endocrine system worksheet sports medicine level 3-1

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  • 8/6/2019 Endocrine System Worksheet Sports Medicine Level 3-1


    Endocrine System Worksheet Sports Medicine Level 3

    Niki Roy

    1. Define endocrinology.

    The study of chemical communication systems that provide the means tocontrol a huge number of physiologic processes

    2. Target cells respond to particular hormones because they have theappropriate nerve receptors to do so.

    3. What can influence changes in hormone productions.Stress, infection, and changes in fluid and minerals in the blood

    4. What part of the brain controls the pituitary glands release ofhormones?

    The hypothalamus

    5. There are two lobes associated with the pituitary gland are the anteriorand the posterior lobes. Briefly explain the difference functions thatare regulated by each lobe.

    Anterior - regulates the activity of the thyroid, adrenals andreproductive glands; also secretes hormones that signal the ovaries and testes tomake sex hormones

    Posterior - releases antidiuretic hormone, which helps control waterbalance through its effect on the kidneys and urine output; and oxytocin whichtriggers the contracting of the uterus that occur during labor

    6. The video gave an abbreviated name for the antidiruretic hormone,which works closely with you kidneys to regulate water balance inthe body. What did the video refer to this hormone as?


    7. How does this hormone work to regulate water in the body.it is released when the body is dehydrated and causes the kidneys to

    conserve water, thus concentrating the urine, and reducing urine volume.

    8. What was the rare condition called where a person passes an irregularexcess amount of urine.

    Diabetes insipidus

    9. What hormone causes your heart rate and blood pressure to rise.What gland secretes it?

    Epinephrine (adrenaline) is secreted from the adrenal medulla

  • 8/6/2019 Endocrine System Worksheet Sports Medicine Level 3-1


    10. What are the hormones associated specifically with females andwhat is their function?

    ESTROGEN - involved in the development of female sexual features andregulation of the menstrual cycle

    PROGESTERONE - involve in pregnancy

    11. Human growth hormone, what could happened if you have toomuch or not enough. Why do body builders and athletes sometime

    take human growth hormone? Too much - giantism or acromegaly could occur Giantism - generally occurs in young children or young

    adolescence Acromegaly - generally occurs in adults

    Not enough - dwarfism could occur

    Some athletes sometime take human growth hormone, since it isanabolic (builds up organs and tissue) - to build muscle, and it has somemetabolic benefits (burns more fat)