emps 2011 newsletter #1

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  • 8/7/2019 EMPS 2011 Newsletter #1


    EMPS 2011inDoha...A Little About Us..

    Qatar Pharmacy Undergraduate Society QPhUS was established in 2007

    and thus it became the first and the only society that represents pharmacy

    students in Qatar. QPhUS main Motto is Science is our method, health is

    our goal. In addition to representing Qatars pharmacy students; QPhUS

    also organize educational, cultural, academic, and social programs.

    Although QPhUS is still in its developmental stages, it plays a major role in

    spreading awareness about pharmacy profession, and health conditions

    among Qatari society

    Our College..

    Qatar University College of Pharmacy

    is the first and only one that offers a

    degree in pharmacy in Qatar. So we

    are a young, enthusiastic and

    progressive new program. Our College

    had its approval from the Board of

    Regents under the leadership of theHeir Apparent H.H. Sheikh Tamim bin

    Hamad Al Thani since June 2008.We

    also got the accreditation from

    Canadian Council for the

    Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs

    (CCAPP); and we are the first and only

    pharmacy program to be awarded an

    accreditation abroad Canada . Now

    the college provides other two

    programs; the Doctor of Pharmacy

    (PharmD) degree program and the

    Master of Sciences in Pharmacy (MSc(Pharm)) degree program, beside the

    Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (BSc

    (Pharm)) degree program .The College

    provides its graduates with the

    knowledge and skills necessary to

    meet the health care needs of Qatars

    society. Leading pharmacy school in

    the Middle East region is the main

    vision of college of pharmacy.


    Could you start your day without a

    cup of green tea or Nescafe to refresh

    your mind? Well, Qatar University

    College of Pharmacy provides the

    facilities that guarantee a high level of

    comfort for the students, like a

    kitchen and lockers' room.

    Additionally, students can freely study

    in the Student Study Lounge Area

    which is a comfortable place provided

    with a laser printer and other

    equipments. All the lectures in ourcollege are video captured using the

    software program echo 360. Students

    can access to the lecture content both

    on and off campus after each class

    and live the lectures again.

    Blackboard(BB) is the students' virtual

    learning environment that helps them

    get all the classes handouts, retrieve

    the video of the lecture itself, reach

    the latest available resources in the

    studied topics, contact their

    colleagues and instructors, board-discussing, and many other services

    provided by this amazing website.

    Stay tuned for more details!

    Why Are We Holding the 2nd EMPS?!

    In spite of the fact that Qatar University's College of Pharmacy is the only college

    of pharmacy, it is as well capable of excelling not only academically, but also

    socially. We are proud of providing a chance for all of the future pharmacists to

    get together and exchange thoughts and knowledge, have fun and a little healthy


    QU College of Pharmacy would be honored to be the host of the 2nd EMPS

    Eastern Mediterranean Pharmaceutical Symposium2011 which will take place in

    Doha Qatar from the 15th

    to the 20th

    of July, 2011.

  • 8/7/2019 EMPS 2011 Newsletter #1


    please make yourself home!

    Mar7aba Welcome


    Welcome to Qatar

    Hopes & Expectations!

    A mixture of traditions and modernity, of pride and modesty, is what welcomes you

    the moment your aircraft descends into Qatar. The spectacular view ofthe capital

    city, Doha; The sparkling blue waters of the Arabian Gulf; the astonishing crescent-

    shaped Corniche ; and the sandy desert backdrop offers the first peek of what

    experiences lie ahead of you. This sunny country is filled with promises to

    everyone, whatever turns you on, not only youll find it here but the experience will

    take you to a whole new dimension-desert exploits and shopping extravaganzas;natural attractions and water sports; state-of-the-art sporting facilities and

    historical museums; all combined with fine dining and luxurious accommodations.

    Youll be living an unforgettable experience, opening a window to an original yet

    marvelous culture where excitement and pleasure is guaranteed. Welcome to the

    heart of the Arabian Gulf. Welcome to Qatar.

    So please, make yourself home

    Only a few months separate us from the prospective upcoming event The Eastern

    Mediterranean Pharmaceutical Symposium (EMPS) which will be held for this year

    in Qatar. A number of pharmacy colleges from different countries in the Middle

    East will gather to attend and participate in the conference.

    As the main part of this event, undergraduate pharmacy students are highly

    expectant to be the start point of the future change and development of the

    profession of pharmacy in terms of performing the optimum outcomes a

    pharmacist required to do, and to contribute to the public awareness of the

    extended pharmacists roles. Our mission in such conferences is to set the issues

    facing the progression of pharmacy as a career, in a way to figure out the reasons

    behind them which facilitates the process of eliminating similar obstacles and

    establish a better circumstance based on promising resolutions. For the sake of

    achieving these visions and aspirations, the need of a scheme enables the

    opportunity of discovering hidden talents and creativity along with exchanging

    ideas and opinions is saturated by the institution of this conference which aims to

    fulfill the previous objectives and goals.

    From Doha!

  • 8/7/2019 EMPS 2011 Newsletter #1


    How to register for EMPS 2011

    Registration is very easy, just please follow the following steps to have an easy and simple registration:

    Go to:http://www.emps2011-ipsf.org

    Fill the form

    Thank you XXX for registering for

    EMPS 2011 in Doha , Qatar.

    By date DD/MM/2011 , you

    should have your payment done,

    and here are payment details.

    Once you pay and got receipt,

    submit an email with a scanned

    copy of receipt + passport scan to

    Remember: Keep your receipt to confirm

    your participation


    [email protected]

    You will then receive this email

    From the Registration Officer:

    We confirm your attendance to

    the 2nd Annual EMPS 2011

    You will then receive this On May/June 2011, you will receive this

    From the Registration Officer:

    We would like to announce the

    completion of your Qatari Visa (as

    attached) .

    http://www.emps2011-ipsf.org/http://www.emps2011-ipsf.org/http://www.emps2011-ipsf.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.google.com.qa/imgres?imgurl=http://vivirlatino.com/i/2008/09/Passport%20Cover.jpg&imgrefurl=http://vivirlatino.com/2008/09/10/us-citizenship-doesnt-gurantee-a-damn-thing-not-even-a-passport.php&usg=__7zXcvyOcrjQ65OVX4Rf3Fc9bCTk=&h=741&w=532&sz=41&hl=ar&start=9&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=RgLR4SRz2NlqSM:&tbnh=141&tbnw=101&prev=/images?q=passport&hl=ar&safe=active&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&ei=hwg3TdqsEobovQPYjc2xAwhttp://www.google.com.qa/imgres?imgurl=http://siswa.fkm.utm.my/UserFiles/Image/scanner.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.arb01.com/vb/showthread.php?t=17553&page=5&usg=__M9IzIfjYjy2pAM-1QQxxGNXWW_w=&h=501&w=747&sz=31&hl=ar&start=1&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=zVInC5JOQyc6MM:&tbnh=95&tbnw=141&prev=/images?q=scanner&hl=ar&safe=active&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&ei=QAc3TcfhK4OmugPS_OStAwhttp://www.emps2011-ipsf.org/
  • 8/7/2019 EMPS 2011 Newsletter #1


    Friday July 15, 2011 Wednesday July 20, 2011Doha, Qatar

    Registration dates and fees

    As mentioned above in the registration method, you can register for EMPS 2011, Doha through the

    following website: http://www.emps2011-ipsf.org

    For the international pharmacy Students, dates and fees for registration are as the following:

    Registration term Start date End date Registration fees

    First Term February 1st March 31st 115 $

    Second Term April 1st April 30th 185 $

    Third Term May 1st May 31st 250 $

    Registration fees increases with the registration term so have a good offer and register earlier. Take your

    chance now.

    You can find more information regarding registration, fees coverage and withdrawal on our website:

