endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. arturo ayala-arcipreste md faans

Arturo Ayala Arcipreste, Rafael Mendizabal Guerra, Rubén Acosta Garcés, Gervith Reyes, Carlos Delgado. Neurosurgery Department. Hospital Juárez de México. México City. Neuroendoscopic management of Hidrocephalus on Hospital Juárez de México.

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trabajo presentado en el congreso mundial de neurocirugia en Boston 2009. mas de 200 casos operados por neurocirugia endoscópica por hidrocefalia.


Page 1: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS

Arturo Ayala Arcipreste, Rafael Mendizabal Guerra, Rubén Acosta Garcés, Gervith Reyes, Carlos Delgado.Neurosurgery Department. Hospital Juárez de México.México City.

Arturo Ayala Arcipreste, Rafael Mendizabal Guerra, Rubén Acosta Garcés, Gervith Reyes, Carlos Delgado.Neurosurgery Department. Hospital Juárez de México.México City.

Neuroendoscopic management of Hidrocephalus on Hospital

Juárez de México.

Page 2: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS


1910 L´Espinasse inserted a cystoscope to view lateral ventricles.1922 Dandy make a electrofulguration of coroids plexus like management of hydrocephalus.1923 Mixter make the firts third –ventriculostomy.1935 Fay and Grant take pictures of the lateral ventricles

1962 Bosma adapted a 8 mm camera to film the endoscopic procedures.1963 Guiot used a quartz lens and light source to improve the image quality.1980 to actuallity….Percnezky, Fries, Gaab, Cohen, Schroeder..Endoscopic third ventriculostomy has gained popularity and has become the first choice for certain adult and pediatric hydrocephalus conditions.

Page 3: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS


Demostrate the experience of the neuroendoscopic management to resolve hydrocephalus with variate etiology in our health institution.

Page 4: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS

Material and MethodsRetrospective and descriptive study

We include all the patients operated with neuroendoscopic technique with diagnosis of hydrocephalus confirmed by image studies between 2004 and 2008 at the Hospital Juárez de México with follow up of 6 months as minimun.Total of 234 patients were treated with neuroendoscopic technique, we select 185 patients :91 males (3-83y old m:43) 94 females (4-72 y old m:37) to whom were performed a 195 neuroendoscopic procedures.All the patients had symptoms of hydrocephalus and be corroborated with image studies (CT or IRM).We used rigid neuroendoscope for all procedures.

Page 5: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS


Page 6: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS

Etiology of hydrocephalus

Clinical improve

(n=162) 87.5%

Without improve

(n=23) 12.4%

Aqueductal stenosis

(n= 28)27 (16.6%) 1 (4.3%)

Non communicating hydrocephalus by tumors

(n= 87)

81 (50%) 6 (26%)

Meningitis and cysticercosis

(n= 30)

23 (14.1%) 7 (30.4%)

Hydrocephalus with uncertain origen


18 (11.1%) 1 (4.3%)

Intraventricular and subarachnoid

hemorrhage (n=21)

13 (18.5%) 8 (34.7%)

Page 7: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS

Results Clinical improve


Without improve


Age 3 to 83 years old


4 to 72 years old

(m: 37).

Sex M= 84 F= 78 M= 7 F= 16

On firts 24 hours the 82% of the patients showed improve of symptoms.

At 5 weeks of follow up the hydrocephalus was resolve on 80% on the CT image.

Page 8: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS


(15) 8.1%Clinical improve


Without improve


Subdural hematoma 1 0

Intraventricular Hemorrhage

1 3

Pneumoencephalus 2 2

Brain tissue Injury due to anomalus


1 0


1 4

All 23 patients without improve requiered ventriculo peritoneal shunt.

Page 9: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS

DiscussionIn this serie of 185 patients with hydrocephalus treated with neuroendoscopic techniques, the 87.5% improve the clinical status, and 12.4% did not show clinical improve and requiered a ventriculo peritoneal shunt.We consider this rate succesfull. Other series reporting a success rate from 50 to 94%.

Our rate of surgical complications was of 8.1%.Other series reporting a 6 to 14% on complications rate.No mortality are relationated with the surgical procedure in our serie.Inflamatory pathology like infections and events that affect the absortion mechanisms have more complications than others when the obstruction of flow is affected.

Page 10: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS


The indication to neuroendoscopy are changing with the time, firstly was only for non communicating hydrocephalus but the presence of intraventricular cysts clots or tumors are indicated to the procedure, including the septum fenestration and the endoscopic supervision of shunt insertion are reported.

Series reported by Percknezky, Fries, Gaab, Dusick, Amin, Beems confirmed that the endoscopic managment of hydrocephalus ,mainly the third ventriculsotomy is an effective procedure to be shunt indepence.

Page 11: Endoscopic management of hydrocephalus. Arturo Ayala-Arcipreste MD FAANS

ConclusionThe surgical technique, and the outcome depends of the etiology of the hydrocephalus.

The inflamatory pathology like infections including cysticercosis and intraventricular hemorrhage demostrated less clinical improve and higher rate of complications.

The neuroendoscopic procedures to resolve hydrocephalus is safe and effective.The third-ventriculostomy is the most common endoscopic technique on the world wide for hydrocephalus.Our results are similar to world wide with endoscopic experience.