enabling young people to find and develop their talent...enabling young people to find and develop...

Enabling young people to find and develop their talent We will never become complacent but instead strive for excellence in all that we do Year 10 Science | Learning beyond the classroom

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Enabling young

people to find and

develop their talentWe will never become complacent

but instead strive for excellence in all

that we do

Year 10 Science | Learning beyond the classroom

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

- Benjamin Franklin

Our school is over 100 years old and has a proud tradition of enabling academic success whilst alsonurturing rounded, happy andpositive individuals who are excited about the future. Plans are in place for the school to move to a brand new, purpose built school and pupils, parents and teachers are excited about all of the opportunities that this move will bring.

We are in the challenging and thrilling business of enabling young people to find and develop their talents through hard work.

The key to this is building effective relationships for learning. This means that children must have a voice, be valued and sit at the centre of all we do. We are developing the curriculum, our teaching and assessment so that

it is fit for purpose and nurtures motivation, self-esteem, self discipline and confidence.

Every child at the school will complete an annual Pupil Driven Review that will enable them to reflect deeply on their successes with their parents, teachers and peers. The Review also invites pupils to formulate well informed targets for the future.

Ultimately, we want children to leave our school feeling happy; inspired and empowered and we want to work with parents, pupils and colleagues who share that ambition.

We look forward to working with you.

The chance to participate in learning is precious

and we want all those who come to our school to

enjoy and achieve at the highest level





saddleworth school THREE


saddleworth school FOUR


Joshua Taylor Hussain | Year 8

saddleworth school FIVE

This prospectus includes just a flavour of our

school; for more up to date and detailed

coverage log on to:


saddleworth school SIX

Saddleworth School is an 11 to 16 co-educational school with 1350 pupils on roll rising to 1500 when the new school

building opens.

The school was originally established in 1911 and, due to its popularity, it has grown significantly. The school has all the facilities that you would expect of a modern secondary school including well-resourced science labs, a fitness suite, drama studio and an all-weather pitch.

Plans are well developed for a new school building which means that shortly, facilities will be significantly upgraded. In the meantime, we are seeking to make the most of what we have. Ultimately however,

what matters is the learning inside the building rather the bricks and mortar that surround us.

Academic achievement is important for the future life

chances of our pupils. Thanks to strong teaching from a very hard working team, pupils leave Saddleworth with excellent results. Whilst the school has consistently been judged to be “Good” by OfSTED we judge ourselves by our own standards and are constantly striving for excellence in all that we do.

“ Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mahatma Gandhi


t us

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Lexi Gorton | Year 8

Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.

- Nelson Mandela

Partnerships for learningWe are very fortunate to work close to some of the most dramatic and beautiful countryside in England. We work closely with our partner primary schools to ensure that transition to Saddleworth is as smooth as possible. We undertake a series of visits to help new pupils settle and start

learning as soon as they arrive. We hold induction days which help pupils to orientate themselves and prefects act as buddies to Year 7 pupils during their first few days with us.

We have also forged strong links with local Further Education providers to enable effective progression

post 16. Most of our pupils move on to Oldham Sixth Form College which is highly regarded and provides an excellent bridge between school and university. Others transfer to other local colleges with a smaller number again taking up training or work placements.

Some core valuesWe are committed to creating a caring and well ordered environment where mutual respect ispresent in all interactions.

We want to help children to find and nurture their talent and to understand themselves and others. By doing so we will enable pupils to think for themselves and make informed judgments. We will encourage children to develop their personal, moral, social and cultural awareness and to live out their values in their lives.


saddleworth school TEN

“ The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” - William Arthur Ward

None of this will be possible if we do not build open and authentic relationships with families who share our values and commit to a consistent approach. Children learn best when they have clear, unambiguous reference points; sometimes the most loving parent is the one who says “no.”

As in any relationship, there may well be times when families disagree with how the school has dealt with an issue. We ask families not to discuss this difference of opinion with their children until they have explored it with colleagues at school.

We enjoy excellent links with wonderful families as well as others in the wider community including health professionals, the police and employers.

We want to create a welcoming and productive working environment that can be enjoyed by all who come to the school and we want to develop further our curriculum so that it prepares pupils for the diverse experiences and responsibilities of adult life.




saddleworth school ELEVEN

Photo by | Mr PollardSuper Learning Day

“ They may forget where you sat, they may forget what you taught, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

What it means to be human is to bring up your children in safety, educate them, keep them

healthy, teach them how to care for themselves and others, allow them to develop in their own

way among adults who are sane and responsible, who know the value of the world and not its

economic potential. It means art, it means time, it means all the invisibles never counted by the GDP and the census figures. It means knowing that life

has an inside as well as an outside. And I think it means love.

- Jeanette Winterson

Danielle Rhodes | Year 9

e are further developing ourcurriculum so that pupils are able to actively engage with learning. For example, we have created a unique Year 7 and Year 8 course called English and Philosophy that enables pupils to study large areas of the National Curriculum by exploring key works of literature in depth. Instead of having a different teacher for English, PHSE, Drama and RE, the entire course is taught by one colleague who builds a close relationship with the class and takes time to delve into the themes that

different authors develop. The course uses creative teaching techniques that invite pupils to form an opinion and hopefully nurture a long lasting love of beautiful literature.

Like all schools we teach a broad and balanced curriculum in Key Stage 3 whereby children sample a wide range of different areas of knowledge. At the end of Year 9 pupils can opt for some of the subjects that they wish to take alongside English, Maths, Science and RE which are compulsory for all. Many choose the English Baccalaureate route, some combine this with a second foreign language, while others opt to studyseparate sciences or specialise in the arts or technology. What matters is that children feel

motivated to learn and interested in their own futures.



saddleworth school FOURTEEN

“ Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire.” - W. B. Yeats

e may be a larger than average secondary school but every one of our pupils matters. We want children to be happy and to feel secure in the time that they spend with us and beyond. To ensure that this happens we track pupils very carefully keeping a close eye on the progress that they are making and offering them personalised opportunities to develop further.

Every child has a form tutor who is led by a Home School Leader with responsibility for a year group. Each year also has a support member of staff called a Pastoral Support Assistant whose job is to mentor and act as an advocate for the children in their care. The Pastoral Support Assistant works closely with families to ensure effective communication.

Every adult in our school has a part to play in promoting the welfare of pupils.

We are proud of our pupil support centre which enables us to personalise timetables and which can also support children who need time to work through social, emotional or behavioural issues. We also have a seclusion area for pupils who need help in living up to the high expectations that we hold as a school. Exclusions from the school are extremely low as is the number of pupils who leave the school without a positive destination (college, training or employment) to progress on to.


saddleworth school FIFTEEN




“ Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand.” - Chinese Proverb

Artwork by | Harry Partington & Emine Cakir

The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.

- Brian Herbert


“ I think the big mistake in schools is trying to teach children

by using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting bad

grades, fear of not staying in your seat, fear of getting into

trouble. Interest can produce learning on a scale compared

to fear, as a nuclear explosion is to a firecracker.”

- Stanley Kubrick


saddleworth school EIGHTEEN

Saddleworth School is enormously proud to offer many extra-curricular activities that help pupils to develop their skills, personalities and have fun. There is something for everyone and teachers give generously of their time which is a significant strength of our school. Each year dozens of pupils complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at both Bronze and Silver level and our sports teams are tremendously successful at local, regional and on occasion national level.

Saddleworth is synonymous with brass bands and the music tradition in the area is reflected in the excellent musical

opportunities that exist in school. Pupils can also get involved in drama and dance and each year we hold a number of public performances that invariably sell out. Our languages department have wellestablished exchange trips to Germany and France. We also run regular visits that support learning for example the history department has a tradition of running trips to the battle fields of northern France and other historic sites across Europe. The geography department take pupils to Iceland and many of our children have enjoyed the annual skiing trips to Europe and beyond.



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saddleworth school NINETEEN

Beth Gillard | Year 11


saddleworth school TWENTY

Student Leadership Team | Catherine Stott, Will Bartley, Lydia Hood, Tom Kehoe,

I T, Y O U C A N D O I T

saddleworth school TWENTY ONE

Ira Wall (Head Boy), Sam Darke-Williams, Emine Cakir (Head Girl), Isobel Hallam

Governors play a central role in helping

the leadership team to create a strategic

direction for the school and to hold the

same leaders to account. They are

“critical friends” made up of parents,

local authority nominees and community

members who care passionately about the

school and give their time generously to

ensure that it continues to develop as an

engine for good in this community.




saddleworth school twenty TWO

It is the Governors who have selected many of the quotes that appear in this prospectus and which represent the values that underpin the schools work. If you would like to find out more about our Governing Body, please look on our website: www.saddleworth.oldham.sch.uk

This website is an important 24 hour point of reference for our pupils, their families, teachers and the public. It includes exam timetables, letters to parents, calendars of events and contact details as well as news, job vacancies and closure warning; occasionally, Saddleworth suffers from bad weather!

As well as our website, we have an online Virtual Learning Environment which allows pupils to access electronic assignments and resources and also submit work to their teachers from home or any other computer with internet access.

Each child has a planner which is used for notes and comments regarding homework, good work, attendance and conduct. We encourage colleagues to make phone calls home to keep the family informed of progress and we will also write and respond to letters. We will provide regular written reports which will provide a snapshot of progress and would encourage families to attend consultation events and review meetings.

Our website contains key information about the day to day running of the school including the up-to-date policies that we use to guide our work. We survey parents to establish how well we are doing and also produce half-termly newsletters to keep everyone informed.

We have a variety of ways in which we are

able to keep in touch with parents and

ensure effective communication

between school and home - vital if

children are to flourish.

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As well as a parents evening and a Year 7 settling in evening all parents are invited to pupil driven review with their child in the summer term. The underpinning philosophy of the pupil driven review is that children are so much more than the sum of their grades. During the review the student gives a presentation to their parents /careers, 3 of their classmates and one of their class teachers. In the presentation your child will talk about their progress in knowledge, but also their progress in

terms of their personal and social skills - their ability to research, to work as part of a team and to show resilience in tackling a problem. Following the presentation the student and parent have a discussion with the class teacher about progress, achievements and targets for the forthcoming year. Most of all, the review is your child’s chance to shine. To explain and celebrate what they have achieved over the year and to learn about the benefits of sharing that learning with others.

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The above quotes are taken from the feedback we received following PDR July 2015. Please visit the link on our website to view some examples of the students’ outstanding presentations.

The chance to participate in learning is precious

and we want all those who come to our school to

enjoy and achieve at the highest level

FIND US ONLINEwww.saddleworth.oldham.sch.uk

VISIT USHigh Street, Uppermill Saddleworth, OL3 6BU

FOllow Us

SAY [email protected]

DROP US A LINE01457 872 072

EDITORClaire McMurdo

Matthew [email protected]

Head Teacher

TRACEY [email protected]

Year 7 Transition Co-ordinator

EMMA [email protected]






saddleworth school TWENTY SIX

Alone we can do so little;together we can do so much.

- Helen Keller

Saddleworth School Prospectus 2015-16