empowering employees with agile values. thoren

AGILE HR IN A NUTSHELL? PiaMaria Thoren, GreenBullet Solu=ons April 5, 2014

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Page 1: Empowering employees with agile values. Thoren

 AGILE  HR  IN  A  NUTSHELL?  Pia-­‐Maria  Thoren,  GreenBullet  Solu=ons  April  5,  2014    

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To  have  in  mind  1:  Survival  of  the  fiHest  means  that  the  most  

adaptable  species  survive  –  not  necessarily  the  


About adaptability

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The best place to work in sweden!

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Organiza=ons  of  the  future  

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Worklife  back  then  

•  Big  leaders  appointed  liHle  leaders  •  Power  was  a  func=on  of  posi=on  •  Senior  execu=ves  set  strategy  •  Everyone  reported  to  a  boss  •  Tasks  were  assigned  •  Only  managers  gave  rewards  •  Compensa=on  correlated  with  rank  •  Promo=on  was  the  measure  of  achievement  

•  Autonomy  was  not  very  common  

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 About  theory  X…    

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Frederick  Taylor:  scien=fic  management  

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Worklife  today  

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About simplification

To  have  in  mind  2:  Make  everything  as  simple  as  possible  but  not  simpler  

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Page 14: Empowering employees with agile values. Thoren

WHY?  The  Human  Capital  Value  Chain  

Derived from “Putting the service-profit chain to work” in HBR 1994 by James L Heskett, Thomas O Jones, Gery W Loveman, W. Earl Sasser Junior, Leonard L Schlesinger

Engaged  employees  

create  happier  customers  

Happier  customers  are  more  loyal  and  

buy  more  

Loyal  customers  create  profitable  


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Result  Growth/development  


Purpose  Dream  


Con=nuous  Improvement  

Line  of  sight  Direc=on  /  focus  




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Pia-­‐Maria  Thorén    






”Nothing  is  impossible.  The  impossible  just  takes  a  bit  longer"  

Winston  Churchill  

+46  763  056134  pia-­‐[email protected]    

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Todays situation “A mere 7% of employees today fully understand their company’s business

strategies and what’s expected of them in order to help achieve company goals”

A Strategy Focused Organization"

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It all starts with a dream...

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Creating Line-of-sight

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What  are  you  doing?    The  importance  of  perspec=ve  

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Having fun at work?

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Feedback gives you wings

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Autonomy and trust

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Pause  and  Reflect  

Do  it  

Set  a    goal  

Continuous Improvement

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”Now  we  are  not  so  flexible  anymore  because  HR  started  to  get  their  processes  in  order”                                                                                                        

             Development  Manager  

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Source:  Bersin  by  Deloi5e  

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Integrated  Talent  /  People  Management  

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Leadership  for  agile  organiza=ons  

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Link  daily  ac=vi=es  to  goals  

Follow  up:  Feedback  and  

reward  Learnings

What was good? What can I improve?

Lead  and  coach  employees  towards  goals  

Set  /  Change  goals  

Plan for development connected to


Performance management

Built around a goal instead of around a year

User  stories  Sprint  goal  

Product  backlog  Sprint  planning  

Daily  standup  Con=nous  

repriori=za=on  Remove  


Retrospec=ve  Feedback  Learnings  

Celebrate  success  

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Performance  trends?  


"   Annual  appraisal  and  ra=ng  

"   Forced  ranking  "   Annual  goals  and  

process  "   Annual  talent  reviews  

by  manager  "   Recogni=on  by  manager  "   Career  plan  for  

promo=on  and  HiPos  "   Focus  on  moving  up  or  


TO…  "   Con=nuous  coaching  and  

feedback  "   No  ranking  "   Quarterly  or  monthly  goals  

with  regular  check-­‐ins  "   Con=nuous  talent  reviews  by  

peers  and  manager  "   Recogni=on  by  peers,  manager  

and  team  leaders  "   Career  plan  for  everyone  with  

open  movement  and  career  mobility  

"   Focus  on  moving  across,  up,  down  and  around  

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“As a team we will increase our sales by

10% in the next quarter”

“As a team in the next quarter we will close the largest deal we have ever

made – and it will definitely increase our sales more than 10%!!! We will do this by great

team work and using the strengths of every team


Transforming non-inspiring goals

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Happiness  index  

Source:    Management  3.0  by  Jurgen  Appelo  

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Trends  within  recruitment  

" Evaluate  competence  >  "   Just  HR  >  " When  needed  >  "   Job  boards  &  adver=se  >  " Detailed  process  with  fixed  steps  and  responsibili=es  >  

" External  supplier  >  

" Evaluate  behaviour  "   Cross  func=onal  teams  "   Always  "   Social  media  "   Simple  and  flexible  flow  with  Kanban  

" Internal  reponsibility    

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Visualize the work

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T-­‐formad  kompetens  

T  Source:    Management  3.0  by  Jurgen  Appelo  

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Develop  all  the  =me  

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Learning  trends?  

Instead  of…  "   A  couple  of  days  /  year  "   Days  "   External  supplier  "   “One  size  fits  all”  " Individuell  "   Required  "   Sequen=al  "   Planned  "   General  

…do  this  "   A  couple  of  days  /  month  "   Hours  "   Internal  coach  "   On  a  need  basis  "   Team  "   Demand  "   Itera=ve  "   “On  demand”  " Seleec=ve  

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Source:  Bersin  by  Deloi5e  

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Trends  within  compensa=on  &  recogni=on  

" Salary  is  a  mo=vator  >  "   Just  managers  give  recogni=on  >  

" Seldom  >  "   Big  rewards    >  " Reward  privately  >  " Reward  results  >  

" Salary  is  a  hygiene  factor  " Everybody  give  recogni=on  

" Oqen  "   Small  rewards  " Reward  publicly  " Reward  behaviour  

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Scrum  for  HR  

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How  do  I  start?  

Start  small  and  simple  

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Back  to  Darwin                

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YOU DON’T build a business

YOU BUILD PEOPLE and then people

build the business

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Welcome  to  Stockholm  on  September  25  

More information on www.AgilePeopleSweden.com

Facebook:  facebook.com/AgilePeopleSweden  TwiHer:  @AgilePeopleSwe  #AgilePeople  

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Thank  You!  

pia-­‐[email protected]    TwiEer:  @piamia2  Linkedin:  se.linkedin.com/in/piamia/  Blogg:  performancebloggen.se  Webb:  www.greenbullet.se