enclosure requirments further information on the …...pit bull terriers american pit bull terriers...

Red Nose Pitbull Terrier Orange City Council Civic Centre, Byng Street• PO Box 35• ORANGE NSW 2800 • Ph: 02 6393 8000 F: 02 6393 8199• www.orange.nsw.gov.au • Keeping of R estricted Dogs ON-THE -SPOT FINES ENCLOSURE REQUIRMENTS WATCH FOR WARNING SIGNS WHEN TO NOTIFY COUNCIL Restricted Dogs include Pit bull terriers American Pit bull terriers Japanese tosas Argentinian fighting dogs Brazillian fighting dogs Or any cross breed of the above COLLAR MUST BE WORN Notify the council within 24 hours if any of the following occur 1. Ownership changes 2. Address changes 3. Dog is missing 4. That the dog has attacked or injured a person or animal. 5. That the dog has died Further information on the Companion Animals Act can be found at www.dlg. nsw.gov.au or by ringing the council on 63938000. (as at August 2006)

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O ra nge Cit y Counc il

Civic Centre, Byng Street•PO Box 35•

ORANGE NSW 2800 •Ph: 02 6393 8000 •

F: 02 6393 8199•www.orange.nsw.gov.au •

K e e p i n g o f R e s t r i c t e d D o g s





Restric te d D o gs include

Pit bull terriersAmerican Pit bull terriersJapanese tosasArgentinian fighting dogsBrazillian fighting dogs

Or any cross breed of the above


Notify the council within 24 hours if any of the following occur

1. Ownership changes

2. Address changes

3. Dog is missing

4. That the dog has attacked or injured a person or animal.

5. That the dog has died

Further information on the Companion Animals Act can be found at www.dlg.nsw.gov.au or by ringing the council on 63938000.

( a s a t A u g u s t 2 0 0 6 )

On-the-spot fines of $1320.00 apply if any of the following are not complied with

1. D o g must not b e owne d by or in the sole cha rge of a nyone under 18 yea rs

2. D o g must b e mic ro - chipp e d a nd registere d imme dia tel y

3. D o g must b e desexe d

4. D o g must b e kept in child pro of enclosure(se e b elow)

5. D o g must b e muzzle d when out of enclosure a nd leashe d when off prop er t y. 6. I f do g is taken elsewhere eg vets the owner must ensure tha t the do g is effe c tivel y controlle d.

7. I f owner do es not compl y with the regula tions then the do g may b e seize d by a n authorise d officer, who ca n enter la nd to che ck complia nce.

G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n t i o r -m a t i o n


1. Mustbefullyenclosedsothat dogcan notescapeunderor overorthrough

2. Notaccessiblewithout owner’sassistance3. Mustbechildproof

4. Minimumheight1.8m, minimumwidth1.8m, minimumsize10sqm

5. Wallsmustbefixedtofloorwith nomorethan50mmgapand madeofbrick,timber,iron, mesh(chainmesh3.15mmwire& 50mmspacing)orweldmesh(4mmwire& 50mspacing)

6. Floorofsealedconcreteandgradedtoadrainfor theremovalofeffluent

7. Provideweatherproofsleepingarea.

8. Gatemustbeself-closingandself-latchingwitha securelock.

9. Warningsignasbelowtobeattached.

It is an offence to breed, sell or acquire a dog on the restricted list


1. Signnosmallerthan40cmx40cm

2. Durablematerials.

3. LetteringWARNINGDANGEROUS DOGatleast50mmhigh10mm wide.

4. Mustbedisplayedatboundaries ofproperty.

Collar1. Collarmustbeofredandyellow stripesof25mmwidthandat diagonalsof45degrees.

2. Mustbemadeofdurablematerial andsecurelyfastened,with devicetoattachleash.

3. Size25mmfordog20kgorless, 40mmfordog20-40kgand 50mmfordogover40kg.