en _____ر 29-5

Great achievements of the Syrian Arab Army in Kousaeer city Unites of the Syrian Arab Army continued their operations against the terrorists in the countryside of Homs, killed many of them and seized their weapons and ammunition. Another unit frustrated a try of infiltration of armed groups and smashed their weapons. Martyrdom of three citizens including a child because of two mortars Three citizens martyred and other injured because of mortars were launched by terrorists in Homs city. Smashing workshops of explosive devices in the countryside of Damascus Unites of the Syrian Arab Army killed many terrorists and smashed workshops for making explosive devices , mortars and centers for terrorists in Doma,Harasta and Barzeh. Injuring four citizens because of mortars on the parks in Abaseen Four citizens injured because of mortars were launched by terrorists in Abaseen. Smashing a launcher of missile in the countryside of Adlib and Hama A unit of the Syrian Arab Army killed terrorists of the front of Al-Nosra and smashed a launcher of missile in Adlib and Hama.

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Post on 08-Sep-2014




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Great achievements of the Syrian Arab Army in Kousaeer city

Unites of the Syrian Arab Army continued their operations against the terrorists in the countryside of Homs, killed many of them and seized their weapons and ammunition.

Another unit frustrated a try of infiltration of armed groups and smashed their weapons.

Martyrdom of three citizens including a child because of two mortars

Three citizens martyred and other injured because of mortars were launched by terrorists in Homs city.

Smashing workshops of explosive devices in the countryside of Damascus

Unites of the Syrian Arab Army killed many terrorists and smashed workshops for making explosive devices , mortars and centers for terrorists in Doma,Harasta and Barzeh.

Injuring four citizens because of mortars on the parks in Abaseen

Four citizens injured because of mortars were launched by terrorists in Abaseen.

Smashing a launcher of missile in the countryside of Adlib and Hama

A unit of the Syrian Arab Army killed terrorists of the front of Al-Nosra and smashed a launcher of missile in Adlib and Hama.

Smashing two booby trapped cars in the central prison, Hilan and Andan in the countryside of Aleppo

In the countryside of Aleppo, unites of the armed forces smashed two booby trapped cars and gatherings of terrorists.

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Moscow: the European Union's decision to lift the embargo of arms on the "opposition" of Syrian is illegal

Russia asserted that the decision of the European Union about the lifting of the embargo of arms on the Syrian Opposition is illegal and it affects negatively on the future of the international conference about the crisis, indicating that the import of S-300 defense systems is an actor for stability which prevents the military intervention in Syria

The basic obstacle in front of the international conference about Syria is because the dispersion of the Syrian Opposition

The deputy of Russian foreign minister expressed that the basic obstacle in front of the international conference is because the dispersion of the Syrian Opposition.

Czech criticizes the decision of the European Union

The foreign minister of Czech criticized the decision of the European Union which is about the lifting on the embargo of weapons for the armed groups in Syria

He said that” Czech failed to prevent the lifting of embargo”.

Belgium asserts that it will not provide weapons for the fighters of Opposition in Syria

The foreign minister of Belgium asserted that his country will not provide weapons for the fighters of the opposition in Syria.

Canada asserts its objection for providing weapons for the Syrian opposition

The foreign minister of Canada announced that his country refuses to provide the Syrian Opposition by weapons.

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Austria: France and Britain endeavored from the beginning to refuse our efforts about the lifting of embargo of weapons for the Syrian opposition

The foreign minister of Austria asserted “that France and Britain endeavored from the beginning to refuse our proposals about the case of lifting the embargo of weapons on the Syrian Opposition, but we succeeded to limit the sending of weapons to Syria.”

“Slovak Communist": the supply of weapons to terrorists in Syria violates the international laws

Slovak Communist political party asserted that the providing of arms for the Syrian Opposition violated the international laws.

Foreign Ministry.. EU Decision exposes the falsity of their allegations Hinders International Community's Efforts for Political Settlement

Spokesperson of the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Tuesday said, "The European Union Foreign Ministers Council adopted on May 27th, 2013 a decision that renews the economic sanctions imposed on the Syrian people and allows its member states to export arms to the armed terrorist groups, contrary to its allegations on commitment to the political solution to the crisis in Syria."

"The recent EU decision exposes the falsity of their allegations and uncovers the political hypocrisy of France and Britain which claim to care about the interests of the Syrian people, while they push at the European Union for taking new decisions to renew the economic sanctions imposed on Syria and supply terrorists in Syria with weapons instead of lifting the immoral sanctions imposed away from the

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international legitimacy and genuinely contributing to paving the ground for initiating Syrian national dialogue through the international conference set to be held in Geneva.

Friends of Syrian People Meeting Discusses a Political Solution to the Crisis

The Friends of Syrian People meeting is to be held in Tehran on Wednesday under the motto/ The Political Solution and Regional Stability/.

Delegations of more than 40 countries are going to take part in the meeting which aims at finding a political solution to the crisis in Syria.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Abbas Araghchi, expressed the hope that the discussions in the meeting will contribute to making the international conference on Syria which is scheduled to be held in Geneva next month a success.

For his part, Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, stressed that his country's position on Syria has been and is still clear and transparent in that it is based on rejecting foreign interference in its affairs.

Martyr Journalist Yara Abbas Laid to Rest

Final tribute was paid to martyr journalist Yara Abbas, the reporter of al-Ikhbariya TV channel, who was assassinated Monday by the gunfire of the armed terrorist groups while covering the Armed Forces' operations near al-Daba'a airport in al-Qseir in Homs countryside.

Abbas was escorted from al-Zaeem Hospital in Homs to her final resting place in Nisaf village in Masyaf area in Hama amid wide official, civil and popular participation.

Syrian organization to monitor Human Rights.. Targeting journalist Yara Abbas is a condemned violation the international legitimacy of Human Rights

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Syrian organization to monitor Human Rights condemned targeting the journalist Yara Abbas by armed terrorists while doing her job in reporting the news, considering it violation to the media and freedom of expression advocated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."

Syrian Delegation at Human Rights council.. Pilay deals with Syrian issues with clear bias

Syrian Delegation at Human Rights council expressed deep denunciation and regret at the obvious bias by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Faisal al-Hamwi, Syria's Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva said in response to Pillay's report before the UNHRC

"My country's delegation inspected the Commissioner's report and wants to express their deep denunciation and regret at the obvious bias which Pillay practices in her dealing with the events in Syria, places blame on the Syrian government while closing her eyes to the widespread human rights violations committed by al-Qaeda and al-Nusra groups and other takfiris."

Parliament Speaker Calls for Increasing Committee's Interaction with Society

Speaker of the People's Assembly, Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, stressed "The current stage requires unifying the efforts and not wasting the potentials, in addition to doubling work in all the fields particularly regarding the national reconciliation," al-Laham addressed the People's Assembly's National Reconciliation Committee during a meeting on Tuesday.

He pointed out that a People's Assembly member is a Syrian citizen and a representative of the whole Syrian people without alignment."

People's Assembly listens to replies of Industry and Oil Ministries

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People's Assembly headed by Speaker of the Assembly, Mohammad Jihad al-Laham listened to the replies of the Industry and Oil Ministries about some questions by the members.

Russia Sends Two Planes with Humanitarian Aid to Syria

Two Russian planes loaded with 30 tons of humanitarian aid arrived in al-Bassel Airport in Lattakia on Tuesday to be delivered by the branch of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent in the province.

Governor of Lattakia province, Suleiman al-Naser, expressed in a statement to the reports the Syrian people thanks to Russia for its standing by Syria during the crisis it is going through.

Interior Minister: Internal Security Forces Anniversary Marks Continuation of Our People's Struggle

Interior Minister, Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar, stressed that the International Security Forces Day, which is marked on May 29th of every year, is "a very dear anniversary as it represents a continuation of our people's struggle to get rid of the colonization and its tools in the region."

"Today is similar to that day when France wreaked havoc during its colonization of our country," adding that France was expelled from Syria with the force of arms and that of the resistance.

Government recognizes the draft legal titling of the seized land and amends articles of the law governing the banking profession

The Cabinet at its weekly meeting held yesterday under the chairmanship of Dr. Wael Al-Halqi President of the Council approved the draft law on titling the lands seized under the Agrarian Reform Law No. 161 of 1958, and its emendations,

Board also approved a draft law amending some articles of Law No. 29 of 2012 regulating the profession of exchange in order to tighten the punishment

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contained in Law No. 24 of 2006, amended by Law No. 29 of 2012, because it did not achieve public and private deterrence, especially in crises and exceptional circumstances...

60 children participated in opening an exhibition of 40 paintings in Idlib

With the participation of 60 children a branch of the General Women's Union in Idleb province held yesterday Childhood exhibition in Idlib included 40 paintings, about different topics.