emperor penguin and cannabis plant presentation

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  • 8/9/2019 Emperor Penguin and Cannabis Plant Presentation


  • 8/9/2019 Emperor Penguin and Cannabis Plant Presentation


    Kingom: Animalia

    P!"lum: C!orataClass: A#es

    Orer: Sp!enis$i%ormes

    &amil": Sp!enis$iae

    Genus:   Aptenodytes

    Spe$ies:  A. forsteri 

    Emperor Penguin 'allest an !ea#iest o% all li#ingpenguin spe$ies• Ha#e a bla$( !ea, $!in, an

    t!roat, "ello) pat$!es on ea$!sie o% t!eir !ea*

    • Gro) up to ++ $m in !eig!t*• Weig!t %rom -. to /. pouns*•  '!i$( la"er o% o)n %eat!ers an

    blubber t!at insulates t!eir bo"!eat %rom t!e $ol*

    • Li#es in t!e Sout!ern Hemisp!ere an onl" in Antar$ti$a*•  '!e" li#e on islans t!at are a)a" %rom preators be$ause

    t!e" !a#e t!e isa#antage o% not 0"ing*

    •  '!e" spen about 123 o% t!eir li#es in t!e sea*•  '!ose sno)" pla$es4 temperature $an go o)n up to 56.

    egrees Celsius•  Alt!oug! t!ose are t!e $onitions )e mig!t t!in( is ba,

    it is t!e $onitions )!ere t!e" nee to li#e in*


  • 8/9/2019 Emperor Penguin and Cannabis Plant Presentation



    Emperor Penguin

    Habitat anbreeing $olonies

    7reeing an

     'eam Wor(

    • A male Emperor Penguinis in$ubates an egg, %orabout 65+. )ee(s*

    • He oesn4t eat or mo#e,onl" to s!i%t positions int!e group*

    •  '!e" purposel" la" t!eireggs in t!e )interbe$ause b" t!e time t!e$!i$(s are ol enoug! tos)im an 9s! %or t!eir

  • 8/9/2019 Emperor Penguin and Cannabis Plant Presentation


    Emperor Penguin :Amaing %a$ts• Penguins are carnivores t!at

    $at$! all t!eir %oo li#e in t!e sea*

    • Penguins4 e"es )or( betteruner)ater t!an t!e" o in t!e air

    • Penguins are highly social,$olonial birs t!at %orm breeing$olonies numbering in t!e tens o%t!ousans*

    • Penguins ingest a lot o% sea)ater

    )!ile !unting %or 9s!, but aspe$ial glan be!in t!eir e"es;t!e supraorbital glan;9lters outt!e salt)ater %rom t!eir bloostream* Penguins ex$rete it

  • 8/9/2019 Emperor Penguin and Cannabis Plant Presentation


    Emperor Penguin :Amaing %a$ts•  '!e emperor penguins mates )it!

    t!e same member o% t!e opposite

    sex season a%ter season*

    • Penguin parents;bot! male an%emale;$are %or t!eir "oung %orse#eral mont!s until t!e $!i$(s arestrong enoug! to !unt %or %oo ont!eir o)n*

    •  8% a %emale Emperor Penguin

  • 8/9/2019 Emperor Penguin and Cannabis Plant Presentation



    • Can gro) in wild in an"part o% )orl*

    • Contains iBerent

    Psychoactive rugs, )it! ama@or proportion o% Δ9-THC 

    • Cannabis is use %orMedicinal, Industrial anPersonal purposes*

    Kingom: Plantae

    Dunran(e: Angiosperms

    Dunran(e: Eui$ots

    Dunran(e: Rosis

    Orer: Rosales

    &amil": Cannaba$eae

    Genus: Cannabis


  • 8/9/2019 Emperor Penguin and Cannabis Plant Presentation


    Cannabis: Fses Ama!ng&a$tSubstitute o% Jute

    If Consumed:• High sense of relaxation.• Happiness ,• Sleepiness,• Colours appear more intense,• Music sounds better,• Loss of Inhibition,• Distorted sense of time,• Heightened Imagination.

    Fse to ma(e s!oes, $lot!s an ropes*An$ientl" use as painreliever*Stress relie#er*

    • P!ilosop!i$al t!in(ing,

    • 8n$rease !eartrate an !unger*

  • 8/9/2019 Emperor Penguin and Cannabis Plant Presentation


    Cannabis: Ama!ng &a$t

    • A%ter al$o!ol most popular rug,• Ion5ai$ti#e,• 7anne in almost e#er" $ountr", ex$ept

    Iet!erlans an some states o% FSA,• ?ei$al ?ari@uana Has 7een Aroun &or

     '!ousans o% Years,•  '!e 8nian Go#ernment e$lare ?ari@uana

    Harmless in +6/• ?a" gi#e unpleasant experien$es, in$luing

    $on%usion, !allu$inations, anxiet" an paranoia,

     'HAIK YOF