endorsement melinda csiki


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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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Tlla ..t:.^a+-li.u.r!,.!.-.!3..,^r..+ :_-=!,{..\a.:,1te r.! *r.,.i.,\i* .t..! i!:i,4!^,. irri. t++.3:,,.i,,". ,,^;._,!j.!l'.v'l-',Jl'/l'.".'

From: esiki Melinda AlexsndraPresident AIESEC Timipoaro 2O1,0AU 7

Street F- C. Ripensia, Dorm 76, Room 427Timisoara, Romdniawww.qiese$m,rc

E*m ail : csiki, meli nda. alexa ndro @ g m af l. cam

ttanuary ?AiZ

Re co m m e n d qt i o n:' Lette r

Sadu Matei, two times LCP in AIESEC Arad@ but deep dawn inside alsa'FlEtrrd memhq af /UESECfimisloara! I helieve thst Radu is one of the cruziest people thatt I know, a person wha made a jokereality: A//ESECARAE!

Radu statted iis experiince in ATESEC Timkoara 2 yean ogo, passin g through same tesmexperienees st the beginning and making himself visible through his a*ivity aen $ he was living inAiod. His desire ani imbitin made o smalt joke in LCt ?QagTimisoara, became reality, fie workednnd strived s lot to make this possibte and naw he is a Prvad LCF of ATESEC Aradl As LCp on thisterm he wos *lways in tauch and *rtved to grow ATESEC Arad in t*e naticlnet nel:ntarks, to help andoffer inputs when any LC needed it.

Far me Rsdff rs ane a! the best examples af ryrseverance rtnd wfihition, rp€rron that strives larwhat he wonb, for growing and helping stherc eround him, for hdving an impact ia the reciety.He is a persan that cares far the things that ere hoppening qround him, a Wrson that puts a 1at ofpaxion and energy in achieving the bert. He passed through reolly tough mCIments which grewhim and made him the person he is today: ambitious, trustful and tourogeous!

In tbe end I csn sqT that I strongly recommend Eadu because'offifs resu[ts until,naw but especiollybecouse of the Wrson he is, because af the t'iust and ffirfidenre that he built around himselfthraugh al{ the things he did unti!.now.

ln ccse any *dditi*natr infurmc#on fs r,eguired pfecse de net hesttcte te cottts€t me $t14fi.722.33.2,,128.

AlESECTimigoara I F, C. Ripensia Str. I Dorm 16, Room 42? | Timisoara, Romaniatel: +4S Tlz.3g"e.ffiB I r:www.aiesertm.rs

