employee training need analysis


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A study on Employee training need analysis, which gives a view to the organisation what employees expect from a training program and what are their requirements


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S.No. Title Page no.

1 Executive summary 7

2 Theoretical Framework

-Introduction to Human Resource Management & Training

-Review of Literature



3 Automobile Industry Profile

Synergies Castings Ltd Profile



4 The Present Study/Methodology

Need for the study

Objectives of study

Scope of study

Research Methodology

Limitations of the study






5 Analysis of Study 63-77

6 Findings, Suggestions & Conclusions 78-80




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Executive Summary

The purpose of a training needs assessment is to identify performance requirements and the

knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by an agency's workforce to achieve the requirements.

An effective training needs assessment will help direct resources to areas of greatest demand.

The assessment should address resources needed to fulfill organizational mission, improve

productivity, and provide quality products and services. A needs assessment is the process of

identifying the "gap" between performance required and current performance. When a

difference exists, it explores the causes and reasons for the gap and methods for closing or

eliminating the gap. A complete needs assessment also considers the consequences for

ignoring the gaps.


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Theoretical framework

On Training


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Human Resource Management


Human Resource Management has come to be recognized as an inherent part of management,

which is concerned with the human resources of an organization. Its objective is the

maintenance of better human relations in the organization by the development, application

and evaluation of policies, procedures and programs relating to human resources to optimize

their contribution towards the realization of organizational objectives.

In other words, HRM is concerned with getting better results with the collaboration of people.

It is an integral but distinctive part of management, concerned with people at work and their

relationships within the enterprise. HRM helps in attaining maximum individual

development, desirable working relationship between employees and employers, employees

and employees, and effective modeling of human resources as contrasted with physical

resources. It is the recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation and

motivation of human resources by the organization.

Objectives of HRM

• To help the organization reach its goals.

• To ensure effective utilization and maximum development of human resources.

• To ensure respect for human beings, to identify and satisfy the needs of individuals.

• To ensure reconciliation of individual goals with those of the organization.

• To achieve and maintain high morale among employees.

• To provide the organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees.

• To increase to the fullest the employee's job satisfaction and self-actualization.

• To develop and maintain a quality of work life.

• To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society.

• To develop overall personality of each employee in its multidimensional aspect.

• To enhance employee's capabilities to perform the present job.

• To equip the employees with precision and clarity in trans¬action of business.

• To inculcate the sense of team spirit, team work and inter-team collaboration.


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Functions of HRM

In order to achieve the above objectives, Human Resource Management undertakes the

following activities:

1. Human resource or manpower planning.

2. Recruitment, selection and placement of personnel.

3. Training and development of employees.

4. Appraisal of performance of employees.

5. Taking corrective steps such as transfer from one job to another.

6. Remuneration of employees.

7. Social security and welfare of employees.

8. Setting general and specific management policy for organizational relationship.

9. Collective bargaining, contract negotiation and grievance handling.

10. Staffing the organization.

11. Aiding in the self-development of employees at all levels.

12. Developing and maintaining motivation for workers by providing incentives.

13. Reviewing and auditing manpower management in the organization

14. Potential Appraisal, Feedback Counseling.

15. Role Analysis for job occupants.

16. Job Rotation.

17. Quality Circle, Organization development and Quality of Working Life.

Scope of HRM

Human resources are undoubtedly the key resources in an organization, the easiest and the

most difficult to manage! The objectives of the HRM span right from the manpower needs

assessment to management and retention of the same. To this effect Human resource

management is responsible for effective designing and implementation of various policies,

procedures and programs. It is all about developing and managing knowledge, skills,

creativity, aptitude and talent and using them optimally.

Human Resource Management is not just limited to manage and optimally exploit human

intellect. It also focuses on managing physical and emotional capital of employees.

Considering the intricacies involved, the scope of HRM is widening with every passing day.


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It covers but is not limited to HR planning, hiring (recruitment and selection), training and

development, payroll management, rewards and recognitions, Industrial relations, grievance

handling, legal procedures etc. In other words, we can say that it’s about developing and

managing harmonious relationships at workplace and striking a balance between

organizational goals and individual goals.

The scope of HRM is extensive and far-reaching, however we can classify into following:

HRM in Personnel Management: This is typically direct manpower management that

involves manpower planning, hiring (recruitment and selection), training and development,

induction and orientation, transfer, promotion, compensation, layoff and retrenchment,

employee productivity. The overall objective here is to ascertain individual growth,

development and effectiveness which indirectly contribute to organizational development.

HRM in Employee Welfare: This particular aspect of HRM deals with working conditions

and amenities at workplace. This includes a wide array of responsibilities and services such

as safety services, health services, welfare funds, social security and medical services. It also

covers appointment of safety officers, making the environment worth working, eliminating

workplace hazards, support by top management, job safety, safeguarding machinery,

cleanliness, proper ventilation and lighting, sanitation, medical care, sickness benefits,

employment injury benefits, personal injury benefits, maternity benefits, unemployment

benefits and family benefits.

HRM in Industrial Relations: Since it is a highly sensitive area, it needs careful interactions

with labour or employee unions, addressing their grievances and settling the disputes

effectively in order to maintain peace and harmony in the organization. It is the art and

science of understanding the employment (union-management) relations, joint consultation,

disciplinary procedures, solving problems with mutual efforts, understanding human

behaviour and maintaining work relations, collective bargaining and settlement of disputes.

The main aim is to safeguarding the interest of employees by securing the highest level of

understanding to the extent that does not leave a negative impact on organization. It is about

establishing, growing and promoting industrial democracy to safeguard the interests of both

employees and management.


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Introduction to Training

Training: strategic function of HR

The HR functioning is changing with time and with this change, the relationship

between the training function and other management activity is also changing.

The training and development activities are now equally important with that of other

HR functions. Gone are the days, when training was considered to be futile, waste of

time, resources, and money. Now a day, training is an investment because the

departments such as, marketing & sales, HR, production, finance, etc depends on

training for its survival. If training is not considered as a priority or not seen as a vital

part in the organization, then it is difficult to accept that such a company has

effectively carried out HRM. Training actually provides the opportunity to raise the

profile development activities in the organization.

To increase the commitment level of employees and growth in quality movement

(concepts of HRM), senior management team is now increasing the role of training.

Such concepts of HRM require careful planning as well as greater emphasis on

employee development and long term education. Training is now the important tool

of Human Resource Management to control the attrition rate because it helps in

motivating employees, achieving their professional and personal goals, increasing the

level of job satisfaction, etc. As a result training is given on a variety of skill

development and covers a multitude of courses.


Training is an organized activity aimed at imparting  information  and/ or instructions

to improve the recipient's performance or to help him or her attain a required level

of knowledge or skill.

According to Fllippo:” the act of increasing the skills of an employee for doing a particular

Job” can be termed as training


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Training is an educational process. People can learn new information, re-learn and reinforce

existing knowledge and skills, and most importantly have time to think and consider what

new options can help them improve their effectiveness at work. Effective trainings convey

relevant and useful information that inform participants and develop skills and behaviors that

can be transferred back to the workplace.

Training is a technique which properly focuses and direct towards the achievement of

particular goals and objectives of the organization. Hence identification of training needs is

first and probably the most important step towards the identification of training techniques.

The process of identifying training needs is carefully thought out program that needs to be

carried out with sensitivity because success of a training program may be crucial for the

survival of the organization.

Objective of training

Objectives of training must be determined to pave way for the assertion of proper techniques

of training. Training is imparted to people in organization with certain defined objectives and

goals. However it must be remembered that the goals and objectives of organization differ to

a great extent. Hence the defined objectives of a training program should be assessed in the

light of the goals of that organization. Training should be such that it fulfills not only

organizations but individual’s needs too.

Importance of training

Training is crucial for organizational development and success. It is fruitful to both

employers and employees of an organization. An employee will become more efficient and

productive if he is trained well.

Training is given on four basic grounds:

1. New candidates who join an organization are given training. This training familiarizes

them with the organizational mission, vision, rules and regulations and the working


2. The existing employees are trained to refresh and enhance their knowledge


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3. If any updating and amendments take place in technology, training is given to cope up

with those changes. For instance, purchasing new equipment, changes in technique of

production, computer impartment. The employees are trained about use of new equipments

and work methods.

4. When promotion and career growth becomes important. Training is given so that

employees are prepared to share the responsibilities of the higher level job.

Benefits of training

1. Improves morale of employees- Training helps the employee to get job security and job

satisfaction. The more satisfied the employee is and the greater is his morale, the more he will

contribute to organizational success and the lesser will be employee absenteeism and


2. Less supervision- A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the job and will

need less of supervision. Thus, there will be less wastage of time and efforts.

3. Fewer accidents- Errors are likely to occur if the employees lack knowledge and skills

required for doing a particular job. The more trained an employee is, the less are the chances

of committing accidents in job and the more proficient the employee becomes.

4. Chances of promotion- Employees acquire skills and efficiency during training. They

become more eligible for promotion. They become an asset for the organization.

5. Increased productivity- Training improves efficiency and productivity of employees.

Well trained employees show both quantity and quality performance. There is less wastage of

time, money and resources if employees are properly trained.

Techniques of Training

There are many techniques of training which are broadly classified in two ways.

1. On-the-job

2. Off –the- job


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On-the-job methods Off-the-job methods

1. Job instruction training 1. Vestibule training

2. Apprenticeship 2. Lectures and conferences

3. Coaching/understudy 3. Syndicate

4. Mentoring 4. Brainstorming

5. Job rotation 5. Simulation training

Every organization/company may not adopt same training procedure or techniques. As the

needs differ so does the requirement of a particular training program. A particular program

which suits one may not be so for the other.

It is extremely important to assess the result of any training program. The participant must be

made aware of the goals and objectives of the training program and on completion of the

training program, they should be asked about the impact of the concerned training program.

Evaluation of any program is a difficult task and more so of a training program. The first step

toward evaluation of a training program is to define the goals and objectives of the training

program. These goals and objectives should be stated in such format so that they can be

measured statistically. Also both the trainer and the trainees most be well acquainted with

their role in the training program.

Training program evaluation provides one with the result of how effective was the program,

and also suggests the improvements need to be done and changes have to be brought in.

Training need analysis

What is a training needs assessment?

The first step in any training program is to determine whether training is needed and, if

needed, to specify what that training should accomplish. Mitchell (1993) describes needs

analysis as "an examination of the existing need for training within an organization". In other

words, it identifies performance areas or programs within an organization where training


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should be applied. A needs analysis gathers information about present practices and compares

these practices to the desired way of doing business. The difference between where you are

now and where you want to be defines where a training program should concentrate its effort.

This information also establishes a baseline against which training accomplishments can be

measured. If you know where you started, it is easier to determine if your training has been

effective. A needs analysis may identify more than one training need. These needs should be

prioritized, and either placed into a formal training plan, or form a data base for future


Training Need is utilized to identify what training workshops or activities should be provided

to employees to improve their work productivity. Focus should be placed on needs as

opposed to desires. For example, training dollars would be better spent on a new employee in

the sales department who needs to learn Sales Skills for their job duties as opposed to

learning Microsoft Publisher which the employees wants but does not need.

Training Need Categories

One way to review office operations for potential training topics is to examine

These operations in terms of five categories of training needs listed by Rae (1992):

newcomers to an organization

a change in work within an office

improvement of a poor performer

developmental requirements

Identification of training needs

Before implementing a training program it is necessary to identify the need of training.

Training needs differ from person to person in any organization/company and it is important

to match their needs with the organization/company’s needs.


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Training is a specialized function; hence trainer must know exactly what is required from

the training program in accordance to the identified tools framework techniques processes are

identified in designing and implementing efficient effective timely and productive training

program for those who require it.

Training needs also determine the nature of training program. Formulation of training

program includes those factors that are related to the evaluation of the program in terms of

techniques and skills can be properly considered.

Any training program must take into consideration three fundamental behavioral aspects:

Organization, people, and environment as far as organization are concerned their survival

rests on a certain minimum achievement of goals and objectives which are pre defined to

customers owners. Employees. Etc. all these factors are continuously interacting with the

organization whose objectives and goals have been formulated so to benefit the members of

the organization intermittently.


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Training need arises at three levels.


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1. Organizational Level – Training need analysis at organizational level focuses on strategic planning, business need, and goals. It starts with the assessment of internal environment of the organization such as, procedures, structures, policies, strengths, and weaknesses and external environmnt such as opportunities and threats.

After doing the SWOT analysis, weaknesses can be dealt with the training interventions, while strengths can further be strengthened with continued training. Threats can be reduced by identifying the areas where training is required. And, opportunities can be exploited by balancing it against cost.

For this approach to be successful, the HR department of the company requires to be involved in strategic planning. In this planning, HR develops strategies to be sure that the employees in the organization have the required Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes (KSAs) based on the future KSAs requirements at each level.

2. Individual Level – Training need analysis at individual level focuses on each and every

individual in the organization. At this level, the organization checks whether an employee is

performing at desired level or the performance is below expectation. If the difference between

the expected performance and actual performance comes out to be positive, then certainly there

is a need for training. However, individual competence can also be linked to individual need.

The methods that are used to analyze the individual need are:

Appraisal and performance review

Peer appraisal

Competency assessments

Subordinate appraisal

Client feedback

Customer feedback

Self-assessment or self-appraisal


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3. Operational Level – Training Need analysis at operational level focuses on the work that is

being assigned to the employees. The job analyst gathers the information on whether the job is

clearly understood by an employee or not. He gathers this information through technical

interview, observation, psychological test; questionnaires asking the closed ended as well as

open ended questions, etc. Today, jobs are dynamic and keep changing over the time.

Employees need to prepare for these changes. The job analyst also gathers information on the

tasks needs to be done plus the tasks that will be required in the future.

Based on the information collected, training Need analysis (TNA) is done.

Factors Influencing Training Needs

Organizations are complex and dynamic in nature and their effectiveness depends on

number of factors. Complexity of organization is again a multifaceted implication of

various factors being determined by various environmental factors. Hence the nature of

complexity of a given organization needs to be evaluated before determining its training


Some of the factors that increase complexity are being discussed keeping in view that all

are not determinants of complexity for all organization. Technology in the computer age is

being upgraded frequently and hence is the most important factors in increasing the

complexity of an organization, structurally as well as behaviorally. Another important

factor that needs to be taken into consideration is concerned with social changes that are

taking place in the new social environment.

The other factor that has influenced training needs is related the new role that the

government are being asked to play. The governments are being asked to play sensitive role

of controlling the business ethical activities on one hand and safeguarding the interests of

consumer on the other. In the era of privatization and globalization. Also the factor that has

influenced the training needs is the emerging competitive market Conditions.


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Why is training need analysis important?

Training needs assessment that gives you a consensus of what skills is Important to Job

Performance.  Not just from the perspective of the job incumbents, but their managers as

well.  It will tell you what skills are important at different levels and functional groups in

the organization.

Training needs assessment that gives you a consensus of which of those critical skills are

in Need of Training.  Some think this is the same as what's important.  There is, and should

be, significant overlap between what is important and what is in need of training.  But in

some cases, especially in organizations that train well and often, people have already

received extensive training in the most important skills.  In other situations, people want

training in skills that aren't critical to strategy, but which are recognized or rewarded in

their organization.

A needs assessment that gives you a consensus of what skills are actually aligned with

strategy in the way the organization Rewards.  Without alignment of rewards and

incentives, your training may succeed, but the skills will not be supported by the workplace

when the training is over.  The answers to this question help you determine when to train,

and when to wait until organizational reward and support systems are in place for the new


An assessment that tells you whether people are answering honestly or "fudging".  The

Scaled Comparison cannot be unobtrusively manipulated, so decision makers are alerted to

results that look plausible but can't be trusted.  The Scaled Comparison can distinguish

between manipulation and simple confusion about what the questions or skills mean.

A training tool that is a completely custom product.  It will ask the questions you want to

ask, about the skills you want to study, using language your people will recognize as unique

to your organization or industry.

An assessment that gives you readable, "no statistics necessary" reports. 

The reports that give decision makers understandable views of the results, with no jargon


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or numerical mumbo-jumbo.

Review of literature

The Importance of Training

The significance and value of training has long been recognized. Consider the

popular and often repeated quotation, “Give a person a fish and you feed him for a day.

Teach a person to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” This simple but profound saying

is attributed to the wisdom of Confusius who lived in the 5 th century BC. Given today’s

business climate and the exponential growth in technology with its effect on the economy

and society at large, the need for training is more pronounced than ever.

Training, in the most simplistic definition, is an activity that changes people’s

behavior. Increased productivity is often said to be the most important reason for training.

But it is only one of the benefits. Training is essential not only to increase productivity

but also to motivate and inspire workers by letting them know how important their jobs

are and giving them all the information they need to perform those jobs (Anonymous,

1998). McNamara (n.d.) lists the following as general benefits from employee training:

• increased job satisfaction and morale

• increased motivation

• increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain

• increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods

• increased innovation in strategies and products

• reduced employee turnover


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This is only a partial listing of the many benefits that result from training. Training that is

appropriate to the needs of an organization can add great value. So, why would an

organization not welcome and seek out the value-added benefits resulting from training?

Training is not always the answer to performance problems. Brandt Sakakeeny, training

industry analyst for Solomon Smith Barney believes that training can be a great investment

and training can be a waste of money (Rosner, 1999). Training is indeed a waste of money

when the desired behavior does not occur. Gupta acknowledges that not all performance

problems can be addressed by

training. In many cases, non-training interventions are necessary (Gupta 1999). The keyis to

identify what problems can be attributed to training deficiencies and, once that is

accomplished, to insure that the right training is implemented. Bartram and Gibson, intheir

Training Needs Analysis Toolkit agree. Without the right training, employees can be your

[the organization’s] biggest liability. Trained effectively, however, they can become your

biggest asset (Bartram and Gibson, 2000). Rosner (1999) adds another ingredient for

success – support after training. He states, “The most effective programs train workers in

new behaviors and then train managers to support employees as they apply learning daily

(Rosner, 1999, p.43). Support and endorsement from management can greatly enhance

training results. One can conclude that training is not always the answer, and when it is the

answer, it has to be the right training.


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Automobile Industry profile

The automotive industry designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and sells motor

vehicles, and is one of the Earth's most important economic sectors by revenue. The

term automotive industry usually does not include industries dedicated to automobiles after

delivery to the customer, such as repair shops and motor fuel filling stations.

Today’s vehicles are graded on stricter and more precise parameters than ever before from

weight to safety to durability and anywhere and everywhere in between. New materials have

brought out new techniques for construction and vehicle design. The introduction of plastics

has advanced the technology used for making newer vehicles. New plastics technologies

allow manufactures to answer to the call for advancements. Plastics can be used in various

technologies on vehicles for structural safety to visual appearance. These new plastic

innovations allow new technologies to be used in vehicles for safety to comfort purposes.

Plastics also allow for cost effective changes to be made to newer vehicle while still

maintaining high safety and comfort requirements of the industry. These advancements in

plastic material usage in modern vehicles are the footholds for the future of the automotive


Alloy wheels are automobile (car, motorcycle and truck) wheels which are made from

an alloy of aluminum or magnesium. They are typically lighter for the same strength and

provide better heat conduction and improved cosmetic appearance than "normal" wheels. The

earliest light alloy wheels made were made of magnesium alloys. Although they lost favor for

common vehicles they remained popular through the 1960s albeit in very limited numbers. In

the mid to late 1960s aluminum casting refinement finally started to allow manufacture of

wheels that were safe. Until this time most aluminum wheels suffered from low ductility,

usually ranging from 2-3% elongation. This meant these earlier aluminum alloy wheels were

quite brittle, and as light alloy wheels at the time that were often made of magnesium and

referred to as "mags" these early wheel failures were later attributed to magnesium's low

ductility, when in many instances these wheels were poorly cast aluminum alloy wheels.

Once these aluminum casting improvements were more widely adopted, the aluminum wheel

took its rightful place as low cost high performance wheels for motorsports.


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Lighter wheels can improve handling by reducing un sprung mass, allowing suspension to

follow the terrain more closely and thus improve grip, however not all alloy wheels are

lighter than their steel equivalents. Reduction in overall vehicle mass can also help to

reduce fuel consumption.

Better heat conduction can help dissipate heat from the brakes, which improves braking

performance in more demanding driving conditions and reduces the chance of brake failure

due to overheating.

An aluminum alloy wheel designed to recall the crossed spokes of a wire wheel

Alloy wheels are also purchased for cosmetic purposes although the alloys used are not

corrosion-resistant. Alloys allow the use of attractive bare-metal finishes, but these require to

be sealed with paint or wheel covers. Even if so protected the wheels in use will eventually

start to corrode after 3 to 5 years but refurbishment is now widely available at a cost. The

manufacturing processes also allow intricate, bold designs. In contrast, steel wheels are

usually pressed from sheet metal, and then welded together (often leaving unsightly bumps)

and must be painted to avoid corrosion and/or hidden with wheel covers / hub caps.

Alloy wheels are prone to galvanic corrosion, which can cause the tires to leak air if

appropriate preventive measures are not taken. Also, alloy wheels are more difficult to repair

than steel wheels when bent, but their higher price usually makes repairs cheaper than



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Chrysler alloy wheel

Alloy wheels are more expensive to produce than standard steel wheels, and thus are often

not included as standard equipment, instead being marketed as optional add-ons or as part of

a more expensive trim package. However, alloy wheels have become considerably more

common since 2000, now being offered on economy and subcompact cars, compared to a

decade earlier where alloy wheels were often not factory options on inexpensive vehicles.

Alloy wheels have long been included as standard equipment on higher-priced luxury or

sports cars, with larger-sized or "exclusive" alloy wheels being options. The high cost of

alloy wheels makes them attractive to thieves; to counter this, automakers and dealers often

use locking wheel nuts which require a special key to remove.

Most alloy wheels are manufactured using casting, but some are forged. Forged wheels are

usually lighter, stronger, but much more expensive than cast wheels.

Aftermarket wheels

A sizeable selection of alloy wheels (sometimes called "mags"—see below) are available to

automobile owners who want lighter, more visually appealing, rarer, and/or larger wheels on

their cars. Many people may think that large wheels automatically result in increased

performance, handling and suspension, yet Car and Driver performed a test of different sized

wheels from 15" to 19" all outfitted with the same make and model of tires and showed that

both 0-60 times and fuel economy were reduced with larger wheels. They also noted that ride

comfort and noise were negatively affected by the larger wheels. The larger aftermarket


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wheels and the corresponding tires have considerably higher cost and weight, for little benefit

in return. The allure of larger wheels is that they signify luxury, sportiness, or wealth. These

wheels have become a part of pop culture (as with "dubs").

Aftermarket brands

Most aftermarket wheels are cast, while only a few above are forged, such as Donz, Vellano

and Weld. Many companies have been formed over the years (some recently) due to the

increasing demand from street racing enthusiasts and the rising demand for larger diameter

wheels. MHT wheel markets a brand under the name DUB that offers a Spinner wheel, the

center of the wheel continues spinning after the vehicle comes to a stop, and the Floater, the

center of the wheel stays stationary during movement giving the look that the vehicle isn't


Cast aftermarket wheels have also been oversaturated due to the vast influx of inexpensive

chrome wheels from China. India, through Synergies Castings Ltd. and other companies, of

late have also emerged as a major supplier of alloy/chrome wheels. They manufacture

products to global scale due to primarily cheap but highly skilled and qualified labour.

American Racing, which owns Motegi Racing and Weld Racing among other brands such as

TIS, TIS Modular, is the oldest aftermarket wheel company dating back to 1956. The oldest

British company is Wolfrace who was the first company to offer a polished alloy wheel in

Europe and to achieve TUV approval. Wolfrace also provided the wheels for thrust SSC and

the UK's land speed record bid. A recent trend in the industry includes joint venture

partnerships being formed between offshore manufacturers and local importers/distributors

such as PDW Wheels which started in Australia in 2006, amongst a few others. Most wheel

brands are ultimately sold through dealers such as RhinoTuning.

Some "aftermarket" are/were also available as original equipment manufacturer (OEM)

fitments, with BBS being a notable original equipment supplier to Volkswagen.


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Some manufacturers also share patterns and castings, with an example (motorcycle) being the

licencing of Marchesini 5-spoke design to Brembo, for the production of alloy (non-

magnesium) wheels for Ducati road bikes.

Magnesium alloy wheels

Magnesium alloy wheel on a Porsche Carrera GT

Magnesium wheels were the first die-cast wheels produced, and were often referred to as

simply "mag wheels." However, true magnesium wheels are no longer produced, being found

only on classic cars. Magnesium suffered from many problems. It was very susceptible to

pitting and corrosion, and would start to break down in just a few months. Cracking was a

common problem, and the wheels were very flammable. Magnesium is used for flares and

early flash lamps. Magnesium in bulk is hard to ignite but, once lit, is very hard to extinguish,

being able to burn under water or in carbon dioxide, which are common extinguishing

materials. Tires that caught fire could soon ignite the magnesium, creating difficulties for fire

responders. Magnesium wheels required constant maintenance to keep polished. Alloys of

magnesium were later developed to help alleviate some of the problems.

Magnesium wheels were originally used for racing, but their popularity during the 1960s lead

to the development of other die-cast wheels, particularly of aluminum alloys. The term "mag

wheels" became synonymous with die-cast wheels made from any material, from aluminum

alloy wheels to plastic and composite wheels used on items like bicycles, wheelchairs, and



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Magnesium alloy wheels are sometimes used on racing cars, in place of heavier steel or

aluminum wheels, for better performance.

Production methods


Forging can be done by a one or multi-step process forging from various magnesium alloys,

most commonly AZ80, ZK60 (MA14 in Russia). Wheels produced by this method are

usually of higher toughness and ductility than aluminum wheels, although the costs are much


High pressure die casting (HPDC)

This process uses a die arranged in a large machine that has high closing force to clamp the

die closed. The molten magnesium is poured into a filler tube called a shot sleeve. A piston

pushes the metal into the die with high speed and pressure, the magnesium solidifies and the

die is opened and the wheel is released. Wheels produced by this method can offer reductions

in price and improvements in corrosion resistance but they are less ductile and of lower

strength due to the nature of HPDC.

Low pressure casting (LPDC)

This process usually employs a steel die, it is arranged above the crucible filled with molten

magnesium. Most commonly the crucible is sealed against the die and pressurized air/cover

gas mix is used to force the molten metal up a straw like filler tube into the die. When

processed using best practice methods LPDC wheels can offer improvements in ductility over

HPDC magnesium wheels and any cast aluminum wheels, they remain less ductile than

forged magnesium.


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Gravity casting (permanent mold and sand casting)

Gravity cast magnesium wheels have been in production since the early 1920s. This method

offers wheels with good ductility, and relative properties above what can be made with

aluminum casting. Tooling costs for gravity cast wheels are among the cheapest of any

process. This has allowed small batch production, flexibility in design and short development


Novel methods for wheel production

Raffles process

This is a process invented by a prominent South African metallurgist named Noel Raffle. The process

consists of a means of casting aluminum or magnesium without the need for holding molten metal.

This reduces operating costs significantly and most important retains the highest mechanical

properties and structural integrity of any casting system. The process has yet to find commercial

support, yet samples tested show properties to be comparable to those resulting from forging similar

alloys. It being such a fundamental shift in technology has meant industry is slower to adapt.

T-Mag process

This is a process developed by a group of companies and CSIRO in Australia. The process is a

refinement of a tilt casting machine and offers much of the benefit of LPDC, without the risk of

pressurized molten metal. Properties appear to be midway between gravity cast and Raffles casting

wherein the ductility remains but the strengths are defined by limits of normal micro-structure

resulting from standard solidification. The mass of a typical magnesium automotive wheel is about 5–

9 kg (depending on size).

Magnesium wheels are flammable and have been banned in some forms of motorsport in the UK

following fires which are very difficult to extinguish. Mag wheels have been known to catch fire in

competition use after a punctured tyre has allowed prolonged scraping of the wheel on the road

surface. Some variants of magnesium alloy wheels may have low corrosion resistance. They have the

disadvantages of being expensive and not practical for most road vehicles. Aluminum wheels are

often mistakenly called "mag wheels".


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Synergies Castings Ltd Company Profile


Innovative in design, uncompromising in quality, and a firm commitment to on-time delivery,

SYNERGIES embodies the zeitgeist of the automotive industry.

SYNERGIES is India’s FIRST global scale, 100% Export Oriented world-class Aluminum

Alloy Wheel manufacturing Company established in Visakhapatnam, India. Harnessing the

power of cutting edge Low Pressure Die Casting (LPDC) and customized Copper-Nickel-

Chrome electroplating technology, we manufacture and finish Aluminum alloy wheels and

other Aluminum cast components.

They are amongst the few companies in the world that can manufacture and chrome plate

large wheels up to 24” to OEM standards.

Our network of design, engineering, sourcing, warehousing, logistics and sales and service

offices spanning three continents enables us to deliver the benefits of global sourcing and

next-door service to our customers.


We will emerge as a socially responsible and significant global player from India,

Successfully competing in the international automobile component market.


We will leverage our state-of-the-art technology, world-class manufacturing facilities,

contemporary manufacturing and management systems, and our talented, innovative and

committed workforce to manufacture and deliver world-class automotive components at

globally competitive prices.

By doing so effectively, we will make a positive difference to all our stakeholders- our

customers, employees, investors and the community we live in.


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Quality Objectives


Enhancing the talent of our Team Members by providing training for at least six man-

days per person every year.


Enhance the system capability to meet the specific delivery requirements of our



Reducing the overall plant rejection by 2% every year.

Responding to customer complaints within 24 hours and resolving the problem within a

maximum of 6 working days, and implementing systems to ensure its non-recurrence.


Assisting and enabling our supplier partners to upgrade their Quality

Management Systems, to reduce the rejects, improve yields, thereby improving

productivity and reducing costs.


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About synergies

Synergies Castings Limited engages in the manufacture of alloy wheels and other precision

aluminum castings. It manufactures and chromes alloy wheels for cars, trucks, and sports

utility vehicles. The company also produces specialized precision aluminum castings. It

manufactures and finishes alloy wheels and other aluminum cast components through its low

pressure die casting (LPDC) and customized copper-nickel-chrome electroplating


Located in Visakhapatnam, India, one of Asia’s fastest growing cities, the synergies plant has

a total wheel capacity of 5,20,000 of varying sizes, designs and paint finishes to suit any car

and chrome plating capacity of 2,40,000 wheels. It has about 200 contemporary designs.

The plant extends over a space of 69,271 sq. meters and has a built up area of 20,958 sq.

meters. A TS 16949, ISO 14001, Ford Q1, JWL B1, TUV certified company.

The company also offers solutions for pressure die cast components, LPDC components of all types

of aluminum cast alloys, plastics, and assemblies. In addition, it provides various engineering services

to automotive and engineering companies as concept design, engineering analysis, tooling,

prototyping, product manufacturing, testing, and supply. The company exports its products to

various automobile manufacturers worldwide.

Innovative in design, uncompromising in quality, and a firm commitment to on-time delivery, SYNERGIES embodies the zeitgeist of the automotive industry.

SYNERGIES is India s FIRST global scale, 100% Export Oriented world-class Aluminum Alloy Wheel manufacturing Company established in Visakhapatnam, India. Harnessing the power of cutting edge Low Pressure Die Casting (LPDC) and customized Copper-Nickel-Chrome electroplating technology, we manufacture and finish Aluminum alloy wheels and other Aluminum cast components.

We are amongst the few companies in the world that can manufacture and chrome plate large wheels up to 24 to OEM standards. Based on the market feed back, the company learned to produce bigger size wheels (16”-22”) with alternative finishes. With the market moving rapidly to chrome plated wheels, Synergies commenced setting up chrome plant in November 1999, which was commissioned

on schedule and within budget in September 2000. Synergies imported their technology from


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Korea. They have the capacity of producing 5,20,000 aluminum wheels per year and

2,40,000 chrome plating wheels per year.

Their network of design, engineering, sourcing, ware housing, logistics, sales and service

offers spanning three enables them to deliver the benefits of global sourcing and next-door

service to our customers. The company is promoted by people with vase experience in the

automotive market of America, Japan, Korea and India.

Synergies Castings Limited is committed to leveraging the best of International technology,

manufacturing methods, management practices, and Indian resources, skills and innovation to

manufacture and deliver world-class automotive components at globally competitive prices as

an OEM supplier, contract manufacturer or after market supplier to meet the needs of the

emerging Indian market.

With the increasing competition from several MNC’s entering the market, a manufacturer can

gain a distinctive competitive advantage by using Synergies Alloy Wheels the simplest way

of refreshing their car models every year. Moreover, with regulatory pressure on car MNC’s

to increase export of auto components in return for lower import duty on CKD/SKD kits,

Synergies alloy wheels offer the ideal product.

Synergies alloy wheels are manufactured using state-off-the-art low pressure die casting

technology. Created and designed on advanced CAD/CAE systems, Synergies commitment

to manufacturing excellence begins with the raw material and never stops. Synergies wheels

are 100% X-rayed, leak tested and undergo a series of mechanical and chemical tests to

ensure that only the highest quality product reaches to the customer.

All this carried out in a progressive environment by skilled and committed individuals

translates into superior value and delight for the customer. Synergies were well on its way to

realizing the dream of being a significant global player form India, competing successfully in

the international automobile components market.

The automotive industry worldwide is experiencing a level of change unprecedented in the

history of manufacturing. Customer demands for improved performance, style, value and

service are forcing auto markets to innovate, refresh falser and seek new ways of reducing

costs. Stringent environmental regulations are compelling auto markets to invest in

technologies, processes and materials that will significantly reduce the burden on the


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Managing this new paradigm is a challenge faced by today’s competent manufactures. There

is a need to focus on core competencies and deliver quality products in timely and cost

effective manner.

A challenge that is complex, but one that Synergies is confident of meeting. Confidence

based on its vast experience in the global automotive markets of America, Japan, and India.

Confidence based on successfully delivering on its commitment to the global after markets

and OEM customers. Confidence based on its capacity to foresee and meet the changing

ideas of the customers.

As step towards this goal, it has embarked on pioneering ventures to produce international

quality aluminum ally wheels in India. A venture that is built on its proven know-how and

expertise, its world-class facilities and most importantly its people who want to make


Nature of Business; Manufacturer, Service Provider

Major Markets; Indian Subcontinent, East Europe, Central America, North

Europe, South America, South/West Europe and North



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• Creation of new designs/models every year.

• Enhancing the number of Quality Circles to reduce costs, improve productivity.

• Incorporating the Mistake Proofing Methods.

• Various R&D initiatives/methods improvement/methods studies.

• Experimentation with new technologies, processes and procedures.


• Achieving 1 million safe man hours in a year.

• Environmentally friendly processes.

• Proactively developing awareness of environmental care

• Environmental Policy

“They deliver the benefits of global sourcing and local service to our customers.”

SYNERGIES is India’s first scale, 100% export oriented world class Aluminum Alloy

Wheel manufacturing company established in Visakhapatnam, India. Power of cutting edge

Low Pressure Die Casting (LPDC) and customized Copper – Nickel– Chrome electroplating

technology, we manufacture and finish Aluminum Alloy Wheels and other Aluminum cast


Synergies have two manufacturing units; first plant that was established is alloy wheel plant

with the investment of 106 Cr. The second plant is chrome plated wheels which was


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started with the investment of 60 Cr. The commercial production of the company began in

January 1999. The company set up wholly-owned subsidiaries in USA and Europe to co-

ordinate the marketing efforts in these markets.

LPDC process


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OEM Customers

Synergies Castings Ltd. is the sole supplier in India to many leading OEMs like FORD, GM,

Chrysler, TOYOTA, TATA, ICML, FIAT, MAHINDRA. To service this segment, Synergies has

developed “full service” competencies to undertake the entire process from design to prototype to

manufacturing to global standards in the shortest possible time. And when these OEMs require the

services elsewhere in the world, the network of Global resources is there to deliver. Recently, Synergies

blazed a trial by becoming the FIRST INDIAN exporter to FORD of Europe. It is also the FIRST and

ONLY supplier certified as a “Full Service Supplier” by FORD. As a result of its world – class quality,

service and delivery model, Synergies has won the mandate to supply wheels to the popular Ford

MONDEO. This 4 year, $12 million contract, will opened up opportunities with several more global

customers in the near future.

Synergies is amongst the few companies in the world who have the competencies and

facilities to manufacture the increasingly popular Chrome finished wheels to OEM standards. Having

commenced chrome supplies to General Motors, it is expected that this would be a growing trend in the

years to come.


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Alloy Wheels

Synergies is constantly evolving to meet customers' varying requirements. From base alloy

wheels to polished and chrome plated wheels, we are an integrated supplier who can deliver

all finishes and associated accessories. Our innovative design and engineering team develops

and launches more than 10 - 15 new designs every year for a wide range of vehicles, from

cars to jeeps and light trucks to SUVs.

They manufacture wheels of various diameters 12 to 24, widths, offsets, designs and finishes

to suit all vehicles. They are amongst the selected few who can manufacture special OEM

grade chrome wheels up to 24.

Building on their current manufacturing skills and engineering strengths, they have recently

forayed into precision castings for other automotive and engineering companies. They offer

high-end chrome plating on aluminum and plastics. They also provide engineering services

such as design, engineering analysis, development, prototyping and testing, precision castings

for other automotive and engineering companies. Chrome plating on aluminum and plastics.

Thanks to more sophisticate and environmentally conscious customer, the use of alloy wheels

has become increasingly relevant. With this increased demand came new developments in

design, technology and manufacturing processes to produce with a wide variety of designs.

Die-Cast Components

SYNERGY is one of India's premier non-ferrous component Company, manufacturing

world-class aluminum castings, Plastic components and alloy wheels. An ISO 9002, QS

9000, ISO 14001, JWL, VIA, TUV certified Company, SYNERGIES offers solutions for

Pressure Die Cast components, LPDC components of all types of aluminum cast alloys,

plastics (ABS, PC+ABS, PVC, NYLON and PMMA) and assemblies.

SYNERGIES manufacturing infrastructure includes state-of-the-art capacity of more than

6000 tons/annum of aluminum casting, T6 heat treatment, shot blasting, CNC machining,

plastics injection molding systems, electrostatic paint systems (for non-ferrous and plastic


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components), and a completely automated, MMI controlled electroplating (non-ferrous and

plastic components) facility- all in-house to ensure comprehensive concept to-delivery



They develop state-of-the-art technology in our manufacturing process and constantly strive

to attain new levels of excellence. They us Low Pressure Die Casting (LPDC) technology for

casting, and custom Copper-Nickel-Chrome electroplating 17 technology for Chrome

finishing the alloy wheels. SYNERGIES wheels are 100% X-rayed, leak tested and undergo a

series of technical and chemical tests to ensure that only the highest quality product reaches

to the customers.


Aluminum alloy wheels are made with state of art low pressure die casting technology for

which they hold the following benefits:

Reduced unsprung weight:

This is one of the most critical factors affecting a vehicles road holding capacity. Unsprung

weight is that portion of vehicle that is not supported by the suspension, i.e. wheels tyres and

brakes, and therefore the most susceptible to road shocks and cornering forces. By reducing

unsprung weight, alloy wheels provide better ride and braking, precise steering and improved

‘turning’ in characteristic.

Improved acceleration:

By reducing the weight of vehicle’s rational mass, alloy wheels provide more responsive

acceleration and braking, and increases fuel efficiency.

Add rigidity:


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The strength of a quality alloy wheel can significantly reduce wheel tyre reflection in

cornering. This is particularly tire where lateral forces may approach 1.0g.

Increased brake coding:

The metals in alloy wheels are excellent, dissipation from the brakes. This reduce the risk of

fade under demanding conditions whereby improve braking efficiency, brake life and tyre

life. Conductors of heat improving heat

Engineering Design Services

Synergies doesn't just manufacture products, it delivers complete product solutions.

They customize and optimize designs for strength, aesthetics and road conditions as per the

customers' needs. This effort is spearheaded by our specialized DEA team that comprises sketchers,

draftsmen, designers and engineers located worldwide. The team develops concepts in tandem with

the vehicle's positioning in the market.

These concepts are developed into full-scale designs, which are further engineered and optimized to

meet customer-specific technical requirements. Synergies has more than 120 designs in its collection

and 10 - 15 new designs are added annually.

Their engineering services division provides end-to-end solutions that cater to the automotive and

engineering industries. Their product design services include concept design, engineering analysis,

tooling, prototyping, product manufacturing, testing and supply. We understand the entire APQP

process and deploy cutting edge concepts such as DFMEA, DFM, PPAP, FEA and VE to ensure

stability and reliability in our development processes, as well as ensuring an optimal design for


Personnel department

1. Time office: it deals with movement of employees in the company, from

joining-retiring/leaving. The functions of time office include maintaining attendance of

individual employees, for this they use biometric system. Employee in and out movement is

recorded through that which provides the basis to decide employees salary, leaves, incentives

and benefits. Employees are divided in three cadres NE,SS and Executives. Based on the

cadre and prescribed norms the essentials are given to them.


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2. HR initiatives: there are about 12oo regular employees and including contract labour the

figure comes out to be 1500. In order to motivate employees and provide them which suits

their needs HR initiatives has been brought into existence. It includes various schemes for

different occasions. Whether motivating them at personal or professional level these schemes

are formed keeping in mind both the requirements.

Few of the schemes are Annul attendance awards, Vivaha bandham Scheme, Night shift

allowance, Annual Jeevan Jyothi Award, Family entertainment program, loyalty bonus etc.

all these schemes focus on various issues and help motivate employees and encourage them

to give their best to the company.

Committees are formed for development of employees they are Abhishek Sanketa,

Chakravahan, Seva, and Spandana.

HR INITIATIVES provided by the organization in details


A gift will be given to the employee who gets married while working with the organization.


In this every level of employees are given some casual leaves. If the employee leaves half of his

leaves to the company he is awarded cash prize.


If a baby is born to employee after joining the organization he/she is given a silver spoon. This

scheme is also known as silver spoon scheme.


Under this scheme employee will be reimbursed only for FIRST birth of child after joining the



Employees who are employed in night shifts will be given cash benefits.


This is given to the employees basing on their attendance. And is given only for


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Non-Executive Cadre - Grade2-Grade5.

Staff and Supervisor Cadre - S3-S4.


This plan is also known as “SADHANA”. This is eligible only for Non Executive cadre and contract

employees. This is given basing on the performance of the employees. This is maintained by

planning department.


This is for all employees in company. Company conduct internal programs for both kids and elders

like games, and both indoor &outdoor games. This is being conducted since 2008.


This is given to one employee of each cadre who has the highest attendance in that year and for this,

calendar year is taken into consideration and the employee is awarded with cash prize. For every

Cadre there is leave limitation to be eligible for this Award.


This is given on every quarter of the year and is also known as Best Turnout Employee Award.


Company is allotting some of its profits for the welfare activities. These medical camps are

conducted for the welfare of employees and also visitors are allowed in this medical camp. All costs

are bared by the company at this camp.


This scheme is introduced for cost saving. Minimizing the wastage of resources is the main aim of

this scheme. In this recycling of resources is also part of it.


In this employee can write their personal and professional issues which will be answered by CTO

within72 hours. This can also be called as Grievance handling. For the convenience of the employees

a box is placed at the work place to drop there complaints. This helps for the smooth and good work

atmosphere between employees and also management.


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Management encourages employees to use Help Cell, a grievance redressal mechanism, if they are

unhappy about any work place issue, so that the company is alerted the problem early. In this

employees can write the professional issues.


Employees are given a free tea coupon for tea and to be eligible for this Scheme they have to fulfill

the condition.


If the employee works for extra 8 hours continuous to the normal working hours he is given one tea

and meal coupon extra. If the employee works in break shift on less than 8 hours he is uneligible for

these coupons. In summer Buttermilk coupons are given.


In a month or every quarter some particular period is declared as housekeeping drive. In this period all

the repair works and paintings works done. After this period a three judges are elected and goes

through all departments and judges the best housekeeping area and cash prize given. This drive helps

the employees to increase there cleanliness at work place and also increases self cleanliness which

helps the organization for growth and healthy atmosphere.


Employees are given this bonus depending on their performance. Every Cadre employees are eligible

for this bonus. In this, Company deposits some money on the name of employee. If the employee

works with the company for 3 years he is given the total cash and for the convenience of the

employees company offered that the employee can use some of the money at the end of each year, if

the employee fails to work for continuous 3 years he has to return back money which he used



This is the internal magazine released once in a month. It consists of growth of the company, advices

and views of the employees. It is one of the mean of the communication to pass the information in the

company. It also shows the vision and mission of the company and the activities conducted by the

company in the particular month. This monthly In-house magazine provides an opportunity to all the

employees to share their valuable knowledge and also effective communication channel.


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3. Payroll/MIS: synergies follow a strict discipline regarding attendance. An employee’s

performance evaluation’s one of the important criteria is his punctuality and discipline in his

work, salary deductions and increments are done basing on that. It keeps record of

Increments, promotions, regularization, salary on joining and enclosures.

4. Performance Appraisal: This is a process of review of employee’s performance and

providing them with benefits and rewards for those who match the standards and encourage

whose performance is not up to the mark. It follows two methods PART for probationary

trainees and PARS it’s a reward system which rates employees based on their performance.

5. Security: To protect company’s men and material, also prevent from theft. Its function is

to check in and out movement of employees, material and returnable material.

6. IR: industrial relations one of the crucial function of the personnel department. It follows

all the laws prescribed by the government applicable to the company. Managing dispute and

grievance by providing employees with all the welfare measures they require.

7. Administration: it serves all the needs of employees especially top executives, follows the

policies its function include providing facilities, maintenance, payments etc.

8. Motivators: Motivators provided in the company are usually in the form of Appreciation,

Voluntary participation points, Incentives as free lunch and tea/buttermilk coupons.


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Training at SYNERGIES

Training policy

Synergies concentrate on continuous enhancement of knowledge and skills of employees.

They believe participation of employees in job related programs, and maximum job


Participants include individual employees, supervisors/Managers, and company. Synergies

emphasizes on well trained, skilled and efficient workforce. For this they implement training

programs which help employees develop their skills and also help in matching the set

standards of the job i.e individuals accomplishments are synchronized with company’s

objective and bring in the harmony required in the company atmosphere, by allowing people

achieve uncommon goals.

Every employee at synergies should have minimum six days of training yearly.


Training program main objective is to increase employee productivity and efficiency.

Increase employee morale and develop effective work culture and methods. Providing an

opportunity for employees to update themselves with technology and increase their



It includes all the employees at synergies. Training differs according to the cadre viz NE, SS,


Types of training

1. On-job-training: On-the-job training (OJT) is a type of skill development where a worker

learns how to do the work through hands-on experience. This is in contrast to skill formation

that is purely cognitive or perceptual. OJT generally gives the trainee the opportunity to work

in the same place and with the same equipment that will be used regularly which can make it


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an efficient approach to learning new things. It can also be a useful tool to helping

unemployed people develop new job skills.

2. External training: selected employees are sent for external training to an external

agency/organization which is deemed for external training. This is an expensive method as

the results can be uncertain. Employees receiving this training after completion of program

are expected to impart the learned skills well and also able to guide the fellow employees or

teach them his learned skills.

3. In-house-training: in-house work or activities are done by employees of an organization or

company, within the company premises.

Training Need analysis

Need analysis is done on yearly basis, beginning of every financial year. Head of the

department analyses the need and assisted to Personnel and administration department. This

format is then forwarded to all the departments. The list of required competencies is given to

HODs which is to be returned as per the specified date.

Yearly schedule is prepared of training programs for employees, which includes schedule for

ever month. Hence suggestion or any other requirement can be given five days before the

starting of the month.


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Methodology of Study


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Need for study

This study helps to understand present conditions of training programs conducted in the

company and how effective the programs are. Employee’s expectations are known and

understood well, it also provides the result of employee’s willingness towards training


Company and all individual differ in their ability to translate their creative talent into results,

organization also differ in their ability to translate the talent of their member into new

product, processes or services. To enable their organization to use creativity most effectively,

managers need to be aware of the process of extracting the talent in different ways and need

to take some step to encourage his employee to do better and better through his process like

Incentives, appraisal, promotion, etc…

An employee performs his best when trained well, and his roles and responsibility explained

him properly. It is very important that a training program should be profound and suitable for

employee needs and helps him to perform better.


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Objective of study

Conducting a training program is a daunting task, company spends a lot of time as well as

money in order to provide necessary training but it might not necessarily be fruitful all the

time. Employee sometimes may feel training as not required or boring. Employee already

went through a training program

To determine training needs of employees

To know how effective is the training program

To know whether employees are satisfied with the training procedure in the company

To know what motivates employees to attend a training program


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Scope of the study

The study is useful to know the development of employees at all levels from bottom to top.

To know the level of knowledge and skills imparted through training program, also helpful

for management to know the satisfaction level of employee’s regarding training programs.

This study help to bring out changes required in the training programs conducted in the



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Research Methodology

Data collection method

There are two types of data collection methods one is primary and the other is secondary

data. Both types of methods have been used for the completion of project.

Primary data

The primary data has been collected through the Questionnaire. The Questionnaire has

been properly prepared in order to cover all the Information required for the study.

The primary data has been obtained by interaction with the officials and staff in the

company and also obtained through the Questionnaire distributed to the persons in different

departments. Data was also collected through observation.

Secondary data

Through the reports of the company, from the Manuals and also from records available in

the organization. Some other data also collected from the reports, registers, and books and

from the files available in the company.

Information collected from various HRM books.

Information Collected through the company’s website, and some related sites.


Population; total employees in company 1200

Sample size; 100 employees from different departments

Area; premises of synergies casting Ltd

Method; survey method using questionnaire in accordance to convenience of employees

Tools; structured questionnaire


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The respondents may be bias so the result cannot be 100% accurate

Employees were hesitant to answer few questions, which was a barrier to collect the

whole information

The analysis is done based on assumption that the responses are correct

The main limitation was time which did not permit to extract details from the employees.


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Data Analysis


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1. Current training procedure in SYNERGIES


As per the survey 45% of Non-executive and 47% of Staff and supervisors/Executives are

satisfied with the current training procedure in the company. At about 4% Staff and

supervisor/Executives are dissatisfied. This shows that employees training needs are well

understood and properly delivered by the company.


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2. Requirement of high degree of technical knowledge


According to the survey 70% including Non-executive and Staff and supervisor/Executives

all need technical knowledge. It shows that ¾ of employees require Training program relating

to technology useful in the company, therefore training should be such that it should help

develop employees their technical skills and upgrade themselves with the new


This is applicable not only for Non-Executive but Staff and supervisor /Executives too.


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3. You are required to work.


Graph shows that 42% of Non-Executive and 48% of Staff and supervisor /Executives need

to work in a team. To perform better it is important that the members in a team coordinate

well and understands individual’s and fellow mate’s responsibility too. Training program

concentrating on team building will be helpful.

This question focused to categorize employees on the basis of the work they do as individuals

or as part of team so that a correct training can be provided to the employees according to the



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4. kind of training you prefer


39% of Staff and supervisor /Executives and 34% of Non-Executive prefer On-the-job

training whereas the remaining 27% of Non-Executive and Staff and supervisor /Executives

prefer In house training. Majority of the employees prefer on-the-job training, which shows

that employees interests lies in work related concepts which helps them learn and understand

their job more clearly.


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5. Frequency of training program


The graph shows that most of the respondents preferred training to be conducted every month

which includes 40% of Non-Executive and Staff and supervisor /Executives and 32% prefer

once in months. 12% opted for every week.

The inference that drawn was employees definitely are open to training programs and will

accept if conducted on a monthly basis. As per the respondents a training program once in 2

months will be appropriate if required.


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6. Training be helpful in the company?


38% of Staff and supervisor /Executives think training should help in improving productivity.

Whereas 15% of majority of respondents in Non-Executive prefer that training program

should be such that it will be helpful in developing their career.


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7. Training programs should focus on


28% of Staff and supervisor /Executives and 21% of Non-Executive prefer that training

program should focus on skills and knowledge which helps to fulfill their daily job

requirements. 22% of Non-Executive and 24% of Staff and supervisor /Executives prefer new

technology up gradation. Two major groups here opting for ‘Daily job requirements’ and

‘New technology’ respectively, training program which can provide both the necessities will

be appropriate.


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8. Format of training program you prefer.


27% of Staff and supervisor /Executives and 20% of Non-Executive prefer workshop

training; the other 20% of Non-Executives prefers classes. All most two equal groups opting

for two different options, here a training program should be such that it can include both the

format or as per the requirement and convenience.

Or else formats can be changed alternately satisfying all the employees and it will also

maintain the interest by giving them a new format of training programs.


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9. Training program you like


27% of Staff and supervisor /Executives prefer training on problem solving whereas 23% of

Non-Executive prefers training on Performance Management. Even the other 13% of

SS/Executives prefer the same. 7% of Non-Executive the second majority opted for

improving communication.


Page 67: Employee Training Need Analysis

10. Reason for attending a training program


40% of SS/Executives and 28% of NE attend training program because of the need of

training and 20% of NE/SS/Executives together opted for Attractive training program draws

them to attend a Training program.

It shows majority of them attend a training program if there is a requirement for training.


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11. Have you ever felt of not attending a training program


24%of Non-Executive and 48% of Staff and supervisor /Executives opted for a NO which

shows they never felt of not attending a training program. The remaining 22% of Non-

Executive opted YES, felt like not attending training program.

This question was framed to know how many actually feel so, and how many would actually

opt it genuinely. According to the result, necessary steps should be taken to change

employee’s attitude and behavior towards training program.


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12. Reasons for not attending Training.


Most of the employees did not provide the reason for not attending training program; the

others who did were divided into similar category. 15% Non-Executive and about 5% of Staff

and supervisor /Executives gave response, due to work load they are not willing to attend

training program, and other reasons as such ‘inconvenience’ it included problem with timings

mainly (as per the suggestions).


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13. Are your needs satisfied by past training program


27% of Staff and supervisor /Executives opted for ‘sometimes’. 15% of Non-Executive opted

for ‘always’ and ‘mostly ‘as well. The result shows a variation between Non-Executive and

Staff and supervisor /Executives, we can say Non-Executive are more satisfied by the training

programs conducted as compared to the Staff and supervisor /Executives.


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14. Your preference as trainer


28% of Non-Executive prefer trainer any one from the organization whereas 27% of Staff and

supervisor /Executives prefer that trainer should external.

(Based on little interaction with the employees) For an Non-Executive it is easy to interact

with a trainer who belongs to the company itself, according to them person from company

will understand the problem better than the externals.


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Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion


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Some results of the training needs assessment were not unexpected, while others provided

new and useful insights for the necessary steps to be taken, which will focus on developing

appropriate training materials and conducting training programs to strengthen the capacity of

employees as well as the company’s.

As per the survey, employees are pretty satisfied with the training procedure in the company,

but there is still a room for improvement. Employees prefer training program which helps in

enhancing their skills and knowledge especially which helps them perform their work better.

Employees need a program which focuses on upgrading with new technology. Employees

whether Non-Executive, Staff and supervisor or Executives all need technical knowledge up

to some extent. The survey reveals that employees need technical knowledge for performing

their daily work.

As most of the employees are required to work on machines it is necessary for them to know

the technical workings properly.

The survey results show that employees are somewhat pressured with work load which is one

of the main reason for them not attending training program, and the other reason is

inconvenience for e.g. timings, after working hard employee are not willing to attend training


Employees were asked why they attend training program. Majority of them answered

according to their needs; if they feel that training is not required they may refrain from

attending training programs. It shows that training programs should always in some way help

them enhance their skills and knowledge.


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Compare employee performance to the job expectations and identify the areas in which there

are discrepancies. Identify whether the discrepancy is due to work process issues, such as not

knowing how to complete a specific task, or personnel issues, such as not wanting to

complete a specific task. Work process issues can be addressed with employee training, while

personnel issues can be addressed better by an employee review process.

Employees should be aware of the training procedure and also they should know that how a

training program is designed keeping in mind needs of each individual, this will actually

provoke an interest and help them look forward for training sessions.

1. Working in a manufacturing company is a tough task that too when the work runs

continuously. Employees do undergo lot of stress, which is mainly because of work

load, tough competition, fear of losing job due to not coping with the job, etc.

Training program on managing stress or any such related programs should be


2. Training program should help an individual to develop his overall personality from

his communication till problem solving skills, so that one can perform better. An

employee is judged by his performance therefore training on performance will help an

employee to groom himself whereas company’s productivity is also improved.

3. Training program should help an employee and company through long run. Before

implementing a training program the relation between core competency and training

should be identified. Also the concentration should be on future aspirations of


4. A trainer should examine his target audience and determine (kind of training) whether

they need hands-on training or just lectures.

5. Many of the employees does not show interest in training programs because of their

stereotypic view about training i.e, it would be no different from the previous one.

Providing incentives for the employees, could draw them to attend training program.

For example, you could provide a nice lunch in-between sessions with snacks during

break times, or give a day off in exchange for the day the employee spent in training.


Page 76: Employee Training Need Analysis

6. Many employees did not prefer giving reasons for not attending training program, and

also hesitated in giving suggestions, few felt it like not mentioning it and some had a

doubt of the other to get it wrong. Employees/workers should encourage to give

proper feedback and suggestion so that necessary changes can be implemented.


Page 77: Employee Training Need Analysis


Training is an important and most crucial function of Human Resource. If proper Training

provided to the employees’ effective results can be obtained, same has been observed at

Synergies Castings Ltd, they focus on productivity hence effective training program is

provided to the employees keeping in mind the individual needs for training.

The study was to know employees needs for training and their expectations from the Training

programs. Company provides Training keeping in mind needs of the employees, yet there are

some new horizons to be met. Hence training schedule is thus prepared where all the key

elements are pre decided and let known to the concerned persons. This study helped to throw

a light on individual’s needs and expectation from the training program conducted in the



Page 78: Employee Training Need Analysis


Text books

1. Aswathappa, K., Human Resource Management, 2007, Tat McGraw-Hill publishing company limited.

2. L.M.Prasad, Human Resource Management, 2005, Sultan Chand & sons3. P. Jyothi, P.Venkatesh, D.N.Human Resource Management4. DE Marrais, Kathleen B. and Stephen D. Lapan Foundations for research:

Methods of inquiry in education and the social sciences. 2004. Mahwah5. Dugan Laird, Approaches to Training and development 2003, Basic books.


1. www.synergies-castings.com 2. www.businessballs.com 3. www.managementstudyguide.com/training-needs-analysis.htm 4. www.dirjournal.com/guides/how-to-conduct-a-training-needs-analysis


Page 79: Employee Training Need Analysis


Employee Training Needs

Synergies Casting Ltd.

Cadre: a. NE b. SS c. Exécutive



1. How long have you been working in SYNERGIES?

a. <1year b. 1-5 years c. 5-10 years d. >10 years

2. How do you feel about current training procedure in SYNERGIES?

a. Highly satisfied b. Satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly dissatisfied

Job analysis

3. Do you require high degree of technical knowledge?

a. Yes b. No

4. You are required to work

a. Alone b. Part of team c. Other

Training needs

5. What kind of training do you prefer?


Page 80: Employee Training Need Analysis

a. On the job b. In-House training

6. How often a training program should be conducted?

a. Every Week

b. Every month

c. Once in 3 months

d. Every 6 months

e. once in year

f. other

7. According to you, how should training be helpful in the company?

a. Improvement in productivity and efficiency

b. For employee development

c. Career development

d. other

8. According to you Training programs should focus on

a. Daily job requirements (skills and knowledge)

b. New technology

c. company issues

d. other

9. Format of training program you prefer.

a. Workshops


Page 81: Employee Training Need Analysis

b. Classes

c. Briefings

d. other

10. Which Training program you like?

a. problem solving

b. communication

c. performance management

d. team building

e. machine handling

f. other

11. Why do you attend a training program?

a. Strong need for training

b. Attractive training program

c. Mandatory reasons

d. Convenience (time and location)

e. other

Development needs

12. Have you ever felt of not attending a training program?

a. Yes b. No


Page 82: Employee Training Need Analysis

13. If yes, reason for not attending training program

14. Are your needs satisfied by past training program?

a. Always b. Mostly c. Sometimes d. Never

15. Whom do you prefer as trainer?

a. Boss b. Any one from company c. External

e. Other

16. Your suggestions for improving training program.


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