employee turnover 104


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The purpose of a Human Resources audit isto assess the effectiveness of the HumanResources function to ensure regulatorycompliance.

To look for potentially serious problems

To find areas needing improvement

To document processes for use in merger,

reorganization or inspection To address compliance issues

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Routine check-up (uncover any conditionsyou may have and set up a treatment plan)

Determine how you can best align HRoperations with organizational goals

Ensure compliance with central and stateregulations

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Interview key staff Review relevant documentation Help you complete a comprehensive

questionnaire Compile data a prepare and customized

written report Make specific recommendations to improve

the efficiency and performance of your HR


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What do the written policies and proceduressay?

What do the HR managers say?

What do the line managers say?

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Hiring statistics (acceptance rate, hiringrate, hiring projections)

Turnover Compensation and benefits philosophy and

practice Exit interview summaries Employee complaints (discrimination,

harassment, safety, other)

Promotion and advancement practices andtrends Human Resources budget and expenditures

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  The process of workers leaving and comingin business organisation give rise to thephenomenon of employee turnover.

Employee turnover is the rate ofdisplacement of the personnel employed inan organisation due to resignation,

retirement or retrenchment. 

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Try to Prevent:

High-Value Employees

• High performance

• Valued intellectual


• High promotion


• High traininginvestment

• High experience

• Difficult to find


Do not Prevent:

Low-Value Employees

• Low performance

• Little intellectual


• Low promotion


• Low traininginvestment

• Low experience

• Easy to find


No attempt to Prevent:

Regardless of Value

• Retirement

• Dual career

• New career

• Health

• Child care or


• Elder care

• Return to school

• Leave country

• Take a break

Avoidable(could prevent) Unavoidable(could not prevent)

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• Permanent layoff

• Temporary layoff

• Site or plant closing,


• Redundancy due to

merger or acquisition


• Discipline

• Poor performance


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Internal: New job possibilities

External: Job offers+

Desirability of LeavingLow job satisfaction

Shocks to employee

Personal (nonjob) reasons+

Ease of LeavingFavorable labor market conditions

General, transferable KSAOs

Low cost of leaving

+ Intention

to Quit


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Separation rate

Replacement rate

Flux rate

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Personal causes

Unavoidable causes

Avoidable causes

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Change of job for betterment

Premature retirement due to ill health and

old age Domestic problems and family


Discontentment over the job and workingenvironment

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Seasonal nature of business

Shortage of raw material

Change in the plant location Disability, making a worker unfit for the


Disciplinary measures

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Dissatisfaction over job, remuneration,hours of work, working conditions

Strained relationship with management,supervisors or fellow colleagues

Lack of training facilities andpromotional avenues

Lack of recreational and medical facilities Low wages and allowances

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Exit interviews Job analysis and evaluation

Scientific system of recruitment, selection,

placement and promotion Enlightened attitude of management

Use of committee

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Extrinsic rewards◦ Rewards must be

meaningful and


◦ Rewards must matchindividual


◦ Link rewards to

retention behaviors◦ Link rewards to


Intrinsic rewards◦   ssign employees to

jobs that meet theirneeds for workcharacteristics

◦ Provide clearcommunication withemployees

◦ Design fair rewardallocation systems

◦ Ensure supervisorsprovide a positiveenvironment 

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‘employees – employers relations’ 

in both organized and unorganized sectors.

Basically, relations between:



trade unions

23by Dr.M.Latha Natarajan

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What unions exist and what jobs are covered?What collective agreements are in place, whendo they expire?

How many grievances are there per year?

Are there any outstanding grievances?

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Scope of I R

This assignment of people not onlyinfluences labour relations but also thesocial, economical, political, & moral links

of whole community.

It includes: i) Labour relations

ii) Employers-Employee relations

iii) Group relations

iv) Community or public relations

25by Dr.M.Latha Natarajan

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The main aspects of I R

1) Promotion & Development of healthy labour &Management.Responsible trade union, job security effective

workers participation in management, collectivebargaining, welfare work, etc.

2) Maintenance of industrial peacePrevention & settlement of industrialdisputes

3) Development of industrial democracy

establishment of shop councils &jointmanagement councils , recognition ofhuman rights, proper work environment.

26by Dr.M.Latha Natarajan

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What unions exist and what jobs are covered?

What collective agreements are in place, when

do they expire?How many grievances are there per year?

Are there any outstanding grievances?

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