of 1996.In agreeing to discuss the status of

    Jerusalem, he agreed that Israels controlwas not eternal and was subject to nego-tiation.

    It was not until the Camp DavidSummit in July that the final status of

    Jerusalem was openly placed on thetable. At the summit, Barak did the un-thinkable. He agreed to place some Arabneighborhoods in Jerusalem under

    Palestinian control. Barak went fartherthan anyone thought he would go. Itlooked like a successful compromisemight be struck. But then the talks cameto a stalemate.

    When the deadlock appeared un-breakable, President Clinton offered abridging proposal between thePalestinian and the Israeli positions. Theissue on which the negotiations hadstalled was the Temple Mount.

    In the Mideast peace process, the sub-ject of the Temple Mount has alwaysbeen avoided like the plague. The verymention of it is enough to bring rum-blings of World War III. In PresidentClintons bridging proposal, the Al AqsaMosque would be left under Arab con-trol, including unhindered access. Then

    came the seemingly insignificantclause Jews will be allowed to pray onthe Temple Mount. Thats all it said.But that issue is enough to trigger theBattle of Armageddonand in the endit will.

    Barak accepted Clintons bridging pro-posal, but Arafat said he just couldnt.Arafat said to Clinton, I shall not ac-cept any reduced sovereignty over

    Jerusalem, even if we have to wait an-other 50 or 100 years to liberate it, andraise the Palestinian flag. I am a religious

    man, and I shall never permit it to be saidthat I sold the Haram [the TempleMount]. Even if the State of Palestinewere to be established on 100% of theland of Palestine, including Jerusalem,we shall never admit that the Temple liesunder the Haram.

    The genie is out of the bottle!Though the Camp David Summit

    ended without an agreement, forces wereunleashed there that are destined to havefar-reaching consequence. The onephrase in Clintons bridging proposal,Jews will be allowed to pray on theTemple Mount, finally brought out inthe open the issue that no one, to thispoint, had dared to mention. Since theend of Camp David, debate concerning

    ultimate control of the Temple Mount israging daily.On August 7, 2000, the Chief

    Rabbinate Council, Israels highest reli-gious authority, held preliminary debateon the subject of building a synagogue onthe Temple Mount. The council then ap-pointed a committee to study the subject.

    Its extremely interesting that the sug-gestion to build the synagogue (the wordsynagogue is less inflammatory than theword temple) was brought to the councilby Haifas Chief Rabbi Shear-Yeshuv

    Dish o n o r ing king david at c amp d avid

    E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    Muslim worshippers in prayer on the Temple Mount during the holy month of Ramadan. Their

    backs are to the Dome of the Rock, the site where Israel wants to build her Temple.


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    11SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000endtimeE-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    Cohen. Rabbi Shear-Yeshuv Cohen isthe son-in-law of the late Chief Rabbi ofIsrael Shlomo Goren.

    It was Shlomo Goren who served asrabbi of the Israeli Army at the time ofthe capture of the Temple Mount in1967. The picture of Goren standing atthe Wailing Wall with a shofar to his lips

    became the most famous picture of theSix-Day War.It was Goren who went to the com-

    manding general of the Israeli forces thatcaptured the Temple Mount to urge himto immediately blow up the Al AqsaMosque and the Dome of the Rock. Youwill go down in history as the man whocleared the way for Israel to build herThird Temple, Goren had stated.General Uzi ordered the rabbi to bequiet. When Goren persisted with thegeneral, General Uzi said, Rabbi, if you

    dont be quiet, I will have to take you tojail. Rabbi Goren sadly walked away.

    Now, thirty-three years later, Gorensson-in-law is spearheading the fight tobuild the Third Temple on the TempleMount.

    In another venue, a semi-official com-mittee of Arabs and Jews is meeting todiscuss how Arabs and Jews can share theTemple Mount. Some of those partici-pating in this committee also serve asadvisors to officials who represent theirgovernments at the peace talks.

    What does the Bible say?The Bible specifically prophesies con-

    cerning who will control the TempleMount in the endtimes. Revelation 11:1-2 states: And there was given me a reedlike unto a rod: and the angel stood, say-ing, Rise, and measure the temple ofGod, and the altar, and them that wor-ship therein. But the court which iswithout the temple leave out, and mea-sure it not; for it is given unto the

    Gentiles: and the holy city shall theytread under foot forty and two months.This prophecy plainly states that John

    should measure the temple but shouldnot measure the outer court of the tem-ple because it would be controlled by theGentiles. This obviously describes a shar-ing arrangement on the Temple Mount,which just happens to be the solutionsuggested by President Clinton at CampDavid.

    We know that this prophecy is for theendtimes just ahead since reference is

    made to the last 42 months beforeArmageddon. The remainder of thechapter is devoted to the ministry of thetwo witnesses, which occurs during thesame final 3 1/2 years.

    How will it all happen?The prophecy tells us what will even-

    tually happen. The only question is,How do we get from here to there?There appears to be two possibilities.

    An agreement could be reached be-tween Israel and the Palestinians. Thisappears unlikely since Arafat has saidthat he will hold out another 50 or 100years before he accepts any reduced sov-ereignty over Jerusalem. The other factthat seems to indicate that the sharingarrangement on the Temple Mount will

    not be reached by agreement is that dis-pute will continue to rage after therebuilding of the temple. We know thisbecause the Battle of Armageddon is ul-timately to be fought over Jerusalem(Zechariah 14:2).

    The other possibility is that Arafat willmake good on his threat to unilaterallydeclare Palestinian statehood. Barak haswarned that Israel will respond to thiscourse of action by unilaterally drawingthe borders, as she sees fit, betweenPalestine and Israel. This course of ac-

    tion seems to be the most likely one atthis time. Barak would probably use theguidelines established at Camp David indetermining Israels drawing of borders.This would keep the Arabs from blamingArafat for giving away part of the TempleMount, and it would make Israel appearreasonable in the eyes of the WorldCommunity. This scenario also explainswhy tensions continue throughout theGreat Tribulation, finally culminating inArmageddon.

    Whether events will unfold exactlylike this, we may not be able to say.However, there are some things that wedo know: A temple will soon be built onthe Temple Mount; Sacrifices and tem-ple worship will be resumed; TheAntichrist will stop the sacrifices and

    stand in the temple, claiming to beMessiah and God. And this will triggerthe Great Tribulation. Events which willappear to have been solved will spiralinto confrontation, ultimately triggeringthe Battle of Armageddon. It is atArmageddon when Jesus returns toearth. The Antichrist and the FalseProphet will then be cast into the lake offire. Satan will be bound in the bottom-less pit for 1,000 years, and we will crown

    Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords.Come quickly, Lord Jesus!


    Shlomo Goren is shown praying on Temple Mount after its capture in the Six Day War in 1967.

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    12 endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000

    New Age belief is rampantamong the global leadersof this world. Its roots arefound in Hinduism,Buddhism, and pagan na-

    ture worship (pantheism). New Age isbeing expressed today as Interfaithism,the belief that all religions are valid pathsto God.

    Benjamin Crme is a New Age be-liever, and says we are on the verge ofentering into the New Age The Age ofAquarius. He is the chief spokesman forone Lord Maitreya, a man who he be-lieves is the promised Messiah of our age.

    Who is Benjamin Crme, what makeshim tick, and how do his beliefs tie inwith the emerging global government ofthe soon-to-appear Antichrist? Endtimes

    Irvin Baxter Jr. and Eddie Sax inter-viewed Mr. Crme.

    Baxter: Who is Benjamin Crme, andwhat is your mission?

    Crme: For the last 25 years Ive beenengaged in worldwide work of literallypreparing the way for the return of theChrist to the world.

    Baxter: So youre like John theBaptist.

    Crme: Yes, people do call me the pre-

    sent day John the Baptist, except I dontbaptize anyone. I work with people thatrespond to my message all over theworld, who then form themselves intogroups. We are a loose network of like-minded peopleall engaged inpreparing humanity for the extraordinaryevents and changes that will take placein the world very soon.

    Baxter: When we talk about Maitreya,are we talking about the Messiah? TheChrist? Jesus Christ?

    Crme: Were not talking about Jesus.

    Jesus and Maitreya work together in theclosest relationship and harmony. Butwhen we talk about Maitreya, were talk-ing about the head and leader of the largegroup of whom Jesus is a major figure. Wecan call Maitreya by different names:The spiritual hierarchy of our planet, theesoteric hierarchy, the masters of wisdomand the lords of compassion to name afew. Maitreya is one of the great lords ofcompassion, the embodiment of the di-vine energy we call love, and which isessentially the Christ principle. And so

    Exclusive Interview

    Benjamin CrmeLord Maitreyas John the BaptistCrme believes Maitreya is the Messiah


    Benjamin Crme was recently interviewed by Endtime. Creme believes he is the John the

    Baptist of Lord Maitreya.



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    14 endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000

    from the Christian point of view, he isthe Christ and is awaited. MostChristians would say they await the re-turn of Jesus, but in fact, Maitreyaworked through Jesus 2,000 years ago inPalestine, inaugurating the age that hasnow come to an end. Maitreya and hisgroup of masters, including Jesus, have

    returned and are returning to the worldto inaugurate the New Age The Age ofAquarius. So what we are seeing is an ex-traordinary congruence of events: Thereturn of the Christ from a Christianpoint of view, but from the Buddhistpoint of view the coming of the fifthBuddha Maitreya Buddha. Two-thou-sand six-hundred years ago, the Buddhamade a prophecy in which he said an-other great teacher would come into theworld at this timea Buddha like him-self by the name of Maitreya.

    Baxter: Is Maitreya a living humanbeing or a spirit figure?

    Crme: A living human being, who atthe present time is living in London as anormal looking man in a normal physicalbody. But its a body over which he hascomplete control. He can appear and dis-appear at will, as can all of the masters.He has come into the world for the veryfirst time as himself; in his own physicalpresence. At the beginning of every age,a master appears in the world as one ofthe various teachers. Maitreya overshad-owed Jesus from the baptism to thecrucifixion, and Jesus became the em-bodiment of the Christ principle. And so

    Jesus became Jesus the Christ.

    Baxter: Have you personally metMaitreya?

    Crme: Yes, several times.

    Messiah, then a new religionBaxter: How quickly should we expectthe public emergence of Maitreya?

    Crme: I think it will be very soon. Hehas been ready to go public since thespring of 1982.

    Sax: How will he emerge on the worldscene? How will the Average Joe on thestreet be made aware of Lord Maitreya?

    Crme: In the first place, he has been

    invited to appear on a major televisionnetwork in America. That will allow himto be heard by millions of people. This isalso true in Japan. Then all the othernetworks will want to interview this ex-traordinary man. He will not call himself

    the Christ, or the Lord Maitreya, or theMessiah or any other names to which hecan lay claim. He doesnt like thesenames. They are manmade. He onlywishes to be called The Teacher. Hesays, I have not come to found a new re-ligion. I have not come to createfollowers. There is only one place youcan know me, and that is in your heart.Eventually a new type of religion willevolve and people will eventually driftinto it. It really wont be a religion. It willbe closely aligned with the science ofevolution, which is the way of Jesus andall the great teachers.

    Baxter: There are many people whosaw the full-page ads that were placed inthe spring of 1982 in 20 major newspa-

    pers around the world (announcingMaitreya as messiah). That was quite a fi-nancial outlay. Where did the moneycome from?

    Crme: It cost about $250,000. Half ofit came from donations. Many peoplearound the world responded very quickly.Half of it was borrowed and has sincebeen repaid.

    United Nations, United ReligionsBaxter: I notice in some of your teach-

    exc l usive in t er viewben jamin Cr me

    E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    According to Crme, Lord Maitreya, shown here in Africa, will soon appear as Messiah.


    Eventually anew type ofreligion will

    evolve and peoplewill eventuallydrift into it. It

    really wont be areligion. It will be

    closely alignedwith the science of

    evolution, which isthe way of Jesusand all the great


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    15SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000endtimeE-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    ings that you speak of the fair distribu-tion of wealth and bringing the worldinto unity. I hear the same things fromthe United Nations and MikhailGorbachev. Is this an idea whose timehas come?

    Crme: This coming age, the Age of

    Aquarius, is an age of brotherhood.When humanity realizes it is one, weshould act like a family and share.

    Baxter: Do you see the UN playing aprominent role in the development ofthe Age of Aquarius?

    Crme: Yes, if the UN lives up to itsexpectations, especially with Maitreyaand the other masters working openly inthe world.

    Baxter: I visited the constitution sign-ing of the United Religions Initiative.The goal of this organization is a to cre-ate a United Nations of Religions aplace where all religions can come to-gether, to communicate, and to findcommon ground. What is your opinionof this effort?

    Crme: Fantastic. It is one of theworthwhile things that all religious peo-ple can do. Everything should bespiritual. Politics should be spiritual.Economics should be spiritual.

    Editors comments: The similaritiesbetween New Age politics and United

    Nations politics are quite close in manyareas. More revealing, however, arethe similarities between New Age spiri-tuality and UN spirituality.

    As one example, Robert Muller wasa high UN official for 38 years and isknown as the Prophet of the UN forthe visionary role he provided for that

    organization. He openly credits thesame occultic teachings as doesBenjamin Crme. Muller, a professingRoman Catholic, calls the late-UNSecretary General U Thant the mostspiritual person he had ever met. Thantwas a Buddhist.

    The global government structures arerife in New Age philosophy. They

    firmly believe the UN will usher us intothe New Age of Aquarius, and that

    Jesus is one of the masters.Crmes organization, Share

    International (www.shareintl.org) isan official NGO (non-governmentalorganization) of the United Nations.UN Under Secretary General MauriceStrong and his wife, Hannah, own a10,000 acre New Age range in south-ern Colorado called The Baca.

    There is indeed spiritual wickedness

    in high places!

    Lucifer: Satan or the humanfamily?

    Sax: You draw a lot of your teachingsfrom people who are not householdnames, but who have had great impacton many people all over the world. Someof these names are Helena Blavatsky,Alice Bailey and Djwhal Khul. From theresearch Ive done, and I know this willbe of concern to many of our people,these people appear to be worshipers of


    Crme: No, absolutely not.

    Sax: Alice Bailey was editor of LuciferMagazine (1887-1897) and foundedLucifer Publishing Company (1921).

    Crme: She had LuciferMagazine. The name waschanged to The Beacon be-cause of the misunderstandingabout the nature of Lucifer.Let me explain. Lucifer is usu-ally a Christian term seen asthe name of Satanthedevilthe great angel who re-volted against God and wasthrown out of heaven for hissins. But indeed, Lucifer is notthat at all. Lucifer actuallymeans light. It is the light ofthe star of the morning,Venus. And humanity is onegreat angel. Each of us individ-

    ually is an individualized soulof part of one great over-soul.The name of that great angelis Lucifer. So when you sayLucifer, youre really talkingabout the human family.

    Sax: Is there any connec-tion between Lucifer andSatan?

    Crme: No. Absolutelynone at all. The trouble with

    all religious teachings, not justChristianity, is that they were given ver-ballysome over hundreds of yearsagosome over thousands of years ago.And then they took hundreds of years todisseminate those teachings. In that dis-semination, in every case grewdistortions of the original teaching. Most

    of the teaching was given in symboliclanguage only. Its hidden. If you take theBible literally, as perhaps you do but Ipersonally dont, I see the Bible as a workof great power and insight and revelatorytruth when properly understood. Whentaken literally it becomes something verydifferent. The trouble with an awful lotof Christians from my point of view isthat they take the Bible absolutely liter-ally. But it wasnt even meant to be takenliterally, quite apart from any distortionsthat might have come into it. And so

    they misunderstand the basic teachingsof their own scriptures.

    Editors comments: Djwhal Khulnever existed. He was Alice Baileysspirit guide. On his website,shareintl.org, Crme credits these two,

    plus Russian mystic Helena Blavatsky,

    Video by

    Irvin Baxter Jr.

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    16 endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000

    as the basis for his beliefs. Blavatskywrote in her book, The SecretDoctrine, Lucifer is divine and terres-trial light, the Holy Ghost and Satanat one and the same time. (1888, pg.513, Theosophical Publishing House)This and several other quotes fromBlavatskys works conflict with Crmes

    assertion that Lucifer is not Satan.Isaiah 14:12-16 presents Lucifer ina much different light than presented byCrme.

    Endtime takes the Bible literally. Weadvise the same for all.

    False Christs, deceiving manySax: Is the Jesus youre referring to the

    same Jesus as depicted in the NewTestament, or is he some other Jesus?

    Crme: I only know one Jesus the

    one depicted in the New Testament.

    Sax: Let me ask you this next questionfrom a Christian viewpoint. Theres aninteresting passage in Matthew 24

    Jesus Himself speaking about the comingof the Messiah in the endtime, and thecoming of the false messiah at the sametime. I want to read a few verses and getyour comments and insights on howChristians should see Lord Maitreya inlight of these scriptures. Matthew 24:4-5,11, 23-27: And Jesus answered and saidunto them, Take heed that no man de-ceive you. For many shall come in myname, saying, I am Christ; and shall de-ceive manyAnd many false prophetsshall rise, and shall deceive many...Thenif any man shall say unto you, Lo, here isChrist, or there; believe it not. For thereshall arise false Christs, and falseprophets, and shall shew great signs andwonders; insomuch that, if it were possi-ble, they shall deceive the very elect.Behold, I have told you before.

    Wherefore if they shall say unto you,Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth:behold, he is in the secret chambers; be-lieve it not. For as the lightning comethout of the east, and shineth even untothe west; so shall also the coming of theSon of man be. When Christians readthis literally, coming from the mouth of

    Jesus, and then compare it to your de-scription of Lord Maitreya emerging onthe world scene, it seems that Maitreyaperfectly fulfills the prophecy of Jesusconcerning false Christs. How do you re-

    spond to this fundamentalist position?

    Crme: I would say to look at whatJesus went on to teach. Sleep not for Icome like a thief in the night, in such atime as you think not. And thats pre-

    cisely what Maitreya has done. In such atime as even Christians, some of whomare awaiting him quite imminently, donot recognize the time of his coming andperhaps wont even recognize him whenhe makes himself known. He has quietlyslipped into the world and begun hiswork of transformation.

    Editors comments: According toJesus, if a person tells you the Christ re-sides in a secret chamber dont believeit. When Benjamin Crme tells us theChrist resides in a secret chamber some-where in London and only appears toselect people, we shouldnt believe it.

    The Bible says that when theMessiah comes the second time, it willbe like the lightning flashing from theeast to the west. He will come in theclouds of heaven with power, great

    glory and with the great sound of atrumpet. Crme says Lord Maitreyawill first appear on television in theUnited States, then in Japan, and this

    will lead to other TV interviews.Crmes messiah is clearly not theJesus of the Bible.

    ConclusionUnderstanding the scriptures is our

    safeguard against being deceived by falsemessianic claims. Endtimespurpose is notto attack Benjamin Crme. Rather, it isto make you aware of what is happeningat very high levels of power in the world.Satan is at the root of globalism, and it isthrough globalism that the Antichrist

    will ascend to power.Will Lord Maitreya be the Antichrist?

    We dont believe so. However, he is oneof the fulfillments of Matthew 24thatmany false Christs will arise.

    While Benjamin Crmes ideas andlingo may seem way out in left field tosome people, virtually everyone on earth

    has, at one time or another, been subjectto it. In fact, there are untold multitudeswho accept his philosophy to some de-gree. Many present New Age doctrine insuch a way that it appears very close toChristianity. Those on the receiving end,who are unfamiliar with scripture andlack sound doctrine, will fall prey to itsdeceptions.

    Can truth be found in all religions?Have you ever entertained the thoughtthat were all worshiping the same God,but just call him different things? If so,

    then you and Benjamin Crme havejoined forces.

    Do you take the Bible literally? If not,then how do you take it? All or part? Ifits not the Word of God, then its just abook from which to pick and choose. If itsounds good, embrace it. If not, ignore it.The Christian pulpits are full of peoplewho do not take the whole Bible literally.These are the people who are heading di-rectly into the arms of Crmes Maitreya.

    If the Bible says you must be bornagain in order to enter the kingdom ofGod, then you must be born again inorder to enter the kingdom of God. If theBible says, except you believe I am theMessiah you will die in your sins, thenyou must believe Jesus is the Messiah, oryou will die in your sins.

    If Maitreya is Messiah to all faiths,then this validates the concept ofInterfaithism that all religions are validpathways to God. But in Acts 4:12, scrip-ture clearly says of Jesus, Neither is theresalvation in any other, for there is none

    other name under heaven given amongmen, whereby which we must be saved.Jesus Christ is the only Savior. BesideHim there is no savior. Any that come upany other way is a thief and a robber.

    If you arent sure that Crmes teach-ings are a mainstream problem, take astroll through the New Age section ofany major bookstore chain.

    From your next door neighbor to the33rd floor of the UN Building in NewYork, the world, to one degree or an-other, has gone Crme.

    exc l usive in t er viewben jamin Cr me

    E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    The trouble withan awful lot of

    Christians from mypoint of view is

    that they take theBible absolutely


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    18 endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000

    Phase One: Religious UnityUN World Peace Summit of Religious

    and Spiritual Leaders, August 28-31

    It will mark the United Nations firstofficial foray into global spirituality.On August 28-31, 1,000-plus reli-gious leaders from around the worldwill gather in the UNs General

    Assembly Hall for the MillenniumWorld Peace Summit. They are comingto talk world peace, to dialogue and tocompromise.

    This meeting that will take place inNew York is really nothing new.Meetings like this have been occurringwith astonishing regularity for years now.

    The most recent such major event wasthe June 26th signing of the UnitedReligions constitution. The PeaceSummit, however, is the first such meet-ing to take place under the roof of thepolitical entity which intends to lead theworld into a 21st Century system ofglobal governance.

    It is extremely curious that this meet-ing of 1,000 religious leaders should bethe brainchild of CNNs Ted Turner.Yep! You heard right. The same TedTurner that was named Humanist of the

    Year in 1991 and the same man who im-pudently declared that Christianity wasa religion for losers. Hmmmm

    Why has the UN avoided enteringinto the religion arena publicly for solong? And why now? The answers aresobering and relate directly to endtimeprophecy fulfillment.

    BackgroundWhile it is true that many organiza-

    tions, with whom the UN has long beenassociated, are, in fact, spiritual, theirparticipation has always been kept indi-rect. For example, the UN breathed lifeinto the United Religions Initiative, buttheir involvement was curiously and



    A series of meetings will be held at the UN Headquarters building in New York City. These meet-

    ings will have incredible prophetic implications.


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    New York, NewYorkPolitical & Religious Leaders

    to Convene at UNBy Eddie Sax

    New York, NewYorkPolitical & Religious Leaders

    to Convene at UNBy Eddie Sax

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Sept Oct 2000


    19SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000endtimeE-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

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    endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000 E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    conspicuously downplayed. The inten-tional distance has served to insulate theUN from having to answer for any of theURs activities, as well as for the activi-ties of any other such spiritualorganizations with whom they are associ-atedand there are quite a few.

    Because of their careful approach, the

    United Nations is not seen as having areligious agenda. It is seen as a politicalentity onlyas an impartial third partyin world politics. If it ever is perceived,however, that the UN has a religiousagenda, it would cast a dark shadow overtheir impartiality and their ability to op-erate. This is why direct UNinvolvement in religious forums has beencarefully avoided.

    Let the truth be knownthe UN doeshave a religion. And this religion influ-ences it from its core. Its a dark secret. If

    it ever became widely known that theUN has been operating in accordancewith certain religious principles, and thatit intends to impose this religion on itsglobal citizens, it would be curtains andback to the drawing board.

    How then is the UN ever supposed toachieve its spiritual goals? Answer: Theyhave others do their work.

    Interfaith dialogueThe religion of the United Nations is

    pantheism. They are nature worshipers,and GaiaMother Earthis their god.Their religion is expressed throughHinduism or Buddhism, which today iscalled New Age. Through New Age anew movement has emerged and beenembraced. Its Interfaithism the be-lief that all religions are valid pathwaysto God.

    From the Interfaith movement sprangforth a new buzzword. The word is dia-logue. The concept of dialogue is tobring the perennially-warring religions

    together to talk; to communicate; towork it out through dialogue.It sounds great, but there is a catch.

    You dont know their definition of theword dialogue. In this new global arenaof religious dialogue, before you can di-alogue you must first accept certainprinciples. You must respect the sacredwisdom of each religion. You must re-spect the differences among religions.You must not claim your religion is theonly way. Tolerance supposedly forcesacknowledgement that there is more

    than one pathway to God. Above all,proselytizing is not allowed when youdialogue.

    In other words, to dialogue you mustbe an Interfaithist. To be otherwise pro-duces religious conflict, which is theforemost threat to world peace and a sus-tainable world order.

    An Interfaithist validates the truths inall religions, and one of these religions ispantheism. Many people who call them-selves Christians, for example, areInterfaithists. They acknowledge thetruths found in veneration of MotherEarth, but they choose to express theirworship in a different way.

    And now that its mainstream

    For years a multitude of organizationswho believe in Interfaithism havepounded this view into the psyche ofpeople the world over. You may haveeven heard of some of these organiza-tions. The Vatican is one. Theworldwide Anglican Church (calledEpiscopal in the U.S.) is another.Through it all, Interfaithism has nowbecome mainstream. Religious exclusive-ness (i.e. biblical Christianity) hasbecome tantamount to genocide.

    The groundwork has been laid, and

    the smoke is as thick as it will ever be.The time is right. Its now safe for theUnited Nations to open its closet and,with confidence, bring the movementunder its roof by hosting the WorldMillennium Peace Summit.

    On August 28-31, the United Nationswill hosts its first Interfaith gathering andthe largest one ever. Politics meet reli-gion. Religion meet politics. Andwelcome to the New World Orders fasttrack.

    Phase Two: Political UnionUN Millennium Assembly and

    Summit, September 6-8

    One short week after the worlds reli-

    gious leaders end their dialogue, over 160presidents and prime ministers will breakbread at the UN Millennium Assemblyand Summit. It, too, will be held at theUnited Nations building in New YorkCity. The September 6-8 event has beenin planning for years. It will be the largestgathering of heads-of-state ever, and itwill happen under the auspices of an or-ganization that openly claimsjurisdiction over them all.

    Saddam Hussein and SlobodanMilosevic are expecting the flu and will

    n ew yor k, n ew yor k


    Father ORouke, a Catholic Priest from San Francisco, proudly signs the charter that gave birth

    to the United Religions Initiative.


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    21SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000endtimeE-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    not be in attendance.The Summit will not be a planning

    session for world leaders. The planninghas already taken place. It occurred atthe UN in May behind closed doors at aby-invitation-only event called the UNMillennium Forum. What the world willsee in September was set forth May 22-26.

    The article on page 30 of this editionof Endtime reports on the UNMillennium Forum. Dr. MichaelCoffman, gives expert analysis of theForums official published statements.

    The goal of the September 6-8 meet-

    ing is UN empowerment. Fundamentalchanges to the UN Charter will be pre-sented that will give the organizationunchecked totalitarian authority.Approval may not occur at this meeting,but it is a near term inevitability.

    Phase Three: The Earth CharterState of the World Forum, September


    Mikhail Gorbachev has planned hisannual State of the World Forum to co-

    incide with the UN MillenniumSummit. Gorbachevs Forum 2000 willbe held September 4-10 at the New YorkHilton. It is during this time that thecommunist world statesman will offi-cially present his new Earth Charter tothe 160-plus heads-of-state gathered 16blocks away at the UN Building.

    The Earth Charter will be given a highprofile presentation to the Summit at-tendees. Like the proposed changes tothe UN Charter, the Earth Charter willalso give the UN unprecedented globalpowers. Co-authored by Gorbachev andMaurice Strong, chief advisor to Kofi

    Annan, the Earth Charter will ulti-mately be endorsed. Its importance isearth shattering, both figuratively andliterally.

    Let us therefore take a few steps backand reacquaint ourselves with MikhailGorbachev. Where did he come from?And most importantly, what is his planto save mankind?

    A fresh look at GorbachevWhen the Apostle Paul encountered

    the light on the Damascus Road, he be-

    came a new man with a new purpose.The change occurred within moments.

    Something also must have changed inMikhail Gorbachev. He becamePresident of the Evil Empire in 1985.Two short years later this most unusual ofcommunist dictators published a bookcalled Perestroika. In it he espoused anew policy of openness called glastnost.He went on to charm Thatcher, Reaganand the entire West. He brought downthe Berlin Wall and became one of themost popular men ever on the planet.

    What change occurred within MikhailGorbachev to cause such an about-face?

    Was it something in the water? A neardeath experience? A flash of light on hisway to Red Square one afternoon?

    Remember, the goal of his predecessorshad always been to conquer the capitalistWest. Gorbachev did not become presi-dent on a platform of perfect love forPlanet Earth and his fellow man. Hepresided over the communist half of theplanet with a nice smile and iron teeth,and his job description did not includeorchestrating the self-destruction ofcommunism.

    Israel, 3rd Temple, ArmageddonT807 Temple Mount ControversiesT731 Why the Final 7 Years Are CloseT821 Sharing JerusalemT822 China & The Third Temple

    World GovernmentT630 UN Special Intelligence Report with Gary KahT808 Millennium Summit: What to ExpectT809 Court System Is in Place for Great TribulationT711 Understanding the Earth Charter

    Global ReligionT627 United Religions Organization is BornT707 Benjamin Crme InterviewT710 Benjamin Crme: Flaws of the New Age

    The Vatican in ProphecyT629 Vatican Ties to World Government

    Will Gorbachev Be the Antichrist?T816 Mikhail Gorbachev & Prince CharlesR511 Live with Globalism Expert, Gary KahS1020 GorbachevWorld Savior or Antichrist?

    The China ThreatT817 Is the China Threat Over?T822 China & The Third Temple

    Mark of the BeastT802 Earth Charter & the Mark of the Beast

    Highly RecommendedSPECIAL Peter Jennings Search for Jesus: Fact or Heresy?

    (T719)SPECIAL Clinton Receives Charlemagne Award (T607)SPECIAL Interview: UN Under-Sec. Gen. Maurice Strong (T411)SPECIAL A Non-Christian for President? (T814)

    Understanding RevelationT228 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

    R603 Chernobyl The 3rd Trumpet of RevelationR604 Understanding the 6th Seal, 7th Trumpet & 7th VialR1217 5th Trumpet Saddam Hussein in the Bible

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    22 endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000

    When the Grinch heard the Who-People sing on Christmas even thoughhe had stolen all of their presents, hisheart grew ten sizes that day. Is that whathappened to Mikhail Gorbachev?

    There are some who speculate thatnothing happened. They contend he isthe same wolf he always was. Only now

    he dresses in sheeps clothing. His goal,they say, is the same, but it is only his tac-tic that has changed. The goal is still toconquer the world, but his new tactic isto work in concert with the United

    Nations using a tool called environmen-talism. And the vehicle he will use tomake his ultimate conquest istheEarth Charter.

    I was just passing by andthought Id drop this charter off

    The man who took office in 1985 was

    on the streets by 1991. He had it all, andthen nothing. It was strange. In 1992,Gorbachev attended the Earth Summitin Rio, and was seen running with aCanadian globalist named MauriceStrong. It seems he was involved in somechintzy environmental matters. Theybegan working on something called anearth charter a definite step down fromthe pinnacle he had just held.

    Or was it? Did, in fact, MikhailGorbachev know something we didnt?Was the platform of environmentalismto become more powerful than the presi-dency of the Soviet Union?

    After a million miles of politicking andeight years, Gorbachev, Strong and UNSecretary-General Kofi Annan are onthe verge of slipping through one of themost horrific documents ever conceived.

    Gorbachevs September 4-10 State ofthe World Forum will be held at the NewYork Hilton in Manhattan, just blocksaway from the UN Building where heand Strong will make their presentation.

    Forum 2000, writes Gorbachev on hiswebsite, worldforum.org, will be a highlevel gathering of international leaders ofbusiness and civil society.

    Lets shine a spotlight on whatGorbachev says and what he means.

    Gorbachev refers to Civil society.Thats an interesting term. What is civilsociety? It has a grassroots kind of ring.It probably means the people of theworld. Perhaps, society at large. Itsounds as though Gorbachev has invitedthe common man to his meeting to rep-

    resent the will of the little people. Itsounds a lot like democracy.

    But this couldnt be further from thetruth. Civil society is another term for

    NGOs. You may have heard of NGOsbefore. And if you are like most, youreyes glaze over at the mere mention ofthem. NGO stands for non-governmen-tal organization. Its an organization notassociated with any government. civilis the opposite of government. Its acivil organization, but not just any civilorganization. Its a United Nations-ap-proved and endorsed organization. To be

    a member of civil society means youare already sold out to the UN cause. Itsabout as democratic as when thePolitburo chose Gorbachev to be thehead of the Soviet Union.

    NGO properly understoodAn NGO is nothing more than a spe-

    cial interest group that is sympathetic tothe agendas of the UN. Many NGOs areformed by the UN itself. They do notrepresent the people in any way, shape orform. There is no election process. There

    are no democratic principles involved onany level. NGOs give the illusion thatthey voice the will of the people. Butagain, the truth exists 180 degrees away.

    Now you know who Gorbachevs civilsociety leaders are. And his internationalbusiness leaders? They are all loyal andavowed globalists.

    The May 22-26 planning session forthe September 6-8 Summit was, by theway, an exclusive NGO meeting. If youwerent an NGO, you werent there.

    Our intent in juxtaposing (the Stateof the World Forum) with the UN

    Millennium Summit, writes Gorbachevis to create a global town meeting inwhich acknowledged world leaders inbusiness, finance, labor, science andtechnology, the environment, humanrights, academia, religion and civil soci-ety will join in substantive dialogue withselected heads-of-state on the great issuesconfronting all of us as we enter the eraof globalization. We do not know of an-other occasion when so many leadersfrom so many regions of the world and somany diverse disciplines will be gathered

    n ew yor k, n ew yor k

    E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    Ted Turner, whose $1 billion donation to the UN funded the World Millennium Peace Summit, ad-

    dressed the attendees on Tuesday, August 29. He told them he was born into a Christian family

    and had actually dreamed of going into the clergy, but was bothered that his church taught only

    Christians were going to heaven. "I thought heaven was going to be a mighty empty place," he

    said. "Now I believe there may be one God who manifests Himself in different ways to different

    peopleAnd I cant believe God wants us to blow ourselves to kingdom come." Turner is shown

    here with Mikhail Gorbachev at a Green Cross International symposium.


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    23SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000endtime

    together for a common dialogue about is-sues of such import.

    Many things get lost in translationfrom Russian to English. A better render-ing would be Our intent is to give theimpression that leaders from all walks oflife will make their valued inputs. It willseem as though we have achieved the ul-

    timate in a global democratic process.But in reality, these guys all work for me.They always have. Its a sham, and no-body can stop us.

    A new democracyNow that you understand what an

    NGO is, lets take a look at how theUnited Nations plans to use them. In adocument called NGOs and the NewDemocracy, formerly posted to theun.org/reform page, the UN writes,NGOs and other civil society actors are

    now perceived not only as disseminatorsof information or providers of services,but also as shapers of policy.

    The UN will have NGOs shaping pol-icy. In other words, they will make laws.In the United States, Congress makeslaws. The U.S. Congress is elected by thepeople. NGOs are accepted or rejectedby the very global government thatclaims validation from these NGOs. Itsvery much likeyou scratch my backand Ill scratch yours!

    The UN goes on to say they will makeNGOs key operational partners and im-plementing agents. A vibrant civilsociety is critical to the processes of de-mocratization and empowerment.

    Operational partners and implement-ing agents? Not only will they make laws,

    NGOs will be empowered to enforcelaws!

    And this is what the United Nationscalls democratization?

    Dr. Michael Coffman, author of thebook, Saviors of the Earth?, sees it a differ-

    ent way. NGOs are special interestgroups whose agendas are pre-approvedand directed by the UN itself, he says.All this does is give unbelievable powersto a group of unaccountable people whoare one very small step away from totali-tarian powers. There will be no electionsby the people of the world, saysCoffman. It will all come from NGOs.There are no checks and balances. Its allby appointment. A properly designedworld government could work. But thiswont be it.

    EarthCharter.ughWhat is the Earth Charter, and how

    will it help fulfill the prophesied totali-tarian one-world government of theAntichrist? Lets read it.

    The well-being of humanity dependsupon preserving a healthy biosphere with

    all its ecological systems, a rich variety ofplants and animals, fertile soils, pure wa-ters and clean air. The globalenvironment with its finite resources is acommon concern of all peoples. The pro-tection of Earths vitality, diversity andbeauty is a sacred trust.

    The Earth is sacred. Environ-mentalism knows no national bound-aries.

    "Dominant patterns of productionand consumption are causing environ-mental devastation, the depletion ofresources and a massive extinction ofspecies. Communities are being under-mined. The benefits of development arenot shared equitably and the gap be-tween rich and poor is widening.Injustice, poverty, ignorance and violentconflict are widespread and the cause ofgreat suffering. An unprecedented rise inhuman population has overburdenedecological and social systems. The foun-dations of global security are threatened.These trends are perilous, but not in-

    evitable."Rough roads are certainly ahead.There must be a solution.

    Fundamental changes are needed inour values, institutions, and ways of liv-ingThe emergence of a global civilsociety is creating new opportunities tobuild a democratic and humane world.Our environmental, economic, political,social and spiritual challenges are inter-connected, and together we can forgeinclusive solutions.

    The solution involves democratic

    principles. Political and spiritual mattersare interconnected. Global inclusion,by the way, means an empowered worldgovernment through NGOs.

    We urgently need a shared vision ofbasic values to provide an ethical foun-dation for the emerging worldcommunity. Therefore, together in hope

    we affirm the following interdependentprinciples for a sustainable way of life asa common standard by which the con-duct of all individuals, organizations,businesses, governments and transna-tional institutions is to be guided andassessed.

    The need is urgent. The peoples of theworld must affirm certain common prin-ciples. Every person and entity on earthmust be guided by these principles. Theywill be judged by the principles of theEarth Charter, and if found wanting, pe-

    nalized.In other words, the world is one small

    step away from having to take an oath ofallegiance to the unbiblical principles ofthe Earth Charter. Bible prophecies indi-cate that the reward for compliance tothe world government system will be re-ceiving a number without which buyingor selling would become difficult.

    The entire Earth Charter text is avail-able online at www.earthcharter.org.

    The point of no returnEndorsement of the Earth Charter will

    plunge mankind into the worst night-mare it has ever known. If its not theEarth Charter, then it will be somethingsimilar. If not in September, then soon.

    It appears the Earth Charter will ulti-mately be ratified. And when it is, wewill have crossed the point of no returntoward world government. We will, asthey say, be off to the races.

    Is Mikhail Gorbachev a wolf in sheepsclothing? Is he too old at 69 to take the

    reigns?If you respond to the imminence ofworld government with fear, work it out.If you respond with excitement, gear up.Its an exciting time to be alive.

    Endtime is not a political movement.Its a religious movement. We are not outto prevent, but to expose.

    Human government will fail. The bat-tle is spiritual, and we win. Know whatthe Bible teaches about being born again.Pray, believe, obey and enjoy the ride!

    Start spreadin the news.

    E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    Endorsement ofthe Earth Charter

    will plungemankind into theworst nightmare it

    has ever known.

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Sept Oct 2000


    24 endtime SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000 E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    Episcopalians and Lutherans

    UniteThe 5.2 million-member EvangelicalLutheran Church and the EpiscopalChurch have approved an historic al-liance. The two denominations will nowshare clergy, sacraments and strategy.

    Part of the worldwide AnglicanChurch (Church of England), theEpiscopalians are strong proponents ofthe ecumenical and Interfaith move-ments. Bishop Desmond Tutu wasquoted as saying that Mahatma Ghandi,a Hindu who denied Jesus Christ as his

    Lord and Savior, was in heaven.Episcopalian Bishop William Swing isfounder of the unbiblical UnitedReligions Initiative. The church recentlygave its blessing to one of its ministershaving a sex change operation. It alsopays spousal benefits to the live-in part-ners of their homosexual clergy. Therewere several openly gay and lesbian dele-gates at Julys Episcopalian nationalconvention.

    These are all clear departures from theteachings of the Bible, and with this newarrangement, the Evangelical LutheranChurch gives the Episcopalians its offi-cial stamp of approval.

    Arafat hailed as new SaladinReturning as a conquering hero after

    the Camp David Summit, Yasser Arafatwas proclaimed a modern-day Saladin,the Muslim warrior who drove theCrusaders from Jerusalem in 1187.

    It was several years ago that Arafat wasquoted as offering Israel the peace of

    Saladin. History majors will recall thatSaladin, after being defeated, offeredEnglands King Richard a peace treaty.Two years later, when his forces had re-grouped and were strong enough, hebroke the treaty and defeated the Englisharmies.

    The Muslim Arab community under-stands Arafats work is not yet finished.

    FBI monitors Americas emailA carnivore eats meat. A computer

    system named Carnivore reads emails. It

    has been in place for over a year now andis being used by the FBI to monitor thecommunications of suspected criminals.

    And what qualifies a person to be onthis suspected criminal list? Last year, theFBIs Project Megiddo classified anyonewho believed in a literal Armageddon asa potential threat to society.

    Like a phone tap, Internet taps requirea court order. Anytime we develop a sys-tem, said FBI spokesman Paul Bresson,were basically balancing the interests ofnational security against that of the pri-vacy of the public. This issue is alwaysgoing to come up. Were always going toget questionswe understand that.

    Bresson says that law-abiding citizenswould be protected and not violated byCarnivore.

    Britain is on the verge of passing a lawforcing companies to install equipmentso authorities can intercept and decodeany email messages.

    William Webster, former head of theCIA and FBI said, Tough measuresmight seem alarming today, but peoplewill get used to them.

    Israel cancels $250 million sale toChina

    Israeli leader Ehud Barak caved intoU.S. pressure and cancelled its $250 mil-

    lion sale of the Phalcon advanced air-

    borne warning system to China. Heinformed President Clinton of his deci-sion at the beginning of the Camp DavidSummit.

    Barak sent Defense Ministry DirectorGeneral Amos Yaron to Beijing to per-sonally deliver a letter to ChinesePresident Jiang Zemin. It read, Israel isright now together with the UnitedStates in the midst of an effort to achievehistoric decisions relating to its vital in-terests, and cannot under the existingcircumstances carry on in the Phalcon

    project.Both parties in the U.S. Congress

    threatened to cut all aid to Israel if thedeal went through.

    NRA opposed UN gun banWayne LaPierre of the National Rifle

    Association is organizing a massive peti-tion rally to thwart what they call adisastrous international gun controlscheme being planned by the United

    Nations. UN operatives are working be-hind the scenes to build support for aninternational treaty, reads LaPierres let-ter, that would include a virtualworldwide ban on private firearms own-ership.

    If ratified by the U.S. Senate andsigned by the President, the treaty wouldbe binding on all citizens with the fullforce of law. According to the NRA,America is one of the last free nations onearth when it comes to the right to ownand use firearms.

    Scrapping the poundIt is being widely reported thatBritains Prime Minister Tony Blair hasalready decided to do away with thepound and embrace the euro. Oppositionto Blairs pro-European Union stance isfierce, and could cause his party to losethe next election. Many fear Blairs poli-cies will relegate Britain to a third-ratepower in the EU, which they see shapingup as a Franco-German-led modern-dayversion of the Holy Roman Empire.

    The Bible prophesies such an empire

    W o r l dby Eddie Sax

    Last year, theFBIs Project

    Megiddo classifiedanyone who be-lieved in a literal

    Armageddon as a

    potential threat tosociety.

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Sept Oct 2000


    25SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000endtimeE-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

    to be revived and in place when Jesus re-


    Flogging loggersPaying homage once again to t