enchanting weddings in the island’s east weddings in the island’s east alila manggis the...


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Post on 11-Jun-2018




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The tranqui l l i ty , beauty and authent ic i ty of East Ba l i and Al i la Mangg is lend themselves most

idea l ly to the celebrat ion of your wedding with us . From a choice of locat ions with in the

resort to a few amaz ing s i tes outs ide , we of fer you a mult i tude of opt ions for the wedding of

your dreams, be i t a qu iet ceremony for just the two of you and your c losest f r iends and

fami ly , or a more extravagant par ty for a larger group .

Exchange your vows under an arbour of exot ic trop ica l f lowers by the ocean, fo l lowed by

dinner under the stars or on the sea . Or celebrate the occas ion in a more trad it iona l sett ing

in an o ld Ba l inese pa lace nearby .

Jord i Arguel les Ju les

Genera l Manager

Fo r more i n fo rma t i on and re se r v a t ion s p l e a se con t a c t +62 363 41011

Ema i l : mangg i s e ven t s@a l i l aho te l s . com www. a l i l aho te l s . com/mangg i s /wedd i ng s


USD 2,400++

• Exc lus ive use of the Ocean Front Lawn for the commitment ceremony from 4pm to 7pm

• E legant wedding decorat ion : Bamboo pergola with white l inen shade and tropica l f lower

decorat ion , t rad i t ional Ba l inese ‘Umbul–Umbul ’ f l ags , an a is le of f lower peta ls lead ing to the

a l tar

• Br ida l bouquet of trop ica l f lowers and accompany ing boutonniere for the groom

• Bal inese ‘R ind ik with f lu te ’ , a beaut i fu l s ty le of bamboo gamelan mus ic

• Two Bal inese g i r l s dressed in trad i t iona l Ba l inese att i re to accompany the br ida l process ion

• Marr iage ce lebrant and commemorat ive ceremonia l cer t i f icate

• Resort sound system with CD player and one microphone for the wedding ceremony

• Wedding cake for two

• 90-minute Therapeut ic Massage for br ide and groom

• A personal i sed gourmet candle l ight d inner des igned by the Execut ive Chef , served by your

pr ivate but ler at your choice of locat ion – Cabana or Coconut Grove

• Three n ights ’ s tay for br ide and groom in a Seas ide Su ite with couple ce lebrat ion honeymoon


Fo r more i n fo rma t i on and re se r v a t ion s p l e a se con t a c t +62 363 41011

Ema i l : mangg i s e ven t s@a l i l aho te l s . com www. a l i l aho te l s . com/mangg i s /wedd i ng s


USD 8,150 ++

• Exc lus ive use of the Ocean Front Lawn for the commitment ceremony from 4pm to 7pm for a

maximum of 20 guests

• E legant wedding decorat ion : bamboo pergo la with white l inen shade and tropica l f lower

decorat ion , t rad i t ional Ba l inese ‘Umbul–Umbul ’ f l ags , an a is le of f lower peta ls lead ing to the

a l tar

• Br ida l bouquet of trop ica l f lowers and accompany ing boutonniere for the groom

• Bal inese ‘R ind ik with f lu te ’ , a beaut i fu l s ty le of bamboo gamelan mus ic

• Two Bal inese g i r l s dressed in trad i t iona l Ba l inese att i re to accompany the br ida l process ion .

• Marr iage ce lebrant and commemorat ive ceremonia l cer t i f icate

• Resort sound system with CD player and one microphone for the wedding ceremony

• Welcome dr inks for guests upon arr iva l

• Exc lus ive use of Coconut Grove for the recept ion dinner from 7pm to 11pm – inc ludes one-

hour f ree f low of canapés , four -hour beverage package and 5-course recept ion dinner for

maximum of 20 guests

• Two n ights ’ s tay for br ide and groom and fami ly members in 9 Super ior Rooms and 1 Seas ide

Su i te (up to 20 people maximum)

Fo r more i n fo rma t i on and re se r v a t ion s p l e a se con t a c t +62 363 41011

Ema i l : mangg i s e ven t s@a l i l aho te l s . com www. a l i l aho te l s . com/mangg i s /wedd i ng s


USD 17,400 ++

• Exc lus ive use of the Ocean Front Lawn for the commitment ceremony from 4pm to 7pm

for a maximum of 50 guests

• E legant wedding decorat ion : bamboo pergo la with white l inen shade and tropica l f lower

decorat ion , t rad i t ional Ba l inese ‘Umbul–Umbul ’ f l ags , an a is le of f lower peta ls lead ing to the

a l tar

• Br ida l bouquet of trop ica l f lowers and accompany ing boutonniere for the groom

• Bal inese ‘Rind ik with f lu te ’ , a beaut i fu l s ty le of bamboo gamelan mus ic

• Two Bal inese g i r l s dressed in trad i t iona l Ba l inese att i re to accompany the br ida l process ion

• Marr iage ce lebrant and commemorat ive ceremonia l cer t i f icate

• Resort sound system with CD player and one microphone for the wedding ceremony

• Welcome dr inks for guests upon arr iva l

• Exc lus ive use of Coconut Grove for the recept ion dinner from 7pm to 11pm – inc ludes one-

hour f ree f low of canapés , four-hour beverage package and 5-course d inner menu for maximum

of 50 guests

• 12 Super ior Rooms, 12 Deluxe Rooms and 1 Seas ide Su i te for two n ights ’ s tay , for

approx imate ly 50 people inc lus ive of breakfast and Al i l a Hosp i ta l i t ies

Fo r more i n fo rma t i on and re se r v a t ion s p l e a se con t a c t +62 363 41011

Ema i l : mangg i s e ven t s@a l i l aho te l s . com www. a l i l aho te l s . com/mangg i s /wedd i ng s


USD 7,000++

• An underwater pre-wedding photo shoot

• Rehearsa l in the pool ; d ive introduct ion and dive gear fami l iar i sat ion

• Dive introduct ion for non-d ivers

• Two divers buddies

• Dive insurance

• Wedding ce lebrant

• Br ida l bouquet , underwater garden, “ Jukung” boat decorat ion

• Wedding g i f t ; two nights ’ stay in Deluxe Room, One-t ime lunch at Seasa l t and candle l ight

d inner and a 90-minute Therapeut ic Massage


USD 2,688++

• Four hours underwater photography by Drewperspect ives .

• 20 profess ional ly ed i ted images on DVD del ivered with in one month

• Underwater sa fety ass i s tant

• Make up and ha ir s ty l ing

Fo r more i n fo rma t i on and re se r v a t ion s p l e a se con t a c t +62 363 41011

Ema i l : mangg i s e ven t s@a l i l aho te l s . com www. a l i l aho te l s . com/mangg i s /wedd i ng s


USD 33,550 ++

• Exc lus ive use of the resort for 2 x 24 hours

• 31 Super ior Rooms, 22 Deluxe Rooms and 2 Seas ide Su ites for two nights ’ stay , for

approx imate ly 100 people inc lus ive of breakfast and Al i l a Hosp i ta l i t ies

• Exc lus ive use of the Ocean Front Lawn for the commitment ceremony from 4pm to 7pm for a

maximum of 100 guests

• E legant wedding decorat ion : bamboo pergo la with white l inen shade and tropica l f lower

decorat ion , t rad i t ional Ba l inese ‘Umbul–Umbul ’ f l ags , an a is le of f lower peta ls lead ing to the

a l tar

• Br ida l bouquet of trop ica l f lowers and accompany ing boutonniere for the groom

• Bal inese ‘Rind ik with f lu te ’ , a beaut i fu l s ty le of bamboo gamelan mus ic

• Two Bal inese g i r l s dressed in trad i t iona l Ba l inese att i re to accompany the br ida l process ion

• Marr iage ce lebrant and commemorat ive ceremonia l cer t i f icate

• Resort sound system with CD player and one microphone for the wedding ceremony

• Welcome dr inks for guests upon arr iva l

• Exc lus ive use of Coconut Grove for the recept ion dinner from 7pm to 11pm – inc ludes one-

hour f ree f low of canapés , four-hour beverage package and 5-course d inner menu for maximum

of 100 guests .

• Rate is not appl icab le dur ing peak season 23 December 2017 – 2 January 2018

Fo r more i n fo rma t i on and re se r v a t ion s p l e a se con t a c t +62 363 41011

Ema i l : mangg i s e ven t s@a l i l aho te l s . com www. a l i l aho te l s . com/mangg i s /wedd i ng s


The opt ion of locat ion is yours to choose . We have some with in the hote l and some

exot ica l ly exc i t ing opt ions outs ide the hote l which are ava i lab le and subject to a

supplementary charge from USD 1,300 upwards .

• Ujung Water Pa lace – The anc ient summer pa lace of Karangasem Royal fami ly

• Rob’s House – A pr ivate res idence of an internat iona l ce lebr i ty with breathtak ing ocean

v iew and spac ious Rumah Gadang sty le pav i l ion for party .

• Pur i Gede – The Karangasem Royal Pa lace and courtyard



Weather in Ba l i i s genera l ly dry f rom Apr i l to October and wet f rom November to March .

However , i t does ra in occas iona l ly in the dry season and there can be many dry days in the

wet season too. The wet season back-up plan is compulsory . The opt ions ava i lab le depend

on the s ize of your group. For an int imate party with a maximum of 80 people , Seasa l t

Restaurant is the back-up venue for a b less ing ceremony . The dinner recept ion wi l l be at our

main Lobby . Larger events wi l l requ ire a marquee . This wi l l incur an addit iona l charge and at

least one month’s advance conf i rmat ion is essent ia l .


Please contact our wedding spec ia l i s t for persona l i z ing your wedding cake in l ine with theme

of your ce lebrat ion .


Personal i sed decorat ion is ava i lab le upon request . Wedding couples who engaged an outs ide

vendor for the wedding ce lebrat ions must note that non genu ine f lowers are str ic t ly not

permit ted for decorat ion purposes . Al l f lowers used for the occas ion must be fresh f lowers .

The des ign of decorat ion must be sent to the Al i la event coord inator for approva l and th is i s

to ensure that the decorat ion is in l ine with the Al i l a brand .


Indones ian Marr iage Law states that a lega l marr iage in Indones ia must be per formed

accord ing to the re l ig ion of both part ies ( the br ide and groom) that is recognized by the

Indones ian Law. F ive rel ig ions that are recogn ized in Indones ia are : Hindu, I s lam, Buddhis t ,

Chr is t ian Protestant and Cathol ic . As of 2012, Cathol ic re l ig ious marr iage is no longer

a l lowed to be performed outs ide of church . Depending on the type of the re l ig ious marr iage

ceremony, there are d i f ferent requirements to make marr iage in Indones ia lega l ly va l id . We

are ab le to ass is t a fu l l lega l wedding lead in a Buddhis t /Chr is t ian Protestant/Moslem

ceremony at USD 1,100++.


Br ide makeup and ha i rdo tr ia l s tar ts f rom USD 300++

Actua l day br ide makeup and ha i rdo star ts f rom USD 500++

Retouch and 1x ha i rdo change s tar ts f rom USD 150++



Str ing p layer @ USD 150++ per person per hour (se lect ion o f v io l in/ce l lo)

Acoust ic band @ USD 1 ,300++ (3x 45 minutes per formances) inc lud ing sound system

Loca l DJ @ USD 1 ,000++ ( for 4 hours) inc lud ing sound system and DJ equ ipment

Ba l inese dancer @ USD 500++ ( for 45 minutes per formance with 3 types o f dance)


Please contact Al i l a Manggis wedding spec ia l i s t for recommendat ions o f photos and v ideo

serv ices to capture the spec ia l moments o f your ce lebrat ion


To ensure fest iva ls and spec ia l events are not dampened by ra in , the Bal inese often per form

a r i tua l to d iver t ra in to other locat ions or to s imply hold i t back for severa l hours . Th is low-

key r i tua l i s per formed by of f ic ia t ing smal l o f fer ings and burn ing incense as wel l as a p late of

f i re (pengasepan) , whose r is ing smoke is be l ieved to push the c louds away . A rel ig ious

ceremony performed by a Bal inese Hindu pr iest to pray that ra in is he ld or d iverted dur ing

the event is ava i lab le at USD 250++/day (12 hours) . A l i l a Mangg is cannot be he ld

respons ib le for the adverse weather condi t ions or the fa i lure of the serv ices prov ided by a

Ba l inese ra in stopper should you wish to use one.

Fo r more i n fo rma t i on and re se r v a t ion s p l e a se con t a c t +62 363 41011

Ema i l : mangg i s e ven t s@a l i l aho te l s . com www. a l i l aho te l s . com/mangg i s /wedd i ng s


The above packages are va l id for booking made immediate ly – 31 March 2018. Al l rates are

sub ject to 21% tax and serv ice charge a lso change without pr ior not ice . Addi t ional guests

outs ide and on top of the pre-agreed numbers sha l l be chargeab le .

Recept ion dinner is cons idered mandatory where food and beverages arrangements as wel l

as food and beverages serv ices for the recept ion dinner wi l l be prov ided by the resort . No

outs ide food is to be brought into the hote l by the c l ient without the resort ’ s consent .

F ina l guaranteed number of guests for the recept ion dinner should be at the min imum the

same as tota l number attendee for the wedding ceremony, to be submitted at least 30 days

pr ior to the event . The number of guests guaranteed 30 days pr ior to the event wi l l be

b i l led accord ing ly even i f the f ina l number of par t ic ipants fa l l s short on the date of the

funct ion . Any addi t ional guests at tend ing your event wi l l be charged accord ing ly .

Depos i t Requ irements :

F i rs t depos i t of 50% of the conf i rmed package is requ ired to guarantee the space . A letter of

agreement wi l l be issued by Al i la Mangg is with in 48 hours a f ter the event conf i rmed . Balance

payments for a l l the conf i rmed arrangement wi l l be requ ired 30 days (1 month) pr ior to the

date of the event .

Cancel lat ion Po l icy :

In the event o f cancel lat ion , the fo l lowing charges wi l l app ly : Less than 180 days - 50% of the

est imated tota l amount or non -refundable depos i t Less than 120 days - 75% of the est imated

tota l amount Less than 90 days - 100% of the est imated tota l amount

Force Majeure

The performance of th is agreement by e i ther party is subject to acts of God, government

author i t ies , d i sasters or other emergenc ies , any of which may make i t i l lega l or imposs ib le to

prov ide the fac i l i t ies and/or serv ices for the events or to accommodate the group. In the

event of force majeure , any depos i t that has been pa id is not re imbursab le . Th is agreement

may be terminated for any one or more of such reasons by wr i tten not ice from one party to

the other without l iab i l i ty .

For more in format ion and reservat ions p lease contact +62 363 41011

Emai l : mangg isevents@al i lahote ls .com www.a l i l ahote ls .com/mangg is /weddings