end pms now e-book · chapter 3: the biochemistry of life: the biochemistry of life: the following...


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    By RAPHAEL RETTNER D.C. www.chirovideocom

    Version 1.00July, 2009

    Limits of Liability & Disclaimer of Warranty

    The author and publisher of this e-book and the associated materials have used their best efforts in preparing this material. The author and publisher make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this material. They disclaim any warranties expressed or implied, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. If you have any doubts about anything, the advice of a competent professional should be sought.

    This material contains elements protected under International and Federal Copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

    Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 www.chirovideo.com

  • About the Author

    Dr. Raphael Rettner is a Palmer College of Chiropractic West graduate and has been inpractice since 1982. Dr. Rettner is one of the most highly skilled andrespected chiropractors in the United States. He has made numerousradio and T.V. appearances, is the author of Vegetarian Cooking forPeople with Allergies and has produced several DVDs including: EndP.M.S Now!, The Ultimate Diet, and Twelve Causes of an UnstableSpine. He has studied both force and non-force techniques such asAdvanced Biostructural Correction, Applied Kinesiology, Biophysics,Gonstead, S.O.T. and over a dozen others. With a combination ofcreative thinking and an insatiable quest for knowledge, Dr. Rettnerhas developed several new and exciting chiropractic techniques. Since1994 he has taught these in his Applied Trigger Points seminar tochiropractors all across the United States, Australia, Canada andEngland.You can reach Raphael at [email protected]

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  • Table of Contents...........................................................................................................Introduction: 5

    ..............................................................Chapter 1: The Normal Menstrual Cycle: 6

    ........................................................................Chapter 2: Premenstrual Tension 11

    ...................................................................Chapter 3: The Biochemistry of Life: 21

    .......................................................................Chapter 4: Supplements for PMS: 23

    .......................................................Chapter 5: Premenstrual Program Includes: 31

    ......................................................................Chapter 6: Factors Affecting PMS: 32

    .....................................................Chapter 7: The Recommended Diet for PMS: 34

    ........................................................Chapter 9: Neurolymphatic Points for PMS: 44

    ..........................................................................................................Conclusion: 50

    ...........................................................................................................Resources: 51

    .................................................................................................................Forms: 53

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  • Introduction:

    Hi, my name is Dr. Rettner. I am a chiropractor practicing in Berkeley, California and I specialize in the successful treatment of PMS or premenstrual syndrome. I reviewed the anatomy, physiology and treatment of PMS. The following is presented for informational purposes in the interest of making you aware of PMS, its causes and symptoms and to introduce you to products and therapies utilized in its treatment. This e-book is not intended for self diagnosis or treatment. Many of the symptoms and conditions of PMS can also be an indication of more serious medical problems. If you suffer from or experience any of the conditions or symptoms of PMS you should not attempt to diagnose or treat yourself, but should immediately consult with your personal physician or health care provider.

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  • Chapter 1: The Normal Menstrual Cycle:

    Menstruation is the shedding of the lining of the uterus. With most women this occurs each month. The lining of the uterus or endometrium increases in thickness throughout

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  • the monthly cycle due to an increase in the blood supply to prepare a home for the fertilized egg. If pregnancy does not occur, then this lining is not needed. The uterus cleanses itself of the cells with the monthly bleeding. A cyclical pattern occurs because of the fluctuation in hormonal

    levels. This is based on a feedback system which the hormonal gland secretes a chemical or hormone which enters the bloodstream and triggers a reaction in another gland far away. The hormone acts as a messenger. Either giving another gland instructions to make its own hormone. or triggering a chemical response in other parts of the body. The menstrual cycle is triggered by hormones produced in the hypothalamus located in the brain. It regulates many functions such as hunger, sleep patterns and menstruation. From its pattern at the base of the brain, just below the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland produces the hormones needed to stimulate all the other glands in the body. It

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  • stimulates the menstrual cycle by producing FSH or follical stimulating hormone, LH or lutenizing hormone, as well as adrenocortitrepid hormone or ACTH and thyroid stimulating hormone. FSH and LH are released into the blood stream with the ovaries as their destination.

    The ovaries are located in the woman’s pelvic region and contain eggs in an inactive form called follicles. Each month FSH and LH from the pituitary cause the follicles to ripen and one of them to grow into an egg. In doing so, the follicle begins to produce the hormones, estrogen and progesterone. These hormones also stimulate the lining of the uterus to prepare a proper home for the egg to grow. The estrogen and progesterone also control breast development. As estrogen and progesterone circulate throughout the bloodstream, they pass through the liver. The liver functions as a garbage disposal service. When

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  • high levels of hormones are no longer needed, it breaks them down and renders them inactive, so that they can be excreted from the body. On day one, the first day of menstruation, estrogen and progesterone levels are extremely low.

    The hypothalmus reacts by releasing FSHRF which stimulates the pituitary to produce FSH. FSH stimulates the follicle cells of the ovary to begin increasing in size and producing estrogen. The increased amounts of estrogen cause the lining of the uterus to grow so that by midcycle it has a greatly increased blood supply. One of the follicles, the Grafian follicle, produces the egg for that month’s midcycle. On day 14 and immediately prior to ovulation, estrogen levels reach their peak. This causes the pituitary to increase the amount of FSH produced and increase the Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 9 www.chirovideo.com

  • amount of LH. This triggers the release of the egg from the follicle and extrusion from the ovary. The egg is picked up by the fallopian tube and stays there for 12-36 hours. It is during this time the egg can be fertilized, between midcycle and day 28. The LH causes the graffian follicle left in the ovary to change into a corpus luteum or yellow body. This yellow body produces high levels of estrogen and especially progesterone. Adequate levels of progesterone are essential for maintaining a pregnancy.

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  • Chapter 2: Premenstrual Tension

    Premenstrual tension or PMT was a term coined by a gynecologist, Dr. Roger Frank in 1931 to describe a group of symptoms occurring 7-10 days before menses, with marked improvement after the onset of menses. For years medical doctors have failed to properly diagnose and treat premenstrual syndrome; a condition that affects millions of women. PMS patient visits on the average 3 or 4 different doctors for various aspects of their problem and receive only symptomatic care. The treatment is often inappropriate and ineffective. Harmful drugs and unnecessary surgeries are often performed. In a recent study it was reported that greater than 50% of all women suffer from PMT or PMS. The most common PMS symptoms may be divided into four subgroups. These were developed by Dr. Guy Abraham, an OB/Gyn doctor in Los Angeles.

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  • Subgroup PMT-A: Eight out of ten women have this. The symptoms are nervous tension, irritability and mood swings. The causes:

    High levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone. Estrogen is a central nervous system stimulant and causes a stress reaction bringing about aggression and hostile behavior. Progesterone is a central nervous system depressant, has a calming effect upon the body. It can cause depression and low sexual interest.

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  • Eating large quantities of red meat and animal fat tends to increase estrogen levels. A vitamin B-6 deficiency which makes it difficult for the body to eliminate estrogen. Magnesium deficiency due to eating an excess of dairy products and refined sugar. Magnesium and dietary fiber helps the liver to clear out estrogen.

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  • Subgroup PMT-H: Six out ten women suffer from this.

    Symptoms are weight gain, abdominal bloating, swelling of fingers and ankles. The weight gain occurs a few days preceding your period. Your rings won’t fit and your shoes are too tight and your dresses are too tight around the waist. Congestion and tenderness in the lower abdomen and breasts also occurs. The causes for this are:

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  • Poor nutrition causes a B vitamin deficiency and increased change in the estrogen clearance through the liver. The liver is congested. It also deceases resistance to stress. Stress causes the adrenal glands to release aldosterone. An excess of the hormone aldosterone can cause water and salt retention by the kidneys. Susceptibility to stress is increased during the luteal phase between ovulation and menses. Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates causes an excessive release of insulin. The insulin prevents the kidneys from excreting sodium or salt A vitamin B-6 and magnesium deficiency.

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  • Subgroup PMT-C: Four out of ten women suffer from this.

    Symptoms are craving for sweets, especially chocolate, headaches, heart pounding, fatigue and dizziness.

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  • The causes for this: During the luteal phase between ovulation and menses, the cells have an increased ability to bind insulin. This lowers the blood sugar level and cause a craving for sweets. PMT-C results from an excessive intake of refined carbohydrates and a magnesium deficiency. In case of a magnesium deficiency, there will be a decrease of blood sugar or energy. In order to break down glycogen or liver sugar to glucose or blood sugar, vitamin B complex, chromium, manganese or magnesium are required. A deficiency of these would signal the brain to crave sweets. Eating sweets when under stress forces tryptophan into the brain cells where it is converted to serotonin. This causes nervous tension, heart palpitations and drowsiness.

    1. The hormone PGE minimizes the nervous response to low blood sugar. Unrefined safflower oil, magnesium, zinc, niacinamide and vitamin E are required to form PGE. In order to effectively treat PMS it must be approached holistically. The underlying cause must be treated using chiropractic adjustments, diet, exercise, herbs and supplements.

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  • Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 18 www.chirovideo.com

  • Subgroup PMT-D: Two out of ten women have this.

    The symptoms are depression, forgetfulness, crying easily, confusion and difficulty sleeping. This is very serious.

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  • The causes for this are:1. High levels of progesterone and low levels of

    estrogen. Too much progesterone causes depression. Women with PMT-D have magnesium deficiencies which cause the body to absorb more lead from the atmosphere. High levels of lead block estrogen and allow progesterone to run rampant in the blood stream. Hair analysis may be indicated to rate lead toxicity.

    2. Stress makes the adrenal glands produce an excess of male hormones or androgens which can also block estrogen formation and cause depression. It may also cause acne and excess facial or body hair.

    3. Progesterone therapy can make PMT-D be worse and can actually be harmful.

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  • Chapter 3: The Biochemistry of Life:

    The Biochemistry of Life: The following is a discussion of alternatives to drugs and surgery:Chiropractic adjustments are given to improve nerve and blood flow to the reproductive organs. This may reduce cramping, nervous tension and craving for sweets. Misalignments of the sacroiliac joint or a malposition of the uterus can cause menstrual cramps. These can both be corrected in the chiropractic office. PMS can be helped tremendously by chiropractic care. The reason for this is that everything we do in life is dependent on proper balance of body chemistry. Whether it be working, extracting nutrients from your food when you eat, or relating to others or your menstrual cycle itself. The reason for this is that all the chemicals that are released from your uterus, your ovaries, or from the pituitary gland in the brain are dependent on this proper balance of body chemistry. The brain conducts the chemicals that are released in the body much like the conductor of a symphony orchestra. If the musicians in an orchestra wanted to play all of their instruments all at once, as loud as they wanted to, it would come out as noise. Instead, the brain conducts it so that it come out in perfect harmony, so you have perfect balance of your menstrual cycle each month; that’s the normal state of being. The brain conducts these messages to the different glands over nerve pathways. The nerves are very delicate. They are kind of like pasta that has just been cooked and therefore since the messages that are

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  • sent over the nerve pathways are vital to your health, they are protected by the bones of the spine. The bones of the spine are very hard. When you are under stress, whether it be from emotional stress or not eating right or not sleeping right, fighting with your husband, whatever kind of stress, the bones of the spine will put pressure on the nerves. They will crush the nerves and they’ll choke off the messages from the brain to the glands that produce the body’s chemicals and then nothing works right. You have an imbalance of body chemistry causing you to be uptight, irritable, bloated, have trouble sleeping and crave sweets. Any of those symptoms are due to an improper balance of body chemistry. It will stay like that the rest of your life and you will always have symptoms unless a chiropractor checks you. The chiropractor will find where there is pressure on the nerves, take the pressure off the nerves by a chiropractic adjustment, and then you will have a proper balance of body chemistry. Then everything will work right. You won’t have any PMS symptoms, you’ll have lots of energy, you’ll be able to relate to others better and get along with your husband and your children. You’ll extract nutrients from your food properly and you won’t crave sweets as much. Everything will work great and you’ll have optimal performance in every area of your life. That’s why chiropractic is essential for any woman with PMS.

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  • Chapter 4: Supplements for PMS:

    A menstrual symptomatology questionnaire is completed to assess the presence, severity and type of PMS. A menstrual symptom diary may be kept for one to three cycles. This will help you to keep track of your symptoms and find out what’s working and what’s not.

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  • The women’s multivitamin, multimineral formula Maxovite is very effective. It has twice as much magnesium as calcium which is very important. Most vitamin supplements are twice as much calcium as magnesium. You can have an increased need for magnesium, therefore taking a regular multivitamin can actually make your PMS worse. So it is important to check the balance of your magnesium and calcium in your multivitamin.

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  • Evening Primrose oil can be helpful in treating breast pain, swelling and tenderness, cramps, depression, irritability, mood swings and water retention. It also goes by the name of Efamol. For lower abdominal cramps, water retention and depression, the nutritional treatment is: vitamin B-6, magnesium, zinc and Evening Primrose oil. For low levels of progesterone, the treatment is: vitamin B3 or niacin. For premenstrual allergy flare-ups, the treatment is: vitamin B-5 and vitamin C. For depression, forgetfulness, crying and insomnia, the treatment is vitamin E with selenium, 400 to 600 I.U. per day. For depression or edema, swelling of feet and ankles, the treatment is vitamin C. For craving of salt, water, or chocolate, water weight gain, the treatment is magnesium.

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  • For breast swelling and tenderness due to excess prolactin, the treatment is niacin, vitamin C, zinc, essential fatty acids and Evening Primrose oil. For PMT-A which is nervous tension and irritability, the treatment is Bupleurum sedative pills, a cleansing diet, aloe vera juice, Evening Primrose oil, vitamin B-6, vitamin C, niacin and aminoplex. For PMT-C which is craving sweets, increased appetite, eating binges, fatigue, dizziness or fainting, headache, heart pounding and breast congestion, pain and tenderness, the best treatment is essential fatty acids, Evening Primrose oil, magnesium, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-5, vitamin C, aminotate and the amino acid glycine. For PMT-D or depression, forgetfulness, crying easily, confusion, difficulty sleeping, the best treatment is magnesium, vitamin B-6, vitamin C and aminoplex. For PMT-H or water weight gain, bloating, swelling of fingers and ankles, tenderness in the lower abdomen and breasts, the best treatment is vitamin B-6, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium and aminoplex.

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  • Chinese Herbs: The premenstrual symptom patient profile can also be used for rating the symptoms which can tell you which Chinese herbs to take. Write down next to each symptom number 1, 2 or 3, 1 being very mild, 2 moderate and 3 severe.

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  • The Chinese herbal formula Bupleurum sedative pills is helpful for low energy, depression, nervousness, insomnia, if you are tense or uptight, have constipation, hemorrhoids, irritability, flatulence, muscle spasms, ileocecal valve spasm or heart palpitations.

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  • Chinese Herbal Formula 8 treasure tea or women’s treasure pills are helpful for dry scalp, dry skin, indigestion, weak appetite, dry hair, low energy or feeling malnourished.

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  • The Chinese Herbal Formula Wu Chi Pai Feng Wan comes in a little white egg. Open it up, and there will be black pills inside. Take one set of all the black pills per day.

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  • Chapter 5: Premenstrual Program Includes:

    1. The premenstrual symptomatology questionnaire is done to determine the presence, type and severity of PMS, as well as the type of supplements and Chinese herbs needed to treat it effectively.

    2. Dietary guidance as well as emotional support to stick with the diet.

    3. Ready availability of Chinese herbs and vitamins not available in health food stores.

    4. Chiropractic adjustments and organ manipulation of the uterus which can eliminate menstrual cramps and other symptoms.

    5. Deep relaxation exercises. 6. Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

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  • Chapter 6: Factors Affecting PMS:

    1.Childbirth. The more childbirths, the more severe the PMS, especially with toxemia during pregnancy. Married women complain more of PMS than single women. PMS is a major cause of divorce. 2. Age: Women in their 30’s are more prone to PMS. It gets worse with increased age. 3. Stress: Exposure to stress makes PMS worse. 4. Diet: A diet high in junk foods, salt and sugar makes PMS worse. 5. Exercise: Lack of exercise worsens PMS. An exercise and diet diary may be kept for five days. It should include a list binge food as well. Exercise is also important. It improves abdominal circulation and thus aids in the function of the reproductive system.

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  • Perspiration removes excess water. Exercise is a good release of anxiety, frustration and depression.

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  • Chapter 7: The Recommended Diet for PMS:

    1. Eat a lot of natural foods and complex, unrefined carbohydrates such as fresh fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. These foods are high in B vitamins and magnesium and other minerals and fibers as well. Fruits and vegetables, should comprise about 60-70% of your diet. 2. Eat as much protein per meal that fits in the palm of your hand. Too much protein adds up and increases demand for minerals from the body. Rely more on beans, grains, wild fish and range fed poultry as a source of protein and less on red meat and dairy products. 3. Limit your intake of red meat, dairy products, fats and cooked oils. These should comprise no more than 10% of your diet. Animal fat tends to increase estrogen levels, swelling, cramping and breast cancer.

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  • 4. Limit your intake of dairy products as they may cause a magnesium deficiency and may lead to water retention and water weight gain. 5. Limit your consumption of coffee, cola drinks, alcohol, non-herbal tea and chocolate. These items are high in methylxanthine and can cause vitamin B, potassium and zinc deficiencies, breast lumps, breast tenderness and increased levels of hydrochloric acid which can cause abdominal irritation. 6. Avoid black tea. It is 13 to 15% tannin. Tannin binds important minerals and prevents absorption into the digestive tract. 7. Avoid alcohol. It affects blood sugar. It depletes magnesium levels and can adversely affect liver function. Liver problems can aggravate PMS symptoms which can lead to irregularities in the menstrual period. 8. Minimize your intake of sugar and refined or processed foods. They can cause a craving for sweets. This creates a vicious cycle leading to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. 9. Limit your salt and sodium intake. Eat less salt, salty foods such as olives, pickles, canned soups, canned meat and fish, processed cheeses, cottage cheese, soy sauce, pretzels, potato chips and tortilla chips. 10. Use cold pressed, unrefined olive oil. It contains essential fatty acids. 11. Avoid cold food and beverages, iced drinks, ice cream, etc. They adversely affect abdominal circulation and can make PMS worse, as well as contribute to menstrual cramping.

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  • 12. Minimize spinach, beet greens and other vegetables high in oxalic acid. They make it difficult to assimilate minerals. 13. An increase in natural diuretics at premenstrual time is a good idea. For example, foods that will help relieve water retention are strawberries, watermelon, artichokes, asparagus, parsley and watercress. 14. Potassium-rich foods are beneficial against water retention. Some examples of that are raw sunflower seeds, dates, figs, raisins, bananas, millet, tofu, pinto beans, yams, swiss chard, squash, carrots and celery.

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  • Chapter 8: Recipes High in Potassium: 1. Roots of the Earth SoupPreparation time 45 minutes. Cooking time 40-45 minutes.3T olive oil2 large onions, chopped4 garlic cloves, chopped2 large carrots, sliced in rounds4 stalks of celery, sliced3 large asparagus spears, cut into 1 inch pieces 2 large red bell peppers, diced into 1 inch pieces2 large winter squash or yams, peeled and diced into1 inch pieces3-4 red beets, peeled and diced into1 inch pieces2 cups arugula6-8 cups vegetable stock (Chicken stock is o.k. when you’re not on the liver enhancement program)2 tsp. each, cumin and coriander, or to tasteSea salt and black pepper, to taste

    Heat a large stockpot over medium heat and add 3T of olive oil. Add the garlic and onions and sauté for 5 minutes. Do not brown. Add the vegetables except the arugula and stir well for 10 minutes or more. Add chicken broth to cover then add sea salt, black pepper, cumin and coriander to taste. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat. Cover and continue to simmer until vegetables are tender (approximately 10-15 minutes). Taste for seasonings, add arugula and serve. Serves 6-8.

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  • 2. Roasted Autumn Harvest Salad Just as a salad of chilled marinated vegetables feels right for spring, warm roasted vegetables make a splendid salad in the fall. The goal is similar for both: take seasonal produce cook them to coax out their flavors and soften their texture, then toss each component separately in dressing before artfully arranging on a platter. You could even apply this formula to a summer salad with grilled vegetables including eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes and zucchini. This recipe calls for roasted garlic, leeks or shallots, cauliflower, beets and yams but other root vegetables would also be lovely, such as winter squash (butternut, acorn or pumpkin) carrots, parsnips or sweet potatoes. Toasted, pumpkin seeds would make a nice addition as they contribute welcome notes of crunchy texture.

    For roasted vegetables: 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 6 unpeeled garlic cloves1 pound or 4 medium red or golden beets, scrubbed and trimmed, with 1 inch of stems remaining1/4 cup +1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oilone teaspoon dried culinary “Provence” lavender buds, finely ground in a spice grinder2 teaspoons finely grated lemon zesttwo tablespoons fresh lemon juice Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 40 www.chirovideo.com

  • 1 large leek or 2 medium leeks-wash the grit out and cut lengthwise into 2 inch strips or 2-3 shallots, peeled and cut in half if large 3 medium garnet yams (about 1 pound) peeled and cut into 1/2 inch rounds (halve the thicker end pieces lengthwise)1 large head of cauliflower cut into small flowerettessea salt 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary leaves from two sprigsFor salad: 2 bunches of arugula, trimmed and washed well (6 cups)Shallot vinaigrette: 3 tablespoons sherry vinegar 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon minced shallotsSea salt1/4 cup+2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Combine vinegar, mustard, shallot, 1/4 teaspoon sea salt in a bowl and whisk to combine. Whisking constantly, add oil in a slow steady stream until oil is incorporated and mixture is emulsified. Serve immediately. Makes 1/2 cup. Roast beets: Preheat the oven to 450°F. Place the beets and garlic on a large sheet of foil and sprinkle with 1/4 cup of the oil and 1 tablespoon of the lavender; toss to combine. Fold up the foil to make a sealed packet. Place on a baking sheet. Roast for 30-45 minutes, or until tender when test with a sharp Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 41 www.chirovideo.com

  • knife. Set aside and let stand until cool enough to

    handle, then rub off skins with paper towels. Cut beets in half or into quarters.

    Cut the beets into quarters and place in a large skillet. Squeeze the garlic over the beets. Stir in the lemon zest, lemon juice, the remaining one tablespoon oil, and the remaining 1/2 teaspoon lavender. Season with sea salt. Warmed through over medium heat. Sprinkle with the parsley. Serve hot or warm. Meanwhile roast leeks, cauliflower and yams: Toss cauliflower, leeks and yams in a large bowl with remaining three tablespoons of oil, then season with sea salt. Spread in a single layer on a parchment-

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  • lined rimmed baking sheet and sprinkle with rosemary, tossing to coat. Roast until tender and golden, turning vegetables over once, about 30 minutes. Transfer to a bowl.

    Prepare greens: Wash arugula and dry thoroughly, then place in a bowl and cover with a damp kitchen towel (or damp paper towels). Refrigerate until needed (this will help crisp the leaves). Toss vegetables and greens with vinaigrette: Toss parsnips, carrots and shallots with two tablespoons vinaigrette. Toss arugula with two tablespoons vinaigrette and season lightly with sea salt. Compose salad and serve: Line a serving platter with arugula and arrange vegetables on top. Serve salad immediately. Serves 4-6.

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  • Chapter 9: Neurolymphatic Points for PMS: The lymphatic system acts as a drainage system, gathering up waste products from cells, bacteria and other debris. If you have eaten too many dairy products or pastries or don’t exercise enough, lymphatic fluid can accumulate and cause congestion and pain in specific points in the body. Dr. Frank Chapman found that if you rub neurolymphatic points vigorously for about 30 seconds, it can decrease various symptoms significantly. I demonstrated how to stimulate the neurolymphatic points. Find a neurolymphatic point and massage deeply and firmly in a clockwise or counter clockwise motion for about 30 seconds. It should be very deep, even to the point where it may hurt a little bit. This will help improve the circulation to the lymph system and will help alleviate some of the symptoms.

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  • 1. Neurolymphatic Points for PMT-A

    The neurolymphatic points in the front of the body located between the 5th and 6th ribs extending from the nipple to the sternum on both sides and on the back of the body on either side of of the spine at T5, T6 and T7 are used for the relief of anxiety, mood swings, irritability, depression, breast tenderness and bloating.

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  • 2. Neurolymphatic Points for PMT-H

    The second set of neurolymphatic points help to relieve fluid retention, weight gain, and acne. These are located one inch up from the navel and one inch to either side. There are two located on the back between the 12th thoracic and the 1st lumbar vertebrae.

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  • 3. Neurolymphatic Points for PMT-C

    The third neurolymphatic point is used for carbohydrate craving, dizziness and fatigue. The area is located two inches above the navel and one inch to either side. The third set is also located on the back at T10 and T11.

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  • 4. The fourth neurolymphatic point which is used for carbohydrate craving, dizziness and fatigue is located on the left side of the chest between the 7th and 8th ribs one to two inches to the side of the midline. Also on the back of the body, one inch to either side of the spine between the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae.

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  • 5. Neurolymphatic Points for Cramps

    The fifth neurolymphatic point relieves cramps and lower back pain. These are located on the pubic tubercle, which is the upper and inner edges of the pubic bone, and also on the back of the body one inch to either side of the spine at the upper edge of the second lumbar vertebra.

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  • Conclusion: In conclusion, a nation is only as strong as the family unit. You are center of this unit. If you are not at your best, everyone suffers. Don’t let PMS ruin your marriage, your family, your relationships, or your life. Thank you. If you would like for me to set up a diet and supplement program for you, you may write me, c/o Dr. Rettner at 741 Addison St. Berkeley, CA 94710 or call my office at (415) 497-0447.

    Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 50 www.chirovideo.com

  • Resources:

    In addition to this e-book, I highly recommend the “PMS Self Help Book” by Susan Lark, M.D. from Celestial Arts in Berkeley. It contains many recipes, exercises, yoga, meal plans and stress reduction techniques. It can be purchased at your local bookstore or by contacting Dr. Lark.

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  • The multivitamin/mineral formula, Maxovite, as well as other amino acid formulas mentioned on this DVD are available from the Tyson Company in Los Angeles.

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  • Forms:

    1. Menstrual Symptomology Questionnaire

    2. Chinese Herbs for PMS

    3. Supplements for PMS

    4. Supplement Schedule for PMS

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  • Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 54 www.chirovideo.com

  • Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 55 www.chirovideo.com

  • Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 56 www.chirovideo.com

  • Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 57 www.chirovideo.com

  • Copyright © 2009 Raphael Rettner D.C. All Rights Reserved. Page 58 www.chirovideo.com