ena koide & stella ozaki. to what extent is whaling acceptable in the japaneses society?

WHALING Ena Koide & Stella Ozaki

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Page 1: Ena Koide & Stella Ozaki. To what extent is whaling acceptable in the Japaneses society?

WHALINGEna Koide & Stella Ozaki

Page 2: Ena Koide & Stella Ozaki. To what extent is whaling acceptable in the Japaneses society?


To what extent is whaling acceptable in the Japanese’s society?

Page 3: Ena Koide & Stella Ozaki. To what extent is whaling acceptable in the Japaneses society?

US AS A KNOWEREna Koide Japanese Lived in four different

countries→Japan, India, China, and

Indonesia International School

Stella Ozaki Japanese and Chinese Lived in two different

countries→Japan and Hong Kong International School

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The business or practice of hunting, killing, and processing whales.

The work or industry of hunting and processing whales for food, oil, etc…

[Oxford Dictionary]

Connections Accused of being “Mean

and Cruel” Ordering whale at the

Sushi Restaurant Areas of Knowledge:

Natural Science and History

Ways of Knowing: Reasons, Emotion, and Intuition

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Scientific Whaling Aboriginal Whaling Accidental Whaling Ban of Whaling Culture issue & Economic issue Whale meat & Land animal

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HISTORY Important for Japanese

Culture & Society Yamato-Asuka period in

ancient Japan (538-710) Animal protein after

World War II Development in whaling

techniques, and technology

Obtained food, oil, etc... from whales

Whale Oil→

Whale Meat ↓

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HISTORY: TIME LINE 1606: Hand Harpoons and Amitori-hou 1930: Japan began whaling in the Antarctic 1939-1945: World War II [Food scarce] 1969: All nations stopped whaling in the

Antarctic except for Japan and Russia 1987: Japan begins “scientific” whaling 2006: IWC meeting in Japan; Ban on whaling

is no longer necessary

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↑Amitori-hou (Net)

Hand Harpoons→

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NATURAL SCIENCE Whale products: oil, fertilizers, perfume,

soap, shampoo, etc… Right whales, humpback whales, fin, minke,

and gray whales Scientific Whaling in 1987- in order to

continue commercial whaling (hunting whales to make a profit from selling)

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PURPOSES Blubber (whale fat): Oil

in lamps and to make candles and soap

Baleen Whales: Women’s clothing, umbrellas, fishing rods, etc…

Sperm Whales (sperm oil in their heads): making candles, make-up, etc…

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REASON [Pro-Whaling]

Rationalism: Based on reason more than emotions and religious beliefs

Cultural Purposes Killing other animals Japanese Government →Saving the environment

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EMOTION [Anti-Whaling] Intuition: Ability to know something by using

your feelings rather than considering the facts Commercial Purposes “Scientific” Whaling Mean and Cruel Endangered Species Inhumane Killing Japanese Culture & Tradition

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55%= Acceptable in the Japanese Society 100% (Japanese): Acceptable 10% (Non-Japanese): Acceptable

45%= Unacceptable in the Japanese Society 0% (Japanese): Unacceptable 90% (Non-Japanese): Unacceptable

Parents & 11th Grade Students Asked 10 Japanese, and 10 Non-Japanese

Japanese Non-Japanese

Acceptable in Society 10 1

Unacceptable in Society 0 9

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ACCEPTABLE 55%= Acceptable in the Japanese Society 100% (Japanese) and 10% (Non-Japanese)→“Why is it wrong? We all eat animals so why is

it not okay to eat whales?” →“Acceptable, but there should be rules to set

some restrictions.”

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UNACCEPTABLE 45%=Unacceptable in the Japanese Society 0% (Japanese) and 90% (Non-Japanese)→”Whaling as a part of Japanese culture is

understandable but the things they are doing to the whales are a bit too extreme.”

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LINKING QUESTION “How do cultures differ with respect to the

ways of knowing and areas of knowledge that they value above others?”

Western culture values emotion Japanese culture values reasons

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CONCLUSION Knowledge Issue: To what extent is whaling acceptable in the

Japanese’s society?

Anti-whaling: Beliefs based on emotions Pro-whaling: Beliefs based on reasons

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BIBLIOGRAPHY "Whales: Why Are Many Whales Endangered?: Commercial Whaling."

Welcome to EcoKids Online. Web. 02 Feb. 2011. <http://www.ecokids.ca/pub/eco_info/topics/whales/commercial_whaling.cfm>

"Whales: Why Are Many Whales Endangered?: Commercial Whaling." Welcome to EcoKids Online. Web. 03 Feb. 2011. <http://www.ecokids.ca/pub/eco_info/topics/whales/commercial_whaling.cfm>

"History of Japanese Whaling." Facts About Japan. Web. 03 Feb. 2011. http://facts-about-japan.com/whaling-history.html

"Whales - Saving the Whales :: Environmental Facts :: Young People's Trust for the Environment." Young People's Trust for the Environment - Information for Kids on Climate Change and Other Environmental Facts and Charities. Web. 02 Feb. 2011. <http://www.ypte.org.uk/environmental/whales-saving-the-whales/100>

"Japan Whaling Assoc. -Q&A." 日本捕鯨協会ホームページ . Web. 03 Feb. 2011. <http://www.whaling.jp/english/qa.html>

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BIBLIOGRAPHY "Japan, Whale Wars: Slaughter Continues Despite Protest - TIME."

Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com. Web. 08 Feb. 2011. http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1971807,00.html

"Japanese Government’s Position." Consulate-General of Japan in Sydney. Web. 08 Feb. 2011. http://www.sydney.au.emb-japan.go.jp/english/top/important_info/japanese_governments_position.htm>

Kystdepartementet, Fiskeri- Og. "Opposition to Whaling — Arguments and Ethics”. Web. 04 Feb. 2011. <http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/dokumentarkiv/Regjeringen-Bondevik-II/fkd/Taler-og-artikler-arkivert-individuelt/2005/opposition_to_whaling_arguments.html?id=269786>