en erco guide 4 outdoor lighting

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  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    184Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    GuideOutdoor lighting


    Outdoor lighting concepts canform a continuous whole withthe indoor lighting designs. Lumi-naires built to high protectionmode form the basis for addingdramatic lighting to architecture,cityscapes and vegetation bynight.Types of lighting Luminaire groups Lighting applications

    Design examples Lighting design

  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    185Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    The effect of rooms, facades,objects and vegetation greatlydepends on the type of lighting.This ranges from general lightingthrough to specific highlighting.Washlighting forms the back-ground for accent lighting foremphasising objects. In terms oforientation lighting, points oflight or rows of lights are usedto provide orientation in the

    outdoor area.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting

    Types of lighting

    General Washlighting Accentuation


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    186Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com


    General lighting designates aneven illumination related to ahorizontal working plane or pedes-trian traffic zones. Quantitativeaspects are often a primary con-sideration. Direct lighting permitsboth diffuse and directed light.

    direct, aimed direct, diffuse

    GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting


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    187Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    A direct and aimed general light-ing produces an even illumina-tion on the horizontal workingplane. The architecture is visibleand it is possible to orientate

    oneself in the room.

    The directed light produces good

    modelling and brilliance. Theuniformity on the working planeincreases as the mounting heightincreases or as the beam anglewidens. Directed light enablesgood appreciation of form andsurface texture. The visual com-fort increases as the cut-off angleincreases. A feature of direct illu-mination is its highly efficientuse of energy.




    Projects:Repsol petrol station, SpainCongress Palace, ValenciaFederal Chancellery, BerlinCity Hall, London

    GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting | General

    direct, aimed

    Applications Downlights cater for an even lightdistribution on the horizontalplane. They have an inconspicuousdesign and can be integrated wellinto the architecture.

    Direct, directed general lightingfor:- entrance areas- arcades- passages- atria

    Preferred luminaire group- downlights

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    188Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting | General

    direct, diffuse

    A direct, diffuse general lightingdesignates an even illuminationwith respect to a horizontal work-ing plane. The architecture is vis-ible and it is possible to orientate

    oneself in the room.

    Direct, diffuse light produces

    a soft illumination with littleshadow and reflection. The lim-ited formation of shadow resultsin weak modelling capabilities.Shapes and surface textures areonly slightly emphasised. Onefeature of using fluorescentlamps for the general lightingis an efficient use of energy.



    Projects:Private residence, RavensburgPrivate residence, RavensburgBodegas Vega Sicilia Wine Cellar,Valladolid

    Applications Direct, diffuse general lighting for- entrance areas- overhanging or cantileveredroofs

    - floor lighting on access drive-ways, paths and public squares

    Preferred luminaire groups- downlights- wall-mounted downlights

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    189Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com


    Washlighting illumination refersto an architecture-related andobject-orientated illumination.The primary purpose is to makevisible the room proportions androom limits. Symmetrical flood-lights are used for washlightingof horizontal surfaces or forgeneral lighting in the area ofpresentation. A feature of asym-metrical floodlights is the uni-

    form light intensity distributionon surfaces.

    symmetrical asymmetrical

    GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting


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    190Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting | Washlighting


    Symmetrical washlighting pro-duces an even illumination onobjects or surfaces. Washlightillumination is characterised byhigh uniformity and a soft gradi-

    ent of light intensity distribution.The illuminated areas of the roomare emphasised by washlighting.

    The directed light produces good

    modelling abilities and enablesgood appreciation of form andsurface structure. Washlightingillumination can serve as a back-ground for accent lighting.



    Projects:Private residence, SouthernHighlands, AustraliaERCO Lightpark, LdenscheidChurch, RrvikMonastery ruins, Paulinzella

    Applications Washlighting illumination for:- wall lighting- facades- entrance areas

    - cantilever roofs- trees- park and garden complexes- sculptures- objects

    Preferred luminaire group- floodlights

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    191Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting | Washlighting


    Asymmetrical washlighting illu-mination is used for illuminatingsurfaces evenly. Wallwashing isa highly valued tool in architec-tural lighting. Vertical illumina-

    tion emphasises the walls orother room limits in terms oftheir physical make up. Brighten-ing the wall surfaces makes theroom look bigger.



    Recessed luminaires

    Floor washlights

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    192Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Projects:Regional government of LowerSaxony and Schleswig-Holsteinin BerlinKaufhof media facade, HamburgMuseo del Teatro de Caesar-augusta, ZaragozaPorches de la Boquera, Barcelona

    Applications Washlighting illumination for- facades- entrance areas- passages- atria- cantilever roofs- park and garden complexes

    Preferred luminaire groups- floodlights- washlights- wallwashers- recessed floor luminaires

    Point-form luminaires lend the

    wall surface a higher brillance,whereas with linear luminairesa higher uniformity is achieved.With asymmetrical washlighting,areas of a room can be definedand thus have attention attractedto them. It can also serve as abackground for accent lightingor form the ambient brightnessfor the work place. To obtain auniform light intensity distribu-tion the correct positioning of theluminaires is of great importance.


    Recessed floor luminaires

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting | Washlighting


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    193Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Accent lighting enables goodappreciation of form and surfacestructure. The focused light pro-duces pronounced shadows andgood modelling ability, as well asbrilliance. A narrow beam and ahigh brightness contrast to thesurroundings give the object par-ticular emphasis.



    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting


    Highlighting emphasises indi-vidual objects or architecturalelements. This makes it possibleto establish a hierarchy of hownoticeable each item is and to

    attract attention.


    Directional luminaires

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    194Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com


    ERCO Lightpark, LdenscheidERCO, LdenscheidSri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple,SingaporeTommy Hilfiger, Dsseldorf

    Applications Accent lighting creates points ofinterest. Structures and texturesof objects are clearly emphasisedby the directed light.Accent lighting for:

    - facades- entrance areas- arcades- park and garden complexes- objects

    Preferred luminaire groups- projectors- directional luminaires

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting


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    195Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Floor washlights

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting


    Orientation lighting is definedfirst and foremost by the task ofproviding orientation. This can beachieved by luminaires that func-tion as sources of illumination or

    as signals. Illuminating the roomis of secondary importance here;instead, a row of these luminairesis typically arranged to form anorientation line.


    Wall-mounted downlights

    Recessed floor luminaires

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    196Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Low illumination levels are suf-

    ficient for orientation purposes.Small luminaires with high lumi-nance clearly set themselvesapart form their surroundings.


    Orientation luminaires

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Types of lighting


    Projects:Sevens department store,DsseldorfHilton Hotel, DubaiBathing platform Kastrup Sobad,CopenhagenPrivate residence, Palamos

    Applications Orientation lighting for theidentification of- architectural lines- steps and exclusion zones

    - entrances- routes- emergency exit routes

    Preferred luminaire groups- floor washlights- wall-mounted downlights- recessed floor luminaires- orientation luminaires

  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    198Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Projectors illuminate a narrowlyconstrained area. The type ofmounting and the orientation arevariable. Projectors are offeredwith different beam emission

    angles and light distributions.

    Criteria for projectors- choice of lamp determines lightcolour, brilliance, functional life,light intensity


    Projectors have narrow-beamlight distribution with a rotation-ally symmetrical beam.

    The use of accessories is alsotypical for projectors:- lenses: spread lenses or sculp-ture lenses

    - filter: colour filter, UV or IRfilter- glare control: anti-dazzle screen

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups


    - emission angle determines thebeam of light and is defined bythe reflector and the lamp- cut-off angle limits glare andincreases visual comfort

    - rotatable and tiltable


    Projects:Norwegian Aviation Museum,BodoERCO Lightpark, LdenscheidERCO Lightpark, LdenscheidERCO, Ldenscheid

    Accent lighting for:- facades- entrance areas- arcades

    - park and garden complexes- objects

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    199Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Floodlights have a wide-beamcharacteristic. They are offeredwith a axially symmetrical orasymmetrical light distribution.

    Criteria for floodlights- choice of lamp determines lightcolour, functional life, efficiency,light intensity- uniformity: optimised reflectorfor even illumination of areas


    Floodlights, axially symmetricalFloodlights with axially symmetri-cal light distribution provide evenillumination of objects or areas.Light distribution with focalemphasis.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups


    - gradient: soft edge to the beamof light- light output ratio is increased byoptimised reflector technology


    Projects:Private residence, SouthernHighlands, AustraliaERCO Lightpark, LdenscheidCentenary Hall, BochumSri Senpaga Vinyagar Temple,Singapore

    Washlighting provides an evenillumination for:- wall lighting- facades- entrance areas- overhanging or cantileveredroofs- park and garden complexes- sculptures- objects

    Surface-mounted luminairesact as features themselves. Theirarrangement should match theirsurroundings.

    Floodlights, asymmetricalFloodlights with asymmetricallight distribution provide evenillumination of areas. The lumi-naires can be mounted on walls,ceilings or floors and in additioncan also be tilted.

  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    200Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Wallwashers have a wide-beamcharacteristic. They are offeredwith an asymmetric light distri-bution.

    Criteria for wallwashers:- choice of lamp determines lightcolour, functional life, efficiency,light intensity- uniformity: optimised reflectorfor even illumination of areas- gradient: soft edges to the beamof light


    WallwashersRecessed-mounted wallwasherswith asymmetric light distribu-tion provide an even illuminationof areas.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups


    - light output ratio is increased byoptimised reflector technology


    Projects:Regional government of LowerSaxony and Schleswig-Holstein,BerlinKaufhof Media Facade, HamburgERCO P1, LdenscheidConcentration Camp memorial,Belzec

    Wallwashing is an importantcomponent of architecturallighting for adding emphasis tofacades. Further applications are:- entrance areas- passages- atria- overhanging or cantileveredroofs- park and garden complexes

    As recessed luminaires, wall-washers are inconspicuous archi-tectural details. Surface-mounteddownlights act as a room feature.They should correspond to thearchitecture in their arrangementand form.

    Wallwasher, tiltableRecessed-mounted wallwasherswith asymmetric light distribu-tion provide an even illumina-tion of areas. Surface-mounteddownlights can be mounted onwalls, ceilings or floors and inaddition can also be tilted.

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    201Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Luminaires for open area andpathway lighting have a wide-beam characteristic. They areoffered with an asymmetric lightdistribution.

    Criteria for luminaires for openarea and pathway lighting- choice of lamp determines lightcolour, functional life, efficiency,light intensity- uniformity: optimised reflectorfor even illumination of areas- gradient:soft edges to beam of light- cut-off angle increases visualcomfort and limits glare and lightpollution


    Luminaires for pathway

    lightingPathway lighting luminaires withasymmetric light distributionprovide uniform illumination onpathways. The light is spread inits width so that pathways canbe evenly illuminated. Their smalldesign makes these luminairessuitable for lighting steps.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups

    Luminaires for open area and pathway lighting

    - light output ratio is increased byoptimised reflector technology

    Luminaires for open arealightingLight for illuminating open spacesis generated by an asymmetric

    reflector-flood system. A sculp-ture lens acting as safety glassdirects the light deep into theoutdoor area.

    Facade washlightsFloor washlights with asymmetriclight distribution provide an evenillumination of buildings.

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    202Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com



    Panticosa resort, PanticosaPrivate residence, BerlinERCO, LdenscheidArt hall, Emden

    Luminaires for open area andpathway lighting are mainly usedfor illuminating the following:- facades- entrance areas

    - arcades- passages- floor lighting on access drive-ways, paths and public squares- orientation lighting on path-ways, drives, entrances and steps- park and garden complexes

    As recessed luminaires, theseare inconspicuous architecturaldetails. Free-standing luminairesact as features in the room. Theirarrangement should correspondto the surroundings.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups

    Luminaires for open area and pathway lighting

  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    203Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Downlights emit a beam that isdirected downwards at either aperfectly vertical or an adjustableangle. They are usually mountedon the ceiling and illuminate the

    floor or walls. They are offeredwith narrow-beam, wide-beam,symmetric or asymmetric lightdistribution. The cut-off angle ofnarrow-beam downlights meansthey are largely free of glare. Ondownlights with Darklight reflec-tor, the lamps cut-off angle isidentical to that of the luminaire.This gives a luminaire with thewidest beam possible while simul-taneously having an optimisedlight output ratio. The use of adiffuser reduces the luminancein the luminaire and therebyimproves the visual comfort andthe evenness.


    DownlightsDownlights have a rotationallysymmetric beam that is directedvertically downwards.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups


    Criteria for downlights- choice of lamp determines lightcolour, functional life, efficiency,light intensity- emission angle determines the

    beam of light and is defined bythe reflector and the lamp- cut-off angle limits glare andincreases visual comfort- light output ratio is increased byoptimised reflector technology

    Directional luminairesDirectional luminaires providehighlighting for individual areasor objects with a medium tonarrow light distribution.

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    204Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com


    Projects:Repsol petrol station, SpainCongress Palace, ValenciaFederal Chancellery, BerlinCity Hall, London

    Downlights provide general light-ing for- entrance areas- arcades- passages- atriaRecessed downlights are incon-spicuous architectural details,whereas surface-mounted down-lights and pendant luminairesact as room features. They should

    correspond to the architecture intheir arrangement and design.

    The offset from wall shouldmeasure approximately half ofthe luminaire spacing in order toachieve sufficient brightness onthe wall and well proportioned

    scallops of light. To attain an evenillumination on a reference plane,the luminaire spacing should notexceed the mounting height hby more than 1.5:1. An optimalevenness is achieved when a=h.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups


  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    205Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Ceiling and wall-mounteddownlights are defined firstand foremost by their type ofmounting and not by their lightcharacteristics. They are available

    with narrow-beam, wide-beam,symmetrical or asymmetric lightdistribution. Some luminairescan be positioned either on thewall or on the ceiling.

    Criteria for ceiling and wall-mounted downlights- choice of lamp determines lightcolour, functional life, efficiency,light intensity- uniformity: optimised reflectorfor even illumination of areas


    Facade luminaires

    Facade luminaires are offeredwith narrow-beam, wide-beam,symmetrical or asymmetric lightdistribution. The light can be dis-tributed either via a single-sidedor double-sided light aperture.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups

    Ceiling and wall-mounted downlights

    - cut-off angle increases visualcomfort and limits glare and lightpollution

    Wall-mounted downlightsWall-mounted downlights, withtheir diffuse beam in the room,provide good visual comfort.

    They can also be mounted onthe ceiling.

    Wall-mounted downlights,shieldedWall-mounted downlights withhalf-shielded face offer goodvisual comfort and illuminatethe floor area in particular.

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    206Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com



    Private residence, RavensburgPrivate residence, RavensburgZara, MunichCultural Centre and CoastalMuseum NORVEG, Rrvik

    For illumination of:- facades- entrance areas- overhanging or cantileveredroofs

    - floor lighting on access drive-ways, paths and public squares

    The position and design of theceiling and wall-mounted down-lights should be chosen to matchthe with the architecture. Facadeluminaires should be arrangedsuch that the elements to be illu-minated are optimally lit and nolight shines past the objects.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups

    Ceiling and wall-mounted downlights

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    207Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Recessed floor luminaires emittheir beam upwards. They areoffered with narrow-beamed,wide-beamed, symmetric orasymmetric light distribution.

    Criteria for recessed floor lumi-naires:- choice of lamp determines lightcolour, functional life, efficiency,light intensity- uniformity with wallwashers:optimised reflector for even illu-mination of areas- range of tilt for directionalluminaires with high glare pro-tection



    Uplights feature an upwardsdirected beam with symmetricallight distribution. The narrow,rotationally symmetrical beamis used for highlighting objects.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups

    Recessed floor luminaires

    - light output ratio is increased byoptimised reflector technology

    Lens wallwashersLens wallwashers feature anupwards directed beam withasymmetrical light distribution.

    They provide an even illumina-tion of walls.

    Directional uplightsDirectional luminaires providehighlighting for individual areasor objects with a medium to nar-row light distribution. The beamcan be titled.

    Uplight, diffuseRecessed floor luminaires withdiffuse light intensity distributionare used for marking paths oremphasising architectural lines.

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    208Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com



    Glass pavilion, Glass technicalcollege, RheinbachBrandenburg Gate, BerlinKhalil Al-Sayegh, DubaiBenrath Castle, Dsseldorf

    Accent lighting or floodlightingfor- facades- entrance areas- arcades

    - passages- atria- overhanging or cantileveredroofs- park and garden complexes

    Recessed floor luminaires areinconspicuous architecturaldetails. They should correspondto the architecture in theirarrangement and form.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups

    Recessed floor luminaires

  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    209Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Orientation luminaires aredefined first and foremost bythe task of providing orientation.This can be achieved by lumi-naires that function as sources

    of illumination or as signals.

    Criteria for orientation luminaires- luminance: noticability of theluminaires in their surroundings


    Orientation luminaires

    Orientation luminaires withpoint-form front lens act asa local orientation light.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups

    Orientation luminaires

    Floor washlightsFloor washlights form points oflight on the wall and serves asan orientation light on the floor


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    210Edition: 29/09/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com



    Sevens department store,DsseldorfHilton Hotel, DubaiBathing platform Kastrup Sobad,CopenhagenPrivate residence, Palamos

    For identifying:- architectural lines- steps or restricted areas- entrances- routes

    - emergency exit routes

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Luminaire groups

    Orientation luminaires

  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    211Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    GuideOutdoor lighting

    Lighting applications


    Illuminating facades by nightchanges the atmosphere of acity. In urban areas or civic parks,points of interest can be createdto enable orientation and toestablish spatial reference points.Light in the outdoors also extendsones perception when lookingoutside from with a building.

    Wall Ceiling Floor

    Object Facade Vegetation

  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    212Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications


    Wall, 3m Wall, 5m Wall with texture

    Wall and facade lighting at nightextends ones perception anddefines spatial limits. Verticalillumination is significant in thevisual surroundings for identify-ing areas in terms of their form,regardless of whether they arefacades or walls covered withclimbing plants. The objectivemay be to obtain a uniformwallwashing comparable to that

    in the indoor area, or to gentlyilluminate a building againstthe nocturnal environment. Thearrangement of the luminairesis dependent on the desireduniformity and illuminance. Inthe outdoor area at night, a lowbrightness is often sufficient formaking objects visible and formaking contrasts.

  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    213Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Wallwashers are noted for givingan even progression of brightnesson the wall.

    Vertical i llumination emphasisesthe surfaces delineating the roomin terms of their physical makeup.The room is made to look biggerby brightening the wall faces.Point-form light sources makethe wall surface much more vivid.Wallwashing only achieves a uni-form brightness on matt surfaces.

    Lighting criteria for walls:- uniformity of the lighting- the choice of lamp determinesthe light colour and colour rendi-tion



    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Wall

    Wall, 3m

    Wallwashers, plan view

    Wallwasher, underside

    Recessed-mounted washlight

  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    214Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com


    Projects:ERCO, LdenscheidBenrath Castle, DsseldorfBerliner Tor Center, HamburgConcentration Camp memorial,Belzec

    The offset from the wall shouldbe at least one third of the wallheight. Alternatively, the lightsangle of incident should be 20to the vertical. An optimum

    evenness is obtained when theluminaire spacing is the same asthe offset from the wall, or atleast does not exceed it by morethan 1.5 times. Wallwashers onlydevelop their optimal evennessas of a minimum number of threeluminaires.


    Washlighting illumination forvertical surfaces of:- wall lighting- facades- entrance areas

    Preferred luminaire groups- wallwashers

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Wall

    Wall, 3m

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    215Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Given the same lighting, asthe wall height increases thebrightness of the wall decreases.Wallwashers are characterised bythe even progression of bright-

    ness along the wall. Lens wall-

    Vertical i llumination emphasisesthe wall faces in terms of theirphysical makeup. The room ismade to look bigger by brighten-ing its walls and ceiling. Directedlight makes the wall surface muchmore vivid. As the wall heightincreases the distance of theluminaire to the wall must beincreased. The reduction of themean illuminance on the wallcan be compensated for by hav-ing a higher lamp power and byincreasing the number of lumi-naires.

    Lighting criteria for high walls:- uniformity of lighting- the choice of lamp determinesthe light colour and colour rendi-tion



    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Wall

    Wall, 5m


    Lens wallwashers

    washers have special lens reflec-tor systems.

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    216Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com


    Projects:Regional government of LowerSaxony and Schleswig-Holsteinin BerlinGeorg Schfer Museum,SchweinfurtBrandenburg Gate, BerlinSacred Heart church, Munich

    Whereas for normal wall heightsthe luminaire spacing is the sameas the offset from the wall, forhigher walls it must be reducedto compensate for the otherwise

    sinking illuminance. The offsetfrom the wall is given where a 20line projected down from the topof the wall meets the ground.


    Washlighting illumination forvertical surfaces of:- wall lighting- facades- entrance areas

    Preferred luminaire groups- wallwashers- lens wallwashers

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Wall

    Wall, 5m

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    217Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Wall

    Wall with texture

    Point-form light sources at ashort offset from the wall pro-duce their own light pattern that,admittedly, does accentuate thetexture, but does not permit an

    even wallwashing. Grazing light

    Directed grazing light makessurface textures clearly visible.





    Lens wallwashers

    on walls can emphasise any sur-face irregularities.

    Directional luminaires

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    218Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com



    Rohrmeisterei restaurant,SchwerteSri Senpaga Vinayagar TemplePrivate residence, Germany

    The smaller the offset from thewall, the clearer the surfacetexture is enhanced. When usinggrazing light, the evenness ofthe wall illumination is greatly


    Preferred luminaire groups- downlights, narrow-beamed- wallwasher- recessed floor luminaires(uplights, lens wallwashers,directional luminaires)

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Wall

    Wall with texture

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    219Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Ceiling, plan Structural elements

    With ceiling illumination, eitherlight is shone to illuminate theceiling in its own right or the ceil-ing is merely used as a reflectorfor general lighting. The ceilingis primarily emphasised, when ithas an intrinsic communicativevalue, e.g. due to architectonicstructures.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications


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    221Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com



    Stansted Airport, LondonGlass pavilion, Glass technicalcollege, RheinbachJahrhunderthalle, BochumCosmo petrol station, Tokyo

    Washlighting ceiling illumina-tion for- entrance areas- arcades- passages

    - atria- overhanging or cantileveredroofs

    Preferred luminaire groups- ceiling washlights- recessed floor spotlights

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Ceiling

    Ceiling, plan

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    222Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Luminaires for lighting supportstructures can be mounted onthe structure itself, on the wallsor in the floor. A washlightingillumination adds emphasis to the

    whole ceiling surface. Narrow-beamed luminaires accentuatethe support structure in particu-lar.




    Recessed floor luminaires,directional luminaires

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Ceiling

    Structural elements

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    223Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Recessed floor luminaires,uplights

    Conclusion The selection of the type of lumi-

    naire is dependent on the scaleand the proportion of the supportstructure. Spotlights can also beattached directly to componentsof the support structure. Thecomplete support structure canbe illuminated with floodlights.To avoid glare, recessed floorspotlights for lighting the supportstructure should not be installedin heavily trafficked areas. Thearrangement of the luminairesshould be oriented around thedesign of the support structure.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Ceiling

    Structural elements


    Projects:Burj Al Arab, DubaiCiudad de las Artes y las Ciencias,ValenciaPetronas Twin Towers, KualaLumpurMuseo del Teatro de Caesar-augusta, Zaragoza

    Ceiling lighting for:- entrance areas- arcades- passages- atria- overhanging or cantileveredroofs

    Preferred luminaire groups- spotlights- ceiling washlights- recessed floor luminaires

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    224Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    When floor lighting, the floorsurface can be illuminated withdirect light from downlights orfrom floodlights positioned onthe sides. Floor washlights partic-

    ularly emphasise the floor surfaceand its physical make-up.


    Pathway luminaires

    Luminaires for open-area lighting


    Downlights, narrow-beamed

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications


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    225Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Conclusion Due to their asymmetric light dis-tribution, floor washlights providegrazing light illumination of thefloor. They ensure a high degreeof visual comfort thanks to theirlow mounting height. A soft beamgradient reduces the contrastwith the surroundings. The elimi-

    nation of glare from downlights isdetermined by the cut-off angle.


    Projects:ERCO, LdenscheidGreater London AuthorityPrivate residence, BerlinPrivate residence, Palamos

    Floor washlighting for:- driveways- pathways- public squares

    Preferred luminaire groups:- downlights- floor washlights- bollard luminaires- mast luminaires

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications


    Floor washlights

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    226Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Object, free-standing Objects on the wall

    Objects can be accentuated withgreat effect to turn them into realeye-catchers. The appearance ofobjects can be made to look unu-sual by selecting a strong grazinglight. The opposite of such dra-matic lighting is a uniform, largearea lighting solution.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications


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    227Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Objects in the room or area canbe illuminated with spotlights orfloodlights. When illuminating anobject head-on with one spot-light in the direction of vision,

    the modelling effect is weak.Two spotlights, with sculptureaccessories, shining from differ-ent directions create a balanced,three-dimensional effect. Thebrightness contrasts are mildercompared to when using justone spotlight. Illuminating from



    below produces an interesting butmysterious effect since the lightis coming from an angle which isunusual for the observer.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Object

    Object, free-standing

    Directional luminaires

    Directional uplights

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    228Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com


    Projects:Norwegian Aviation Museum,BodoERCO, LdenscheidRhenish State Museum, BonnLet The Dance Begin, Strabane

    Accent lighting for- park and garden complexes- sculptures

    Preferred luminaire groups- spotlight- floodlights

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Object

    Object, free-standing

    Arrangement Objects in the room can be illumi-nated with an angle of incidenceof 30 to 45 to the vertical. Thesteeper the incident light, thestronger the shadows.

    Narrow-beam spotlights placeemphasis on the object alone,whereas floodlights show theobject in the context of its sur-roundings. This reduces the

    modelling effect. Lighting frombelow can have the effect ofmaking things look very strange.


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    229Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Objects on the wall can be illumi-nated with spotlights or flood-lights. Spotlights highlight theobject and create a decorativeeffect. Due to their even illumina-

    tion of the complete wall surface,

    Observation floodlights accentuate the objectless than spotlights.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Object

    Objects on the wall


    Floodlight from above

    Floodlight from below

    Recessed floor and directionalluminaire

    Lens wallwashers

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    230Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Narrow-beam spotlights accentu-ate the object while floodlightsshow the object in the context ofits surroundings.



    Projects:ERCO, LdenscheidVietnam Veterans Memorial,Washington DCSinnet Tennis Club, Warsaw

    Accent lighting for- facades- entrance areas- park and garden complexes

    - sculptures

    Preferred luminaire groups- spotlight- wallwashers- uplights

    Arrangement Objects on the wall can be illumi-nated with an angle of incidenceof 30 to 45 to the vertical. Thesteeper the incident light, themore three-dimensional theobject appears.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Object

    Objects on the wall

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    232Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Washlighting creates a very uni-form light distribution on thefacade. A line of light marks outthe edge of the building againstthe night sky. Uplights rhythmi-

    cally divide up the facade. Under


    Floodlight, below

    the light of up-downlights,graphic patterns are produced bythe definite beams.

    Line of light, above


    Facade luminaires downlights

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Solid facade

    Facade luminaires uplights anddownlights

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    233Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Washlighting facades can makethem appear flat. Reducing theilluminance as the facade heightincreases gives a low-contrasttransition to the dark night sky.

    Grazing light emphasises thesurface textures of materials.Progressions of light on untex-tured walls become the dominat-ing feature and are seen as inde-pendent patterns in their ownright. Large, uniform surfaces canbe given structure with patterns


    Arrangement The facade lighting can be posi-tioned on the ground, on a mastor on the building. Wallwashersoffset from the facade at onethird to half the facade heightavoid long shadows. Luminairespositioned close to the facadeproduce grazing light with a

    strong emphasis on the surfacetextures and structures. Recessedfloor luminaires are architectur-ally discrete. Overgrown vegeta-tion must be prevented. Mast

    of light. Beams of light that donot match or correspond withthe architecture are perceived asdisturbing.

    Recessed floor luminaires

    Surface-mounted floor luminaires

    Upright supporting tube

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Solid facade

    luminaires will appear as additivefeatures in front of the facade.Cantilever arms allow directmounting to the building. Shiningany light beyond the facade sur-faces, either to the sides or overthe top, should be avoided.

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    234Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com


    Projects:Georg Schfer Museum,SchweinfurtERCO Lightpark, LdenscheidERCO Lightpark, LdenscheidCultural Centre and CoastalMuseum NORVEG, Rrvik


    Cantilever arm

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Solid facade

    Facade luminaires

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    235Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Floodlights produce a uniformillumination on the facade.Washlighting with point-shapedlight sources makes the surfacetexture and structure clearly vis-

    ible. Accentuating the columnsdetaches these from the surround-ing facade. Uplights positioned ontwo sides emphasise the volumeof the column. Downlights accen-tuate the column and illuminatethe floor area. The combinationof uplights and downlights aug-



    ments the vertical facade divisionby lighting from above and below.


    Uplights, double-sided layout


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Facade, vertically divided

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    236Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Downlights and uplights

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Facade, vertically divided

    Narrow beams of light intensifythe effect of the vertical divi-sion. To avoid shadows at theside, the luminaires should bepositioned at right angles, paral-lel to the facade. Strong con-trasts and heavy shadow can becompensated for by washlighting

    the facade as a form of generallighting. The luminaires shouldbe positioned in a rhythm corre-sponding to that of the facadedivisions.



    Projects:Brandenburg Gate, BerlinMunicipal works, LdenscheidRuhr Festival Theatre CongressCentre, RecklinghausenFaena Hotel, Buenos Aires

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    237Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Floodlights illuminate the entirefacade and emphasise the hori-zontal divisions by casting heavyshadows. Lines of light echo thehorizontal structure on the darker

    facade surface.



    Lines of light

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Horizontally divided facade

    Luminaires positioned close tothe facade highly emphasiseits three-dimensional nature.Long heavy shadows cast by

    facade divisions can be reducedby increasing the offset of the

    Conclusion luminaire from the facade. Thesteeper angle of incidence for thelight in the upper region of thefacade casts longer shadows than

    in the lower area.


    Projects:Millennium Grandstand, DubaiHong Kong and Shanghai Bank,Hong KongPalazzo della Borsa, TriestKaufhof department store,Mnchengladbach

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    238Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Facade with projecting or recessed sections

    Wide-beam floodlights set farfrom the building illuminate thefacade evenly. Facades with largeprotruding sections or insets willfeature heavy shadows. Differ-

    ent illuminances or light coloursaugment the differentiation ofthe facade. Uplights mark outthe internal corners with grazinglight.



    Spotlights with differentilluminances

    Spotlights with different lightcolours


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    240Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Perforated facade

    Under daylight conditions thewindow surfaces appear dark.At night, illuminated interiorsprovide a strong contrast betweenthe dark facade surface and bright

    windows. Floodlights produce uni-form light distribution over thefacade. Illuminating the windowembrasure accentuates the frameof the facade opening, whereasnarrow-beam uplights emphasisethe facades grid pattern.



    Downlights, indoor


    Lines of light

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    241Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com


    Projects:Humboldt-University, Ehrenhof,BerlinPentacon Tower, DresdenErnst-August-Carree, HannoverDZ Bank, Berlin

    Indoor users should not bedazzled. Luminaires shining intothe interior impair the view outof the building. Lighting controlsystems can be used to controlthe light in individual rooms andto create patches of light on thefacade.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Perforated facade


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    243Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com



    Greater London Authority, LondonMunicipal works, LdenscheidE-Werk event halls/SAP SI offices,Berlin

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Banded facade

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    244Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Transparent facade

    Under daylight conditions,the transparent facade appearsdark and reflects its surround-ings. Indoor lighting allows theobserver to see into the building.

    Ceiling washlights in the indoorarea emphasise the ceiling sur-faces and increase the overallimpression of interior brightnessat night. The facade constructionis silhouetted. Lines of light inthe ceiling area of the individualfloors underline the horizontal



    building structure. Uplightsemphasise the vertical elementsof the facade.

    Downlights, indoor

    Uplights, indoor

    Lines of light

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    245Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Facade

    Transparent facade


    Projects:Mediathek, SendaiRuhr Festival Theatre CongressCentre, RecklinghausenZrich Insurance, Buenos AiresMaritime Museum, Osaka

    The visual perspective from theground makes the lighting effectof the indoor area appear largerwith uplights than with down-lights. Dazzling the users of theindoor area should be avoided.Luminaires shining into theindoor area will impair the view

    out of the building.


    Uplights, outdoor

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    246Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Trees Types of trees

    In the field of landscaping, treesare the most important elementsfor forming areas. The shape andsize of the trunk and tree crownvary depending on the type oftree. The most well-known treeforms are rounded, columnar,spreading and flat-crowned (e.g.a palm). The winter scene is char-acterised by filigree branches,while in the summer the leaves

    of the crown thicken to form avoluminous mass. In addition tothe shape, the appearance of treesis also characterised by blossomand foliage in the course of theseasons.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications


    Clusters of trees

    Rows of trees Tree-lined avenue Spacing of trees

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    247Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Floodlights aimed upwards makethe tree crown appear three-dimensional. Two floodlights fromthe front, yet to the side, illumi-nate the crown evenly as a volu-

    minous mass, while floodlightsmounted at the side add greateremphasis to the three-dimension-ality. Floodlights arranged aroundthree sides illuminate the crownevenly from all sides and reducethe three-dimensionality of thetree form. Floodlights in the

    ObservationTypes of illumination

    Floodlight in front

    background create back-lightingand make the tree crown into asilhouette Uplights at the trunkaccentuate the trunk as a linearfeature and visually connect the

    crown to the ground. Dependingon the season, light from abovewill either emphasise the contourof the crown or accentuate theshadows of the branch structureon the ground.

    Floodlight on the right

    Floodlights right and left

    Floodlights on three sides

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation


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    248Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Floodlight behind


    Spotlight from above

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation


    Luminaires arranged on severalsides give an even illuminationof the tree, while one or twoluminaires create a greater three-dimensional effect. Narrow-beamed uplights are suitable forhighlighting any striking, tall treetrunks. The texture of the bark isbrought out stronger when light-ing from the front. Positioningthe luminaires to the side givesrise to a narrow line of light onthe trunk. When illuminating awall behind a tree, the silhouetteof the crown and trunk becomesapparent. Spotlights mountedin atria or on facades can castthe contour of the tree and/orbranches as a shadow on theground.


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    249Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation


    Small tree

    Large tree

    One or two luminaires accentuatetrees of small dimensions. Sev-eral floodlights produce an evenillumination of large, fully growntrees.

    ObservationTree growth

    Tree growth and avoiding glareare two points that must beconsidered when arranging andaiming the luminaires. On large

    trees, several luminaires may benecessary to achieve an even illu-mination and to avoid a distortedperception of light and dark parts.Flexible, directable luminaireswith ground spikes can be repo-sitioned and re-aimed as the treegrows. Luminaires recessed intothe ground blend into the area

    Conclusion of landscape better but requiremore work to reposition however.

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    250Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation


    Floodlit illumination of the treecrown particularly brings out thebeauty of the outermost blossomin the springtime. In the summer,the dense foliage makes the crown

    appear as a solid mass. Coloured






    Lamp selection is a factor thatinfluences the colour of light andthe colour rendition of the leavesand blossom. Daylight white col-ours of light emphasise blue-greenfoliage colours, whereas warmwhite colours of light accentuatebrownish-red leaves.


    leaves are characteristic for theautumn. In the winter, the light-ing effect is reduced to the fili-gree branch work.

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    251Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com



    Ernst-August-Carree, HannoverERCO, LdenscheidERCO, LdenscheidERCO, Ldenscheid

    Lighting for- park and garden complexes- entrance areas- atria

    Preferred luminaire groups- spotlights- floodlights- uplights

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation


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    255Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Types of trees

    Spotlight behind


    Floodlight at front

    Floodlight on the right

    Spotlights on three sides

    Tree form: conical

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    256Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Floodlight behind

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Types of trees

    Spotlight in front

    Spotlight on the right

    Spotlights on three sides

    Floodlights on three sides

    Tree form: palm

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    257Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Rounded, weeping trees withdense, low hanging foliage thatcannot be seen through, lendthemselves to floodlit illumina-tion and the luminaires are bestpositioned outside the area underthe tree. On spreading trees withthin, see-through foliage, illumi-nating from within the area underthe tree, using uplights allowsthe whole tree crown to appear

    aglitter. Illuminating a tree withgrazing light requires a flat inci-dent beam at approximately 15degrees. Spherical trees require agreater distance between lumi-naire and crown than columnartrees do here. Narrow-beameduplights are particularly suit-able for lighting high palms.

    Conclusion The desired illuminance must beselected to suit the reflectanceof the leaves.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Types of trees

    Spotlight behind

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    258Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Clusters of trees

    Floodlights located in front illu-minate the tree crowns evenly.Floodlights positioned at thesides produce a hard contrast oflight and shadow. Luminaires on

    two sides avoid hard shadows.Uplights at the trunk emphasisethe trunk as a vertical linearfeature.


    Floodlight at front

    Floodlights at sides


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    259Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    The cluster of trees can be visu-ally differentiated by using dif-ferent luminaires and differentlyaimed. Spatial depth is created byadding lighting emphasis in the

    foreground, middle ground andbackground. Stronger brightnesscontrasts support this effect. Nar-row-beamed luminaires providehighlighting, while broad-beamedfloodlights take on the task ofgeneral lighting.

    ObservationLight distribution

    Having several luminaires withhigh cut-off angles reduces theglare compared to a few broad-beamed luminaires. Narrow-beamed and well-aimed lumi-naires reduce the superfluousemission of light into the sur-roundings. The decentralised illu-mination of trees allows a differ-entiated lighting of a cluster oftrees. Spotlights are suitable for

    additional highlights. Tree growthand the avoidance of glare are to

    Conclusion be considered when positioningand aiming the luminaires.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Clusters of trees

    Projects:ERCO, LdenscheidERCO, LdenscheidBank of China, BeijingBank of China, Beijing

    Applications Lighting for- park and garden complexes- entrance areas- atria

    Preferred luminaire groups- spotlights- floodlights- uplights

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    260Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Rows of trees

    Upwardly directed spotlightsemphasise the tree canopy. Flood-lights with asymmetric light distri-bution give homogenous lightfrom base to canopy even on tall

    and broad rows of trees. Narrow-beamed uplights highlight thetree trunk as a vertical, linearfeature.


    Tree form: roundedFloodlight

    Tree form: columnarSpotlights

    Tree form: roundedUplights

    Tree form: columnarUplights

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    261Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Tree form: palmUplights

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Rows of trees

    The effectiveness of rows of treesto delineate space depends to avery large extent on the type oftree. Thus, depending on the typeof tree, a closely planted row oftrees can appear as a wall or acolonnade. Narrow-beamed andwell-aimed luminaires reduce theglare and the spill light into thesurroundings. The tree growthmust be considered when posi-

    tioning and aiming the lumi-naires.


    Tree form: palmSpotlights


    Projects:ERCO, LdenscheidLoher Wldchen park,Ldenscheid

    Lighting for- park and garden complexes- entrance areas- pathways

    Preferred luminaire groups- spotlights- floodlights- uplights

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    262Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Tree-lined avenue

    Upwardly directed spotlightsemphasise the tree crowns.Floodlights with asymmetric lightdistribution give homogenouslighting from base to canopy even

    on extensive avenues of tall trees.Narrow-beamed uplights high-light the tree trunk as a vertical,linear feature.


    Tree form: roundedFloodlights

    Tree form: roundedUplights

    Tree form: columnarSpotlight

    Tree form: columnarUplights

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    263Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Tree form: palmSpotlights

    Tree form: palmUplights

    The spatial profile of tree-linedavenues depends to a very largeextent on the type of tree. Thus,depending on the type of trees, anavenue of narrowly spaced treescan act as a wall and segregate adefinite area or can appear as acolonnade. Narrow-beamed andwell-aimed luminaires reduce theglare and spill light into the sur-roundings. The tree growth mustbe considered when positioningand aiming the luminaires.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Tree-lined avenue

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    264Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Spacing of trees

    Broad, upwardly directed beamsof light emphasise the undersideof the tree canopy. Narrow-beamed uplights highlight thetree trunk as a vertical, linear



    Tree form: weepingUplights, narrow-beam

    Tree form: weepingUplights, wide-beam

    Tree form: columnarSpotlights

    Tree form: columnarUplights

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    265Edition: 24/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting applications | Vegetation

    Spacing of trees

    Tree form: palmSpotlights

    Tree form: palmUplights

    The tree crowns of narrowlyspaced trees combine to take onthe effect of a canopy. Havingseveral narrow-beamed lumi-naires reduces the glare comparedto a few broad-beamed lumi-naires. On pathways and trafficroutes, it must be ensured thatthe luminaires are well shieldedto prevent glare.


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    266Edition: 26/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com


    In this subchapter, applicationpossibilities for outdoor lumi-naires are shown using designexamples. Design variations arepresented using simulations.

    Entrance area, small Entrance area, large

    GuideOutdoor lighting

    Design examples

    Historical facade


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    267Edition: 26/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    The entrance area is formed bya negative volume, which is setapart from the outdoor area bya few steps.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Design examples

    Entrance area, small

    Planning Design 1The wallwashers integrated inthe ceiling provide a very homoge-nous illumination of the wall. Theluminaires are integrated into thearchitecture.

    Design 2The light intensity distributionof the downlights determines theoverall impression of the scene.On the wall, uniform beams ofbecome apparent and becomethe formative element. The mate-rial texture on the back wall isbrought out by the light.

    Design 3To meet the functional criteriaof an entrance, it is sufficient toilluminate the ground. The overallvolume of the entrance recedesinto the background.

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    268Edition: 26/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Design 2To achieve a decorative lightingeffect, the downlights are posi-tioned near to the wall.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Design examples

    Entrance area, small

    Design 1The offset of the wallwashersfrom the wall measures half thewall height. The luminaire spac-ing is equal to the offset from

    the wall.

    Design 3The floor washlights are locatedat a height of 60cm in order toavoid glare.

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    269Edition: 26/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    The design draft shows a repre-sentational entrance area with acanopy roof projecting out a longway. This is supported by evenlyarranged struts. The main task is

    to reinforce the representationalcharacter using the lighting.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Design examples

    Entrance area, large

    Planning Design 1Downlights follow the form of thecantilever roof along the struts.The circles of light made by thebeams on the floor emphasise thedynamics of the circular facade.The wall adjoining onto the glassfacade is delicately brightened byrecessed ceiling wallwashers.

    Design 2Light is projected onto the canti-lever roof via ceiling washlights.The roof reflects the light ontothe floor. The indirect lightingcasts evenly diffused light ontothe ground. Additional illumina-tion of the wall can be dispensedwith since the wall is also givensufficient light by the reflectionfrom the roof. The luminairesappear as independent architec-tural elements.

    Design 3Each strut is highlighted by foursurface-mounted downlights. Thephysical makeup of the struts isemphasised.

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    271Edition: 26/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Historical facades require light-ing concepts that are in harmonywith the architectural features.For classical facades, the follow-ing features are to be given con-

    sideration in the lighting concept:- columns- porticoes- friezes- facade division into three areas:portal and two side wings

    In all the examples listed a faintgeneral lighting of the facade isensured via lens wallwashers. Thelighting should not be incidenttoo steeply, since otherwise irri-tating heavy shadows could becast in the area of the friezes.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Design examples

    Historical facade

    Planning Design 1The columns are silhouettedagainst the entrance area, whichis illuminated by surface-mount-ed downlights. The three-dimen-sional impression of the porticois greatly reduced by the columnsthat now appear almost flat. Thefront elevation of the building isclearly divided into three becauseof the emphasis given to the

    facades central section.

    Design 2The columns are illuminated withnarrow-beam uplights. The tym-panum is illuminated separately.The fact that the entrance areais set forward from the facadebecomes much more pronounced.The view is attracted to the cen-tral section of the building.

    Design 3The facade is clearly given a hori-zontal division by illuminating thefrieze. The overall breadth of thefacade becomes more significant.The columns were illuminatedas in design 2, but with reducedlight intensity so as not to overlyemphasise the entrance. Overall,this differentiated lighting con-cept lends the historical facadea most magnificent character.

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    272Edition: 26/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Design 2The columns are emphasised bynarrow-beam uplights arrangedcircularly around the columns.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Design examples

    Historical facade

    The starting point of all threedesign examples is the homoge-nous general lighting of thefacade with lens wallwashersmounted as recessed floor lumi-

    naires. These are arranged in aline at a distance of one thirdof the building height in frontof the right and left sections ofthe facade.

    Design 3Directional luminaires for high-lighting the frieze are located ata distance of one tenth of thewall height in front of the twoside sections of the facade. Thespacing between the directionalluminaires themselves is relativelysmall so that an even illuminationof the frieze is obtained. Narrow-beam uplights in the semicirclearound the four columns add


    Design 1One surface-mounted downlightwith a wide light intensity distri-bution is positioned behind eachand every column.

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    273Edition: 26/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Orientation along pathways canbe provided either by primarylighting of the path surface orby emphasising certain referencepoints in the area.


    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Design examples


    Planning Design 1Orientation is provided here onthe one hand by linearly arrangedpoints of light from floor wash-lights and on the other by mark-ing points of interest. In thisexample, a low illumination ofthe pathway by floor washlightsis sufficient because illuminatingthe row of trees provides orien-tation.

    Design 2The path surface is well lit withwide-beam floor washlights. Theevenly arranged floor washlightsguide ones view. The adjacenttrees are silhouetted against theevenly illuminated wall behindthem. The spatial limits areemphasised and this gives theviewer an indication about thevolume of the area.

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    274Edition: 26/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    Design 2The lens wallwashers for illumi-nating the wall are recessed inthe floor at an offset from thewall of a third of the wall height.

    Arrangement Design 1The uplights are arranged to theright and left of the trees. A rowof floor washlights runs parallelto this.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Design examples


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    275Edition: 25/10/2006 | Updated version at www.erco.com

    E GuideOutdoor lighting

    Lighting design

    The development in architecturetowards transparency transformsbuildings at night into effigiesshining from the inside out.Light has advanced to become amarketing topic for a number ofcities. A sensitive treatment oflight in the outdoor area is crucialfor acheiving a clear view of thenight sky.

    Dark Sky

  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


  • 8/13/2019 En Erco Guide 4 Outdoor Lighting


    Luminaires Luminaires suitable for Dark Skyapplications feature precise lightcontrol and a defined cut-off foroptimum visual comfort. Havingno emission of light above the

    horizontal plane is a decisive cri-terium for open area and pathwayluminaires. A low luminance atthe light aperture avoids exces-sive contrasts in luminance levelsin the outdoor area.

    E GuideOutdoor lighting | Lighting design

    Dark Sky



    The first design task for a Dark

    Sky concept is to ascertain forwhat purpose and with whatquality the particular areas areto be illuminated. The followingis decisive for a lasting lightingconcept:- adequate illuminance- avoidance of spill light abovethe horizontal plane- correct alignment of luminaires- reduce or switch off the lightingwhen no longer needed

    The luminaires should be arrangedsuch that the elements to be illu-minated are optimally lit and nolight shines past the objects. Thisavoids dazzling the observers.


    With the Dark Sky concept thelighting control takes on specialsignificance for regulating theintensity and duration of thelighting for individual zones,thus regulating the overall lightemission. The lighting controlallows switching and dimming for