end of term 3 1:30pm

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring Newsletter No. 28 Thursday 16th September 2021 2405 Ballarto Road, Cardinia Principal: Mrs. Susan Wepster Telephone: 03 5998 8323 https://www.facebook.com/cardiniaps Fax:03 5998 8474 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cardiniaps.vic.edu.au DATES TO REMEMBER September 17th september Footy Dress-Up Day, and whole school meet at 10:00am 17th September End of Term 3 - school finishes at 1:30pm TERM 4 October 4th October Term 4 Starts 22nd October Colour Fun Run and Cardinia Primary Schools 110 year Celebraon Before and Aſter School Care At Cardinia Primary School, Before & Aſter School Care is offered by Windermere. Monday to Friday: Before School Care from 6:30am - 8:45am ……………………………...After School Care from 3:30pm - 6:30pm Website: https://www.windermere.org.au/childcare/cardinia-ps-oshc-family-resources Email: [email protected] Phone: (03) 9705 3200 or 0499 190 055 Help!! Do you know of anyone that has a small excavator or Bobcat that can spare an hour to come and dig the dirt ready for our pavers to be laid? Please email the school ASAP.

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Page 1: End of Term 3 1:30pm

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

Newsletter No. 28 Thursday 16th September 2021

2405 Ballarto Road, Cardinia Principal: Mrs. Susan Wepster

Telephone: 03 5998 8323 https://www.facebook.com/cardiniaps

Fax:03 5998 8474

Email: [email protected] Website: www.cardiniaps.vic.edu.au



17th september Footy Dress-Up Day, and whole school meet at 10:00am

17th September End of Term 3 - school finishes at 1:30pm



4th October Term 4 Starts

22nd October Colour Fun Run and Cardinia Primary School’s 110 year Celebration

Before and After School Care

At Cardinia Primary School, Before & After School Care is offered by Windermere.

Monday to Friday: Before School Care from 6:30am - 8:45am ……………………………...After School Care from 3:30pm - 6:30pm

Website: https://www.windermere.org.au/childcare/cardinia-ps-oshc-family-resources

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (03) 9705 3200 or 0499 190 055

Help!! Do you know of anyone that has a small excavator or Bobcat that can spare an hour

to come and dig the dirt ready for our pavers to be laid? Please email the school ASAP.

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School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


16th September 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Quiz Special Surprise

Don’t forget our Cardi Quiz night tonight at 7:00. Javen’s family enjoyed pizza last weekend. Someone will be enjoying pizza this weekend, and there is a special surprise as well. Tune in tonight to find out! The link is the same each week and is in each weekly newsletter. See you there!

Last Day of Term

Tomorrow will be a fun day, and we will finish at school at 1:30 as we do each term. We will be having a whole school Meet dressed in footy colours, and we will be revealing the winners of our Talent Quest. You voted for our winners, and I know that it was a very close competition with many excellent acts. Congratulations to every person and family that entered, I’m proud of you all!

Colour Run

There is a lot of information about our Colour Run in previous emails and in your class newsletters. Please get behind this event as it is our major fundraising for the year. Every dollar helps towards making sure our kids have access to the latest technology.


We are planning for 2022 – it’s going to be a wonderful year of full-time school!!! If your plans are changing for next year, please let us know. If you know anyone who might be wanting to move to our school or beginning Foundation next year, please ask them to let us know.

I want to thank you for the positive way you are coping with our current situation. The teaching and learning continues, the smiles are still appearing on the screens, and the work is still being completed. You are an amazing community, and together we are getting through this.

We all share the same hope for next term – back to school for all our students and staff. We won’t know for sure till closer to the date; you will hear about anything that comes through on the news the same time as we do. I will send an email towards the end of the holidays to confirm what the start of the term will look like. I wish all our families a safe and happy holiday, and I’m looking forward with hope to next term,



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School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


To all the wonderful contestants in Cardi’s Got Talent for entertaining the whole school this week.

To all the students participating in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge. What an amazing effort! One day to go, keep reading.

To Mrs Miller for organising the St John Ambulance First Aid incursion.


The Meal Deal run by our Grade 6 students - Sausage in bread and a Cadbury

Mini Roll - will go ahead when all students return to on-site learning.

The Pizza, Garlic Bread and a Lamington that was ordered previously for 16th

July, will still go ahead when parents are allowed back on site.

First aid - Hand phones!

To all the students having fun doing their science experiments at home!

Errol (1A) and Agnes

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School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

We all know the Colour Run is coming up on October 22. YAY!!! But did you know that you and your class can try to win prizes ALREADY? And that your profile on the Colour Run site is interactive, and you can even earn badges and digital stickers that you can send to your friends and receive to decorate your page?!? AWESOME.

All you have to do is go to https://app.schoolfundraising.com.au/app with your parent or carer to sign up and create your unique profile, create your avatar and start having fun sending your friends stickers. You will also get a link that you can send to family and friends if they would like to donate to support your

run and help the school buy new computers and iPads for you to use. ‍

AND the class who gets the most profiles registered by 5pm on Sept 17 (THIS FRIDAY!!) will win a special games session with their class (announced at the start of Term 4)!!!

AND everyone who gets their profile set up before the end of school holidays will go into the draw to win one of 10 FREE MEAL DEALS!! That's just for signing up. And who doesn't love free food, am I right?

If you need any help or have any questions, give the office a call, or get in touch with Ivy from School Council on 0414 448 362. AND DON'T FORGET TO HAVE AN AWESOME SCHOOL HOLIDAYS:D Maybe you can plan your Colour Run

outfit!! And don't forget to thank your parents or carers for helping

you set up the profile. They are part of the team too!

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School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

Chaplain’s Corner

Sometimes, when we are down, we just want to be around people who understand and care how we feel. Often, we only find that care when we reach out

and show care for others. It could be that someone we know feels the same as us and all they/we need is someone to talk to who understands.

So, call a friend and see how they are going.

It is important for our children to understand that empathy and care is helpful for their own mental health.

With school holidays coming up there may be ways to encourage your children to think of others? Can they call someone, make a card for someone, pick

some flowers for a neighbour.

I hope that you will enjoy that time and make the most of reaching out.

Cheers, Cherida

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School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

A very big congratulations to Riley C (5/6C) who has now completed the challenge.

That takes us to 14 students who have now completed the

challenge, and are in the running for the Movie Passes and Treats that have been kindly donated.

All books must be recorded by Friday 17th September (the

last day of Term 3). Any books entered after this date will not be able to be verified, and unfortunately will not count towards completion of the challenge.

This means that there is only 1 more day to finish your

reading and get your books entered on the application! Happy reading!

Paula Fleming PRC Co-ordinator

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School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


We love to see so many of our families online for our Quiz night.

Send us a photo this week of you and your family joining in.

Congratulations to Javen and family - the winners of last

week’s Quiz Night. Well done, we hope you enjoyed your pizza!


It’s really easy to join this, all you need to do is click the link

https://eduvic.webex.com/join/henson.michelle.k or www.webex.com

just before 7.00pm.

Click on “JOIN MEETING” and type the meeting code 577123599

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Writing Activity: A Season Picture of Sentences

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Writing Activity: A Season Picture of Sentences

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For RUOK? Day last Thursday, Grade 1 students were encouraged to talk to family and friends and check on if they were ok. They also coloured a yellow hand listing people they could talk to if they were not feeling ok. Students also listed some fantastic ways to feel better such as listening to music, taking a break and going outside and colouring a picture! Well done Grade 1!


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School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


Grade 1 students have continued to read Fiction books this week, with focus on characters, setting, problem and solution in the texts they’ve read. In writing, they have included these features in their own stories.

Oscar 1B

Once upon a time there was a little boy and his name was Sam. Sam loved to walk. He was walking down the road and saw a scary house, so he went into the house and the door shut. Sam was trapped inside! Sam was scared, yelling for help. His Grandpa heard Sam yelling and ran to the scary house. Grandpa kicked the door in and saw Sam crying. He picked up Sam and he took him back home. Grandpa said to Sam, “DO NOT go back to the scary house!”

Jobe 1B

“Dad! You won’t believe what happened!” said Jobe.

“When I got to my class today I saw a robot! He started to dance and turned us all into dancing MONKEYS!”

So, me and Nate had a dance off.

Sarah (1B) – I saw something weird in my classroom!

There was a robot dancing in the classroom and a cat on Mrs Miller’s desk!

Then Mrs Miller came in with her dog, Harley and the dog chased the cat off the desk.

The dog chased the cat out of the classroom. Then Mrs Miller chased the dog to get him back in.

Spring Poems

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School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

Dear parents and carers,

Friday, 17th September is the last day of Term 3. To celebrate,

please come dressed in your footy colours, or the colours of your

favourite sport and join in the fun. You will be able to see all of your

friends from other classes, as well as your buddy because the

WHOLE school is invited and we will be together for ONE BIG MEET!

We will be holding a meet at 10:00 for a whole school, fun quiz.

There will be no other work or class meets on this day.

We can’t wait to see you all there!

From the JSC team.

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School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

When children participate in regular physical activity, it boosts their physical and mental health and improves academic performance.

Physical activity throughout the day also improves concentration, and the ability to retain information and solve problems.

There are many benefits to being active and getting your move on, but a lot of children aren’t moving enough, particularly while learning from home.

15 minutes 4 times a day is all it takes.

To help support your children to stay active while learning from home, families can access a range of free COVIDSafe ideas to stay active and games through

Get Active Victoria.

Families should remember that whatever gets children moving, gets them active.

Send a photo to your child’s classroom teacher of something they are doing to

keep active and maybe they will appear in next week’s newsletter!

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School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

Mental Health Support during COVID-19 - for Children, Teens, Parents, and caregivers.

Source: Kidshelpline; kidshelpline.com.au

Out of the COVID-19 pandemic several services have developed online and phone support, including counselling, webinars and resources. These online resources are available and plentiful. However, it can be challenging and overwhelming to access helpful information.

As a starting point the three organisations below provide resources that offer support to children, teens, caregivers, and parents. These include, the Kid’s helpline website, Headspace webinars and the World Health Organisation Fact sheets.

Kids Helpline – report the following warning signs that your child might be struggling

“The COVID-19 pandemic can affect the mental health of kids in different ways. You know your child best, so any behaviours that are out of character for them might be a warning sign they need support. Here are some things to look out for:

Withdrawal from family and friends

Loss of interest in things they usually enjoy

Changes in eating or sleep patterns

Being irritable, moody, or becoming upset easily

Self-harm or suicidal thoughts

Feelings of hopelessness, especially about the future “

Source: Kidshelpline; kidshelpline.com.au

The Kids help line- online support offers support to children 5-12 years, teens 13-17 years, young adults 18-25, parents and caregivers.

Helping kids through COVID-19 (kidshelpline.com.au)

Kids help line offer a phone line- 1800 55 1800

Email – [email protected]

Webchat- About WebChat Counselling | Kids Helpline

There may be waiting periods on all services given the current demand.

The World Health Organisation has published simple fact sheets- attached for “coping with stress during COVID” and “helping children cope with stress”.

Coping with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak

Helping children cope with stress during the 2019 nCoV outbreak Source: World Health Organisation; www.who.int

Source: Headspace; headspace.org.au

Headspace are running parent/carer webinars. They have online resources, phone, and online counselling.

Attached to the newsletter is information for an upcoming webinar.

headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation